HomeMy WebLinkAboutNew Metropolitan Bakersfield ITPATTACHMENT 2A DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND WILDLIFE HABITAT MANAGEMENT LAND ACQUISITION PACKAGE CHECKLIST FOR PROJECT APPLICANTS The following checklist is provided to inform you of what documents are necessary to expedite the Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) processing of your Habitat Management Land acquisition proposal. Any land acquisition processing requests which are incomplete when received, will be returned. The Region contact will review and approve the document package and forward it to the Habitat Conservation Planning Branch Senior Land Agent with a request to process the land acquisition for formal acceptance. To: __________________________________ Regional Manager, Region Name From: _______________________________ Project Applicant Phone: __________________________________ Tracking #: _________________________________ CDFW assigned permit or agreement # Project Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Enclosed is the complete package for the Conservation Easement OR Grant Deed Documents in this package include: Fully executed, approved as to form Conservation Easement Deed or Grant Deed. Date executed: __________________ Proposed Lands for Acquisition Form (PLFAF) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Report Date on report: _________________________ (An existing report may be used, but it must be less than two years old.) Preliminary Title Report(s) for subject property is enclosed and has been reviewed for encumbrances and other easements. The title report must be less than six months old when final processing is conducted. Included are additional documents: document(s) to support title exceptions document(s) to explain title encumbrances a plot or map of easements/encumbrances on the property Policy of Title Insurance (an existing title policy is not acceptable) County Assessor Parcel Map(s) for subject property Site Location Map (Site location with property boundaries outline on a USGS 1:24,000 scale topo) Final Permit or Agreement (or other appropriate instrument) Type of agreement: Bank Agreement Mitigation Agreement Permit ____________________________ Other: __________________________ (write in type of permit) Final Management Plan (if required prior to finalizing permit or agreement or if this package is for a Grant Deed) Biological Resources Report Draft Summary of Transactions hard copy electronic copy (both are required) ATTACHMENT 2B Rev. 2013.1.1 PROPOSED LANDS FOR ACQUISITION FORM ("PLFAF") Date: ___________________ TO: Regional Representative ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Facsimile: FROM:__________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Applicant proposes that the following parcel of land be considered for approval by the CDFW as suitable for purposes of habitat management lands to replace the adverse environmental impacts of the Project: Section Township Range Number of Acres __________ __________ __________ __________ Current Legal Owner(s), include Parcel Number(s): _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Location of Parcel: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ________ APPROVED ___ By:______________________ DATE:_______________ REJECTED ___ _________________________ Region Explanation:_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Attachment 3 Literature Cited Bjurlin, C. D., B. L. Cypher, C. M. Wingert, and C. L. Van Horn Job. Urban roads and the endangered San Joaquin kit fox. California State University-Stanislaus, Endangered Species Recovery Program, Fresno, CA. 47 pp. CNDDB, 2013. California Natural Diversity Database, RareFind 3, Version 3.1.0. Updated March 31, 2013. Occurrence element queries for California jewelflower, Bakersfield cactus, San Joaquin adobe sunburst, Striped adobe-lily, Bakersfield smalescale, San Joaquin kit fox, blunt-nosed leopard lizard, Tipton kangaroo rat, giant kangaroo rat, San Joaquin antelope squirrel, Sacramento, CA. Cypher B. L. 2010. Kit Foxes. Pages 49-60 in Gert, S. D., S. P. D. Riley, and B. L. Cypher, editors. Urban Carnivores: ecology, conflict, and conservation. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. Cypher, B. L., E. N. Tennant, C. L. Van Horn Job, and S. E. Phillips. 2011. Status survey for Bakersfield cactus (Opuntia basilaris var. treleasei). U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Central Valley Project Conservation Program, Agreement Number R10AC20716. 80pp. Cypher, B.L. and C.L. Van Horn Job, in press. Management and Conservation of San Joaquin kit foxes in urban environments. 2013 Transactions of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society. Frost, N., 2005. San Joaquin kit fox home range, habitat use, and movements in urban Bakersfield. M.S. Thesis. Humboldt State University. 75pp. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1998. Recovery plan for upland species of the San Joaquin Valley, California. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1, Portland, OR. USFWS, 2011. Standard Recommendations for the Protection of the San Joaquin Kit Fox Prior to or During Ground Disturbance. United States Fish and Wildlife Service.