HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO OB002-13RESOLUTION NO. O'S 002-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE DISSOLVED BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE AMENDED AND RESTATED REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE BAKERSFIELD REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY WHEREAS, the former Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency ( "Former RDA ") and the City of Bakersfield ( "City ") entered into a 2009 Reimbursement Agreement and a 2010 Reimbursement Agreement (collectively, "Reimbursement Agreements "); and WHEREAS, at the time of execution of the Reimbursement Agreements, Health and Safety Code Section 33220 authorized the City entered into an agreement with the Former RDA for the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects located within the City, upon the terms and with or without consideration as determined by the City; and WHEREAS, AB xl 26 and AB 1484 (the "Dissolution Laws ") dissolved all redevelopment agencies in the State of California as of February 1, 2012; and WHEREAS, the City and the Successor Agency to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, now desire to enter into a restatement of the Reimbursement Agreements to consolidate and restate their terms, which restatement is specifically authorized by Health and Safety Section 34191.4(b) (the "Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement "). A true and correct copy of the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement is attached hereto; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34179(e), all actions taken by the Oversight Board shall be adopted by resolution; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34191.4(b) (1), the Oversight Board shall make a finding that the Reimbursement Agreements were made for legitimate redevelopment purposes, thus qualifying the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement is an enforceable obligation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oversight Board as follows: SECTION 1. The Oversight Board hereby finds that the Reimbursement Agreements were made for legitimate redevelopment purposes, including, without limitation, aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects located within the City. Further, prior to enactment of the Dissolution Laws, the Community Redevelopment Law specifically authorized redevelopment agencies to entero�eAKF9� � r U O ORIGINAL into agreements with other public bodies "for the purposes of aiding and co- operating in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects" located within the public body's jurisdiction. Agreements were statutorily defined as a legitimate exercise of redevelopment powers. Based on these findings of fact, the Oversight Board hereby declares the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement to be an "enforceable obligation" pursuant to Health and Safety _Code Section 34191(b). SECTION 2. The Oversight Board hereby finds that the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement has been drafted in a manner consistent with the requirements of Health and Safety Code Section 34191.4(b), including, without limitation: (a) the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement contains a recalculation of accumulated interest on the remaining principal amount of the loan from origination at the interest rate earned by funds in the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF); and (b) the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement contains a defined schedule over a reasonable term of years at an interest rate not to exceed the interest rate earned by funds deposited into the Local Agency Investment Fund. SECTION 3. Based on the foregoing findings, the Oversight Board hereby approves the Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement between the City and the Successor Agency to the Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency. SECTION 4. The Chair, or presiding officer, is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Resolution signifying its adoption by the Oversight Board for the Dissolved Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency, and the Secretary, or her duly appointed deputy is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 5. The Secretary shall deliver a copy of this Resolution to the Kern County Auditor - Controller and the Department of Finance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Oversight Board at the regular meeting held on September 6, 2013. ---- - - - - -- 000---- - - - - -- �gAKF9 S: \CommDevDpt \S uccessorAgency\ Resos\ OversightBoard .App rove