HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 FMC RESULTSMONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6. 7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: Flower Street Mini Market Bldg. No.: ____ _ Site Address: 928 Flower Street City: Bakersfield Zip: -=-93:....:3:....:0....:.5 __ _ Facility Contact Person: Hussain Monsour Contact Phone No.: (661) 328-0732 Make/Model ofMonitoring System: Veeder-Root TLS-350 Date ofTesting/Servicing: 12/12/2013 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified ---------·-~-··-·· --... _______ -~ ----~------------~ --· ---~--. ------ Tank 10: 10000 gal. Regular Tank 10: 8000 gal. Super 181Jn-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390-107 181Jn-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390-107 181 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390-420 181 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390-420 181 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX1V 181 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX1V 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 181 Tank Overfill/ II igh-Lcvcl Sensor. Model: 847390-107 181 Tank Overlill/lligh-Lcvel Sensor. Model: 847390-107 D Other (specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2). 0 Other (specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2). Tank 10: Tank 10: D In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: D In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: D Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: D Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 0 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: D Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: D Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: D Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: D Tank Overfill/ High-Level Sensor. Model: D Tank Overlill/lligh-Lcvel Sensor. Model: D Other (specifY equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2 ). D Other (specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Pagc2). Dispenser 10: 1&2 Dispenser 10: 3 & 4 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valvc(s). 181 Shear Valve(s). D Dispen~er Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). D Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser 10: 5 & 6 Dispenser 10: 7 & 8 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Dispen~er Containment Scnsor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valve(s). 181 Shear Valvc(s). D Dispenser Containment Float(s) and C'hain(s). D Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser 10: 9 & 10 Dispenser 10: 11 & 12 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380·208 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valvc(s). 