HomeMy WebLinkAboutSALVAGGIO SEMIANN97(2) OH fficeholder, Candidate, and Controlled Committee Campaign Statement -- Long Form (Government Code Sections 84200-84216.5) SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type m I~lnt in Ink. Check one of the following boxes to indicate the type of statement being filed: [Pre-election Statement Supplemental PrHlection Statement (Attach a completed Form 495 to this statement.) Special Odd-Year Campaign Report Semi-annual Statement Termination Statement (Attach a completed Form al 5 to this statement.) tree Statement NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE / NAME OF TREASURER 2213 III Verifi~tion FILE COPY Date Stamp COVERPAGE-LONGFORM Date of .... · For Off,iai ~ Only (~h, ~y, Yeor) ~,', coma/flees not included ln this consolidated statement that are controlled by you and any coma/flees of which you have knovdedge that are pdmarlly formed to receive contr/bnt~or~ or tO make expend;tures on behalf of your candidacy. Attedt additional Information on elN)~op~lately laheled condn~atlon d~eets. complete. I certify, under penalty of perjury un,er thp laws of the St~t9 of California that the foregoing is true and cor rec~. ~/~ Executed on At By Executed On At ly have uted all remonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have rev~qved the ~tetament and to the bat of my knowledge the infqrmetion conta ned herein and in the attached Khedules is trueandcomplete. ~¢ertifyu-nder~en~Ryofpe~ury~n~derthe~aw~rfthe~ev~te~fca~if~rniathatthef~regolngis~andc~rrect/~ /~ /) ' OAT! ~ C~TYANOSTATE ~ ! -- ! ~ ~--~NA'r~I~pTREASUPJER An eff~ehekler ~r t,t odldate whe ~q;[al~ I ~ommlttee m~t aka verify the ~mpelgn ~tetement. I have u~ed all reasonable diligence and tO the be~t of my knowledge the treasurer has used all reasonable diligence in preparing this statement. I have reviewed the statement and to the best of my knowledge the information contained herein and in the attached schedules is true and Campaign Disclosure Statement Summary Page SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE Type M I~lnt in Ink. Amount~ may be rounded to whole dollars. Contributio'ns Received I. Monetary Contributions ............................... Schedole A Une 3 2. Loans Received ......................................... scbedule e, One 7 3. SUBTOTALCASHCONTRIBUTIONS ...................... AddUnes! *2 4. Non-monetary Contributions ......................... Schedule C, Une 3 5. SUBTOTAL CONTRIBUTlONSi(Exdude Enforceab~e ~romlses) Add Unes3 +4 6. Enforceable Promises (Exclude Loan Guerentee~, Une ! ~ below) ................... Schedule D, Une 7 7. TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED ..................... AddunesS, 6 Expenditures Made 8. Cash Payments (Other than Loans Made) ............ Sd~eduleE, LineS 9. Loans Made .............................................scbedole H, Une ? 10. SUBTOTAL CASH PAYMENTS ............................ Adu'Lines a, 9 ! 1. Accrued Expenses (Unpaid Bills) ........................ Scbedu/e F, One S 12. TOTAL EXPENDITURES MADE ......................... AddUnes 10 * Il Current Cash Statement 13. Beginning Cash Balance .................. ~revlous SummetyPe~e, One 17 14. Cash Receipts ...................................... ColumnAUneJabove 15. MiKellaneous Increases to Cash ........................Schedulel, Une4 16. Cash Payments .................................... Column A, Line I0 above 17. ENDING CASH BALANCE ..... AddLInes 13,14 ~ IS, thensubtraetUne 16 Column A Column g* TOIAL TMra I~PaOO 18. LOANGUARANTEESRECEIVED .............. Schedulea, Pertl, Column(b) S Cash Equivalents and Outstanding Debts 19. Cash Equivalents ................................ $eelnsuuct/omonrevene $ 20. Outstanding Debts ................. AddUne2 , ~ ll inColumnCabove S SUMMARY PAGE I.D. NUMBER C61umn C $ * From pre~tous Stitement SummIry Page Column C However. f J this is the first regx~-t flied for the calendar year Column B should be I I blank except Jo~ Loans RecalvKI (Line ~), Fntm'caehle Rromisel (LineI J G), Loans Made (Line 9)o and Accrued Expenses (Line 1 I). J Summary for Candidates in Both June and November Elections 111 through 6/30 7/1 to Date - .ece,vea .... s .. ~ ~ 22. Exoenditures /L///'~ /g'/,~ Made ....... s lule A, Continuation Sheet) T~ pdnt Ifllnk. SCHEDULE A (cont.) 3t. ll~UU I~ ~ ~.Ul ! ~,11 ! u~z MV~ ~ ~ ~1 Am~-m~ ~ r~ Stateme~ covers ~r~ Moneta~ Contributions Received tOwn'lb., fr~ ' ~ ' ' ' F~LL NiME ANb~DDRESS OF CO~T~ ~CUPAT~NAND EMPLOYER A~UNT CUMU~TIVE TO DATE CUMU~TIVE TO DATE DATE ~ C~M~EE. ~ A~ TO C~M~EE~ ~E AND ~S~. ;mEe ~.o. N~R N ~LF~M~OY~D. emEa RECEIVED THIS ~LENDAR Y EAR OTH E R RECEIVE D ~ ~F ~ i.D. NUMaER ~S ~E. ASkeD, [ruER T~A~e3 ~ME AND A~SS) ~ME m BMSS) PE RIOO (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 ) (IF APPLI~BLE) ~' /~; / ~' / · ~ , ~ -, / '/ / ~ . SUBTOTAL Schedule A Monetary Contributions Received SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type DC p~int Jn ink. Amounts rely be rounded to whom dolllrs. throu~l PIg~ ~* SCHEDULE A NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE ~ ' , .~.~ * // FULL NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONTRIB~T~R OCCUPATION AND EMPLOYER AMOUNT CUMULATIVE TO DATE CUMULATIVE TO DATE DATE (W COMMrrrEE, IN ADO~ON TO COMMITTEE'S ~e. ME AND ADD.SS, EmEB I.O ~MBER ~ ~LF~M~O~D, EmER RECEIVED THIS ~LENDAR YEAR OTH E R RECEIVE D ~ w ~ I.D. ~R ~S BEEN AS~O, EmEg T~AS~R~ ~ME A~ ADDRESS) ~ME M ~SS) PE R~D (JAN. 1 - DEC. 31 ) (IF APPL~BLE) _ SUBTOfAL S R6 Monetary Contributions Summary 1. Amount received this period -- contributions of $100 or more. (Include all Schedule A subtotals.) ................................................................................................... 2. Amount received this period -- contributions of less than $100. ...................................................................................................................... , /?? (Do NOt itemize.) 3. Total monetary contributions received this period. (Add Lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on the Summary Page, Column A, Line 1.) ...................................... TOTALS "/~ / a'~L .~__ Schedule E Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made Type or print In ink. Amounts may be rounded to whole dollar~. SCHEDULE E SEE INSTRUCTK)NS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE .D. NUMBER . .. 97o ' ~CODES FOR C~SSIFYING EX~NDITURES ~a°~e~ft~e~ollowing c~esaccuratelyd~ri~theex~nditure,~ou mayenter the c~eand leavethe 'De~riptionof Payment' cotumn blank. Refer tothe cK OT ~n~ule E-Continuation Sheet for detailed explanations or each catego~. 'C'- MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON-MONETARY) 'B'- BROADCASTADVERTISING 'G'- GENERALOPERATIONSANDOVERHEAD CONTRIGUTIONSTOOTHERCANDIDATES °N'- NEWSPAPERANDPERIODICALADVERTISING 'T'- TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONSANDMEALS AND COMMITTEES 'O'- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING (MUST BE DESCRIBED) '1' - INDEPENDENTEXPENDITURES "S'- SURVEYS, SIGNATUREGATHER]NG, DOOR.TO-DOORSOLIClTATiONS 'P'- PROFESSIONALMANAGEMENTANDCONSULTING 'L'- LITERATURE 'F'- FUNDRAISINGEVENTS SERVICES NA ME AND ADDRE SS OF PAYEE, CAE DITOR. OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION IMPORTANT: DO NOT ITEMIZE THE PAYMENT OF ACCRUED EXPENSES ON SCHEDULE E. (IF COMMrITIEI, ~l ADorF~oN TO COMM~'li'$ NAME AND AODNI$$, INTER I.D. #UMIER OR. ~ NO LO. REPORT ONLY THE LUMP SUM OF SUCH PAYMENTS ON LINE 4 OF TH E SUMMARY SECTION BE LOW. CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAtMENT AMOUNT PAID / ~- / - Po 4' Irn,~. ortant: Contributions and exl~enditures made out of campaign funds to or on behalf of ot SUBTOTAL officeholder, candidates, committees, or ballot measures must also be entered on the Allocation Pa~e, Part I. 