HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0410 RFSOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. ~./.O ~o~,IUiI~,, OE INTEi'~TIO!',I TION OF ~IF0~,lI~. AVENUE ~OL~ ~ EA2TERLY LINE ~F F CITY OF B~J(ERS~IELD, COtIN'I~ OF KE~ ~S~.TE OF CALI~:[IA, TO BE !i~O~,i~ AS ST~ET DISTi~ICT NO. 7~. as followo. ~ ~ CflUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF L::. IT RESOLVED BY },m,.~rs~eld to order the fol~.owi~z work to be done and to be made in the said City, to-wit: That ~ is the intention of the City otmc~l of the City imorovement That cement concrete c~rbs and sidewalks be constructed on eit.ber side of CaliforDia Avenue from the easterly line of F Street to t.ne westerly li~e of M Street (exceptin~z suc~ portions thereof as have already been done to official line ~5 ~Trade;) all of the afore- ssid work ~d improvement is to be done in accord~ce with tae plus ~,~ specifica~sions rieretofore and on the ~ay of /~ ' 19~ adopted by the City Co~cil of tae City of B~ersfield, s~id plus bei~ entitled "PLAN i~ T~E I~OV~fE~.~T OF 2TREET DISTRICT N0. 7~ IN T~E CITY OF B~JiERR~I~LD CAI, IF.", ~d sa]~ specifications beinf~ entitled ~, O~ T'~f~t,l orn ' · n~, ,~ . CITY OF ~j%ERgFIELD CJ~IF%", ~d waica said plus ~d specifications are on file in the office of tae City Clerk of the City of Bskersfield, ~5 are aereby referred to ~ by suc~ reference made a part and por- tion aereof, and in t~is co~ection tae sai~ plans and specifications also s~ow t~e exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. Jm~ Whereas, said contemplated work and improvement, in tae ooinion of tae said City Council is of more tno.n local or ordinary public benefit, sai~ Comcil hereby makes the expense of said work ~5 improvement cna~geable ~pon a district, w~ica district said City Comn- cil .~ereby declares to be 'the di~trict benefitted by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs ~qd expenses thereof, and wf~ica said district is bo,~ded m~d described as follows: -1- Begin~in,~ st a point in tee westerly line, of Jvl Street 30~.2~ feet northerly from the ;~ortaerly line of California Avenue -and r'~m~in~,~ t~lence westerly on a li~e 30~,2~ feet nort,~erly from an~ lel! to tn¢~ northerly line of California Avenue to the easterly line of L Street; taence sout~-~erly alon~ the easterly line of L Street to the nortaerly line of Cali£ornia Avsnme; thence westerly alo~:u t~s nort,,~erly line of California Aven~e to the westerly line of K Street; thence ~' nco westerly northerly s!onf~ the westerly ,~ne of K Street 30~.2~/' on a line 30%.2) .:eot noro~erly from smd parallel to the northerly line of California Avenue to the easterly line of Cnester Avenue; thence soutaerly alonf[ tee easterly line of C~ester ~;venue to the northerly line of California Avenue; thence westerly alon~(; the ~ortner]y line of California Avenue to a point 132 feet ~,~esterly from the westerly line of ! Street; thence northerly on a line 132 feet westerly from a~ parallel to the westerly tine of I Street !15.5 feet; thence westerly on a line 11~.~ feet nort:aerly ?rom a~d parallel to the nortaerly line of California Avenue to the easterly li~e of F Street; thence southerly alo~,~ the easterly line of ~' Street to the nertaerly line of California Avenue; taence southerly across Californis Aven~e to a point in sou'tner]y l~ne 6aereof 13.47 feet westerly from the westerly line of Block 23 Soutnern Addition; thence southerly on a line 13.a7 feet west- erly from and parallel to tne westerly line o& sai5 Block 23 a distance of 117 feet; t~ence easterly on a line 117 feet soutner!y from sand parallel to the soutnerly line o! Oalifornia ~.venue to t~e westerly line of Block 24~ Southern Addxt~on; thence nort~erly alm~ the westerly line of said Block 2~ .~md the extension thereof to the southerly line of California Avenue; thence easterly alon,~ the southerly line of Cali- fornia Avenue to the easterly line of H Street; t.~ence southerly along the easterly line of H Street 115.5 feet; thence easterly on a line 11~.5 feet soutaer]y from a~d ~srallel to tee soutn~rly line of Ca!i- forria Avenue to the westerly line of M Street; taence northerly ato~ the westerly ti~e of M Street to the point of be~innin?, ail in the City of Bakerafi~Id. Notice is hereby f;iven that on!.~ondsy t.qe //~"gay of  1~21, at 8 o'clock P.~. at tke reg~lar of said meetinZ City Co~mcil in tae Council Cnmmbers of said City Co~cil in t~e City Wall of the City of B~ers~ie]~, ~y m~d all persons havin~f any objec- t~ons 6o the proposed work or improvement may appear before sai~ City Council ~d saow cause way said proposed iraprovement should not be carried out in accord~ce with said Resolution. T~e City Clerk of said City of B~ersfield shall ca, se t~is Resolution of Intention to be ~o~blisned twice in the D~ILY ~d T~{E BAKERSFIELD CALIFORUIAN, daily newspapers printed, published circulated in said City of B~ersfield, ~d hereby desi~ated for that p~rpose.by said City Council. The Street Su~oerin~endent of said City of B~ersfield shall ca,se to be conspic+~o~sly oosted s]on~: the lines of said contem- plaLed work and improvement ~d alosu ail the open streets within said district notices of the pass~e of this Resolution of InSm~tion in m~aner and fo~n require~ by law. Al! of on, aere~n ..ooooe~ work snail be clone in ~oursu~me of en act o'~ the Le~islat~re of .~ne ~tate of ~ ~. ~ ~fornia, desitnated tae "Improvement Act of 1911" approved z. pri] tory taereof. I ICR~Y CERTI'~ that the tion was duly smd r'egula'rly introduced, 7, 1911, .~ ~ 8ua ~11 acts ~%menda- foregoinS Resolution of Inten- oassed :~nd adopted by the City Council of the City of B'~ersfield.~at a regulsr meetin!:7 of said City Co,mncil aeld on t~e %~ ~av o., , 19~1, by the followNa% vote: Ave~-Carl ~le, Gri~,, H ~',~ ~m,R~fro, Robinson, Smith, Wil,.gw APPR~:ED tn~s~ da',, of City Clerk m~d ex-officio Clerk of ~ ,~1'. ' ~ Cc,mcil of %~e City of ~yor of the Ci~y(~o/ Bakersli~-