HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/2013 WB Agenda Packet Regular MtgB A K E R S F I E L D 30AFID Bob SmKGu .ALL TC� C�RDL�'? 2. GPIOLL CALL 3 o IJ V LI N U7ES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 13, 2013 for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLdC SVA7EMv EN7S 5. KERN MVER LEVEE A. Isabella Dane Saf(�ty Modification Project Update - For Board Information 6. REPORYS A. Kern Rives & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Update on Kern Integrated Regional `mater Management Plan (IRWMP) Water Conservation Grant Application Submitted by The City of Bakersfield and ID4 - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED o USNESS 3. NEW BUSNESS �.. An ordinance amending Section 14,04,120 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code Relating to Rates and Fees - For Board Review and Action Water Board Agenda May 8, 201 Page 2 9. R,,USC E LLAN EOUS 10. VIIA7ER BOARD V °,7EGvu EN7S ' _' _ LC�)SLn SESSInN AC�TIC� 13. fikDJ0 RNMv FN 7 ail APT CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: May 3, 2013 Regulor Water Board Meeting 30 llV Nu7s A. Minutes of the regular Meeting of March 13, 2013 for aloprova - For Board Review and Aofibn WNUUES OF UME REGULAR MEFUNG U V G d 4 lJ (9S V4J ``6- J 1/ g U V IJ wc IJ ll � 3 9 Gies ® T 3 - 2,00 0® p o m e Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 C AI_L TOO CU�?I�EF'� Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2 :04 p.m. 2. [D�0LL CALL Present: Chairman Hanson, Member Johnson (seated at 2.06), Member Smith Absent: None 3. M 0 N U7ES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 2013 for approval. MOtiOfl by Smith t 0 crPProvc=' the mirluS of the rac:)►ular ma inc of Janumy 1 6, C013. APPROVED AU A YES, ASSENT SFNl JC!)H S(0)N 4. PUBLL C S7A7FMENYS None ' K _�'N F'?IVEF? LEVEE C��IST�I .T None A. Kern river & Isabella Reservoir Operations report John Ryan, Hy rographic Supervisor, reviewed the graphs and stated the Kern River natural flow, regulated flow and Isabella Reservoir storage are Dow for the year. The Kern Diver Basin Snowpack Accumulation is at 41 percent, higher than last year, but below normal. Board information, no action taken. o. Di FERRED BUSONESS m None B /00001 A K E R S F I E L D WNUUES OF UME REGULAR MEFUNG U V G d 4 lJ (9S V4J ``6- J 1/ g U V IJ wc IJ ll � 3 9 Gies ® T 3 - 2,00 0® p o m e Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 C AI_L TOO CU�?I�EF'� Chairman Hanson called the meeting to order at 2 :04 p.m. 2. [D�0LL CALL Present: Chairman Hanson, Member Johnson (seated at 2.06), Member Smith Absent: None 3. M 0 N U7ES A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 16, 2013 for approval. MOtiOfl by Smith t 0 crPProvc=' the mirluS of the rac:)►ular ma inc of Janumy 1 6, C013. APPROVED AU A YES, ASSENT SFNl JC!)H S(0)N 4. PUBLL C S7A7FMENYS None ' K _�'N F'?IVEF? LEVEE C��IST�I .T None A. Kern river & Isabella Reservoir Operations report John Ryan, Hy rographic Supervisor, reviewed the graphs and stated the Kern River natural flow, regulated flow and Isabella Reservoir storage are Dow for the year. The Kern Diver Basin Snowpack Accumulation is at 41 percent, higher than last year, but below normal. Board information, no action taken. o. Di FERRED BUSONESS m None Bakersfield, California, March 13, 2013 - Page 2 3, NEW BUSWESS A, 2013 water Price and Sand Salo Schedule. Art Chianello, Wcter Resources Manager, stated there are minor changes in the schedule, including the increase per the all commodities price index, of irrigation water to $30.77 per acre foot. Surplus water sales are not anticipated for this year. OtiOn by Johr7sc: n to approve the 20 Waler Prick cynd .5crr7d Sale Schec§uls_ A PPR'O VED A L L A F_ s B A resolution of the Council of the city of Bakersfield setting Domestic water Availability Dees. