HomeMy WebLinkAboutHP GO GO-3301 Wible SB-989SWRCB. January 2002 Page __ of __ 4. TANK ANNULAR TESTING Test Method Developed By: [J Tank Manufacturer 0 industry Standard Prolcssional Engineer L Other (Spec{(y) Test Method Used: I Pressure L'Vacuum Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" t·: ~~/~: ~ -;:>~ ;~ ~ , .. -~~: ~.::~}--~:~~~~ ,·· Tank# 87-1 Tank# 87-2 Tank #91 Tank# Is Tank Exempt From Testing?1 Yes X No Yes X No ~Yes X No Yes No Tank Capacity Tank Material: Tank Manufacturer: Product Stored: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (Rt-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass OFail 0 Pass OFaiJ 0 Pass 0 Fail Was sensor removed for testing? Yes No NA r Yes DNo 8NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and Yes No NA Yes 'lNo ~NA ...... Yes No NA Yes No NA verified functional after testing? Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended (ol/oll'-up (orfailed tests) SINGLE WALL TANKS 1 Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors both the primary and secondary containment, such as systems that arc hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment testing. {California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2637(a)(6)} SWRCB, January 2002 Page_ of_ 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Test Method Developed By: 0 Piping Manufacturer x Industry Standard ll Professional Engineer 0 Other (Spec[fy) Test Method Used: x Pressure 0 Vacuum U Hydrostatic 0 Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" ... ,._ Piping Run# 87-1 Piping Run# 87-2 Piping Rm1 # Piping Run# Piping Material: Plastic Plastic Piping Manufacturer: Franklin APT Franklin APT Piping Diameter: 1.50" 1.50" Length ofPiping Run: 50.00' 50.00' Product Stored: Regular Regular Method and location of Boot in STP Boot in STP piping-run isolation: . Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and 5 min. 5 min. starting test: Test Start Time: 9:30am 9:30am Initial Reading (R1): 5 psi 5 psi Test End Time: I 0:30am I 0:30am Final Reading(~): 5 psi 5 psi Test Duration: 5 min. 1 hour Change in Reading (RF-R1): 0 psi 0.00" Pass/Fail TI1reshold or 0.00" 0.00" Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass OFail 0 Pass 0 Fail Comments-(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended.follow-up.for.failed tests) Replaced (2) test boots in Disp. # 1/2, also installed (3) jumpers. SWRCB, January 2002 Page_ of_ 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Test Method Developed By: [l Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard D Professional Engineer U Other (SpecifJ~ Test Method Used: n Pressure D Vacuum x Hydrostatic n Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts Equipment Resolution: Sump# 87-1 Sump# Sump# Sump# Sump Diameter: 36.00" Sump Depth: 46.00" Sump Material: Fiberglass Height from Tank Top to Top of 15.00' Highest Piping Penetration: Height from Tank Top to Lowest 21.00" Electrical Penetration: Condition of sump prior to testing: Clean Portion of Sump Tested1 19.00" Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?• DYes DNo XNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo C'NA Turbine shutdown response time NA Is system programmed for fail-safe shutdown?" DYes DNo XNA UYes []No LlNA lJ Yes lJNo UNA DYes DNo DNA Was fail-safe verified to be DYes nNo XNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA operational?• Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting 5 Min test: Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (~,): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: D Pass X Fail D Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail D Pass D Fail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo UNA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA 0 Yes D No UNA DYes DNo DNA verified functional after testing? Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended.fo!low-up.for.failed tests) Replaced piping penetration and VR penetration, also sealed all electrical fittings and riser penetrations on bottom of SJll11.P.. 1 If the entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to @Y of the questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) SWRCB, January 2002 Page __ of __ -' Test Method Developed By: D UDC Manufacturer x Industry Standard U Professional Engineer 0 Other (Specify) Test Method Used: D Pressure D Vacuum x Hydrostatic D Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts Equipment Resolution: UDC # 1-2 UDC #3-4 UDC# UDC# -- UDC Manufacturer: Total Con. Total Con. UDC Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass UDC Depth: 36.00" 36.00" Height from UDC Bottom to Top 16.00" 16.00" of Highest Piping Penetration: Height from UDC Bottom to 12.00" 12.00" Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition ofUDC prior to Clean Clean testing: Portion ofUDC Tested 20.00" 20.00" Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?