HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/02/2013 Committee Members: Staff: Rhonda Smiley, Assistant to the City Manager Bob Smith, Chair Assistant to the City Manager Harold Hanson Ken Weir AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, April 2, 2013 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:01 PM 1. ROLL CALL Committee members present: Councilmember Bob Smith, Chair Councilmember Harold Hanson Councilmember Ken Weir Staff present: Alan Tandy, City Manager Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Rhonda Smiley, Asst. to the City Manager Andy Heglund, Deputy City Attorney Steve Teglia, Asst. to the City Manager Doug McIsaac, Community Development Director Chris Huot, Administrative Analyst Jim Eggert, Planning Director Raul Rojas, Public Works Director Pam Elisheva, Associate Planner Nick Fidler, Asst. Public Works Director Dianne Hoover, Recreation & Parks Director Ryan Starbuck, Traffic Engineer Others present: Dave Dmhowoski, Quad Knopf Fred Porter, Porter and Associates Louise Palmer. Quad Knopf Ley Vaughn, KGET Jacob Miller, Student 2. ADOPT JUNE 7, 2011 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Planning and Development Committee Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 2 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee Recommendation Regarding the Feasibility of a “Complete Streets” Policy or Ordinance – Rojas Public Works Director Raul Rojas stated Public Works and Community Development staff reviewed several documents and prepared a resolution on adopting a policy regarding “Complete Streets” for approval by the City Council. The resolutions incorporate existing codes, policies, and standards currently in use which support the “Complete Streets” concept to provide further guidance to staff and developers. The resolution policy will be applied to all roadway projects, including those involving new construction, reconstruction, retrofits, repaving, rehabilitation or changes in the allocation of the pavement space on an existing roadway, as well as those that involve new privately-built roads and easement intended for public use. Committee Chair Smith stated the new policy would also assist staff in the operations and maintenance of the roads, including the bike lanes and gutters. City Manager Tandy stated Caltrans and the Federal Administration previously adopted similar rules as outlined in the “Complete Streets” policy, which is beneficial when implementing projects on their facilities. Assistant Public Works Director Fidler stated the “Complete Streets” policy also assists staff in conforming to Caltrans policies and standards. Committee member Hanson made a motion to present the resolution policy to the full City Council for approval. The motion was unanimously approved. B. Discussion and Committee Recommendation Regarding Adoption of the 2013 Committee Meeting Schedule – Smiley Adopted as submitted 5. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Habitat Conservation Plan Update – Eggert Community Development Director McIsaac stated the current Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP) has helped protect the endangered species found in the metropolitan areas of Bakersfield, and has allowed development to occur in an efficient manner with City and County permits. The current plan is overseen by the Plan Implementation Trust Group, which is a Joint Powers Committee between the City and the County. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Planning and Development Committee Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 3 The current MBHCP was adopted in 1994 and expires on August 24, 2014. It requires that every acre of open land or urban land developed acquire an acre of habitat. It also requires every acre of natural land developed acquire three acres of habitat. The Trust Group is seeking an Interim Permit with California Department of Fish and Wildlife to extend both federal and state permits until a new Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (BHCP) is in place. The new BHCP will require a habitat preservation component with an unknown ratio, along with biological goals and objectives for the minimization of impacts to the endangered species and a monitoring plan to demonstrate the plan is on track. This, plus the increase in purchasing land, will increase the costs of the new plan. The planning efforts have been divided into three phases: 1. Planning the BHCP and gathering data.  Federal grants from FY 2011 are being utilized to fund this phase. 2. Preparing the BHCP with a mitigation plan, Incidental Take Permits, and EIR/EIS.  Federal grants from FY 2012 will be utilized to fund this phase. 3. Obtaining approvals for BHCP, Incidental Take Permits, EIR/EIS.  There is currently no funding in place for this phase. Staff will apply for federal grants for FY 2014 and FY 2015. Due to uncertainty of grant funds in future federal budgets, this phase may need to be completed using other funding sources. Dave Dmhowoski with Quad Knopf asked how the interim permits would affect development projects. Community Development Director McIsaac stated the interim permits would keep the current plan in effect past the August expiration date until a new plan is in place. Louise Palmer with Quad Knopf asked if a decision had been made on whether a Habitat Conservation Plan or a Natural Communities Conservation Plan (a plan offered by the state, which offers greater protection to habitat as opposed to specific species) will be pursued. Community Development Director McIsaac stated a decision had not been made. Staff continues to evaluate all options. Phase 2 of the BHCP will assist in the determination of selecting a plan. AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Planning and Development Committee Tuesday, April 2, 2013 Page 4 Fred Porter with Porter and Associates asked if a research had been conducted regarding the increase of fees which will affect the development community. Associate Planner Elisheva stated that at the conclusion of Phase 2 of the BHCP, staff will have a better understanding of what the cost of the program and the associated fee will be. An economic analysis, which includes comparisons of what other communities have done, is included as part of that phase. Committee member Hanson asked how much it was going to cost to complete the BHCP. Community Development Director McIsaac stated that Phases 1 and 2 are fully funded with grant monies. Committee member Weir asked how much land had been acquired and if it exceeds the allowable amount indicated in the original plan. Planning Director Eggert stated approximately 50 percent of the allowable land has been acquired, a justification utilized in requesting an interim permit. Associate Planner Elisheva added that for that reason staff can utilize the environment documents of the previous plan, as the indicated acquirable land amount was not reached or exceeded. Committee Chair Smith asked if the interim permit had been approved. Community Development Director McIsaac stated all applications have been submitted to the state and federal offices, but a formal approval has not been granted or received from either agency. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 12:25 PM cc: Honorable Mayor and City Council