181 Shear Valve(s). D Dispenser Containment Float(s) and C'hain(s). D Dispenser Containment Float(s) and C'hain(s). *If the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Include infom1ation for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification -I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of~generating such reports, I have also attached a copy of the report; (check all that app~v): (gJ SysJ.e!ti7set-up (gJ Alartffliis_twy report Technician Name Bryan Self -=~~~~------------------Certification No.: B37501 ~~~-------------------------- Signature: ~, , v ~ -'-9' , " • 'f r -~ 1 1 J _ I \ Testing Company Name: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Phone Site Address: 928 Flower Street, Bakersfield, CA 93305 Date of Testing/Servicing: 12/12/2013 Page 1 of 3 I Monitoring System Certification D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version Installed: 323.03 ~~~--------------------------- c --he foil ---------------kf _______ ,_ .. ...,. ... 181 Yes 0 No* Is the audible alarm operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Is the visual alarm operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and con firmed operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? 0 Yes 181 No* If alarms arc relayed to a remote monitoring station. is all communications equipment (e.g., modem) 181 N/A operational? 0 Yes 0 No* For pressurized piping systems, docs the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment 181 N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply) 181 Sumpfrrench Sensors; 181 Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? [8] Yes; 0 No. 181 Yes 0 No* For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e., no 0 N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill point(s) and operating properly? If so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? 90% 181 Yes* 0 No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors. probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section E, below. 0 Yes* 181 No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) 0 Product; 0 Water. If yes. describe causes in Section E, below. 181 Yes 0 No* Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, if applicable 181 Yes 0 No* Is all monitoring esuipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? * In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or wiJJ be corrected. E. Comments: Replaced 794380-208 liquid senso!.....r !!..!in!....!t!..!:he~8~7..!.!fi~ll....::=s~u!!.m~pe:..... ---------------- Page 2 of 3 Monitoring System Certification F. In-Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment: 181 Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. 0 Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: ~Yes 0 No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? ~Yes 0 No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? ~Yes 0 No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? ~Yes 0 No* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? ~Yes 0 No* Were all probes reinstalled properly? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): 0 Check this box if LLDs arc not installed. c he foil kl' ~Yes 0 No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification. was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? 0 N/A (Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: ~ 3 g.p.h.: 0 0.1 g.p.h : 0 0.2 g.p.h. ~Yes 0 No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? 