HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0394 RESOLUTION OF INFENTIO,! TO L'J~PROVE CEIT£AIN ?0~TIONS OF ~,f~0NTEREY, i KENTUCKY. AND JACKSON STREETS ~i BE ~ ~V~UE IN T~ CI~ 0F B~SFIELD, C0~ 0F KEi~. STATE 0~ C~I~RNIA, ~0 BE kN0~ AS ST~ET DISf:~ICT N0. 6~. as follow~: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C0t~ICIL OF THF CITY OF B~ERSFIELD, That ib is the of Bakersfield to order the to be made in the said City, intention of the uity Uo~mncil of the City followinZ work to be done and improvement to-wzt. That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed . on either side of ~onterey Street from t~e easterly line of ~acramento ~treet to the westerly linc of Williams Street; also on either side of Kentucky Street from the easterly line o f Union Avenue to the westerly line of Haley Street, except that on t.~ie southerly side thereof between the easterly line of Union Avenue and tae westerly curb line of Tulare %ree~, smd also except on the southerly side tt~ereof between the easterly line of Gsge Street produced and the westerly line of Waley Street, cement concrete curbs only slaall be constructed; also on the northerly side of Jackson Street between the easterly line of Tulare Street and the westerly curb line of Beale Ave'ue m~d slso on either side of f~eale Avenue between tt~e northerly line of Jackson Street and the soutner!y line of Niles Street (exceptin~ such portions thereof as have already been done to official line smd grade;) all of the aforesaid work and improvement is to be dine in accordance with the plans mud specifications aerefofore and on tae /~ay of , 1720, adopted by the City Council of t~e Oity of Bakers- field, said plans bein~ entitled "PLaiN FOR T~E I~PROV~EUT 0F STREET DISTRI~ NO. 65' IN T!{E CITY O~ B~Z<~RoFIELD, C~LIF." and said specifications being; entitled "SPECIFICAT!ONZ ~CR T;~.E ~ONSTRUCTION OF C~T CONCRETE CURBS AND SIDEWALKS IN STREET DISTRICT NO. 65 IN CITY OF B~ERSFIFLD, STATE OF CALI~)I~'~IA," and which said plans and specifications are on file in tne_~ffice_ of the City Clerk of ti~e City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and bY suc~ reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plans and 1 ' specifications aleo snow the exact ..ocat~on of the aforesaid work and improvement. And Whereas, said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the said City ~ouncil is of more than local or ordinary public benefit, said Council hereby makes the expense of said work snd improvement caargeable upon a district, wnicil district said City Coun- cil hereby declares to be the district benefitted by said work and., improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs snd exoenses thereof, wn~cn said district is bounded and described as follows: × Begirmin? at a point in the westerly line of Haley Street 150 feet southerly from the southerly line of Kentucky Street and runnin~ thence northerly along the westerly line of Haley Street to a point 1~0 feet northerly from the northerly line of Kentucky Street; taence westerly on a line 150 feetnortnerly from and paralle], to the northerly line of Kentucky Street to a point 190 feet easterly from tm easterly line of Beale Avenue; thence northerly on a line 190 feet easterly from a~'~: parallel to the easterly line of Beale Avenme to a point 150 feet soutnerly from the sout,)erly line of i, ffonterey Street; thence easterly on a line 1~0 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of i:[onterey Street to the westerly line of Williams Street; thence northerly alon!:[ the westerly line of Williams Street to a point 150 feet northerly from the northerly line of Monterey Street; thence westerly on a line 150 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly line of ~onterey Street to a point 190 Feet eaater~y from the easterly line of 2eale Aven~e; thence northerly on a line 190 feet easterly from sn~ parallel to the easterly line of Be~le Avenue to the southerly line of Niles Street; thence westerly alor4t the soutner!y line of Niles Street to a point 200 feet westerly from t~e westerly line of Beale Avenue; taence soutf, erly on a line 200 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of Beale Avenue to a point 150 feet nortner!y from the northerly line of M~iiterey Street; thence westerly on a line 1%0 feet nort!