Restated ReimbAgr- Reso.docx LP, tZ m U p ORIGINAL ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF KERN CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I, ROBERTA GAFFORD, Acting Secretary to the Oversight Board, hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly adopted at the regular meeting of the Oversight Board on SEP 0 6 2013 2013. AYES- BOARD MEMEBERS: "VA i ttrroJ 10-41 Q%A I vN5 iIT��► ES: BOARD MEMBERS: MV4- BOARD MEMMBERS: 'gv►CV.Qr RO ERTA GAFFORD, Acting Secr tary APPROVED SEP 0 6 2013 By r CHAIR, Oversigh Board APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By -?,/ JOSHUA H. RUDNICK Deputy City Attorney II JHR /vl Attachment: Amended and Restated Reimbursement Agreement S: \Comm DevDpt\SuccessorAgency\Resos\Ove rsight Boa rd.Approve Restated Reim bAgr- Reso. docx AKe i— m U p ORIGINAL SA 13 -00`V13. ALA AGREEMENT NO. l � THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED AGREEMENT " this "Agreement") into as of AUG 141013 ( g 1 is entered by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ("CITY" herein) and the SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ( "AGENCY" herein). R E C I T A L S WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the California Redevelopment Law (Health & Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), the City Council of the City of Bakersfield activiated the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Bakersfield ( "Former RDA" herein) and adopted the Redevelopment Plan ( "Redevelopment Plan" herein) for the Downtown Bakersfield Redevelopment project area, Southeast Bakersfield Redevelopment project area, and the Old Town Kern - Pioneer Redevelopment project area ( "Project areas" herein); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law prior to Ferbruary 1, 2012, the Former RDA was performing a public function and had access to services and facilities of the CITY; and WHEREAS, during the Former RDA's existence, the Former RDA and the CITY entered into a 2009 Reimbursement Agreeement and a 2010 Loan Reimbursement Agreement attached hereto and incorporated by reference as Exhibit A (collectively, the "Reimbursement Agreements "); and WHEREAS, as part of the 2011 -2012 State budget bill, the California Legislature enacted, and the Governor signed, companion bills AB X1 26 (AB 26) and AB X1 27 (AB 27), requiring that each redevelopment agency be dissolved unless the community that created it enacts an ordinance committing it to making certain payments. On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court issued its opinion In the case of California Redevelopment Association, et al. v. Ana Matosontos, etc., et al., Case No. S 196861, and upheld the validity of AB 26 and invalidated AB 27. The Court's decision resulted in the implementation of AB26, which dissolved all redevelopment agencies in the State of California as of February 1, 2012; and WHEREAS, by operation of law under AB 26, the Successor Agency serves as the entity to which all powers and duties of the Former RDA inured, with the Successor Agency being charged primarily with the function of winding down the redevelopment activities of the Former RDA under AB 26; and �OAKF� S: \CommDevDpt \successorAgency\ Agreements \Succe =Agency- Relmbursement.Agr.doc July 31, 2013 Poge 1 ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the redevelopment dissolution laws purport to invalidate contracts executed between cities and their former redevelopment agencies, except where such interagency agreements were entered within two years of the former redevelopment agencies' formation. (Health & Safety Code §34171(d)(2).) Under this precept, the Reimbursement Agreements between the Former RDA and the City were deemed by the State Department of Finance ( "DOF ") to be invalid; and WHEREAS, even though DOF considers the Reimbursement Agreements to be currently invalid, Health & Safety Code §34191.4 provides that a successor agency that secures a "finding of completion" from the DOF pursuant to Section 34179.7 may thereafter reinstate "loan agreements entered into between the redevelopment agency and the city, county, or city and county that created by the redevelopment aency.. ." Such reinstated interagency agreements "shall be deemed to be enforceable obligations provided that the oversight board makes a finding that the loan was for legitimate redevelopment purposes." (Health & Safety Code §34191.4(b) (1); and WHEREAS, the Reimbursement Agreements were for legitimate redevelopment purposes. Pursuant to Health and Safety Code §33220, any public body was authorized to enter into an agreement with a redevelopment Agency for the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of