HomeMy WebLinkAbout#781 FMC RESULTS 7-17-12MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use By All Jurisdictions Within the State ofCalifornia Authority Cited: Chapter 6.7, Health and Safety Code; Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, California Code ofRegulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who perlorms the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner /operator. The owner /operator must submit a copy of this form to the local agency regulating UST systems within 30 days of test date. A. General Information Facility Name: #7781 Fastrip #22 (South) Bldg. No.: Site Address: 4013 South H Street City: Bakersfield Zip: 93304 Facility Contact Person: Omero Garcia Make /Model of Monitoring System: Veeder -Root TLS -350 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested /Certified Check the appropriate boxes to indicates ecific equipment inspected/serviced: Contact Phone No.: (661) 393 -7000 Date of Testing/Servicing: 7/17/2012 Tank ID: 12000 gal. Regular 1 Tank ID: 12000 gal. Regular 2 Z In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390 -107In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model 847390 -107 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390 -420 Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390 -420 Z Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Piping Sump /Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX1V Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: N/A Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Z Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: 847390 -107 Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: 847390 -107 Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Tank ID: 12000 gal. Super Tank ID: 12000 gal. Diesel In -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390 -107ZIn -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: 847390 -107 Z Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390 -420 Z Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: 794390 -420 Z Piping Sump /'French Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Fill Sump Sensor(s). Model: Z Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX1V Z Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: FX1DV Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Z Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: 847390 -107 Z Tank Overfill / 1 -ligh -Level Sensor. Model: 847390 -107 Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Other (specify equipment type and model in Section E on Page 2). Dispenser ID: 1 & 2 Dispenser ID: 3 & 4 Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Shear Valve(s). Z Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Containment Floats) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: 5 & 6 Dispenser ID: 7 & 8 Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Shear Valve(s). Z Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Containment Floats) and Chain(s). Dispenser ID: Transition Sump South Dispenser ID: Tranition Sump North Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Z Shear Valve(s). Z Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and Chain(s). Ifthe facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. Include information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - 1 certify that the equipment identified in this document was inspected /serviced in accordance with the manufacturers' guidelines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklists) necessary to verify that this information is correct and a Plot Plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For any equipment capable of generating such reports, 1 have also, attached a copy of the report; (check all that apply): ® System set -up Z Alarm history report Technician Name (print): Bryan A Self Signature: 'W. Certification No.: B37501 License. No.: 