HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 132-12�� - 0� a�Icl RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO AND UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED BELOW, MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: U. �o��Prs�;ek�l �A 9 3' l James W. Fitch Assessor— Recorder BEARDSLE Kern County Official Aecords 11/12/2013 Recorded at the request of 10:24 AM Public HOC #: 0213164420 111 11111111] 11 oil 111111 Its 1 oil GI.UI This page has been added to provide adequate space for recording information (Additional recording fees apply) DOCUMENT TITLE(S): I�esd�u�o� I V Q, 13 a, 1 a (IF APPLICABLE — DEEDS, ETC.) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: $tat Types: 1 Pages: 6 Fees 0.00 Taxes 0.00 Others 0.00 PAID $0.00 III 1111111111111 X11111 III III 11111111111111 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX: $ ❑ COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE OF PROPERTY CONVEYED, OR ❑ COMPUTED ON FULL VALUE LESS LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES REMAINING THEREON AT TIME OF SALE. SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT OR AGENT DETERMINING TAX, FIRM NAME `6N1<4 o1 J'c� > R F— r V C ORIGINAL. RESOLUTION NO. 132— 12 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL ORDERING THE VACATION OF THE REMAINING PORTION OF THE ALLEY AND ACCESS EASEMENT BETWEEN 28TH STREET AND THE PREVIOUSLY VACATED 27TH STREET, EAST OF CHESTER AVENUE, AND THE PUBLIC UTILITIES EAESMENT (PUE) LOCATED IN THE SAME ALLEY BETWEEN 28TH STREET AND LOT 15 OF BLOCK 487. (WARD 2) WHEREAS, on WEDNESDAY, October 17, 2012, the Council of the City of Bakersfield, pursuant to the provisions of the "Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law," Government Code Sections 8300 et seq. of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, passed and adopted Resolution of Intention No. 1723 declaring its intention to order the vacation of the remaining portion of the alley and access easement between 28th Street and the previously vacated 27th Street, east of Chester Avenue, and public utilities easement (PUE) located in the some alley between 28th Street and Lot 15 of Block 487; and WHEREAS, the Council did fix a time and place for hearing all persons interested in or objecting to said proposed vacation, which hearing was held on November 28, 2012, after notices of said hearing were duly published and posted as required by law; and WHEREAS, for the above - described project, it was determined that the proposed vacation is exempt from CEQA, pursuant to Section 15061 (b) (3) of CEQA Guidelines (General Rule) in that there is no possibility that the proposed action could have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, Planning Department approved the vacation on August 15, 2012, per local ordinance and found it to be consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to Section 8300, et seq, of the Streets and Highways Code of the State of California, 3. A public utilities easement will be recorded for a new PUE between the southerly right -of -way of 28th Street and the easterly prolongation of the southerly line of Lot 15 of said Block 487, prior to the final recordation of this resolution. November 14, 2012, 3:40 PM S: \Street Vacations \27th -28th St - SJCH \ROI Final - Resolution.doc v o ORIGINAL 4. The Council orders the vacation of the remaining portion of the alley and access LQaserpent between 28th Street and the previously vacated 271h Street, east of Chester Avenue, and public utilities easement (PUE) located in the same alley between 281h Street and Lot 15 of Block 487, (more specifically described and illustrated in Exhibit A and Exhibit B, both of which are attached hereto and incorporated herein), all in the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California. 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of this resolution and shall cause a certified copy hereof, attested by the Clerk under the seal of the City, to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, California, ----- - - - - -- November 14, 2012, 3:40 PM S: \Street Vacations \27th -28th St - SJCH \ROI Final - Resolution.doc AK� �s _ 2 F M U � ORIGINAL HERkBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Council of the City of Bakersfield HOV 2 8 2012 by the following vote COUNCILMEMBER: NOES: COUNCILMEMBER: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: SEAN'.