HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 17-99RESOLUTION NO. ] ? - 9 9 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAKING CEQA FINDINGS A APPROVING THE ALLEN ROAD/BUENA VISTA ROAD SEWER TRUNKLINE NEGATIVE DECLARATION WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield is proposing a sewer trunkline along Allen Road, Buena Vista Road and McCutcheon Road in the west and northwest portions of the City and will be known as the Allen Road/Buena Vista Sewer Trunkline, more specifically stated as follows: Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Allen Road - construct a trunkline from Palm Avenue south along Allen Road, crossing the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River, and then continuing south in the southerly extension of Allen Road continuing eastward along the White Lane alignment, until the trunkline connects to the existing Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline, with the elimination of an existing pump station on Brimhall Road east of Allen Road, and the construction of a temporary sewer lift station just west of Buena Vista Road; and Buena Vista Road - construct a trunkline which will connect to the existing trunkline in Buena Vista Road at the intersection of Buena Vista Road and White Lane and continue south on Buena Vista Road to McCutcheon Road, then eastward on McCutcheon Road to Gosford Road where the pipeline will be terminated and the wastewater lifted into the existing pipeline, extending easterly along the McCutcheon Road alignment, to the treatment plant; and WHEREAS, the Allen Road/Buena Vista Sewer Trunkline Study Final Report prepared by Carollo Engineers, for the construction of the sewer trunkline has been completed; and WHEREAS, for the above described proposed project, and Initial Study was prepared and it was determined that the proposed project would not have a significant impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration would be prepared; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Availability of a Negative Declaration was sent to owners of property within 300 feet of the project site on December 14, 1998 for a 30-day review period to end on January 14, 1999; and WHEREAS, for the above described proposed project, a Notice of Completion of a Negative Declaration was filed with the State Clearinghouse for a 30-day review period, beginning on December 16, 1998 and ending on January 19, 1999, in accordance with Section 15073 of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, a Mitigated Negative Declaration was prepared for this project; and WHEREAS, mitigation measures for this project are located in the Mitigation Monitoring Plan attached to the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the environmental record prepared in conjunction with the Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline project includes the following: The Mitigated Negative Declaration including the Initial Study, Mandatory Findings of Significance, Reference list, Mitigation Measures, comments received and responses to such comments and Mitigation Monitoring Program. All testimony, documents, and evidence relating to the project presented to the City; and 3. Staff reports, memoranda, maps, comments received and responses to such comments, the consultant's study, consultant documents and City Council Resolution. WHER~EAS, the City Council on Wednesday, February 24, 1999 considered and approved the Mitigated Negative Declaration; and WI-IEP, EAS, the law and regulations relating to the preparation and adoption of the negative Declaration as set forth in CEQA and City of Bakersfield's CEQA Implementation procedures, have been duly followed by city staff and the City Council; and WHEREAS, the Negative Declaration (Exhibit "D") consists of the following: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project description; Project location shown on a map; Name of project applicant; A finding that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment; Notice of Availability of a Negative Declaration; The Initial Study; Comments received during the review period and responses to such comments; Sensitive species survey prepared by BIO Resources Consulting; Cultural resources assessment prepared by Three Girls and a Shovel; Mitigation Monitoring Program and Checklist. 2 ,,,. WHEREAS, the Allen Road/Buena Vista Sewer Road Trunkline Mitigated Negative Declaration is incorporated into and is a part of this resolution. NOW, THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY FOUND AND RESOLVED by the City Council as follows: The above recitals, incorporated herein, are true and correct and constitute the Findings of the City Council in this matter; 2. The Mitigated Negative Declaration has been completed in compliance with CEQA; 3. The Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer trunkline location is shown on Exhibit "B". The City Council hereby approves and adopts the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed Allen Road/Buena Vista Sewer Trunkline subject to the attached mitigation measures shown on Exhibit "A"; Mitigation measures found on the Mitigation Monitoring Plan and Checklist (Exhibit"C") shall be signed and dated by both the company performing the mitigation and by the city Department approving the required mitigation measure; Upon approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Planning Department is hereby directed to file a Notice of Determination with the County Clerk of Kern County, pursuant to Section 15075 of the CEQA Guidelines. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the forgoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on February 10, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBER DENOND, MACCARD, COUCH, COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER/l'lo,~(zr~L CARSON, ROWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO CITY CLERK and Ex Office'clerk Council of the City of Bakersfield of the APPROVED BOB PRIC 'E--~! FEB g~, ~999 MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: BART:,L-TFilLTGEN "" ; CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield atlnswrenvrn. res 4 EXHIBIT "A" Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Mitigation Measures Exhibit "A" Mitigation Measures Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Sensitive Species 1. A preactivity survey shall be conducted no more than 60 days prior to the initiation of construction to implement the following: A. Any potential or known kit fox dens identified in this report or subsequently identified which cannot be avoided by construction activities shall be monitored for kit fox activity and excavated using procedures acceptable to CDFG and USFWS. B. Small mammal burrows observed during the survey or subsequently observed shall be inspected for potential Tipton kangaroo rat activity. If sign of kangaroo rats is observed (scat, tracks, tail drags), burrows should be avoided if possible or CDFG should be notified and given an oppommity to salvage individuals prior to project construction. 2. Cottonwoods and willows within 50 feet of the edge of the construction corridor shall be marked with clearly visible flagging or lath and flagging. 3. If any disturbance is necessary within the driplines of the willows or cottonwoods within the construction corridor, each tree shall be replaced at a ratio of 3 to I on site after construction is completed, if possible. Alternatively, trees could be replaced at another location suitable to CDFG along the Kern River. 4. Prior to initiation of project construction activities, habitat to be disturbed within the primary floodplain shall be compensated for a ration of at least 1.1 to 1 under the fee structure which is in effect at the time for the MBHCP. Under the current fee scheduled ($1,240 per acre), compensation would total $8,184 (6.6 x $1,240 for 6 acres of disturbance). Cultu r. I Resources 5. Should unrecorded cultural resources be discovered as a result of future construction or development, work must halt and a qualified archaeologist be consulted to evaluate the finds. 6. Should human remains be discovered an any time, work must halt and the Coroner be notified immediately (Section 7050.5 of the Health and Safety Code and CEQA regulations, Section K). A qualified archaeologist should also be contacted. S:\alnrdswr.wpd June 12, 1998 EXHIBIT "B" Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Location Map EXHIBIT B ALLEN ROAD TRUNK SEWER AND BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE II REVISED 27 26 25 i 30 ~ i ~O ~ , U~ I, oi j.J~' Time e ~ 36 31 F 32 s s msm~ fs ' '' HIGHWAY i ~ 2  ~ MING A~NUE 12 10 11 7 ~ 8 15 14 22 23 j 13 ~ 18 17 ~'~ WHITE LANE i ,, .. j ~ , PACHECO ROAD i ~ i 24 19 20 ~ 21 22 27 N 26 25 30 35 36 ~ 29 ~mmllmlm,~m,,~lmmmll rv MC CUTCHEON ROAD 31 32 P 33 27 EXHIBIT "C" Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Mitigation Monitoring Plan and Checklist Exhibit "C" MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND CHECKLIST Allen Road-Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunk Line Verification Of Compliance Mitigation Measure Worked Performed By Monitoring And Reporting Agency 1. A preactivity survey shall be conducted no more than 60 days prior Performed by a biologist City of Bakersfield to the initiation of construction to implement the following: contracted to the City of Public Works Bakersfield Public Works Department A. Any potential or known kit fox dens identified in this report or Department: Company Approved By: subsequently identified which cannot be avoided by construction activities shall be monitored for kit fox activity and excavated using Person Performing Preactivity Date procedures acceptable to CDFG and USFWS. Survey: Date: B. Small mammal burrows observed during the survey or subsequently observed shall be inspected for potential Tipton kangaroo rat activity. If sign of kangaroo rats is observed (scat, tracks, tail drags), burrows should be avoided if possible or CDFG should be notified and given an opportunity to salvage individuals prior to project construction. 