redevelopment projects located within the jurisdiction in which such pubic body is authorized to act, upon the terms and with or without consideration as such public body determined. Pursuant to Health & Safety Code §33220 and municipal police powers, cities had the authority to aid and cooperate with redevelopment agencies in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of redevelopment projects within the area in which city and AGENCY were authorized to act. Pursuant to Health & Safety Code §33126(b), redevelopment agencies were allowed to enter into a contract with any other public agency pursuant to which such public agency furnishes necessary staff services associated with or required by redevelopment. These are the precise purposes for which the Reimbursement Agreements between the City and the Former RDA were developed and implemented; and WHEREAS, on March 25, 2013, the AGENCY received a "finding of completion" from the DOF. On September 6, 2013, the AGENCY will have applied to the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the Dissolved Bakersfield Redevelopment Agency to have the Reimbursement Agreements established as enforceable obligations. The parties' Reimbursement Agreements were for legitimate redevelopment pursposes and therefore qualify as enforceable obligations under Health & Safety Code §34191.4. Based on the foregoing, this Agreement shall not be effective if the Oversight Board does not approve it. �ekgir S: \CommDevDpt \SuccessorAgency\ Agreements\ SuccessorAgency- Re(mbursement.Agr.doc O July 31, 2013 Page 2 v ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the CITY and the AGENCY desire to enter into this Agreement to restate the terms of the Reimbursement Agreements for the following reasons: (1) To consolidate and restate loan terms to include the limitations on interest, requirements of a set repayment schedule and other requirements applicable to interagency loans under Health & Safety Code §34191.4; (2) To set forth activities, services, and facilities which the City will render for, and make available to, the AGENCY in furtherance of the enforceable obligations of the AGENCY under AB 26/AB1484 and the Community Redevelopment Law; (3) To provide for the AGENCY to reimburse the CITY for actions undertaken and costs and expenses incurred by CITY in the course of performing enforceable obligations for and on behalf of the AGENCY; and (4) To provide for the CITY's assistance in delivering certain public improvements and affordable housing projects in the implementation of the AGENCY's enforceable obligations. NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing recitals, the Parties agree as follows: 1. PROVISION OF STAFF i SERVICES. The City agrees to provide the AGENCY such staff assistance, supplies, technical services, and other services and facilities of the CITY as the AGENCY may require in carrying out its functions and duties to perform enforceable obligations. Such assistance and services may include the services of officers and employees and special consultants. 2. PURPOSE OF REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT LOANS. The CITY has advanced necessary funds to the AGENCY or expended funds on behalf of the AGENCY for implementation of the AGENCY's enforceable obilgations, including, but not limted to, the costs of surveys, planning, studies, and environmental assessments for implementation of enforceable obligations established under the Redevelopment Plan, the costs of acquisition of property within the Project areas, demolition and clearance of properties acquired, building and site preparation, public improvements, construction and development assistance for affordable housing, and relocation assistance to displaced residential and nonresidential occupants, if any, as required by law. 3. ACCOUNTING OF COSTS. The CITY has kept records of activities and services undertaken pursuant to the Reimbursement Agreements and this Agreement and the costs thereof so an accurate record of the AGENCY's IoKe'q S: \CommDevDpt \SuccessorAgency\ Agreements\ SuccessorAgency- Reimbursement.Agr.doc O� July 31, 2013 Page 3 `v ORIGINAL liability to the CITY can be ascertained. The CITY shall periodically, but not less than annually, submit to the AGENCY a statement of the costs incurred by the CITY in rendering activities and services of the CITY to the AGENCY pursuant to this Agreement. Such statement of costs may include a proration of the CITY's administrative and salary expense atrributable to services of CITY officials, employees and departments rendered for the AGENCY. 