HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/21/2013 B A K E R S F I E L D /s/ Steven Teglia Committee Members Staff: Steven Teglia Russell Johnson, Chair Assistant to the City Manager Jacquie Sullivan Willie Rivera REGULAR MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Thursday, November 21, 2013 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The meeting was convened at 12:05 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember, Russell Johnson, Chair Councilmember, Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember, Willie Rivera was absent City staff: Steve Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate City Attorney Tom Geddes, Associate City Attorney Greg Williamson, Chief of Police Captain Scott McDonald, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Jeremy Grimes, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Greg Terry, Bakersfield Police Department Additional Attendees: Lucinda Dasun, Maxim Ezekial Duran, Labor Ready Cathy Butler, DBA Members of the media Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report November 21, 2013 Page 2 __________________________________________________________ 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 3. ADOPTION OF OCTOBER 18, 2013 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT Adopted as submitted 4. REPORTS A. Update regarding Internet Cafés Chief Williamson reported that, since the last Committee meeting, a new business opened at 4145 Ming Avenue, called e-Net World Business. It is being closely monitored. Most of the internet café enforcement efforts take place outside of i-Sweeps at 3945 Hughes Lane. It is being monitored by patrols and the Joint Vice Task Force as well. Committee Chair Johnson said that another internet café opened in the same shopping center as i-Sweeps, and it is adjacent to a medical office. Chief Williamson said he would direct staff to investigate the situation. Committee Chair Johnson said he received a letter from a constituent, indicating that opera music is played in Australia to reduce the amount of loitering. He suggested that if any business owner asks for creative solutions to the loitering problems, perhaps that could be suggested. City Attorney Gennaro said that letters continue to be sent to new internet café business owners. B. Status of Legislation i.SB-678 City Attorney Gennaro reported that this is a two-year bill, in the Committee for Government Organization for the second time. If this is passed in its current state, it will allow the State to regulate interstate gaming, in particular on-line poker. She referenced Page 2 of a memo that had been included in the meeting packet that noted some potential issues, if it does pass. At Committee Chair’s Johnson’s previous request, the City Attorney’s office wrote a letter in opposition, and it was signed by the Mayor. Associate Attorney Geddes is following the bill. Committee Chair Johnson asked for a pdf version of this letter. As Vice Chair of the regional division of the League, he will distribute it to other cities and encourage them, and the League, to join in the opposition effort. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report November 21, 2013 Page 3 __________________________________________________________ ii.Potential Legislation to be carried by Assembly member Salas Committee Chair Johnson reported that he has had discussions with staff for Assembly member Salas, who will be drafting some language. City Attorney Gennaro stated that her staff has also been in discussions with the Assembly member’s staff to provide input and clarity on the specific elements needed in such a law to restrict this type of business operation. She also said that it is important to monitor other legislation to ensure there are no conflicts. Committee member Sullivan noted that one of the first internet café’s brought to the Committee’s attention, on the corner of Planz and Stine Roads, is now closed. C. Update regarding Gang/Graffiti Enforcement and Safe Streets Partnership Efforts Lieutenant Terry reported that there have been 51 gang shootings to date in 2013, which is 1 less than in 2012. The homicides are also down from 15 last year to 9 this year. The graffiti officers continue to be very busy. He reported that one juvenile, who was responsible for 143 different cases citywide, had been arrested. Restitution for these crimes were estimated at $12,000. The next Safe Streets Partnership meeting is on December 9, 2013. Committee member Sullivan noted that staff is doing good work. There used to be more graffiti than there is now; but with the help of the media and other partners, the situation is improving. Committee Chair Johnson said that there is a wall along the train tracks, under State Route 99, near the Auto mall that is regularly tagged. He speculated that perhaps a mural could be painted on it, and asked if it is something the City might fund. Cathy Butler, with the Downtown Business Association, said that they have worked with the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee and the Arts Council of Kern on the murals downtown. Committee Chair Johnson asked Assistant to the City Manager Teglia to assist with efforts to coordinate such a project with the Ward 7 representative on the Keep Bakersfield Beautiful Committee and the Arts Council of Kern. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report November 21, 2013 Page 4 __________________________________________________________ 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee Chair Johnson said that he had previously asked for a mid-year budget allocation to hire more police officers for the street. He asked Chief Williamson how many positions were authorized and what the number of the current compliment is. Chief Williamson replied that 389 positions are authorized, and there are 20 who are due to graduate from the academy in December, leaving 37 openings. However, there are 5-6 more staff members who are retiring at the end of this year. Committee Chair Johnson asked why there was so much turnover. Chief Williamson said that there are several reasons, but the main one is retirement. Committee Chair Johnson said that no mid-year allocation is necessary. He asked Assistant to the City Manager Teglia to prepare a memorandum that states his desire to suspend the mid-year budget review, as staff is currently working to fill current vacancies. Committee member Sullivan noted that there is a wall on the west side of Akers Road that is routinely tagged. She said that whoever cleans it up does it quickly, and it looks good. She would like to thank the responsible staff member. City Attorney Gennaro said that she will e-mail the information. 6. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m.