HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC 2011S WRCB, January 2002 Secondary Containment Testing Report Form Page of Thisjornr is inletrdedjor use by contractors perforating periodic testing of USTsecondary eomabmteni sysieems. U.re the appropriate pager o% thisjornr to report resultsfor all components tested. The completedjornr, written test procedures, and priwoutsfrom tests ffopplicable). should be provided to thefacility owner /aperntorfo• Submittal to the local regulatory agency. I. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: HP Go Go Date of Testing: 7/1112011 Facility Address: 3699 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, CA 93309 Facility Contact: Alondra Hernandez I Phone: 661 -835 -8043 Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing : 6/28/2011 Name of Local Agency Inspector (i% presenl during iectingl: Esier Estrada 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services Pass Fail fechnician Conducting Test: Bryan A Self Repairs Made Component Credentials: x CSLB Licensed Contractor x SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester Not Tested License Type: CSI-13 Reg. Annular License Number:804904 Manufacturer Manufacturer Training Component(s) Date Training Expires Franklin Fueling TS -STS 1 -06 -2013 UST Service technician 1CC 7 -5 -2013 Star. Smith. Fibercast Fiber Glass Systems N. A. UDC 3 -4 X 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Component PASS Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Reg. Annular X UDC 1 -2 X Reg. Middle Annular X fI r l UDC 3 -4 X I I Super Annular X 1 UDC 5 -6 I 'I X C I t l Reg. Product Line I X f L; UDC 7 -8 f' X Reg. Middle Product Line X Waste Oil Fill Sump X Super Product Line i i X Waste Oil Annular X Reg. Fill Sump U X L I Reg. Middle Dill Sump X U 1 D Super Fill Super X Reg. STP Sump X Reg. Middle STP Stunp U X Super STP Sump X I :i I I CI Ll If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: Water was put back into test trailer and waste drum CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE F R CONDUCTING THIS TESTING To the best of tiy, Anowledge, furls staled in lhiti docia)teit re ur and infull cornpliance with legal requireinews Technician's Signature: Date: 7/1 1/201 1 _ t SWRCB, January 2002 4. TANK ANNULAR TFSTFNG Page of_ Test Method Developed By: U Tank Manufacturer x Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer Other (Specrh) Test Method Used: _ Pressure x Vacuum U Hydrostatic 1 Other (Specify) Pest Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" Tank ff Reg. Tank # Reg. Middle Tank # Super Tank #Waste Oil Is Tank I-xempt From Testing ?' U Yes x No Yes x No i I Yes x No I Yes X. No Tank Capacity: 12.000 12.,000 12.000 1000 Tank Material: FRP FRP FRP FRP Tank Manufacturer: Xeries Xeries Xeries Unknown Product Stored: Regular Regular Super Waste Oil Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum/water and starting tesf: 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 5 min Test Start Time: 1 1:08am 11:08atn 11:08am 2:35 pm Initial Reading (Ri): 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI Test End Time: 12:08ptn 12:08pnt 12:08pm 3:35 pm Final Reading (RF): 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI 5 00 PSI Test Duration: I hour I hour I hour I hour Change in Reading (Rt: -Rt): 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Pass /Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Test Result: x Pass 0 Fail x Pass 0 Fail x Pass 0 Fail x Pass Fail Was sensor removed for testing'? x Yes D No I NA x Yes i ) No IJ NA x Yes C! No I I NA x Yes I No u NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after tcstin " x Yes 7 No Fi NA x Yes I' No U NA x Yes U No ^ NA x Yes ! ; No U NA Comments — (include itformation on repairs made prior to testing, and recorrruiended,%l(o +v -nhforfurled lests) Secondary contaimnent systems where the continuous monitoring autornaticaily monitors both the primary and secondary containment, such as systems that are hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment tes(ing. {California Code of Regulations. Title 23, Section 2637(ax6)) SWRCB, January 2002 5. SFCONDARV PTPF. TF.STiN(: Page _ _ _ of -- Pest Method Developed By: '-I Piping Manufacturer x Industry Standard 3 Professional Engineer 1 Other (SpeciA,) Test Method Used: x Pressure 0 Vacuum 0 Hydrostatic Other (Speclfv) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gagcs Equipment Resolution:0.0625" Piping Run # Reg. Piping