HomeMy WebLinkAbout4050 GOSFORD ROAD (46)Delta J Environmental Consultants, Inc. Solving environment - related business problems worldwide www.deltaenv.com 911 South Priin rose Avenue • Suite K Monrovia, California 91016 USA 626.256.6662 800.477.7411 Fax 626.256.6263 November 25, 2003 Delta Project No. PA405OG -1 Mr. Howard Wines III City of Bakersfield Fire Department Environmental Services 1715 Chester Avenue, 3rd Floor Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Work Plan for Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Dear Mr. Wines: Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. (DELTA) [Formerly KHM Environmental Management, Inc. (K N4)], on behalf of Equilon Enterprises, LLC dba Shell Oil Products US (SHELL), presents this Work Planfor Soil Vapor Extraction Pilot Test for the site referenced above (Figure 1). This work plan was prepared subsequent to WGR Southwest, Inc.'s (WGR) Vapor Extraction TEell Installation Report dated October 27, 2003 submitted to the City of Bakersfield Fire Department (CBFD) for the subject site. The purpose of this work is to test the feasibility of remediating the hydrocarbon impacted soils beneath the site using Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE). The scope of work includes SVE testing on the five nested wells installed by WGR in September 2003. All work will be performed under the supervision of a Califomia- registered engineer. BACKGROUND SITE DESCRIPTION The subject site is currently an active Texaco service station located on the northeast comer of the intersection of Gosford Road and White Lane in Bakersfield, California (Figure 1). The site is located in a commercial and residentially mixed area of Bakersfield. The service station consists of three 10,000 - gallon gasoline underground storage tanks (USTs) and one 12,000 gallon UST, two dispenser islands each equipped with two multi - product dispenser pumps, a carwash and a station building. - A membrr of Xinogeif Environmental Alliance 1 t 1 t November 25, 2003 Page 2 1 - PREVIOUS WORK Previous environmental activities at the site are summarized in the table below. Available boring data including locations and a summary of analytical results is presented in tables and figures in Appendix A. II \1SERVER\KgM_D.. \Clients\ Shdl \_Shdl Sii.\4050 Gosfardt2003- 11 -25 _WP for SVE Pilot T=V003 -11 -25 Workplm for SVE Pilot Tw (4050).doc 3,tti. , ,ik .•,,. 4 i w' ?.5 a°. r. aT.; ./ -4'.'9 . :n k... .i.wR..°: -'E aR.- -. F`'i.. L«• rya. tt i t I{. v°' Date, y A ALaF F. Activi/ivlethod3 No ,ofBormgs /Repoirt l`4' A1 dss'd. ConsuCant Liy*"` Comments q 'iY$4' 4sEZ " 4 L 2g A fSamplesYDate; t 1 /00 Phase H environmental 6 Soil Borings Unknown Pacific Petroleum hydrocarbons site assessment BB -1 through Environ- detected in soil (BB -1, BB -6) mental BB -2 and BB -6) Group PEG) 7/01 Soil sampling during Unknown Unknown IT TPH -g and TPH -d SB989 upgrade detected with max. activities concentration of 210 mg/kg. Max. MTBE detected at 13 mg/kg 7/01 Over - excavation 50 cubic yards of Unknown IT Confirmation samples - activities soil removed. TPH -g and TPH -d detected with max. concentration of 7.9 mg/kg. Max. MTBE detected at 16 mg/kg 5103 Site assessment 8 soil borings to 6/16/03 WGR Maximum MTBE and activities maximum 85 feet TBA concentrations in bgs (BB -13 soil; 47,000 ug/kg and through BB -20) 16,000, respectively. 6/03 Site assessment 6 soil borings to 7/21/02 WGR Maximum MTBE activities maximum 65 feet concentrations in soil; bgs (BB -7 through 16,000 ug/kg. BB -12) 9/03 SVE well installation 5 nested SVE 10/27/03 WGR All wells 2 -inch Schedule wells (VEW -1 40 PVC with 0.020" through VEW -5) slotted screen II \1SERVER\KgM_D.. \Clients\ Shdl \_Shdl Sii.\4050 Gosfardt2003- 11 -25 _WP for SVE Pilot T=V003 -11 -25 Workplm for SVE Pilot Tw (4050).doc t 1 November 25, 2003 Page 3 SITE SPECIFIC GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The geologic conditions in the site vicinity are characterized from alluvial deposits underlain by marine and non- marine sedimentary units, metamorphic rocks and crystalline basement material. Surface and near - surface conditions as designated by the U.S. Geological Survey is olderalluvium; deposited in northwest - dipping alluvial fans resulting from outwash from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to the east. This alluvium is composed primarily of poorly graded and unconsolidated sands, sandy gravels and occasional discontinuous lenticular bodies of sandy clay and silt. Regionally, the surface of these old alluvial fans is undulatory, with a distinct dip toward the Kem River to the northwest of the site. The site itself is located along one of the crests of the alluvial fan surface "ripples ", at an elevation of approximately 390 feet above mean sea level. The total thickness ofthe alluvial fan deposits is estimated to range from approximately 600 feet west of the site to over 4,000 feet near the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The site lies within the Edison hydrogeologic sub -area of the Edison Maricopa area. Uppermost groundwater within this area occurs within the old alluvial fan deposits. In the site vicinity, deeper aquifers of limited areal extent are present in the consolidated non - marine sedimentary units and within fracture zones of the crystalline basement rock. The most prominent subsurface features controlling the groundwater flow direction are the groundwater barriers formed by the northwest.to southwest trending Edison Fault and subparallel splays of this fault, located south and north of the site, respectively. The soils encountered at the site during vapor extraction well installation activities during