~erly from amd parallel to the north- erl~ line of Nv.terey Street to its intersection with the southerly line of Section Twenty (20) Township Twenty-nine (29)south, Range Twenty-eight;at (28) east, '.'.~.D.B. & M.; thence westerly along~' said erly line of Section Twenty i20) to its intersection wit~l the easterly line of Sacramento Street; thence southerly alor~z the easterly line of Sacramento Street to a point 1%0 feet southerly from the sout.aerly line of }~onte?ey Street; thence easterly on a line 1~0 feet southerly from and parallel to trie southerly line of ~ionterey Street to a point 200 feet westerly from t~e westerly line of Beale Avenue; the~ce south?rly westerly on a line 200 feet/from ane parallel to the westerly line of Beale Avenue to a point 1~0 feet northerly from the northerly line of Eackson Street taence westerly on a line 1%0 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly line of Jackson Street to tr~e westerly line of Baker Street; thence northerly along~ the westerly line of Baker Street to.a point 1~0 feet nortaerly from the northerly line of Ken- tucky Street; thence westerly on a line 1~0 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly line of Kentucky Street to the easterly line of Union Avenue; tnence southerly sJ.!.on~ the easterly line of Union Avenue and its extension southerly 'to the soutneriy line of Block 79 as said Block is shown on that certain map entitled ~Map of K~rn' and filed with the County Recorder of Kern County April 10, 1893; thence easterly alon~ the southerly line of Blocks 79 and 78 to the westerly line of Sacramento Street; thence northerly alon~ the westerly line of Sacramento Street to a point 1~0 feet southerly from the southerly line of Kentucky Street; tnence easterly on a line 1~0 feet southerly from -and parallel to t~e southerly line of Kentucky Street to tae easterly line of Tulare Street; thence sohther- ly alon~g the easterly line of Tulare Street to a point 14.% feet soutaerly from the northerly line of Jackson Street; thence easterly on a line 14.% feet southerly from and parallel to t~ie northerly line of Jackson Street to a point 17.% feet easterly from tt~e westerly line of Beale Avenue; thence northerly on a line 17.~ feet easterly from and parallel to the westerly line of Beale Avenue to the extension " easterly of the northerly line of Jackson Street; thence easterly alon~ said extension easterly from the southerly line of Jackson Street to a point 150 feet easterly from the easterly line of Beale Avenue; thence northerly on a line 150 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of Beale ~Avenae to a point 150 feet southerly from the southerly line of Kentucky Street~ thence easterly on a line 150 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of Kentucky Street to the point of be~:innin~. · ~(day Notice is hereby given that on Nonday the ,~ , of , ~ at 8 o'clock P.~. at the regular meetir4~ of Sa~d City Council ~n the Uouncil Chambers of said City Coaucil in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield, any and all persons havir~.~ any objections to the proposed work or improvement may appear ~efore said City Council and snow cause why said proposed improvement should not be carried out in accordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the DAILY P~mPORT and THE B)JC~RSFIELD CALIWOR~.~IAN, daily newspapers printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted alo~f~ the lines of said con- templated work and improvement and alor~ all the open streets within said district notices of the pass~e of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form required by law. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the L~.zislature of the State of'California, designated the "Improvement Act of 1911" approved April 7, 1911, and all acts amendato ry tnereof. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the fore~oino' Resolution of Inten- tion was duly and re~ularly intt~oduced, passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting-~ of said city co=oi~ ~e~ o~ ~e ~i~y o~ _~__~ l~O, ~y tf~e following vote: Aye~-Bau~h~man, G~Ichrlz~, Hin~nan, ltougham, Renfro, Willow, ~-.__~ ........ ~'_.~ ............. Absen~ -._..~. ~ , ~i-ty .--6~1-, ~rk a~d exvoffi~c,i,o~ Clerk of the Couhc~l of the City of Bakersfield. /?ayo~ o f