HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 RESULTSSWRCB, January 2002 Pagc __ of_ Secondary Containment Testing Report Form This.form is intended for use by contractors pc!!.fbrming periodic testing of UST second01y containment systems. Use 1he appropriale pages C!f lhis.form /o repor/ results for all components 1es1ed The compleredform, wrillen rest procedures, and prinrouts.from tests (if applicable). should be prol'ided to !Ire facility ownedoperalor.for submit/alto !Ire local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION --Facility Name: #3366 Chevron I Date ofTcstin~r 1/6/2014 Facility Address: 800 I White Lane. Bakersfield. CA 93309 Facility Contact: Omcro Garica/Craig Lincoln I Phone: 661-393-7000 Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTcsting: 1/3/2014 Name of Local Agency Inspector (if present during resting): Ernie Medina 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services Technician Conducting Test: Frank Landa Credentials: x CSLB Licensed Contractor SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester License Type: CSLB I License Number:804904 ICC# 8180171/8018524 ~ .. . -·~ -··-. ~ . ~ . . , Manufacturer Training Manufacturer Cornponcnt(s) Date Training Expires UST I 0/21/2015 I nstallaton/Retrofit UST Service ICC I /28/2015 technician Star. Smith. Fibercast Fiber Glass Systems N.A. 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Fail Not Repairs Component Pass Fail Not Repairs 1 Component Pass Tested Made Tested Made 91 Annular X LJ --91 Secondary X rJ .] [l ' [I [ ' . . 91 V cnt Secondary X () [) r ' ~I .. ) Vapor Return Secondary X [ l [ I 0 II r1 l --87-2 STP X I I r 1 u [J [ J 11 I l 91 STP X II II 0 I J L I L I 11 UDC 1-2 X [ J [1 n l r 1 [J r UDC-11-12 X [ 1 [I 0 I 1 I J l J [ -L , r 1 r 1 ., r ( l [ .. .. (I [J [ r l . ' -n n r 1 ~ . [ J ' ~ r1 rl [1 [ l [ I [ I --I--- If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: Water was put back into test trailer and w--=-as::..:t:..:.e.....::d...:.r..:...u...:.m.:.__ ____________________ _ To the best of my knowled~tel~,'iLI{(edjifh/Jis.A Technician's Signature: 7 ~~ PONSIDLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING ent are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirement.<; Date: I /6/20 14 i I i SWRCB. January 2002 Page __ of __ 4. TANK ANNULAR TESTING Test Method Developed By: Tank Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer r Other (Speci!J~ Test Method Used: Pressure x Vacuum Hydrostatic L' Other (Spec[(y) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages J Equipment Resolution:0.0625" Tank# 91 Tank# Tank# Tank# -Is Tank Exempt From Testing?1 Yes X No Yes No Yes ~No Yes No Tank Capacity: Unknown Tank Material: Steel Tank Manufacturer: Joor Product Stored: Premuim Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and 5 min. starting test: Test Start Time: 1:00pm Initial Reading (R1): II llg Test End Time: 2:00pm Final Reading (RF): II llg Test Duration: I hour Change in Reading (Rr-R1): 0.00" Pass/Fail ·n1reshold or Criteria: 0.00" Test Result: X Pass 0 FaiJ 0 Pass OFaiJ 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass OFail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes No NA -Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes No NA L Yes I No INA Yes ll No -NJ\ [ Yes lNo NA verified functional after testing? l -- Comments-(include il!formation on repairs made prior to testing. and recommendedfol!oll'-upforfai/ed tests) Test date 1/16/2014, w/ inspector Ernie Medina. ~------------------------------------- 1 Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors both the primary and secondary containment. such as systems that are hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum. arc exempt from periodic containment testing. /California Code of Regulations. Title 23. Section 2637(a)(6)l SWRCB, January 2002 Page __ of __ S.SECONDARY PIPE TESTING ~ fest Method Developed By: ' Piping Manufitcturer x Industry Standard r 1 Professional Engineer Other (Spec(fy) Test Method Used: x Pressure Vacuum I Hydrostatic Other (Spec(fy) I Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" I -- Piping Rtm # 91 Piping Run# 91 Vent Piping Run# Vapor Piping Run # Return Piping Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass 1-Piping Manufacturer: Smith