2. Cottonwoods and willows within 50 feet of the edge of the Performed by a biologist City of Bakersfield construction corridor shall be marked with clearly visible flagging or contracted to the City of Public Works lath and flagging. Bakersfield Public Works Department Department: Company Approved By: Person Performing Flagging Date Date: S:\min-mon.wpd June II, 1998 MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND CHECKLIST Verification Of Compliance Mitigation Measure Mitigation Performed By Monitoring And Reporting Agency 3. If any disturbance is necessary within the driplines of the willows City of Bakersfield Public City of Bakersfield or cottonwoods within the construction corridor, each tree shall be Works Department shall Public Works replaced at a ratio of 3 to 1 on site after construction is completed, if contract with a nursery for tree Department possible. Alternatively, trees could be replaced at another location replacement: Company Approved By: suitable to CDFG along the Kern River. Person Performing Tree Date Planting: Date: 4. Prior to initiation of project construction activities, habitat to be City of Bakersfield Public City of Bakersfield disturbed within the primary floodplain shall be compensated for a Works Department shall Public Works ration of at least 1.1 to I under the fee structure which is in effect at ensure payment is made to the Department the time for the MBHCP. Under the current fee scheduled (1,240 per MBHCP account. Approved By: acre), compensation would total $8,184 (6.6 x $1,240 for 6 acres of disturbance). Date 5. Should unrecorded cultural resources be discovered as a result of Performed by a qualified City of Bakersfield future construction or development, work must halt and a qualified archaeologist contracted to the Public Works archaeologist be consulted to evaluate the finds City of Bakersfield Public Department Works Department: Company Approved By: Person Evaluating Finds Date Date: S:\min-mon.wpd .lune I1, 1998 MITIGATION MONITORING PLAN AND CHECKLIST Verification Of Compliance Mitigation Measure Mitigation Performed By Monitoring And Reporting Agency 6. Should human remains be discovered an any time, work must halt Kern County Comer. City of Bakersfield and the Coroner be notified immediately (Section 7050.5 of the Qualified archaeologist Public Works Health and Safety Code and CEQA regulations, Section K). A contracted to the City of Department qualified archaeologist should also be contacted. Bakersfield Public Works Approved By: Department: Company. Person Evaluating Finds Date Comer Date: Archaeologist Date O411,'3 S:\min-mon.wpd June II, 1998 EXHIBIT "D" Allen Road/Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunkline Negative Declaration Dennis C. Fidler Building Director (805) 326-3720 Fax (805) 325-0266 BAKERSFIELD Development Services Department Jack Hardisty, Director December 14, 1998 Stanley C. Grady Planning Director (805) 326-3733 Fax (805) 327-0646 To: All Interested Parties: Subject: Notice of availability of proposed Negative Declaration of the City of Bakersfield regarding the Allen Road Sewer Trunk Line and the Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunk Line. The City of Bakersfield has completed the Negative Declaration for the ALLEN ROAD SEWER TRUNK LINE AND THE BUENA VISTA ROAD SEWER TRUNK LINE. The Negative Declaration discusses the potential environmental affects attributable to the subject project which is generally described as follows: The City of Bakersfield plans to expand its trunk sewer system in the west and northwest areas of the City, which would entail construction of two projects referred to as the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. The project will result in the installation of sewer trunklines of approximately ten linear miles. For the Allen Road project, the intent is to add a trunkline from Palm Avenue south along Allen Road, crossing the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River, and then continuing south along the southerly extension of Allen Road to the adopted White Lane alignment. The trunkline would then turn east along the White Lane alignment and continue eastward until the trunkline connects to the future Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. This project would allow for the elimination of an existing pump station on Brimhall Road east of Allen Road, and the existing Boca Del Rio Pump Station west of Allen Road and north of the Cross Valley Canal. The Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II project will connect to the south of the existing trunkline in Buena Vista Road at the intersection with White Lane. The line will continue south on Buena Vista Road to McCutcheon Road, where it will turn east on McCutcheon Road and extend to Gosford Road. At Gosford Road, the pipeline will be terminated and the wastewater lifted into the existing pipeline extending easterly to the treatment plant along the existing McCutcheon Road alignment. The sewer trunklines are to support planned development within the "Brimhall Road South" project area and to remove the need for some existing pumping stations, City of Bakersfield · 1 715 Chester Avenue · Bakersfield, California · 93301 Interested Persons December 14, 1998 Page 2 The Negative Declaration, with mitigation, found that project impacts would be reduced to below a level of significance. The review period for the Negative Declaration will be 30 days. Comments regarding the adequacy of the Negative Declaration are to be made in writing and delivered to the City of Bakersfield Planning Department no later than January 19, 1999. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues raised during the review period. Copies of the Negative Declaration am available for review or purchase at the Development Services Department located at 1715 Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, California. Copies of the Negative Declaration am also available for public review at the Beale Library, 701 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA. Please contact me at (805) 326-3786 if you have questions. Sincerely, Principal Planner MG:pjt I~larbv-al · N,;ti. oECo~p,eUo~ ' Mail to: S~e Clearinghouse. 1400 Tenth Street. Sacramento, CA 95814 Project Title: Allen Road-Buena Vista Road Sewer Tank Lines Lead Agency: City of Bakersfield Street Address: 1501 Chester Avenue c2ity: Bakersfield Zip: 93301 916/44543613 $CHt 98121057 Comet Person: Conchira Nieto~Moreno Phone: (805) 326--3733 County: Kern Project LOCirio!I: County: Kern City/Nearest Community: Bakersfield Cross Sireels: Palm Ave.. Pacheco Rd,. PanRhea Lane Total Acres: 10 linear miles \ssessor's Parcel No. Section:__.Twp, Range: Base: M.D.B.&M. Mien Rd. Sewer Trunk Line: T29S_ R26E, Sec. 25,2635&36 & T30S. R26E. See. 1.2,1 I, 12A3.14&24 luena Vista Sewer Trunk Line: T30S., R26E_ SCc. 13.24&25 & T30S, R27E.. See. 18.19.29,30,31&32 ,Viebin 2 Miles: State Hwy. #:58 Warerelays: Kern River. Goose Lake Slough, Kern River Canal. Pioneer Canal. Buena Vista Canal & James Canal Airports: N/A Railways: Union Pacific & Burlineton Northern SF Schools: Rosedale. Panama-Buena Vista. Lakeside ,)ocurnent Type ;EQA: a NOP [] Supplemere/Subsequent [] Early Cons El EIR {Prior SCH N~i ~ X Neg Decx E3 Other E Draft EIR NEPA: [] NOI O~lff: [] Joint Document 123 EA ~ ~ , El Final Document [] t, ran ,:is F/IED . a o~ i, Rezone r[ [ ~, (, ,J 8 Prezone q" '-;US/[] ~lopment \ Parcel Map. Tract Map elc.} ~ I 5!~'~ ~ ' Jocal Action Type General Plan Update 12 Specific Plan General Plan Amendment [] Master Plan General Pla~l Element t2 Planned Unit Dev ~evelopment Type ? Resi6emtak Units__ Acres __ [] Water Facilities: Type Office; Sq.ft __ Acres ~ Employees __ [B Transportation:Type ~ Commercial Sq.fi __ Acres __ Employees __ D Mining Mineral · Industrial:Sqfi __ Acres __ Employees [] Power: Type_____ 1 Educational X Waste Treatmenl: Type Sewate ) Recreanonal D Hazardous Waste: Type [] Other: 'roject Issues Discussed in Document Watts MGD Aesd~eticNisual X Flood PlazwFIo~hng [] Sch~ols/Univenities X Water Quality Agricultural Laod El Foresl Land/Fire Hazard D Seplic Systems X Wat¢r Supply/Groundwater 'resent Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Use resem Land Use - Residential, Agriculture. Open Space and Kern River ,eneral Plan - Suburban Residential, Low Density Residential, Public Facility. General Commercial, Low Density Residetotal/Public and Privale Schools, Open Space and lntertsive Agriculture. oning -'Residemini Suburban, One Family Dwelling, Flood Plain (Primary and Secondary). Agriculture (20 acre rain.), Limited Multiple Family Regional Commercial roject Description he City of Bakersfield pla~-ts to expand its trunk sewer system in the west and northwest areas of the City, which would emil construction of two pro)ects .~ferred to as the Allen Road Trmqtk Sewer and the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer. Phase II. The project will result in the installation of sewer trunklmes t' approxtrnately ten linear miles. State Clearinghouse Contact:Ms. DeLicia Wynn (916) 445-0613 t.tc.e ,e..Beg.n: /f __. Uep,. ae,,iew ,o A~e.cy _/: II _ Agency ,o _/_-. If_-._9)__ Please note State Clearinghouse Number (SCH#) on all Comments sc.#: 9 8 12 I 0 5 7 Please forward late comments directly to the Lead Agency <,eso,rces: l.Z_ Project Sent to the following State Agencies X Resources State/Consumer Svcs Boating General Services Coastal Coma Cal EPA .... Coastal Consv ~,~_ ARB Colorado Rvr Bd _ ~_ CA Waste Mgmt Bd Z2~ Couservation .... SWRCB: Clean Wtr Prog .X_ _ Fish & Game fi __'~[__SWRCB: Delta Unit __ Delta Protection __~_ SWRCB: Wtr Quality .... Forestry SWRCB: Wtr Rights X _Parks & Rec Toxic Sub CtrI-CTC ..... Reclamation Yth/Adlt Corrections .~ Bay Cons & Dev Coma Co~ections DWR Independent Coma _ OES ~ _Energy Commission Bus Transp Hous __~.__ NAHC ._Aeronautics Public Utilities Comm __ CIIP Santa Monica Mtns _~, Caltrans H _.~_ X State Lauds Comm _ 'Fran~ Planning Tahoe Rgl Plan _ Housing & Devel .... Food & Agriculture Other: Health & Welfare .... Other: Notice of Completion Mail to: State Clearinghouse. 