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated the fees are increased according to the Construction Cost Index and are consistent with the Municipal Code. The increase is for undeveloped areas for new construction only. Staff request the Board approve the resolution and forward to the full City Council for review at the public hearing to be held on April 17, 20130 Moffon by Johnson �o forward �hq Res. §Uffon saffing DomesffC wa�gr Avaffabofo�y Fees io �hG fuff CNY C®UnCH for revoaw and approva §. APPROVED ALL AYES C. Integrated regional water Management Program water Conservation Grant Application. CWhOdES �hG WC19F RGSO TCes Manager �o ender afl�o a Y9§MbUFS9M9n� G reamed wofh 04 (nod �o axc aed $ �o slurs the cos s PF®P®Ff 0flC� §Y YOF 0 C®MUNGfl� �C COMP§9�9 C9fld SUbM P �h(q Wader Conservafoon Gram Appfacafo®n on beha ff ®ff §hs 0 y of 3ak9#'sff99 l and 04. APP20VED ALL AYES Do Motion to Elect a Water Board vice - Chairperson por Municipal Code 2,130011, Mofn®n by SmRh �o 9 § (qc� Russef0 Johnson as way (qr Board V:7C9 -C h0§'T. A PPS'® MLA® ALL A 1-7ES 9. Zvi SCE►LLAN OUS = None B kersfne�d, Cafforni , March 13, 2013 -- Page 3 10. VrfAYER BOARD SYA7E lL N7S Member Smith asked if there will be water in the river this year. Art Chian oo , Water Resources Manager, stated this has been a dry year and most likely there will not be any water this year with possibly the exception of a few holidays. 1 C I.CSEU SESSIC)N A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Exesffng dffigaffon Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(4)(1) (Two cases) City of Bakersfield v, Buena vista Water Storage District; Rosedale -laic Bravo Wateir Storage District (CEQA) Kern County Superior Court ease Flo. S -1 500-CV-274238 City of Bakersfield v. Buena Vista Water Storage District; Rosedale -Rio Bravo water Stcrage District (Breach of Contract) l_' C.l_C�)SE[� �ESSIOON ACTIC) Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announced there is no reportable action from Closed Session, 13. ADJOURNiv ENV Chairman Chanson adjourned the meeting at 3:00 p.m. Darold Manson, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Chic Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board Regular Water Board Meeting 5. (J, RN L VER LEVEE ®DKMC7 •; A. Isabella Dares Safety Modification Project Update - For Board Information 41 40 oll lo a rA 1p IA I ke, to so- sp Ww At 4 fit N AVINM AL olwft Ak JT Af so Or do A. 41 40 oll lo a rA 1p IA I ke, to so- sp Ww At 4 fit N AVINM AL olwft Ak JT �sabeHa Dam Safety ModfflDcaV®,1T Study In 2013, -Following the signing of the Record of Decision in December 2012D the Corps entered the Pre - Construction Engineering and Design phase of the project. A number of procedural tasks must still be completed in preparation of physical construction, which is scheduled to begin on 2017. Frequenl1y Asked Questions Collapse All Expand All +_- Wh I does=:t take the Corns so lone to fix a dam? Given the multiple purposes of this dam facility and the long -terra benefits of provides, we require thorough analysis of any modification to assure puNic safety and benefits are not compromised by modification to the dam. Dane analysis and designs are complex technical efforts. Risk assessments must be pefformed to understand the extent of a problem and to evaluate options to fix the dams. On this case the dam has multiple deficiencies that require correction which increases the time required to understand and to start the foxes. We also take great effort to comply with the National Envnronmental Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act which does require significant time to assure that all requirements are met. I The plan shows the Auxiliary Dam Recreation Area as a borrow site. How will the lost recreation opportunities at this site be mitigated? The Auxiliary Dam Recreation Area is planned to primarily be a temporary staging area that would be returned for recreation use after the project is complete. Ot will also serge as a secondary on -site borrow source for filter sand on the main and auxiliary dams should the excavation of the emergency spillway not be able to provide sufficient quantities. Other camping areas around the lake are not scheduled to be affected by the project, and the U.S. Forest Service would continue to be the managing agency for these areas. We recognize and appreciate the value of the public lands here, so a recreation plan is anticipated for 2013 to further explore and identify options for mitigation to offset adverse effects on recreation. Public participation will be solicited to address concerns over the negative impacts of the project. Will storage capacity of the reservoir be increased? Not under the current dam safety modification study. Increasing of the storage capacity would require separate authorization and would require a dif=ferent study. =`How can the Corps be sure the project won't 'go over budget or take loner than stated? We understand the concern regarding the duration of construction and are doing everything possible to shorten completion dates. Currently, we are finalizing our costs and schedule for design and construction,, and will have a more accurate reflection once that is complete. There are always unknowns associated with construction, but we are committed to minimizing any impacts that may arise. We will continue to refine the schedule to ensure efficiency in construction. There are no guarantees in regards to funding. (however with the continued support of the community and the "'high risk" -' ranking of the dam, we will continue to express the need for timely funding to beep the project on schedule. ±_ i.