Run 4 Reg. Middle Piping Rung Super Piping Run 11 Piping Material: F-10 FRP FRP Piping Manufacturer: Smith Smith Smith Piping Diameter: 3.00" 3.00" 3.00" Length of Piping Run: 100.00' 100.00' 100.00' Product Stored: Regular Regular Super Method and location of piping-run isolation: Clean & Dry Clean & Dry Clean & Dry Wait time between applying pressure/vacuum /wa(er and starting test: 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. Pest Start Time: 11:40am 11:40am 1 1:40am Initial Reading (R)): 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI 5.00" PSI Test End 'Time: 12:00pm 12:00pm 12:00pm Final Reading (RF): 2.50" PSI 3.00" PSI 4.00" PSI Test Duration: 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. Change in Reading (RF -R,): 2.50" PSI 2.00" PSI 1.00" PSI Pass[Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.00" 0.00" 0.00" Test Result: 0 Pass x Fail 0 Pass x Fail 0 Pass x Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Comments — (include information on repeirs made prior to iewing, and recoinniendedfollow -ripforfoiled iesis) SWRCB, January 2002 6. PTPING SUMP TESTING Page of _ Test Method Developed I3y: 1 Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard li Professional Engineer i I Other ( Specfh ) Test Method Used: I Pressure J Vacuum x Hydrostatic 1 Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts -sts Equipment Resolution: Sump # Reg. Sump 4 Res. Middle Sump # Super Sump # Sump Diameter: 42.00" 42.00" 44.00" Sump Depth: 55.50" 55.50" 56.00" Sump Material: FRP FRP FRP Height from 'rank Top to Top of Highest Pi in Penetration: 38.00" 33.00" 13.00" Height from 'rank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 34.50" 30.00" 30.00" Condition of sump prior to testing: Dirty Dirty Dirty Portion of Sump Tested' Pipe penetration Pipe Penetration Pipe Penetration Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid (both product and water) ?* 1: Yes No x NA Yes " No x NA J Yes _) No x NA Yes No NA Turbine shutdown response time NA NA NA Is system programmed for fail -safe shutdown? Yes I No x NA D Yes I No x NA J Yes ) No x NA Yes .-No "1 NA Was fail -safe verified to be operational?* I I Yes 11 No x NA U Yes U No x NA f 1 Yes No x NA I 1 Yes 17 No IJ NA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test: Visual Fail Visual Fail 5 Min Test Stan Time: Initial Reading (Rj): Test End Time: Final Reading; (Rr): Test Duration: Change in Reading (Rr-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: U Pass x Fail 0 Pass x Fail x Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass Fail Was sensor removed for testing? x Yes Ll No f] NA x Yes ',I No NA x Yes i i No 1 1 NA 1 Yes No f7 NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? x Yes 11 No [1 NA x Yes I i No 7 NA x Yes U No I J NA Yes U No '1 NA Comments — (include itybrmation on repairs made prior to testing, at+d rrecontatelidedfollow -rtpforfoiled rests) Both Ref?ular unleaded STP sumo were leaking from the clam shell and were Visual Fails. If the entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to atJy ofthc questions indicated with an asterisk (d) is "NO" or "NA ", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) SWRCB. January 2002 7. UNDER- DISPENSFR CONTATNM ENT (IIDCI TRfiTIN1- Page of Pest Method Developed By: !j UDC Manul"tcturer x Industry Standard i Professional Engineer 1 Other (Sped ) Test Method Used: ; Pressure " Vacuum x Hydrostatic 1 Other (Specr ) Tcst Equipment Used: Ts -sts Fquiptnent Resolution: UDC a 1 -2 UDC it 3 -4 1) DC 9 5 -6 UDC t17 -8 UDC' Manufacturer: Wayne Wayne Wayne Wayne 1)DC Material: FRP FRP FRP FRP UDC Depth: 23.00" 23.00" 23.00" 23.00- 1 leight from UDC Bottom to Top of 1•lighest Pipir% )enetrdtion: 10.00" 9.501, 9.50" 1 Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 6.50" 6.50" 6.00" 7.00" Condition of UDC prior to testing: Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty Portion of UDC'I'esled Pipe Penetration Pie Penetration Pie Penetration Pipe Penetration Dues turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water) ?' x Yes 0 No 0 NA x Yes 0 No 13 NA x Yes 12 No 0 NA x Yes 'j No NA Turbine shutdown response time 8 Seconds 8 Seconds 8 Seconds 8 Seconds Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown ? - x Yes 7 No J NA x Yes I No 0 NA x Yes 11 No n NA I x Yes --No : NA Was fail -safe verified to be operational?