September 2003 consisted primarily of fine- grained sand to approximately 65 feet bgs. A sandy to silty clay layer was encountered above approximately 12 feet bgs. PROPOSED SVE PILOT TEST WORKPLAN The objective of the proposed work is to conduct a SVE pilot test in order to evaluate the effectiveness of SVE as the remedial alternative for this site and to obtain design parameters from which a final system design can be developed. Five SVE test wells (VEW -1 through VEW -5) have been installed to effectively conduct the pilot test. Wells VEW -4 and VEW -5 will be the test wells while wells VEW -.1, VEW -2 and VEW -3 will be utilized as monitoring points for the test. These wells will be used to determine the radius of influence within hydrocarbon - impacted soils from approximately 10 to 60 bgs; to determine the expected operating parameters including flow rates at given vacuum levels; and to determine initial hydrocarbon concentrations in the vapor stream. Figure 2 illustrates the locations of the five VEW wells. This work plan has been prepared to comply with the California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 16, Article 11, Section 2722. Specific tasks necessary to complete the scope of work are described below. SVE PILOT TESTING DELTA will utilize a portable vapor extraction system with a positive displacement vacuum pump and a thermal oxidizer to treat extracted vapors prior to release to the atmosphere. I\\ SERVER \KF04_Dete \Climes \_Shelh Shell Sims\4050 Cosford\2()03 -1 l -25_WP for SVEPilot Tett\2003 -11 -25 Workplmfor SVE Pilot Too (4050).doc t November 25, 2003 Page 4 The pilot testing will consist oftwo distinct phases: a series of step -tests and a long -term extraction test. The primary goal of the step test will be to determine radius -of- influence (ROI) values at two different vapor extraction wells. In turn, the ROI values will provide a basis for determining an adequate arrangement ofvapor extraction wells. The primary goal of the long -term extraction test is to evaluate hydrocarbon concentration trends. Soil vapor extraction pilot tests will be conducted and are described below. For the purpose of this test radius of influence will be defined as I% of the vacuum applied to the extraction well. SVE Step Test. The step test will be conducted by applying a vacuum (up to 10 inches of mercury) to the test wells (VEW -4 and VEW -5, both shallow and deep) and connecting it to the thermal oxidation unit (therm -ox). Extracted vapors will be destroyed by the therm-ox. Baseline samples will be analyzed for TPH -g using EPA Method TO -3 and BTEX compounds and fuel oxygenates using EPA Method TO -15. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, and total hydrocarbons will be measured using a 3 -gas meter and PID or flame ionization detector (FED). A baseline sample will be collected from the test well immediately after start-up. Wells VEW -4 and VEW -5 (both shallow and deep wells tested discretely) will be tested individually for a minimum of 2 hours. During the test, the therm -ox will be connected and a vacuum will be applied. The applied vacuum will be increased a minimum of three steps (45 minute intervals). During each test the following tasks will be performed: Vacuum measurements will be collected from the opposite well at 15- minute intervals. Vapor flow rates, temperature and applied vacuum readings at the extraction wellhead will be collected at 15- minute intervals. Vapor samples will be collected at the beginning, middle, and end of each test in tedlar bags. These samples will be analyzed in the field for total hydrocarbons using a PID or FID. At the beginning and end of each testa vapor sample will be collected from each well and sent to a laboratory to be analyzed for TPH -g using EPA Method TO -3, BTEX compounds and fuel oxygenates using EPA Method TO -15, and nitrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxygen using ASTM Method D -1946 ( "Fixed Gas Analysis "). Tedlar bags containing vapor samples will be placed in an opaque storage container until delivered to the laboratory. Chain -of- custody documentation will be maintained throughout the sample collection, transport, and analyses process. SVE Extended Test. At the completion of the step test, the extended test will be initiated on Well VEW -4 shallow nested well). A constant vacuum will be applied and allowed to run for a period of up to 72 hours. During the test, inlet flow rates, temperature and applied vacuums will be measured and recorded at the beginning of the test, every two hours for 12 hours, then every 12 -hours of operation, and again at the completion of the test. Soil vapor samples will be collected at Well VEW -4 using a Tedlar bag and will be handled as described above. Samples will be analyzed for TPH -g, BTEX compounds, and fuel oxygenates. VSERVER \KHM_D.. \Clients \_Shd] Shcll SitttW050GosforclUD03- I1 -25_WP for SVE Pilot T=VD03 -11 -25 Worlplen forSVE Pilot Tat (4050tdo 1 1 0 November 25, 2003 Page 5 Data Analysis and Reporting Following completion of field activities and receipt of all analytical results, a final report will be prepared summarizing the pilot testing and presenting DELTA's recommendations for implementation of a final remedial action plan at the site. The report will include: Flow rates at the various vacuum levels. Vapor concentrations over time during the test. Mass removal rates during the test. Analysis of SVE testing data to determine radius of influence of each extraction well, projected rates of hydrocarbon removal, and estimates of the effectiveness of the current extraction well grid. SCHEDULE DELTA is prepared to initiate this work immediately upon receipt