HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/16/2014 B A K E R S F I E L D /s/ Steven Teglia Committee Members Staff: Steven Teglia Russell Johnson, Chair Assistant to the City Manager Jacquie Sullivan Willie Rivera SPECIAL MEETING OF THE SAFE NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE Thursday, January 16, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North – Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The meeting was convened at 12:00 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember, Russell Johnson, Chair Councilmember, Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember, Willie Rivera City staff: Steve Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Caleb Blaschke Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate City Attorney Tom Geddes, Associate City Attorney Lyle Martin, Assistant Chief of Police Captain Scott McDonald, Bakersfield Police Department Captain Hajir Nuriddin, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Greg Terry, Bakersfield Police Department Lieutenant Rene Chow, Bakersfield Police Department Sergeant Dave Boyd, Bakersfield Police Department Additional Attendees: DeVon Johnson, Believers Recovery Allen Rodgers, Delta-One Security Group William Haywood, Ebony Counseling Center Members of the media Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report January 16, 2014 Page 2 __________________________________________________________ 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS DeVon Johnson asked that the Committee discuss the continuing problem of prostitution and loitering on Union Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard at a future meeting. Assistant Chief Martin reported that in 2013, over 400 arrests were made, many of which involved the same individuals. Sergeant Boyd stated that they are very aggressive in their efforts to combat these crimes, not only on Union Avenue, but in the Baker Street corridor as well. Committee member Rivera stated that he also sees these problems, and requested that the Police Department provide an update at the next meeting regarding enforcement efforts. Committee member Sullivan asked that the report include details about what the process is after the individual has been arrested. 3. ADOPTION OF NOVEMBER 21, 2013 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The Report was unanimously adopted as submitted. 4. REPORTS A. Update regarding Internet Cafés Assistant Chief Martin referred to the memorandum that had been included in the packet. He said that the Department is waiting for the Court to reach a decision on the pending cases; however, they continue to monitor and provide enforcement for the criminal activities happening outside of the café’s that continue to operate. They are very optimistic about AB-1439 (Salas), and the work that Committee Chair Johnson has done in addressing the sweepstakes issue. Committee Chair Johnson noted that there is one more café on the list than there was before. While the number is increasing, he believes staff is still taking the right actions. He thanked Assembly member Salas for sponsoring AB-1439. He asked for an update on SB-678. City Attorney Gennaro said that members of her staff are monitoring the bill, and there has been no activity. A report will be provided at the next meeting. Allen Rodgers, owner-operator of Delta One Security Group spoke to the Committee about his background and years of experience as a security consultant. He provides security for the Lucky Lady and believes that there are no problems there. The efforts being made to close these establishments are damaging to his reputation and business. Committee Chair Johnson stated that the activity taking place within these businesses is illegal, and the problems that exist damage other businesses. He also Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report January 16, 2014 Page 3 __________________________________________________________ mentioned that one internet café patron did not get paid their winnings, and this patron had no recourse to recover the money. B. Update regarding Gang/Graffiti Enforcement and Safe Streets Partnership Efforts Assistant Chief Martin referred to the memorandum that was included in the packet. He noted that the decrease in homicides and gang-related shootings are not only due to the efforts of the Police Department, but as a result of community involvement, also. The next meeting of the Safe Streets Partnership is scheduled for Monday, February 10th. Committee Chair Johnson said that is it encouraging to see the numbers decrease in 2013 from 2012, although it appears that there was a spike in 2012. The efforts are starting to pay off. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Committee recommendation regarding Adoption of the 2014 Committee meeting Schedule Committee member Rivera asked that the September 18th meeting be held in Ward 1 at 5:00 p.m. or later. Committee Chair Johnson requested that staff contact Kern County’s representatives on the Joint City-County Standing Committee to Combat Gang Violence, with the goal of scheduling a meeting in 2014. The calendar was unanimously approved, as was the change requested by Committee member Rivera. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Sullivan asked about Mr. Rodgers. Assistant Chief Martin reported that Mr. Rodgers had made contact with staff, who will work with him. Committee member Sullivan requested that the January, 2015 meeting be held on a different day than the third Thursday. Committee Chair Johnson spoke of an item slated to be on the January 22, 2014 Council agenda, requesting approval of an agreement with a firm to study the Police Department and come back with a report on how to improve response times. He asked why it had not been referred to Committee. Assistant Chief Martin said that the study is the result of a referral made at a Council meeting by Vice Mayor Weir, which was referred to staff, not Committee. Safe Neighborhoods and Community Relations Committee Agenda Summary Report January 16, 2014 Page 4 __________________________________________________________ Committee Chair Johnson stated that, based on discussions held by the Committee, it is apparent that the difficulty is in getting the appropriate amount of individuals trained and in the lack of available officers who wish to transfer from other jurisdictions. He is skeptical that the report would generate infor mation other than what is already known, which is that additional officers are needed on the street. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia stated that the referral originated from budget discussions last year under the topic of adding sworn personnel to the Police Department. Vice Mayor Weir’s referral is strategic in nature, and the study will cover the Department as a whole. The City Manager’s Office researched reputable firms, and had discussions with the International Association of Police Chiefs (I ACP), which was found to be the most qualified. The scope of work contained within the agreement focuses on a broad range of issues, including staffing. Committee Chair Johnson said he will ask more questions at the Council meeting. Committee Chair Johnson asked why it was a sole-source agreement, and why a Request for Proposals (RFP) was not done. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia said that that question could also be addressed at the Council meeting; however, this association is well regarded and has performed these types of analyses for other jurisdictions. Staff believes that they are the right organization to do the work. Committee Chair Johnson asked that a discussion begin at the next meeting regarding proactive steps that may be taken to fill the open positions in the Police Department. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia said that filling the open positions is a component of the report that will ultimately be provided by IACP. He suggested that the proposed discussion be held in abeyance until the study is complete. Committee member Rivera stated that a great deal of time has elapsed since the referral was made, and now the information would be further delayed while the study is being conducted. He said that Chief Williamson had indicated that he already knows what can be done. Mr. Rivera also knew of an instance where an officer had to come from the east side of Bakersfield to assist a citizen in the southeast, so he is concerned about the allocation of resources. 7. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:47 p.m.