-Wouldn't dredgirng the reservoir for borrow material increase capacity and reduce overall impacts? Investigations have shown that obtaining borrow materials from the lake bottom are not cost effective for filter and drain materials and would introduce other environmental concerns, such as water quality effects associated with lake lowering, and increased fugitive dust concerns. 0 What is the Corps doing to make sure that recreation opportunities and the local economy are not adversely affected by lowering the lake elevation levels? We are working with the U.S. f=orest Service and locaO community groups to further minimize the impacts to local events our the lake, campgrounds, boat ,,munches, etc. The majority of the time the lake wouW remain sunder its current operation with the pool restriction, and recreation wiH sti00 ire permitted on the Dake during construction. We are committed to working with the community, and one of the concerns we are hearing is about reducing the amount of time the Dake elevation wo uM be reduced. As a resuUtg under the preferred alternative, the dowered pooh elevation for construction has been Hmo 'ted to a sin& four -to- -six month window between October 2020 and March 2021. This takes advantage of the natura0 how reservoir elevations during the fail and winter months when it is a0ready being drawn down for flood contro0 operation, mini mizjng impacts to recreation, water quaRy, fisheries, and socioeconomics,, 2nd further reduces the impacts over the entire construction period. A more detaHed Recreation Nan resuOting from this process will he presented in 2013. flow is the Corps going to make sure air quality is nor affected by increased traffic and exposed dust from lower lake elevations? `Many in the local community would prefer a downstream dam, alternative. Whv isn't one being considered? A downstream repnacement dam at the auxiHary dam site was eva0 uated, but not selected based our increased cost,, larger demand for materiaUs, a longer construction scheduDe and Jncreased air quality concerns based our the additional earthwork. This project wore "t core 3 cheap, but our duty is to modernize the dams by getting the most value for every taxpayer doNar, and that's what we believe our identified pDan does. .What is the Record of Decision? .What is the proiect cost? The estimated project cosh us: $400 - $600 mu00uon. ,,_1 :i Impacts to rafting below the dam are not addressed in the EIS, how can we get a written Ian to ensure adequate rafting flows during the recreation season? The storage and reDease of flood water in Isabella Lake is under the control of our Water Management Section; however, we have no influence over the operation of the reservoir outside of flood operations. During construction,, the release of water wiffl continue to be dependent on inflow, irrigation needs and downstream storage capacity. We're doing everything we can to minimize the impact to the public, with as Httie disruption as possNe. We Plan to put together a Recreation Phan in 2013 to further expDore and identify options for mitigation to offset adverse effects on recreation inciud'ung the needs for recreational flows in the lower Kern Rover. As a side note, rafting companies that operate above the reservoir would continue operations as normal and be unaffected by the dare safety modification project. When will construction begin? We are still in the Pre - Construction Engineering and Design phase. Once complete,, construction would begin. Our current schedule shows construction beginning in 2017. How long will construction last? it could range from 4 years to 8 years depending on final recommendations, designs and avaulaboln-dy of funds. We have a current construction schedule lasting from 2017 to 2022. 