HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE PREVENTION INSP 5/15/2013 BAKERSF�ELD;:: FIRE FIRE:PREV .NTION INSPECTION ' DEPARTMENT. ' B !IK%E R' 8,F aE�L D FIRE Prevention Services ...,... N........ . o� PaRr�►�� T 2101 H Street �✓ Bakersfield., CA 93301 DISTRICT BLOCK NO. DATE r FEE FACILITY ADDRESS .,. . r r �w; ", �� �, CITY,STATE,ZAP ,:`` L- � {' �f , 3 Z*.�! ,,,,.i !k{„� w 4 �]i i 4. ,1,_✓f����v-y} 7- �t'ay S! PM 'M,_ t^''•'�Se FACILITY NAME R•S 'r -"'.� :.. ,,,,yr-,•,rte'° MANAGE NAME PH N . _ •yrir+ .l �1..;:�. �'.1,..!'x'rx,(t '�ty» a,"." 7�„ Cr ` '.�4,fiF. {; �( ) t {y .'k+a' a.,�-� ';� BUSINESS OWNER,S.NA E AND ADDRESS v ,r ' Z{ I CITY,STATE,ZIP PH NOi IF DIFFERENT FROM ABOVE NAME,ADDRESS ) CITY,STATE,ZIP, PH NO. OCC TYPE OCC LOAD NO.OF FLOORS HIGH RISE BLDG RISER DATE 0 YES 0 NO CORRECT ALL VIOLATIONS VIOLATION' REQUIREMENTS CHECKED BELOW NO. I _ Remove and safely dispose of all hazardous refuse and dry vegetation on the above prEmises (CFC COMBUSTIBLE WASTE/DRY. 304.1.1) VEGETATION 2 Provide 'non-combustible containers with tight fitting lid.s for the storage of combustible w-aste`and rubbish pending its safe disposal. (CFC 304.3:1) ' COMBUSTIBLE STORAGE 3.' Relocate.combustible..storage to provide at least 3 feet clearance around motor fuse,box/fire door.. (CFC. 605.3) f 4.. Re-locate fire extinguisher(s) so that they will be.i-n a conspicuous location,'han in on brackets:with the I 9 9,.. _top to the extinguisher not more than 5 feet above the.floor. (CFC,906.5 &:9.06.9) EXTINGUISHERS 5 Provide and install -(amount) approved (type & size ( ) pp ( Yp ) _ portable fire extinguisher to .be- immediately accessible for-use in (are"a) ______________ __ _ (CFC -- TABLE 906.3(1)) --- ---- 6 Re-charge a all fire :extin uishers. Fire'e g g x-tin'guishers'shal.l'be serviced at least once each year,'and/or... after each use b a person havin a valid License or certificate. Y - p- 9 - (CCR TITLE.19 575.1) Provide and maintain "EXIT" sign(s) with:letters 5.o - r more inches in height.over each r u�red exit: q si�i s (door/.window) to fire escape: (CFC 1011.5:1) 8 Provide and maintain appropriate numbers on a.-contrasting backg-round and visible fro the street to, indicate the correct address of-the building'.-, CFC 505..1 ( - - ). Repair all (cracks/holes/openings) in plaster in (location). — — -- — I------- -- FIRE DOORS/ -- — -- -- --- -- -- -- — Plastering shall return the.surface, to its.on inal fire resistive condition.. CFC 7,03:1 FIRE SEPARATIONS g. _ __. g ( — ).. ----- io Remove/repair (item & location). _— — =-- -------- ------ ®_ — -- g g close b ravity; or by the,action of a mechanic=l device;,or b­y'an Self-closing doors'shall, be deli ned to' y g - and heat.sensitive device: Self-closing doors shall have no;attachmen s capable of- approved-smoke _ ' preventing' the operation of the closing :device. (CFC 703.2.) ; EXITS Remove- all obstruction'-from hallways. Maintain all means of egress free of any-storag .,(CFC 1028.3). —_ iz. .-Provide a contrasting colored' and ermanentl ' r near. re ' g p- y installed electric light,over o, - -qu real exit location to clearly indicate it'as an exit. (CFC 1006,3) STO - - 'RAGE 13. Remove all.storage and:/or other- obstructions�fr.om fire escape landings and stairways stair shafts. (Fire es.capes/stair shafts are to'be:maintain;ed free from obstructions at all times.);.(CFC 1028.3) ., 14 � Extension cords.shall II not be used;.in lieu of-permanent"approved wiring. -Install.additio al. approved. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES electrical outlets where'needed. (CFC 605:5) p - specific, electr'ical. .convenience. outlet (one plug,per outlet) (CFC ' l5 Remove multiple,I.e.attachment cords.from s .605.4) OUTDOOR BURNING � � '. � '. 16' Recreational fires or open burning. (CFC 307.1) 17 Violations of Section CFC 3308.1 &.8.44.040 (B.M.C.). FIREWORKS .. / OTHER ig I I , x.:: t},r rr 1t..5"'i "�,:rte, _ •. .r, , i, ab ? a LEG END. CUSTOMER: t 55 , _,. {,a. Ex �= ; -.... Jl ,} �. (.�,u.:;��t. {t 1, �t 71�+"t..; ./,f tx it. �`. I h B'..,..t.m,e•,{,.''k } �..i.`t s-,ry3�x_1 _[� � - C.F.C. (Signature) CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE'' , (Please Print Name Legibly;Title). C.B.C. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE: B.M.C. BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE INSPECTOR: NO.: N.F.P.A. NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION j .,.(Si`gnature) �-aM ASSOCIATION " N.E.C. NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE FD.2022 08/10) White Customer/Original Yellow Station-Copy Pink - Pre , - vention Services