HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/2014� BAKERSFIELD /s/ Sfe�v�e.+ti Teg (,i,a� Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Committee ME Terry Maxwell, � Jacquie Sulliva Russell Johnsor AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT REGULAR MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE MEETING Monday, May 19, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North First Floor - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:00 P.M. 1. ROLL CALL Committeemembers Present: Councilmember Terry Maxwell, Chair Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember Russell Johnson Staff Present: Alan Tandy, City Manager Rhonda Smiley, Asst. to the City Manager Steven Teglia, Asst. to the City Manager Chris Huot, Asst. to the City Manager Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant Nelson Smith, Finance Director Others Present: Grant Simpson, KGET Leigh Paynter, KGET Stacy Enns, Member of the Public Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Richard Iger, Associate Attorney Greg Williamson, Police Chief Mike Hale, Police Sergeant Tammy Davis, Animal Control Supe Julie Johnson, SPCA/Bakersfield An Theo Douglas, Bakersfield Californic Valerie Shumaker, Member of the F 2. ADOPT FEBRUARY 5, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT A�1�ntP�J �� �� ihmittP�l Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monda� 4. NEW BUSINESS A. City Animal Control Program: Update Regarding Spay/Neuter Efforts Gennaro Bakersfield Police Sergeant Hale provided a brief power point presenta the current spay/neuter efforts. Temporary Licensing Owners of unaltered pets are offered temporary licensing for � they pay the altered pet fee to encourage them to ha spayed/neutered. In 2013, 141 temporary licenses were issuec complied, for a 46% spay/neuter compliance rate. Currently temporary licenses have been issued and 25 have complied to c spay/neuter compliance rate. There are currently 173 temp pending compliance. Low Cost Rabies, Licensing, and Microchip Clinics Monthly clinics are held at City parks. There have been 1,100 rc administered, 1,000 licenses issued, and 540 microchips implant five clinics held in 2014. Spay/Neuter Voucher Proaram The program will begin in July 2014. Five hundred 500 voucher value, will be handed out at the monthly clinics and will be valid without Litters facility. Committee member Sullivan asked for the cost to spay/neuter an animc Assistant to the City Manager Teglia stated the cost varies and is bas things, such as the kind of pet, its size, weight and gender. He referred without Litters webpage for a full list of costs. Sergeant Hale stated future efforts include the hiring of two temporary � Officers to assist with the continuation of the current efforts. The Animc will also hold weekly clinics at the center for vaccinations, licensin chipping. The surgery suite at the Animal Care Center is near compl allow for more in-house spay/neuter procedures. Staff will also explore K Ark Sciences, a company that offers a non-surgical sterilization proce dogs only. Police Chief Williamson stated the Bakersfield Animal Control Divisioi c�ilic�Pntiv in it� Pff�rt� HP Stc�tPC� thP f�ivi�i�n wc�� m�kinc� n�sitivP �h�nc�F Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monda� Assistant to the City Manager Teglia stated an individual is requirE documentation regarding their dog's vaccinations to verify they are u� is currently exploring options to have this type of documentation u verified through the internet. Committee Chair Maxwell suggested working with local veterinarians information directly from their offices. Ms. Shumaker asked why the City did not have a mandatory spay/neutE City Attorney Gennaro stated that the Bakersfield Animal Control Di� forward significant efforts since the City and County separated animal c in October 2013. Allowing those efforts to mature over the course of allow staff the capability to compare its figures with historical data t sources of the problem. She also stated there may be cities that have spay/neuter ordinance. She indicated that staff could provide a r research at a later meeting if the Committee chose to proceed in that c Committee member Johnson asked how many of the 173 temporary licE compliance had expired, and what are the benefits of the program wh to other programs. Sergeant Hale stated 22 of 173 temporary licenses were expired. Assistc Manager Teglia stated the program was created to incentivize � spay/neuter their pets. He stated several pet owners who were contac aware their pets required licensing and were not considering spaying/n either. It has helped significantly in making the owners aware that to spc pets is a responsible action. He stated the microchip program was noi pet owners when initiated; but as they have become more aware of tl popularity has increased. The program has succeeded with imK microchips since it began on October of 2012. Committee member Johnson asked what happens to a pet owner whc or neuter their pet, or chooses not to do so after receiving a temporary li Bakersfield Animal Control Supervisor Davis stated if the temporary licen: and the pet owner is not willing to pay the difference in license feE receive a"fix it" ticket for licensing through the mail. Committee member Johnson asked staff to review the feasibility of c owner a free license for a certain number of years if they proceE /neutering their pet after they have been issued a temporary license. Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monda� the process involved with implementing a mandatory spay/neuter o report back to the Committee. She also asked for additional informa the non-surgical spay/neuter sterilization of male dogs. Bakersfield Animal Care Center and SPCA Executive Director Johnson � was received to fund the training and certification of eight local vE perform the procedure that can only be performed on dogs. The proc� injecting the dog with Zeuterin, tattooing each dog with a small "Z" to been zeutered, and implanting a microchip. Committee member Sullivan asked if it was possible to provide the puk lost pets located at the SPCA and County shelters in addition to those I Animal Care Center. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia stated the SPCA, the County, ar provide the same information online. Each entity is displaying pictures located at their facility and directing the public through links on their search the other two entity's database. Committee Chair Maxwell stated the new updated website was ter should look into ways to promote the "search for lost animal" feature. long such programs needed to be in place before there is a significar the number of animals being euthanized. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia stated a major concern has been n low cost spay /neuter options for the community. Critters without Litte operation since October of 2012, and has seen thousands of anima been altered. Those numbers, combined with the other programs in pla� pronounced and long-term effect on the overpopulation of pets, and euthanization of pets in time. Bakersfield Animal Care Center and SPCA Executive Director Johnsor city is different and could not provide an exact time frame. Committee Chair Maxwell requested that staff return to the CommitteE detailing the success of efforts thus far, and provide information re programs in operation. 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS None 6_ ADJOl1RNMENT