Smith Smith Piping Diameter: 3.00" 3.00" 4.00" 1--'-.. Length of Piping Run: 100.00' 50.00' 100.00' Product Stored: Premium Vent Vapor Retum Method and location of Boot in STP Boot in STP Boot in STP piping-run isolation: Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. starting test: Test Start Time: 9:50am 9:50am 9:50am -Initial Reading (R1): 5 psi 5 psi 5 psi Test End Time: I 0:50am I 0:50am I 0:50am Final Reading (}4): 5 psi 5 psi 5 psi 1 est Duration: I hour I hour I hour Change in Reading {l~r-R1): 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Pass/Fail Threshold or 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass OFail X Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail - Comments -(include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended follow-up forLfc.::..:li.:.:le:.::d~t::..:es~ts::!_) _____ _ Only line exposed during repairs of 91 An~n~u~a~L ____________ _ SWRCB. January 2002 Page_ of __ 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING -Test Method Developed By: Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard 1 Professional Engineer t--Test Method Used: Other (Spec{fy) Pressure Vacuum x I lydrostatic Other (Spec{fy) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts 1- I Equipment Resolution: Sump# 87-2 Smnp # 91 Sump# Sump# Sump Diameter: 3R.OO" 38.00" I Sump Depth: 69.00" 71.00" I 1-Sump Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass tncight from Tank Top to Top of I Highest Piping Penetration: 39.00'' 16.00" _j Height from Tank Top to Lowest I Electrical Penetration: 25.00" 12.00'" r---Condition of sump prior to testing: Clean Clean Portion of Sump Tested1 34.00" 18.00" Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid {both product and water)?" lJ Yes 0 No X NA Yes No XNA fl Yes 11 No NA [Yes No NA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA ---Is system programmed for fail-sale shutdown?' Yes No XNA Yes No XNA Yes No NA ~Yes No NA Was fail-safe verified to be Yes No XNA Yes No XNA Yes No NA Yes No NA operational?' Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting 5 min. 5 min. test: 1--Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): r--Test Fnd Time: ~--II 11~'" .. • rinal Reading(~): ""'"" II ~"'"I.,. -·~ Test Duration: n.e::~ Ull5 Change in Reading (~-R1): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes ONo NA X Yes 1No nNA Yes No NA rYes I No NA Was sensor properly replaced and XYes 'lNo 'lNA X Yes JNo -NA 1 Yes No NA Yes No NA ~cri ficd functional after testing? - Comments -(include il!{ormation on repairs made prior to testi1~g. and recommended.fol/ow-up.forfailed tests) 1 If the entire depth of the sump is not tested. specify how much was tested. If the answer to 1!J.!.Y of the questions indicated with an asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA •·. the entire sump must be tested. (Sec SWRCB LG-160) SWRCB, January 2002 Page_ of_ 7. UNDER-DISPENSER CONTAINMENT (UI)~) TESTING Test Method Developed By: 1 UDC Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Specify) Test Method Used: U Pressure n Vacuum x llydrostatic Other (S/Jec(fy) Test Equipment Used: Ts-sts Equipment Resolution: ----·-- UDC # 1-2 UDC # 11-12 UDC# UDC# UDC Manufacturer: Unknown Unknown UDC Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass UDC Depth: 33.00" 33.00'" !Ieight from UDC Bottom to Top 17.00" 11.00" of I lighest Piping Penetration: !Ieight from UDC Bottom to 7.00" 7.00" Lowest Electrical Penetration: Condition of UDC prior to Clean Clean testing: Portion ofUDC Tested 19.00" 13.00" Docs turbine shut dO\vn when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?' I 1 Yes ,JNo XNA , Yes , No XNA Yes No lNA Yes l No NA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown?' Yes r No X NA Yes rJNo XNA Yes L No NA Yes No NA Was fail-safe verified to be fl Yes No XNA Yes No XNA I I Yes 0 No I INA I I Yes c No I 1 NA operational?' Wait time between applying 5 min. 5 min. pressure/vacuum/water and starting test Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: see IN lt;UN Final Reading (Rr:): n--···-Test Duration: ''""~' ~~··~ Change in Reading (Rr-R1): Pass/Failllucshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass 0 Fail X Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes nNo IJNA X Yes No nNA Yes No 1NA Yes r1 No NA Was sensor properly replaced and X Yes ['No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA verified functional after testing? L__ __ ------·----····------·---- Comments-(include infonnation on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended.follow-upfor.fai!ed tesls) 1 If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested. specify how much was tested. If the answer to ill!Y of the questions indicated with an asterisk(*) is "NO" or "NA ", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG-160) : . .. .. ····-~---=-,.....