• DYes DNo XNA DYes DNoX NA DYes DNo uNA DYes DNo DNA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown?· DYes DNo XNA DYes nNoXNA DYes DNo DNA DYes DNo DNA Was fail-safe verified to be DYes DNo XNA DYes operational?• DNoX NA DYes LNo [ NA DYes DNo DNA Wait time between applying 5Min 5 Min pressure/vacuum/water and starting test Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass OFail 0 Pass 0 Fail D Pass D Fail Was sensor removed for testing? XYes DNo DNA XYes DNo DNA 0 Yes ~No LJNA DYes D No DNA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes DNo DNA X Yes DNo DNA DYes DNo r'NA DYes DNo lJNA verified functional after testing? Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to 1esting, and recommendedfollow-upforfai/ed tests) Replaced Vapor Return Line penetrations and electrical penetrations with Bravo fittings and sealed all Icon penetrations. 1 If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to illlY of the questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) Name: Street: City: Terms: ~fiDE'+, CJO (\~ \UST; ~ ~-~lfuc1\0 "SUlLO WITH CONFIDENCE• Lic.970703 ~fiDE'+. CJO ~ ~USTcl ~ ~ "'CES• "COMPLIANCE WITH CONFIDENCE• Lic.804904 Toll Free #: 1-800-339-9930 Confidence UST 16250 Meacham Road Bakersfield CA 93314 Descriotion of work oerformed: :::::>~ 9£9 , l JIJ? I Job Order /Invoice #: s Jr&s/J Date Called T1me I ToWhom ltti&eb Site Name: \-\ p Go <?o Street: -::?-::?~I W1b\<2 ~ City: t-<-c. \<..u>s ~ "~> J r .. State:1'2J1_ Zip: Q ~d7 <J Store No: .... ~a,a...s , fo:!ea'~tl ,() :j:}/J1J / e/~c-J0e11~ M/JI, ...u.c:::.. lr1 tlnr. «F l-2., _?,. t:. I , WI , v v ... ... ~-~tJ 4H J: U)Y'\ 0-eV\ '€. \"--Lc. ~ _M_ ~~./ \.l} t-UA ~ rl ~' V' -.. J TRAVEL and LABOR (0.5 Hour Minimum Labor Charge) OVERTIME (5:00 PM -7:00AM) Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal H-Jfl 'S"~ ~t\Ae ~A...J Travel ~:3"0 2:(0 ~~ Labor Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Travel Labor Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Travel Labor Travel SUPPLIES-MATERIALS-RENTALS Check One Qty. USTPaps Site Parts ~ Fs-JO /f./ '::J ~-<,-~ )/" ~ r-s<:~r, t/ \ ~r\e v-o r £.(.) 1\A v/ I ·1-vbe ~t J /L, 1:::::: L-- - COMMENTS Store Employee Print Name: Technician Print Name: Store Employee Signature: I Date Technician Signature: I Date INVOICE-WHITE SITE -CANARY HPGOGO HPGOGO 12/10/2013 9:01 Ali 12/10/2013 12:11 PH SUIIP LEAK TEST REPORT SUH? lEAK TEST REPORT 8~TP UOC34 TEST STARTED s:ns Al1 TEST STARTED 11:56 Al1 TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 BEGIU lEVEl 4,5599 IU BEGIII LEVEL 6,3472 Ill 910 TII1E 9:01 AH 810 TIHE 12:11 PH 910 DATE 12/10/2013 EJIO DATE 12/10/2013 910 LEVEL 4,5601 Ill EllO LEVEL 6.3467 w lEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 Jtl lEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 Ill lEST RESULT PASSED TEST RESULT PASSED HPGOGO I HPGOGO 12/10/2013 9:17 Ali 12/10/2013 12:27 PH SUMP l£I,K TEST REPORT SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT -8(STP I I UDC34 TEST STARTED 9:02 AH TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 TEST STARTED 12:12 PH BEG Ill lEVEl a.s5os m TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 ElD TJHE 9:17 Al1 BEGW LEVEL 6,3468 HI El~ DATE 12/10/2013 EJIO TIHE 12:27 Pl1 810 LEVEL 4,5604 Ill EJIO DATE 12/10/2013 LEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill EllO LEVEL 6,3465 Jtl TEST RESULT PASSED lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED = H?G(X;O 12/10/2013 9:18 AH Al.ARt1 REPORT 12/10/2013 9:18 AH POVER 001/U 12/10/2013 9:18 AH POVER UP H?GOGO H?GOGO 12/10/2013 9:~6 AH StJHP LEAK TEST REPORT uoc 1-2 TEST STARTED 9:30 AH TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 eEGIIl lEVEL 4, 3199 lU 810 TIHE 9:46 AH 810 DATE 12/10/2013 8lD lEVEL ll,3181 JU LEAK THRESHOlD o. oo2 m TEST REStl.T PASSED 12/10/2013 10:110 AH SUHP lEAK TEST REPORT uoc 1-2 TEST STARTED 10:211 AH TEST STARTED 12/10/2013 BEGIIllEVEL 4,3111·m .... ,- 810 TIHE 10:110 AH EtiO OATE 12/10/2013 810 lEVa 4,3116 m lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 lU TEST RESULT PASSED