804904 Testing Company Name: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Phone No.: (800) 339 -9930 Site Address: 4013 South H Street, Bakersfield, CA 93304 Date ofTesting/Sery icing: 7/17/2012 Page 1 of 3 Monitoring System Certification D. Results of Testing /Servicing Software Version Installed: 326.01 Complete the following checklist: Yes No* Is the audible alarm operational? Yes No* Is the visual alarm operational? Yes No* Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed operational? Yes No* Were all sensors installed at lowest point of secondary containment and positioned so that other equipment will not interfere with their proper operation? Yes No* If alarms are relayed to a remote monitoring station, is all communications equipment (e.g., modem) N/A operational? Yes No* For pressurized piping systems, does the turbine automatically shut down if the piping secondary containment N/A monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? If yes: which sensors initiate positive shut -down? (Check all that apply) ® Sump /Trench Sensors; ® Dispenser Containment Sensors. Did you confirm positive shut -down due to leaks and sensor failure /disconnection? ® Yes; No. Yes No* For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e., no N/A mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alarm visible and audible at the tank fill point(s) and operating properly? If so, at what percent of tank capacity does the alarm trigger? 90% Yes* No Was any monitoring equipment replaced? If yes, identify specific sensors, probes, or other equipment replaced and list the manufacturer name and model for all replacement parts in Section E, below. Yes* No Was liquid found inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? (Check all that apply) Product; ® Water. If yes, describe causes in Section E, below. Yes No* Was monitoring system set -up reviewed to ensure proper settings? Attach set up reports, ifapplicable Yes No* Is all monitoring equipment operational per manufacturer's specifications? In Section E below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. E. Comments: I replaced.the annular sensor on the regular 87 71" tank. I also pulled out APPX .5 gallons of water from that annular. Page 2 of 3 Monitoring System Certification F. In- Tank Gauging / SIR Equipment: ® Check this box if tank gauging is used only for inventory control. Check this box if no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in -tank gauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: Yes No* Has all input wiring been inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing for ground faults? Yes No* Were all tank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? Yes No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested? Yes No* Was accuracy of system water level readings tested? Yes No* Were all probes reinstalled properly? Yes No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): Complete the following checklist: Check this box if LLDs are not installed. Yes No* For equipment start-up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? N/A Check all that apply) Simulated leak rate: ® 3 g.p.h.; 0.1 g.p.h ; 110.2 g.p.h. Yes No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirements? Yes No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? Yes No* For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if it detects a leak? N/A Yes No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? N/A Yes No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system is disabled N/A or disconnected? Yes No* For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system malfunctions N/A or fails a test? Yes No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually inspected? N/A Yes No* Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. H. Comments: Page 3 of 3 MKFIA P 781 101? =.H GT Fr :ERSFI ELI, 3 UL I lv 2012 11 : Ll 6 X11-1 SY'.