1400 Tenth Street. Sacramento. CA 95814 Project Title: Alien Road-Buena Vista Road Sewer Trunk Lines Lead Agency: City of Bakers field Street Address: 1501 Chester Avenue City: Bakers field Zip: 93301 App,_ .ax F 916/445-0613 SCH# See NOT~ belo~ Contact Person: Conehim Nieto-Moreno Phone: (805) 326-3733 County: Kern Project Location: County: Kern City/Nearest Commumty: Bakersfield Cross Streets: Palm Ave.. Pacheco Rd.. Panama Lane Assessor's Parcel No. Section: Twp. Allen Rd. Sewer Tnmk Line: T29S., R26E., See. 25,26.35&36 & T30S., R26E. Sec. 1,2,1 i, 12, I3, 14&24 Buena Vista Sewer Trunk Line: T30S., R26E., Sec. 13,24&25 & T30S., R27E., Sec. 18, 19,29,30,31&32 Within 2 Miles: State Hwy. #: 58 Airports: N/A Total Acres: 10 linnlr miles Range: Base: M.D.B.&M. Waterways: Kern River. Goose Lake Slou~h. Kern River Canal. Pioneer Canal. Buena Vista Canal & James Can.~l Railways: Union Pacific & Burlington Northern SF Schools: Rosedale. Panama-Buena Vista. l~k,,-~id~ Document Type CEQA: rn NOP [] Supplement/Subsequent NEPA: [] NOI Other: [] Joint Document 7'I Early Cons [] EIR (Prior SCH No,) [] EA [] Final Documem X Neg Decx [] Other [] Draft EIS [] Other [] Drab EIR [] FONSI Local Action Type [] General Plan Ulxlate [] General Plan Amendment [] General Plan Element [] Community Plan r'l Specific Plan [] Rezone [] Annexation [] MEter Plan [] Prezone [] Redevelopment [] Planned Unit Dev. [] Use Permit [] Coastal Permit [] Site Plan [] Lamj Division (Subdivision X Other Sewer Trunk Line Pamel Map. Tract Map etc.) Devdopment Type [] Residential: Units Acres [] Office: Sq.ft.__ Acres [] Commercial: Sq.ft.__ Acres [] Industrial: Sq .ft.__ Acres [] Educational [] Recreatsonal Employees Employees Employees __ [] Water Facilities: Type [] Transportation: Type [] Mining: Mineral [] Power: Type X Waste Treatment: Type Sewace [] Hazardous Waste: Type [] Other: Watts MGD Project Issues Discussed in Document X Aesthetic/Visual X Flood Plain/Flooding [] Schools/Universities X Water Quality X Agricultural Land [] Forest Laod/Fire Hazard [] Septic Systems X Water Supply/Groundwattr X Air Quality X Geologm/Seismic [] Sewer Capacity X WetlanclfRipanan X Arehaeologtcal/Historlcal [] Minerals X Soil Erosion/CompactiondGradnig X Wildlife [] Coastal Zone X Noise [] Solid Waste X Growth Inducing [] Drainage/Absorption X Population/Housing Balance [] Toxic/Hazardous X Land use [] Econonuc/Jobs X Public Services/Facilities X Traffic/Circulation E3 Cumulauve Effects [] Fiscal E3 Recreation/Parks X Vegetauon [] Other Present Land Use/Zoning/General Plan Use Present Land Use - Residenual, Agriculture. Open Space and Kern River. General Plan - Suburban Residential. Low Density Residential. Public Facility, General Commercial, Low Density Residential/Public and Private Schools, Open Space and Intensive Agriculture. Zoning - Residential Suburban, One Family Dwelling, Flood Plain (Primary and Secondary), Agriculture (20 acre am.), Limited Multiple Family Regional Commercial. Project Description The City of Bakersfield plans to expand its trunk sewer system in the west and northwest areas of the City, which would entail construction of two projects referred to as the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer. Phase II. The project will result in the installation of sewer minldinn of approximately ten linear miles. NOTE: Clearinghouse will assign identicalion numbers for all new projects. If a SCH number already exists for a project (e.g. from n Notice of Preparation or previous draft Document) please ~! it in. (finoc Prepared 5/11/95) Reviewing Agencies Checklist Resources Agency Boating & Waterways Coastal Cormmssion Coastal Conservancy Colorado River Board Conservation Fish & Game Forestry Office of Historic Preservation Parks & Recreation Reclamation S.F.Bay Conservation & Dev. Commission Water Resources (DWR) Business, Transportation & Housing Aeronautics Califorma Highway PaUol CALTRANS District # Department of Transportation Planning Housing & Community Developmere Food & Agriculture Health & Welfare Health Services State & Consumer Services General Services OLA (Schools) headquarters ) 3Y Documem sere by lead agency Documem sent by SCH Suggested distribution Environmental Affairs Air Resources Board APCD/AQMD California Waste Management Board SWRCB: Clean Water Grant~ SWRCB: Delta Unit SWRCB: Water Quality SWRCB: Water Right~ Regional WQCB # ( ) Youth & Adult Corrections Correctiota Independent Comminsions & Offices Energy Commission Native American Heritage Commission Public Utilities Commission Santa Monica Mountain3 Comervancy State Lands Commission Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Other Public Review Period (to be ftlled in by lead agency) / t - Ending Date i/19/99 Date 12/14/98 Lead Agency (Complete if applicable): Consulting Firm: City of Bakersfield Address: 1715 Chester Avenue City/State/Zip: Bakersfield. CA 93301 Contact: Phone:(805) 326-3733 Applicant: Address: For SCH Use Only: Date Received at SCH Date Review Starts Date to Agencies Date to SCH Clearance Date Notes: City/State/Zip: Phone: ( arbv\noc-2 I. ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST EARTH Soils GeoiocJic Hazards Erosion/Sedimenmuon Topography WATER QualitylQuarnny - Grourxt, msr - Surface Water F~oo~inqlOrainaqe AIR . :::~:!; Air Quality CIim~a/Air IVlovtment BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ':'!-::: Animals Traffic/Circulation Parking Traffic Hazaraa Air/',NatertRall Systems CULTURAL RESOURCES - Archaeological Histo~cal S ,- Signfficarn MITIGATION } .... Y"t N :i' ORD".'i : (NOTE: P - Potsr~ally Signi~cerft DISCUSSION REGARDING THE LAND USE ComlauUility General Plan/Zoning Grow~ Ingucemef~ Prime Ag Land PUBLIC SERVICES Police Schools ParkslRecreauon Solid Waste Oisposai F,,oiiity Maintenance UTILITIES Weemr Storm Drainage Nmural Gas Becmcity Commur. cmjon POPULATION HOUSING HEALTH HAZARDS NOISE AESTHETICS UGHT AND GLARE NATURAL RESOURCES ENERGY USAGE ABOVE IMPACTS IS ATTACHED.} I = insigndicBnt/No Effect Y = Yes N - No ORD = Ordinance II. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE Does the prolect here me mad to degrape me Qumity of ~e erMronment. sudstar(dally reduce the haDtlt of a fish or wildlib spe~as. cause a fish or wiidlif8 population to drop below sell sustmning levels, mmaten to edmina~ a ptBrt~ or andreal community, reduce the numOer or restact the range of a rare or endangered plant or mmal species. or eliminate impofiant examplas of the malor penode of Californm history of pral",stoey? Doee me Droiect I'mve u"te poterfaed to ecnieve short-term. to the disadvBnU~je of long-term. emnronmentej goals? (A short vm impact on ~e emnronmenr is one of which occurs in a relatively brfef, definite Denod of tjme white long-term .~l~ecls wdl ernurs wed into ~he future.) Does me Orotect rmve tmpacls mch individually limitm;i. but cumuletvedy conmderaple? (A Drolecr may impact on two or more sere m~ource8 wnem me mmect on eacn re~xa'ce m rembve/y small, but where me effect of ~2e total of d?ose impacls on me enwronmem is mgnih'cent). DOll tie project havi erM, f/w,~l.tlui efflctl which will catle eubllaf~al adveme effeelm on huffan inns_ elm direellv Y N L III. FINDINGS OF DETERMINATION (Pro~eeu where a Negauve Deciarauon or EIR has not I~een previously. prepared. or whet~ a prevmus dt}~un~nt wffi not be utilized.) ON THE BASIS OF THIS INITIAL EVALUATION (cheek one): It has been found that the proposed project COULD NOT have a si~ificant effect on the enviromnent: therefore, a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. It has been found that although the proposed project could have a si~niflcant effect on the environment, there will not be a sj~ni6cant effect in this case because MITIGATION MEASUIll=_~, as identified in the l~iscussion of Environmental lineacts, have been incorporated into the project: therefore, a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will !;e prepared. It has been found that the proposed proiect MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an EIR {ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACI' REPORT) will be prepared. PREPAKED BY: DATE: ~d Supplemental Negative Declaration Revision to the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II PROJECT TITLE: Revision to the Allen Road Sewer Trunk Line Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Trunk Line, Phase II. Supplemental NecJative Declaration: Due to constraints of potentially relocating existing oil well facilities, the adopted Allen Road-Buena Vista Sewer Trunk Line alignment will be substantially modified. This modification requires a reevaluation of the proposed alignment's potential impact on the environment. Potential impacts in question are biological and anthropological. Such potential impacts brought forth the need for reevaluation of possible biological and anthropological impacts along the proposed alignment. The original Allen Road-Buena Vista Sewer Trunk Line environmental document was transmitted to the State Clearinghouse and public agencies for a 30 day review period beginning on December 26, 1997. and ending on January 26, 1998. Also a Notice of. Availability was transmitted to property owners on December 23, 1997 for a 30 day review period to end on January 22, 1998. The State Clearinghouse number for this project is 97121109. This Supplemental Negative Declaration is intended to go through the entire environmental review and administrative processes. Within this environmental document, new wording will be shown in bold italic type. original "Initial Study" cover page and sewer line location map are attached as Attachment "A". The revised sewer line location is shown on Attachment "B". Attachments "A" and "B"will enable the reviewer to compare the Original and Supplemental project description versions of the environmental document. The INITIAL STUDY Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II PROJECT TITLE: Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Bakersfield plans to expand its trunk sewer system in the west and northwest areas of the City, which would entail construction of two projects referred to as the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. The project will result in the installation of sewer trunklines of approximately ten linear miles. For the Allen Road project, the intent is to add a trunkline from Palm Avenue south along Allen Road, crossing the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River, and then continuing south in southerly extension of the Allen Road to the adopted White Lane alignment. The trunkline would then turn east along the White Lane alignment and continue eastward to the west side of Buena Vista Road and then southward along Buena Vista Road for approximately one-quarter mile to where the trunklline connects to the future Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. This project would allow for the elimination of an existing pump station on Brimhall Road east of Allen Road, and the existing Boca Del Rio Pump Station west of Allen Road and north of the Cross Valley Canal. The Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II project will connect to the south of the existing trunkline in Buena Vista Road at the intersection with White Lane. The line will continue south on Buena Vista Road to McCutcheon Road, where it will turn east on McCutcheon Road and extend to Gosford Road. At Gosford Road, the pipeline will be terminated and the wastewater lifted into the existing pipeline extending easterly to the treatment plant along the existing McCutcheon Road alignment. APPENDIX I ALLEN ROAD TRUNK SEWER AND BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER, PHASE II I. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS Earth SOils - Several different soil types are located along the project's course of ten linear miles. Such soils include Cajon Sandy Loan - 0 to 2 percent slopes, Riverwash, Excelsior Sandy Loam, Kimberlina Fine Sandy Loam - 0 to 2 percent slopes, and Wasco Sandy Loam Associations which will be disrupted, compacted, displaced, overcovered and uncovered by grading, filling, trenching, installation of bridges, and other ground preparation activities necessary for road construction. These soils are from granitic alluvium, are stable for urban construction, and are deep and well drained. Riverwash soils are present in the project area, predominantly within the Kern River Primary Floodway, and composed of sand and gravel that has washed out of the Greenhorn Mountains and deposited in progressively smaller-sized particles as stream velocity drops below the rate necessary for particle transport. Prior to construction of levees in Bakersfield, the main channel of the Kern River shifted over a wide area in response to annual floods. Since construction of levees have confined the river, riverwash deposition has been restricted to the area between the levees. Over the portions of the river that still have annual water flow, the river channel continues to shift from year to year within the confines of the levees. The Excelsior, Kimberlina Fine, Wasco and Cajon soils on-site have rapid permeability, slow runoff, slight water erosion potential and rare flooding hazard. Standard ordinance compliance includes the requirement for soils and grading reports prior to commencement of construction, and adherence to applicable Board of Reclamation, and building code requirements. Geologic Hazards - Geology of the site consists of recent alluvial fans and flood plains derived from granitic rock and sedimentary rock, which are not considered unique geologic or physical features. The site is currently undeveloped. The vegetation in the project site is predominantly in areas not cultivated. The proposed sewer trunkline construction project would not create an unstable earth condition or cause changes to any geologic substructure. The project will not expose people, structures, or property to major geologic hazards such as landslides, mudslides or ground failure. No geologic faults are known to occur within the project area. Although no specific geologic hazards are known to occur within the boundaries of the project site, there are numerous geologic fractures in the earth's crust within the San Joaquin Valley, which is bordered by major, active fault systems. All development within the metropolitan Bakersfield area is, therefore, subject to seismic hazards. Current development standards wilt require the project to comply with appropriate seismic design criteria from the Uniform Building Code and complete preconstruction soils and grading studies. Erosion / Sedimentation - The proposed Allen Road Sewer Trunkline will transverse both the Kern River and the Cross Valley Canal. Erosion and sedimentation will not affect neither the Kern River nor the Cross Valley Canal. Typical ordinance requirements ensure that erosion, siltation or deposition of soils from the site by water run-off will not occur through development of the project. Drainage after construction will be required to meet State Board of Reclamation permit requirements. Wind erosion and fugitive dust may occur during the construction process; however, typical ordinance requiring the use of water spraying wiii control wind erosion impacts and should not be considered significant. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase lI Page 2 ToDography - The slope of the natural terrain on-site is relatively fiat, with slopes at 0 to 2%. The proposed sewer trunkline construction will result in a change to the topography and/or ground surface relief features of the area to a minor degree. Water Water Quality / Quantity - Groundwater - The project will not alter the direction or rate of flow, or substantially deplete the quantity of groundwater resources, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations. The project will not contaminate a public water supply, substantially interfere with groundwater recharge or substantially degrade water quality. Surface Water - The proposal is to construct a sewer trunkline and expansion of an existing sewer trunkline. This may result in temporary discharge into the Kern River Floodway or canal during construction, resulting in minor changes in currents or the course of direction of surface water movements. Although actual Kern River water will not be affected or altered to a significant degree due to the absence of water in this reach of the river, the project may alter canal water quality, from construction impacts including debris. This should not impact the temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity of the canal water to a significant degree. Floodino/Drainage - Construction may result in minor changes to the course or direction of fresh water currents of the Kern River (if water were present during construction). A portion of the trunkline (encompassing approximately 1,600 feet) would be located within the designated 100-year flood zone, as defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Flooding is unlikely to adversely affect the sewer trunkline Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, and the rate and amount of surface water runoff will change during construction. Construction will require special studies to ensure proper drainage from the road surface, possibly limiting drainage access to the Kern River and the Cross Valley Canal. Drainage after construction wilt be required to meet State Board of Reclamation permit requirements. Current development standards require the project to comply with adequate drainage facility design, complete preconstruction soils and grading studies, and compliance with the City Public Works and Building Departments. Ai_Zr Air Quality - Short-term, non-significant, air pollutant impacts would be generated on and off-site during construction, including sources such as: dust from trenching, grading and vehicles; exhaust emissions from motor vehicles and construction equipment. Although there would be short-term air quality impacts from mobile sources of pollutants generated, during construction there will not be a substantial increase in air pollution emissions, nor will there be a significant deterioration of ambient air quality through development of this project. The project will not increase existing traffic. The project will not violate any ambient air quality standard, or contribute substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. The project will not expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. This initial study shall be transmitted to the San Joaquin Valley Unified Air Pollution Control District to review. Climate/Air Movement - Construction of the arterial road and associated bridges will not significantly alter air movement, moisture, temperature and/or result in any change in climate, either locally or regionally. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II Page 3 Odors - Although construction may create odors, long-term use of the site does not have the potential to create objectionable odors. Biological Resources Plants and Animals - Biological Assessment - The City of Bakersfield Public Works Department contracted with Randi McCormick, a local biological consultant, to prepare a Biological Assessment of potential impacts, to plants and animals, created by construction of the proposed sewer extension. Although this assessment is attached to this study as backup, a summary is included below. The Biological Assessment analyzed the potential impacts on riparian (river-side or wetland) vegetation and sensitive biological resources resulting from construction of the proposed sewer trunkline. Biological Assessment - Impact Summary: San Joaquin Kit Fox - Potential impacts to San Joaquin kit fox in the project area during construction activities include possible mortality, injury, or harassment from construction vehicles and equipment, crushing of potential dens inadvertently collapsed by construction activities, and temporary loss of foraging habitat. Tipton Kangaroo Rat - If Tipton Kangaroo rats occupy the small mammal burrows observed within the construction area, impacts would be similar to those mentioned for the Sam Joaquin kit fox, although, if the burrows are occupied the likelihood of injury and/or morality to this species is higher. Riparian Vegetation - Although several riparian trees were observed within the survey area, all but three willows (one multi-trunked) were 100 feet or greater from the centerline of the proposed sewer line route and therefore avoidable. If these willows cannot be avoided, project activities would result in the loss of these mature willows. Other Species - Direct impact to other sensitive species are considered unlikely. Implementation - Implementation of the recommended mitigation measures and participation in the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan would reduce these impacts to a less than significant level. Rare/Endangered Species - Permits and approvals for development associated with this project outside the Kern River primary floodplain will be subject to the terms of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan and associated 10(a)(1 )(B) and 2081 permits issued to the City by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and State Department of Fish and Game, respectively. Terms of the permit require applicants for development projects to pay habitat mitigation fees, excavate known kit fox dens and notify agencies prior to grading. The Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan may be reviewed at the following location: City of Bakersfield, Planning Department, 1715 Chester Avenue, 2nd Floor, Bakersfield, CA, 93301, (805) 326-3733. Areas inside the Kern River primary flood plain are subject to mitigation measures 1 through 4, attached. Habitat Alteration - Construction will temporarily alter the area's habitat. The project during construction may result in the creation of a barrier to the migration or movement of animals from the surrounding land.. However, this will occur only during construction. These impacts to wildlife habitat are considered in the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan (MBHCP), and are not considered significant for the project proposed. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II Page 4 The proposed project is not "significant" per CEQA, and a Certfficate of Fee Exemption has been made with the California Department of Fish and Game. The project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. See attached De Minimis Impact Findings. Correspondence from the biological consultant - 'eio Resources Consulting - states that the area along the White Lane alignment does not represent typical habitat for threatened or endangered species. Furthermore, it is unlikely that listed species would occupy the area of the White Lane alignment. Correspondence from Bio Resources Consulting is attached as Attachment "C~. Transportation Traffic/Circulation - The proposed project will not generate additional vehicular movement, will not cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load (volume) and capacity of the street system, and will not substantially impact existing transportation systems. The project will not significantly alter present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods. Parking - The proposed project will not affect existing parking facilities, nor will there be a demand for new parking through the proposed development. Traffic Hazards - There would be no known significant increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians as a result of the proposed project. Air/Water/Rail Systems - The project will not affect waterborne, rail, or air traffic. Cultural Resources Archaeological/Historical - It is not known if archaeological or historical resources are located on the site. This Initial Study will be transmitted to the Archaeological Information Center (AIC) housed at California State University Bakersfield for their review, comments and recommendations. All measures indicated by the AIC will be completed prior to any ground disturbance. Correspondence from the archaeological consultant - 'Three Gills and a Shovel" - states that the While Lane alignment will not impact archaeological sites. The alignment is within the area of an archaeological survey conducted during in 1994. No further archaeological surveys will be needed as long as work stays within 200 feet of the section line. Correspondence from 'Three Girls and a Shovel" Is attached as Attachment '~) ". Land Use Compatibility - The proposal is necessary to develop a sewer system to transport wastewater flows from the Allen Road and Buena Vista Road service areas to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 via an Allen Road trunkline connecting to a Buena Vista Road trunkline extension. An effort was made to eliminate pump stations, where practical, while still constructing the trunklines to a depth where they were effective as a gravity collector trunkline. Consideration was also given to possible future development in the areas south and west of the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. The Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan land use designations adjacent to the alignments of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and extension of the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer include Low Density Residential, Public, General Commercial, Resource-Intensive Agriculture and Open Space. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase lI Page 5 The allowed uses within the land use designations are compatible with the proposed project. The proposed project will not conflict with adopted environmental plans or goals of the community, disrupt or divide the physical arrangement of an established community, or create a significant land use compatibility problem. General Plan/Zoning - The proposal will not result in any alteration of the present or planned land use of the area, as no land use amendments or zoning changes are proposed with the project. The proposal is consistent with the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan policies and implementation measures and will not significantly conflict with established recreational, educational, religious or scientific uses of the area. Project purpose is to support existing planed development in the Brimhall Road area. Growth Inducement - The Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Extension of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer are proposed to transport wastewater flows from their respective service areas to Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. These lines will accommodate the projected growth within the service areas, and will not, by itself, create growth inducing impacts. Prime Agricultural Land - Although the soils of the project site are considered "prime" by the Department of Conservation, the project will construct a linear trunk sewer line and will not convert prime agricultural land to non-agricultural use. The width of the trunkline is approximately 44 feet and the line will be approximately 15 to 20 feet beneath the surface of the earth. The sewer trunkline will be along either existing roadway (Buena Vista Road, McCutchen Road and Allen Road north of the Cross Valley Canal) or future roadways that are currently being used for agricultural dirt roads (Pacheco Road, Allen Road - south of the Cross Valley Canal). The project will not impair the agricultural productivity of agricultural lands that surround the project site. Public Services Police - The proposal will not affect City Police protection in the area, as no new residents would be included in the City. Fire - The proposal will not affect City fire service for the area, as no new residents or structures will be included in the City. SchoOlS - The proposed project would not impact school facilities to a significant degree, as no new residences will be created through the proposal. Parks / Recreation - The project proposes no increase in population for the area, thereby creating no additional need for parks or recreation in the area. Solid Waste / Disposal - The proposed project would not result in a need for significant new or substantial alterations to existing solid waste disposal systems. The development will not breach published national, state or local standards relating to solid waste or litter control. Facility Maintenance - Street construction will necessitate an increase in maintenance responsibility for the City of Bakersfield. These increases in services are not deemed significant. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II Page 6 Utilities The proposed development would not result in a need for significant additional systems or substantially alter the existing water, storm drainage, natural gas, electricity, or communication utilities or systems in the area. Wastewater - The proposal is necessary to develop a sewer system to transport wastewater flows from the Allen Road and Buena Vista Road service areas to the Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3 via the Allen Road Trunkline connecting to a Buena Vista Road Trunkline Extension. This proposal will benefit the overall wastewater facilities for Treatment Plant No. 3. The impact to wastewater facilities is not considered significant. The Public Services Element of the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan recognizes that the area in which the proposed Allen Road and Buena Vista Sewer Trunk Lines are located will be served by Wastewater Treatment Plant No. 3. This Element also recognizes that additional major trunk lines are needed to serve urban growth. Proposed trunk lines are shown along Allen Road and Buena Vista Road (Public Services Element, 1990: p. X-16, Figure X-7). Goal No. 1 of the Public Services Element is as follows: "Ensure the provision of adequate sewer service to serve the needs of existing and planned development in the planning area"; while Goal No. 3 states, "Provide trunk sewer availability to and treatment/disposal capacity for all metropolitan urban areas..." (Public Services Element, 1990: p. X-18, Figure X-7). The Final Environmental Impact Report for the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan recognizes the need for adequate wastewater transport and treatment. Mitigation Measure No. 2 is as follows: "The periodic revision of overall wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal needs for the Planning Area as growth projections and trends dictate such revision" (Final Environmental Impact Report for the Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan, 1989: p 2-110). The proposed installation of the Allen Road and Buena Vista Sewer Trunk Lines may be viewed as the implementation of this mitigation measure. Population I Employment I Housing The proposal will not induce a substantial concentration or displacement of people, or significantly alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of the area, or affect existing housing or. create, in itself, a demand for additional housing. The proposal will not result in significant reduced employment opportunities for low and moderate income socio-economic groups or impact the social affiliation