HomeMy WebLinkAbout4050 GOSFORD ROAD (32)SITE ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION TEST WORK PLAN At Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California January 28, 2003 for Mr. Tony Palagyi Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA. 91510 -7869 PMmred by: WGIR, Southwest, Inc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 1 v U e 1 1 INGr IK Southwest, Inc. January 28, 2003 City ofBakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3`d Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Attn: Mr. Howard H Wines III SUBJECT: SITE ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION TEST WORKPLAN TEXACO SERVICE STATION 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California WGR Southwest, Inc., Project No. 423.EQL.00 Dear Mr. Wines: WGR Southwest, Inc., on behalf of Equilon Enterprises LLC dba Shell Oil Products US is forwarding this attached Site Assessment and Remediation Test Workplan for the above referenced site. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (562) 799 -8510 or Mr. Tony Palagyi, Environmental Engineer, Shell Oil Products US at (425) 377 -8530. zoz- Sincerely, WGR Southwest, Inc. David A. ' iams, RG Project Manager Enc. Cc Mr. Tony Palagyi, Shell Oil Products US 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 • Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 799 -8510 • Fax (562) 799 -8556 Los Alamitos, CA • Bothell, WA Lodi, CA L SITE ASSESSMENT AND REMEDIATION TEST WORK PLAN At Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California January 28, 2003 for Mr. Tony Palagyi Shell Oil Products US P.O. Box 7869 Burbank, CA. 91510 -7869 prepared by: W GIK Southwest, l[rnc. 11021 Winners Circle, Suite 101 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I WGR Southwest, Inc TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. ..............................1 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................... ..............................1 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY ...................................................................... ..............................2 4.0 PROPOSED FIELD ACTIVITIES ....................................................................................... ..............................3 4.1 SOIL BORINGS .................................................................................................................. ............................... 3 4.2 SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS ................................................................................... ..............................4 4.3 POTENTIAL WELL INSTALLATIONS ............................................................................. ..............................4 5.0 FIELD TESTING AND SYSTEM DESIGN ........................................................................ ............................... 5 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN ........................................................................................... ..............................5 7.0 DRILL SITE CLEARANCE ................................................................................................. ..............................6 8.0 DISPOSITION OF DRILL CUTTINGS AND WASTEWATER ....................................... ..............................6 9.0 ASSESSMENT REPORT ..................................................................................................... ............................... 6 FIGURES FIGURE 1: Site Vicinity Map FIGURE 2: Site Plan with Previous/Proposed Boring Locations FIGURE 3: Generalized Well Construction Diagram TABLE 1: TABLE 2: 1 423.EQL.00 TABLES Summary of Previous Soil Borings and Soil Sampling Summary of Previous Soil Boring Investigation Sampling January 28, 2003 J W GrR Southwest, Inc SITE ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN TEXACO SERVICE STATION 4050 Gosford Road at White Lane Bakersfield, California 1.0 INTRODUCTION The subject property, located at 4050 Gosford Road in the City of Bakersfield, California, is the location of a Texaco gasoline station. The subject property is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Gosford Road and White Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The site is located in a commercial and residential district of Bakersfield. A shopping center is directly adjacent to the north and east of the subject property; White Lane followed by a Unocal 76 service station are located to the south of the subject site; Gosford Road followed by residential housing are located to the south. A gasoline station occupies the subject property selling gasoline and diesel fuels. The subject property consists of a station building, overhead canopy structure, a carwash, two dispenser islands each equipped with two multi - product dispenser pumps, three 10,000 gallon and on 12,000 gallon double -wall fiberglass gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs), and associated piping. A site plan of the station layout is shown as Figure 2. 