HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0404RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. ~%~ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CONSTRUCT A SEWER IN A DISTRICT KNOWN AS "SFWER DISTRICT NO. 43" IN THE CITY OF BAK~SFIELD. WHEREAS, the public interest and convenience require that the work and improvement hereinafter described should be done; and WHFREAS, in the opinion of the Council of theCity of Bskersfield, said contemplated work and improvement is, .and is here- by declared to be more than local or ordinary public benefit; NOW TH~E?0RE, the Council of the City of Bakersfield does hereby resolve and declare that it is the intention of said Council to order the following work and improvement to be done in said City, to-wit: To construct a six-inch sewer of vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe alo~ the center line of the first alley south of Eureka Street; beginning at a point on the center line of said ~lley produced 31.?~ feet easterly from the westerly line of'Tulare Street thence easterly along said line 432 feet; also ~o construct a lamphole and Y's for house connections at certain ooints as shown on the plan therefore, filed in the office of the City Clerk of said City on tneT-/~d~y of ~ , 1921, said plan being~ entitled , "PLAN FOR TWE INPROVM,~E~T OF SEWER DIS- TRICT NO. 43 IN T~{E CITY. OF B~Sf~RSFIFLD, CALIF.", and said specifi- cations beir~'~ entitled "SPECIFICATIONS ~IDR THE It~PROV~iiE?~T OF SEWER DISTRICT N0. ~ IN T~E CITY OF B~dfFRSFIELD, C~£IF.", which said plans and specifications were adopted and approved by the Coun- cil of the City of sskersf~el~ on the ~/~z/~ day of ~~) 1921, as the plans and specifications accordirkE to which said work snail be done ~nd which are hereby referred to and for a more parti- cular description of said work m~d imorovement. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature of the State of California designated as "THE I~PROVE.~NT ACT 0F l~ll" approved April 7tn, 1911, and ~.l acts ~nendatory thereof. -l- And this Council does hereby determine and declare that the said ~oroposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordi- nary ~}ublic benefit and will affect ~ud benefit the lands and districts hereinafter described, which said district is hereby declared to be the district benefitted by said work and imorovement, and that, there- fore, t~e entire costs and expenses of said work and improvement snail be and is hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessed upon said lands and, district which said district is within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California, and snail be known and called "SEWER DISTRICT NO. 43" ~nd is more particularly bounded ~nd described as follows, to-wit: Beginning~ at the northwesterly corner of Owens and Dolores Street and r~nning thence northerly alon,'~ the westerly line of Owens Streeb to the southerly line of Eureka Street; thence westerly the southerly line of Eureka Street to the westerly line of Besle Aven~e thence southerly alon~ the westerly line of Beale Avenue to the norther- ly line of Dolores Street; tnance easterly alo~q the northerly line of Dolores Street to the point of b~inning~, all in the City of Bakersfield s~ud in that portion formerly known as Kern. ~otice is ~ereby given that at 8 o'clock P2~. on ~onday , at Council Ch bers in City Hall of tae City of Bakerwfield, is the time and place hereby fixed w~en and where any and all persons having objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear before t~e Council of the City of Bakersfield and snow cause w~y said proposed improvement should not 'be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. Tae Clerk of this Council shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the "THE B~J{~SFIELD CALIFOI{NIAN" ~D "DAILY REPORT" daily newspapers ~ublisned in said City and ne. reby designated for that purpose by the Council of the City of B~kersfield, The Superintendent of Streets of said City shall cause to be conspicuously posted alor~5 the line of said contemplated work or improvement ~d in fromt of the property liable to be assessed, alon~..~ all the o~en streets within such districts, notice of the -2- of this Resolution of In e~tl~n, in the manner and form and within the time required by law. I HEREBY CERTIH THAT the forafoin~i~ Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~//z~ day of_._~......, 1921, by the following~ vote: Nays -._....~ Ab~nt - -'~ity Clerk ~Uler~ of ~PROVED tais ~ day of ._~, 1921. ~~f t~e ity of B~ers~ield. -3-