or interaction of the neighborhood. There will not be a significant impact on the privacy of surrounding areas. Health Hazards / Public Safety No health hazards or potential hazards to people or plant or animal populations will be created as a result of the proposed development. The proposal does not involve a risk of explosions or releasing hazardous substances (including but not limited to oil, pesticides, chemicals, or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions. The project will not attract people to an area and expose them to hazards found there, nor will the project interfere with emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans. The project is not on the most current hazardous wastes and substances site list pursuant to Section 65962.5 of the California Government Code. Appendix I Alien Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II Page 7 Noise Ambient noise levels will increase during any construction/development on the project site. However, once construction of the trunk sewer line is complete, noise will return to ambient noise levels. Construction of the sewer trunk lines is not considered significant for the proposed project. Aesthetics The Kern River, when viewed in the context of its urban surroundings, adds definition and character to the City of Bakersfield. The portion of the river to be affected by the proposal contains important stands of riparian vegetation and habitat that serve as a dominant visual resource because of their diversity pattern and contrast with the surroundings. In order to retain this riparian quality, no tree will be removed by construction activity. The project will not have a negative aesthetic impact. Light and Glare Light and glare would not increase in the areas as a result of the proposed project. The proposal will not add light or glare from the project onto surrounding developments or to the surrounding wildlife in the area. Natural Resources No non-renewable or other natural resources exist on-site to be used or depleted through the proposed project. Energy Usage The proposed road would not result in significant irreversible environmental changes, including uses of nonrenewable energy resources, during the initial and continued phases of the project. The project will not result in significant energy requirements or lack of energy efficiency by amount or fuel type of a project's life cycle. The proposal will not result in significant effects on local and regional energy supplies or on requirements for additional energy capacity or sources, nor will the project result in significant effects on peak and base period demands for electricity and other forms of energy. The project will not conflict with existing energy standards, nor will it encourage activities which result in the wasteful or substantial use of significant amounts of fuel, water, or energy. The project will not result in significant effects on projected transportation energy requirements or in the project's overall use of efficient transportation alternatives. II. MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE The project does not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or impact important examples of the major periods of California history or pre-history. The project does not have the potential to achieve short-term environmental goals, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals. Appendix I Allen Road Tnmk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase 1I Page 8 The project does not have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable or for which the incremental effects of an individual project are considerable when viewed in connection with the efforts of past projects, then current projects, and possible future projects. The project does not have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. , Mitigation Measures A preactivity survey shall be conducted no more than 60 days prior to the initiation of construction to implement the following: Any potential or known kit fox dens identified in this report or subsequently identified which cannot be avoided by construction activities shall be monitored for kit fox activity and excavated using procedures acceptable to CDFG and USFWS. Small mammal burrows observed during the survey or subsequently observed shall be inspected for potential Tipton kangaroo rat activity. If sign of kangaroo rats is observed (scat, tracks, tail drags), burrows should be avoided if possible or CDFG should be notified and given an opportunity to salvage individuals prior to project construction. Cottonwoods and willows within 50 feet of the edge of the construction corridor shall be marked with clearly visible flagging or lath and flagging. If any disturbance is necessary within the driplines of the willows or cottonwoods within the construction corridor, each tree shall be replaced at a ration of 3 to 1 on site after construction is completed, if possible. Alternatively, trees could be replaced at another location suitable to CDFG along the Kern River. Prior to initiation of project construction activities, habitat to be disturbed within the primary floodplain shall be compensated for a ration of at least 1.1 to 1 under the fee structure which is in effect at the time for the MBHCP. Under the current fee scheduled ($1,240 per acre), compensation would total $8,184 (6.6x$1,240 for 6.0 acres of disturbance). In order to prevent adverse impacts to archaeological sites, construction work must stay within 200 feet of the section line interfacing Section Numbers 12 and f3 of Township 30 South and Range 26 East MDB&M. Reference List Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan and Appendices, City of Bakersfield, Kern County, Kern COG, Golden Empire Transit, March 1990. Metropolitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan DEIR, The Planning Center, July, 1989. Metropofitan Bakersfield 2010 General Plan FEIR, SCH #8907032, City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, KCOG, Golden Empire Transit, September, 1989. FEIR Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan, Thomas Reid Associates for the City of Bakersfield and Kern County, March 1991. Appendix I Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase lI Page 9 5. Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation P/an, Advisory Notice to Developers, lO(a)( 1 )(B) and 2081 permits, 1994. 6. Kern River Parkway P/an DE/R, FE/R & Technica/ Appendix, June & Sept. 1988, Jones & Stokes Assoc. 7. Kern River Plan Element, July 1985, City/County. 8. Biological Assessment, The Planning Center for the City of Bakersfield, August 1992. 9. Soil Survey of Kern County, California, U.S. Departmentof Agriculture, 1981. 10. Biological Assessment, Randi McCormick, Biologist p:arts-ai ATTACHMENT "A " INITIAL STUDY Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II PROJECT TITLE: Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer, Phase II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The City of Bakersfield plans to expand its trunk sewer system in the west and northwest areas of the City, which would entail construction of two projects referred to as the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. The project will result in the installation of sewer trunklines of approximately ten linear miles. For the Allen Road project, the intent is to add a trunkline from Palm Avenue south along Allen Road, crossing the Cross Valley Canal and the Kern River, and then continuing south in southerly extension of the Allen Road to the Southern Pacific railroad tracks paralleling a westerly extension of Pacheco Road. The trunkline would then turn east on the south side of the railroad tracks and continue until the trunklline connects to the future Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II. This project would allow for the elimination of an existing pump station on Brimhall Road east of Allen Road, and the existing Boca Del Rio Pump Station west of Allen Road and north of the Cross Valley Canal. The Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewer, Phase II project will connect to the south of the existing trunkline in Buena Vista Road at the intersection with White Lane. The line will continue south on Buena Vista Road to McCutcheon Road, where it will turn east on McCutcheon Road and extend to Gosford Road. At Gosford Road, the pipeline will be terminated and the wastewater lifted into the existing pipeline extending easterly to the treatment plant along the existing McCutcheon Road alignment. The sewer trunklines are to support planned development within the "Brimhall Road South" project area and to remove the need for some existing pumping stations. A more complete description of the Allen Road and Buena vista Road sewer trunk line is given in the attached sewer trunk line study. :pit December 14, 1998 S:~ole~Allen-Buena Vista Rd Sewer~artsl-is.wpd ATTACHMENT "A" ALLEN ROAD TRUNK SEWER AND BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER ,, ,,j PHA8~ II I. , o. .-.-;i ..., ~, i" ~,. ~ ~ ' / '}""'I,i'*"' mm '" STOCI(DALE HIGHWAY mlseeJ 2 "~eme tm 6 5 is.ees~ ' 3 f. ...., .~~.~ ~""t..--.~ I0 27 15 I1 14 21 22 12 T3 PAL'HE:CO ROAD WHITE LANE 17 i 24 I 9 20 ~ i ~ 3O 21 MC CUTCHEON ROAD PANAMA LANE: 25 36 32 21 22 ~mmmmmmmimmmmmmmm 27 33 ATTACHMENT B ALLEN ROAD TRUNK SEWER AND BUENA VISTA ROAD TRUNK SEWER PHASE II REVISED , ~ ~ ~. ,~: " b', '0 ~jj..o. ;.~, 36 31 r 32 ~" ~ 3~ HIGHWAY 6 5 3 ; .... ~ U ~ 10 11 15 14 23 12 i i ,, i i i i - i ,m PANAMA LANE 25 22 27 26 18 PACHECO ROAD -~_ WHITE LANE 17 16 10 19 O 21 o 22 30 MC CUTCHEON ROAD ~meemme,,M,--,wm, f 27 33 T s 35 36 ' s,~=,,,.. 31 32 12/02/08 16:20 'D'805 828 1027 C 0 B PUBLIC BRC - Bin R oupc s Consulting Biological Saleneff - Invcffiary, Permffiing, and Pinning December 2. 199R Ms'. Conchita NieW. Engineer 11 City of Bakersfield Departmere of Publit' Works 150 ! Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 9330 ! .... Subject:-Allen-Road scwcr-trunkJinc--WNt~FLane.e~l~mba~prejec$ ......... · ' ...... ' ...... ' Dear Ms. Nieto: At your rcqucm, [ performed a balerevaluation of a proposed portion of the Allen Road sewer U'Lmk line c~ctcn.don on December 2, 1998. The "tVhite Lane extension" portion of the project i-~ located west ufa]ong the tijture aligruncnt of White LaM:, turning north along the future Allen Road alignnx:nt and cx-tending to the existin~ proposed nlignmcnt near the Kcm Rjver The area along Ihis portion ofthc proposed alignment does not represent typical habitat for thj'eatencd or endangered species due to the presence of row crops and intensive farrobeS activit7 /UthJugh listed species, such as San Joaquln kit fox (l ',//~er,v mecr, fi.