HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/2013 WB Agenda Packet Regular MtgWATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Russell Johnson Bob Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Doom 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3 . MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of November T2012 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Kern River Levee District Maintenance Update - For Board Information 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Report by RHS Consulting regarding Theory of Weather Modification - For Board Information C. Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project Update - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS B loe A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD Harold Hanson, Chair Russell Johnson Bob Smith CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, January 16, 2013 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Doom 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3 . MINUTES A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of November T2012 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Kern River Levee District Maintenance Update - For Board Information 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Report by RHS Consulting regarding Theory of Weather Modification - For Board Information C. Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project Update - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS Water Board Agenda January lb, 2013 Page 2 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. 2013 Water Board Meeting Calendar - For Board Review and Action 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 11. CLOSED SESSION 12. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 13, ADJOURNMENT ART CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: January 11, 2013 Regular Water Board Mooting 3. Nom] � N U7ES January 16, 2013 A. Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 7, 2012 for approval -- For Board Review and Action MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEEVNG 0� WATER BOARD - C7Y OF BAKERSFIELD WE= ��•dne�. day Naverllbw 7 2(1 4-.00 p_m- Water Resources B .III d g Conference Room Vista � 000 Buena Bakersfield, Chairman couch called the meeting to order of 4003 porgy, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman couch, vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 30 [V11]NU7ES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 2012 for approval. m®fo®n by JohnSon �o approve the m§nu as c� the regu§ar mesfang ®Y Sep§ tuber Y9. 2012. APPROVED Add AYES 4. PUBUC FAUEMC NUS None 15. REPORUS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEEVNG 0� WATER BOARD - C7Y OF BAKERSFIELD WE= ��•dne�. day Naverllbw 7 2(1 4-.00 p_m- Water Resources B .III d g Conference Room Vista � 000 Buena Bakersfield, Chairman couch called the meeting to order of 4003 porgy, 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman couch, vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 30 [V11]NU7ES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of September 19, 2012 for approval. m®fo®n by JohnSon �o approve the m§nu as c� the regu§ar mesfang ®Y Sep§ tuber Y9. 2012. APPROVED Add AYES 4. PUBUC FAUEMC NUS None 15. REPORUS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. Bakersfoe0d, California, November T2012 - Page 2 5. H-POFS c cnn 'Mued A. Steve Lafond, retired water Resources H dro rap hic Supervisor, provided a brief history of the I 0-year anniversary of the November 2002 rain flood water conditions and events. Bo Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project. A. Participation in Kern River weather Modification Program for 2012/2013 Season M ofo®n by Johnson to an�er §n�c 29 §mbug'sernsn� Qgff'sernan� wRh Xor h Kern Water S §orage rXS&Ccy nod f 0 exceed $53YOGOY and f o Yor ward �hq APPROVED ALL AYES 7. PvHSCELLANEOUS A. Schedule a regular water Board meeting on January 16, 2013, M ofo®n by Hansen to schadu §s a regu§ar meaffng on January Y6.9 20 Y 3a APP20VED ALL A 1ZES BakersfoeU, Californoa, November 7, 201 2 - Page rtchianello, Water resources Manager, presented a Certificate of Appreciation to airman David couch -For his tenure on the Water Board since 1999 and wished him well in his new endeavors. c riairman couch expressed his appreciation and stated he has enjoyed working with Florn core, Gene Bogart, Steve Lafond, ArtChianello and all of the Water resources Department staff. 