HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC 2013MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State of California Authority Cited: Chapter 6. 7, 1/ea/th and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. I\ separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. I\ copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/operator. The owner/operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: Samco Food Store #2 Bldg. No.: ____ _ Site Address: 3300 White La ne City: Bakersfie ld, CA Zip: 93309 .:....;;....;...;;...:;_ __ _ Facility Contact Person: Sam J oud a I Sam J r. Contact Phone No.: (661) 333-0000/472-9090 Make/Model of Monitoring System: ...:V...:e...:e...:d...:e..;..r-..:.R.:.:o:...:o:...:t:....:T:....:L::..S:......:.3..::.5..:.0 _________ Date of Testing/Servicing: 12/9/2013 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified Check the appropriate boxes to indicate specific equipment inspected/serviced: Tank 10: 12,000 gal. Regular Tank 10: 12,000 gal. Su~er 1811n-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390-107 1811n· Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390-107 181 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390-420 181 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390-420 181 Piping Sump I Trench Scnsor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Fill Sump Scnsor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX-1V 181 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX-1V 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 181 Tank Overfill I lligh-L..cvcl Sensor. Model: 847390-107 181 Tank Overfill I lligh-l.cvcl Sensor. Model: 847390-107 0 Other (specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2). 0 Other {specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2). Tank 10: Tank ID: 0 In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 0 In-Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 0 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 0 Annular Space or Vaull Sensor. Model: 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 0 Piping Sump I Trench Sensor(s). Model: 0 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 0 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Tank Overfill I lligh-Level Sensor. Model: 0 Tank Overfill I lligh-L..cvel Sensor. Model: 0 Other (specify equipment t)pe and model in Secuon Eon Page 2). 0 Other (specify equipment type and model in Section Eon Page 2). Dispenser ID: 1&2 Dispenser ID: 3&4 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valve(s). 181 Shear Vnlve(s). 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: 5&6 Dispenser 10: 7&8 181 Dispenser Containment Scnsor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valve(s). 181 Shear Valve(s) 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser TD: 9 & 10 Dispenser 10: 11 & 12 181 Dispenser Containment Scnsor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380-208 181 Shear Valve(s). 181 Shear Valvc(s). 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). 0 Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). . . •lfthe facility contains more tanks or dispensers. copy thts form. Include mformauon for every tank and dtspenscr at the facthty. C. Certification -I certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected/serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also ott.chod • <OPY orth• "poet; (ch"k all lf'"tapply)' 121 Syste m set-up 121 A)a;:.!';s~epo't Technician Name (print): Bradley Seykora Stgnature: ....;~~2:::::::=:~::=~=======----- Certification No.: B40738 License. ~_.::.80=..4..:..:9:..:0:....:4:.__ ___________ _ Testing Company Name: Confid ence UST Services Phone No.: ~(8::..:0:..:0:...