'ayments and Contributions Made Summary · Payments made this period of $100 or more. (Include all Schedule E subtotals.) ........................... !. Payments made this period of under $100. (Do not itemize.) ....................................................................... ~. Total interest paid this period on outstanding loans· (Enter amount from Schedule B, Part II, Column (d).) .............................. · Total accrued expenses paid this period. (Do not itemize. Enter amount from Schedule F, Line 4.) ..................................... · Totalpaymentsmadethisperiod. (Add Lines 1,2,3, and4. Enter hereand ontheSummaryPage, ColumnA, LineB.) ........... TOTAL Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE Type or pe~t In ink, Amounts rely be rounG~d to whole doll&rs. Statement covers laedod from ~ NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED C~)MMITrEE · '-~'/O'DES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES 'C'- MONETARYANDIN-KIND(NON-MONETARY) 'B'- BROADCASTADVERTISING CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTH E R CANDIDATES °N'- NEWSPAPER AND PERIODICAL ADVERTISING AND COMMITTEES 'O'- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING '1' - INDEPENDENTEXPENDITURES 'S'- SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATHERING, DOOR-TO-DOORSOLIClTATIONS 'L'- LITERATURE 'F'- FUNDRAISINGEVENTS SCHEDULE E (con~.) Page ~~' of ~ NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE, CREDITOR, OR RECrPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION , CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID SUBTOTAL "G'- GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD "T'- TRAVEL, ACCOMMODATIONS AN D MEALS (MUST BE DESCRIBED) 'P'- PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES I.D. NUMBER Schedule E (Continuation Sheet) Payments and Contributions (Other Than Loans) Made SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE NAME OF OFFICEH/OLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE · P MONETARY AND IN-KIND (NON-MONETARY) CONTRIBUTIONS TO OTHER CANDIDATES AND COMMITTEES INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURES LITERATURE Typ~ m I~lnt In Ink. Amounts mey b~ rounded to whole doffers. Statement covers p~rlod ~'~DES FOR CLASSIFYING EXPENDITURES *B'- BROADCAST ADVERTISING 'N'- NEWSPAPER AND PE RIO DICAL ADVERTISING °O'- OUTSIDE ADVERTISING 'S'- SURVEYS, SIGNATURE GATH E RING, DOOR-TO-DOOR SOLICITATIONS 'F' - FUNDRAISING EVENTS SCHEDULE E (cont.i I.D.. NUMBER GENERAL OPERATIONS AND OVERHEAD TRAVEL. ACCOMMODATIONS AND MEALS (MUST BE DESCRIBED) °P'- PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT AND CONSULTING SERVICES ' NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE. CREDITOR. OR RECIPIENT OF CONTRIBUTION CODE OR DESCRIPTION OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID SUBTOTAL $ 2 6 O Schedule I TW,e ~.m.~m ~, SCHEDULE I Miscellaneous Increases to Cash Amountsmlyberounded Stltememcoverspedod to whole dol~ri, from NAME OF OFFICEHOLDER OR CANDIDATE AND CONTROLLED COMMITTEE I.D. NUMBER DATE F~LL NAME AND ADDRE~ ~ SOURCE RECEIVE D ff c~M~E~, m A~ ~O C~M~EE~ ~ME AUD ~D~SS, EmE~ *D. ~M~ DESCRIPT~N OF RECEIPT AMOUNT OF Allach additional information on appropriately labeled continuation sheets. SUBTOTAL Miscellaneous Increases to ~ash Summary 1. increases to cash of $100 or more this period ............................................................. 2. Increases to cash under $100 this period. (Do not itemize.) ................................................. 3. Total of all interest received this period on loans made to others. (Schedule H, Part II (b).) .................... 4. Total miscellaneous increases to cash this period. (Add Lines 1,2, and 3. Enter here end on the Summary Page, Line 15.) ....................................................................... TOTAL