4 ± The EIS says construction will beein in 2015, but your schedule shows construction starting in 2014. Whv the difference? In 2013, we entered the Pre - Construction Engineering and Design phase of our project. we st'ffl have a number of proced ura0 tasks to complete in preparation for physica0 construction of the s6ected alternative. The highway reDocations would begin in 2014. The major components of constructbn wouid begin in 2017. .� —Once construction starts, is there going to be increased traffic in the valley? What about during highway relocations? Highway trucks wiH still be required to meet aH standards; therefore there shouW be no impacts t0 roads except for the everyday wear and tear that they are designed for. We anticipate some increased traffic aDong both highways during roadway realignments, but the incrE ase wo uid n0t exceed rc�Vadway and intersection Hmits. The potentU impacts from the highway realignments wiH be analyzed and further addressed in a follow -on tiered NationaU Environmenta0 Micy Act action, and we will continue to work with Utrans pup to and during construction for additiona0 opportunities to minimize short -tern traffic aril circuDation impacts. } - When will I know if my rrone tv is impacted? Is my property going to be acquired? When will that process begin? �t °s important that we go into this with realistic expectations. There are still many requirements and mHestones, including project approval and funding, h�efore we can begin to provide more detaHs cn property acquisition requirements and schedule. At that point, we can begin to discuss options to assist affected individuals in applying for relocation benefits. However, until we have an approved project and funding, we cannot acquire or discuss offers with potentially affected land owners. _ How many people will be working on the dam and will local workers be hired? The workforce will vary depending on the phase of construction; however, the rough estimate of a typo _-al work crew would likely be between 100-150 workers. We will fore a prime contractor on a national level to clomplete the work, and the contractor will be responsUe for hiring any work force to complete the job. Will this project negatively affect the value of my property? The refinements weDve made to the preferred plan would reduce many of the anticipated construction - related impacts, but negative short-term impacts on property values may occur during construction. Our assessment of potential project impacts to the local economy found both short- and long- term benefits associated with construction - related spending in the Kern Rover valley and unrestricted reservoir operations upon completion of the project. Long -term economic improvement resulting from recreaVon, higher lake levels, emp[oyrnent opportunities, and lower safety resk would likely result in improved property values. These project benefits may serve to provide the Kern Rover valley with greater long -term economic stabMty, which is a major factor on determining regional property values. #`� How can I obtain access to other reports associated with the Isabella Dam Safety Modification Study? The Freedom of Mormatoon Aug (FUA) process is the best way to obtain documents that are not re�&csec➢ for pubVuc review at a munuma� cost (if any). IM) �e ular Water Board Meeting 6. �12EPOUS May 8, 201 A. Kern Rives & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board information W 0 Cl) 0 uj CD ui w m 9c co ca < m W 0 cc. ,j UJ LL a 4 ul QM .J cm cm W cm 0 .j un o� z x W Z a: ui �e LO "t 0 LO N LO T LO "t co co N CINOODS H:3d 1334 oiono LO N co cn co m co co cu cn cz 2 N 0 ;F i � (sisau4uaasd Ul U0148AG13) 4:13V Ul 3E)VEJO.LS � I L-L o U-- 0 COE, o L-L 0- U- 0 U* o LO C\j 0 - m 0 oo 0 c\j 0 r-- 0 co 0 co 04 0 co 0 LO o 00 o LO co 0 6 0 cn m LO m 0 00 It C` LO 00 00 C\j C` LO - 06 .0 c (6 0 CP C-0 C\l Lf) (D N LO LO C\j M C\j d. qt M co LO CY) LO CI*4 LO r- C44 L" CNJ 0 CD CNJ LO C\j LO Lo TI- LO C\l 0 LO co Lo LO C\j LO "t 0 LO N LO T LO "t co co N CINOODS H:3d 1334 oiono LO N co cn co m co co cu cn cz 2 N 0 ;F i � � � I 0 75 0 0 E LL 0 Z (D Z 1 I j � ( � ! E r ! ! 