HomeMy WebLinkAboutSULLIVAN SEMIANN97(2) (flc~E~older, Candidate, and Controlled Committee Campaign Statement -- Long Form (Government Code Sections 84200-84216 5} SEE ~NSTRUCTIONS ON REVERS£ Type or print in ink. Check one of the following boxes to indicate the type of statement being filed: [] Pre~lection Statement [] Supplemental Pre-election Statement (~ttach a comp!eted For m 495 to this state,me~t ) [] Special Odd-Year Cam paig n Report [] Semi-annual Statement Officeholder, Candidate and Controlled Committee ncluded in this Statement Date of election if. applicable: {Month, Day, Year) il COVER PAGE- LONG FORM Date Stamp ILl 07¥ Oti~er Committees Not Include(] in this Statement: Verification , t have used air reasonabie diligence comp[e,e ~ce~ifyun~er~ena~ty~f~rj~ryunde"the~aw~fth~State~Ca~H~rn.e~h~theforegoingistrue~e~ . ~ ~ , Executed on. At By Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVEESE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Con~butions Received i. M.aneta'y Contributions .... Loans Re:aired ............... SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTION~ (~'~ Enforceable Promis~ 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ................... E~penditure~ Made 8. ~sh PaymenB (~her than Loans Made) 9. L~nsMade ............................................. [0. SUBTOTAL ~H PAYMENTS .......................... 11. Accrued Ex,rises (Unpaid Bills) ~2. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE Current Cash Statement 13. Beginning Cash Balance Type or print In ink. Amount~ may b~ rounded to whole dollars. 18. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED .............. S~eUule 8, ,*a,"t t, Column Co) Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 19. Cash Equlvalents ........................... Seein;tru.~ionsonrever~e 20. Outstanding Debts .............. AddLIne 2 + Lh~ ll incolumnCabove Coiumn A 650 50H SUMIVIARY PAGE I.D NUMBER Column £' Column C Loans Made (Line g), and Accrued Expenses (Line 1 1} i Summary for Candidates in Both June and November Elections 111 through f~30 7/I 1[o D,te Received . S 22. ~xp~nditures / ~ / ~,.~C/ I ~{~,~ Made ,. ~ Schedule A Monetary Contributions Received Type or print in ink. Amounts mly be rounded to whole do#irs. SEEINSTRUC'rlONSONREVERSE Z~_~'J. l~--~ -~-~k-L~,L.~ 1~1~ NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE DATE RECEIVED Statement COVerS p~rlod from ~ through ~ .~ / '~! /'7 ? SCHEDULE A FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER ~ SE£F*EM~.OYIED, ENTER NAME O~ ~$S) AMOUNT RECEIVED THIS PERIOD J I.D. NUMBER CUMULATIVE TO DATE ~ALENDAR YEAR N. I-DEC. 31) CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IF APPLICABLE) /oo oo ; o o, oO SUBTOTAL $ Monetary Contributions Summary 1. Amount received this period ~ contributions of $100 or more. (include all Schedule A subtotals.) .................................................................................................... 2. Amount received this period ~ contributions of less than $100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................................................................... 5500.00 lC. Off. DO 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. /' ~' {'~ L,[ {l 6' (Add Lines l and 2. EnterhereaodontheSummaryPage, ColumnA, Linel.) .......................................... TOTAL S ',,~-o ;~. Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Type or print ln ink. SCHEDULE A(cont.) Monetary Contributions Received Amounts may be roundedto whole dollars, fromStatement covers period~~~ NAME OF C~ICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMtTTB~ I.D. NUMBER RECEIVE D (~F C~M~EE, IN AOOn~ TO C~M~EE'S NAME AND ADD.SS. [~ER I.O NUMBER (IF SELF-EM~OYEO, ~NTER RECEIVED THIS ~LENDAR YEAR ~M~ ~ eU~NESS) PERIOD (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31) (IF APPLI~BLE) SUBTOTAL Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) ?Vpe ot print in ink. SCHEDUL£A(cont.) Monetary Contributions Received Am°untsmeyberounded Statement covers period to whole dollar~. from ~AME OF ~CEHOLDER OR ~ND~DATE A~D CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRlaUTOR OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT CUMU~TrVE TO DATE CUMU~T~VE ~O DAT~ NAME OF IUSlN[SS} PERIOD (JAN. 1 ' DEC. 31 ) (IF APPLI~BLE) SUBTOTAL Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Monetary Contributions Received FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRII~,UTOR Typ~ or print in init. OC~JPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT RECeiVED THZS PERICD /OO, OO SCHEDULE A (cont.) CUMULATIVE TO DATE CUMU~,.T~VE TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR OTHER {JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 ) (IF APPL]CA~3 L.=) t0:;, 0C lu / 7 100. l uu ,uO! i OO, O 0 00,06 Pof:I.~_F)oo CHOP%T~qi~..% iINd, ~ ~ /OU, i oo. ooI Ioo. c ; I00,o01 [o0,~ Sched u le A (Contin u atio n Sheet) TV~. o~ ~'int in ink. SCH EDU LEA (cont.) ........... · ..................... · Amounts may I~ rounded Statement cove~ period Monetary Contributions Received towho~dollars, fronl -~ /( /c~ ~ N~ME O; O~;I;;HOk~ER OR ~DI~T; ~N~ (ON~ROLLE~ ;OMMI~;E I.~. N~M~;R ;~LL N~M; ~ND ~D~RE$~ ~; ;ON~RI~O~ ~;~ION AND ;M~LO~;~ A~N~ ;~M~TI~E TO D~TE ;~M~I~E TO ~AT; DATE ~ C~M~IE, ~ A~M TO CWM~I~ ~M! A~ AD,SS, E~ER I.D. ~R ~ ~LFiM~OYED. E~ER ' RECEIVED THIS ~LENDAR YEAR OTHER RECEIVED ~ · ~ I.D. ~n ~S ~EN ~S~D, imEg T~'S ~ME A~ AWSS) ~ME M t~S~) PER~D UAN. 1 - DEC. 31 ) (IF APPLI~BLE) 0 ,' )¢0~00 1c0, /q P.O, ~eX q13 SUBTOTAL ~ (~0, 0 0 Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Typeo~printlnlnk. $CHEDULFA (cont.) Amounts may I~ rounded Statement c, over~ per kxl Monetary Contributions Received towholedollar~. N'MFFFICEHOEDEROR~NDIO'TE'~OCONTROLL'OCOMMITTEE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR ~CUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT CUMU~TIVE TO DATE I CUMU~TIVE TO DATE RECEIVED ~ I~ ~ LD NUMBER ~S BEEN A$~NED, E~ER TREA~RER*S ~ME AND ADD.SM ~ME ~ I~SS) PERIOD (JAN. 1- DEC. 31)I (IF APPLI~BLE) fl lO /oouc) /uc~,O01 o 7 ioo,do ~oO,dd q//olff 7 '- uo.oc ~ ~ jo0, oO loO,OO SUBTOTAL Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Ty,~o,,,~...~.k. SCHEDULE A (cont.) Monetary Contributions Received Am°unt$ may be'oundedto whole dollars, fromStatement ¢°ver$ peri°d ...... ~ ' (IF SEL~,EM~OYED, ENTER RECEIVED THIS ~LENDAR YEAR /, , ,~ , ~ ,~ ~ '~/,~/, , . SUBTOTAL Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Ty~,o, pr~,t:,:,k. SCHEDULE A (cont.) M-0r~a ~y C b-n-t-fi6~ ~i-o-~ ' R ~ ~'6i~ d Amounts may be roundedto whole dollars. Statement c°vers period from NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR OCCUPATION AND E MPLOYE R AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE CUMULATIVE TO DATE i© ~ fi-1 /o0, o0 I ~ -,~. '~, ,~ ~.-,~L"~'~' /00,00 /OOl OrO c,~,.~ ~,.~,~' ~', -r, ~ o-~.~ ~ ~, 9¢~ ~ SUBTOTAL Schedule A (Continuation Sheet) Ty~o,,,~.tm.k. $CHEDUL£A (cont.) Monetary Contributions ReceivedAm°unts may be r°undedto whole dollars, fromStatement cover$ peri°d NA~E OF OFFICEHOLDER OR ~NDIOATE AND CONTROLL[D CO~MtTTEE I.D. NUMBER · ~ COMMmEE, fN AOOffION TO C~M~E.5 NAM~ AND ADO~SS' ENTER I O NUMeER OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT CUMU~TIVE TO DATE I CUMU~TIVE TO DATE NAME Of aUS~N~SS) P~RIOD (JAN 1 ' DEC. 31 ) (IF APPLI~BLE) 7 fi~, ~ : d~ to~,~ SUBTOTAL Schedule E Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ~-~} ~ { E % ~t i-~_. I ~) ~ ~ NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES Statement covers ~e d ~, q-i through 1"7~ *~/')' q ''~ SCHEDULE E I.D. NUMBER If one of the following codes accurately describes the expenditure,you may enter the code and leave the "Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of each category. "C"- MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON-MONETARY) *'g"- BROADCASTADVERTISING 'G'-- GENERALOPERATIONSANDOVERHEAD CONTRIBUTIONSTOOTHERCANDIDATES 'N'- NEWSPAPERANDPERIODICALADVERTISING 'T'- TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONSANDMEALS AND COMMITTEES '0'- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST BE DESCRIBED) '1' - INDEPENDENTEXPENDITURE5 'S'- SURVEYS, 51GNATUREGATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOORSOLICITATIONS 'P'- PROFESSIONALMANAGEMENTANDCONSULTING 'L'- LITERATURE 'F'- FUNDRAISINGEVENTS SERVICES NAME AND ADDRESS O~r PAYEE, CREDITOR, OR RECIPIENT Or CONTRIBUTION IMPORTANT: DO NOT ITEMIZE THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUED EXPENSES ON SCHEDULE E. (If COMMITTEE, IN ADDITION ?O COMMITTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS, ENTER I.D NUMSER O~ If NO I D RE PORT ONLY TH E LUMP SUM OF SUCH PAYMENTS ON LIN E 4 OF TH E SUMMARY SECTION BE LOW. NUMtER HAS BI~I~N A$$~(~NE D, ENTER TREASURER'S NAME AND ADDRESS) CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PA~'MENT AMOUNT PAID Important: Contributions and expenditures made out of campaign funds to or on behalf of other ~iceh~ders~ ~andidates~ c~mmittees~ ~r be~t measures must a~s~ be entered ~n the A~cati~n Pa~e~ Part ~ SUBTOTAL Payments and Contributions Made Summary 1. Payments made this period of $100 or more. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ...................................................... 2. Payments made this period of under $100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................... 3. Total interest paid this period on outstanding loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part II, Column (d).) .............................. 4. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter amount from Schedule F, Line 4.) ..................................... 5. Total payments made this period (Add Lines 1,2,3, and4. Enter here and on the Summary Page, ColumnA, Line8.) ........... TOTAL Schedule F Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) Type or print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE ~-~iC~t~t~ SUL-L_ iV/~ ~ NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES SCHEDULE F age _ of LD NUMBER If one of the following codes accurately descr bas the expenditure,you may enter the code and leave the "Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of each category. °c'- MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON.MONETARY) 'B*- BROADCASTADVERTISiNG °G'- GENERALOPERATIONSANDOVERHEAD CONTRIBUTIONSTOOTHERCANDiDATES 'N'- NEWSPAPERANDPERIODICALADVERTiSiNG 'T"- TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONSANDMEALS AND COMMITTEES 'O'-- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST ~E DESCRIBED} '1' - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES 'S' -SURVEYS. SIGNATUREGATHERING, DOOR-TO.DOORSOL~OTATiONS 'P"- PROFESSIONALMANAGEMENTANDCONSULTtNG 'L' - LITERATURE 'F' - FUNDRAISrNGEVENTS SERVICES CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF OUTSTANDING PAYMENT AMOUNT ACCRUED Attach additional information on al3nr~nri~t~lu continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL $ Accrued Expenses Summary 1 Accrued expenses this period of S 100 or more. (include all Schedule F subtotals.) ..................................................... $ 2. Accrued expenses this period of under $100. (Do not itemize.) 3. Total accrued expenses incurred this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2.} INCURRED TOTAL $ 4. Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter here and on Schedule E Summary, Line 4.) ................. PAID TOTAL $ ( 5. Netchangethisperiod. (Subtract Line4from Line3. Enter the difference here and on the Summary Page, ColumnA, Line 11.) ......NET Sr