~.)_:3:..:3:...:9:....-9::..:9::..:3:...:0:...._ ____ _ Site Address: 3300 W h ite La ne, B akersfie ld, CA 93309 Date ofTesting/Servicing: 12/9/2013 Page 1 of 3 Monitoring System Certification D. Results of Testing/Servicing Software Version Installed: 329.00 ~~~---------------------------- c omplete the following checkJist: 181 Yes 0 No* Is the audible alarm operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Is the visual alarm operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? 0 Yes 0 No* Tf alanns are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g., modem) 181 N/A operational? 181 Yes 0 No* For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment 0 N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fai Is to operate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut-down? (Check all that apply) 181 Sump/Trench Sensors; 181 Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut-down due to leaks and sensor failure/disconnection? 181 Yes; 0 No. 181 Yes 0 No* For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e., no 0 N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill point(s) and operating properly? If so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? 90% 181 Yes* 0 No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section E, below. 181 Yes* 0 No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) 0 Product; 181 Water. If yes, describe causes in Section E, below. 181 Yes 0 No* Was monitoring system set-up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, if applicable 181 Yes 0 No* Ts all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? * In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: The 91 LLD was replaced during testing. Page 2 of 3 Monito ring System Certification F. In-Tank Gauging I SIR Equipment: 181 Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. 0 Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in-tank gauging equ ipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checkl ist: 181 Yes 0 No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and tem1ination, including testing for ground faults? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? 181 Yes 0 No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? 181 Yes 0 No* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all probes reinstalled properly? 181 Yes 0 No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, descnbe how and when these defic•enc1es were or w1ll be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): 0 Check this box if LLDs are not installed. c omplcte the following checklist: 181 Yes 0 No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verifY LLD performance? 0 N/A (Check a// that apply) Simulated leak rate: 181 3 g.p.h.; 0 0.1 g.p.h ; 0 0.2 g.p.h. 181 Yes 0 No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? 181 Yes 0 No* Was the testing apparatus properly ca librated? 181 Yes 0 No* For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? 0 N/A 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? 181 N/A 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled 181 N/A or disconnected? 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions 181 N/A or fa ils a test? 0 Yes 0 No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? 181 N/A 181 Yes 0 No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? * In the Section H, below, desc n be how and when these defic•enc1es were or will be corrected. H. Comments: The origiRal LLD oJ:J the 91 failed to catch a 3 GPH leak@ 10 PSI aRd-was replaced \Alith a ne\Al Red lacket EX-1\/, the new LLD was tested and confirmed operationaaJ-<1 aa~ftme~rJiunsSlt:aa,u;llaa~t"i( JLl.