181 Yes 0 No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? ~Yes 0 No* For mechanical LLDs, docs the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? 0 N/A 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs. does the turbine automatically shut offifthe LLD detects a leak? 181 N/A 1 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs. does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled ~ NIA or disconnected? 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs. does the turbine automatically shut off i r any portion of the monitoring system 181 N/A malfimctions or fails a test? 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs. have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? 181 N/A ~Yes 0 No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Page 3 of 3 1! .. r .. ··· . FLOWE~ ~"T Hllll HAP.'r 928 FLOWEP. ST BAJ.:ERSrU:Ll'> CA 93305 661-328-0673 01::(; 12. 2013 9:46 ,;,, 9\'STEH STATI~ Hlii'ORT ALL FUtlCTIONS NOP.NAL I tNEtlTOP.': REPORT T I :UIU.EAOED VOLl.t1E • 3092 (;ALS ULLACE • 0935 GALS 90'~ Ul.I.AGE2 7732 GALS TC VOLI.J1E • 30i>l GALS HEIGHT • 31.95 INCHES WATER VOL c 0 CALS WATER • 0.00 IIICHES TEt1P • '13. 8 DEG F T 2:PREHIUH VOLI.J1E " I 225 GALS UUAGE • 1>964 Clll.S 9~ ULJ..Ar;E• 6145 GALS TC VOL~1E • 1212 GML~ HEIGHT • 21 .39 IUCHES WATER VOL • 0 CALS WATER .., 0.00 lt-K:HES TEI1P • 74.5 DEO F K ~ ~ ~ K END ~ K K ~ M SOI-1'WARE REVIS!otl 1.£\/EL VERSION 323.03 SOFTtJAREII 3alt)~23··1 00-D CREATED- NO SOF'Jl.JARE MODUI.E S'ISTEtt FEATURES: PERIODIC lfi·TAUI: TESTS ANill.V\L I N-TAtU~ TESTS SVSTEt1 SETUP ------------DEC 12. 2013 9:47 AH SYSTEM UtH TS u.s. SVSTEI1 l.AtiGUAGE ENGLISH SYSTEM DkTE.lTIN£: fOf<UAT MOfl DO V'I\'Y ttll:l't1:SS AM FLOWER ST HI tU 1"\\iRT 928 FLOWER ST BAJ.:ERSFIELD CA 93305 661-328-0673 SHIFT TINE I : 2:00 AH SHIFT Tlt1E 2 : DISABI.ED SHIFT TINE 3 : IHSABI.ED SHIFT TlHE 4 : DISABLED TAtlJ.: PER TST tlEEOF.D lJRII DISABLED TANK Atltl TST IIEEDED WRII DISABLED LitlE RE-EtlABLE HETIIOD PASS LitlE TEST LINE PER TST tlEEDED WRII DISABLED LitlE ANN TST tlEEDED WRII DISABLED PRINT TC VOLI.J1ES ENABLED TEMP COHPEtlSATION VALUE <DEG F >: 60.0 STICK HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED DA'ILIGHT SAVltiG TIME ENABLED START DATE HAR WEEJ.: 2 SUU START TIME 2:00 AH END DATE NOV WEEJ.: 1 SUN END TINE 2:00 AM SYSTEM SECURITY CODE : 000000 CUSTOM ALARM l.ABF.l.S DISABLED CO~lMutUC'ATlOtiS BETIJP PORT SETTir+::s: tiOtiE FOUtl[l RS-232 END OF MEfS1t::E DISABLED IN-TAN!: SETUP T I :UtiLEAllED PRODUCT CODE THERMAL COEFF TAll~ DIAMETER TAIIJ.: PROFILE FULL VOL 103,5 W::H VOL 98.1 lt~lt VOL 92.6 I~H VOL 87.2 lt~H VOL 81.7 ltlCH VOl. 76.3 ltiCH VOl. 70.8 IUCH VOL 65.4 ltlCH VOL 59,9 IUCH VOL 54.5 IUCH VOL 49.0 INO::ll VOL 43.6 ltlCH VOL 38.1 INCH VOL 32.7 ltlCH VOL 27.2 ltlCH VOL 21.8 lt-K:H VOL 16.3 ltiCH VOL 10.9 ltlCH VOL 5.4 INCH VOL FLOAT SIZE: WATER l·JARtHIK> : IIICH WATER LIMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH f-RODUCT DELIVER'/ LII11T I .000700 109.00 20 PTS 12027 11916 11547 11066 10511 9879 9196 8493 7745 6979 b220 5441 4606 3920 3204 :!503 1850 1245 722 290 4,0 Ill. 2.0 3.0 12027 9~; 10924 95Y. 11425 lOY. 1202 LOW PROD~~ : 500 LEAK ALAP.M LIMIT: 99 SUDDEtl LOSS LIMIT: 50 TAMK TILT : 0.00 PROBE OFFSET : 0,00 Sl PHOU HAtll FOLDED TAW:S Til: tiOtlE LINE HAtUFOLDEl> TAtli:S Til: tiONE LEAK NIU PERIODIC:: . LEAK HI tl AUiiUAL : . 