2.0 SITE BACKGROUND On January 19, 2000, Pacific Environmental Group (PEG) conducted a Phase H environmental assessment as the subject site. Six soil borings were advanced to depths of20 to 40 feet below surface grade (BSG). Soil analytical results revealed low -level hydrocarbon impact near the UST's and northwest dispenser island (soil borings BB -1, BB -2, and BB -6). Results ofthe soil analysis are summarized in Table 1. Boring locations are shown on Figure 2. On July 5, 2001, IT conducted soil sampling beneath the product piping and dispensers during station upgrade activities. Total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline and diesel (TPH -g and TPH -d) were detected in soil beneath the product piping in sample locations P -1 and P -2 and dispenser D -1, at concentrations ranging from 0.78 mg/kg to 210 mg/kg. Methyl tert-butyl ether MTBE) was detected in soil beneath all product piping and dispenser sample locations, except D -2, at concentrations ranging from 0.011 mg/kg to 13 mg/kg. I423.EQL.00 1 January 28, 2003 I F i LI 1 WGIK Southwest, Inc On July 17, 2001, IT returned to the site to supervise limited impacted soil overexcavation. Approximately 50 cubic yards of soil was removed from product piping areas P -1 and P -2 and dispenser D -1. Confirmation soil samples were collected from the bottom and sidewalls of the excavations. TPH -g and MTBE were detected in all confirmation soil samples collected from P -1 and P -2. TPH -g concentrations ranged from 3.5 mg/kg to 7.9 mg/kg and MTBE concentrations ranged from 6.1 mg/kg to 16 mg/kg, by EPA Method 8260B. TPH -g concentrations were not detected in confirmation soil samples collected from D -1. MTBE concentrations were detected in the confirmation soil samples collected from D -1 at 0.014 mg/kg and 0.0088 mg/kg. Results of the Isoil analysis are summarized in Table 1. Soil sample locations are shown on Figure 2. On June 20 -21, 2002, WGR Southwest, Inc. conducted a site assessment to more fully define the vertical and lateral extent of the petroleum hydrocarbons beneath the site. The assessment consisted of advancing six soil borings (BB -7 through BB -12) to a depth of 60 feet to 65 feet bgs. Detectable TPH -g was identified in borings BB -7, BB -8, BB -9, BB -10, BB -11, and BB -12 ranging in concentration from 0.068 mg/kg to 12 mg/kg. Detectable TPH -d was identified in boring BB -9 ranging in concentration from 2 mg/kg to 4.6 mg/kg. Detectable benzene concentrations were not identified in any of the borings. Detectable MTBE was identified in borings BB -7, BB -8, BB -9, BB -10, BB -11, and BB -12 ranging in concentration from 5 µg/kg to 16,000 µg/kg. Results of the soil analysis are summarized in Table 2. Boring locations are shown on Figure 2. 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geologic conditions in the site vicinity are characterized from alluvial deposits underlain by marine and non -marine sedimentary units, metamorphic rocks, and crystalline basement material. Surface and near - surface conditions is designated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) as older alluvium, deposited in northwest - dipping alluvial fans resulting from outwash from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east. This alluvium is composed primarily of poorly graded and unconsolidated sands, sandy gravels, and occasional discontinuous lenticular bodies of sandy clay and silt. Regionally, the surface of these old alluvial fans in undulatory, with a distinct dip toward the Kern River to the northwest of the site. The site itself is located along one of the crests of the alluvial fan surface `ripples', at an elevation of approximately 390 feet above mean sea level MSL). The total thickness of the alluvial fan deposits is estimated to range from approximately 600 feet west of the site to over 4,000 feet near the Sierra Nevada Mountains. 1 I423.EQL.00 2 January 28, 2003 1 u v WGR Southwest, Inc The site lies within the Edison hydrogeologic sub -area of the Edison - Maricopa area. Uppermost groundwater within this area occurs within the old alluvial fan deposits. In the site vicinity, deeper aquifers of limited areal extent are present in the consolidated non - marine sedimentary units and within fracture zones of the crystalline basement rock. The most prominent subsurface features controlling the groundwater flow direction are the groundwater barriers formed by the northwest -to- southwest trending Edison Fault and subparallel splays of this fault, located south and north of the site, respectively. According to the records at the Kern County Water Agency, depth to groundwater measurements in the vicinity of the subject site taken in October of 2002 were approximately 160 feet below grade 1 surface (bgs). 