-------------- Page 3 of 3 Lea k Detector Test Results Sheet Cust omer Address: Work Order: 31757 Site Address: Samco Food store, Inc. 3817 Wilson Road, Suit B Bakersfield, CA 93309 Test Date: 12/9/2013 Samco Food Store #2 3300 White La ne Bakersfield, CA 93309 Site Contact: Sam Jouda Phone: 661-399-3866 Technician: Bradley Seykora Phone: 800-339-9930 ICC No.: 8111231 Product Type LLD Type Model Regular UNL Mechanical FX1V Premium UNL Mechanical FX1V Technician Name: ~ Signature: / Serial No. Check Valve Holding Pressure N/A 20 PSI N/A 21 PSI Technician No.: -oate: Bleed Leak Off ML. Rate Tested: 95 ml 3gph@ 10 psi 115 ml 3gph@ 10 psi 3gph@ 10 psi 3 gph@ 10 psi 3 gph@ 10 psi 3 gph@ 10 psi 3gph@ 10 psi 3gph@ 10 psi 8111231 12/9/2013 Pass/Fail Pass Pass BIG COUtlfRY CHEVROtl 3300 WIIITE Ltl. BAXERSFIELD.CA 93309 661-827 0487 DEC 9. 2013 9:18 N1 SYSTEM STATUS REPORT I-ILL FUNCTIONS NORMAL I tlVEtlTORY REPORT T I :SIJPREI1 VOLU1E • 7763 GALS ULLAGE • 4237 GALS 9W. ULLAGE• 3037 GALS TC VOLU1E • 7826 GALS liEIGHT • 59.18 ltlCHES WATER VOL • 0 GALS WATER • 0.00 ltiCHES TEMP • 48.3 DEC F T 2:1JtlLEADED VOLU'1E • 7760 GALS ULLAGE • 4240 GALS 90Y. ULLAGE• 3040 GALS TC VOLUME • 7845 GALS HEIGHT • 59.16 INCHES WATER VOL • I 8 GAUl WATER • 0.91 lt~HES TEMP • 44.3 DEC F SOF'TWARE REVISI Otl LEVEL VERSION 329,00 SOFTWAREU 346329-100-A CREATED- S-HODIJLEU 330160-004-c SVSTEI1 FEATURES: PERIODIC lfl-1'fltll: TESTS AtiiiUAL W-TANI: TESTS ISO SYSTEM SETUP DEC 9. 2013 9:18 A/'1 SYSTEM UtllTS u.s. SYSTEM LAtl\'lUACE EIIGLISH S'/STEM MTE/TIHE FORMAT NOtl DD YVVV HII:MH:SS :.J1 BIG COUtlfRY CHEVROII 0300 WHITE LN, BA~ERSFIELD.CA 93309 661-827 0487 SHIFT TINE I SHIFT TIME 2 SHIFT TINE 3 SHIFT TINE 4 DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED DISABLED TANK PER TST tiEEDED WRN DISABLED TAilK ANti TST NEEDED l4Rtl DISABLED LitlE RE-ENABLE METHOD PASS L INE TEST LitlE PER 1'ST NEEDED WRN DISABLED Ll tiE Atltl TST IIEEDED WRtl DISABLED PRINT TC V0Lil1ES ENABLED TEMP COMPEIISATION VALUE <DEC F): 60.0 STICY. HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED ULLAGE: 90.~ H-PROTOCOL DATA FORt1AT HEIGHT DA\ILIGIIT SAVItiG TINE ENABLED START DATE MAR WEE~ 2 SUtl START TIME 2:00 AM END DATE NOV WEE.-SUtl END TIME 2 :00AM RE-DI RE<-'T L~AI. PRJNTOtrr f-k~SABJ..ErJ._:.:·-. , _..,._. -~ EURO PROTOCOL PP.EFIX s SVSTS1 SECURITY CODE : 000000 l~ltlfEI·lAt~E HISTORY DISABLED TANI: CHART SECURITY DISABLED CUSTOt1 ALARMS DISABLED SERVICE NOTICE DI SABLED ISO 3166 COUNTRV CODE: MASS/DENSI TY DISABLED COI11UIIICATIONS SETUP PORT SETTJt:CS: COHM BOARD : 1 <EDIM > RS-232 SECURITY CODE : DISABLED COMM BOARD : 2 <RS-232) BAUD RATE : 9600 PARITY : EVEN STOP BIT : 1 STOP DATA LENGTH: 7 DATA RS-232 SECURITY CODE : DISABLED COI11 BOARD : 3 <RS-232> BAUD RATE : 9600 PARITY : NONE STOP BIT : I STOP DATA LENGTH: 8 DATA RS-232 SECURITY CODE : DISABLED AUTO TRANSMIT SETTINGS: AUTO LEAK ALARM LIMIT DISABLED AUTO HIGH WATER LIMIT DISABLED AUTO OVERFILL LIMIT DISABLED AUTO LOW PRODUCT DISABLED AUTO THEFT LIMIT DISABLED AUTO DELIVERY STAP.T DISABLED AUTO DELIVERY EtiD DISABLED AUTO EXTERNAL lllPUT ON DISABLED AUTO EXTERNAL I flPUT Off DISABLED AUTO SENSOR FUEL ALARM DISABLED AUTO SENSOR WATER ALARM DISABLED AUTO SENSOR OUT ALARI'I DISABLED RS-232 EtlD OF t1ESSAGE DISABLED I U-TAtn: SETUP T I :SUPREH PRODUCT CODE THERI1AL COEFF TANK DIAMETER TANK PROFILE FULL VOL FLOAT SIZE: WATER WARNitlG : HIGH WATER L IMIT: MAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT : . HIGH PRO_Dy_CT ___ .: DELIViERv L JHJT : I .000700 96.00 I PT 1:1000 4,0 ltl. 2.0 3,0 12000 9W. 10800 95% 1"1400 10'4 1200 LOW PRODUCT : 1200 LEAl: ALARM LIMIT: 99 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 99 TANl: TILT : 0 .00 PROBE OFFSET 0.00 SIPHON ~lANIFOLDED TANKS Til! NOtiE LitlE MANIFOLDED TAtiKS Til: NONE LEAl: NIN PERIODIC: LEAK Hill ANtlUAL ; 1 OJ: 1200 I 0!