9. CLOSED SESSS ON A. I . conference with Legal counsel ® Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision b)( )( ) of Government code Section 54956.9 (One matter) Chairman couch recessed to closed Session at 4:15 p.m. Chairman couch adjourned from closed Session at 4:25 p.m. i1; ��l_C��SED SESSIC�)N AC:I�I�) Virginia Gennaro, city Attorney, announced there is no reportable action from Closed Session item 9. A, 1. C�).1 11114 01 Chairman couch adjourned the special meeting at 4:29 p.m. David couch, chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, cMc Secretary, city of Bakersfield Water Board January 16, 2013 A. Kern Rover Levee "District Maintenance Update e For Board 9nformctoon Q'dU Y CIF BAKERSIFEELID WAUER RESOURCES DIEPARTMEN7 KERN REVER L:i YEE IINUPIk;C CEON S➢ DL ]ERA'I'II?`G IPROCEDUREWGUHDIELi_NES �.O POLDCY REFERENCE Army Corps of Engineers (A.C.O.E.) — Levee Owner's Manual for Non-Federal Flood Control Works State of C�alffornia -Levee flireat Monitorin(.Y Guidelines 2AD PUR70SE This standard operating procedure/t> guideline addresses programs and procedures for inspecting and maintaining the Kern River Levee System. This procedure provides guidance for the inspection and maintenance of the Kern River Levee System within the City of Bakersfield and to standardize levee threat monitoring procedures. 3.0 SC0PE This SOP/SOG pertains to all City Wf,..Iter Resources Department personnel. 4.0 IPR0CEDURE S/G7U=FAIZNE8 & RNFURMATMN 4. I Pircwedures Toir REaspieefl ng the Neirn Rl vez- Ley2.e S -s r. y _jgn SAYETY CDNSEDERAT0NS City Water Resources personnel are .a great risk while operatimr L, vehicles in u or arond the Kern River Levee System. Always maintain an acute awareness of your surroundings when traveling on the Levee. Vehicle warning lights shall be on when traveling on the levee. Never trust moving vehicles, bicycles, or pedestrians while traveling on the Kern River Levee System. City vehicles need to be positioned t(.-) allow on- coiling traffic when performing a levee inspection. City L-1) vehicles should be parked, with warn n 1-1-1 lights on, to protect employees who may be working on or near 9 the levee. When inspections are I­ocatod away from the main levee, it may be possible to park the vehicle off the levee road/bike path. Always took before you exit/enter the City vehicle and keep an eye on the traffic! City personnel should exit cautiously or non-traffic side of the vehicle whenever possible. Reflective vests shall be worn white i.nspectincr the Kern River Levee System. tn When inspecting the. Kern River Levee System be aware of uneven stirfaces and watch your step :NSPECTEON / MAENTEII'NANCE SCHEDULE City Water Resources Department personnel shall conduct Kern River Levee System inspections and i-naintenance on a weekly basis, except during rain events. During rain events daily levee inspe-lions shall be n q uired depending on size of event. SAKJ�IRN RIVER LEVEE \LENEE-SOP-MANUAIAKERN --RIVER-I EVE, I­,'I_INSPEICTI0N_,S0P C177Y (DIF BAKERSIFEELD WA7E1I8 RESOURCES IDEPAR7MEN7 KERN IUVER LEVEE ENSPECTEON SrTANDARID O11 ERA7ENG PROCEDURES/GUEDELENES Every effort should be made to inspect the Kern River Levee System weekly and complete the required document'ation. LEVEE RNSPEMMN PROCEDURE A Kern River Levee System inspection involves checking the levee for any damage or issues that may cause levee, failure. Kern River Levee System information shall be documented during- the inspection on approved mspectionfornis. The. following� items should be considered when inspecting the Kern River Levee System: 1. Erosion 2. Encroachments 3. Slope Instability 4. Debris Accumulation 5. Rodent "Animal Control 6. Riprap Placement/Condition 7. Vegetation 8. Crackino- of Levee 9. Ruts and Depressions 10. Seepage/Bolls/Sink Hole 1.1. Excavations 12. Utilities 13. Flood Control Structures LEVEE IVEAENTENANCE PROCEDURES LEVEA E REPAMS City Water Resources Department inspection personnel shall utilize the levee inspection and maintenance form for routine levee inspections and if they encounter any damage ®r issues to the levee. The approved levee inspection form shall be used to complete all documentation. Completed .levee inspectiQn forms shall be submitted to the Water Resources Department Superintendent on a weekly basis. The Superintendent shall review the levee maintenance and inspection form for completeness, accuracy, and problems. If an issue is noted, the superintendent will notify the appropriate personnel at City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department regarding the defic1enr-.