HomeMy WebLinkAboutDICKERSON SEMIANN99(1) # Officeholder, Candidate, and Controlled Committee Campaign Statement - Long Form Type or print in ink, (Government Code Sectsons 84200-84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Check one of the following boxes to indicate the type of statement being filed: [] Pre-election Statement [] Supplemental Pre-election Statement (Attach a completed Form 495 to this statement.) C:ial Odd-Year Campaign Report Semi-annual Statement Termination Statement (Attach a completed Form 415 to this statement.) I eholder Candidate, and Controlled Committee Included in tl~is Statement OFFICE SOUGH~ OR HELD (INCLUDE LOCATION AND DISTRICT NUMBER IF APPtlCABLE) fom StatemTtZT~e~/~ Date of election if applicable: {Month, Day, Year) COVER PAGE - LONG FORM DateStamp ~-:i:'.~'~:~:::~:~:!;i; :: i~'Z'~'~':::,~":~ .- 99 AUG - 3 PH 3:3 ~ BAKERSFiELD CiTY CL :~ I ~ _~ For Official U~ Only II Other Committees I%1ot Included in this Statement: ,i,;ny othe'r committees not included in this consolidated statement that are controlled by you and any cornre/trees of which you have knowledge that are primarily formed to receive contributions or to make expenditures on behalf of your candidacy. COMMITTEE NAME I,D, NUMI~M COMMITTEE NAME '/ ' ' · , i c~,~ ~ "~"'" C~MI~EE A~SS (~. AND $fREEl) CffY STATE ZIP CODE AR~A C~AYTIME ~ONE PEIIMANEIfT ADDRESS Of TREASURER (NO. AND STREET) NAME OF TREASURER CONTROLLED COMMITTEr}* COMMITTEE ADDRESS (NO. AND STREET) CITY STATE ZiP CODE AR~A CODE/DAYTIME PHONE COMMITTEE NAME [ I D NUMIER HAME O~ TREASURJER CONTROLLED COMMITTEE~ COMMITTEE ADDRESS (NO, AND STREET) CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODE/DAYTIME PHONE III CITY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CODfJOAYTIME PHONE Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation Sheets. Verification ~ ~ "'/ ';:::;:Z:"'·"" °°' By DATE CITY AND STATE SIGNATURE Ot, TRFASURER An officeholder or candidate who controls a committee must also verify the campaign statement, I have used all reasonable diligence an t of'my k nowledge the treasurer has used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement, I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my k nowledge the information cont re' "a -in the attached schedules ~s true and '-""' ""' ""',T""""""""' """"°*""'°'""'""'"""""""'"""°""' DAT C~Y AND ~TAT[ 7 SIGN~TURE IDATEtO~ E~ecuted on At By DATE CITY AND STATE SIGNATUR[ OF CANDIDAll/OF f ICE HOt DE R Executed on At By DA l [ CITY AND STATE SlGNAl URE Of CANDIDA I [/Ot l I( I t tot DE R FOR INFORMATION RETIRED 10 BE PROVIDED TO YOU ~RSUANT TO THE INFORMATION PM~[$ An OF ~9~7, SEE INFORMATION M~C~PAIGN ~/O~[~y~SI~_THE ~TI(~ ~i FpR~ AC~ ~t~fe nf r~lll~rnl~ r~;~ Phiill, ~1 p, ~tire~ Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CAND ATE AND CONTROLI. EDCOMMiTTEE i Contributions Received , 1. Monetary Contri butions ............................... Schedule A, Line 3 2. LOans Received ......................................... Schedule 8, Line 7 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ...................... AddUnes I, 2 4. Non-monetary Contributions ......................... Schedu/e c, Line 3 5. SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS(Exdude Enfo~eab/e Prom/ses) Add LineS 3 + 4 6. Enforceable Promises (Ex, dude Lown Guaranfees, Line 18 below) ................... Schedule D, Line 7 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ..................... ~addUnesS. 6 Expenditures Made 8. Cash Payments (Other than Loans Made) ............ Schedu/e E, Une 5 $ 9. LOam Made ............................................. Schedu/e H, Une 7 10. SUBTOTALCASH PAYMENTS ............................ AddLines8 + g $ 11. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ................. Schedu#eF, Une5 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ......................... AddUnes 10 · 11 $ Current Cash Statement 13. Beginning Cash Balance .................. Previous Summary P~ge, Line I7 S 14. Cash Receipts ..................................... ColumnA, Line3mbove 15. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ........................ Schedule I, Line 4 16. Cash Payments .................................... ColurnnA, Line IOtabore 17. ENDING CASH BALANCE ..... AddLines 13 , 14 , I5, thensubtractLine 16 $ ff this iS · termlretlon statement, Line 17 must be zero. 18. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVE D .............. Schedule & Part I, Column (b) S (~ash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 19. Cash Equivalents ................................ See instructions on reverie 20. Outstanding Debts ................. AddLine2, Line ftinCdumnCabove Type or prim in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dolbrs. Column A TOIAL THIS P[RIOD ffROM ATIACH~D SCHEDULES) s ~ s s ~T:~- s ENDING CASH BALANCE $HOUtD NOT ale A NEGATIVE AMOUNT through Column B* TOTAL PREVIOUS PERIOD (SEE NOT[ IELOW) SUMMARY PAGE I.D. NUMBER COlumn C TOTAL TO DATE (ADD COLUMNS A * 8) s s ~ · From previOus Statement Summary Page, Column C. HOwever. if r this is the first reDoft filed for the calendar year. Column B should be blank except for Lo~rts Received (Line 2), Enforceable Promises (Line 6), Loans Made (Line 9)° end Accrued Expenses (Line 11 ). Summary for Candidates in Both June and November Elections 1/1 through 6/30 21. ontrib tions ~ 711 to Date Schedule B -- Part III Annual Report of Outstanding Loans Received SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE FULL NAME OF LENDER ORIGINAL DATE OF LOAN / / , II ~, ~ t " //! zz '1 Type o~ Ixtnt in ink, Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. through AMOUNT OF ORIGINAL LOAN UNPAID PRINCIPAL '~.y / ~.L. / q, / , / . ' O Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. TOTAL I $ z_:T- /, NOTE: This tolal should be the same amount as entered on the Summar), Page, Column C, Line 2, SCHEDULE B - Part III I,D NUMBER UNPAID INTEREST