4. TOTAL PRINCIPAL /AMOUNT OUTSTANDING As of June 30, 2013, the total outstanding principal amounts owing to the CITY under the Agreements equal Two Million, Eight Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Eight Dollars ($2,859,158). 5. LAIF INTERST ACCRUAL APPLIED FROM DATES OF LOAN ORIGINATION The AGENCY has calculated the accumulated interest on the outstanding principal amount of the loans under the Reimbursement Agreements from their origination at the interest rate earned by funds deposited into the Local AGENCY Investment Fund ( "LAIF "). As of June 30, 2013, that amount of unpaid interest accrual from the date of loan origination is $11,361.00. 6. TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT OUTSTANDING, The outstanding principal amount plus the unpaid interest accrual identified in Section 5 comes to a total of Two Million, Eight Hundred Seventy Thousand, Five Hundred Nineteen Dollars ($2,870,519) (the "Total Loan Amount "). 7. REPAYMENT AMOUNTS i SCHEDULE. Repayments on the Total Loan Amount shall be made every six (6) months, bearing the LAIF interest rate then in effect, compounding every six (6) months, and shall not be made prior to the 2014 -15 fiscal year. Repayments of Reimbursement Agreement loans (the Total Loan Amount plus interest accrued over each payment period) shall be calculated pursuant to the following restrictions: a. Interest on the Total Loan Amount shall accrue during an approximate term of 6 years (represented in the below schedule) at an interest rate not to exceed the interest rate earned by funds deposited into the LAIF. b. Beginning in the 2013 -14 fiscal year, the maximum repayment amount authorized each fiscal year for repayments of the Total Loan Amount with interest (as such interest is set forth in Section 7.a) shall not exceed half (50%) of the increase in the "residual amount" paid to local agencies and school entities for that present Fiscal Year compared to said residual amount distributed in fiscal year 2012 -13, all as further described in Health & Safety Code §34191.4(b)(2)(A). For purposes 6AKFq S: \CommDevDpt \SuccessorAgency\ Agreements\ SuccessorAgency- Refmbursement.Agr.doc o`` July 31, 2013 Page 4 v ORIGINAL this Agreement, the term "residual amount" means the monies payable to local agencies and school entities in accordance with Health & Safety §34183(a) (4). C. The AGENCY warrants and acknowledges that it does not have any repayments of loans or deferrals owed to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund pursuant to Health and Safety Code §34171(d)(1)(G). S. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE. Based on the parameters set for in Section 7, the AGENCY agees to repay the Total Loan to the CITY, with accrued interest, in accordance with the set schedule attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference herein. 9. RESTRICTIONS ON CITY'S USE OF REPAID MONIES: SENIOR OB UGATIONS, Repayments received by the CITY pursuant to this Agreement shall first be used to retire any outstanding amounts borrowed and owed to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund of the former RDA for purposes of the Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund and shall be distributed to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Assert Fund established by subdivision (d) of Section 34176 of the Health & Safety Code. Twenty percent (20%) of any loan repayment shall be deducted from the loan repayment amount and shall be transferred to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Asset Fund, after all outstanding loans from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund for purposes of the Supplemental Educational Revenue Augmentation fund have been paid. 10. GENERAL /MISCELLANEOUS. The parties agree no other instrument, including, but not limited to, any promissory note, is required to confirm, memorialize or effectuate the indebtedness memorialized by this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed and delivered by the Parties as of the date first written above. "CITY" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HARVEY L. HALL Mayor "AGENCY" SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE IT By: Mayor [ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE] S: \CommDevDpt \SuccessorAgency\ Agreements\ SuccessorAgency- Relmbursement.Agr.doc July 31, 2013 Page 5 �BAKF� O V p ORIGINAL APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES By: By: D UG MCISAAC DO MCISAAC Co unity Development Director Commu Development Director APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO CITY Attorney VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By By JOSHUA H. RUDNICK +j� A H. RUDNICK Deputy CITY Attorney epuy CITY Attorney