10'4 1202 I ~r.; 1202 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANOARD ANUUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DWADLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARM DI!:!ABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED Allll TEST AVERAGitiG: OFF PER TEST AVERAGitlG: OFF TAIIK ~~ IIOTlF't: OFF TNK TST SlPIIOtl DR~K:UFF DELIVERY DELAY : 2 Mitt PUMP THP.ESHOLD : 10.0~; T 2:PREJ11Lt1 PRODl).."'"T CODE : 2 T~L COEFF :. 000'/00 TAN~ DIAHETEP. : 109.00 TAN~ PROFILE : 20 l"TS FULL VOL : 9199 103.5 INCH VOL : 8089 98.1 I~~H VOL : 7850 92.6 INCH VOL : 7520 87.2 HICH VOl..: : 7141 Br.?· INC11"11~-· 6?tt 76.3 ltiCH VOL : 6259 70.8 ltiCH VOL : 5770 65,•1 ltiCH VOL : 5269 59.9 It~H VOL : 4751 54.5 INCH VOL : ol229 49.0 ItK:H VOL : 3699 43.6 ltK:H VOL : 3180 38.1 ltlCH VOL : 2667 32.7 INCH VOL : 2175 27.2 ItK:H VOL : I 698 21.8 ItK:H VOL : 1258 16.3 INCH VOL : 8•17 10.9 ItK:H VOL : 490 5.4 ltK:H VOL : 198 FLOAT SIZE: ol.O IN. WATER l"ARIH tiG : HIGH WATER LIMIT! tW< OR UIBEL VOl.: OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LIHIT 2.0 3.0 8169 90Y. 7370 95% 7779 IO~; BIB LOlJ PRODUCT : 500 LEAK ALARM LIMI1": 99 SUDDEU LOSS LIMIT: 50 TANK 'f!LT : 0.00 PROBE OFFSET : 0.00 SIPIIOtl MANIFOLDED TANJ.iS Til: NOtiE LINE MANIFOLDED Tlllli:S Til: HOllE LEAt: HIN PERIODIC: LEAl\ MIt I Atltii..VIL 10'~ BIB 10~; BIB PERIODIC TEST ~/PE STkiiDARD AtlllUAL TEST FAIL Alf4Rt1 OISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL Al.AP.M DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL Al.AI\11 DISABLEI> Atltl TEST AVERAGitK;: OFF PER TEST AVERACitiG: OFF TANK TEST tiOTlfY: OFF Ttn: TST Sl PHOtl BP.EAI: :OFF DELIVER'/ DELFIV : 2 Mltl PUMP ·THRESHOl.D ·-: 1 0. ODn LEAK TEST METHOD TEST AfltiUALLY: ALL TANK JUL WE~ l SUit STAAT TINE : 2!30 Al1 TEST RATE : 0. 20 ~Al./HR DURATIOtl : 3 HOURS TST EARl.~ STO~:UISHBLED LEAK 'fEST REPOP.T FORMaT EtlllAtiCED LIQUID SEUSOR SE'l'UP L I : B?-91 AtlllULAP. TRI-STATE <Siti\ILE FI.OAT> CATEGOIN : tllltiULA~ SPl-ICE L 2!B7 STP TRI-STfiTE <SINGLE FI.OAT> CATECOR't : STP Slt1P 1. 3:8? riLL TRI-STATE <SJtiGLI; fLOAT> CATEGOR'/ : PIPIIIG Slt1P L 4:91 STP TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGOR\' : STP SUMP L 5:91 FILL TRI-STATE <Sitlo:>l.E FLOAT> CATEGORY : PIPitiG Sll1P L 6:DISP 1-2 TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEIISER PAll L ?:DISP 3-4 TRI-STATE <SitlGLE FLOIIT> CATEGORY : DISPENSER F'Atl L e:DISP 5-6 TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEIISER PAll L 9:DISP 7-B TRI-STATE <Sit~LE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEUSER PAll LIO!DISP 9-10 TRI-STATE <SitiGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEtt3cP. PM LII:DJSP 11-12 