0 1 U) LO "t 0 LO N LO T LO "t co co N CINOODS H:3d 1334 oiono LO N co cn co m co co cu cn cz 2 N 0 ;F Z O Q J V V Q Y V a O z U) z Fn a m w o� z ac w Y x w 0 z rr CO I- 00 CO z w� Cf) CD il O O O O O C7 /C) O O O O lqt L, V co co � L6 N T (say:)ul) JUGIU03 aalsm L Q a U Cu d a �o CTS Cl) LL o E �a CZ CZ CL a cn L a� a� a L QD W nE W O z W cc w 0 W U j O w cc w 0 LU m 0 V Regular Water Board Meeting 6, REPORYS con�onued •� B. Update on Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) water Conservation Grant Application Submitted by the City of Bakersfield and ID4 - For Board Information • B A K E R S F I E L D MEMORANDUM May 8, 2013 TO: WATER BOARD MEMBERS HAROLD HANSON, CHAIRMAN RUSSELL JOHNSON, VICE CHAIRMAN BOB SMITH FROM: ART CHIANELLO, WATER RESOURCES MANAGER �C SUBJECT: UPDATE ON KERN INTEGRATED REGIONAL WATER MANAGEMEN PLAN (IRWMP) WATER CONSERVATION GRANT APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND ID4. Background: The City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department and Kern County Water Agency Improvement District No. 4 (ID 4) collaborated with four other Kern County water entities and submitted a Round 2 Implementation Grant Proposal on behalf of the Kern IRWMP Group. The Application was submitted on March 29, 2013 to the California Natural Resources Agency, Department of Water Resources. The proposed program would promote water conservation for residential, commercial, and municipal customers through rebates, retrofits, and education. The project represents the initiation of integrated programs, as well as the continuation of existing efforts, to bring the Greater Bakersfield sub - region, which contains the Kern IRWMP Region's largest urban areas, into compliance with two statewide water conservation initiatives, AB 1420 and SBX7 -7. The three programs included in this project are: 1. A municipal irrigation program which will build on existing City efforts to improve the irrigation efficiency of its parks by installing evapotranspiration based automated central controller systems. 18 parks will be retrofitted and brought on line in this effort. 2. A residential and commercial conservation incentive program, which SA2013 MEMOS\2013 -05 -08 Water Board IRWMP grant application update.doc May 8, 2013 Page 2 Kern IRWMP would build on cal Water's existing program in their water service area. The program would offer rebates, vouchers, and water audits for commercial and residential customers in the City of Bakersfield's water service area. 3. IN would extend their existing water education efforts to include high schools, develop a high school curriculum, and implement teacher training events. It is expected that the three programs would save about 2,800 acre -feet of water over the lifespan of the programs' measures. This is about as much water as 2,800 families would use in a single year. The total project cost would be about $837,000, with $614,000 being provided by grants, and $213,000 being provided by local matching funds. The City's share of the grant would be about 90% of the $614,000, or about $550,000 in grant funds. The State is expected to provide notification to the grant recipients by July 2013. It is expected that if the City receives the grant, an agreement with the State will be entered into around October 2013. SA2013 MEMOS\2013 -05 -08 Water Board IRWMP grant application update.doc ri 2013 0 0 CFCC F unding F Please join the California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) for thi o -cost event. CFCC agencies fund the following types of eligible infrastructure projects including: • Drinking water • Energy efficiency • Wastewater Flood management • Water quality • Streets and highways • Water supply • Emergency response vehicles • Water conservation Water use efficiency • Solid waste • Community facilities AGENDA At each location, the Funding Fair Agenda is as follows: Check in: 8 a.m. -8:30 a.m. Agency Presentations: 8:30 a.m. -Noon Discuss your projects: Noon -3 p.m. ATTENDEE REGISTRATION Go to www.cfcc.ca.govand click on Funding Fairs Funding Fair Questions? Please call (916) 447 -9832 x 1029 2013 SCHEDULE Apr5O n0; 201.33 City (-°)-I West Sacramento 1110 West Capitol Avenue West Sacramento, CA 95691 August 22, 2013 Ukiah Valley Conference Center 200 South School Street Ukiah, CA 95482 September 12, 2013 Steir beck Institute of Art and Culture 940 N. Main St Salinas, CA September 24, 2013 Visalia Convention Center 303 E. Acequia Avenue Visalia, CA 93291 September 26, 2013 Cathedral City, City Hall 68 -700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero Cathedral City, CA 92234 October 15, 2013 Cal /EPA Headquarters Coastal Hearing Room 1001 "I" Street Sacramento, CA 95814 The Sacramento workshop will be webcast. Access to the webcast will be available online at: l)ttp ://www.colepa.co.gov / broadcast. For more information, please visit our web site at: www.cfcc.ca.gov of WA l6gA�s0 0 . leiO APARTMENT OF THE i �= USDA fl0alth r q \~ 1 BANK 'Water Boards _ B Development Of WA L$;, � ' e sow