~ 1200 PERIODIC TEST 1"/PE STANDARD AtliiUAt TEST FAll. ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL . ALARM DI SABLED GROSS TEST FAIL .. "ALARM D I SABI.ED A Nil TEST AVERAG ltiG: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TAIIK TEST NOTI FY: OFF TNK TST SIPHON BREAI::OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 1 MIN PltlP THRESHOLD : 1 0. OOl; T 2:Utll.EADED PRODUCT CODE THERt1AL COEfF TAIIK DIAMETER TAIIK PROFILE FULL VOL FLOAT SI ZE: WATER ~IARNltlG : HIGH WA\ER k~HJT: NAX OR LABEL VOL: OVERFILL LIMIT : HIGH PRODUCT DELIVERY LIMIT 2 .000700 96.00 1 PT 12000 ol.O IN. 2.0 3.0 12000 90~; 10800 95!, 11~00 10'4 1200 LOW PRODUCT : 1200 LEAl: ALARM LII1JT: 99 SUDDEN LOSS LIMIT: 99 TANK TILT : 0.00 PROBE OFFSET : 0.00 SIPHON MAtHFOI.DED TAIIKS Til: tlONE LINE NAtUFOLOED TANI:S Til: fiONE LEAK MIN PERIOD!~: LEAK Mltl ANNUAL lOY. 1200 10'4 1200 PERIODIC TEST TYPE STANDARD AtltlUAL TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED PERIODIC TEST FAIL ALARH DISABLED GROSS TEST FAIL ALARM DISABLED AtlN TEST AVERAGING: OFF PER TEST AVERAGING: OFF TANK TEST NOTIFY: OFF TtlK TST SIPHON BREAK:OFF DELIVERY DELAY : 1 MIN PUMP THRESHOLD : 10,0W. LEAl: TEST METHOD TEST MONTHLY : ALL TANK WE.EK I MOll START TIME : 2:00 At1 TEST RATE :0.20 GAL.'HR DURATION : 2 HOURS TST EARLY STOP:EIIABLED LEAl: TEST REPORT FORtiAT NORNAL LIQUID SEIISOR SETUP L I :OISP 1-2 TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEIISER PAt~ L 2!DI SP 5-6 tl0Rf1Al.LY CLOSED CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAN L 3:DISP 3-4 NORMALLY CLOSED CATEGORY· .; DISPEtiSER PAll L 4!DISP 7-B TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPENSER PAll L s:OISP 9-10 TRI-STATE <SHIGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEtiSER PAN L 7:DISP 11-12 TRI-STATE <SINGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : DISPEtiSER PAll L 9:67 STP TRI-STATE <SitiGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : STP SUMP LIO:S7 ANN TRI-STATE <SitiGLE FLOAT> CATEGOR\' : AWIULAR SPACE LII:B7 FILL TRI-STATE (SitiGLE FLOAT) CATEGORY : PIPING SlJ1P Ll2:91 Arm TRI-STATE <SitlGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : ANtlULI\R SPACE Lt3:91 STP TRI-STATE <SitiGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : STP SUMP Ll4!91 FILL TRI-STATE <SHIGLE FLOAT> CATEGORY : PIPHIG SUMP OUTPur RELAY SETUP R I :POSTITIVE SHUT OFF TYPE: STAfiDA.RD NORMAL!.'! CLOSED TANK 11: LIOUID SEUSOR ALMS L I :FUEL ALARM L 2:FUEL ALARM L 3:FUEL At..ARH L 4 :FUEL ALARM L 5:FUEL ALARM L 7!FUEL ALARN L 9 :FUEL ALARM LI3:FUEL ALARM L I :SiltiSOR our ALAP.H L 2:SENSOR Our ALARM L 3:SEIISOR OUT AU\RM L 4 :SENSOR OUT ALARM L 5:SENSOR OUT AU\P.t1 L 7:SEtiSOR OUT AU\P.t1 L 9:SEtiSOR OUT ALARM LI3:SEIISOR OUT ALARM L I :SHORT AU\RH L 2:SHORT ALARII L 3:SHORT ALARH L 4 :SHORT AU\PJ1 L S:SHORT ALARM L 7 !SIIORT ALARM L 9!SHORT AU\RH L13!SIIORT AU\PJ1 lSD SITE AU\Rt1S lSD GROSS PRES FAIL lSD DEGRD·PRES F.AIL lSD VAPOR LEAl: FAIL lSD VP PRES FAIL lSD VP STATUS FAIL lSD HOSE ALARMS Att:GROSS COLLECT FAIL ALL:DEGRD COLLECT FAI L ALL!FLCX.J COLLECT FAIL R 2!0VERFILL ALARH T\'PE: STAUDARD tiORNALLY OPEII TANY. P : tiONE lti-TAtll: ALARMS ALL:OVERFILL AU\RH ALL!HIGH PRODUCT ALARM ALL!~IA.'