TRI-STATE <SltlGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAtl OIJI'PIJl' RELAY SETUP R 1 :B? STP ~:PE! STAt WARD tiORttALL'/ CLOSED LIQUID SEtiSOR ALt1S L 2:fUEL ALARM L 3:FUEL ALARI1 L 6:FUEL ALARM L ?:FUEL ALARM L B!FUEL ALARt1 L 9!FUEL ALAR11 LtO:FUEL ALAR11 1.11 :FUEL ALAP.M L 2:SEUSOR OUT "tAJ<t1 L 6!SEtiSOR OUT ALARM L ?:SEIISOR OUT ALARM L B:SENSOR OUT ALARM L 9:SEt50R OUT ALARN LJO:SENSOR OUT ALAP.H Lll :SENSOR OUT ALARN L 2!SHORT Al.ARH L 6:SHORT At.ARt1 L ?:SHORT Al.ARt1 L B:SHORT ALARM L 9!SHORT ALARM LIO:SHORT ALARt1 Lll :SHOP.T ALARM R 2:91 STP TYPE: STAIIDARD tlORI'IALLY CLOSED LIQUID SEtiSOR AU1S L 3 :FUEL ALARI1 L 4 :FUEL ALARM L 6!FUEL ALARM L ?:FUEL ALARM L B:FUEL ALARH 1. 9:FUEL ALAJ;t1 LtO:FIJEL ALARH Lll :FUEL ALARM L 3 :SEtSOR OUT ALARH L ol :SENSOR OUT 1\LARH L 6:SENSOR OUT ALAP.M L 7 :SEtlSOR OIJI' Al.kR11 L B:SEtlSOR OIJI' 1KARt1 L 9:SEtiSOR OUT AI..AR11 LtO:SEUSOR OIJI' Al.AP.I'l Lll :SENSOR OUT f1LARI1 L 4 :SHORT At.AP.H L 6 :SHORT ALARH L 7 :SHORT ALARH L B !SHORT ALAP.M L 9 :SitORT Al.AP.M LlO!SHORT Al.ARH Ll 1 :SHOP.T ALARN R 3:0VERFJLL TYPE: STAIIDARD NORNALLV OPEN I tl-TAtlK ALAF.t1S ALL!OVERFILL ALHkM ALL!HIGH PRODUCT ALAht1 RECOtiCILIATION S1:.1UP AUTOI'1ATIC DAILY CI.OSitiG TIME: 2:00 A/1 PERIODIC RECOtiCILIATION MODE: HOtffHL.Y TEMP COMPENSATION STA!lDA'RD BUS-sT:o'i' PUEL MBTF.R ·riffiK-· TANK HAP B1f"l'Y ALARM HI STORY P.E::PUI\1' -----SYSTEt1 fi~Rt1 ---- PAPER OUT DEC 12. 2013 8:45 N1 PRitffER ERROR DEC 12. 2013 8!45 A/1 BATTERY IS OFF JAN 1. 1996 e:oo ~1 X * ~ N ~ END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fiL.ARtl lliSTOR'I RE::I>oRr ----ltl-TA!ll: ALARt1 T 1 : UIILEADED SETUP DATA WARtlltiG HAY 22. 2013 3:50 ~1 HAY 22. 2013 3!45 ft1 OVF.RF IJ.L llUIRt1 OCT 10. 2013 11:21 YH OCT 6. 2013 9!4'/ Ht1 JUL 29. 2013 7:26 Fi·l LOW PRODL).."T ALARt1 DEC 2. 2013 6:02 AN AUG 22. 2013 0:31 PM AUG 5. 2013 7!09 PM HIGH PRODU\-'1' Ali-IRH DEC 12. 2012 9!45 1-\1'1 DEC 15. 2011 10!30 At1 MAR 9. 2010 10:30 AM IINALID FUEL. LEVEL DEC 2. 2013 5:51 AM AUG 22. 2013 8:17 PN AUG 5. 2013 6:29 Pt1 PROBE our HAY 15. 2013 I 14 PH HAY 15. 2013 12 49 PH MAR 22. 2013 11 42 AM DELIVERY NEEDED DEC 1. 2013 2:13 PH NOV 18. 2013 5:26 PH NOV 2. 2013 6:47 AM LOW TEMP WARtUt~ HAY 15. 2013 1:15 PH DEC 12. 2012 9:46 ~1 DEC 15. 2011 10:39 1\11 X K l<' >1 ~ END j( >~ ;. ;. ;. ALAR~! HISTORY REPORT ----lti-TAlll: ALARt-1 ----- T 2:PRF.Hitx1 OVERFILL ALAI\t1 DEC 12. 2012 9:42 ~1 DEC 15. 2011 10:42 AH FEB 6. 2009 1:30 PH LOW PRODUCT ALAI\'11 DEC 2. 2013 5:50 Al'l SEP 3. 2013 8:31 PH AUG 24. 2013 6!19 PH HIGH PRODUCT ALARH DEC 15. 2011 10:41 N1 DEC 17. 2010 9:59 N1 MAR 9. 2010 10:30 AH IINALID FUEL LEVEL AUG 25. 2013 2!45 ~1 JUL 14. 2013 2:45 Pt1 HAY 15. 2013 1:14 PH PROBE our HAY 15. 2013 I 14 ~I HAY 15. 2013 12 50 Pl'l HAR 22. 2013 11 50 ~I DELIVER'/ IIEEDEll NOV 30. 2013 5 49 PH NOV 11. 2013 8 16 Pt1 SEP 2. 2013 5 04 AN LOW TEMP WI\Rtn NG DEC 12. 2012 11:14 AH DEC 17. 2010 12:00 PH M W ~ K ~ EHD w K • N N AL.AAN HISTORY RePORT ----SENSOR ALAP.I1 -----L I !87-91 ANtlUl.liR AflNULAR SMCE FUEL ALA?.t1 DEC 12. 