of the City of Bakersfield Fire Department approval of this document: The activities performed by DELTA under this scope of work will be supervised by a state of California registered - professional engineer, and will be conducted consistent with applicable agency standards. The recommendations contained in this workplan represent DELTA's professional opinions based upon the currently available information and are arrived at in accordance with currently acceptable professional standards. This workplan is based upon a specific scope of work requested by the client. The Contract between DELTA-and its client outlines the scope of work, and only those tasks specifically authorized by that contract or outlined in this workplan were performed. This workplan is intended only for the use of DELTA's Client and anyone else specifically listed on this workplan. DELTA will not and cannot be liable for unauthorized reliance by any other third party. Other than as contained in this paragraph, DELTA makes no express or implied warranty as to the contents of this workplan. I - SERVER \KAM pine \Cli -u\ Shelf Shell SitmW050Gosfmd\2003- 11 -25 _WP for SVE Pilot TmUO03- I1- 25_Worytlm forSVE Pilot Test (4050).dw i 1 1 November 25, 2003 Page 6 Should you have any questions or comments concerning this work plan, please contact Mr. Bradley Clark DELTA) at (626) 256 -6662 or Mr. Anthony Palagyi (SHELL) at (425) 377 -8530. Sincerely, Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Peter Shair Project Geologist Attachments: Figure 1 - Site Location Map Figure 2 - Site Map with SVE Well Locations Appendix A - Historical Site Data Bradley E. Clark, Senior Project Engineer cc: Mr. Anthony Palagyi, SHELL Oil Products US SERVER\KHM Data \Cli- m\_Shdl \_Shdl SitcsA050 Gos16rd \2003- 11 -25_WP for SVE Pilot TmUD03- 11- 25 _Worlpimfor SVE Pilot Tv (4050).dm I t 1 e 1 11 -1 1 I 11 1 c) O Q wdM az a O a d W v 1 Y $ M 1 J 1 t 1 TOpO! map pnnted on 11/20/03 from "Ce4fornla,tpo" end "Undded.tpT 119907,000'W 119'06 000 w 119°05 000 w wGSB4 119 °04 000' w IN 110 i e rd ice' •.' < c.9y :y s a ,• s ia;i ._ . '• cl S,`3+"°T .: !3 Ct ,) a r. ar a..rz 46,tiR r ffA ka_ f _i f z' tV t ' ` s 'r 'f 1 ., xS'v `• ' ' Y i 4 mas.4a'& - F a i '` J mE s x s iti x k a1 S t5 v m 5 _ gn 6 S P tY i `. } } u •.. is i ' { -r r.7 X SITE LOCATION=r{ z a s £ 3 - r'i` & ?•..s xis Y .<,H. €_ u, {_ 4 x ,. 1y - - -'E. ' -• 6r¢'.' xf i ° R 1 .s \•sr's.r r . ';, 42'#4 h t; i N +' fir s' t 3' 5 " J . WyaL,AIJC% 2 r _ a 11i.Po.. ;. f t e 7.l a - ar°_'"'_ 9 \* 7 y, 3,. '' A•+ 119°07.000' w 119006,000'.w 119*0s.000' w wGS84 119°04.000' w 0OO N M N M z M z O M aar q eoo r1 r a a Imoups h=6dft. moo! &1001 ttniiom! Aol q (wvw,mpoomul DELTA SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US ENVIRONMENTAL SHELL SERVICE STATION CONSULTING INC. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP CALIF. 4050 GASFORD ROAD SITE BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1 1 0 1 1 m .m m m m m m mm m mm m m m = mm Server\khm_ data \Olents\-SheIILShell Sltes \4050 GosfoTd\2003-11 -23 _WPfor SVE Pilot Test\HGURE 2(4050)_SVE WELL LOCATION MV.dwg, Model, 11120/2003 10:54:33 AM mm m m= m mm m M m M®® ® ® ® i 1 n C 1 1 APPENDIX A HISTORICAL SITE DATA e J t Q Q F-1 ry q 0 LL 0 LD Legend NESTED VAPOR WELL LOCATION WHITE LANE 0 40 FEET m m m m m m m m m m ® ® ® ® ® m Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, CA Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPH -d m k TPA -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBE TAME k) ) ) ) k ) k) ( k ) 1111IMMIRMI, '1 'I I d U NI i .' Atl ., .! I'. I 1 .I !i I1 I I:'" 4Y. .'IU i I'I II iIrJ.. II1 =;1' IL!! iry li9: VEW -1 09/22/03 5 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 . ND<10 ND <5.0 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/25/03 10 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 6.0 N13<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/25/03 15 ND <5.0 1.0 N13<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 2,500 ND <1300 ND<250 ND<250 N13Q50 09/25/03 20 ND <5.0 1.5 N13<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 3,500 ND<1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/25/03 25 ND <5.0 3.6 ND <130 N13<130 ND <130 N13<260 11,000 8,400 ND<250 ND<250'- ND<250 09/25/03 30 ND <5.0 1.1 ND <130 ND<130 ND <130 NDQ60 2,800 ND <1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/25/03 35 ND<5.0 1.0 ND<130 ND <130 ND <130 ND<260 2,100 N13<1300 N13<250 Nb<250 ND <250 09/25/03 40 ND<5.0 1.0 ND <130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 4,800 ND-W1300ND1 N14D` < n!$ 2.5. 0 U' 2!', 5Ui 0 I2. 5II0 09/25/0 45 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/25/03 50 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/25/03 55 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 VEW -2 09/22/03 5 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 N Y I ' ND <10 N41D11:,. , ND<l0 iNl'!IDI!q d ' ND <10 09/24/03 10 ND <5.0 4.3 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 NW10 0 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 15 ND <5.0 6.0 ND<130 N13<130 ND<130 ND<260 12,000 2,200 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/24/03 20 ND<5.0 1.6 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 6,500 3,500 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 25 ND <5.0 7.6 ND <130 ND <130 ND<130 ND<260 44,000 4,800 N13<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/24/03 30 ND <5.0 0.62 ND<5.0 N13<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 1,800 1,200 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 35 ND <5.0 0.66 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5,0 ND <10 1,200 940 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 09/24/03 40 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 N13<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 410 570 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/24/03 45 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 330 530 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 50 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 960 77 ND <10 N14D 140 09/24/03 55 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND <0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 6.2 ND <50 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 09/24/03 60 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 d<: r10 ' IR:i IIh:!Utl!E; Ill:lNi:. 