- STATUS REF : >HT HWENWHY Ruou T I : IJ P-) L I b Li .., I A:'.. L. 1. 11 •- IFE 857-, lJLLm,'E 349U 0% IALAGE- 2283 AI. S W ATUMF - 84 Q GAL'._ HE KNT - 74S6 1 M WATER VOL = cl WTER - 0, 00 "KHM TEMP = r5.5 DE, :; F T 2 ISE b Li .., I oLS ULLA132 862" VMS SHIFT TIME I, ISABLED GAL'.j 90% IXIAGE= 2231 nAL:-', TI :• VOLUME 9471 I ('11:1-iES HE I j.'.HT 74.96 1 id AEA; WATER 'w'01. m 0 k*,AL,.. WMTER U,00 INCHES TEMP 85.3 EEG F T n:PNI OLLRIE . bLi .., I oLS ULLA132 6708 LS SHIFT TIME I, ISABLED GAL'.j TC.' VOLU11E 5262 h ;MS HE I (4H'r 50. 8:-i I ('11:1-iES I.JHTER VOL = 0 i-, L2 w;4TEP = 0.00 1 M:'HES TFI'11:' RLI,E. r:lEG F T 4:DIESEL V%'.)LL4,,]F _ :522 kVMS 45,3 0 l3i:-iLS' 90% LLLh3E- 3 f:;6LS Tl:: VOLUVIE - '2496 HE NOT - 2903 1 NO ES I,JoTER' VOL = 0 C.,A L --; WATER = 0. CIO I NCHE'._:; TE11P - 00.6 DEC, F HmNl FATED TAWS HWENTOW Tl,')TAI_8 T I: UNL I T '-':Ut*-JL VOLLNIE' Ti:: VOLUME 15890 END .k :. - " . SkFnARE mysiON LEIML vEPSIUPI SOFT1,3APEO 3,16329-100-l" REi TEri - O9.A7.0I.16.*_-9 SOEDULEP 330160-004-8 S%1STF.1-1 FEArl-IRES: PERIUDIt:; TESTS ANNUAL IN-TANE' TESTS I BE, 2Y'.73TEll Scrijr, JUL 17. 21D I,-, 1 1 :OE' All S`i"STEH UNITS u S. EWL ISH SYSTEM DHTE/'rimi: r)Rrvi'r HUN DD Y', h' HWMCSS Al FAST5 P 781 4013 S.H ST BAY.ER'!;FIELr, SHIM' TIME I SHIF1' TIME 2 SHIFT TiHE 3 DISmBLED SHIFT TIME I, ISABLED TAi,11: PER TST NEEDED WRN DISABLED ITANY ANN TST NEUCD WRN I) iSfiDLED LINE PE-El4i:iSlY FETHOD PAE2 LINE THET LINE PER TST NEEEGI) WRN I. i HE nNll TST NEEDED 1,.lPN l."PE)LED PRINT Ti %QLAlE2*. ENABLED TEMP VAUT WID! F 60. 0 SP OF HEIGHT OFFSET DISABLED I -ILLAC;E: ';l'- H-PROY)COL DATA F()Fl•i-J HEIG14T DA'ill-POT Tlllt BABLEF) 2JART Dr'; fE: HAR WEEY L2 Urd START TIME 2: OU Afl END DATE NT/ WEEK 1 sull END TIHE 2: 00 All RE--D IRE,:'T Ll)CAL F-Rl(,4T,',-jljT D I 2.ABLED EUP-'.? V'R(.`.,T•:i,_:i_'I_ PFEFi:-: SYSTEM SEC'URITY' CODE : 000000 DISABLED TAK CWRT SEAR I T•,' D I SABLE) D PS;-BLED SEPVll:"E NQT1,::E D I SABLED ISO .3166 fA,l bE D 1° ARLFF, t'.lII1 °IlINlt_-'-TJ0IlIS --ETUP T INL PRODIY-T C:(H,E THF-P.11hL ('0EFF T I: LIf',JL I TWAY lll I"IETER 11 1. 50 P-)RT SETTI PR,' •",[,U,':T k-:o1lE T" PP--)FI LE I PT THEPI-ViL CC)EFF 111-10-'iull FULL L I cl t: 2 f'01-111 BOH-RD I RS Ti-JPJK' D I ""NETER I 1 1 .50 BAUD PATE 96CI CI PROF I LE I PT I NONE FULL %i;)L 1'x:06' - S iZE: S'TOF BIT I K- )P DATH LEN, -'I'H 6 DHTH i.vATF•, 'IRN 1111--; FL.oHT SIZE: 4,i1 1 Ili. HP','ll I:JHTER LllllT Is PSHE LEE, OP L;;BEL 11, Rp, H It -;H W"''TER 1-11,11T: Ljrii'r Dt LJE) F.,;)TE y6AID 10855 F'AR 1 T' 14()NE R D)BEL lJC-L: I PRODAY"I 95•: STOP B I T I T P FILL LIMIT 1-159 D"'T" LF11,-I'TH: ;-I rsHTA 10 55 I-IFLJVEPl' L.11-11T H I C" H PRODUC!T 5% DEL. POERY L I ["I I r 1 51'., PPODUC-: r SCnJ rED111 I ':4 LII,'IIT: IJI DEN L•Sc-; L I I- I IT DE I C.""BLED LOW PRODUC:T 5131-1 THAK TILT LEAK AD Rll 1-111IT: 99 PROBE C)FFSET cl. Ou Tl-'Ilfl' TILT FRRIDBE OFRSET 0. DO k-IT,'. LEAK HDAFll-1 LIHIT T41 : 0I El 1;--'.r~FILFD I INE I-I"***I'JIF;-;LDED TH'Pfl!S HIIT-:i Hk-,H Wr TFR 1.11-11T TO : 118')NE D I T 0 : 02 t;l - ITO :)WERFILL 1-1111T LINE MAHIF-,jEll Lr I SARI . FD TO : NONE LFHJ:' H I N PER IC)Ejltl: HLIT,") L,"AA F R,"IDUC:T HUTO THEFT 1-1111T LEAK ["I I N PE R I C) E 1 1 120 120 HIITO ljFLI'JER`-,' -TART' LE-, F: 1'el I H r'N hlLl-"' L I EDELP%FR,-' ND I FEP -Dll: TEST T,TEP D Will RDT' UTC+ RX717RI--jHI. 11-1PUT ')N D I BLED PER D I l-' TE'.-;T T','PE 1, 11. 1:-, 1L TEST FH I L Yfo F.:-:TE?1.11'1- RIM DISABLED 17, 1,;ABI.F'D 1UT,", SEN&"'R FI-IFI-. HL':,Pll TE.--;T FAIL TEST FHIL Fj I 1;1',ABLEE) D12--BLED AlIT(:- ;F.1,1' F IJ"--TFF.' HI-HR'll F) I ;C,HPLED TEST Fl-'IL TEST Ft-dL i)LARI-1 E,12,HBLEI) Fr Pri-RLFD R, S . - TE T FA, I I hi,wi TE,.-,,T L Rl'i E, P-Ek" TE"-T C')FF APdPd TEc,T UFF T'- l: TEST 1,1" 1, T P/ CFF PER TEST +. ?ER,hG l ra ; FF P-h:1 TST BRE1*1::OFF TAP4V TEST N(IT I FF 1.)EL I %iER' DEL' END 'F 1'*IE":- - 'i-G'E TN): T'S'T -IPHf.'I,J BY-.E All::OFF F-1-111P TH Ec-'.W,LD 10C)" R - DI.