2012 10:10 ~ FUEL ALARt1 DEC 12. 2012 9:55 ~~ SENSOR our ALARH DEC 12. 2012 9:02 (~1 1\ ;o 11t :.t " EIIO " .;. x "' it ALARM IHSTORY RePORT -----SEtlSOR fiU\h'tt --L 2:97 STP STP Sll1P SENSOR our ALRRM DEC 12. 2012 9::12 hl-1 FUEL ALAI\11 DEC 12. 2012 9:20 AN SEft:iOR OUT fllARtt DEC 15. 2011 10:22 AH ~ M -" ~ ~ EtlO ~ M ~ ~ " ALARM ltiSTOR'/ RJ:l'Or<lo --- 0 ·-:3ENSOR Mt.AflM L 3:97 FILL PiPit~ Slt1P FUEL 1\I...AP.H DEC 12. 2012 10:~7 AH FUEL AIJIRM DEC 12. 2012 10!2'l ~1 SEtl£lOR OUT Alf\Rt1 DEC 12. 2012 9:32 At1 * ;o ~ k ~ EflO ~ A ~ ~ ~ At.ARH HISTOR\' Rm>OP.T ---SENSOR ALAJ\11 • o o ·- L 4:91 S1"P STP9lJ1P SENSOR OUT ALRRH DEC 12. 2012 11:05 At1 FUEl. ALAP.M DEC 12. 2012 11:05 AM SEtiSOR OUT At.ARH DEC 12. 2012 11:02 ~1 * * ~ ~ ~ EflD ~ ~ " " ~ ALARt1 11131"0R': REI-<l){lo -----SEtEiOR Al.Jtl\11 --• --L 5:91 FILL PIPitiG SlJ1P SENSOR our ALAJ\ti DEC 12. 2012 9:32 ~1 FUEL ALARI1 DEC 12. 2012 9:19 AH FUEL AI.ARtt APR 13. ~012 11!36 HH )( * :.t ~ ~ EtlD 1\ ;o ;o ~ W ALRRN HIS"TOR'.' Rl:t'ORT -----SEtc:iOR IILARt1 --0 -- L 6:UISP l-2 DISPENSER PAtl BENSOP. OUT ALARM DEC 12. 2012 9:32 ~ FUEL ALARt1 DEC 12. 2012 9:27 MH SENSOR Our ALARM DEC 15. 2011 10:~2 i~ I< lo. i< :.t ;. EtiD )( " .;. • )( ALARH IIISTOP.Y REI>OkT -----SEtt:lOR H1J)Rt1 L 7:DfSP 3-4 DISPENSER PAU SENSOR our AI..AJ\f1 DEC 12. ~012 9:~~ ~1 FUEL AtARt1 DEC 12. 2012 9:26 ~t SENSOR OUT ALARt1 DEC 15. 2011 10:22 fiM M " " ;; ,. EfiO li ;.; ), " " Al.ARI1 HIS'fOR': RB'Or<r -----SENSOR ALARt1 ---··-L e:DISP 5-6 DISPENSER PAN SENSOR OUT ALAP.H DEC 12. 2012 9:3~ ~1 FUEL AtARt1 DEC 12. 2012 9:25 111'1 SElSOR OUT ALARM DEC 15. 2011 10:22 ~ I( I( I( A A E~O A ~ ~ ~ ~ ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SEIISOR AUI~ -· --L 9:DISP 7-8 D1SPEIISER PAN SElSOR OUT AU\RU DEC 12. 2012 9:32 AN FUEl, ALAI\1·1 DEC 12. 2012 9:25 AM FUEL HlARtt NOV b• 2012 J2alc) f11 ~ II ,; ,; )( EIIO li io< ')( ;. ~ ALARt1 Hlsro~: P.F.Pu~r ----S[;lt30R AU\111 ··----L10:DISP 9-10 DISPENSER PAN SENSOR OUT AUIRH DEC 12. 2012 9!rl2 1-\H FUEL ALHRM DEC 12. 2012 9:28 1";11 SEriSOR Ollr ALHRH DEC 15. 2011 10!22 f~ M .11 A " " EtiD ;( iol .:.__:_:j ALARI1 IIISTOR': REP<II?l' -----SEt/SOP. t-~l.AF:t1 ··--- LIJ!fJISP 11-12 DISPEtiSER PAtl FUEL Al.AI\11 DE("; 12. 2012 9:57 1\11 SI:IISOR OUT Al.AP.I1 DEC 12. 2012 9:j2 AM FUEL Al.IIF?M DEC 12. 2012 9:29 Atl • ~ ~ ~ w E~O h ~ • • ~ ----11\-TAHI\ Al.fii<H ----- T 2:PREMI~ DELIVER'/ tiEEDED DEC 12. 2013 9:03 AH ----Jti-TAII" ALARI1 -----T 2!PREM1Lt1 LOW PROD!~ AlARM DEC 12. 2013 9:03 AH ---W-TANJ: Al.Hl\t1 ----- T 2:PREH1Lt1 INVALll.l FUEL LEVEl. DEC 12. 2013 9:03 AH I I .. ---).N-TAtUetALAJtl·---• T 2:PREHilJ1' PROBE OUT DEC 12. 2013 ~:03 AM ----J ti-TA~II: ALARM -··---T I :UtiLEAuED DELIVERY IIEEVEll DEC 12. 2013 9:0~ AM ----HI-TAN!! AI...ARt1 -----T I :UNLEf.IDED PROBE OUT DEC 12. 2013 9!04 ~1 1' 2:PREI111.X1 I tNEtfTOR\' I t!CREF.SE INCREASE b&flf<l' DEC 12. 2013 9:1)3 AN VOLlJ1c .. 2£)5 Cfll.S HEIGHT • 7,27 ltiCHES WATER • 0. 00 INCitES TEMP _....,.. ~·-74.5 DEG f. ltiCR~E EtlD DEC 12· 2013 9!08 fiH VOLltiE HEIGHT WATER TENP • 4541 GALS • 57. 