4.0 PROPOSED FIELD ACTIVITIES 4.1 SOIL BORINGS WGR Southwest, Inc. proposes to advance 8 soil borings on the subject property in areas of previously identified hydrocarbon impact adjacent to the former UST and former product dispenser islands to complete delineation of impacted soil. Proposed boring locations are shown in Figure 2. The borings will be drilled vertically to minimum depths of 85 feet bgs or until four consecutive soil samples contain no detectable hydrocarbon or oxygenate concentrations (if possible). If groundwater is encountered, a selected number of soil borings may be converted to groundwater monitoring wells. Selected soil borings will also be converted to vapor extraction wells. Well construction details are described in a later section of this report. The soil borings will be advanced vertically utilizing a CME-85 or equivalent drilling rig equipped with 6 to 8 -inch outer diameter (O.D.) hollow -stem augers. Pre- cleaned augers will be used throughout the drilling operation to prevent potential cross contamination. The work will be performed under the supervision of a California Registered Geologist. If hydrocarbon impact is delineated with four consecutive 5 -foot samples of non - detectable hydrocarbons/oxygenates and groundwater is not encountered, the soil borings will be backfilled using a hydrated bentonite grout from the ground surface to the total depth of each boring or converted to a vapor extraction well. 1 I423.EQL.00 3 January 28, 2003 e F- 1 F1 I WGIK Southwest, Inc 4.2 SOIL SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Undisturbed soil samples will be collected for analyses at 5 -foot depth intervals from the borings and submitted for analyses. Soil will be initially collected using a continuous core sampler or an 18 -inch long, 2.5 -inch O. D. split -spoon sampler lined with 2 -inch O. D. metal sample sleeves. Following collection, each end of the metal sleeve will be sealed with Teflon and a plastic end cap. The samples will then be labeled with all pertinent sampling information and packed on ice for subsequent delivery to a California Department of Health Services (DHS)- certified laboratory for analyses. Soil samples will be screened for hydrocarbon vapors with a portable organic vapor analyzer OVA) and described and logged by the field geologist in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). At least two ofthe soil borings will be continuously cored to obtain a detailed lithologic profile of the soil column. Sampling equipment will be decontaminated between sampling episodes utilizing a triple rinse method consisting of a wash with Alconox (or equivalent) solution, an initial rinse with tap water, and a final rinse with distilled water. Following collection, all samples submitted for analyses will be submiitted immediately to an onsite mobile laboratory or stored in a cooler with ice and delivered to a State - certified laboratory using chain -of- custody forms. Each of the samples will be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons as gasoline (TPHg) by EPA method 8015M and for BTEX, MTBE and oxygenates (TBA, DIPE, ETBE, and TAME) by EPA Method 8260B. 4.3 POTENTIAL WELL INSTALLATIONS If groundwater is encountered during drilling of the proposed soil borings, selected borings will be converted to groundwater monitoring wells. If groundwater is not encountered, but it is determined in the field that a vapor extraction well is needed, selected borings will be converted to vapor extraction wells. Wells will be constructed with two -inch diameter schedule 40 PVC well casing. Groundwater monitoring wells will be screened from a minimum of 10 feet above to 15 feet below the static water level (if encountered) as indicated by measurements conducted during drilling activities. Following installation of the well casing, Number 3 Monterey sand will be installed within the annular space between the borehole walls and the well casing from the bottom of the borehole to a depth of approximately 3 feet above the top of the well screen. Following installation of the filter sand the well will be developed by surge blocking. Following 423.EQL.00 4 January 28, 2003 1 1 v WGIK Southwest, Inc well development, additional sand will be added as needed to insure the sand pack is installed aPP minimum of three feet above the top of the screened interval. A three -foot hydrated bentonite chip seal will then be installed in the annular space above the sand pack followed by bentonite grout which will be installed to approximately 1 feet below ground surface. The wells will be completed at the surface with 12 -inch diameter well boxes encased in concrete. Well construction details for groundwater monitoring wells are shown in Figure 3. Appropriate groundwater monitoring well permits will be obtained from the Los Angeles County Department of Environmental Health. 