< PRODUCT ALARM SMARlSEtlSoR SETUP ~l:FHJ-2 CATEGORY AIR FLOW HETEP. !!I 3:FM 5-6 CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER !!I 4:Fl1 7-8 CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER !!1 5:FM 9-10 CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER s 6:FM 11 -12 CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER s 7:FM 3-4 CATEGORY AIR FLOW METER s s:ps 1-2 CATEGORY VAPOR PRESSURE EVR/JSD SETUP EVR TYPE: VACUUI1 ASSIST VACUUM ASS IST TYPE HEALY VAC tlOZZ!.E A/L RANGE HAX: 1.15 Mltl: 0.95 VAPOR PROCESSOR TYPE UOtlE ANALYSIS TIMES TIME: 10:00 AM DELAY HltlUTES: ACCEPT HIOII ORVR: ENABLED lSD HOSE TABLE 10 FP FL IlL AA RR ------------------------01 33 01 02 01 uu 02 34 02 02 01 uu 03 35 03 02 06 uu 04 00 04 02 06 uu 05 01 05 02 02 uu 06 ll2 06 02 02 uu 07 03 07 02 03 uu 09 04 09 02 03 uu 09 05 09 02 04 uu 10 06 10 02 04 uu 11 07 I I 02 05 uu 12 09 12 02 05 uu ISO AIRFLOW METER MAP ID SERIAL tH.t1 LABEL ------------------------I 24027 2 25069 3 24030 4 24373 5 25167 6 25054 FH 1-2 FH 5-6 FH 7-9 FH 9-10 FH 11-12 FH 3-4 lSD FUEL \JRADE IIOSE HAP 1 2 3 4 FP 11HH HHH HHH HHH M 00 204 904 304 u u 6 01 205 905 305 u u 2 02 206 906 306 u u 2 03 207 907 307 u u 3 04 208 909 309 u u 3 05 209 909 309 u u 4 06 210 910 310 u u 4 07 211 91 1 311 u u 5 09 212 912 312 u u 5 33 201 901 301 U U I 34 202 902 302 u u 1 35 203 903 303 u u 6 LABEL TABl.E 1: UtiASSICUEO 2: BLEN03 3: REGULAR 4: MID GRADE 5: PREMIUM 6: GOLD 7: BRONZE e: SILVER 9: BLEND2 10: BLEND4 P~ SETUP f-MC VERSIOU: 01.02 VAPOR PROCESSOR TYPE NOliE PROCESSOR CONTROL LEVEL: ti014E ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SEtlSOR ALARM -----L 1 :DISP 1-2 DISPEtiSER PAN SETUP DATA WARN! 00 0\;.,. 9. 2009 8:03 Ali ALAI<M HISTORY REPORT -----SEtlSOR ALARI1 -----L 2:DISP 5-6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM ocr 9. 20o9 e:os AH SETUP DATA WARNHlG OCT 9. 2009 e :o3 AM .,. . ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SENSOR ALARM -----L 3:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM oCT 9. 2oo8 8:os AM SETUP DATA WARNitlG OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AH ALARM HISTORY REYORT -----SEtlSOR ALARM -----L 4!DISP 7-8 DISI'EUSER PAN SETUP DATA WARtH NG OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AN ALARH IIISTOR'l RE!iORT -----SENSOR ALARM ----- L 5:DIS!i 9-10 DISPEt4SER PAri SETUP DATA tJARN!IlG OCT ·9·. ··2008 8 :03 Al1 ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SEt4SOR ALARM -----L 7:DISP 11-12 DISPENSER PAN SETUP DATA WARNING OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AN ALARM HISTORY REPOR1 -----SEt4SOR ALAAt1 -----L 9!87 STP STP SU'IP SETUP DATA WARN! tiG OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AM ALARH HISTORY REPORT -----SE!4SOR ALARM -----1.10!87 ANN AtHWLAR SPACE SETUP DATA WARNING OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AM ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SEt4SOR Al.ARH -----1.11 !87 FILL PIPI NG SUMP SETUP DATA WARNING OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AN ALARM HISTORY REPORT -----SENSOR ALARM -----1.12:91 AtlN ANNULAR SPw;E SETUP DATA WARtll NG OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AN M J( ~ )( J( END M " ~ ll ,;, ALARM HISTOR'l P.EPORT -----SENSOR ALARM 1.13!91 STP STP SUHI' SETUP ()ATfl t.JARtH t.IG OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AH ALARM IHSTOR'/ REPORT -----SElSOR AUiRI1 -----LI4:91 FILL PIPING Sl.t1P SETUP DATA WARNING OCT 9. 2008 8:03 AN * * ;o l< )( END l< l< )( It * BIG COUNTRY CIIEVROtl 3300 WHITE LN. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93309 661-827 0497 DEC 9. 2013 9:21 AH SYSTEM STATUS P.EPORT ALL FUNCTIONS NORMAL .· -----SENSOR ALARM -----Ll3:91 STP STP SUMP SEIISOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:38 AH -----SElSOR ALA'RN -----L 9:87 STP STP SU1P SElSOR OUT ALARM DEC g. 2013 9:39 AN -----SENSOR ALARM -----L11 :87 FILL PIPING SUMP SElSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9; 2013. 