7i> lll/;IIES a 1.02 ltl>;IIES • 73.3 OEG F GROSS I tlCREASE• -1256 TC tiET I NCREASE• -121 G T 1 : UULEADEO I tNEtfTOR'/ I tlCP.EF.SE IUCREA:3E STAAT DEC 12. 2013 9!0-l AM VOLUIIE HEIGHT WATER TEHP 771 GHLS • II .45 lrf~HES • 0,00 BlCitt::"l • 73.8 OEC F INCREASe EtiD DEC 12. 2013 9!10 ~~ VOLlJI1E HEIGHT WATER TEHP • 8013 CALS ,. 73.30 INCitES • 0. 96 IIICHES • 72.6 DEC F GROSS IUCP.EASE• B0-12 TC NET I tiCREASE• 797:1 -----SEtiSOR illARI1 ----- L 2:97 ST.P STP SUtiP FUEL Al.ARH DEC 12. 2013 9:20 AH ----• SEtlSOR ALHJ.lf1 ----- L 4:91 STP STP SUI1P FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9!20 t\11 -----SEtlSOR fllAP.11 ----- L 6:DISP 1-2 DISPEt(3F.R PAll FUEL fll.ARH DEC 12. 2013 9:2e AN -----::mrrsoR ALARt1 -----L 7!DISP 3-4 DISPEtl!:lER PAU FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:~2 IV1 -----SEtiSOR AIJ1Rr'l ----- L 9:DlSI\ 7-B DISPI:NSER PAN FUEL ALARH DEC 12. 2013 ~:~3 ~1 -----SEIISOR fll.AI\11 -----L S!DISI' 5-6 DISPErSER PAll FUEL AU\F.11 DEC 12. 2013 9:~3 AH FtOt~ER !:>T MINI 111-\F<T 928 FLOt-JER ST BAJ:ERSF I ELD CA 9:33115 661-32~-0673 DEC 12. 2013 9:23 AM S'/STI:l1 STATIJ9 REPOT<f L 8:FU£L 1-\LAT<rt FLOWER ST Ml tH MART 928 FLOWER ST BAJ:ERSFIELD CA 93305 661-328-0673 DEC 12. 2013 9!23 AM SYSTEM STAT~ NEVCk'l' L 8!FUEL f-\LAJ\11 -----SENSOR f\LAI\11 -LIO:DISP 9-10 DJSPEtiSER PAU FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:2•1 Pl1 FLOWER !:>T HitU MRl' 928 FLOWER 81' BAKERSFIELD CA 93305 661-320-0t>73 DEC 12. 2013 9:24 W1 SYSTEM STAT~ REI'OI?J' Ll O:FUEL AI.AP.M -----SEtiSOR ALAP.tl ----LII:DISP 11-12 DISPErSER PAll FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:24 AM -----SEtiSOR Al.J\PJ1 ---··-L 5:91 FILL PIP I tl\1 SUI'IP FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:25 AN ----ltl-TAtlK AL/11111 --··--T 2:I•REI11UM OVERFILL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:2'l W1 -----SEtiSOR ALAP.tt -----L 1:87-91 ANUULAR AllllULA?. SI'ACE FUEL ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:21 N1 T 2:PP.EMIUM lliVEIITOP.'I HfCREM$E ItlCP.EA."lE START DEC 12. 2013 9:27 N1 VOLUME HEIGHT WATEP. TEMP • 4550 CAI.S ,. 57. 85 lt~HES • 0. CJO ltlCHES M 42.9 DEC F I NCR EASE EUD DEC 12. 2013 9:30 AN VOLUI1E HEIGHT WATER TEMP • 7439 GALS • 91.44 ltiCHES .. o.on JtiGHES • 42.9 DEu F GROSS ~~~REkSE• 2889 TC NET ltfCREASE• 292<1 -----SEtiSOP. AI.ARM -----L I :87-91 fltltWLAR ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARH DEC 12. 2013 9:31 At-1 ~ -- T I : U NI.EI\DED I liVEIITOR\' I tlCREIISE I tiCREASE START DEC 12. 2013 9:29 AH VOLUNE HEIGIIT WATER TEMP • 8812 GALS • 73.30 Jf~HES • 0. 9·1 ltt.:HES • 54.5 IiEC F I tiCREHSE EtiD DEC 12. 2013 9:32 AH VOLUME HEIGIIT WATER Tl:l1P • 1 02'l2 ·~Al.S • 85.09 JUo::IIES • 0. 94 I t~IIES • 53.7 DEC F GROSS ltiCP.EASE• 14&0 TC tlET I t~::REAS£.. I 470 ---Ill-TAW: ALI'IRH -----T I : UUI.EADED HIGH PHODUCT ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:34 MM ----IN-TANK fll.Ak't1 • ---T I :Uti!.EADED ltNAL I D FUEL l.EVEL DEC 12. 2013 9:36 NH ----11~-TANI: Al.JIRM -----T 2:PREI'11tl1 IINALID FUEL LI:.'VE!. DEC 12. 