5.0 FIELD TESTING AND SYSTEM DESIGN Vapor extraction testing will be conducted after the proposed site assessment activities are completed and vapor extraction wells are installed. Data collected during the test and analytical results will be utilized to determine radial influence zones, remediation well spacing and design, overall system and individual well flow rates, anticipated influent concentrations and system discharge rates. A vapor extraction system capable of effecting at least 250 standard cubic feet per minute (SCFW will be utilized for the vapor test. The system will be operated at various flow rates from low to high throughout the test on at least two existing wells. Vacuum gauges will be installed in adjacent wells (and/or vapor probes) and monitored throughout the test(s) to determine the effective radial influence distance. Additionally system influent concentrations (as measured by PID) and flow rate data will be collected. Tedlar bag samples will also be collected during the test to confirm vapor concentrations measured by the PID. 6.0 HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN A site specific Health and Safety Plan detailing known or potential hazards and emergency response procedures will be prepared prior to field operations. All on -site personnel will review the plan and conduct a "tailgate" safety meeting prior to initiation of field activities. The safety plan will be maintained on -site throughout the duration of field activities. The plan will be modified if warranted due to on -site conditions. 423.EQL.00 5 January 28, 2003 1 t t t L_J 1 1 WAR Southwest, Inc 7.0 DRILL SITE CLEARANCE Prior to the initiation of field operations, the drilling locations will be marked in white paint and Underground Service Alert (USA) will be contacted to identify any potential subsurface obstructions and/or conflicts. In order to further insure that no underground utilities or obstructions exist at the proposed drilling locations, a geophysical survey will be conducted and the initial 5 feet of drilling will be conducted utilizing hand auger techniques. Adjustments to the proposed surface locations may be required based on the results of the USA survey, the geophysical survey, or hand auguring. 8.0 DISPOSITION OF DRILL CUTTINGS AND WASTEWATER The drill cuttings generated during the drilling operation and any wastewater generated by decontamination procedures will be stored on -site in 55- gallon DOT - approved steel drums pending waste characterization. Each drum will be labeled with the site name and address, generation date, and type and source of the material it contains. Within 60 days of the generation date, the drummed soil and water will be transported to an appropriate facility for disposal. 9.0 ASSESSMENT REPORT Upon completion of field activities, a report documenting the fieldwork will be submitted. The report will include a detailed description of the field activities, a summary of the analytical data, analytical reports with QA/QC documentation, soil boring logs, investigation findings and conclusions, and recommendations for closure (if conditions are appropriate). Respectfully submitted, WGR Southwest, Inc. Prepared by: Ryan Nunneley, Staff S ientist ED Gib Approved by: W /4G J n, x.4342` ` CA Registered Geologist No. I423.EQL.00 6 January 28, 2003 OF c p,\ WGIK Southwest, Inc FIGURES I423.EQL.00 January 28, 2003 t z iii z LAM z LnM z M LAM TOP01 map printed on 07/18/02 from "Callfornla.tpo" and "Untitled. tpg" 119*07.000' W 119*06.000' W 119*05.000, W WGS84 119*04.000- W 119*07.000'W tf- 14* Z Legend z ONN b z N z LnM z LAM 119-?6.000- W 119*05 J A WGS84 119*04.000'W We PdnW ftm TOP01 CM N-H-1 Geopaphk Haklirp (www.tapo=m) \ Site Location dK Shell Oil Products US Figure Site Vicinity Map Southwest, Inc. 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, CA 11021 Winners Circle, cle' 9 suite 'ol DATE 7 PROJECT NUMBER DWN BY I DWG # Alamitos, 0120 01/28/03 1 423.E L.00 I JGM 6 C: oa p. 8 q +9 UQ Mfr 18 A 17 C 10 64 —i 0 lu, 19 0 22 19 29 ll I f 30 28 ................ q.. "...t\ ...... 27 119*07.000'W tf- 14* Z Legend z ONN b z N z LnM z LAM 119-?6.000- W 119*05J A WGS84 119*04.000'W We PdnW ftm TOP01 CM N-H-1 Geopaphk Haklirp (www.tapo=m) \ Site Location dK Shell Oil Products US Figure Site Vicinity Map Southwest, Inc. 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, CA 11021 Winners Circle, cle' 9 suite 'ol DATE 7 PROJECT NUMBER DWN BY I DWG # Alamitos, 0120 01/28/03 1 423.E L.00 I JGM 1 i I I t A Q O A O Lt 0 lD so I I I I CAR I WASH I I vI I I I mWF- 2aJa BB -6 BB -5 P -4 -4 BB-20 O O xP -4 -8 Ex D -4 -'4 D -3 -4 ce D -4 -8 D-3 -8 BB -10 BB -19 P -3 -4 xi I P -3 -8 I PLANTER P -2 -4 BB -18 STATION P -2 -8 BB -2 BUILDING P -2 -10 cP P -2 -20 BB -9 -17, 0 1 1BB- P- 2- WS10 -x x TD- 1 -NS10 BB -7 D-2 -4 P- 1 -VS10 D-2 -8 I 1OxjBB -1 BB -13 0 D- 1 -VS10 O 1 -4 0BB -4 BB-16BB -3 O • 1 D-1 -10 BB -8 P- 1 -ES18 P -1- P-1-8 1P -1 -10 P-1-12 - - - - - PLANTER P -1 -14 P -1 -220 - WHITE LANE Legend O PREVI US B RING LOCATION (6/20- 21/02) O PREVIOUS BORING LOCATION (1/19/00) x PREVIOUS SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION (7/5/01 and 7/17/01) PROPOSED BORING LOCATION I 0 40 FEET SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US Figure SITE PLAN 2 Inc. 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, CAL . salte Im DATE PROJECT NUMBER DWN BY DWG 01/28/03 423.EQL.00 RDN m = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 12" HEAVY DUTY ROUND TRAFFIC C LOCKING CAP SLOPE AWAY FROM TOP OF MANHOLE 36- SQUARE TRAFFIC PAD BENTONITE GROUT SEAL, 0-140' SCHEDULE 40 PVC BLANK CASING, 0-145' V WATER TABLE APPROX. 