9:39.AH -----SEt~OR ALARM -----L12:91 ANt~ ANNULAR SPACE SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AN -----SEtiSOR ALARM -----L 5:DISP 9-10 DISPENSER PAll SEtSOP. OUT ALAP.H DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AH -----SEtiSOR ALARM -----LI4:91 FILL PIPING SLtiP SElSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9!39 AM -----SEUSOR ALARM -----L 7:DISP 11-12 DISPEtiSER PAtl SENSOI< OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AN -----SENSOR ALARM -----LJ0:87 Atm ANNULAR SPAI:E SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AN -----SENSOR ALARM -----L 1 :OISP 1-2 DISPEISER PAll SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AN -----SElSOR ALARM -----L 3:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AM -----SElSOR OLARM -----1. 4:01SP 7-9 DISPEUSER PAN SENSOR OUT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 AH -----SElSOR ALARM -----L 2:01SP 5-6 DISPEIISER,PAU-. -FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:39 N1 -----SElSOR ALARH -----L 9:87 STP STPSli1P FUEL AlARM DEC 9. 2013 9:43 AN -----SEtiSOR EiLARt1 -----L 9:87 STP STPSli1P FUEL A!.EiRt1 DEC 9. 2013 9:44 AM -----SENSOR ALARM -----L13:St STP····· STP Slf1P FUEL ALARH DEC 9. 2013 9:45 AN -----SENSOR ALARM -----1.14:91 FILL PIPING SUMP FUEL ALARH DEC 9. 2013 9:53 AN -----SENSOR AI.J11\t1 -----L14:91 FILL PIPING S!R1P FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:53 AH -=----SEIISOP. ALARI1 -----LII :87 FILL PIPING SUMP FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 9:55 AH -----SENSOR Al.A'RN -----LI0:87 AtlN ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARH DEC 9. 2013 9:56 AH -----SENSOR ALARU -----LI2:91 ANN ANNULAR SPACE FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:00 AM T 2:Utll.EADED ltNENTOP.V INCREASE I tiC REASE START DEC 9. 2013 9:50 AN VOLUME HEIGHT WATER TEMP • 6546 GI-\LS • 51 .43 ItlCHES .. 0.00 INCHES • 37.5 DEG F I NCR EASE EUD DEC 9. 2013 10:01 AH VOI.li1E HEIGHT WATER TEMP • 8435 GALS • 63.58 ltiCHES " 0.00 INCHES • 37.6 DEG F GROSS lt£REASE• 1889 TC tiET INCREASE" 1917 BIG COUilTRV CHEVRON 3300 WHITE W . , BAKERSFIELD.CA 93309 661-827 0487 -· -·. ·-·-·.~ -., DEC 9. 2013 10:02 ~1 SVSTrM STATUS REPORT ALL FUtiC1'10NS NORMAL -----SENSOR ALH'RN -----1. I :OISP 1·2 DISPEtSER PAN FUEL ALARH DEC 9. 2013 10:05 AN -----SEtiSOR ALARM ----- 1. I :DISP 1-2 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:14 AH -----SEISOP. ALARM -----L 3:DISP 3-4 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:16 AH -----SEt/SOP. ALARM -----1. 3:DISP 3-4 DISPEtlSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:16 AH -----SElSOR ALARM ----- 1. 2:DISP 5·6 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:18 AM -----SEtlSOR ALARI1 -----L 4:DISP 7-8 DISPENSER PAll FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:19 AM -----SEIISOR ALARH -----L 5:DISP 9-10 fliSPENSER !'AN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:20 AN -----SENSOR ALAR11 -----L 7:DtSP 11-12 DISPENSER PAN FUEL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:21 AH ----111-TANl: ALARM -----T 2: UNLEADED OVERFILL ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:32 AM ----IN-TAN!: ALARM -----T 2:UtH.EADED PROBE OUT DEC 9. 2013 10:32 ~1 ----IN-TANK ALAP.tl -----T 2:UNLEADED LOW TEMP WARtH NG DEC 9. 2013 10:33 AH ----Ill-TANK ALARM -----T I :SUPREM HIGH PRODUCT ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:33 AM ---I fl-TAtll: ALARM -----T I :SUPREM !>ROBE OUT DEC 9. 2013 10:33 N1 T 2:UllLEADED ltiVEIITORY IIICREASE lllCREASE START DEC 9. 2013 10:31 AM VOLL\'1E HEICIIT WATER TEMP • 8427 GALS • 63,53 IIICHES .. 0.00 INCHES a 38.1 DEC.F INCP.EASE END DEC 9. 2013 10:34 AH VOLUME HEIGHT WATER TEMP .. 