11D 11"<9 1! I VEW -3 09/22/03 5 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 09/24/03 10 ND<5.0 1.9 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 6,800 150 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 15 ND <5.0 5.7 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 19,000 4,100 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 20 ND<5.0 6.2 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 14,000 4,400 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/24/03 25 ND <5.0 9.6 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 24,000 11,000 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 30 ND<5:0 1.1 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 14D <5.0 ND <10 2,500 4,200 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 09/24/03 35 ND <5.0 6.7 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 810 1,800 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09724/03 40 ND <5.0 4.9 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 29,000 2,100 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 45 ND <5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 350 350 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/24/03 50 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 I ND<5.0 ND<10 20 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 m m m ® ® ® m m m m ® m m m m m m Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, CA Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPH -d m k TPH-g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPS ETBE TAME k) ). k) ) k) k) k ) u i w u 1 uii:. r. r:! ;r!. i i,r,!: is VF 09/22/03 3 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/23/03 10 ND<5.0 12 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 3,500 ND<250 NDQ50 ND<250 09/23/03 15 ND <5.0 13 ND <130 ND<130 ND <130 ND<260 20,000 ND<250 ND<250 ND<a50 09/23/03 20 ND <5.0 1.5 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 1,400 MSO ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/23/03 25 ND <5.0 7.4 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 3 500 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 09/23/03 30 ND <5.0 1.1 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 22 000 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09/23/03 35 ND <5.0 0.80 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 610 1,500 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 09/23/03 40 ND <5.0 7.4 ND <130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 1,600 ND<1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 45 ND <5.0 3.7 ND <130 ND<130 ND <130 ND<260 17,000 ND <1300 ND <250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 50 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 650 120 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/23/03 55 ND' <5.0 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 16 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 09123103 60 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 23 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 09/23/03 65 ND<5.0 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 5.4 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 r! ; VEW -5 i i,uu a11 09/22103 u . ,i: !i ;::: ,rr 5 a.uu an ! ! wr ND <5.0 n a i rr a ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 140 1 4,000 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 09/23/03 10 ND<5.0 6.3 ND <130 ND <130 ND <130 ND<260 2,400 8,500 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 15 ND<5.0 8.7 ND <130 ND <130 ND<130 ND<260 29,000 21,000 N13<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 20 ND<5.0 13 ND <130 ND<130 ND <130 NDQ60 46,000 15,000 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 25 ND<5.0 28 N13<130 N13<130 ND <130 ND-Q60 85,000 29,000 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 30 ND<5.0 1.5 ND <130 ND <130 ND <130 NDQ60 3,100 3,200 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23/03 35 ND<5.0 1 1.9 ND <130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 5,300 1,800 ND<250 ND<250 N13<250' 09/23/03 40 ND<5.0 0.94 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 680 2,400 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/23/03 45 ND <5.0 2.0 N13<130 ND<130 N13<130 NDQ60 4,400 4,200 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 09/23103 50 ND<5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 530 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 09/23/03 55 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND< 0 ND<10 ND <10 09/23/03 60 ND <5.0 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <5.0 ND <50 ND <10 N13<10 ND <10 09/23/03 65 ND <5.0 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <5.0 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 m m m ® ® ® m ® ® ® m = m m = m m m I i I w I 2 J I I i I I I BB -10 I I q I 0 BB -9 " PLANTER6CAR STATION WASH BUILDING • BB — j D IL` BB -7 I L3 I • O D BB -11 I BB -8 I • I I PLANTER — WHITE LANE N Legend