* x Yes :- No J NA x Yes I No . NA x Yes No NA x Yes No NA Wait time between applying pressurelvacuum /wafer and slatting test Test Stan 'rime: 5 Min 5 Min 5 Min I 5 Min S I Initial Reading (Kt): Test End Time: Final Readin (Rt -): rest Duration: Change in Reading, (Rr-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: 0 Pass X Fail 0 Pass X Fail 0 Pass X Fail 0 Pass X Fail WiLS sensor removed for testing? X Yes CJ No f l NA X Yes I I Nu I I NA X Yes I I No I I NA X Yes FI No i I NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified Functional aher testing? X Yes I No NA X Yes 'I No L NA X Yes : No NA X Yes ..i No ' NA Comments — tincluder information on repairs made prior to testing, andreconuneridedfolloiv -trpfor %iled tests) If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. I('the answer to yjny of the questions indicated with an asterisk ( *) is "NO" or "NA ". the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRC13 L,(:i- 160) SWRCB, January 2002 K. FILL RISER rON"I'AINIb1FNT CIM1 -V ThtTINf_ Page _ of __ _ Facility is Not liquipped With Dill Riser Containment Sumps Fill Riser Containment Sumps are Present, but were Not Tested Test Method Developed Fay: Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard ? Professional 1=ngineer 3 Other (Spec) Test Method Used: _3 Pressure I Vacuum x Hydrostatic 3 Other (Speci-j Pest Equipment Used: Equipment Resolution: Fill Sump N Reg. Fill Stimp a Reg. Middle Fill Sump H Super Fill Sump 0 W.0 Sump Diame(er: 36.00" 36.00" 36.00" 34.00" Sump Depth: _ 53.00" 60.00" 58.00" 17.00" 42.00" N.A. Height Crum 'Tank Top to Top of Highest Piping Penctrolion: 30.50" 17.00" Height from 'Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 33.50" 19.00" 12.00" I- 15" Condition ofsump prior to testing;: Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty Pipe PenetrationPortionofSum) Tested Pipe Penetration Pie Penetration Pipe Penetrdtion Sum Material: FRP FRP FRP FRP Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test: 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. 5 min. rest Stan Time: Initial Reading (R,): II1G: Final Reading (RI ): rest Duration: Chancc in Reading (RF -Ri): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: 0 Pass x Fail x Pass '0 Fail 0 Pass x Fail x Pass 0 Fail Is there a sensor in the sump? x Yes l No x Yes "I No x Yes U No x Yes :1 No Does the sensor alarm when either product or water is detected'? x Yes 0 No 0 NA x Yes 0 No 0 NA x Yes 0 No C NA x Yes 0 No 0 NA Was sensor removed for testing'? x Yes I I Nu CI NA x Yes I I No 11 NA _+ x Yes 0 No 0 NA x Yes i No I I NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testin g? x Yes I i No i NA x YT's .! No J NA x Yes No C NA x Yes i_ No' NA C0M nit nts — (include inforn)(1177)t on repairs made prior to lesring and recommendedjnllriw -npforfoiled ley y The regular and the super tanks were visual fails. When 1 out the water in the tank 1 went over the pipina penetration by the dine I put my probes in the tank the water had dropped under the penetration. S WRCf3. January 2002 9. SPILL/OVERFILLCONTAINMVINT ROYFC Page_ -Of -- Facility is Not Equipped With Spill /Overfill Containment Boxes SpillrOvertill Containment Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested test Method Developed By.- Spill Bucket Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Sped &l Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum x Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipmem Used: Ts -sts _ I- quipment Resolution: Spill Box k Spill Box Al Spill Box a Spill liox b Bucket Diameter: Bucket Depth: 1 Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /wafer and stanin test: Test Stan Time: _ Initial Reading (R,): Test End 'Time: Final Reading (KF): V Test Duration: Change in Reading (R,: -R,): Pass/Fail •I•hreshold or Criteria: Test Regult: Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail 0 Pass 0 Fail Pass 0 Fail Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to +est /ng, and recommended lolloin -upforfailed testsl Spill buckets were -just completed with the annual monitor certification N; GO 63 3634 61lml RD MKERSFIELU rF, 53309 661 -0-6044 IM /OICE 27134 07/20/2011 1:33 Pt WT LE' R.EFUT SWP GIL -F;,. 3.556 P1 t4' GO ;:D i x41' b:,.SC"I RD RMERSFiEtu Er+ uiuj 651 - 635 -8045 INVOICE 27134 0712012011 1:54 FM SrP LEA+ Tt t tT Cl. -41L TEST STARTED 1:3.1 P,l EST START[[, 0712012011 @ Slit LEVEL 3.5551 it; E'w -II'E 1:5 Fl Etw DATE 07/20/2011 IJO LKI. 3.5549 Ill LEAK THRESHOLD 0, O;Q IN TEST RESAT PASSED F? GO GO K GO GO 3598 VILSO'+ RD 3699 dILSOII RD SA•:ERSFIELD CA 93309 U,+KER;FIELO CA 3s3N 681- 835 -EDa5 651- &355-&045 INVOICE 27130 11i'MiCE 27134 01/11/2011 2:i3 P' 07/11/2011 4:29 P.4 SIMP LEVEL REPORT S11HP LEAK TEST REPORT 07/11/2011 ux 1 -2 S4":' 87'0•IL 5.705 IN SW E1 -STP 2.81E IN IEST STARTES 4:13 P8 TEST STARTED 07/11 /2011 BEGPI I.EVFI. 5.. 