160' BSG 3 MONTEREY SAND, 140-175' 4" SCHEDULE 40 PVC 0.020" 101 • • I SLOTTED CASING, 145-175' WIN 4" END CAP TOTAL DEPTH 175' A-lk - - ' 11 - j N Legend 1=1- NOT TO SCALE F WGIR, Southwest, Inc 1 TABLES I423.EQL.00 January 28, 2003 e 1 77 1 J Table 1 Historical Soil Analytical Results 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California IT Project No. 829246 n:\data\project\705-equiva\Gosford-160\829246\Table 1 1215/0) Y BB-1 1/19/00 5 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 1.9 NA NA NA NA NA 10 MD ( <l .0) 5.6 NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) 2.3 NA NA NA NA NA is ND (<2.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 7.9 8.1 NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<1.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) 1.7 NA NA NA NA NA 25 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 0.36 NA NA NA NA NA 35 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) 0.28 NA NA NA NA NA 40 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0-0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.O15) 2.8 NA NA NA NA NA BB-2 1/19/00 5 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 0.76 NA NA NA NA NA 10 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 19 NA NA NA NA NA 15 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (40.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 42 NA NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<1.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) 51 27 NA NA NA NA 25 MD ( <I.0) I I NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (41.0050) ND (<O.015) 6.7 NA NA NA NA NA 30 ND ( <1.0) ND (<S.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND ( <0.015) 0.15 NA NA NA NA NA 35 ND (<LO) 7 NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) 10 NA NA NA NA NA 40 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) 0.14 NA NA NA NA NA BB-3 1/19/00 5 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (41.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 10 ND (<].0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 15 ND (<].0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND <0.0050 ND <0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.O15) ND,(<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA BB-4 1/19/00 5 ND (<1.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0-0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 10 ND (<1.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 15 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<O.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<1.0) ND (<S.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND <0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA BB-5 1/19/00 5 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0-0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 10 ND ( <1.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (-10.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 15 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.015 ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA IT Project No. 829246 n:\data\project\705-equiva\Gosford-160\829246\Table 1 1215/0) m m®®® m m m m m m m® e m r m m m Table 1 Historical Soil Analytical Results 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California IT Project NO: 829246 n:\data\ project \705-equiva\Gosford - 160\829246 \Table 1 12/5/01 1313-6 1/19/00 5 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 10 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 15 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.015) ND (<0.035) NA NA NA NA NA 20 ND (<I.0) ND (<5.0) NA ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<0.0050) ND (<O.O15) 0.039 0.039 NA NA NA NA Dispenser Samples D-1-4 . 7/5/01 10 210 NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.017 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D-1-8 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D-24 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA TOX0.0050) ND(0.25) ND(O.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D-2-8 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D-3-4 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.29 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D-3-8 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5-0) NA ND(0.0050). ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.041 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D44 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0-0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.028 ND(0.25) Nf)(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) D4-8 7/5/01 ND(O.5) ND(5.0) NA ND 0.0050 ND(0.0050) ND(O.0050) ND 0.010 NA ND 0.25 ND(0.25) ND 0.010 ND(O.010 ND 0.010 Piping Samples P-1-4 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0056) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.96 0.94 ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-1-8 7/5/01 0.78 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 2.4 6.5 ND(0.0 10) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-1-10 7/5/01 2.80 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA ND(0.0050) 1.9 ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-1-12 7/5/01 1.10 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0-0050) ND(0.010) NA 13 2.1 ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-1-14 