BORING LOCATION 0 40 FEET t SHELL OIL PRODUCTS US Flgure l l]] SITE PLAN 2 c IIdtwtr Iris. 4050 Gosford Road Bakersf.leld, CA I= wham c rels, ewa 10t DATE PROJECT NUMBER DWN BY D7WG # Los Alamitos, G 20M 7/18/02 423.EQL,00 RDN m m m m m m m m m m ® ® ® ® ® m Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number . Date Feet TPH-d m TPH -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE g/kg) µg/kg) (g/kg) (µ BB-7 06/21/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 16 06/21/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 14D<5 6 06/21/02 15 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 06/21/02 20 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 06/21/02 25 ND<2 0.077 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 37 06/21/02 30 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 26 06/21/02 35 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 06/21/02 40 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND55 ND<5 83 06/21/02 45 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 6 06/21/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 11 06/21/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 06/21/02 60 NDQ 0.068 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 12 B" 06/20/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 8 06/20/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 5 06/20/02 15 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 06/20/02 20 ND<2 2 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 1,300 06/20/02 25 NDQ 2.3 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 1,500 06/20/02 30 ND<2 0.54 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 110 06/20/02 35 ND<2 0.25 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 140 06/20/02 40 NDQ 0.33 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 170 06/20/02 45 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 17 06/20/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 12 06/20/02 55 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 ND<5 06/20/02 60 NDQ ND<0.05 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 BB-9 06/20/02 5 2.1 0.31 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 23 06/20/02 10 ND<2 8.5 ND<25 ND<25 ND<25 ND<25 7,300 06/20/02 15 NDQ 5.6 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 - ND<5 11,000 06/20/02 20 ND<2 15 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 16,000 06/20/02 25 4.6 0.89 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 730 06/20/02 30 ND<2 0.33 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 99 06/20/02 35 2 0.36 ND <5 ND<5, ND<5 ND<5 15 06/20/02 40 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 06/20/02 45 ND<2 0.66 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 1,400 06/20/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 45 06/20/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 46 06/20/02 60 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 5 06/20/02 65 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 53 r = m m ® ® m m m m m m ® m = = m = m r r r r r r ,rr r r r r rr rr. r• Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPH-d m TPH -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE g) (11OW GLOW . BB-10 06/20/02 5 ND-2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 60 06/20/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 58 06/20/02 15 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 20 06/20/02 20 NDQ 0.086 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 8 06/20/02 25 ND<2 0.76 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 690 06/20/02 30. ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 30. 06/20/02 35 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 39 06/20/02 40 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5' ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 10 06/20/02 45 NDQ 0.22 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 410 06/20/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 23 06/20102 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 8 06(20/02 60 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 40 06/20/02 65 ND<2 0.056 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 70 BB41 06/20/02 5 ND<2 0.4 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5. ND <5 1,000 06/20/02 10 ND<2 1.7 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 3,000 06/20/02 15 ND<2 9.5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 5,200 06/20/02 20 NDQ 511 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 11,000 06/20/02 25 ND<2 3.3 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 650 06/20/02 30 ND<2 1.4 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 140 06/20/02 35 ND<2 ND<0:05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 8 06/20/02 40 ND<2 0.18 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 11 06/20/02 45 ND<2 0.13 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 10 06/20/02 50 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 ND<5 20 06/20/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 23 06/20/02 60 ND<2 0.18 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 06/20/02 5 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 06/20/02 10 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND <5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 10 _ _ 7BB-12 06/20/02 15 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 22 06/20/02 20 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 7 06/20/02 25 ND<2 2.9 ND<5 ND-55 ND<5 ND<5 510 06/20/02 30 NDQ ND<0.05 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 6 06/20/02 35 NDQ 0.24 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 32 06/20/02 