-;H LED DELIVERY DELWI I H I I'.j PI-111P THRE"'HC)LD 1 1-1. CJCI",; T PIA. i*.,INI Ljr-; 1'17 : HLL T.,H)" j 0 H 1 G, - 2, 110 PR-:')DUC:T t 'ODE FF T J:DlESEl- C:-FF TI ERI'V-d, ( ',.)EFF JAI. - P R;J L, I W1 C70DE u F F T"NI:: Ell HHETEF I 1 1 .511 THEPHHL i-'OEFF 111-11-1d 51 U T"Ofl: PPC)FILE I FT T"''INK 111l:41FTER I I I .5F, PILL V,: . Tr;fl,IK' PROFILE I PT FULL I FLOAT S I -- E IN. FLAT SIZE: d.17I 1N. wiATEP Z. 11 HIC"l-I 1;4NTER LIH[T; j, i-i 1,11JER: 1JHPNIHf1' 11f• -iH L%4;TER LIHIT: o% ERFILL LIHIT 9Cr,. N`11-: I C1f'. 55 C",?ERFILL LIHIT 0 H I l';H PR0DU;.:T 1 1-1:3 5 5 X15'1 I -PlIT 15 1-1 DELP.iEP.,` LIHIT I5' >•• 18 0 500 LEAV L61,J T RC 11111"T 01 1JDDEf,I LC!S, L.If1IT: qc, LEHI: FtLART-1 LIfllT: THNI: T I LT I-iliDDEN Lr:-,,,-, 1-111IT: EI 1 1. 1i11 111, HLT PR-UBE c)FFSET ID. CIO I-W11FOLDCL) T)IW`S T ;I : H'., ) I I E LINE TO: I•oHE I'111,j PER' IODI(: I % 121 13 ININ UA- L I %. 121-1 TEST T`,'PE IIJNUPIL LFiR11 PERP-1111 I is TEST Fir I L Dl.-HBI-Flj TEST FHIL Uo-t rlk--oPLED HIT'l TF'--',T F F PER TE2T FP --'- C ; I I P oFF TES ;T )FF TNI: T'ST `IPHON E;RE;AK:(.)FF DELIVER',' DEJ."-r 1 1.1111 PL 119P THRF-H,'-',LD 1 ID. 130% I PI IC > 1A [Nil Fi)LDLD 'I` TV : 1,10 H E LII,)E H"'INIIF,-jLDEE, THHYS. TP: INI'-d'IE 1,E-'-I: 1-11111 PERIODIC -:: 1% I 120 PERIC-Ll,` TEST 'PIPE TEST Fr L F)L"R'11 Dk=;."BLED TEST F61 ALl TES F 1761L i*.,INI Ljr-; 1'17 : HLL T.,H)" j 0 H 1 G, - 2, 110 NN TESTT ?ERAC; C. I W,-': FF PER TEST il`1IEP.ol-; I NC;: C:-FF TEST INIC)T IF',`: OFF THK T.=tT E*.Et 0 u F F GEL IWERY DELHY I flill') P11HP THPE HOL• I-E,,,),: TE—T (-IE1W-1-L- TE"i-IT i*.,INI Ljr-; 1'17 : HLL T.,H)" j0H 1 G, - 2, 110 t, Tr-iV TIIIE D P ,"BLED TEc T Pi-JE 1 2C1 1 L FIR F - IjR '"', F I H 1101 1P.S T-IT Er;HL'; LEHY: TEST FEP)PT Fo.P.TI-J i T,, TL I N, LE FD)f'r STP SUMP FL,-Ni;T) L :-:: D I F , SEL :-17P FRI -SMI.TE sTP :-IJHP L d:NESEL H`111-1 TRi —SJHTE FU)'-T:' L 1-:1 :ATP 2110P71 L - ,:RUI' 2 r'iININ I'R I -.STHTE I 1,16-LE FU,,-T,- L TRI-STATE I- :Fjlsr, 1-2 TRI-:NT;i"I-E LIlJ:DI-F 7—o' TRI —rTHTE FL."')FLJr F•l"• R: J:DIESEL L I I I T'%`FE: TR f -SDHTE *S I N,'4*LE FL,")r=;T) DI:4:EIJSER F-Ai-I TRI -STOTE L. f+") , TP, A ft;—J" TRI`_'THJE i2ll+ LE FLT ' "D C;"JEC4ORY : OTHER' L 14: TRA [-IS TPI -STFiFE k-,THEP PUlP 'SEI,JS'('+' SETUP I : JkL I vjr 0 : 1 ", ALL FUG'S 11"(11FC)LDED: ALL Pffilt',". S J : 11,1L C.i I SPE11SE IT "IDE: 11411F''DLDF[s: ILL PLIf'IF'*'.__l* R I : J1•11- I 7,-'PE: F'UMP . L '_UTPIJT T,-I'll'.' 0 : I L I :FUEL L -I:F]-IEL I-LARI'l L. 5:FljEL ALHRI'l L ';:FIJEL ALARf"I L. 10: FUEL L I I : FUEL HLARM L.12 : FUEL ALARI-,I CWT I IT I L . 11-IT A'I_AiPil L. 10 : SF71,1c;C1 R C'.1-IT f'l-LoPM LI I ?%IIIT ADHPll L I *--': SE Ol IT t-rI_"ARH L I :SHORT ALHRH L :3:SHO';R' fLiLAR(l L cl:SHO:•PT A- LAFlI LIFI:SHORT ALAPt,' L-I I :SH6RT '-I. APll L 12, H0PT ALHRll 1Sll SITF '-LHF,11,,I.'-,' T,2, ro PRD_' FWL I SE, fiFt';RD F-P.E;: F ll_ I SD VHF,.;R LEAK Fil" I L I SD %.!p PRES FOIL 12,11 W 'r;TATI-Ic: FAIL IS11 HuSE L.L.:f',R0S CnI_LE'_;'F A _lD_'Tj, LLE, *T 1-H I L L.L:FD_A.I r-'01.1-D-7 F't)IL PUlF, C'(44TRL-1 C)HTPUT L 11)11 IF, HL L 5:F1UEL Al_HRM L. ":FUEL Al .ARI"l 1, cj:FUFL flI_AR'll L. 1 1-1: F'UEL. L I I :FUEL HLHiPll L Fl IEL HLAPtl L OUT HL.;4J-'I L 9:REI-JS6R ii I IT r Lil) Ell 1. 1 2E :)UT L Pf,, I L I I :SEN20R oUT I- I '., : SE fqSO) P •-/'IJT HLItPf I L 5:lt1HORT I.:;F, '.-;ITE Hi AF.'I-E, 1'7.D GRC;Sc., PRE,3 FmIL I XF1 r.jEGFD.PF.F:;r; FAIL I SEt ',hHPOR LFAI< Fm I L I_r) .'P PRE- FA 11_ 1'.:51) ''/F' 1TII-TI-1- I'mIL I-T) IP. SE HI,_-F:I-Ic. Tol,l)" P : 4 L :3:FUEL ",L(;Rfl L -, : FUEL r,LoRll L I A: FUEL. ;-,D-01 L I'al: FUEL I1LHPI'll L 1:1: FL IEL oU-',PI',I I- 14 :1= IJEL oLVIPI'l L R, c UT L, P11 L OUT HLl-iPVJ L I GL ", UHT " -LrARI-l L I I : 2. E11SO R' T "' L1- RI, I L I ___' :2',ENSk'+R (".1-IT I L I 3 : .