11356 GALS a 66.19 INCHES • 0.00 !fiCHES • 36.3 DEC F GROSS I IICREASE• 2929 TC NET INCR~SEa 2972 ----I N-TAtu: ALARH -----T I :SUPREI'I It !VALID FUEL LEVEL DEC 9. 2013 10:311 A/'1 ----IN-TAN!: ALAP.M -----T I :SUPRE11 LOW PROD~-r ALARM DEC 9. 2013 10:34 AH ----Hl-TANI\ ALARH -----T I :SUPREM DELIVER'/ NEEDED DEC 9. 2013 10:34 ~1 T I :SUI'REM IIIVEtlTORY I tiC REASE INCREASE START DEC 9. 2013 10:32 AM VOLL\'1E HEIGHT WATER TEMP .. 7763 GALS " 59.18 WCHES • 0.00 lllCHES • 43.3 DEC F INCREASE END DEC 9. 2013 10:36 AM VOLL\'1E HEIGHT WATER TEMP • 10621 GALS " 79.46 ltlCHES • 0.00 INCHES • 42.5 DEC F GROSS IIICREASE• 2658 TC NET INCREASE• 2897 BIG COUtfl'f<\' CHEVROil 3300 WHITE ttl. BAKERSFIELD.CA 93309 661-627 0467 DEC 9. 2013 12:53 PH SYSTEM STATUS REPORT ALL FUilCTIOtlS I~RMAL SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form This form is intended for use by contractors peiforming annual testing of UST .spill containment structures. The completedform and printouts from tests (!f applicable), should be provided to the facility owner/operator for submillalto the local regulatory agency. 1 FACILITY INFORMATION . Facility Name: SamCo Food Store #2 I Date ofTesting: 12/9/2013 Facility Address: 3300 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Facility Contact: Sam Jouda/Sam Jr. I Phone: 661-333-0000/661-472-9090 Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing: 11 /21/2013 Name of Local Agency Inspector (if present during testing): Ernie Medina 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Technician Conducting Test: Bradley Seykora Credentials 1: X CSLB Contractor X ICC Service Tech. 0 SWRCB Tank Tester 0 Other (SpecifY) License Number(s): CSLB #804904 ICC #8 111231-UT 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic 0 Vacuum 0 Other Test Equipment Used: Lake Test Equipment Resolution: 0.0625" Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank 1 Regular 2 S uper 4 Number, Stored Product, etc.) Bucket Installation Type: 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury x Contained in Sump x Contained in Sump 0 Contained in Sump 0 Contained in Sump Bucket Diameter: 12.00" 12.00" Bucket Depth: 12.00" 12.00" Wait time between applying 5 min. 5 min. vacuum/water and start of test: Test Start Time (T1): 9:30AM 9:30AM Initial Reading (R1): 9.00" 9.00" Test End Time (T r ): 10:30 AM 10:30 AM Final Reading (RF): 9.00" 8.25" Test Duration (T F-T1): I hour I hour Change in Reading (RF-R1): 0.00" 0.75" Pass/Fail Threshold or 0.0625" 0.0625" Criteria: Test Result: 129 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass IBl Fail X Pass O Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow-upfor failed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that all tile information contained in this report is true, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. Techn;c;an's s;gnat"~ Date' 12/9/2013 1 State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may be more stringent. SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form This form is intended for use by contractors pe1jorming annual testing of UST spill containment structures. The completed form and printouts from tests (if applicable), should be provided to the facility owner/operator for submillalto the local regulat01y agency. 