rr pEpARTMENT OF THE INTE lot n .' ��r� USDA _ RI- H tatIrowwIw '� Rural 'L,t9iaCN @alth s�q oP`',' N BOq OF RECIAMATI�N� Development 1 SANK Water .Boards CaCi ornia Financing Coordinating Committee (CECC) What is CFCC? The California Financing Coordinating Committee (CFCC) was formed in 1998 and is made up of seven funding members: five state, two federal. CFCC members facilitate and expedite the completion of various types of infrastructure projects helping customers combine the resources of different agencies. Project information is shared between members so additional resources can be identified. CFCC members conduct free funding fairs statewide each year to educate the public and potential customers about the different member agencies and the financial and technical resources available. Purpose of CFCC Funding Fairs CFCC Funding Fairs provide opportunities to obtain information about currently available infrastructure grant, loan and bond financing programs and options. Each attendee receives a copy of all slide presentations and additional useful infrastructure financing material. Funding Fairs also provide an opportunity for attendees to speak directly with program staff about specific projects and issues affecting their community. Who should attend? Public works and local government representatives including city managers and planners, economic development and engineering professionals, officials from privately owned facilities, water and irrigation district managers, financial advisors and project consultants. Eligible Proi ect Types CFCC Agencies fund the following types of eligible projects such as drinking water, waste water, solid waste, water quality, water supply, water conservation, energy efficiency, flood management, community facilities, straets and highways, and emergency response vehicles. CFCC Information Please log on *�.o the CFCC website at www.cfcc.ca.gov for the upcoming 2013 Funding Fair schedule, CFCC Member Directory and general information. �� pf WATFR9 �. DEppRTMENT OF THE IHTE m a e °s _ 9j° USDA 1 ]t iitr Q y MAN& �►►� CALIFORNIA = - - �''�� s'q ��� BUREAU MAT1ON Development wealth TFnFCAt�f °f 1 QANK Water Boards �F RECLA r Re ulcr Water Board Meetincl 8. NEW BU&NESS May 8, 2013 A. An Ordinance cmending Section 14004,120 of the Bakersfield Municipal code Relating to Rates and Fees - For Board Review and Action '4446 j M E M R A N D U M CITY ATTORNEY May 31 201 j TO: 16AURICE RANDALL, WATER RESOURCES BUSINESS MANAGER FROM: RICHARD IGER, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY SUBJECT: PROCEDURE FOR ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE The -jroposed Ordinance amendment +(--N) "ectior. 14.04.120 will be submitted to eater Board for review. fter t ter r i s ,or proposed amendmen Ahe; Waevewc cpp r ove- e, t O r r -.. t submitted to City C ouncil for first reading of the the dic� �eed o ts e. After the first reading, if there are no cl,�-angE:14's tat need to be made, the ifl go 2r, &,-,.aing and adopflon at the ordinance w to (Diy Council agait-� a ay's after adoption. 0i d next scheduled meeting. The Ordinanc..-.. n'to efft".--. Rl-*dll S:\ WATER \MEMOS\ I BakersfieM llvluniclpa C. ode ( Baker sfieki, California) Page I of I FR,akeirsTald Municipal Bakersfield Municipal Code Code Up Previous Next Main Search Print No Frames DakeirsTola�d,, California Title 14 WATER AND SEWERS Chapter 14.04 ASHE WATER SERVICE AREA Published by: http://www.(-.Icodc.us/codes/bakersfie'ld/ 5/3/2013 14.04.120 Rates and fees. 16 A. Monthly Rates and Fees. T1 T1 city water board, with concurrence NOW of the city council, shall establish mont i-ly rates and fees for water usage. The monthly fee consists of two components: the "'readiness to serve flee" which is a flat rate for all 1,Z,.ustoniers based on the size of connection and a "quantAy un t rates" asec on t ie quantity 0 water use . A complete schedule of all rates and fees authorized to be charged for Current through Ordinance water service shaH be kept Iln the city's local offices where they will be 4716 and the February availaNe for public inspection. 