3)40 it) LID I IME 6:29 PM 90 DATE 07/11/2011 E1:4 LEVEL 3070 IN LEAN IMMO 0. ,'-M 1!i TEST RESULT F41LEO UDC 3 -4 1tP GO LA 3639 VILSM RD TEES, STARTED t :13 PN BAt.EkSFIELD CA E3M i_Sr STARTED 0711112011 661 -835 -6045 E-t-GIN LEIVEL 5.9071 1": INVOICE 27134 Eli) fire 6:29 P", END DATE 07/11/2011 07/11/2011 2:29 PM ENO LE.VFI 5.3042 111' LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN SJ7U' LEAK TES? REPORI TEST RESULT FAILED 81 *IL LOC 5 -6 TEST STARTED 2:13 PM TEST STARTED 07/11/2011 TEST SIARTEO 4:13 PM UE•GIN LEVEL 5.1050 111 TEST STARTED 07/11/2011 END TIIl 2:28 PM Bi:GTtI LEVEL 615278 1N EIIU WE 07/11/2011 En TIME 4:29 Pr, END LEVEL 5.7064 IN END DATE 07111/2011 LEAF( THRESHOLD 0.002 IN Eta) LEVEL 6.5238 NI TEST RESULT PASSED LEAK Tlf,%Wl 0.002 IN TEST RESULT FAILED 91 -STP UD: 7 -8 TEST STARTED 2:13 PN TEST STARTED 07/11 /2011 TEST STARTED 4:13 PM BEGIN LEVEL 2.8187 it: TEST STARIED 07/1112011 ENO TIKE 2 :2b Pil BEGIN LEV-i. 5. %T5 IN END DATE 07111/2011 END TIPS 4:29 Pr END LEVEL 2.8161 1411 FIM DATE 07/11/2011 LEAs IHRESHOLO 0.002 111 END LEVEL C. 1612 IN TEST RESULT PASSED LEAK TKKSttlr0 0.002 IN TEST RES' -LT I`AILEO SWRCB, January 2002 Page of Secondary Containment Testing Report Form Thisform is intendedfor use by contractors performing periodic testing of UST secondary containment systems. Use the appropriate pages ofthisform to report results for all components tested. The completedform, written test procedures, and printoutsfrom tests (ifapplicable), should be provided to thefacility owner /operatorfor submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: HP Go Go Date of Testing: 9/26/11 Facility Address: 3699 Wilson Rd Facility Contact: Alondra Hernandez Phone: 661- 835 -8044 Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing Name of Local Agency Inspector (ifpresent during testing): Ester(BFD) 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company Name: Confidence UST Services Pass Fail Technician Conducting Test: Frank Landa Repairs Made Component Credentials: x CSLB Licensed Contractor x SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester Not Tested License Type: CSLB 87 #1SEC License Number:804904 Manufacturer Manufacturer Training Component(s) Date Training Expires Franklin Fueling TS -STS 9 -20 -2012 UST Service technician ICC 2 -2 -2013 Star. Smith. Fibercast Fiber Glass Systems N.A. 91 SEC 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made 87 #1SEC X 87 #2 SEC X 91 SEC X 87#1 STP X 87 #2 STP X UDC # 1 -2 X UDC #3 -4 X UDC #5 -6 X UDC #7 -8 X REG #1 FILL SUMP X 91 FILL SUMP X If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: Water was out back into test trailer and waste drum CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING To the hest ofmy knowledge, thefacts stated in this document are accurate and infull compliance with legal requirements Technician's Signature: Date: 9/28/11 SWRCB, January 2002 Page of S. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Test Method Developed By: Piping Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: x Pressure Vacuum Hydrostatic Other (Spec) Test Equipment Used: Calibrated Gages Equipment Resolution:0.0625" Piping Run 87 #1 Piping Run #87 #2 Piping Run #91 Piping Run # Piping Material: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Piping Manufacturer: SMITH SMITH SMITH Piping Diameter: 4" 4" 4" Length of Piping Run: 150' 150' 150' Product Stored: REGULAR REGULAR SUPER Method and location of piping-run isolation: CLAMSHELL IN STP CLAMSHELL IN STP CLAMSHELL IN STP Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum/water and starting test: 5MIN 5M1N 5MIN Test Start Time: 1:OOAM 1:OOAM 1:00 Initial Reading (R,): 5PSI 5PSI 5PSI Test End Time: 2:OOAM 2:OOAM 2:OOAM Final Reading (RF): 5PSI 5PSI 5PSI Test Duration: 1HR 1 HR 1 HR Change in Reading (RF -R,): 0 0 0 Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0 0 0 Test Result: X Pass Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail Pass Fail Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) In 87 #2(middle tank) had to repair clam shell° resealed with smith fibery-lass slue SWRCB, January 2002 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: Sump Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum x Hydrostatic Other (Spec) Test Equipment Used: Ts -sts Equipment Resolution: Sump #87 #1 Sump #87 #2 Sump # Sump # Sump Diameter: 42" 42" Sump Depth: 55.5" 55.50" Sump Material: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Height from Tank Top to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: 38" 33" Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 34.50" 30" Condition of sump prior to testing: CLEAN/DRY CLEAN/DRY Portion of Sump Tested' 40" 35" Does turbine shut down when sump sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?* Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Turbine shutdown response time 8 Seconds 8 Seconds Is system programmed for fail -safe shutdown? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was fail -safe verified to be operational?* X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum/water and starting test: 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R,): Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): Test Duration: Change in Reading (RF -Rj): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Teat Result: X Pass Fail X Pass 0 Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testin ? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Commeints — (include information on repairs madeprior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) In 87# 1 stn had to fiberelass lank coller. In 87 #2 stn had to seal hole in sumo wall from sensor holder screw. applied Volcom to seal pipinp- penetrations in sumps Ifthe entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested. Ifthe answer to any ofthe questions indicated with an asterisk ( *) is "NO" or "NA ", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) j- ^ • ... •._:w..• Wv.Wt9arcmeix mrn.yru;rsrgj see, baLnc,- i -C1WM _`,.'Q4't.- i..l1,wFlin.nY7 •VS G3a KD{ . SWRCB, January 2002 7. UNDER - DISPENSER CONTA1101ENT (UDC) TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: UDC Manufacturer x Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum x Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Ts -sts Equipment Resolution: UDC # 1 -2 UDC # 3-4 UDC # 5-6 UDC #7-8 UDC Manufacturer: Unknown1 Unknown Unknown Unknown UDC Material: Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass Fiberglass UDC Depth: 23" 23" 23" 23" Height from UDC Bottom to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: 10" 9.5" 9.5" 11" Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 6.5" 6.5" 6" 7" Condition of UDC prior to testing: Clean Clean Clean clean Portion of UDC Tested Hi Penetration High Penetration High Penetration High Penetration Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water)?* X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Turbine shutdown response time 8 Seconds 8 Seconds 8 Seconds 8 Seconds Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown ?* X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was fail -safe verified to be operational ?* X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum/water and starting test 5 min 5 min 5 min 5min Test Start Time: Initial Reading (R1): Test End Time: e Final Reading F : Reis u itsTestDuration: Change in Reading (Rr-R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Zest Result: X Pass Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail X Pass Fail Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA C®MMe nts — (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) Had to tighten some clamps to get sec to pass, no repairs made to dsp's 1 If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to any of the questions indicated with an asterisk ( *) is "NO" or "NA ", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) all y -ae" SWRCB, January 2002 8. MILL, RISER C®NTAIINWNT SUMP TESTING Page of Facility is Not Equipped With Fill Riser Containment Sums Fill Riser Containment Sumps are Present, but were Not Tested Test Method Developed By: Sump Manufacturer Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum Hydrostatic Other (Spec) Test Equipment Used: Equipment Resolution: Fill Sump #R 1 Fill Sump #91 Fill Sump # Fill Sump# Sump Diameter: 36" 36" Sump Depth: 53" 58" Height from Tank Top to Top of Highest Pi in Penetration: 30.5" IT, Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 33.5 19" Condition of sump prior to testing: Clean Clean Portion of Sump Tested Pipe Penetration Pipe Penetration Sump Material: Fiber lass Fiberglass Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum/water and starting test: 5Min 5Min Test Start Time: Initial Reading (Rj): Test End Time: Final Reading F Test Duration; Change in Reading (RF -R,): Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: Test Result: X Pass Fail X Pass Fail Pass Fail Pass Fail Is there a sensor in the sump? X Yes No X Yes No Yes No Yes No Does the sensor alarm when either product or water is detected? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No L No NA Yes No NA Comments — (include information on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) Had to seal electrical box with volcom,sealed all threads with volcom Water was leaking into box and settina sensor off, i , i 1 . HPGOGO WILSON BACKERSFIELD 27872 09/26/2011 11:01 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT DSP1 -2 TEST STARTED 10:45 AM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5.2361 IN END TIME 11:00 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 5.2362 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSP3 -4 TEST STARTED 10:45 AM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4,3891 IN END TIME 11 :00 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 4,3891 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 1 SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT OSP1 -2 TEST STARTED 10:03 AM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5,2370 IN END TIME 10:18 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END -LEVEL 5.2365 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSP3 -4 TEST STARTED TEST STARTED BEGIN LEVEL END TIME END DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRESHOI TEST RESULT 10:03 AM 09/26/2011 4.3904 IN 10:18 AM 09/26/2011 4.3896 IN D 0, 002 IN PASSED DSP5 -6 TEST STARTED 10:03 AM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4.3262 IN END TIME 10:18 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 4.3255 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED OSP7 -8 TEST STARTED 10 :03 AM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5.4861 IN END TIME 10:18 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 5.4852 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 871STP TEST STARTED 2:00 PM TEST STARTED 09/28/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5.0846 IN NO TIME 2:16 PM NO DATE 09/28/2011 NO LEVEL 5.0846 IN EAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN EST RESULT PASSED 871STP TEST STARTED 2:16 PM TEST STARTED 0912812011BEGINLEVEL5,0848 INENDTIME2:31 PMENDOATE09/28/2011ANDLEVEL5.0846 IN 1AK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN EST RESULT PASSED 872STP LEST STARTED 12:17 PM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3.6030 IN END TIME 12:32 PM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 3,6025 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED_--- - 32 F 12'• 1 gTPR EO 00+ 26120 602N IPM O 91FILL TEST STARTED 1:11 PM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3.1287 IN END TIME 1:26 PM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 3.1284 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 97FILL TEST STARTED 1 :27 PM TEST STARTED 0912612011BEGINLEVEL3.1283 INENDTIME1:42 PMENDDATE09/26/2011ENDLEVEL3, 1282 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 INTESTRESULTPASSED DSP-5 -6 _ TEST STARTED 11:08 AM i TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4.3172 IN END TIME 11:23 AM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 4.3152 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSP7 -8 EST STARTED ST STARTED SIN LEVEL TIME tND DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRESHOI TEST RESULT 11 11:08 AM 09/26/2011 473-IN--- 5.9 11:23 AM 09/26/2011 5.4728 IN D 0.002 IN PASSED HPGOGO 3699 WILSON RD BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 661 - 835 -8044 27895 09/26/2011 12:48 PM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT 871FILL TEST STARTED 12:32 PM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3,5462 IN END TIME 12:48 PM END DATE 09/26/2011 END LEVEL 3.5461 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED HPGDGO 3699 VILSON RD BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 661- 835 -8044 27895 04/26/2071 12:32 PM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT 871FILL TEST STARTED 12 :17 PM TEST STARTED 09/26/2011BEGINLEVEL3.5468 INENDTIME12 :32 PMENDDATE0912612011ENDLEVEL3,5453 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 INTESTRESULTPASSED