HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEMOND SEMIANN98(2) fficeholder, Candidate, and Controlled Committee Campaign Statement -- Long Form Type or print in ink. (Government Code Sections 84200-64216 .S) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Check one of the following boxes to indicate the type of statement being filed: [] Pre-election Statement ~ SupPlemental Pre-election Statement (Attach a completed Form 495 to this statement.) Special Odd-Year Campaign Report = Semi-annual Statement = Termination Statement (Attach a completed Form al S to this statement.) I ~fficeholder Candidate, and Controlled Committee Included in t~is Statement NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE Patricia Jean DeMond (Pat DeMond on OFFICE SOUGHT OR HELD (INCtUDE LOCATN3N AND DISTRICT NUMIER If APPLICAILE) Bakersfield City Council 2nd Ward RESIDENTIAL OR BUSINESS ADDRESS (NO, AND STREET) 1104 Radcliffe Avenue C~TY STATE Z~ CODE Bakersfield CA 93305 COMMITTEE NAME Pat DeMond For City Council CO~MmEY~°(rZs Radcliffe A~"~'~~ET) c~Y Bakersfield C~A'E 933~'~°°E NAME OF TBEASURER D~anna L. Knapp Dr v 1 e Ballot) A~A CO DE~AYTIME PHONE (805) 872-380G I.D. NUMIER 870740 CITY STATE Bakersfield CA III Statement covers period Date Stamp 07/01/1998 from 12/31/1998 through Oate of election if applicable: Q~ ~U 9~ ~' ~: (Month, Day, Year) COVER PAGE - LONG FORM ~ · 1 5 Page of For Official Use Only II uther Committees %iot Included in this Stater~ent: List any other cornre/trees nor included in this consolida ted sta ternant that are controlled by you and any cornre/frees of afhich you have knowledge that are primarily formed to receive contributions or to make expenditures on bahaft of your cand/dacy, c°~M~Mbedond For City Council Officeholder Account NAM~ OF T~EASURE~ Dianna L. Knapp COMMITTEE AD01~SS (NO. AND STKEET) 1104 Radcliffe Avenue STATE ZIP COO~ CA 93305 (805) II,O. NUMBER 970774 TR:::ED&OM%ITrEE? Bakersfield COMMITTEE NAME 4 I,O, NUMBER NAME Of TREA~JRER CONTROtLED COMMITTEE? COMMITTEE ADORESS (NO AND STREET) AREA CODM3AYTtME PHONE 872-3806 CiTY STATE ZIP CODE AREA CO OE/DAYTIME PHONE Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. Verification " I have used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement, I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is . ...:;.,. .,o .o.,,o,. . .o..... ... ..,., ,. .....,.. ..,....,. """""'*"*""'"" E xec uted on At B y Okl~ CRY AND STATE SIG~ATU~ ~ ~N~ATE~FF~E~OER Execu~ on At By DATE C~Y AND STATE S~TURE ~ CAND~ATE~F~E~DER FOR INF~MAT~ RETIRED TO BE PROVIDED TO YOU ~UANT TO THE INFORMAT~ N~ICES A~ ~ 1977. SEE I~ORMATION MANUAL ~ ~MPAIGN D~CLOSUR[ PROVIS~NS ~ THE ~IT~AL REFORM A~ Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Pat DeMond For City Council Contributions Received 1. Monetary Contributions 2. Loans Received ....................................... 3. SUBTOTAL CASH CONTRIBUTIONS ...................... 4. Non-monetary Contributions ......................... 5. SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS(Exclude Enforceable Promlies) 6. Enforceable Promises fixdude Loan Guarantees, Line 18 below) ................... SchecA~ D, Une 7 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ..................... AddUnesS, 6 ............................... schedule A Une 3 schedule ~, Line 7 Add Unes I ,, 2 Schedule C Une 3 Add Unes 3 + 4 Expenditures Made 8. Cash Payments (Other than Loans Made) ............Schedule E, Une 9, Loans Made .............................................Schedule H, Une 10. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ............................AddUnes8, 11.' Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) .........................Schedule F, UneS 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE .........................AddLines I0 · 11 Current Cash Statement 13. Beginning Cash Balance .................. Previous Summary Page, line I7 14. Cash Receipts ......................................ColumnA, Une3above 15. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash ........................Schedule I, Line 16. Cash Payments ....................................ColumnA, Line 10above 17. ENDING CASH BALANCE ..... Add Lines I3 · 14 ,, IS, then subfred Une 16 ff this is a tenninet~on statement, Line 17 must be zero. 18. LOAN GUARANTEES RECEIVED .............. ScheduleB, PartI, Colurnn(bJ Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 19. Cash Equivalents ................................See instructions on reverse 20. Outstanding Debts ................. AddLine 2 ,, Line ll inColurnnCabeve Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Column A TOTAL TI~S PERIO4) (FROM ATIACHED SCHEDULES) 250.00 -0- s 250.00 -O- s 250,00 -n- s 250.00 s 18.00 -O- s 18.00 -O- s 18.00 s 43~889.64 250.00 1,080.49 ( 18.00) s 45,202.13 E NDfflG ~ ~ALANC[ SHOULD ~T M A ~TN~ ~OU~T -0- -0- Statement covers period from07/O1/1998 th,oW~2/31/1998' COlUmn B® TOTAL FREVTO US I~RIOO (SEE NOTE IELOVV} -0- -0- -0- .... -0- -D- -n- -0- s 3.00 -O- s 3.00 -O- s 3.00 SUMMARY PAGE Page__ el__ ,.o. NUME~7 0 4 7 0 Column C TOTAL TO OATE (ADO COtUMNS A , l) 250.00 -0- s 250.00 -0- s 21.00 -0- 21.00 -0- s 21.00 · From previous Statement Summary Page, Column C. However, if this is the first report filed for the calendar year, Column S should be blank except for Loam Received {Line 2), Enforceable Promises (Line 6), Loans Made (Line 9), and Accrued Expenses (Line 11 ). Summary