--)'EITS - DR OUT (-:iLHRI -1 L. 14 : ISEIIISC' R -1OUTiiLHPI L 3 :2-HORT ; LARI"I L 7 : S, HOPT (ALAPI'll L I it: SHOP1 L I I :,:?K_)RT I- 1 111: SHORT AL-Pll L I:-': SHORT ;I_Apllll L 14: L,HORT L"M"I Ti ;Pffji`tRD THIlIK 9; flcd4F 11.1 -Tr l'A' ciLr -+PMS ALL :HfklH SETIIF tl:o`FEC;' R`,,' 6 R FL': kl HETER F.' FL,-I...l tlETER t:-- IR FLCki I%IETER 9:FJ1 DISP 7-t', AIR FL('.I,l HETER' EVW 1815 SETUP EVP TJ E: JUH i-i,.,'SlS'T WCUMI ASSIST TVPE MALY %W' E A r L RA;,,I(-;E IIIH;-,: 1. 15 I'll H: U. 95 v?AP :•F, T-rI,E NONE TIME:;' T111E: 10:1-10 AM DELAY h I NUTES: i H(:',-'EPT Hj -';H C)RAYR: EI,Ji4BLFI) fSb TABLE I Li FP Fl- HL AA V.R 1_11 1_11 1_11 IJ_ 111 1111 02 02 02 02 01 Ull 03 03 03 02 02 1111 04 04 04 02 02 1111 05 05 05 02 03 HH 06 06 06 02 03 U]J 07 07 07 02 04 UH 08 08 08 02 04 1111 1 1 h I RFLOIJ 5 11 DIETER MP Q AERIAL N LABEL 1' 5 1 0 ID FJ-I 1,11.::;T, I 11 11 S4F, F.11 1) 1 SP 3 8280 F.m ripp v I 709.'- F.11 [11SP 7 k_U FUEL j--,RAL,E H0'2,F-' I-IAF 1 2 3 4 7: ut. Al 1 FP 111-11-1 1-1141-1 HHH HHH oA 131 3U I jol 6: 111D PH 02 ?03 30'-' 9i13 1_1 Ij 1 03 202 303 903 5 U I :51 P11 114 2i111 :_i 0 14 90z1 5 11 05 205 305 905 11 H A 06 206 :--:06 9Ci L; 11 11 1 07 -.C17 :-iij7 907 5 11 d IDS '21-18 :-30 1-1 9138 5 U J ID9 9 11 U 3 IJ 5 11 it 10 11 LI 9 IJ 5 11 1-1 11 1J IJ 9 U 11 11 ID 12 2 11 U 9 U 11 11 1:1 LABEL TABLE 1: IPIASS I CV,lEE) 2: BLEI%:3 RDAILAR I-I I 1i :RAGE 5: PRE1,11 U 1 6: GOLF, 7: BRKEE 8: ID ER 9: BLM52 1 0: M.FNQ i-A,HRI'l REPORT PAPER OUT NOV 27 - 2131 1 7: 35 41 PR HTEY-.' ERR-,-P. VQV 2n AN 1 7:35 Al"I ENE) :- :-w - - 4 ALARM 1-119100 MORT T I : UNl- ILL AD4F.T-1 NOV 28, 2W I I OCT 10 . <'Ci I I E. 5,1 API Ot-'T 4 211--i1 I 6:•18 AH Hi. IVER'," FEB 5 - 2012 5K :.36 PM ENE, - . HtSTOPY REPORT T 2 ARE -' O`-.`ERF I LL i L.ARI-1 OCT 1 -1 - 20 1 1 7: ut. Al 1 SUDDEW LOSS ADAR.T,l 6: 111D PH 1:5d Ftl M f 2. 2M I I :51 P11 El%lD 4: - -' REPORT F 3: PNL 7. 2012 11 :07 Al'l 6:1)7 "-1 APR 22. 2012 8:52 PKI t - - - ENE, > - . .t ALARl I H I PEF,--RT PEpriPT RE F =.F1 T D I ESEL El L 6 F. El:-" L 3:[,IE'--'-EL STP DEL P.'ERZ I,IEEDED STP FUEL ";IARfl V T 5. 2Cl I I 4' I'M 2101,21 1 1 CIF AP11 I IA. u 2ID 53 ...11 FUEL ",ILAPI 27 4 '. 4: . F* 1'.1 [.1 .. EflD .. - .- --; t - ' EHP '-: 4 . R[,-1 HI-T.I- Rr' REPORT L -1:DIESEL, ANN AIAMULAP SPACE Al ldf,-l*•**,F.',' REP: RT R STF SllrlF FULL AL 4.1 I EIJD - - - - -` EHD L 15:REC"2 STF. 21T, FLIEI- -LHF.'H REF, ;.APT Hi f-. : 1 All1UtjI FIET-C.IFT JINUL P SPA -:E c EI-12,e 'T, 'L..Rll END .- .. EIAII 'p; E Nli REPO -RT SEIGOR t;LAPH L 9 : 1) f2jP 1 rjlS,T-EN.`,ER P61'.1 t .. E 11 D - . r F;LpiRll REP,-;RT SEN)R' L I I :DI S1, 5 -C, l[.-;FEN'sER FH[.j END . - -t ALAR11 FUSTORY REPORT Ljl.SPEH'2ER Pi4l r D'ID rLil,riRll PEPOk"I' IA 3 :NO ARA NC--; EW; f f t 4 4 ALAWI FUSTOW REPS R7 L I C 80 ARM,, OVER SENSOR'S, END- < L, , PWI SERIF, NONE PRC' C'Ec'-S,0F., LDVEL: NONE T I NL I 3 F"'PT HE 1 H I N"P.Ea'S:7E 1 I'-h_:HES I.JoTEP j UL 1 7. 12 kAl"LLIHE 8LJj HE I GHT 1 78 f PJC: H E'r-" I-V'iTEP O-CIF - I I NC'HE" TE11P 85. , DFC; F IN, ' 'F.*Ei-i' SE END JUL 17.- 1 1 : j5 HE I .> IT = 74.05 1 Pll-*HE-' kViTEP = 0. 00 1 Ph: HF. TE.11P = C5.5 DD-1 F T'_7 HE r I r41, PEA:' I i I t. ONL 2., STAP7 JUL 17.. HE I -;HT = 1 NC:HD_I I.JmTEP . 0.00 INC'HE'STE11P = HE I __;HT 1 N"HE2, TE11P ID T, 1-iET ID T I : UHL I T UML 2 - I T F.NL PROBE iAIT jI_IL I ; - 2Ci 12 11 ::-2 il m T DELP-)EFi'), I-JEEFlEf) JUL 17. _20)2, 1 1 ::2,:-, Al-,l T J : D I F.:-,F JUL Fj I L.H'- Ell T 4:DIE::EL Ft 171 L LEVEL 11JL T I I I N, 1,D 2E 3 F"'PT HE 1 H 74. 95 1 I'-h_:HES I.JoTEP FI . 00 1 NC: H E 'S. HE I i""HT 51 1 E I I,jj`HE._. I;_,TER J.00 1 TFIlY, F I H, 'PLO1,21E EIAD HE I l'Hl' JUL I jj 1 71 11 ::31:, r1,1 TRIP 85.'2' DEJ-4 F W(;TEFI I llll"HEE'. I F, DO' F Tr' NET 1 30,1 F __':UNL I I1% E NT :)PY 1 fNl_'R'Lo'SE '.=:fHPT J0. 