HomeMy WebLinkAbout02.09.2011 WB Minutes Special MtgMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2 :00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None A. Distribution Water Board Binders. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, distributed updated Water Board Binders to Water Board Members. No action taken. 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the September 15, 2010, regular meeting for approval, Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes of September 15, 2010 regular meeting. APPROVED ALL AYES. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 1 B A K E R S F I E L D MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE WATER BOARD - CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Wednesday, February 9, 2011 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2 :00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None A. Distribution Water Board Binders. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, distributed updated Water Board Binders to Water Board Members. No action taken. 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the September 15, 2010, regular meeting for approval, Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes of September 15, 2010 regular meeting. APPROVED ALL AYES. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 1 Bakersfield, California, February 9, 2011 - Page 2 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status, Maurice Randall, Business Manager, gave a brief financial status of the Local Levee Assistance Program, Mr, Randall stated under the FEMA Accreditation Program, a study and evaluation was conducted by Meyers' Civil Engineering. A grant was received from the State in the amount $200,000 to complete the study. The study determined the levees meet the 100 year flooding event. In addition, a Kern River levee evaluation was required by the State Department of Water Resources. The study was completed by Meyers' Civil Engineering. The City received $455,000 grant, and the City was required to provide a 50% match. The matching funds came from Kern River levee district funds, The evaluation was completed and one area along the levee was identified to need repair, Staff is completing an evaluation to determine if the repair work will be completed in -house or outsourced. The levee repairs will be completed by June, 2011. Information only, no action taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and discussed the snow accumulation graphs. Information only, no action taken. None. A. 2011 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule - For Board Information and Action. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated the 2011 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule reflect seven categories of water prices. The rates will be effective May 1, 2011, The first category is the Agriculture basic contract, which will expire in 2011. The final year price, year 35, will be $20. Items 2,3A are affected by the all commodities price index, that information is normally available no later than March of the current year, Staff is requesting the board approve the rates for items 2, 3, 4 and when staff receives the information for the all commodities price index staff will adjust those rates, Item 5 reflects an increase. The rates are used in the budget process for revenue projections, Bakersfield, California, February 9, 2011 - Page 3 8. NEW BUSINESS continued A. Motion by Johnson to approve the 2011 Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule. APPROVED ALL AYES. B. Resolution Amending the Boundaries of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Service Area - for Board information and Action. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated approximately every five years the domestic water service area map is reviewed for the City of Bakersfield's domestic water service. The map delineates meter connections. The map was last updated in 2005, There has been expansion in the southwest Bakersfield area and the City currently has over 40,000 meter connections. Motion by Hanson to approve the Resolution amending the boundaries of the City of Bakersfield Domestic Water Service Area and recommend to City Council for approval. APPROVED ALL AYES. 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. Tentative 2011 Water Board meeting schedule - For Board Information and Action Motion by Hanson to approve the 2011 Water Board Meeting schedule (February 9, April 20, June 15, August 24, October 12 and December 7, 2011). APPROVED ALL AYES 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS None Chairman Couch recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:15 p.m. A. 1, Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (One case). State Water Resources Control Board Reference No, KMG:A31674 Kern Delta Water District odv. City of Bakersfield Ventura County Superior Court Case No. CIV - 2442067 consolidated with CIV - 241879 Bakersfield, California, February 9, 2011 - Page 4 11, CLOSED SESSION continued A. 2. Conference with Legal Counsel — Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(b)(1)(3)(A) (One matter) Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting from Closed Session at 3:04 p.m. 12. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announce there was no reportable Closed Session action, 13. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 3:35 p,m. avid C Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza- `See�etary City of Bakersfield W6ier Board