for Candidates in Both June and November Elections 111 through 6/30 711 to Date 21. ontrib tions 22. Ex nditures M~c~; ....... S Schedule A Monetary Contributions Received SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Pat DeMond For City Council FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIBUTOR DATE (~F COMMrrrEi, IN ADDITION TO COMMrrTEE'S NAME AND ADI34~S$, ENTER I.O. NUMBER RECEIVED o~ if NO I.D. NUMIER HAS liEN ASSIGN[D, ENTER TI~ASURER'$ HAME AND ADDRESS) 12/24/1998 Type ot print in ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER (IF SELF*EMKOYED. ENTER HAME OF IUiWE$$) James Burke Automobile Deale~ Company Statement covers perled 07/01/1998 from 12/31/1998 through SCHEDULE A P,,ge .. of __ ~'D'"UMe~7 0 4 7 0 AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE RECEIVED THIS $250.00 $250.00 CUMULATIVE TO DATE OTHER (IF APPLICABLE) SUBTOTAL $ Monetary Contributions Surnm~y .......... 1. Amount received this period -- contributions of $100 or more. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) .................................................................................................... 2. Amount received this period -- contributions of less than $100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................................................................... 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1 .) ........... , ...............................TOTAL 250.00 250.00 Schedule E Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Pat DeMond For City Council Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period 07/01/1998 from 12/31/1998 through CODES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES If one of the following codes accurately describes the expenditure, ou may enter the code and leave the ~Description of Payment' column blank. Refer to the back of Schedule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations of Yecach category. SCHEDULE E , Page of '.D. NUM~"70740 °C'- MONETARY AND IN-KIND (NON-MONETARY) CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES AND COMMITTEES °1' - INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES *L'- LITERATURE NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE, CREDITOR, OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION (IF COMMITlEE, IN ADDITION TO COMMITrEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS, ENTER I.D. NUMIER O1~ Ir NO I.I). NUMIE R HAS liEN ASSIGNED, ENTER TREASURER'S NAME AND ADDRESS) 'B'- BROADCASTADVERTISING 'G"- 'N'- NEWSPAPERANDPERIODICALADVERTISING 'T'- 'O" - OUTSIDE ADVERTISING 'S' - SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS "P° ' "F' - FUNDRAISING EVENTS GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS (MUST BE DESCRIBED) PROFESS~NAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES IMPORTANT: DO NOT ITEMIZE THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUED EXPENSES ON SCHEDULE E. REPORT ONLY THE LUMP SUM OF SUCH PAYMENTS ON LINE 4 OF THE SUMMARY SECTION BELOW. CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAtMiNT AMOUNT PAID Im ortant: Contributions and exp. enditures made out of campaign funds to or on behalf of other o~iicceh_olders, candidates, tomre#trees, or ballot measures_must also be entered _on the Allocation Page, Part I. SUBTOTAL $ 'ayments and Contributions Made Summary · Payments made this period of $100 or more· (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ............................ : ......................... $ ... L Payments made this period of under $100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................... $ '. Total interest paid this period on outstanding loans. (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part II, Column (d).) .............................. $ · . Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter amount from Schedule F, Line 4.) ..................................... $ . Total payments made this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, 3, and 4. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 8.) ........... TOTAL $ 18.00 18.00 Schedule I Miscellaneous Increases to Cash SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Pat Del.~ond For City Council DATE FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF SOURCE RECEIVED (If COMMITFEL IN ADDITION TO COMMITTEE'~ NAME AND ADDRESS. ENTER I.O. NUMIER OR, IF NO I.D. NUMBER HAS IEEN ASSIGNED, ENTER TREA$UR~R'S NAME AND ADDRESS) 7/01/1998 Patelco Credit Union 10/01/1998 Patelco Credit Union Type or print In Ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollars. Statement covers period ,,om07/01/1998 through 12/31/1998 DESCRIPTION OF RECEIPT Interest Interest SCHEDULE I Page of .__ I.D. NUMBER 870470 AMOUNT OF INCREASE TO CASH $494.74 $507.72 Attach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Summary 1. Increases to cash of $100 or more this period .............................................................$ 2. Increases to cash under $100 this period. (Do not itemize.) .................................................$ 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Part II (b).) ....................$ 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1, 2, and 3. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Line 15.) ........................................................................ TOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ 1,002.46 1,002.46 7g.03 1,080.49