~' m,licu) and SwainsoWs hawk (tlld¢o sH'di, som) may occasionally forage in inten.~ive agricultural areas, there were no features along the route I~dy ~o bc occupjcd by thcsc spa;ira Alth.ugh the proposed project is within the range of sovcraJ federal and/or state-listed plant and wildlife taxa, it is extremely unlil~ely that any of these listccl spccics would occupy the route; thEe fore, dirccl "rake" of listed spccios is not anticipated. ffyou hav~ any questions regarding this evaluation. Feet ~'ec to call me. Rand; McCormick Senior Biologist ATTACHMENT "C" · *** BRC' -ResouPces Consulting7 Biological Sciences - Inventory, Permitting, and Planning December 16. 1997 Mr. Marc Gauthier Principal Planner City of Bakersfield 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 Dear Mr. Gauthier: The purpose of this letter is to document a sensitive species surface survey. that was conducted between November 12 and 20. 1997 for a portion of the proposed Allen Road sewer mink line extension Kern County., Califorma (Figure 1). A meeting was held in the field and attended by Ci.ty of Bakersfield staff and a representative of the Kern River Parkway Comrmttee to outline the extent of the project and discuss any concerns regarding the proposed proJect's potential impacts. Areas containing potential habitat within ihe primary., floodplain of the Kern River along the staked cente~ine of the proposed sewer line route plus a 200 foot corridor on either side of the centerline were surveyed for evidence of listed wildlife species and other sensitive biological resources. Survey results were used to evaluate potential impacts to sensitive biological resources which may be present in the project area. Potentially occurring federal and state-listed wildlife species. were the focus of the survey. Other sensitive species (i.e. California Department of Fish and Game species of special concern) were noted if encountered. The survey was not conducted at an appropriate time for the identification of special status annual plant species. Background The sun'ev area consists of an approximately 1300-foot long corridor located south of the existing end of Allen Road and the Cross Valley Canal. The route is oriented in a north-south direction along the boundary between Sections 1 and 2. Tow~iship 30 South. Range 26 East. M.D.B.&M. In the field. the centerline stalies identify stations ranging ti-om station 128+00 at the south end of the survey area to statmn 146+00 at the Cross Valley Canal. An unpaved road nearly parallels the centerline in the ~urvev area between station 128+00 and 134+00. At station 134+00 this road rams to the west. The portion'of the trunk line extension included in the survev includes the bed of the Kern River and approximately 800 feet outside the channel on the south side and 250 feet on the north side to the Cross Valley Canal. Th~ width of the river bed was approximately 250 feet. The project will consist of construction of an underground sewer mink pipeline to be connected to the e~sting Ci~' of Bakersfield wastewater system. Project construction would result in disturbance extending approximately 100 feet on either side of the centerline. The survey area is within the primary floodplain of the Kem River, a "water of the United States" pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act. Some of the habitat has been previously disturbed. most likeIv bv channel maintenance activity. In addition, much of the area on the south side of the river has evid~ce 13f being inundated bv either water for groundwater recharge or overflow of the river. Although npanan habitat is not well-developed in any of the survev area. nparian vegetation. including Goodding's black willow (Sal~x gooddingu ), Fremont cottonwoods (Poputus .fremontiD, and mulefat (Bacchans sal~cifblta) were present. Federal and/or state-listed wildlife species which may occur in the project vicimtv include San Joaqum kit fox ( l~Idpes macrotis rnutica), Tipton kangaroo rat (Dipodomys mtratotdes ssp. ntt~atotdes), blunt-nosed 1801 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone {805) 334-2711/Fax (805) 326-1628 Mr. Mare Gauthie City of Bakersfield Page 2 leopard lizard (Gambelia sHa), and San Joaqum antelope squirrel (Ammospermophilus nelsont). Also, historically the Kern River provided habitat for the federal candidate southwestern pond turtle (Clernrnys marmorata pallida) and state threatened SwainsoWs hawk (Buteo swainsore). Methods The staked centerline plus 250 feet on either side of the centerline were walked using belt tramsects. The purpose of belt transects was to achieve 100% coverage of the site and an adequate buffer. During the survey., observations of plant species and wildlife or their sign were noted. Additionally, locations of burrows or dens potentially used bv sensitive wildlife species were documented. Because the project crosses the Kern River where there is remnant npanan habitat, native npanan trees (greater than 8 inch diameter-at-breast-height) were documented when observed within the survey area. In compiling this report. several people with expertise in vinous areas were contacted regarding the Metropolitan Bakers field Habitat Conservation Plan. species occurrences. and mitigation measures. Person contacted and references are shown m Attachment 1. Results Upland habitat in the survey area consisted mainly of non-native grasses interspersed with ripman shrubs and trees. Many of the lower areas of the site contained plants tolerant of wet conditions during all of part of their growing season. Due to the season of the survey, many plants were not identifiable. Plants which could be identified and wildlife observed during project surveys are shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Construction of this portion of the Allen Road sewer tnmk line would result in temporary. disturbance to approyamately 6 acres of listed species habitat. Two potential San Joaqum kit fox dens were observed on the south side of the Kern River. One den had two enhances and was located approximately 150' east of the centerline at station 136+00 (Table 3 ). The second potential den was observed in a pipe on the centerline at station 13 1 +00. Small mammal burrows potentially occupied by Tipton kangaroo rats were observed along the south bank of the Cross Valley Canal. Additional possible Tipton kangaroo rat burrows were observed west of station t34+00 along the north shoulder of an unpaved road. Although the surveys were not conducted at an appropriate time for detection of blunt-nosed leopard lizard~ densit>.' of vegetation vathin the survey area was considered inappropnate for this species. Several Fremont cottonwoods, Gooding's black willows~ and mesqmtcs were observed within the survey area. The locations and approximate diameter-at-breast-height for each is shown in Table 3. No other special status wildlife species were observed within the survey area. Although Swainson's hawks are known to nest on the Kern River approxunately one mile downstream of the project site (Sam FiRon, Bureau of Land Management; pers. comm.), likely nest trees were not observed along the proposed route. Southwestern pond turtles have not been observed along this portion of the Kern River for several years. The nearest recent observation of a pond turtle was recorded in a pond on the Coles Levee Preserve apl;roximately 10 males southwest of the project site (Steve Geddes, ARCO Western Energy; pets. comm.). The habitat along this portion of the river does not include any ponded areas or suitable basking sites for this species. It is considered unlikely that pond turtles would occupy the site vicinity currently. Table 1 Plants Observed During Surveys Conducted November 12-20, 1997 Allen Road Sewer Trunk Line Project ,Mr. Marc Gauthiet City. of Bakersfield Page 3 Scientific Name Common Name Ambrosia acanthicarpa Arnsinlaa menHesii ssp. intermedia Artemtsia douglasiana Atrtplex lenttformts Bacchans salicifotia Bromus madritensts ssp. rubens Conyza canadensis Cyperus sp. Damra meteloides Erodium ctcutanum Helianthus annuus Heliotroptum curassavicum Heterotheca grandifiora Hirschfeldia mcana Juncus sp. Lactuca sernolla Lepidtum sp. Lessmgta lemmonn Lolmm perenne Marntbtum vulgare Nicotrana glauca Polypogon monspeliensis Popuius fremontii Prosopts glandulosa vat. torreyana Rumex cnspus Salix gooddingii Salsola pesufera Stephanomerta sp. Typha lanjblta Uraca dioica ssp. holosertcea ~lpta myuros Xanthtum strumallure Annual bursage Fiddleneck Mugwon Quail bush Mule fat Red brome Mare's tail Umbrella sedge Jimson weed Red-stemmed filaree Common sunflower Heliotrope Telegraph weed Tumble mustard Rush Pnckly lettuce Peppergrass Lessmgna Ryegrass Horehotmd Tree tobacco Rabbits foot grass Fremont cottonwood Mesquite Curly dock Gooddmg's black willow Russian thistle Skeleton weed Cattail Stinging nettle Rat-tail rescue Cockleburr Table 2 Wildlife Observed During Surveys Conducted November 12-20, 1997 Allen Road Sewer Trunk Line Project ,Mr. Mar~ Gaullfier City of Bakm~ield Page 4 Scientific Name Common Name Reptiles: Cnemtdophorus ngrls Uta stansburtana Birds; Acclptter strtatus Aphelocoma coerulescens Buteo jamaicensis Callipepla californica Calypte anna Carpodacus mextcanus Charadrius voc(ferus Circus cyaneus Dendroica coronata Hanus caeruleus Euphagus c,vanocephalus Falco sparvertus Lanlus tudovtctanus Mtmus poiyglottos Ptpilo /hscus Regulus calendula Sayornts ntgrtcans Zenatda macroura Zonotrtchia leucophrys Mammals: Canis latrans 51.ermophilus beecheyt Sylvilagus audubonit Vulpes macrotis mutica Western whiptail Side-blotched lizard Sharp-shinned hawk Scrub jay Red-tailed hawk California quail Anna's hummingbird House finch Killdeer Northem harner Yellow-rtunped warbler Black-shouldered kite Brewer's blackbird American kestrel Loggerhead shrike Northern mockingbird Brown towbee Ruby-crowned kinglet Black phoebe Mourmng dove White-crowned sparrow Coyote (scat) California ground squirrel Desert cottontail San Joaquin kit fox (scat) Mr. Marc Gauther City, of Bakesfield Page 5 Table 3 Sensitive Biological Resource Observations Allen Road Sewer Trunk Line Project Station No. 131+00 l 36+00 Observation Potential SJKF den Goodding's black willow Comments pipe den located on centerline 2 trees: #1 - 150' west ofcenterline { 12" dbh). #2 - 165' west of centerline and 60' north of station (10" dbh).a 135+00 137+00 141+00 143+00 146+00 Potential TKR burrows Potential SJKF den Gooddmg's black willowL Fremont cottonwood Goodding's black willow Potential TKR burrows several small mammal burrows in north bank of dirt road 50' south of station and beginrang 75' west of centerline. 