-' COUNCILMEMBER: Resolution was passed and adopted, by the at a regular meeting thereof held on SALAS BENHAM, WEIR, HANSON, L JOH SN ON AL�4- '2� ROBERTA GAFFORD, CM CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED N0V 21012 HARVEY` L. HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Att ey By: ANDREW HEGLU D Deputy City Attorney Attachments: Exhibit "A" Exhibit "B" November 14, 2012, 3:40 PM S: \Street Vacaflons \27th -28th St - SJCH \ROI Final - Resoluflon.doc �OAK�c� o U i ORIGINAI EXHIBIT "A" ALLEY, ACCESS AND PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT VACATIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION BEING THOSE EASEMENTS WITHIN PORTIONS OF 27TH STREET (VACATED), BLOCK 487 AND BLOCK 514 PER MAP OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FILED NOVEMBER 25, 1898 IN BOOK 1 OF MAPS AT PAGES 13 AND 14, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER, ALSO BEING THOSE PORTIONS OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 29 SOUTH, RANGE 28 EAST, M.D.M., CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, COUNTY OF KERN, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE ALLEY WITHIN SAID BLOCK 514 BETWEEN THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 28TH STREET AND THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHERLY 15.00 FEET OF LOT 17 WITHIN SAID BLOCK 514. THE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENTS WITHIN SAID BLOCK 514, SAID BLOCK 487 AND 27TH STREET (VACATED) BETWEEN SAID BLOCKS LYING BETWEEN THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT -OF -WAY LINE OF 28TH STREET AND THE EASTERLY PROLONGATION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 15 OF SAID BLOCK 487. THE ACCESS EASEMENT RESERVED WITHIN BLOCK 514 AND 27TH STREET (VACATED) PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLUTION RECORDED APRIL 19, 2011 AS DOCUMENT NO. 0211050633, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE KERN COUNTY RECORDER. rr-lv� It .14. t z JEFFREY q MARTIN DATE L.S. 5798 EXPIRES 6 -30 -14 M AssoaAms 661 -834 -4814 • 661 -834 -0972 2001 Wheelan Court • Bakersfield, CA 93309 �� tAN0 SVR L F JEFFREY L MARTUV 3 EXPU'50 - 4. �.n LS 5798 o�OAKF� c PIPROJECTS \11017 — SJCH MOB \LEGALS \STREET VACATION \11017EM02A_VACATIONS.DOCJLM 11/14/2012 U ORIGINA F- ,- �T_ � - - �� 28TH 0 0 I I Q I � IW I I I �j i IFVACATE PUBLIC -- UTILITY - — EASEMENT----- BLOCK 13 �-- -BLOCK 514- __ 14 15 C)' 16 - -- - -17 -- I I i VACATE IACCESS & PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PARCEL "B" P.M.W. No. P97 -0830 PER CERTIFICATE OF I COMPLIANCE DOC. k — — — — — — No. 0199065761, O.R. PARCEL "A" I L ALLEY TO— REMAIN —G -- - - EXHIBIT "B" EE7 PARCEL MERGER I No. 11 -0306 I O.R. TO REMAIN VACATE ACCESS & PUBLIC 10 I El UTILITY EASEMENT PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD L. PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I I RESOLUTION NO. 033 -11 9 I I DOC. NO. 0211050633, O.R. BLOCK 514- EASEMENT 8 ,;. VACATE ALLEY AND PUBLIC — — — — --� UTILITY EASEMENT IN BLOCK 514 7 I I PER MAP OF C.O.B. FILED IN — — — — BK. 1, PGS. 15 -16 6 -VACATE ALLEY J I VACATE ACCESS & PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD - VACATE ACCESS I RESOLUTION NO. 033 -11 EASEMENT DOC. NO. 0211050633, O.R. I i [D VACATE PUBLIC UTILITY ru EASEMENT PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD RESOLUTION VACATE PUBLIC NO. 033 -11 DOC. UTILITY NO. 0211050633, O.R. EASEMENT EXISTING ALLEY OF BLOCK 487 PER MAP OF C.O.B. FILED IN BK. 1, PGS. 15 -16 TO REMAIN v I PARCEL 1 ACCESS EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 0211141861, PARCEL MERGER I No. 11 -0306 I O.R. TO REMAIN PER CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I I - VACATED ACCESS EASEMENT DOC. No. 0211172508, O.R.1 L. PER CITY OF BAKERSFIELD I I RESOLUTION NO. 104 -11 VACATED ACCESS DOC. NO. 0211146131, O.R. EASEMENT � ACCESS TO 2 REMAIN 3LOCK 487- -- LAND S�9` y5 AFFREYI. MARTIN �0 k EXP .3� • �� *) L, LS 5798 1 0 26TH STREET � Il • 15.12 SCALE: 1" = 80' JOB NO. 11-017 Mclwm SAN JOAQUIN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL DATE: 07 /10/12 &A&ioaAm 91 ALLEY, ACCESS AND P.U.E. VACATION FILE N0. 11017EMg10AK C" " SMA CA 6 BETWEEN 26TH STREET AND 28TH STREET AREA: BY: JM /Eels 2001 ■EEIAN CT. BALD, CA i3J0i (B81) 83/614 � ORIGINAL