---------..., 3366CHEVRO/l 8001 VHITELAtlE BAKERSFIELD CA 661 8351490 01/06/2014 11:07 At1 SUttP LEAK TEST REPORT uoc 1-2 TEST STARTED 10:51 AM TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGIU lEVEL 3, 3342 Ill BID TIHE 11:07 AM 810 DATE 01/06/2014 BID lEVEL 3, 3336 Ill lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED UOC1112 TEST STARTED 10:51 Al1 TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGW lEVEL 5, 2593 Ill EllO TitlE 11:07 Al1 I EtlO DATE 01/06/2014 an lEva 5.2501 m lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED 91 STP TEST STARTED 10:51 Al1 TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGitl LEVEL 2, 4868 Ill EtlO TitlE 11:07 Al1 an DATE 01/06/2014 EtC lEVEl 2, 4867 Ill LEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED ! • L_ ... 3366CHEVROil 8001VHITELAilE BAKERSFIElD CA 661 8351490 01/06/2014 11:42 Al1 SUttP lEAK TEST REPORT UDC 1·2 TEST STARTED 11:27 AH TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEG Ill lEVEL 3, 3338 Ill EtlO TitlE 11:42 At1 BlO DATE Ol/06/2014 EtiD lEVEL 3, 3338 Ill lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED UOC1112 TEST STARTED 11:21 AH TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGitl lEVEL 5, 2598 Ill EtlO TitlE 11:42 AH EtlO DATE 01/06/2014 BlO lEVEL 5, 2596 W lEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED 91 STP TEST STARTED 11:27 AH TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEG Ill LEVEL 1, 8497 W BID TitlE 11:42 AH ..,..EfiD-OiUE'·--"01/06/2014 810 lEVEL 1, 8497 Ill LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED 3366CHEVROU SOOlVHITELAtlE BAI<ERSFIEl.O CA 661 8351490 01/06/2014 11:50 AH AlJIRH REPORT Ot/06/2014 POVER 00\IN Ot/06/2014 POVER UP 11:45 AH 11:50 AH 3366CHEVROtJ 8001VHITElAilE BAKERSFIELD CA 661 8351490 01/06/2014 12:34 PH SU1P lEAK TEST REPORT STP87Sl. TEST STARTED 12:19 PH TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGW LEVa 3. 5937 W EUO TitlE 12:34 PH EJIO OATE 01/06/2014 BlO lEVEL 3. 5937 IU lEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IU TEST RESULT PASSED 3366CHEVROU 8001 VHI TELAllE BAKERSFIELD CA 661 8351490 01/06/2014 12:50 PH SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT STP87SL TEST STARTED 12:35 PH TEST STARTED 01/06/2014 BEGitl lEVEL 3.5938 Itl EJJO TitlE 12:50 PH 810 DATE 01/06/2014 aro LEVEL 3. 5938 m LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 Itl TEST RESULT PASSED ~fiD~+. CJo C'~ 0~fiD~+. (J ~ ~~s~~ ~USTcl Job Order /Invoice #: 3J72 7LS Name: ~'~uc1\0 'SUlLO WITH CONFIDENCE" lic.970703 49> ~ l?ces, "COMPLIANCE WITH CONFIDENCE" lic.804904 Toll Free #: 1-800-339-9930 Confidence UST Date Called Time To Whom Site Name: If ~"<f,..h (.!J1L /H2t1)1(_ Street: 16250 Meacham Road Street: thcdT tu/),H_ t-A.l City: Bakersfield CA 93314 City: L<);}V.tz..'f:::. Add State: C/f Zip: Terms: Store No: Description of work performed: cs (S 9~ct J:k f.t'_st--I ~ t-est-Pn \ f\ ~"- \ I '\\ A.l\1\r ~r.o 'I I P~tlrv-_.1-/IV /1 .J Si"" l'i'2"1 VUZA aA1 d I Jr. fJ.W} ~lz St> f(')¥1./'Jm. A l) (\ r 'c::_. ' 1-.?. ,?. 1 -f7 a fv1 fJJ 7 ~/au s/-t:J ~ '9r 1J..v1 y .._, I r ,. TRAVEL and LABOR (0.5 Hour Minimum Labor Charge) OVERTIME (5:00 PM -7:00AM) Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OT End OTTotal \-'oi tY ,V:tt . l>kn !Lt. t>rt~t J Travel v Labor }3;~ ~~~ Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Travel Labor Travel Date Technician(s) Name Start End Total OT Start OTEnd OTTotal Travel Labor Travel SUPPLIES -MATERIALS-RENTALS Check One Qty. UST Parts Site Parts ./""') I /I )\ (~(} d" c;. I \._,{_.) II '-'I L/ '""' v / / / COMMENTS / I A /' ......... ~m ~<~INa fr/ ~ TeChnician Print Name: ~ flore't;rrj loyee Signatu : I Date TeChnician Signature: I Date INVOICE-WHITE SITE-CANARY ltU,