HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 144-13RESOLUTION NO. 144 - 13 RESOLUTION OF THE BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL APPROVING THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BICYCLE TRANSPORTATION PLAN (BT PLAN). WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield Community Development Department is proposing a Bicycle Transportation Plan (BT Plan); and WHEREAS, the purpose of the Project is to provide a bikeway facilities management plan and establish eligibility to apply for future State funding through the California Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA), as well as other state and federal funding opportunities, and WHEREAS, the City conducted two stakeholder group meetings and two community workshops betweenSeptember2012 and September 2013 to receive public comment, and review the Proposed BT Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2013, and approved Resolution No. 46 -13, which recommended that the City Council approve the BT Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered all facts, testimony, and evidence concerning the Project, including the staff report and the Planning Commission's deliberation, and action; and WHEREAS, it was determined that the BT Plan would not have a significant effect on the environment and is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Section 15262 (Feasibility and Planning Studies), because the BT Plan is a planning study that identifies possible future actions and recommendations. As funding becomes available and recommended improvement projects are selected for implementation, consideration of environmental issues under a more detailed CEQA analysis would be completed at a project level basis. WHEREAS, the Project is consistent with theMetropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Bakersfield City Council as follows: 1. The Planning Commission's findings as contained in its Resolution No. 46 -13 are hereby adopted 2. The BT Plan is exempt from the requirements of the CEQA. 3. The BT Plan is hereby approved. -- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- Page 1 of 2 � m v ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting held on NOV 2 0 2013 by the following vote: COUNCILMEMBERRIVKRA, MAXWELL, WEIR, SMITH, COUNCILMEMBER nCftng. COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER YV� APPROVED NOV 2 0 2013 HARVEY 4L.H A I. I MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO City AtIA-,A- ANDREW By: HEGLUND Deputy City Attorney SULLIVAN, JOH13SON V�'" '14/� ROBERTA GAFFORD, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield Exhibits: A Existing and Proposed Bikeways Citywide Map B Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan By: KS \ S: \Bicycle Transportation Plan \City Council \RES CC.doc Page 2 of 2 o gAKF� 1 41 � r v Ca ORIGINAL Exhibit A Existing and Proposed Bikeways Citywide Map �gAKF9 > m ~ o v ORIGINAL A ........................ � 1 —1E tr /+wr - ajk - - -- - "oi w�i 1 - , r � E ♦" rtJ —A — — emp 33 ear y a I I 'lvq°nP I w�wpnl �. � 1 � }- -- -'-'- rAft is —PN 1 � w ♦. \\ 1 1 I� 1 1 /� 1 I _ - _'". • ' I. L _ ON 1 �1 1 —rte— ♦ / i tj 1 5. 1 i ay 1 \ I 1 1 •ii _ 'd/'4ibili� 1 : 1 I , , 1 : • r1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : , 1 ° O ' 1 v f Im- IGINAL Exhibit B Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan OOPKF,9� -� > m v ORIGINAL. Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan Comments and Resoonses to Draft Plan Ik Location S. . Response 1. 0- General Hopes to see City seek BFC status Noted. No change requested or made. 2. 0- General In support but the Plan needs to Chapter 7 outlines priority short- have timeline for implementation term, mid and long term improvements. No changes to be made. 3. 0- General Need to education about youth Noted. Requested bikeways helmet laws; already identified in Kern COG Would like to see route along RR Bicycle Master Plan. No change tracks; made. Relate bike riding to health and air quality 4. 0- General This is the BIG ONE: the Bike Plan, The proposed BT Plan will as recommended, is NOT a part supplement the General Plan as of the City of Bakersfield General an implementation measure to Plan. That matters as without its enhance and expand bicycling adoption the City has no facilities throughout the city. City requirements to pursue Funding staff plans to update and /or sources or spend its money on amend the General Plan to the project. Making it a Toothless reflect the BT Plan's document until it is adopted into recommendations through a the General Plan. separate process in the future. 5. 0- General The plan has No Goals or Timeline The Plan identifies for achieving goals or target implementation goals including implementation dates. How is the Objective 1.2 to increase the public to know if the plan is being mileage of bikeways by 10% by implemented in a timely fashion? 2018 and 20% by 2023. No change to be made. b. 0- General System Gap Noted. The canal addresses a There is also a system gap as far gap and that roadway network as northwest Bakersfield is is limited. concerned. It is isolated unlike any other area of town as far as bicycle transportation is concerned. The Friant Kern canal path would solve that system 7. 0- General The Plan highlights future routes, Cost estimates are provided for one being use of Canals. The all proposed improvements in plan has no monetary value Chapter 7. See Table 7 -3. No placed on these routes. Thusly change made. preventing them from being funded. There needs to be costs associated with these routes. AbNKj 9q o &Ell � r � 4 ORIGINAL Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan ID Location Start End Comment Response 8. 0- General How is future bike mode share As outlined in Table 6 -1, it's based determined? on a number of assumptions 11. 30th including: This route is a neighborhood Future population projections Ave Number of bicycle commuters St will double after full bikeway the citywide network. Project network build -out. This is a broad assumption and is based on rough data we've compiled. There is no quantifiable study (yet) that can model increase in bicycle mode share based on bikeway network completion since so many factors influence. Influencing factors include type of facilities, connectivity of facilities, and what level of the other 4 E's are being implemented. Number of children biking to school will double The projected demand presented in Chapter 6 is the Caltrans accepted standard. 