1 7 . rf I _ 21 11 ::33 HI, I 0- LL PIE 8622 L HE 1 H 74. 95 1 I'-h_:HES I.JoTEP FI . 00 1 NC: H E 'S. 35.':' DEC; F END JUL 17. 11 :35 ll I IE HE I l'Hl' 74. 94 1 Nl':HE__' TRIP 85.'2' DEJ-4 F 17" NET Ci T I :M'-IL I T I OCILUVIE - L2'. IN-TH1,1K I : HHL I T 2 MAE 2 L I UHL I 'TP PWB (AT L ( T Sn' S11,117, JUL 17.- 2o 11 :3E. rlI-I JUL IV. 11 :41 All FUEL L Rfl 11-IL 17. 11:44 rill 4:DIESEL I IT-iEhTt-,Rv I I,,i(: RED ;_E =:TmRT 11-IL t 7 - x'11 1 '-' I I I1 -111.1 t- - AL'S HEIGHT = I Q 50 1 NQM LATER = 0.00 Wiss TEMP AW6 W F I NOREASE END 2 JUL P. 2012 11:, -,avWl V,DLIJI'!E = 4t,r8 HE 1 HT = 45 .-,30 ff -JCHF.R LATER = 0, 00 HKHEc'- TEMP 84.:3 DEC,' F I HCREH:IE= 3569 Ti' NET J,52: PR' TE OUT J1 JL 1 7 . 20 1'-' 1 1 :39 fill UOLI-111E 0 1 -; : HE 1 ;HT = 0 . CIO I Nt-'HE.--` 1,1;-;TER = 0. CIO I I*:'HEI.-'. TEI*1P = 0. 0 DE,- F I F-ND JUL 17, 2M2 HWQI V,:')LUME = 8503 - HE I GHT = 7c!.03 INr:'HE.`- ATER = 0,00 Ihf:'HE:'. TEI•IP = 25.5 DEG F W NET WREASE- 8351 T 2: WE 2 HVEMYNINCIDAF. I IK:PEH!,L*, TiLfl;!T 3 11L 17. 201'-' I I : LI I All VOUKE 810 ALS HE I C4HT 7,1. 35 1 WWER 0, 00 INES TEf1F' 85.5 DE,-; F I EN[i JI-E 17. 2012 11 :43 W HE I (,HT = 74.,-35 1I,-)(::HE2", 1 ;k -TER = 0.00 INI::HES. 1,0111P m 3. L, LID.; F T(' NET 111-:'REASE= -1 rWW FNVED TW.". T 1 : UPE I T 2 MAE 2' Muls 9503 isALi 1. 5:RE,-;2 2',17F sTr. ::Jji-ir, FUEL ;)L.;4.H 1 U1, 17. 1 : I 1 4 *1 L SUPER .2-TT, on* FUEL ALF)PH II L IV - 201 2 11 147 W-1 L 7:.:'.UT'EP STP STP SUP*IF' FLIEL ALHPI1 J UL. 17, till p H : 4 V Af-I L -1:IAESEI., :_TP so Sul FUEL ALARP-I UL 1'7. ;;11i1'C' 11 :4u rill T I : HNL I Hl,:;H PPODI-Ii:'T ;,,D-;RI-I A LIL 17 - I- I I: 4 cl r-if-1 i'A/EPF ILL HLHRl'l 3 I-IL 1' • '--'IJ I'-' 11 1-0:-"T., IF, I 40I:-i F1.H 9T EllKF.P. F I E LD 9:-3:71' 111). 11. 21-1112 11 :J9 t4I REPORT T I ','A"ERT I LL AD F.T'! L 1-2 I' 'F'ElTrIER PH'14 FUEL JUL 17. 201' • I t :F0 1-11 IH-TAI`! }: AL(APH T 1111L -, 11 -'T ALARVI1 , H F JUL 1 7 201 ---' I I: 5L L U-IE 7140 HEIGHT = E3. D'-: I PI H Jt`FER = 1-1.91-1 1 HCHES TPIP = :1-4. 1 DEG* F I END JIJI 17• .7, 1- 1 '71 1 1I - -1 HE 16 'HT =1L16.90 1 1;.1, -;TER IJ. 9iI I ICHES TE1,117, 9i DEC,, F, 4 '7 Tf-' I'-IET a b- 4:2 T 2:1-114L 2 1141 EiGE START JUL 17. 2012 11:48 i-Ill HEIGHT = ?4.:=5 1 N,'.:HE2' I.-JoTER = ID. 01-1 1 11CHE"', TDIP = 85.3 IlEt" F I N1-; PEA 'S'E END I I JL 17• '2111'2 I I :511 ill 'I HE 1,,HT 1,16TER F-1.00 P11-:1-1EE.". TEPIP DE,-,' F INCRE(iSE= T,-' IIET T I : UNL I T 2: UIAL " Id'ol-lil -IE 4 752, L:" FUEL ALHPri JUL I I _: -1f 1 2 1 1 51 iA -1 LI I : E, FL IEL ALARV•1 JUL 17. ;5-. i%41 F'""STRIP 7e1 101:) - S H S. T B6)::EP'S'FIELD JUL 17. 2111'-.' 11:52 T HI1'.;H PRA.-)U(1' F;Lr F.19 JUL 17. '201'2 11:5:1 41 L I 'i : F, I 'S' P 7, DI""PE'VISER FAN FUEL t"'Lt+Pll JUL I'i'. EftPz"OR1 pf:4qC-. THEE' Fs STRI I` I FUEL ALAM-f L n00; 2 PAN 403 S.H ST JUL 17. 2012 11:54 H4-1 HHNULt)R :P C'E BAKERSFIEIIj W.90304 FUEL f:iLoRll JUL 17. '2012 11 :5E All Ttl. 17. ',V11 59 Al I L ":FUEI- AL PH T WIESEL L -4:T-LJFJ-- ALAPI-) Hll.';H PPCN-k T :,LiRt-1 1121E I L, Ci 12 1 1 : 55 Ai,l L L H:FUEI- ALARI'l FUEL. ALHW'l 17. 1 1 :57 A)H 2 Ti-' HET 1 '7284 IN 'rAic' At,4Fi•i T b I ESE]. PKAL our JUL 1'.'. 20 1.-, 11 :55 it -1 T PMDE Out' SENSOR ALARI'l F H S T);., I P L 4:C, I ESEL 'NIA 4012 S-H ST HNNIJI-AR Sf,A cE Bi;l,,'LRSFfELL' ('m.93'104 FUEY, ALAPP-1 -- I fll -Ti4fiV i-;LART•1 JUL 17.- '201'_ I1 :5'F AM T PlVi LID FUIL JUL I", - 20 12 1 1 :5t, Ai-i -P-11- D:112 1*2:131 L L':0A. I ANN OTHET-*., FUEL ALARM JUL 17• 2012 11 :56 All PRODI-IC:T HLi:4P.rl JUl. IT 2012 H :55 W-1 T 3:PNL HlGH PP( DU-:1 ALARrl JUL 1?. 2012 11:54 041 4669 C4,,I-12' A I( BHT - 4!DD. 1:: 1 1 [117.:HES WATER = Ci 00 1 Hf-:HES TEIIP - DE13' F T 4TIESEL O'•-ERF ILL mi-ARri END JUL 17. zol'-, I I JUL 17. 2131*-' 11 57 All T 3: F-111- i)',iERF I LL 0C. I Lrj JUL 17 - _012 11 59 "-1 HE I (,HT p I I I jl l I NCHE.