HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/2013 B A K E R S F I E L D /s/ Steven Teglia Committee Members Staff: Steven Teglia Russell Johnson, Chair Assistant to the City Manager Jacquie Sullivan Willie Rivera REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Thursday, August 15, 2013 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The meeting was convened at 12:07 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember, Russell Johnson, Chair Councilmember, Willie Rivera Councilmember, Jacquie Sullivan was absent City staff: Steve Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate City Attorney Tom Geddes, Associate City Attorney Lyle Martin, Assistant Chief of Police Captain Scott McDonald, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Greg Terry, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Jorge Gomez, Bakersfield Police Department Additional Attendees: Will Haywood, Ebony Counseling Center Michelle Pando, Employers Training Resource Cathy Butler, Downtown Business Association Joey Titus Members of the media Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report August 15, 2013 Page 2 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 3. ADOPTION OF JULY 18, 2013 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted. 4. REPORTS A. Continued Discussion regarding Internet Café’s City Attorney Gennaro reported that this is a fluid issue; and her staff and those in the Police Department, in collaboration with the District Attorney’s office, continue to monitor the precedent cases to be decided at the State level. Lieutenant Gomez provided an overview of the information contained in the packet, including graphs and charts that reveal calls for service at each location. The three most active establishments are the iSweeps Café, Cyber Hot Spot and Webzone. Patrol officers have witnessed a notable amount of activity in the parking lots and surrounding areas of these establishments; and on many occasions, arrests have been made. Officers have been directed to conduct extra enforcement at all locations. There were 10 known internet café’s at the time the memo was submitted; however, staff has learned of two additional sites, Linked-in at 3351 Panama Lane, Suite 210, and Express Connect at 1220 Oak Street, Suites I and J. Another facility, Play It to Win it at 3815 Auburn Street, is currently under construction, and will be opening soon. Officers happened upon what they believe is an internet café at the Panorama Hall and Banquet Center, where people were seen gambling at computers. Subsequent visits have revealed no activity, and the building has been closed. They will continue to make attempts to determine what type of business is operating there. According to Assistant Chief Martin, the updated information was received the day of this Committee meeting. Committee Chair Johnson asked for the specific location of the facility on Panama Lane. Assistant Chief Martin said that it is on the corner of Panama Lane and Stine Road. Committee Chair Johnson said it is his understanding that the owners of the iSweeps Café are being evicted. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report August 15, 2013 Page 3 City Attorney Gennaro reported that her staff has written letters to those owners; and it is her hope that at the next Committee meeting, she will be able to report that the facility is out of business. The City Attorney’s office has also sent letters to the other internet café owners; and once they learn who the property owner is, that individual will also receive a letter. Committee Chair Johnson asked if notification had come in written or verbal form regarding the eviction of the iSweeps Café on Hughes Lane. City Attorney Gennaro said that she received the information in both forms. Committee Chair Johnson asked if staff has discovered whether or not the appropriate paperwork had been filed with the Court. City Attorney Gennaro replied that staff will research the issue. Committee Chair Johnson said he would be interested in having staff send a letter to all internet café owners, and use reports generated by calls for service as justification. City Attorney Gennaro said that action would be appropriate, and this same action was taken in the past when there were significant problems at the hotels on Union Avenue. Committee Chair Johnson asked if this same action could be taken towards the four new sites. Assistant Chief Martin said that undercover officers are visiting those sites, and will first confirm the activities that take place there. Cathy Butler with the Downtown Business Association spoke to the Committee. She reported that the Association has been working with Crime Prevention staff, the officers assigned to the Downtown area, and the Downtown business owners about this problem. She thanked the Police Department for their efforts. She noted that there were no problems before these businesses opened; but now, objectionable activities are being observed. Committee Chair Johnson thanked Ms. Butler for her report. He then asked what the reason may be as to why there was such a low occurrence of these types of businesses in Tulare and Kings Counties. Assistant Chief Martin said that they tend to operate in areas that are more largely populated. Committee Chair Johnson reported that a constituent suggested disallowing any new internet café’s from opening, and waiting for the Court ruling before taking action on those already in operation. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report August 15, 2013 Page 4 City Attorney Gennaro replied that it would expose the City to litigation based on their claim that they are legitimate businesses. Once the Court makes a decision, and if that decision is that the internet cafés are illegal operations, then staff can take more assertive action. If the Court makes a ruling to the contrary, then staff can use the nuisance statute under the Health and Safety Code. Until then, letters will continue to be sent, and staff will continue to work closely with the Police Department. Committee Chair Johnson asked about the directive that had been given for officers to write reports in front of the businesses. Assistant Chief Martin noted that they are looking for a way to track that information. The current tracking method involves using a tag number that is assigned to a certain case. The officer must use the number that has been assigned to the case they are working on, as opposed to the location where the report is being written. Whenever possible, the officers are writing reports at these locations, but staff has yet to identify a way to track it. Committee Chair Johnson asked if the Department has seen a difference in the activity level. Assistant Chief Martin replied that arrests are being made, so the impact is significant. Committee Chair Johnson asked if the three facilities with the most calls for service can be given special attention. Assistant Chief Martin said that it is because of the special attention already being paid to these establishments that the number of calls for service are so high. B. Update regarding Gang/Graffiti Enforcement and Safe Streets Partnership Efforts Lieutenant Terry reported that there have been no significant changes since the last meeting. There have been 38 gang-related shootings for the year, and there were 36 last year. Committee Chair Johnson noted that a full update had just been given at the most recent meeting of the Joint City-County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence. Committee member Rivera asked about the tracking mechanism for graffiti reported through the iPhone application. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia said that the data is received by Public Works staff, who then create a work order. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report August 15, 2013 Page 5 Committee member Rivera asked how much the application is actually being used. He also asked if the Police Department is involved in the process regarding areas that are repeatedly tagged. Assistant Chief Martin said that the graffiti officers work in the same office as the Public Works staff, and the information that is gathered is then used by the officers in their investigations. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia added that there is technology in place that assists officers assigned to that detail in terms of identifying not only what the graffiti looks like, but also if it is associated with any individual(s) who may be repeat offenders. Incidents can be cleared based on the data. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee Chair Johnson referred to Item 4.a. and asked when an update from the Court may be received. City Attorney Gennaro noted that oral arguments have not yet begun. When staff learns more, it will be reported to the Committee. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:22 p.m.