COUNTERSIGNED: By: NELSON SMITH Finance Director JHR /vl Attachment - Exhibit A By: oeov-.000e�l NELSON SMITH Finance Director S: \CommDevDpt \SuccessorAgency\ Agreements \SuccemAgency- Reimbursement.A gr.doc July 31, 2013 Page 6 AOAKF O v ORIGINAL All REEMENr No. 09- 12 8 ftrrsmsnt Na Ri909-01 MEMENT AGENT Appxoved 01M TM AEMENT entered Into on SEP _ by end between the CITY OF EAKEALp a munbipal oorpora0on and charter city (sCIN" herein) and THE t1lELOP NT AGENCY, a pubk body Corporate and a pantaed and ) eodetlp under the lours of the 8t te of CaWwft ("AGENCY' RECITAL$ WMEAEAE. AGENCY adoplad the Old Town Kem-Pionser Fisdevebprnernt Projaot Area and the 8outfnsast BalrerefWd Redev�elopmant project Area in 1999; and WNEIIEA� the redevelopment playa (VII plum") for the Old Town Kam - Pbr>Nr Project Area and BgtMneaet galcMSflNd R�devsbprnsnt Project Am were adopted in 1909; and 1 IEAi, urtdsr the plane, the AOMV a authorised to astabW debt, to in =M and Mnprow the CWl supply of h Wft or persons and Waft$ of low- or ino M'� », OWSMO PJft InVIO wnerMr and aoquhs real property under the owneretnifn and Control of the AGENCY; and tNf1ElINAE4 the AGENCY M actively pur'au" ndrMelopmen" projeate that create aflonfable t=ft, dmkm* An and Mgt and Create. new oonv woW and r@W oppoilu In the Old Town Kem- Pion Redeusloprnernt Project Area and the 8oulheast 9ala�rafiMd RedevNopnarnt eer Project Area; and W v on Aupuat 26, 2009 the AGENCY approval an Owrner Particip-Hon Agwinnt wNh W 8traet gar& Hou ft, LLC for the devrloprnent of 67 low and moderate income savior rental unb in the amount of S9,a60,000; and rllllEllE&& the AGENCY has ANooated Its available cash reserves of $1.6 m4la In the Old Town -KCem Plonssr Aftondsbls Houshp Fund bwards its finanoW PsrtioipsMan In the pnejeot; and ; and E. the AGENCY has a WOW shortfaN of approximatsy $2 million doNare; and MMEI�AS. an hkmh 31, 2000 the AGENCY approved a Disposition and Devsloprrnait Apreanwd whin MlWrm* Courtyard LLC. for the devsiopmsnt of 67 @1110 OWN muNi AMNy tmb In the smourd of $2,700,000; and oil pilot or rrh 'IM EMlaff A 9 Aw�rM 1r11�n�nt d 0A ianM►ae�.a�.. _ 1 _ o�a� yo IMFf MUk the AGENCY has allocated lie avaftle cam reesrvisa :1,2 million In #10 &XMOW arid 8skers sold AflomWft Housing and towards its Mancial Participation in MIlitAlA�, the AGENCY has a project short fail of appro�a" :1.5 million dollars; and MIt1E11EAS the AGENCY is requ"ft authodMon for a ban in the amount of 12 rrdllion at Five PW"d (5 %) ararwi MId Wei 7 year term from the Cky's tIM 1 eetFund to rft RsdleveioprMN Agenoy to provide asaiwnoe for 0 pr'oNCt, and N11tOMM the AGENCY is requastlrg authorintion for a Short term ban in the amouru of $1.5 million at Flo P"M1 annualized Interest 7 year tsrm from the CWs SW Insurance Fund to the Rsdsvrlopmant Agency to pie oonnruction aeaistance br the MiNcrrek Courtyard project; acrd NOW$ In0cPOWft the bmp*g rodtab heroin, CITY and AGENCY muwally apes as follows: 1. LOAN. CITY apnea b ban AGENCY Two Million Dollars (12,000, 000.00) from the CWB Equipment fund and One LOW Fhra Hundred Thoueend Dollars ( :1,500,000.00) from the City's Self insurance Fund. L A41I W* OELIOATIONE. AGENCY hereby apnea to reimburse CITY in an amount not to elooeed Three NMOM Fie Hundred Thousand Dollars (19,500,000.00) in Seven years from the future Old Town Kern - Pioneer and Southeast AM- ellsid Project Area low` mod hou@ft hinds. Payments shall be made in semi - annwl NMtaN VWIW. L NO WMM n %I" M 7 The failure of ay Ply to doroopm aw" Ply a�1300 OMMnt shall not oormftft a walwr of that parWs right to enbroe such a provision at a InOw time and Shad not serve to vary this toms of this ApreemerK. 4 This rwoori nt sate forth this er&@ agreement between ilte piss an suparaadrs all other oriel oar writlan naarltatiorM. This Apreemard maybe n-oM@d only in a wrkk approved by the AGENCY and Signed by all 1ho parli s. S. ' The rights and obNgallonis of this Agime ant shah inue to the bans , and be bb ick upon, this parties to #M Agresmere and thek heirs, adminiab Ogre, a nculors, Personal nprea - ug ies, Suooiseadrre and assigns. L 9jDfljM . The NnMS of the Okla of CoNomia will govern this validity of this Aprsniarrt, Is bib pntation and perlormenoe. Any Nligation at," in any way from this ApnenMnt shall be brought in Kam CW"' CaNfomia. APWLMW1WR4MPMFwd 0 UMOWU PWW AM -2- Jill 1111 F 11=11 Cw�Md Roy13 AIN "W W bin Ift «d MftmdLdw Its ORI(31W40J R1GMlAL 76 In. Time Is of the essence of this AWm meet. L . In the event of a conflict betwsn the terms, conditions or �pefle"ce ns set ft1h in this Agnernent and thme in exhtbib attached honft, the Isnris• conditions or spsoiNostlons set to in this