9. 21 st Street 21 st should not end at Oak but Proposed 21 st Street bikeway should get people to the bike revised to connect to bike path. path. A connection at the end of 21 st at the cul de sac would work 10. 30th St Union Chester Shown as existing, should be This project is funded and will be Ave Ave proposed implemented. No change made. 11. 30th Chester Spruce St Class II bike lanes This route is a neighborhood St /Beech Ave serving connection, not party of St the citywide network. Project note included, no change 12. 7th Santa Fe Hwy 99 Attached is the Seventh Revised to include proposed 7th Standard Way Standard Road cross - section for Standard path. ultimate build out as an expressway. It will include a 12' multi -use paved path along the south side of Seventh Standard. I was not aware of this beforehand, if possible, we'll want to include this cross section in the Appendix and show Seventh Standard from Sante Fe Way (on the west) to Hwy 99 south side as Class 13. A St California Terrace Class II bike lanes, road diet Revised to include A Street bike Way lanes with feasibility study from California to Terrace Way. 14. Akers Planz Rd Wilson Rd Class III Revised to existing. F- r 'v ORIGINAL Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan ID Location As I mentioned earlier the Buena - . . 15. Akers Harris White Class II bike lanes Revised to show project as Road Road Lane existing. The City received 19. Chamber Add bike lanes funding to implement this Blvd Ming Camino project. 16. Beech Spruce St Kern River Class III This route is a neighborhood St /Beech Bike Path serving connection, not party of Alley Dr the citywide network. Project 21. Friant Kern I am very concerned about the note included, no change Path ranking of the Friant Kern, made. 17. Berkshire Berkshire continues to the west and could show a bike lane through old river ranch Future development projects, adopted trails plans, and adopted specific plans have been considered in the BT Planning efforts in order to ensure consistent recommendations and connectivity throughout the 18. Buena As I mentioned earlier the Buena Revised to include proposed Vista Vista Canal should be shown as it Buena Vista Canal path. Canal would serve the southwest well. 19. Chamber Add bike lanes Bike lanes on Chamber Blvd Blvd Ming Camino would require parking removal. City received funding to Oaks No change made. 20. Christmas Mount Panorama Class III Revised to include Class III bike Tree Lane Vernon Dr route on Christmas Tree Lane. 21. Friant Kern I am very concerned about the Friant Kern Path scoring revised Path ranking of the Friant Kern, and now is a Tier 1 high priority It shows zero for public input but is project. shown on figure 3 -33 as a community priority It shows zero for school connection but provides direct access to Centennial high school 22. Friant Kern The Friant Kern should be a top Friant Kern Path scoring revised Path priority and now is a Tier 1 high priority 23. Grand Add bike lanes Bike lanes on Grand Lake Ave Lake Ave would require parking removal. No change made. 24. Haggin Ming Camino Add Class II, City received City received funding to Oaks Media funding to implement implement this project. Included in Plan. 25. Half Moon Add bike lanes Bike lanes added on Half Moon Dr Drive east of Ashe Rd. Bike lanes not added east of Ashe Rd, there is not enough right -of -way. 26. Madison St Watts Dr White Class II bike lanes Revised to include bike lanes on Lane Madison from Watts Dr to White Lane. 27. Mc Chutchen Mc Cutchen is the continuation Revised to include bike lane from of Hosking and should show a Gosford to Wible. bike lane 28. McKee Ashe Freeway Class II bike lanes Revised to include bike lanes on Road Road 99 McKee Rd from Ashe Rd to HWY 99. o0AKF9� -� v ORIGWIL Comments and Responses to Proposed BT Plan Location ID _ Response 29. Mountain Taft Hwy Panama Class II bike lanes Revised to include bike lanes on Ridge Lane Mountain Ridge Rd from Taft Hwy Road Did we think about showing a to Panama Lane. 30. Mountain Add bike lanes Bike Lanes on Mountain Vista Dr Vista Dr railroad line? would require parking removal. 34. Panama Buena Mountain Add Class II, City received No change made. 31. Noriega Noriega turns into Vega Revised to extend bike lane to turns into Meadows and should continue Renfro. Vega the bike lane 32. Olympia Add bike lanes Bike Lanes on Olympia Dr would Drive require parking removal. No change made. 33. Pacheco Did we think about showing a For future consideration. No Rail Line bike path along the old Pacheco change made. railroad line? 34. Panama Buena Mountain Add Class II, City received City received funding to Lane Vista Vista funding to implement implement. Included in Plan. Drive 35. Park Oak Union Way /Blanc Street Ave h St /1 1 th St /10th St 36. Priority projects 37. Renfro Rd 38. Seventh Standard 39. Stockdale Hwy 40. Taft HWY 41. Watts Dr /Wilson Rd 42. Wilson Rd Santa Fe Hwy 99 Allen Rd Renfro Rd Class III At $2.1 million it is less than .5% of our transportation budget and yet we comprise 12 +% of the accidents & collision. I feel it is woefully underfunded. I believe Renfro Rd should have a bike lane Add City proposed Class I on south side Class II on only one side, complete Class II on both sides; Striping exists but not shown on Existing Class III? Cottonw H Street Class III ood Rd Hughes Planz Class II bike lanes Lane Road Revised to include Class III bike route. The BT Plan is an independent planning analysis, separate from the transportation budget. The proposed improvements and cost estimates provided by the BT Plan establishes the City's eligibility to apply for State and Federal funding sources for the next five vears. Shown as Class II bike lane. Revised to include path. City received funding to implement this project. Shown as existing. Taft Hwy has an existing should where bicycling is allowed. City encourages Caltrans to sign it as a route. For future consideration. No change made. For future consideration. No chanae made. 5: \Bicycle Transportation Plan \City Council \Bakersfield BTP Comments and Responses.docx 4 o��AK�9s i-- m ORIGINAL