-,ies f(-.)r repairs. Notifications will then be attached to the levee rnaintenance and inspection form. Con-ipleted forms shall be placed in the appropricate Kern River Levee file for future reference and documentation. SAKPI'RN RIVER I.,,I",'Vf,"E \I. EVE E-SOP-MANtJAI.AKERNI--RIVER-.I,EVEE-INSPECTION-SOP C§7y OF SAKERDSF§ELLD KER?4 I'lWYER ILEVE g[STR§CY §?4SFEcT§cX AMD l FORD u�J Area inspected: inspected y: Maa ntenance Requo red: Mahtenance Performed: Comments: SXERN MVER LEVEE \LEVEE S®P MANUAL \LEVEE �IiA NTENANCE JNSPECTD N F0RM W a� 0 F cn M 0 cc w U) w cr. w m 4::x Cl) W% 0 '' .j U. O z W ui a Q N W 0 cm cr. 0 .j LL z M w cc z x w �e (sisay1uaaed ui U0118AG13) MOV U.1 36VUOIS LO qt co N 0 m co r*-_ (0 U') It co N CIN003S H3d 133Joieno 0 C\l 0 z C\j 0 L 0 co =3 m cz 2.0 co QD U— � �i U- U- U- U- C) C) C) 0 Lo 0 0 U- co 0 0 0 C) co 0 o 0 0 0 0 0) C*5 0 0 co cc 0 4 0 co C-� It LO 0 1'- 0 N N Ln 6 0 m co LO CT Mp (o 41) CD CR - 0 Zo 0 co o LO LO Lo o LO U-) o LO 0 LS) o Lf) 0 LO C) C) co LO co Lo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2�- Lo 1 1 1 1 1 t qt I t I I I gt I I I I I Co I I I I I I Co I N N N U') 0 I LO qt co N 0 m co r*-_ (0 U') It co N CIN003S H3d 133Joieno 0 C\l 0 z C\j 0 L 0 co =3 m cz 2.0 co QD U— � �i 1 E cn Z '(D i � � f � i N. C/) CN i � i f a f � I i + 10 10 i f { ` i ' i � 1 i i f 0 LL I j i � = i k z LO qt co N 0 m co r*-_ (0 U') It co N CIN003S H3d 133Joieno 0 C\l 0 z C\j 0 L 0 co =3 m cz 2.0 co QD U— z 0 a J V V Q Y U nom. O z Cl) z C/) a m w o� z cc w Y x W �co T ry- a � d o� Z i W U) cz rr V W O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln O Ln O Ln O L O L6 O LO d' d' co co N N r ,- (sauOuI) IUGIUO3 JGIBAA Q U cz 2 0 � W L N U- 0 ._ E �a CZ c M CL 0 rc Y CD E N U CD in i E O Z w Z cc LU 0 w U cc O w 0 cc �W, W co cc w O U I ! lo cz I < N a) OT Q T O O i ! i N N I - - - - -- -------------- i -� - - -- ----------------- - - -- -- - - 7- - - - - -- I o <t iT � oco 1 i i N E i i i O Q O Q 0 N e N N N Cb o 00 CO M Oco Nco T i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------------------ - - - - - - - - - jI 1 j i i i O ----------------- - - - - -- ---------------- C) C) V- - - - -- ----------- I ---- — — - - - -- — — ! ` M T N i I O N O O O O O O O O O O O O Ln O Ln O Ln O L O L6 O LO d' d' co co N N r ,- (sauOuI) IUGIUO3 JGIBAA Q U cz 2 0 � W L N U- 0 ._ E �a CZ c M CL 0 rc Y CD E N U CD in i E O Z w Z cc LU 0 w U cc O w 0 cc �W, W co cc w O U Regular Water Board Meeting Janjary 160 2013 B. Report by RHS Consulting regarding Theory of Weather Modification - For Board lnformetuon January 160 2013 C. Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project Update - For Board Information Highlights (last 30 days) • The Final Dam Safety Modification Report (DSMR), Record of Decision (ROD) and supporting documentation were approved at the Corps of Engineers Headquarters on 18 December 2012 • Independent External Peer Review (IEPR) was concluded and findings were posted on the project web page as "USAGE Response to Independent External Peer Review" • Final Dam Safety Modification Report forwarded to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA(CW)) for use in budget preparation • Coordination efforts continue with the U.S. Forest Service (USES) on real estate and recreation actions. The Sacramento District is continuing coordination efforts at all levels of the organization • The Dam Safety Modification Project has officially transitioned into the design phase and the team has begun work on several key exploration contracts anticipated to be awarded early in the new year • The district released an informational video about the planned project at Lake Isabella, detailing the reasons for the work and the construction plan. The video can be found by clicking the image below: Lookinq Ahead (next 30 days) • Preparation of key exploration contracts for the embankment and spillway work • Continued surveying and geotechnical investigations will be conducted at the project site • Coordination of oversight agreement for design of Caltrans Highway relocation work Current Lake Status (27December) The current pool resides at 84,143 acre -ft, an elevation of 2542.53 feet (IPD) or 2546.29 (NAVD 88)which is 23% of the restricted pool. As part of our interim risk reduction measures, Isabella Lake has a restricted elevation of 2585.5 feet (361,250 acre -ft). December 2012 UPCOMING Pre - Construction, Engineering and Design 2013-2016 Tiered NEPA Documents: Recreation / Fisheries Real Estate Late 2013 Begin Highway Relocation Construction Fall 2014 Buttress & Spillway Construction 2017 -2020 Project Schedule * m >v *All Dates Subject to Change - -click on link above for current schedule Project Web page: http: / /www.spk.usace.army.mil/ Missions /CivilWorks/ IsabellaDam.aspx Sacramento District Homepage: www.spk.usace.army.mil Phone: 916- 557 -5100 E -mail: Follow us on: luu