Apnement shah provd. AN exhibits to which mfom oe 1s made In this Apnernent are deemed inoorporated in this Agreement, whether or not aclusNy attached. a YI M. Each individual �acucir,o this Agroerrwit WI Mn— and wWmft t sy aro duly aulhortssd to execute and d@ wr this Agreerwn on bsiwlf of the corporaMon or orpsnizatlon, if any, named hsnin, end this AgrMmsnt Is g mm am oorpontion or orpsnhation in a000eft nos with its %mns. 10. ji:�Mvs This Agte fw" is eflsotlw upon execution. It Is the p^Dduct Of n OW sN PMU aro equ* respn whis for aulhomhIp of Ups kftqwotMbn �8scoon ��. the Caftmia CM Cods ehd not apply to the this IN WMW MIMOOMP, ft parft hm to hays cawed this Agreement to be efo CAW, the day and ynr tNst-abow wrkten. M • � • 1 _ f 1 � _1 1 • - � f A By;�'�� M. lIUDMCK N111A M. MIDINCK aPwY AMY Al1ortNY 0 MputY dlY AIbrtNY II #*vWd I1Wftp"WMMd umfwupwmmn - _NINOO� 11 *di Am rr loin 120 Md WAKSWLdn an�I�IA�Oi 1W � � s v v r1R1�:IN01 A01IS�Ne� APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ICa-I -M W AID IT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ar. (Zft.S�C�n a DOMIA L KINQ Eaonomb D lopnMm Wncoor COUNTERSIGNED: By: Final wo Dirwbr AWSWAof tftwp Otd -4- �A IOA � AOAt�nrM�CNSr �qkp N� bM►1Mh end nioiM.doo 3 AM APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ECONOMIC AND COMM�NWTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTNT COUNTERSIGNED: A ORIGINAL ORIGINA;. � No. .1 0- 1121kA 1 o -o1 o Low 111111a�uRsEM1iNTAOREEMENT Cwf re err entered Into on __M i 1 mt9 by and between the and r#* D a nxurlaW corporaflon and charter city CCITY" herein) REDIVIUMMENT AOENM a pt dDNc body corporate *and POft, orgalnlsed and exafing under the k:mm of the State of Colifomia ('AGENCY' herein). RECITALS WIERM AGENCY adopted the Southeast 8c�cerstield Redevelopment Project Area In 1949; and WdMW the redevelopment plan ( "the plan`) for the Southeast Project Area was adopted in 1949; and WHOREA under the plan, the Agency Is authorised to estabMsh debt and to OcqukO red PrOPOrty and manage property under the ownership and control of the AGENCY; and WI RiAE, the AGENCY le actively pursuing redevelopment projects that create affordable housing, ell *xft slum and blight and create new ca'rnnercl— and M*A opportunities In the Southeast Redevelopment Project Area and WNEREAE, In Meech, 20137, the City of Bakera III ski purchased from the 9ckersfleld Redevelopmsnt Agency a 1.95 acre **or strip of land to be used ca a freeway right-of-way for the future Centennial Freeway; and MA EAi, the CITY has found the cost prohibitive to continue with this alternative as a route for the Centennial Freeway; WRAF, the AGENCY do*u to rel:x,rchase the scuernent from the CITY in order to facuif t the developnnent on this property, generally loc ed between 'O" Street and 'S' Sinet and between 141+ Street and 151+ Sk"t, corrwnonly known as the Chelsea Housing project and Southeast MCI Creek conxnerclal; and gAKF Apa.nw,f a 1 all 9� e WWI& 6 PION! Am ., 800OW "MIOA 'Nqu�xn�rK�oan�an.wo.aMrtnmdoc v Ci. l' an AIM10 sO PM ORIGI .AMMO,..... WMERM CITY originally used TrOnVortatlon Development Funds to purchase the easement from the AGENCY, thus the loan proceeds wkl be L,, by the AGENCY to reimburse the CITY TWWWation Development Fund; and WMER 1A8v AGENCY does not have sufficient resources currently, available to repay the CITY regarding the easement purchase; NM' 1' M�corporating the foregoing recitals hereln, CITY and AGENCY muluaNy agree as follows: 1. LOAN. CITY agrees to loan AGENCY Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($980,000.00) from the City's Equipment fund. Z. AOENCY's OlLIeATiONE. AGENCY hereby agrees to reimburse CITY In an amount not to exceed Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dopars ($950,000.00) of Principal pkUs Three Percent (9,0%) simple Interest from future tax Increment Pfteads generated from the &wtheaet Redevelopment project area as detailed In the amortlsotlon schedule CftK:hed as 1~ «A« the Mhftrsement payments to CITY shall be paid on the 20th day of August in annual W*dkmnb In accordance with the amortiaatlon schedule. corrxr0encing on August 20. 2011, with the End k1ta1llment of One Hundred Ninety Rve Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($195,700.00) due on August 20, 2015 Unless Agency has paid balance In full in advance. S. NO WA OF MA U, The failure of any party to enforce against another party any proms of this Agreement shah not constitute a waterer of that party's right to enforce such a provision at a later time and shall not serve to vary the terms of this Agreement. 