HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0393~SOLUTION OF INT~TION NO. ~ ,, RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO IMPROVE THAT PORTION OF UNION AVENUE FRON THE NORT~RLY PROPERTY LINE OF TRUXTUN AVENUE TO THE N0~TW- ERLY CURB LINE OF S%~:.,~VR STREET, f0 BE KNOWN STREET DISTRICT NO. ,~ AND TO ISSUE BONDS IN PA~ENT THEREFOR. BE IT HESOLMED BY TNE COUNCIL OF Tt~E CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in the said City, to-wit: That the hereinafter described portions of Union Avenue and a strip three feet on either side thereof be graded and tsmped and thereupon the following described portions of Union Avenue, to- wit: beginning at a point in the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue, twelve feet easterly from the center line of Union Avenue and runnirg thence northerly along ~ line parallel to and twelve feet easterly from the center line of Union Avenue to a point fifty feet southerly from the southerly line of Park Street; thence deflecting~ to the right along a curve tangent to said line at said point whese radius is 60.74 feet to its intersection with the sOutherly line of Park Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of Park and Ninetea~- th Streets to its intersection with a curve whose radius is 60.74 feet and is tangent to a line parallel to and twelve feet distant westerly from the center line of Union Avenue at a point fifty feet southerly from the southerly line of Nineteenth Street; thence along said curve southeasterly to the point of tangency with said line; thence southerly alor~ said line to a point fifty feet northerly from the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence deflecting to the right along a curve tangent to said line at said point whose radius is 72.50 feet to its intersection ,with the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly alon~-~ the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the point of beginni~?. -1- Also beginni~ at the intersection of the northerly line of Park Street with a curve tangent to a line parallel to and dis- rant twelve feet easterly from the center line of Union Avenue at a point fifty feet northerly from the northerly line of Park Street whose radius is 60.74 feet; the point of tangency with line to a point 2~.85 feet thence northwesterly alo~ said curve to said line; thence northerly along said southerly from the southerly line of Sumner Street produced; thence deflectir~.~ to the right along a curve whose radius is ~0.66 feet to its intersection with a line 1~.88 feet northerly from and parallel to the southerly line of Sumner Street produced westerly; thence easterly along said line so produced to its intersection wit~ the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northerly alor4T said easterly line of Union Avenue to its intersectiQn with a line parallel to and 1S.88 feet southerly from the northerly line of Sumner Street; thence alo~ said line produced westerly to its intersection with a curve whose radius is 60.74 feet and is tsngent to a line twelve feet westerly from and parallel to the cen- ter line of Union Avenue at a point 74.26 feet southerly from the northerly line of S~mner Street produced; thence southwesterly along said curve to the point of tangency with said lines thence southerly alo~ said line to a point fifty feet northerly from ~he northerly line of Nineteenth Street; thence deflecting to the right along a curve whose radius is 60.74 feet to its intersection with the norther- ly line of Nineteenth Street snd thence easterly along the northerly line of Nineteenth ~nd Park Streets to the point of beginning, (excepting such portion thereof as have already been done to official line and grade; and excepting also SUCh portions t~ereof as are required by law to be paved, kept in order or repair by any person or company having ~railroad or car-tracks thereon; ) be paved ~it~ a cement · six incn/~oncrete pavement and that cement concrete culverts covered -2- with corrugated iron and provided with cast iron manhole frames fit- ted with steel covers be constructed, all of the aforesaid work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations heretofore md on 1920, adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, said plans being~ entitled "PLAN FOR THF PAVING OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 54 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIF.", and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOP T~ GP~DING AND TA~PING OF SUB-BASE AND THREE FOOT SHOULDER, '~ --~CONSTRUCTION OF SIX INCH CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF C~ENT CONCRETE CULVERTS COVERED WITH CORRUGATED IRON AND PROVIDED WITH CAST IRON ~Ji~Jf~0LE FRAMES FITTED WITH STEEL COVERS IN STREET DISTRICT N0. 54 IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, STATE OF CALIFOP~JIA," and which said plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plans and specifications also show the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. And Whereas, said contemplated work and improvement in the opinion of said City Council, is of more than local and ordinary public benefit said Council hereby makes the expense of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district benefitted by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof and which said district is bounded and disSribed as follows: Beginning at a point in the ~northerly line of Truxtun Avenue 125 feet easterly from the easterly line of Union Avenue thence northerly on a line parallel to and 125 feet distant from the easterly line of Union Avenue to a point in the southerly line of Eureka Street thence northeasterly to a point in the northerly line of Eureka Street ~16.~1 feet easterly from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northeasterly to a point in the southerly line of Park Street 404.40 feet from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northwesterly to a point in tl~e northerly line of Park Street 307.33 feet easterly from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northerly to a point in the southerly line of Grove Street ~19.7 feet easterly from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northwesterly to a point in the northerly line of Grove Street 195.78 feet easterly from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence northeasterly to a point in a line parallel to and 150 feet northerly from the northerly line of Sumner Street said point bein~ 330.99 feet easterly along said line from the easterly line of Union Avenue; thence westerly along said line parallel to and 150 feet northerly from the northerly line of Sumner Street to a point in the easterly line of ~nion Avenue; thence southwesterly to a point in the westerly line of Unim~ Avenue;liS.5 feet northerly from the northerly line of Twenty-second Street; thence westerly on a line parallel to and 115.5 feet norther ly from the northerly line of Twenty-second Street 235.04 feet to a point; thence southerly to a point in the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue 2~4.4~ feet westerly from the westerly line of Union Avenue and thence easterly along the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the point of beginnir~z. Notice is hereby given that serial bonds to represent un- paizl assessments, and bear interest at the rate of seven (?%) per cent per annum will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by t~e Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine years from t~e 2nd day of July next succeeding nine months from their date. Notice is hereby given that on ~onday the ~( day of ~ . 1920, at 8 o'clock P.I~. at a regular meeting of said City Council in the Council Chambers of said City Council in the City Hall of the City of Bakersfield any and all persons having any objections to the proposed work and improvement may appear befor~ said City Council and show cause why said improvement should not be carried out in accordance with ~aid Resolution. -4- The City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield shall cause this Resolution of Intention to be published twice in the DAILY REPORT and THE B~KERSFIF&D CALIFORNIAN, daily newspapers printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that puroose by ~aid City Council. The Street Superintendent of said Oity of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contem- plated work and improvement and alon~ all the open streets within said district notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention in the manner and form required by law. Except as hereinabove otherwise provided for the issuance of said serial bonds all of the herein proposed work s~all be done in pursuance of an Act of Legislature of the State of California, desi~nated the Improvement Act of 1911, approved April 7, 1911 and all acts amendatory thereof. I HEREBY CERTIH THAT the foregoing Resolution ef Inten- tion was regularly intorduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meetin~ of said Council held. on the }'P~day of~ ~, 1920, by the following vote: Ayes-Baughman, Gilch~ist, Hinma~, Hoa~ham, Iv~cn£ro, ~ ~Vilso,-~ City Clerk and ~.x-ofFicio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. PROVED this 7~y of ~~, 1920. ~ay?~ o~' ~ne u~y of ~aXers~'~e'J.d.