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA W0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 2.7 1.3 ND(0.010) ND(0.0 10) ND(0.010) P-24 7/5/01 W0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.2 3.9 ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-2-8 7/5/01 4.3 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 8.2 ND(6.3)• ND(0.010) ND(0.0 10) ND(0.010) P-2-10 7/5/01 2.6 31 NA ND(0.0050) 0.055 0.024 0.223 NA 2.7 4.5 ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-3-4 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0-0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.02 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-3-8 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0:017 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-4-4 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA 0.012 ND(0.25) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) ND(0.010) P-4-8 7/5/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND 0.0050 ND 0.0050 ND 0.010 NA 0.011 ND(O.25) ND 0.010 ND 0.010 ND(O.010) IT Project NO: 829246 n:\data\ project \705-equiva\Gosford - 160\829246 \Table 1 12/5/01 m m ® ® ® m m m m m ® ® = m m Table 1 Historical Soil Analytical Results 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California e. Over-Excavation Samples D-1-10 7/17101 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) ND(0.025) NA NA NA NA NA D-I-NSIO 7/17/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 0.026 0.014 NA NA NA NA D-1-WS10 7/17/01 ND(0.5) ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 0.042 0.0088 NA NA NA NA P -1 -20 7/17/01 3.5 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 4.4 6.1 NA NA NA NA P-1 -WS20 7/17/01 5.8 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 6.5 9.9 NA NA NA NA P-1-ES18 7/17/01 3.8 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 5.3 8.3 NA NA NA NA P-2-20 7/17/01 4.3 ND(5.0) NA ND(0-0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) 6.3 10 NA NA NA NA P-2-WS20 7/17/01 7.9 ND(5.0) NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND 0.0050 ND 0.010 10 16 NA NA NA NA Stockpile Sam les SP-1-A 7/5/01 ND(0.5) NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-1-B 7/5/01 15 NA NA ND(0.0050) 0.23 0.15 1.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-2-A 7/5/01 ND(0.5) NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-2-13 7/5/01 ND(0.5) NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0 -010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-3-A 7/5/01 ND(0.5) NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-3-13 7/5/01 ND(0.5) NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-1,2A(c) 7/5/01 NA NA ND(<0.5) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-213,3(c) 7/5/01 NA NA ND(<0.5) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-4-A 7/17/01 3.3 NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) 0.033 NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-4-13 7117/01 1.9 NA NA ND(0.0050) 0.0091 ND(0.0050) 0.036 NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-4-C 7/17/01 1.5 NA NA ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-4-D 7/17/01 2 NA NA N-6(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.0050) ND(0.010) NA NA NA NA NA NA SP-4- A,B,C,D(c) 7117/01 NA NA 2.39 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA IT Project No: 829246 n:\data\pToject\705-equiva\GosfoTd-160\829246\Table 1 12/5101 mm m M= ® ® == = === = = s Table 1 Historical Soil Analytical Results 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Ss k'1 4. tad ea1<' ..... .. ..`f it::iG>t>3'1zeR+e ep... IFH: 81F ..Nl«f$zQl.....A...... l! ...... l~tl'1€`A1 1 Notes: ND = Analyte was not detected above the Laboratory Reporting Limits shown NA = Not analyzed na = not applicable c) = Composite sample TPH -g = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as gasoline, analyzed by EPA Method 8015M TPH-d = Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons as diesel, analyzed by EPA Method 8015M BTEX prior to 2001analyzed by EPA Method 8021B MtBE = Methyl tert -Butyl Ether DIPE = Di- isopropyl Ether EtBE = Ethyl tert-Butyl Ether TAME = Tert- Amyl - Methyl Ether TBA = Tert-Butyl Alcohol MRL is elevated because of matrix interferences and because the sample required diluting IT Project No: 829246 n:\ data\project\705- equiva\Gosford- 160\829246 \Table 1 12/5!01 Table 2 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date (Feet TPH-d qw TPH-g L- Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes NME MW (WJW (WJW (pg(kg) (wkg) Wgyliwwam WMWIMMI-I", mv$MMM; YMOMMyMMMO! WWIHM.