2013 9:38 wt ----lfl-TAIII: ALAJ<H -----T 2:PREMill'l LQI,J PRODl)..""T ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:30 N1 ----lti-TAtiK 1\U\f<H -----T 2!PREt11UM DELIVERY tiEEDED DEC 12. 2013 9:3tl Al'l T 2:PRENIUM ltNENTORV WCREA!JE I tiCREASE START DEC 12. 2013 9:38 Al'l VOLl.tiE HEIGHT WATEP. TEMP 710 CAI-'3 • 14.3£ lt~IIES • 0.00 I tiCHES • &15.2 IIEC F INCREASE EIID DEC 12. 2013 9!•13 t\11 VOLUME HEIGIIT WATER TEMP • 1215 GALS • 21 .25 JIICHES • 0.'17 m:HES • 45.2 DEG F GROSS INCREASE• 505 TC NE:.,. WCREASE• 511 ----SEtiSOP. AlARt1 -----L 3:97 FII.L PIPlt~ Sl.tiP SEtSOR OUT ALARM DEC 12. 2013 9:~4 AH -----SEtiSOk ALMI?N -L 3!97 FILL PIPltlG Sl.t1P FUEL Al.ARH DEC 12. 2013 9:59 AH -----SEUSOR Al.ARN ----- 1. 9!DISP 7-8 0151-'EflScP. PAN SEtiSOR Ol1f 1-\l.ARN DEC 12. 2013 10:01 Al1 -----SEtiSOR HLJ.II:'t1 ----- LIO:IJISP 9-10 DISPEt~ER F'Atl SEUSOP. OUT ALAf<M DEC 12. 2013 10:111 Nl -----SEtiSOR fll.APJI ······--1.11 :OJSP 11-12 DJSPEtiSER PAN SEtlSOR OUT I'ILARN DEC 12. 201~ 10:01 AN ----·-~Et~P. Al.JIRH --··-- L 1 :87-91 AtiNUtAR AIINULAR SP/\CE SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 12. 2013 10:01 AH -----SEt~OP. l-\l.kRt1 -----L 2:87 STP STP SU~1P SENSOR OUT l-ll.AP.t1 DEC 12. :?013 IO!tll 1-111 -----SEtSOT\ ALMI:'I1 -----!. 3:87 FILL PIPING SUMP SEflSOR OtiT Al.J\Rt1 DEC 12. 2013 10:01 At1 -----SErSOR 1\U1R11 ----- L 4:91 STP STP Slt1P SErt30R Otn· ALAf<tl DEC 12. :!013 10:112 r\11 -----SEtlSOR Al.Ar.t1 -----L 5!91 FILL PIPINV SUNP SENSOR OIJT ALARI•J DEC 12. 2013 10:02 AM -----SEtlSOP. AI.ARH ----- L 6:DISP 1-2 DISPEt~ER PfiN SEtiSOR OUT ALARM DEC 12. 2013 10:02 Al"l -----SEtlSOR AlARt1 ··--··-!. 7!DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAU SEtlSOR OUT AlARt1 DEC 12. 2013 10:02 AM -----SElSOR ALARM -----L a:OJSP 5·6 DISPENSER PAU SEtSOR OUT ALARM DEC 12. 2013 10:02 AH ( ~fiDE'+. CJO C'~ \UST; ~ +' ~'lfuc'f\0 ~fiDE'+. CJO ~ ~USTCJ. ~,CES•~ '9UilD Willi CONFIDENCE" uc.970703 ""COMPLIANCE Willi CONFIDENCE" Lic.804904 Toll Free #: 1-800-339-9930 Name: Confidence UST Street: 16250 Meacham Road City: Bakersfield CA 93314 Terms: Descriotion of work oerformed. ~t;..\\ \'\t. I\\ ~A :I. 'f"\ ~o.,..r.-\-~rnt\ :-L \ ~. ~~~ q'ro..d', i=' l I \V"\ v A\\ ~ l \. TRAVEL and LABOR Date I Technician(s) Name I Travel Labor Travel Date I Technician(s) Name I Travel Labor Travel Date I Technician(s) Name I Travel Labor Travel Job Order /Invoice #: ?/ :fqQ Date Called Tome To Whom Site Name: 17m_, v../ ~ /11. ·.., . ,4/h ,..1 Street: Cl7.P, R /\I .tP./ .<\'.I City: 8a ILrr~-P~P\~ StateC...A Zap: q;5os- Store No: _<) '1/<;.f.r:VV\ "" /"')!/'\ ~ j 1"\, ' "'"' t:.P..+- \--~!.?\nor ·c>rl -h. \ iM-/ './~.f -i.Cfrl tttJ/CA/cl ~U\VV. Q (., . r~ L..t.v +y<;;+ <Dr.-t ~ t' d' ' 1<-·l A , ur. ' 1 ~c 1.1; ,, -IIi Jn f2JIV1 F 1 v (0.5 Hour M1n1mum labor Charge) OVERTIME (5:00 PM -7:00AM) Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal SUPPLIES-MATERIALS-RENTALS Check One oty. I UST Parts Site Parts COMMENTS Store Employee Print Name· Technioan Pnnt Name: Store Employee S1gnaturt1: f Date Technician S1gnaturt1: l Date INVOICE -WI -SITE-CANARY