2 entrances located 150' east of centerline. 5 willows: #1 - 70' east of centerline ( 10" dbh), #2 - 75' east ofcenterline (8" dbh).//3. #4. #5 - 150" east of centerline ( 16" dbh. 15" dbh. and 12" dbh). 1 cottonwood: 170' east of centerline ( 16" dbh). multi-trunked tree located 100' east of centerline small mammal burrows in bank of Cross Vailev Canal. All distances are approximate Abbreviations: dbh - diameter at breast height (approximate measurements in inches) SJKF - San Joaquin kit fox TKR - Tipton kangaroo rat ,Mr. Mare Gauthier City. of Bakentieid Page 6 Impacts Potential impacts to San Joaqum kit tbx in the project area during construction activities include possible mortalit>.,, injury., or harassment from construction vehicles and eqtapment. crushing of potential dens inadvertently collapsed by construction activities. and temporary. loss of foragmg habitat. If Tipton kangaroo rats occupy the small mammal burrows observed within the construction area. Impacts would be similar to those menuoned for San Joaquin kit fox. although. if the burrows are occupied the likelihood of injur>., and/or mortality to this species is higher. Although several npanan trees were observed within the surve.v area, all but three willows (one multi- trunked) were 100' or greater from the centerline of the proposed sewer line route. and therefore avoidable. If the wffiows located near stations 141+00 and 146+00 cannot be avoided. project activities would result in the loss of these mature willow. Direct impacts to other sensitive species are considered unlikely. Implementation of the recommendations in the following section and participation in the MBHCP through compensation for temporar>.' disturbance of 6 acres of threatened and/or endangered species habitat would reduce these impacts to a less than significant level. Recommendations The project area is within the range of several federal and state-listed plant and wildlife taxa. Among other activities. hamung, injunng, or killing of listed wildlife species is considered "take" under the Federal Endangered Species Act (FESA) and is also prohibited under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). These acts are prohibited under Section 9 of FESA if thev occur in the absence of FESA "incidental take", permission pursuant to Sections 10(a) or 7. The project site is located within the City of Bakersfield. one of the implementing agencies of the MBHCP. The MBHCP includes pernuts from both U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Section 10(a)(l)(B) of FESA and Califorma Department of Fish and Game under Section 2081 of the California Fish and Game Code for "incidental take" resulting from unplementation of the MBHCP. The portion of the Allen Road sewer trunk line project included in the survev area is within the prunary floodplain of the Kern River. an area specifically excluded from the MBHCP Plan Area. Therefore. permission to compensate under the MBHCP must be specifically requested by the project applicant. A request bv Mr. Jim Movius {City of Bakersfield) was submatted to the implementation Trust Group tbr the MBH~P on October 29. 199~. The Implementation Trust Group approved the portion of the Allen Road sewer trunk line project located within the primarv floodplato tbr participation in the MBHCP bv allowing the Ci.ty of Bakersfield to compensate for disttirbed habitat based on that request I Jim Movius. Ci.ty Of Bakers field: pers. comm.). In the southern San Joaqum Valley. compensation for temporary. disturbance to listed species habitat is Lypically provided at a ratio of 1.1 to 1. Therefore. compensation for temporarv disturbance to 6.0 acres resulting from construction of the proposed project would require at least 6.6 acres of compensation habitat. No knox~n San Joaqum kit fox dens were observed dunng the survey.; therefore. under the MBHCP. no mitigation measures are reqtured. However, because the project is not actualIv w~thin the Plan Area, biologncal surveys were conducted and the following additional measures are necessarv. ,Mr. Marc Gauthier City, of Bakersfield Page 7 1. A preactivi,ty survey shall be conducted no more than 60 days prior to the initiation of construction to unplement the following: A. Any potential or known kit fox dens identified in this report or subsequently identified which cannot be avoided by construction activities shall be monitored for kit fox activity and excavated using procedures acceptable to CDFG and USFWS. B. Small mammal burrows observed during the survev or subsequently observed shall be inspected for potential Tipton kangaroo rat activi.ty. li' sign of kangarc;o rats is observed (scat, tracks. tail drags), burrows should be avoided if possible or CDFG shotrid be notified and given an oppormmty to salvage individuals prior to project construction. 2. Cottonwoods and willows within 50 feet of the edge of the construction corridor shall be marked x~th clearIv visible flagging or lath and flagging. 3. If any disturbance is necessary v, ithin the driplines of the willows or cottonwoods within the construction corridor. each tree shall be replaced at a ratio of 3 to I on site after construction is completed. if possible. Alternatively, trees could be replaced at another location suitable to CDFG along the Kern River. 4. Prior to initiation of project construction activities, habitat to be disturbed xvithin the primary floodplain shall be compensated for at a ratio of at least 1.1 to I under the fee structure which is m effect at the time for the MBHCP. Under the current fee schedule ($1.240 per acre), compensation would total $8,184 (6.6 x $1,240 for 6.0 acres of disturbance). Please call if you have any questions regarding this letter or the recommended measures. SincereIx'. Ranch L. McConmck CC.' Conchita Nieto City. of Bakersfield. Public Works ATTACHMENT 1 PERSONS CONTACTED AND REFERENCES CONStILTED DURING PREPARATION OF THIS REPORT ARCO Western Energy: Steve Geddes. Environmental Specialist: BakersfielcL Califorma California Department of Fish and Game: Rhonda Reed. Natural Heritage Supervisor: Region 4. Fresno. Califorma. Dr. Jeffrey Single, Environmental Specialist [II: Region 4. Fresno, Califorma. City of Bakersfield: Jim Movius. Principal Planner: Bakersfield, California. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Heather Bell. Fish and Wildlife Biologist: Sacramento Field Office. Sacramento, Califorma. References: Jones and Stokes Associates, Inc. September 1987. Biological Resources Inventory, of the Kern River Parlcwav. Unpubl. report prepared for the City of Bakersfield Planning Department. 43 pp. Hickman. J. C.. ed. 1993. The Jepson Manual Higher Plants of Califorma. Umversitv of Califorma Press. Berkeley, Califorma 1400 pp. Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan Steenng Comnuttee. April 1994. Metropolitan Bakersfield Habitat Conservation Plan. 96 pp. Moe. L. M. and E. C. Twisselmann. 1995. A Kev to Vascular Plant Species of Kern Countv California and A Flora of Kern Coun.ty, Califorma. California Native Plant Societv. Sacramento. Cdlifomia. 618 pp. Robbins. C. S.. B. Bruun. and H. S. Zim. 1983. A Guide to Field Identification Birds of North America. Golden Press. New York. New York. 360 pp. 11/10/98 11:07 ~002 'D'805 328 1027 C o B PUBLIC , ee and a She , . .. Conchits Nieto " ;'. .... +.:-..' ~tblic Works~-Departmea~' .':.'," . .':"'.:[:~-":..:?;~ .;:.:;:.:-,.~;i,.:ff..,,,?-! .x'~z'-~/.:.~t--..:~...:::y--:.-_::y!~ff':: : 'xsoz:~mi:~'~e-.,:.-..- :. -.-.'..-:-:.--.:.y.:.:.:.::...-,- .:-.- :..-j::j..i:t..:,>:~.:,:.L. ,.-. aa,ke:r'~i f:t~I~,'~ ':CA:!:930:1:i.:l-:;*j-.. .......::~" ::; :-;: l:, ":-.%V]"~, ~'_,L~...: .12 -r ....-~i _: .,'c ,L. ,,~ v.'.~-~.~'~ '- :- :- ...... · ' -" ':'- ....-"."' "' :: :,' :' '-' ' "' '-": '*-: ,:::Y;': !:~:::i:-j' '! '.: --. :'- ':';??"-'.-z~'-,*w Archaeological aeee~Ch-White lane :Extension Alignment '. ""."-,','.' :' .. Dear Ms. NletO: AS I d~scussed w~th you on the phone last week, the Wh~Ce Lane Extension alignment was lncluded in an aruhaeological survey conducted hy RObert PalT :in 1994 (All Archaeological Assessment of 4,525.~5 Acres of'Land West of Bakersfield}. Though a number of archaeological sites were discovered during this survey, 'none were along the Whlte Lane Hxtension alignment. The neareS= archaeological site is X/8th mile (aPProximately 660 feet) south of the alignment. This site will not be impacted and no f,/rther It is always possible that buried'archaeological remains may he unear=hed dur~_n_g work on tb/s project. should such remains he discovered, work must halt in the immediate area and the f~nds must be ~ssessed b~ a qualified archaeologist. Should human remains be d~scovered at any time, work must halt in that area and the Kern' count~ coroner muSt be notified (CFd3A Appendix E-VIII, Health and safet~ Code Section ~050.5). The project archaeologist should also be not~fied. US · If you have any questions, please do not hesitate I:;o contact Very truly yours, Catherine Lewls Pruett for Pares G~a-l# anry ~. S~oFel ATTACHMENT "D" North Bakersfield Recreation :~ P~rk District 40s Ga~.~y Avenue, Bab2rs~ld c~a~J~.~%~8 (805) 392-2000 December 16, 1998 Mr. Marc Gauthier, Principal Planner Development Services Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 SUBJECT: Dear Marc, Allen Road and Buena Vista Road Trunk Sewers - Phase North Bakersfield Recreation and Park District concurs with your finding that this sewer project will not impact park and recreation services. Sincerely, Colon G. Bywater Planning and Construction Director CGB:bc