4. This Agreement sets forth the untie aprosmsnt brlwren the Ion rtlss and wpeaedes all other oral or written representations. This Agreement may be modified only In a writing approved by the AGENCY and signed by all the parties. .. . .. .. W 7711011-o't 6. Q,Q � The laws of the State of CONOMlo wo govern the validity of this AWN 0- sr►t, its Interpretaibn and performance. Any M pact m arising in any way from this Agramw t shall be brought In Kern County. CdMornio. Lloi..nwr� a 2 v Omabdan81=103.23 PM 01�ONAf 7. M. Time Is of the essence of this Agreement. & MOM In the event of a conflict between the terms, conditions or s 'twficationa Set forth in #* ant and thole In 0* IbNs attached hereto, the terms, cor difions or apealflcatlons set forth in this Agreement shall prevail. A l exhibits to which rehwence Is mode in the Agmem9nt are deemed irx orporcftd In this Agreement, whether or not actually attached 9. A Each Individual executing this Agreentent rests and wNraft are duly autxxiged to execute and dellver this Agreement on behalf of the corporation or orgonixotlon, If any, named herein, and this Agreement is binding upon said corporation 'or orgonbK tion In accordance wish Its terms. 10. DRUM, This Agreement is effective Product of negotiation and all parties are upon execution. it is the this Agroement. Section 1664 of t o CaiNornia CM Code shall riot apply to�the of this IN W M WNWI EOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed. the day and year first -above written. "CITY" CITY OF 111AItER1FIELD M HARVEY L HALL APPROVED AS TO FORM: VI1119IINIA ONNNARO City Attorney "AGENCY" 8111 LD REDEVELOPWNT AGENCY By: oINNIM Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM: VNNNMA law General Counsel M MaE d 3 PMWA o m Wove l"10 AN - .,- ��qulpn+�nr loon chNNO 400~414 CmftdmA"ioa=-Ai 40pKF9s u IGINAL o OR v nnAlriUl. APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: -ECONOMIC AND COw11MUNITY DEVILOPMW DEPAMMENT APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: ECONOMIC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOl LUW DEPAR AMM By: 7V,.�.. By. —Cox—, Jl"" .1 DONNA L KUNZ 1400, DONNA LOW Economlc Development Director Deputy Executive Director COUNTERSIGNED: • COUNTERSIGNED: • AgAKE9 Ap.wrmrWW Mpor N I d 4 0 �� } u loon>la E IMaMoI Mo �.. 51A�nwM11�10 Ap�wnrnhl�quperrnf loan N chNwa �aMnwnt doc Glrolodan Y?/1010 5.1 PM ORIGINAL OWN LU a� as rt F I I I Ra iY a I a a 7! o�SXKE �gAK s �3 ORIGINAL cult SCHEDULE OF TOTAL LOAN AMOUNT + INTEREST REPAYMENTS EXHIBIT B Payment Date of Loan Inmeres! on Instaknent Indalment Payment on Total Loan No. Payment Amount Plus Interest 1 12/31/2014 LAIF rate upon Total Loan Amount since 50% of increase in residual amount March 31, 2013. over base year 2012 -13 2 6/30/2015 LAIF rate accred in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 3 12/31/2015 LAIF rate accred in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 4 6/30/2016 LAIF rate accred in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 5 12/31/2016 LAIF rate accrued in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 6 6/30/2017 LAIF rate accred in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 7 12/31/2017 LAIF rate accrued in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 8 6/30/2018 LAIF rate accred in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 9 12/31/2018 LAIF rate accrued in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 10 6/30/2019 LAIF rate accrued in prior 6 months 50% of increase in residual amount over base year 2012 -13 The estimated term of repayments may be rendered longer or shorter, depending on the residual amount that will actually be available each fiscal ear to repay the Total Loan Amount plus interest. Actual installment amounts on the Total Loan Amount plus interest will also fluctuate from payment period -to- period as a result of the unknown residual amount and limits thereon, and the fluctuation of the LAIF interest rate, among other unknown factors. Therefore, in each six -month installment payment period, and in conjunction with the AGENCY's approval and submission of a "Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule" ( "ROPS "), the AGENCY will calculate and adopt an updated schedule showing actual past repayment amounts and a projected payment for the upcoming installment to be paid with each ROPS period. The AGENCY may utilize its then - effective LAIF rate as the basis for determining the estimated interest accrual that will be due in the upcoming six -month instalment period. This estimated amount wil later be determined and adjusted based on the AGENCY's application of the actual LAIF rate. EXHIBIT B s:\ CommDevDpt\SuccessorApncy \Misc \Resta w teimbursementAgr- ExB.doex o�lbmeq, M ~ r- c� C ORIGINAL