2013 code supftment. For more recent amendments 13. Availability Fees. The city water board, with concurrence ofthe to this code, see the city council, shall establish availability fees for water service facilities CodeAlert page. required to enable development of all areas served by th(-, city water syst,em except those describr�-.d in Exhibit C- I of the City Agreement No. This document is provided 76-36. Such fees are declared to be necessary to compensate the city for f ®r informEtiona� purposes onl. Please read the full y expense incurred in furnishing source, storage, and water distribution disclaimer. facHitiesl., and related capital project expenses, including but not Hnilted to costs of acquisition and Financing and necessary costs of operation, ® Municipal Code Table of maintenance, replacement, improvement and extension of the water Contents sysli--eill. ® Search • Ordinance List ]�7.ach fiscal year, the water department shall submit to the water board • Statutory References a proposed availability fee schedule. The availability flee shall be • CodeAlert - Recently adjusted annually by the Construction Cost l ndex de aped in Bakersfield Passed Ordinances Municipal Code Section 15.84.030(D). Also, the fee schedule shall be further adJusted to reflect afl city expenses incurred as set forth in the previous paragraph. The fee shall be adopted by resolution of the city council following a noticed public hearing. Links: All f applicants r service where availability fees are to be paid • City Of Bakersfield - shall sign a domestic water service contract and pay the required fee at Home final map recordation. No flinal map allowing construction shall be recorded prior to payment of proper fees for water service. (Ord. 4344 § Contact: I 1 '2006; Ord. 3504 § 3, 1992; (Drd. 2660 § 3, 1981; prior code § 1.46. 120) Bakersfi&,, City Clerk-. (661) 326-3767 Published by: http://www.(-.Icodc.us/codes/bakersfie'ld/ 5/3/2013 (C0)1R1M HZANCE No. ORMMANCE AMENDING SECTION 14.04. � 20 OF 7HE BAKERSFIELD MUMUFAL CODE RELA7MCGI 70 RA7ES AND FEES. BE IT ORDAINED by tht-7, Council of the City of Bakersfield as foHcws: M ri - ! 30M 1. Section 14.04.1 20 of ff,),Ie=-� Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "M Rates and As. k. Monthly Rates and Fees. The city water board., with concurrence of cit,,j/ councH., shalt esta'13Hsh monthUy rat c)3 and for water usage. The rrllonthl,f consists of two -,omponents: the ""remodiness to serve fee"" which is a flat rate for all customers based on the size o,i' connection and a ""cuantity unit [�.)csed on the quantity of water use '..,- H rates d� A completes sci ied01I= 01 all and f&,.as author° �d to be �,--.-.harged for water se vice shall knpt �n the cotes kcal o'fice where they will be avaHaUe for public insr4-:v-,tion. B AvaHabHity Fpo,, ,,. Thy city water board., with concurrence of the city council,, shall establish avcHability fees for water serviceh, faciJfies required to enable deveiopment of all areas ,served by the city water system except those described in ExhiUt C=1 of th n- City Agree! ant No. 76-36. Such fees are declared to be necessary to compensate the city 4, the expense incurred in furnishir,)g storage.. and Watnr distribu"1cin facilities° and related capital L project expenses., including but not limited to costs of acquisition C."'Id -':ilrlancing and n&cessar/ costs of operation.. maintencnce,, lacementa improvement and ex-i'�-ension of the water E'rystem, C I AH applicants for service where availability fees are to be paid shall sign a domestic water service contract r,..N4,n,c,.J pGs -jheg-=-required fee must be i2old at the forst occurrance oi either a issuan-ce of--a building 0 it r the .0- r- M., recordateon of Q, final map F9GG,FCJ.G..#1, No final map allowing construction shall SABUDGET\2013-14 Budget\2013 Avallablilty Fee\ 14 04 120Water Ratesfees,Docx -- Page 1 of 2 Pages -- be recorded nor any building aarmst ussuad prior to payment of pr/clper fees for water service, SEC7ON SO This Ordinance shali r posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Munlclpal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after fl-,. =h date Of its Passn gEs' d I HEREBY Cj�RTIIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of .9 City of Ba[,,,,^7-resf`,e-N-ld at c. regular meeflng thereof held on ,7 by �h,= following voto: AYES: COUNCILMEMBER: NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER: APPROVED: 0 HARVEY L. HALL N.Jayor APFIROVED AS TO FORM: VJRGINiA GENNARO City Attorney By: RICH AE RD �GER Associate City Attorney RWH MAXWELL, WEIR, SMITH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON ROBERTA GAFFORD, CMC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio C[erk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield S: \ BUDGET\2013-14 Budget\2013 AvallablIlty Fee\ 14 04 120Water Ratesfees,Docx -- Page 2 of 2 Pages --