1 FACILITY INFORMATION . Facility Name: SamCo Food Store #2 I Date of Testing: 12/9/2013 Facility Address: 3300 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Facility Contact: Sam Jouda/Sam Jr. I Phone: 661-333-0000/661-4 72-9090 Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing: 11/21/2013 Name of Local Agency Inspector (if present during testing): Ernie Medina 2 TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Technician Conducting Test: Bradley Seykora Credentials 1: X CSLB Contractor X ICC Service Tech. 0 SWRCB Tank Tester 0 Other (Specify) License Number(s): CSLB #804904 ICC #8111231-UT 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic 0 Vacuum 0 Other Test Equipment Used: Lake Test Equipment Resolution: 0.0625" Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank 1 Super (Retest) 2 3 4 Number, Stored Product, etc.) Bucket Installation Type: 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury 0 Direct Bury x Contained in Sump x Contained in Sump 0 Contained in Sump 0 Contained in Sumo Bucket Diameter: 12.00" Bucket Depth: 12.00" Wait time between applying 5 min. vacuum/water and start of test: Test Start Time (T1): 1:30PM Initial Reading (R1): 9.00" Test End Time (T F): 2:30PM Final Reading (Rr:): 9.00" Test Duration (TF-T1): 1 hour Change in Reading (Rr:-R1): 0.00" Pass/Fail Threshold or 0.0625" Criteria: Test Result: l8l Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Comments-(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended follow-up for failed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify that all the information contained in this report is true, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. Technldao 's Slgoawe: ~ Date: 1219/20 t 3 ~ 1 State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may be more stringent. PNJr@ VE O ~FA '•A ~ 1\Tr.> u -II.Tr.l l c ~ 0 0::: w ..J co ~ * CAT.cJ;I. BAsa 12 14 WH I T E LA N E I 1 2 11 I I I I 12 I CA T C BA S I 7 I I ' . 10 s~- - - - ~ ST O R E F. co t TLS 35 0 (/ ) w ~ :e ~ CA R W A S H Hr W ~ E 1 CA a DR M U ~ - - - - - BA CH NN f SI T E PL O T PL A N fo r : SA M C 0 # 2 33 0 0 WH I T E LA N E BA K E R S F I E L D , CA 93 3 0 9 02 /15 /20 1 3 LE G E N D L1 UD C 1- 2 L2 UD C 5- 6 L3 UD C 3- 4 L4 UD C 7- 8 L5 UD C 9- 1 0 L7 UD C 11 - 1 2 L9 87 ST P L 10 87 AN N U L A R L 11 87 FI L L L 12 91 AN N U L A R L1 3 91 ST P L 14 91 FI L L ES O OF A • ® ® * • • ® * EM E R G E N C Y SH U T - O F F OV E R F ILL AL A R M PR O D U C T SP I L L CO N T A I N E R VA P O R SP I L L CO N T A I N E R AN N U L A R FI R E EX T I N G U ISH E R GA S ME T E R SH U T -OF F WA T E R ME T E R SH U T - O F F HE A L Y CA S EV A C U A T I O N ME E T I N G PO I N T Name: Street: City: Terms: 13UilD Wllll CONFIDENCE" Lic.970703 "COMPLIANCE WITH CONFIDENCE" Lic.804904 Toll Free#: 1-800-339-9930 Confidence UST 16250 Meacham Road Bakersfield CA 93314 Description of work performed: Job Order I Invoice #: 317~7 Date Called Time To Whom Site Name: .5c (-1 <! 0 "Fcc-vi S.Ju r~ :IF 2- Street: 3 '3 <Jc, '\.-./ \,. . +e. L.::rtv~ City: ~<1'kcr~'.e.l..-f State: e.. rl-Zip: 7:?:ro c;" Store No: ~L- Du f h.~ L ..J.e. t/?_ 1-'fr, ... , J.,r/,..t~ c.,.,['J-. ·;, c e:..h! ,A) -ftp 9/ L~~ 1?:;, :k ./' ~1'-J L./~ -~ r,Pkt'"~.fV vt'lt.. <' AuJ.J {/ Re ... J 3""..;-c r~+-~)(-:t v. -rt., ~I F, If s;, lt ~c/Atzi- erff ... "' J74,·/~J ~~ ~J e:' /~{{;(.Jz dr.:;/:.V Yc:; f ve._ C::~. / LJ".a.f" rt<>fl.;r~ Wt 'rlf.. & Neu lfL,·J • .J..,'k f; ll SP//( IB.A 6_+-;-< NP\.1 rvJ .. +,:J.L P,l( Sw,"v/e. ~~P~r t..Pt..5 ~~~ ~~sk!Je/ 4/('s ""-~ er,~,N.,.{ d,'J 1\JrJ+-!AAV.e. .:::' f4Sk&f--~wS,.:..,J:.. ~ lu-k. v " TRAVEL and LABOR (0.5 Hour Minimum Labor Charge) OVERTIME (5:00 PM -7:00AM) Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal ll·f-13 1Sr.;-rAv .!t!Y~~ «2. Travel Labor 3 l-trs. Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal rz.f .. 1J BYf(jv J.lu. Travel Labor 7> l.r.r Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Travel Labor Travel SUPPLIES -MATERIALS -RENTALS Check One Qty. UST Parts Site Parts 1 Re.J' ~rk~i-r::k-.1. V Lt.b Jt! .1... IPL.' 1-+,~~ F, ·tf .>Pt'/1 l3(,(~~ )0 ~ IPL,, 'I~ ..J/l~>-F,/t 5'w.'v/e e;c/4)~r-..b COMMENTS Store Employee Print Name: SITF -CANARY