HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0402 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. %~ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO CLOSE TO THE PUBLIC L STREET FROM THE SOUTHERLY PROPERTY LINE QF TRUXTUN AVENUE TO THE NORTH~? PROPERTY LINE OF 16th STREET AND TO CLOSE THE ~LLEY RUNNING EASTERLY AND WESTERLY THROUGH BLOCK 311 FROM T~E EASTERLY LINE OF L STREET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF M STREET, IN THE CITY OF B Al(ERS FI FLD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD as follows: That it is the intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the followir~ street work to be done and improve- ment to be made, to-wit: That L Street from the southerly property line of Truxtun Avenue to the northerly property line of 16th Street be closed to the public and that the alley running easterly and westerly through Block 311 from the easterly line of L Street to the westerly line of M Street also be closed to the public; And said Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed work and improvement is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, and which said distridt is hereby declared to be the district affected and benefitted by said work and improvement, and thmt therefore the entire damages, costs and expenses of said work and improvement s~all be and are hereby made chargeable against and shall be assessable upon said lands and district, which said district is within the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of Californis, and the exterior boundaries of the lands affected and benefitted by said work and improvement are particularly described as follows: Beginning at the ~ corner of Truxtun Avenue and K Street thence southerly alon~ the easterly line of K Street to the northerly line of 16th Street; thence easterly aloe? the northerly line of 16tn ~treet to the westerly line of ~i Street; thence northerly along the westerly 'line of M Street to the southerly line of Truxt~n Avenue and thence westerly alon~ the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the point of beginning. -1- All of the herein proposed work and improvement shall be done in pursuance of an Act of the Legislature of the State of California entitled, "AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE LAYING OUT, OPENING, EXTENDING, WIDENING, STRAIGlqTENING OR CLOSING UP, IN WHOLE OR IN ANY STREET, SQUzt~E, LANE, ~.I,LEY, COURT 'OR PLACE WITi~.IN MUNICIPALITIES, .M~D TO CONDE~N ~2~D AC0.UIP~E ~J.~ ~?,ID ~.LL LAND NECESSARY OR CONVENI~T FOR THAT PURPOSE," approved Marc.h 6, 1889, and the several acts smend- atory thereof or supolemental thereto. THE BAKERSFIFLD CALIFORNIAN and DAILY REPORT are hereby designated as tae daily newspapere published and circulated in said City in wlaich the Street Superintendent's notice of the passage of this Resolution shall be published. I HEREBY CERTIF~ that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Coancil of the City of Bakersfield, on tae day of l~arcn, 1921, by the following vote: Ayes-Baughman, Gilchrist ~inmr, n, Nays -...._~ Absent- ~ ...... -- ~tv Clerk ~d ex-oYficio Clerk of tn~ Co~cil of the City of B~ersfield. ~3PROVED this /~ day of March, 1921. ~a~o~ol t~e C~ty -2-