-; 1,1 TEP I-1.1hi 111(liFS TEHP z . ', : IIF- I -.; F 2 Ti-' HET 1 '7284 IN 'rAic' At,4Fi•i T b I ESE]. PKAL our JUL 1'.'. 20 1.-, 11 :55 it -1 T PMDE Out' SENSOR ALARI'l F H S T);., I P L 4:C, I ESEL 'NIA 4012 S-H ST HNNIJI-AR Sf,A cE Bi;l,,'LRSFfELL' ('m.93'104 FUEY, ALAPP-1 -- I fll -Ti4fiV i-;LART•1 JUL 17.- '201'_ I1 :5'F AM T PlVi LID FUIL JUL I", - 20 12 1 1 :5t, Ai-i -P-11- D:112 1*2:131 L L':0A. I ANN OTHET-*., FUEL ALARM JUL 17• 2012 11 :56 All T 2; PNL 5,'556 BEIVOR AWAY L 2: UPIL I i4101 L 5: sn. 2UPIP, 1 IT::HES UHER SEI'Cv.)R'S, L ATER iD. ?F SENSOR' OUT 1. ":D[E'2;Fl. c4p JUL 1'7. 201'% 11 :5::: i:'I'l JUL 17• :21:112 FT'l 111L 171 F RTP SINIP 49,49 l_.4ALS HE 1,OHT d7.87 MC H0 WATER 0 A0 I MAE.=, TEMP 934 PEG F I WCRE08E END JUL 17. 71012 12:01 PH SENSOR ;-;LARI,l ENSOR VC) L UllE 11590 L 2:1-111L I AIT-1 L t:R'Et.; A01110D&,' isiGHT m02.31 I4 HEM: OTHER SDISORE SENSOR WTER 0,00 HCAES SMQOR OUT AUAI,l UL TEMP 93-D DD, F0 JUL 17, 2W2 12:09 P11 GWSS 6011 I'C: 14FT I R9 FA: arm P 701 4W3 S.11 31' L XF ELD Sul SHIP S0'1 OR Gm' AL ARl"I JUL 17• JUL. [7. !_'012 12:09 Fl-I T 3ANIL IMEMODIWAIRE I (+:RFASE STi4FT JUL 17. Cll:_-' 12:01 V-1.1 L Yff 6L(;Kel VOLUIlE 517? i;HLS iLARNHEIGHT19.54 DATER 0.75 lfl('HE:' Eosr-ENSEF., Pf-inTEMP9's.? [,E(.,' F SENOR 09r NVRI-.l JUL 17. *21JI:' 1-2:12 FT-I I El't, JUL 17• '21012 12:00 FTI IE 5,'556 CALS HE I,'.,Hl' T'Cl. 84 1 IT::HES L ATER iD. ?F I t+"HEE 1. ":D[E'2;Fl. c4p TEMP 93.2 EGO F RTP SINIP OUT ALARI-I 179 L 8:SUPEFl ;.JjqTf:' NET 114l:'REASE 176 OIIT HL,'iRTI JUL 17. _2012 Pill L I:UNL I STP 90 sollf. JuL 17. 21:11"' FT.; L 13: IT) ARANS L 2: U1,4L 1 + 111'4 OTHER WNSORS THER SElt,Ok FUEL AL iRll J LI L 17 JUL I ? - 12: 04 PI"I L 4:DIESEL ml,114 Soso? ow, MAKI Itil 1,7 I.-If-Ill.-I I,- 11! 1"., pI*I DER rau GECX)P "')LIT mLeRfl 3 IJL 17 1 L I I r.) I P 5 -E L I I JUL 0 HLHPIA j 1) L ;2: SEA GLHPII ---- L 2:1WIL I 1%II - I SFm OT iALHF.TI JUL 1 7 - 2m '--' 12 : 12 R: SEA R ". L RIPI JNL I ;LOJu iJTHER SEAa FUEL -Fll Ml- 17. S 1 I r RDeE EIALI ImENTP I Wi- . F- F PI-1 i REA'- F RT L IS 232!2 2 HE I C'= 5"Ca. ::;,:4 1 I'li"T P" q19 HES I 97,n DEC. F I r RDeE EIALI J 11L !7. 20 12 112 :24 PI-1 HE I 0 IlET I T 2: 11111 L 2 NVENTORV I JUL 17. 2012 FTI 7F) ES clY I NCHD' 0 Fit) !&w FDD; ' TEHP lRw SE ENE) HE I f-AiT TER = u.0o TFI--IP = eSgnl-t,' F T"-WE-2 T 1:1,11,IL 1 T 2:UNL 2 A)LI-11 IF 520 T"-WE-2 T 1:1,11,IL 1 T 2:UNL 2 A)LI-11 IF 520 LIT- )R )R 1 1-1: 11 P-;P 7-8 FUEL -,LARTI RIL 17 - 20 12 1 2 : '2!S PH T I : OHL I JUL 17. -,jjI I5 Y M 111-1--hL i"LAR11 JUL 17. 2012' 1 :2'X PH Fr STR I P 7.8i 4ID I :- S. . H ;-DT JIIL t7. REI%'T-.,T ALL FI ll%Ji.: THE -'E 1, F.,17 FLIEL ALI THEE.' FUEL JIC 17. FHS_TRIP '7:.-1 S-H E:,1,)).F.R1.-'-F I ELL, JUL 17. 201 1 STEM -THd'u` R' I- P,,' PT LL F1.11' IC'j HC RI'l-L SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form Thisform is intendedfor use by contractors performing annual testing ofUSTspill containment structures. The completedform and printoutsfrom tests (ifapplicable), should be provided to thefacility owner /operatorfor submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: #7781 Fastrip 422 (South) I Date of Testing: 7/17/2012 Facility Address: 4013 South H Street , Bakersfield, CA 93304 Facility Contact: Omero Garcia I Phone: 661- 393 -7000 Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing : 6/19/2012 Name of Local Agency Inspector (rfpresent during testing): Ernie Medina 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Technician Conducting Test: Bryan A Self Credentials: 9 CSLB Contractor Z ICC Service Tech. xN SWRCB Tank Tester Other (Specify) License Number(s): CSLB #804904 ICC #8022804 -UT Tank Tester# 11-0756 3. SPILL BUCKET TESTING INFORMATION Test Method Used: N Hydrostatic Vacuum Other Test Equipment Used: Lake Test Equipment Resolution: 0.0625" Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank Number, Stored Product, etc. 