HomeMy WebLinkAbout01.18.2012 WB Minutes1L.Y A K C E R S 11' I E JL D MINI,'TES •CF THE �E,J'�JLAF� ��1EETI�b'� ME,7 JAIE9 O•ARD CITY �� %F !';e��'JE'SFI� Wednesday, January 18, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 �I uTEs .LLT• © D R Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2;00 p.m, 2. ROLL CALL Present; Chairman Couch, Member Johnson Absent; Vice -Chair Hanson 3. MIINUTES A. Minutes of the special meeting of November 9, 2011 for approval, Motion 1 byi Johnson to approve the minutes of the special meeting of o vemrJer 9 271 1. APPROVED ALL AYES NAI'SOiV A1.3SEl i F��CLIC TATEf�IENTS A. Terry Chicca, President, Buena Vista Water Storage District, introduced Roy Pierucci, President, Rio Bravo Water Storage District; Dan Bartel, Engineer - Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District; Eric Averetr, General Manager, Rosedale -Rio Bravo Water Storage District; the "Districts" and submitted written material. Mr. Chicca spoke regarding the purchase of McAllister Ranch and their plans for the use of the property, B. Eric Averett, General Manager, Rosedale Rio Bravo Water Storage District, spoke regarding the Districts' perspective to issues raised by the City of Bakersfield, shared their research and how they propose to proceed with the McAllister property. C. Dan Bartell, Engineer /Manager, Buena Vista Water Storage District, spoke regarding zoning relative to water facilities in the City of Bakersfield and the McAllister Ranch properties, and the concern of water sales out of the county, Bakersfield, California, January 18, 2012 - Page 2 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS continued Alan Tandy, City Manager, stated staff will prepare a written report in response at a later time. b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and reviewed the graphs. The current water year natural flow program U.S. A.C.E. storage curve mandate for November 1, 2012 carryover of 170,000 ac -ft was met on October 30, 2012. The snow pack is registered at 47 %; the good news is a storm is expected in the following week. BOARD INFORMATION, NO ACTION TAKEN. B. Capital Improvement Project Update of Block Pumphouses at Water Wells CBK 53 and 55. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated two new domestic water wells are being constructed by contractor, Brown & Fowler Construction. The wells are located in southwest Bakersfield at Point Royal Drive and Buck Horn Peak. The addition of these wells will increase drinking water supply to satisfy future water demand. The project is on schedule and anticipated to be completed on or around July 3, 2012. BOARD INFORMATION, NO ACTION TAKEN. �EEER�'ED �U,I�JESS None. A. Resolution No. 01 -12WB of the Water Board Recommending Adoption of the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP). Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated the City entered into a participation agreement in 2009 to participate in the Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan. The IRWMP was completed in November 2011 through collaborative efforts including over 45 public and private water entities within Kern County. The plan is comprehensive and will enhance opportunity efforts for the City to receive grant funding. The City's share of the cost of the plan this year is $11,000. The total City's cost of the IRWMP as of 2009 is $30,000. Staff requested the board adopt the plan. .�.(" �.�:lill} �, ��!E�l f.^��tar�V l,J�i!1F 'C�)f ��, ±VIII ��i� ;�lt•SC�'�t, .Sf!F_',�� Y i <� a,iF, �¢I �,r j�7,,�,`� ��S ��:, "C'�I `�'C�r'IC�i���RiS fs�r "R�' ✓E!� �'LL�'�VE -� �^ f�Et Bakersfield, California, January 18, 2012 - Page 3 PJI"' B111S1V!I B. Update on Ditch Eradication Agreement and Pipeline Easement with Kern Delta Water District for Stine Branch II Canal along Gosford Road. Nick Fidler, Public Works Superintendent, gave a brief update and stated staff has been working on the Stine II Branch Canal capital improvement projectto widen the east half of Gosford Road to ultimate width, including a section of Taff Highway to McCutchen Road; and replacement of lost seepage in available water recharge capacity within the Wastewater Treatment Plant 3 and into the lakes at Sports Village, A ditch eradication agreement and pipeline easement with Kern Delta will be submitted for City Council approval, BOARD INFORMATION, NO ACTION TAKEN. C. Mainline Extension Refund Agreements, Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated Mainline Extension Refund Agreements are agreements where a developer has installed a water facility line at their cost then turns those facilities over to the City. The City signs an agreement with the developer to reimburse the developer for the cost of those facilities over a 40 -year period. There is no interest charged and the developers are only reimbursed for the cost of the facilities. These agreements were signed in 1984 through 1992. Over the years the developers have sold their agreement, The City will continue to make annual payments in June to the new agreement owner. The agreement terms remain the same. Motion by Couch to approve the Mainline Extension refund Agreements. APPROVED ALL AYES, HANSON ABSENT D. 2012 Water Board Meeting Calendar, Motion by JoIlflsliri to liJp(CIl'z' the 2012 Water BJCf7(d Meeting catF:' / }dl APPROVED ALL AWES HANSO,v ABSENT A. Discussion of City Annual Membership with Water Association of Kern County: Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated the Water Association of Kern County (WAKC) is a non - profit organization, WAKC provides public outreach for educational programs and has quarterly meetings, The membership consists of agriculture and domestic purveyors. The City has been a member in the past, Membership in WAKC will be a good outlet for interacting with other agencies and water districts for the 2012 calendar year, The fee has been $125 and now ranges up to $5,000, The WAKC is aware this fee is a substantial increase from last year and will be flexible with the membership fee. �{ ��, -f ��1 cf ,• ',1 ;�?U� 'rit�t rrl 'I �':? 7.y �� :?f r� � is i t -. ii .,r f -�� C��t'�����G it�iFt)�� )c'Ci "�'�ttt?�)�� ",.�7! }��� �PRO1 A•.L �'i,1r'F��y �1 -'i,� `CI�'�ir�'� "ii.r`1; Bakersfield, California, January 18, 2012 - Page 4 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS None 11, CLOSED SESSION None 12, CLOSED SESSION ACTION None 13. ADJOURNMENT Chairman ouch adjourned the meeting at 2:38 p.m, D vid Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, CfVIC 't Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board