HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0438RESOLUTI0~? OF I~TE[TIOF TO I~PROVE STREET DISTRICT N0. 67, ti~ THE CITY OF B)I(~RgFI~D, C)J~IFOR~IA. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COU~'CIL OF THE CITY OF B)2[ERSFIELD, as follows[ That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the following work to be done and improvement to be made in the said City, to-wit: That cement concrete curbs and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade on the following named streets; On the southerly side of ~umner Street from the easterly line of Union Averue to a point 17~ feet westerly from the westerly line of Kern Street ard from the easterly lire of King Street to the wea- westerly line of Owens Street; also On sit'net side of Humboldt Street from the easterly tine of Union ,venue to s point 175 feet westerly from the westerly line of /Kern Street and from a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly line of Baker Street to the westerly line of Owens Street; also On the southerly side of Grove Street from the easterly line of Baker Street to the westerly line of Kirg Street; also On the nortnerSy side of Fremont Street from the easterly curb line on Baker Street to the westerly line of King Street and from the easterly line of ~$eale Avenue to the westerly line of Gage Street; al so On the southerly side of Fremont Street from the ~outnerly line of East Truxtun Avenue to tae westerly line of Gage Street; ~lso On the southerly side of East Truxtun Avenue from the wa~terly curb line of g. irg Street to the southerly line of Fremont Street; also On either side of Eureka Street from the easterly curb line on Baker Street to the westerly curb line on King Street and from the easterly curb line on Beale Avenue to the westerly line of Owens Street; also -l- On the northerly side of Eureka Street from the easterly curb line on King~ Street to the westerly curb line on Beale Avenue; also On either eide of King Street from the southerly line of East Tr~xt~n Avenue to the northerly line of Eureka~Street; also On the easterly side of Baker Street from the southerly line of Grove Street to the northerly line of Fremont Street; also On the easterly ~ide of Union Aven,~e from the southerly ~urb line on S~-mner Street to the northerly line of Park Street. Including all intersections of streets and alleys within the limits of the above descriptions and excluding therefrom the whole or am/ portion of streets, street intersections or alley intersections on which curbs and sidewalks nave been constructed to the official line and grade and excepting also such oort~ons thereof as are required by law to be paved, kept in order or repair by any person or company navi~ railroad or car trac~s thereon. All of eaid work and improvement is to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications heretofore and on the /~ay of ~~, 1922, adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakers- field, said plans being entitled "PLA~ FOR THE IMPROVE~E~'T OF STREET DISTRICT ~'0. I~' THE CITY O? B~]{ERSFIELD CALIF.", and said specifi- cations being entitled "SPECIFICATIO~'S ~R THE I~APROVEq~T OF STREET DI,2TRICT wO. 67 It' THE CITY OF B~J{ERSFIELD CALIF.", and which said plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred to and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plans and specifications also snow the exact locatio~ of the aforesaid work and improvement. And Whereas, said contemplated work and improvement, ~r the opinion of the said City Council is of more than locat or ordinary public benefit, maid Council hereby makes the expense of said Work a~d impr~ament chargeable upon a district, wnica district said City Council hereby declares to be the district benefitted by said work a~d improvement and thereof, and which to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses said ~istrict is bounded and described as follow~: -2- BeginrinM.~ at a point in the westerly lire of Gage Street 150 feet ro'rtnerly from the northerly lire of Premort Street and ru~ring thence westerly or a line 150 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly lire of Premort Street to the easterly lire of King Street; thence zortnerly along the easterly ]ire of King Street to a point 150 feet southerly from the somt~erly lire of M~mboldt Street; thence easterly along a line 150 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly lire of Humboldt Street to the westerly lire of Owens Street thence northerly alo~ the westerly lire of Owens Street to a point 15 feet northerly from tree southerly lire of S~nrer Street; thence westerly or a lire 15 feet northerly from and parallel to the southerly lire of Sumner Street to the easterly li~e of Kirg-~ Street; thence southerly alo .rg.~ the easterly lire of King Street 185 feet;thence westerly or a lire 150 feet northerly from and parallel to the northerly lire of !~amboldt ~treet to a point 100 feet easterly from the easterly lire of Baker ~treet; thence southerly or a lire 100 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly lire of Baker Street to the so,~tnerly line of ~,~mboldt Street; thence westerly along the southerly lire of };umboldt Street to a point 175 feet westerly from ~ the westerly lire of Kerr Street; thence northerly on a line 175 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly lire of Kerr Street to a point 15 feet northerly from the Southerly lire of Sumner Street; thence westerly on a line 15 feet to the so,~tnerly line of Sumner Street to 18 feet westerly from and parallel to the ~ortnerly from ar~ parallel its intersection with a line easterly lire of Union Ave- nme; thence southerly on a lire 18 feet westerly from and parallel to the easterly lire of Union Avenue to the .Street; thence easterly alon~.., the northerly feet; thence northerly or a straight lire to g lire of Grove Street 200 feet westerly from northerly lire of Park lire o f Park Street 125 a point ir t~e northerly the westerly lire of Sacramento ~treet; thence northerly or a lire 200 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of ~acramerto Street 170 feet; thence easterly on a line 150 feet southerly from and parallel to the south- erly lire of ~umboldt Street to a point 15 feet westerly from the -3- easterly line of Baker Street; thence southerly on a line 15 feet westerly from and parallel to the easterly line of Baker Street to a point 150 feet southerly from the southerly line of Eureka Street; thence easterly on a line 150 feet southerly from and p~.rallel to the southerly line of Eureka Street to t~e westerly li~e of 0wens Street; t~ence northerly alo~ the westerly ]ire of Owens Street to a point 150 feet southerly from the southerly lire of ~remort Street; thence easterly on a line l~0 feet southerly fro~ and parallel to t~e souther- ly line of Fremont Street to the westerly line of Gag...e Street; thence northerly along the westerly line of Gs~ze Street to t~e point of beginning. All in the City of Bakersfield, California. All of the herein propmsed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the Legislature "Improvement Act of 1911" amerdatory t!~e~'~o f. Notice is hereby given 1922, at 8 o'clock P.N. at the ir the Council Chambers of said of the State of California, designated the approved r~pril 7tn, 1911, a~d all acts that on Monday the day of //~z~) regular meeting of said City Cour~cil City Council in the City Wall of the 6ity of Bakersfield, ~ all p~rsors nmving any objections to the proposed work o~ i~prove~ert may aopear before said City Council and snow cause wuy said proposed improvement should rot be carried out in ~ccordance with said Resolution. The City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield shall cause t~is Resolution of Intention to be published twice ir the The Bakersfield Californian, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council. The Street Superintendent of the City of Bakersfield sn~l cause to be conspicuously posted along the lines of said contemplated work and improvem~nt and along all the open streets within said district notices of the passage of this Resolution of Intention ir~ the manner and form required by law. I WMRK~Y CERTIFY that the foregoirg Resolutior of Inte~tior was duly ard r~%ularly introduced, passed ard adopted by the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meetin~ of said City Council held on the J~i~Uday of February, 1922, by the followi~ vote Ayes-Carlisle, Grifl~th. Hare. Hougham, Robinson. Smith, Absen~ ....~ ................................................... City Clerk a~d ex-officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, 1922.