1 Regular 1 2 Regular 2 3 Super 4 Diesel Bucket Installation Type: Direct Bury Nx Contained in Sump Direct Bury xN Contained in Sump Direct Bury xNContained in Sump Direct Bury xNContained in Sum Bucket Diameter: 12.00" 12.00" 12.00" 12.00" Bucket Depth: 14.00" 13.75" 14.00" 14.50" Wait time between applying vacuum /water and start of test: 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. Test Start Time (Ti): 1 1:10 am 1 1:10 am 11:10 am 1 1:10 am Initial Reading (Rj): 9.00" 8.50" 9.25" 9.00" Test End Time (TF): 12:10 am 12:10 am 12:10 am 12:10 am Final Reading (RF): 9.00" 8.50" 9.25" 9.00" Test Duration (TF — Ti): 1 hour 1 hour I hour I hour Change in Reading (RI, - Ri): 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Pass /Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.0625" 0.0625" 0.0625" 0.0625" Test Result: Nx Pass Fail x Pass Fail x Pass Fail I x Pass Fail Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING hereby certify that all the inforNation contained in this report is true, accurate, and in full compliance with legal requirements. Technician's Signature: 4f— Date: 7/17/2012 State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may be more stringent. SITE PLOT PLAN for: LEGEND015 - 021 -03022 ESO EMERGENCY SHUT -OFF 721/ #781 FASTRIP #22 OFA OVERFILL ALARM 4013 SO. "H" STREET B PRODUCT VAPOR SPILL SPILL BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 ANNULAR FIRE EXTINGUISHER GAS METER SHUT -OFF WATER METER SHUT -OFF O HEALY CAS EVACUATION MEETING POINT 3 - 12,000 GALLON 1 20019 721 "L" SENSOR SETUP: L1 87 STP I _ L6 Q V LISTS sL - L2 87 ANNULAR L3 91 STP L L5 ESO H r-- TP, 1 1 721 1 7 L4 91 ANNULAR L4 OA P'Jf Y 91 1 LS DSLSTP L6 DSL ANNULAR L2 A r v 87 Ll L9 UDC 9/10 L..4- - -- -- 1 16 1s L10 UDC 11/12 L11 UDC 13/14 9 1 L12 UDC 15/16 L13 UDC 17/18 L14 UDC 19/20 1 R1IT BREAKER 0 P/V I TLS350 VENTS #781 #721 qOFA Lit Q L9 i LI II l5 II L7 II L3 781 87 -1 87 -2 91 DSL1 2 1 OA"IllI II I. Q 111 5 I 4. USTs R V MrM LAM 781 "L" SENSOR SETUP: Ll 87 -1 STP FIRE L2 87 -1 ANNULAR HYDRANT L3 DSL STP L4 DSL ANNULAR L5 87 -2 STP L6 87 -2 ANNULAR L7 91 STP L8 91 ANNULAR L9 UDC 1/2 L10 UDC 7/8 Lll UDC 5/6 L12 UDC 3/4 L13 NO. TRANS L14 SO. TRANS Rr#ls M4 SCALE: 1 ° = 30' W JAMIESON H1%CO 3101 STATE R BAKERSFIELD CA., SITE PLAN FASTRIP - 7 -721 rums CONVENIENCE MARKET FOR: SHEff N0. JAMIESON HILL COMPANY ADO4013S. H STREET BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA OF 1 t`+*IDoti 0 ID4oa `o C, UST= UST rAUcs% °CES+ Job Order / Invoice # 2°/ 3 2 BUILD WITH CONFIDENCE co.u.nck ....nca+Froenn Date Call Made Time To Whom Station Control Number Repair Date Invoice DateTollFree #: 1- 800 - 339 -9930 1' -r2 Name Confidence UST Construction Inc. rne-s -Pa r a Work performed at Station number: W c U Street 16250 Meacham Road Street ) U 13 Gam` City Bakersfield, Ca 93314 City tat Zpg OuJ Total C Mileage Terms Store number: Description of work performed: Total Amount Invoice A + B + C a - lcti 1 v < <CAC ' -664 1 r Labor Date Name / Number Class Hours Hourly Rate AmountArrivedDepartedLaborTravelTotal f o'1 f' Ti AM PM AM PM Tax ( If applicable) Total C Total B C Cp 33- May we please have your comments regarding service / equipment provided by the above named contractor: PM PM Store Employee Printed Nant Store Employee Signet re 1 Date p AM AM PM PM Employee Signature Date Vendor Signature Date Contractor Supplied - Materials - Rentals Amount Sub -Total Quantity Total A Labor rne-s -Pa r a Cam' Total B Material bo,f+ c-f Y o -f Le— TL's i c% Total C Mileage Total Amount Invoice A + B + C Z } Y9,1,1-1&,Y- ` Accounting Breakdown Mileage Miles Rate Total Sub Total Handling Tax ( If applicable) Total C Total B May we please have your comments regarding service / equipment provided by the above named contractor: Store Employee Printed Nant Store Employee Signet re 1 Date p INVOICE - 4 HITE 'A U V SITE - CANARY