40 NDQ 12 ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 ND <5 1,300 06/20/02 45 ND<2 0.86 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 850 06/20102 50 ND<2 0.15 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 300 06/20/02 55 ND<2 ND<0.05 ND<5 ND <5 ND <5 ND <5 33 06120/02 60 ND<2 0.081 L ND<5 I ND<5 ND<5 ND<5 120 O = m = = m m m m m m = m m m Legend B RING L CATI N I F V PLANTER zaJ I I a II I I BB -20 I • I 0 0 BB -19 II Q IF (PLANTERED 1 CAR BB -18 WASH STATION Q I BUILDING • BB -17 V) 1 I BB -13 BB -15 BB - 161 BB -14 I WHITE LANE 0 40 FEET m ® ® ® = = m m m = m m = m m m m Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPH -g Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA PIPE ETBA TAME Ethanol BB-13 05/01/03 5 5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 u ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 10 5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 12 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/06/03. 15 5.0Mii.50NI><5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <IO 7S ND<50 ND <IO ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/06/03 20 D<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<IO 16 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <IO NDQ50 05/06/03 25 i3<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 9.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <IO ND <IO ND<250 05/06/03 30 D<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<3.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 1 35 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 NIMO ND <5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05106t03 40 ND<050 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<S.0) ND<10 46 250 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 45 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 27 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/06/03 50 NIJ <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 73 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 N13Q50 05/06/03 55 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 53 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 60 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.1 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 65 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 70 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250. 05/06/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<I0 ND <5.0 ND <50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 80 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 67 260 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 85 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND <5.0 ND <50 ND <10 NDQb ND<10 ND<250 BB -14 05/01/03 5. ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 10 0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 1400 130 ND<IO ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 15 ND<0.50 ND<130 ND <130 ND<130 ND<260 4,000 ND<I300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND <6300 05/07/03 20 ND<0.50 ND <130 ND<130 ND<130 NDQ60 4 00 ND <1300 NDQ50 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/07/03 25 2.6 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 N13Q60 20,000 3,600 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 0510710 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 160 290 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 35 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.O ND<5.0 ND <10 28 67 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 40 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 450 650 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 N13Q50 05/07/03 45 0.61 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 1,700 1,100 ND <10 N13<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 50 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 670 120 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 12 400 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 60 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 65 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND<lO ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 70 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<i0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND-Q50 05/07/03 80 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<S.O ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 85 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 7 8 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <IO ND<250 m m m m m ® ® ® ® ® ® ® m m m = m m m Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date. Feet TPH -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE ETBA TAME Ethanol 1 BB -15 05/01/03 5 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<S.O ND<10 440 740 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 10 1.5 ND<5.0. ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 4,400 7,000 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 15 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 3r3OO 1,900 N13<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 20 ND<0.50 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 6,400 2,700 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/07/03 25 ND <0.50 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 39,000 4,800 NDQ50 NDQ50 ND<250 12,000 05/07/03 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 460 650 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 1 35 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 140 210 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/07/03 40 ND<0.50 NIX130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 870 2,200 ND<250 ND<250 NDQ50 ND<6300 05/07/03 45 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 63 1,000 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 N13Q50 05/07/03 50 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 460 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05107103 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 51 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 60 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 28 ND <50 ND<IO ND <IO ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 65 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 26 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 70 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0. ND<5.0 ND<10 11 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 75 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 7.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 80 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 II N13<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05107/03 85 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 61 ND <50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 NDQ50 BB -16 05/01/03 5 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.6 1 150 ND <10 ND<10- ND<10 ND<10 05/07/03 10 ND <0.50 ND <130 ND<130 N13<130 NDQ60 10,000 ND<1300 NDQ50 NDQ50 - N13<250 ND<6300 05/07/03 15 ND<0.50 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 16,000 2,300 ND<250 NDQ50 ND<250 ND<6300 05/07/03 20 ND <0.50 I ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<IO 8,700 13,000 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 05/07103 25 ND<0.50 I ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 40,000 6,400 NDQ50 ND<250 NDQ50 ND <6300 05/07/03 30 ND<0.50 ND <5A ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 420 1,700 ND<10 ND <IO ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 35 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 260 1,600 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/07/03 40 ND<0.50 ND <130 ND<130 ND <130 ND<260 23.000 1,400 NDQ50 ND<250 NDQ50 ND<6300 05/07/03 45 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 450 180 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 50 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 26 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0. ND <10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 60 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 65 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<IO ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10. NDQ50 05/07/03 70 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 NIMO ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/07/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5:0 ND <10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 80 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0. ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/07/03 85 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 I ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 18 I ND <50 ND <I0 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 m m = = ® = m m m m m m m w w w r w w w w: w r w w w Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Baheraneld, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPH -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPE _ ETBA TAME Ethanol BB -17 05101103 5 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 10 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 270 70 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 15 0.88 ND <130 ND<130 ND<130 NDQ60 1,800 1300END<1300 NDQ50 ND<250 ND<250 ND <6300 05/08/03 20 ND<0.50 ND<130 ND<130 ND<130 NDQ60 1,700 ND<250 ND<50 ND<250 ND <6300 05/08/03 25 2.4 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 6,700 400 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 800 00 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 35 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 350 470 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 40 5.2 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<500 23,000 NDQ500 ND<500 ND<500 N13<500 ND <13000 05108/03 45 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 660 130 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 N13<250 05/08/03 50 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 900 77 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<]0 220 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 60 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 13 ND<50 ND <10 1,113<10 ND<10.. ND<250 05/08/03 65 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 20 ND<50 N13<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 70 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 11 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10. ND<250 05/08/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 21 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 80 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 .. ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 23 ND<50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08103 85 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 11 ND <50 ND<IO ND<10 N13<10 N13Q50 BB-18 05/01/03 5 1 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 820 1,600 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 10' 3.6 ND<250 ND<250 NDQ50 ND<500 42,000 16,000 ND<500 ND<500 ND <500 ND <13000 05/08/03 15 1.3 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<500 47,000 12,000 ND<500 ND<500 ' ND <500 ND <13000 05/08/03 20 0.63 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<500 18,000 4,900 ND<500 ND<500 ND<500 ND<13000 05/08/03 25 0.73 ND<130 ND <130 ND <130 N13Q60 14,000 5.600 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/08/03 30 ND<0.50 ND<130 ND<130 ND <130 NDQ60 5,600 3,600 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/08103 35 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 590 590 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 40 ND<0.50 N13<130 ND<130 ND<130 ND<260 2r3oo ND<1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/08/03 45 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 180 1,900 ND <10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05108103 50 1.1 ND <130 ND <130 ND<130 ND<260 3,700 ND<1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND<6300 05/08/03 55 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 30 97 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 60 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.4 100 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 65 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 6.6 ND<5.0 ND<10 540 340 ND <10 ND'<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/08/03 70 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.2 ND <50 ND<l0. ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5:0 ND<5.0 ND<10 12 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 80 ND<0.50 ND 5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 9.0 ND <50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/08/03 85 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <S.0 ND<IO 9S ND<50 ND<10 - ND<10 ND <10 ND <250 m m m m ® ® ® m m = m m m m ® ® m r Table 1 Soil Sample Analytical Summary Texaco Service Station 4050 Gosford Road Bakersfield, California Sample Boring Sample Depth Number Date Feet TPA -g m Ethyl Total Benzene Toluene Benzene Xylenes MTBE TBA DIPS ETBA TAME Ethanol BB -19 05/01103 S ND<050 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10. ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 , 10 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 SA ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 15 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 20 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10, ND<5.0 ND <50 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 25 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 270 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 250• 1,500 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 35 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND<5.0 490 ND<10 ND<10 ND<10 ND<250 05106103 40 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 200 870 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 45 ND<0.50 ND<130 N11)<130 ND<130 NDQ60 1,400 ND <1300 ND<250 ND<250 ND<250 ND <6300 05/06/03 50 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 10 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.0 61 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 60 ND <M0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.3 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 65 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 9.2 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 70 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 6.5 ND <50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0. ND<10 5.1 ND<50 ND <10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06103 80 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 N13<10 53 ND <50 ND <10 ND<IO ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 85 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <IO 8.3 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 ' ii'U'm ::N BB-20 I NNI i i0. i l 05/01/03 UiA NI! II iH II 5 it II ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 i UNI Nw;p y! ND<5.0 II NUUIM!'U! ND <10 i! .I '1ntC' ND<5.0 1'I' ND <50 N I! iII.A ND<10 U "iI IW', ND<10 1, I. ill; "IINIUi'JN'lill ND <10 U57 'I '§';I M,S'!N!'!' ND<250 05/06/03 10 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<M ND<5.0 ND<10 12 ND <50 Np<IO ND<10 ND <10 N0<250 05/06/03 15 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 73 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 20 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<IO ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<IO ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 25 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 15 ND <50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 30 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 35 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND<6.0. ND <5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 NIMO ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 40 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 NDQ50 05/06/03 45 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 61 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND<10 NDQ50 05/06/03 50 ND<0.50 ND <5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 5.9 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 55 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 60 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<10 ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 65 ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND<IO ND<5.0 ND<50 ND<10 ND<IO ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 70 ND <0.50 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <10 6.8 ND <50 ND<IO ND' <10 ND<10 ND<250 05/06/03 75 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<5.0 ND<IO 5.7 ND<50 ND<10 ND <10 ND <10 ND<250 05/06/03 80 ND<0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND <10 ND <5.0 ND<50 ND<10 NDgO ND<l0 270 05/06/03 85' ND <0.50 ND<5.0 ND<5.0 ND <5.0 ND<10 10 ND <50 ND <10 ND <10 ND <10 NDQ50 mm m mmmm mm mmm m m mm am