-§I M BB-7 06/21/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 16 06121102 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 6 06/21/02 15 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 06/21/02 20 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 06/21/02 25 ND<2 0.077 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 37 06/21/02 30 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 26 06/21/02 35 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 06/21/02 40 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 83 06/21/02 45 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 6 06121/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 11 06/21/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 06/21/02 60 ND<2 0.068 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 12 Plow iPN90aw MKOW-VOI Jxwmymwmx I WN w1WOMMMA-UM NM4MMMQ:::::: igg wn BB-8 06/20/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 8 06/20/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 5 06/20/02 15 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 06/20/02 20 ND<2 2 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 1,300 06/20/02 25 ND<2 23 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 1,500 06/20/02 30 ND<2 0.54 ND<5 NIM ND<5 NIX5 110 06/20/02 35 ND<2 0.25 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 240 06/20/02 40 ND<2 033 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 170 06/20/02 45 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 17 06120102 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 12 06/20/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 06/20/02 60 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<51 BB-9 06/20/02 5 2.1 031 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 23 06/20/02 10 ND<2 8.5 ND<25 ND<25 ND<25 ND<25 7,300 06/20/02 15 ND<2 5.6 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIM 11,000 0620/02 20 ND<2 15 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 16,000 0620/02 25 4.6 0.89 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 730 0620/02 30 ND<2 033 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 99 0620/02 35 2 036 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 15 0620/02 40 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 0620/02 45 ND<2 0.66 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 1,400 0620/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 45 0620/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 46 0620/02 60 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 5 06120/02 65 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 53 m m ® ® ® ® m m m m m m m m ® ® m m Table 2 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Date (FeetNumber ) TPH-d MM - TPH-g Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE 0911(g) (WAO 044W W11(g) W/W BB-10 06/20/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 60 06/20/02 10 ND<2 NIX0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 58 06/20/02 15 ND<2 NIX0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 20 06/20/02 20 ND<2 0.086 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 8 06/20/02 25 ND<2 0.76 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 690 06/20/02 30 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 30 06/20/02 35 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 39 0620/02 40 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 10 0620/02 45 ND<2 0.22 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 410 0620/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 23 0620/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 8 0620/02 60 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 40 0620/02 65 ND<2 0.056 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 70 am"WHIMMMr m', 409"IMMMMI'M OUPPENT55 WMIM-074WR BB-11 0620/02 5 ND<2 0.4 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 1,000 0620/02 1 10 ND<2 1.7 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 3,000 0620/02 15 ND<2 9.5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 5,200 0620/02 20 ND<2 5.1 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 11,000 0620/02 25 ND<2 3.3 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 650 0620/02 30 ND<2 1.4 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 140 0620/02 35 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 8 0620/02 40 ND<2 0.18 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 11 0620/02 45 ND<2 0.13 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 10 0620/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 20 0620/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 23 0620/02 60 ND<2 0.18 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 MUM "-;Z"jMMwR*MP BB-12 0620/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 0620/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIM ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 10 0620/02 is ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 22 0620/02 20 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 0620/02 25 ND<2 2.9 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 510 0620/02 30 ND<2 ND<0.05 NIX5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 6 0620/02 35 ND<2 0.24 ND<5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 32 0620/02 40 ND<2 12 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,300 0620/02 45 ND<2 0.86 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 850 0620/02 50 ND<2 0.15 NIX5, NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 300 0620/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 ND<5 33 0620/02 60 ND<2 0.081 NIX5 ND<5 NIX5 ND<5 120 m ® ® ® ® iii m m = m m m m m m