HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.19.2012 WB MinutesFF THE Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Cl�LL T• L:� "i�EP Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2 :00 p,m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2012 and special meeting of July 11, 2012 for approval �'012c.7r»`s.�cr�line�E�.`in. �(J�ily 11 2U1� APPRO�'FD �LLAYES None FIT, Iffs'EM, A. Update regarding U,S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Inspection of August 9, 2011 Results and Water Department Actions, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated the City is responsible for several levees along the Kern River and participates in a U,S. Army Corps of Engineers' sponsored Voluntary Levee Rehabilitation Assistance Program, Mr. Chianello distributed a memorandum listing the issues concerning the Corps as a result of the Corps' Kern River Levee inspection, Staff has addressed the concerns and provided a list of maintenance performed or scheduled for the Kern River Left Bank Levee. Board information only, no action taken. • lrt B A K E R S F I E L D FF THE Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 Cl�LL T• L:� "i�EP Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2 :00 p,m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Johnson Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 16, 2012 and special meeting of July 11, 2012 for approval �'012c.7r»`s.�cr�line�E�.`in. �(J�ily 11 2U1� APPRO�'FD �LLAYES None FIT, Iffs'EM, A. Update regarding U,S. Army Corps of Engineers Levee Inspection of August 9, 2011 Results and Water Department Actions, Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated the City is responsible for several levees along the Kern River and participates in a U,S. Army Corps of Engineers' sponsored Voluntary Levee Rehabilitation Assistance Program, Mr. Chianello distributed a memorandum listing the issues concerning the Corps as a result of the Corps' Kern River Levee inspection, Staff has addressed the concerns and provided a list of maintenance performed or scheduled for the Kern River Left Bank Levee. Board information only, no action taken. Bakersfield, California, September 19, 2012 - Page 2 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT continued B. State Department of Water Resources 2012 Preseason Flood Coordination Meetings. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated a flood emergency preparedness and response meeting will be hosted by the State Department of Water Resources, The Voluntary Levee Rehabilitation Program is an item of interest on the agenda. Staff will be attending the meeting on October 23, 2012, and will continue to update the Board. Board information only, no action taken. C. Update regarding FEMA Certification. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated on August 11, 2011, staff submitted data and documentation to FEMA regarding the Provisionally Accredited Levee (PAL) certification for the Kern River South Levee, FEMA is reviewing the information, Staff will continue to update the Board. Board information only, no action taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report, John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, reviewed the graphs and stated the natural flow as calculated at First Point of measurement and storage peaked one month earlier than normal. The natural flow peak was in April, normally it is in May, and storage peak was May, normally it is in June, this is due to lighter snow pack and warmer temperatures in the basin. Currently, Isabella Reservoir storage is at 90,708 acre -feet, Storage has not been this low since September 2002. The storage is expected to drop to the 85,000 acre -feet range by November 1 st carryover without any storm activity. The chart is a snapshot of the April -July runoff for the 119 years of records. The April -July runoff this year is 176,621 acre -feet, which is 38% of long term average. Last year the runoff was 942,621 acre -feet, 201 % of average. Board information only, no action taken. B. Isabella Dam Safety Modification Project. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is seeking partial reimbursement for the cost of repairing the dam from the Kern River Interests Group with storage rights, The potential costs, at this time, to the City would be approximately $111,000 per year, interest free, for 50 years assuming repair costs of $500 million dollars, A meeting will occur on October 10, 2012 with the Corps of Engineers. Information on the preferred design alternative, schedule and cost sharing details are expected to be presented at that time, Board information only, no action taken. Bakersfield, California, September 19, 2012 - Page 3 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS None M0 IM aUSIM M A. Kern Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Agreement. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated the Water Board adopted the IRWMP at its January 18, 2012 meeting. A Regional IRWMP, as defined by the State Department of Water Resources, is a collaborative effort to manage all aspects of water resources in a region. Being a part of IRWMP allows the City to be eligible for grant funding for regional water resources projects. The Water Board approved $11,000 at its January 18, 2012 meeting. The estimated shared cost has been adjusted and the City's final allocation is a total of $16,684. Motion by Johnson to approve the Cost Sharing Agreement Goo. WR12 -009 between the Kern County Water Agency and Members of the Tulare Lake Basin Portion of Fern County Integrated Regional Water Management Plan Regional Water Management Group (RWMG) (City of Bakersfield, Member) and approve an additional $5,684 (total allocation of $16,684) for the City's pro -rata share of annual costs to participate in the Kern IRWMP. APPROVED ALL AYES B. Improvement District No, 4 (ID4) Dry Year Supply Options. Jason Meadors, Water Resources Director, stated the City entered into a Water Supply Agreement with ID4 on September 7, 2005 to receive water from the Henry C, Garnett Water Treatment Plant. This agreement allows for the development of a separate agreement to use water from ID4 banking facilities and in- district wells when there is a water shortage, The Kern County Water Agency is asking the City to enter into a dry year water supply agreement at an estimated annual cost of .$300,000 to $425,000. Staff is recommending the City use Kern River surface water, banked City water in the City's 2800 Acre Recharge Facility, or existing wells in-critically dry years to supplement water that would otherwise be provided by the KCWA ID4 via the water treatment plant. David Beard, Kern County Water Agency, stated the Agency is asking water purveyors to make a determination as to entering into a dry water supply agreement by the end of September, 2012. Bakersfield, California, September 19, 2012 - Page 4 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. Kern Ground Water Management Committee Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated water interest groups have established the Kern Ground Water Management Committee in response to the State's recent legislative actions promoting state regulatory oversight of ground water. The committee's purpose is to establish a basin plan for the active, comprehensive management of the groundwater basin underlying the Kern County portion of the Tulare Lake Basin. The committee's goal is to maintain local control and provide long -term surety for all basin users. The City of Bakersfield is represented and staff will continue to keep the Board updated. Board information only, no action taken. B. Public Utilities Commission Affiliated Rules Maurice Randall, Water Resources Business Manager, stated in June staff met with California Water Services representatives in San Jose. Water Resources staff was made aware of "New Rules of the California Public Utilities Commission for Non - Regulated Utility Services." The rule requires Cal Water to utilize 10 percent of their income of gross revenue received from a third party, such as the City of Bakersfield, to offset rates on their regulated business side. Cal Water would like to maintain the some prior financial position they had prior to this rule. Cal Water is indicating that they may need to raise their rates to the City to cover their additional loss in revenue. Staff stated that the City does not have an obligation to make up for Cal Water's losses. Additional meetings will be held to determine the best interest of ratepayers and citizens of Bakersfield. Board information only, no action taken. Art Chianello, Water Resources Manager, stated the November 7, 2012 Water Board meeting will be David Couch's last Water Board meeting. Upon unanimous approval the meeting time was rescheduled from 2:00 p.m. to 11:30 a.m. Ci LIED ��`'�IOJ A. 1. Conference with Legal Counsel - Potential Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (b)(3)(A) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (One matter) 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Initiation of Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (c) of Government Code Section 54956.9 (Two potential cases) Chairman Couch recessed to Closed Session at 2:53 p.m. Chairman Couch adjourned from Closed Session at 3:25 p.m. Bakersfield, California, September 19, 2012 - Page 5 12. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, announced there is no reportable action from Closed Session items A. 1. and 2. 13, ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the regular meeting at 3;26 p.m. J David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoz C Secretary, City of Bakersfield Water Board