HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0431RESOLUTION OF I~E~TION NO. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO EXTEND M ~T~nET SOUTHERLY FROM THE SOUT~FPAY LINE0 AYD.T0 WIDEN THE S~f,E TO A UNIFOF&I WIDTH OF 82.5 FEET: IN T~,~ CITY OF B~FRSFIELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUI~CIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD,, as follows: That it is t.~e intention of the Council of the City of Bakersfield to order the following street work to be done, to-wit: That M Street be extended southerly alo~ and 41.2~ feet on the east side of the center line of Block A, Lowell Addition and 21.2~ feet on the west side of the center line of Block A, Lowell Addition, to the northerly line of 6tn Street: The lands necessary and convenient to be taken for said pur- pose are described as follows, to-wit: Beginrir~ at a point in the northerly line of 6tn Street 305.25 feet easterly from the easterly line of L Street an~ runninT thence mortnerly along a line 30~.25 feet easterly from srd parallel to the easterly line of L Street to the southerly line of 8tn Street; thence easterly aloN- the so.~.tnerly line of 8tn Street a distance of 21.2~ feet, thence southerly ~lorg a line 284 feet easterly from and parSllel to the easterly line of L Street to the nort.~erly of 6tn Street; thence easterly alor~ the northerly line of 6tn Street to t~e point of beginninz. And said Council does hereby determine and declare tna~ said proposed work and improvement is of more tna~ local or ordinary pub- lic benefit, ar~ will affect and benefit the lands and district aere- inafter described, a~d which ssid dist~'ict is hereby declared to be the district sffected ara benefitted by said work av~ improvement, and tna.t therefore the e~bire dama?-es, costs and expenses of ssid work a~d improvement be a~ are hereby made chargeable against srd snail be assessable upon sai~ lards ara district, which district is wit~i~ the City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of California May~r of 'the Cit~/~ff Bakersfield. and the exterior bourdaries of the lards affected and benefited by said work ard improvemert are !sarticularly described ms follows, to-wit: Beginrirgo at the i~tersection of the ~ortnerly lire of 6tn Street v~dtn the east~rly line of L Street run.irc tnerce northerly alorc the easterly lire of L Street to the southerly li~e of Street; thence easterly ~onv the southerly lire of 8tn Street to tae westerly lire of ~ Street; thence soatnerly ~oLc tae westerly lire of Y Street to the ~ortnerly li~e of 6tn Street; thence westerly alo~ the rortnerly line of 6tn Street to tn~ point of begi~i~. ~1 of the herein proposed work ~all be dore in pursuance of a~ act of the L~islature of the State of California, ertitl~d "AF ACT ~0 PROVIDE FOR T}~F LAYIFG OUT, OPEFI};G, EXTEFDI~G, WIDE¥IFG, STRAIG~EFI~G 0R CLOSIFG ~, IF W~OI, F 0R I? P~T, A}Y STREET, SQUA~, L~'E, ALL~, COURT OR PLACE ~T~{IF ~I¥ICIP~ITIES, ACQUIRE A}Y A~D A~ L~JrD A~? PROP~ FECESS~ 0R CO~WEFIE~:T ~R THAT PU~0SE," approved Narca ~, 1889, ard the several acts ~endato~ t~ereof or supplemental t~ere'to. "THE B~Y~SFIELD C~I~R¥IA~:" is hereby desk.ted as the daily newspaper published ard circulated ir said City in which the Superinter~ert's notice of the pass~e of this Resolution shall be publ i shed. I ~R~Y C~TI~ that the for~oi~z Resolatior was passed ard adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the day of._ (~ , 19~, by the followi~ vote: ABsent ........ ~ do~ncil of tae City of B~ersfield. -2-