HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.12.2010 WB AGENDA PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water Board Regular Meeting of May 12, 2010 Kern River at Mohawk Water Resources File Packet WATER BOARD David Couch, Chair Harold Hanson, Vice Chair Zack Scrivner CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the March 17, 2010, regular meeting for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - For Board Information b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Kern River Diversion Structure at Mohawk Bridge - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Quitclaim of Access Easement at 5901 Truxtun Avenue, (Ward 2) - For Board Approval and Recommendation to City Council B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD David Couch, Chair Harold Hanson, Vice Chair Zack Scrivner CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, May 12, 2010 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1, CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the March 17, 2010, regular meeting for approval - For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status - For Board Information b. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information B. Kern River Diversion Structure at Mohawk Bridge - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Quitclaim of Access Easement at 5901 Truxtun Avenue, (Ward 2) - For Board Approval and Recommendation to City Council Water Board Agenda May 12, 2010 Page 2 8. NEW BUSINESS continued B. Renew Domestic Water Operations Agreement No. 92 -250 with California Water Service Company for Three (3) Years for Operations and Maintenance Services to City's Domestic Water System - For Board Approval C. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. WR07 -004 with Jones & Stokes for Year 4 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services for the Lower Kern River Mitigation Project. For Board Approval and Recommendation to City Council 9. MISCELLANEOUS A. Information regarding US Army Corps of Engineers Isabella Lake Dam Public Meetings - For Board Information 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS 11. CLOSED SESSION A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases). • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG;A31674 KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, a California Water District v. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, and DOES 1 through XX, inclusive; Kern County Superior Court Case No, S- 1500 -CV- 266459-KCT 12. CLOSED SESSION ACTION 13, ADJOURNMENT 4B i;l ART CHIANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager POSTED: May 7, 2010 Water Board Meeting 3. MINUTES May 12, 2010 A. Minutes of the March 17, 2010, regular meeting for approval - For Board Review and Action MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING Wednesruz;_y, March `I7, ,201 - 2 :00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER Chairman Couch called the meeting to order at 2:03 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson, Member Scrivner (seated at 2:05 p.m.) Absent: None 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the January 20, 2010 regular meeting. Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes of January 20, 2010. APPROVED ALL AYES, Scrivner absent. 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS A. Alan Tandy, City Manager, announced due to staff turnover in the Water Resources Department and water interest negotiations, Gene Bogart, former Water Resources Manager, has been contracted on a part time basis to assist the City in water matters. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status. Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, stated on Monday, March 22nd the State will be presenting the contract to staff for the grant award in the amount of $225,000 in matching funds for the levee program. Staff will be giving State representatives a tour of the levee system. Information only, no action taken. Member Scrivner seated at 2:05 p.m. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report. John Ryan, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and discussed the snow accumulation graphs. Information only, no action taken. 7 Bakersfield California, March 17, 2010 — Page 2 EFERFIF -13 13- US&NESS Gone. €vlEk E BUSINESS A. Kern River Interests Cost Sharing Agreement for Costs Related to Restriction on use of Isabella Lake Storage Space. John Stinson, Interim Water Resources Manager, stated this agreement shares the costs of hiring a consultant and conducting studies relative to the dam and Lake Isabella. The Kern River Interest Group is still working with the Corps of Engineers and is receiving good results and continues to move forward. Motion by Scrivner to approve Agreement No. 10 -02WB with Kern River Interests (Buena Vista Water Storage District, City of Bakersfield, Kern County Water Agency, Kern Delta Water District and North Kern Water Storage District) regarding Kern River Interests Cost Sharing Agreement for costs relating to United States Army Corps of Engineers restriction on use of Isabella Reservoir Storage Space. APPROVED, ALL AYES B. Agricultural Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule for 2010/11. Mark Lambert, Water Superintendent, stated the prices are adjusted on all commodities price index on current conditions. Staff requested Water Board approval. Motion by Hanson to approve the Agricultural Water Price and Sand Sale Schedule for 2010111. APPROVED, ALL AYES C. Domestic Water Division Proposed 2010/11 Rate Schedule. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated proposed changes include an increase on the quantity rate from 88 to 91 cents per unit. The average customer will have an increase of approximately 84 cents a month. A public hearing is scheduled on June 9, 2010. California Water Service Company will be sending the notice of hearing in the water bills beginning in March. The City continues to have the lowest rates in the urban area. Staff requested Water Board approve the rate increase, forward to City Council and recommend approval. Motion by Scrivner to approve the Domestic Water Division Proposed 2010111 Rate Schedule and forward to City Council for approval. APPROVED, ALL AYES. Bakersfield California, March 17, 2010 – Page 3 NEW BUSINESS continued D. South Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant Water Use Agreement. Mark Lambert, Water Superintendent, stated this agreement between the City and California Water Service Company is for a water supply to the South Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant. The City will supply surface water to the plant and Cal Water will operate the plant and provide half of the 22,450 ac ft capacity of treated water to the City domestic system. Staff requested Water Board approve the agreement and forward to City Council and recommend approval. Motion by Hanson to approve Agreement No. 10 -03WB with California Water Service Company regarding Use of South Bakersfield Water Treatment Plant. APPROVED, ALL AYES 9. MISCELLANEOUS None. 10. WATER BOARD STATEMENTS None. 11. CLOSED SESSION 12 A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation; Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9. (Two Cases) • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 Kern Delta Water District v. North Kern Water Storage District, and City of Bakersfield (1952 CEQA action) KCSC Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 266459 KCT Chairman Couch recessed the regular meeting to Closed Session at 2:15 p.m. Chairman Couch adjourned from Closed Session at 4:15 p.m. CLOSED SESSION ACTION Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney, stated direction was given to staff and the City Attorney to review the March 8, 2010 Kern Delta / North Kern proposed settlement principles and directed staff to continue discussions with these entities. 13. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 4:17 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting May 12, 2010 KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Status- For Board Information Water Board Meeting May 12, 2010 REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information W Q O H cc O cc W Cl) W a J J W a Cl) df Q W O LL a a W c Q r J N E W N 0 LL J a o� a W Z W Y O � L N � N O O L co N N N N r r r r GN003S bad 1334 oiano LO O LO O I,- LO N _o Q a� CD 0 :T a 0 0 0 m O T L Q a O cu 0 0 U- 0 IL L0 0 v LD rn O 0 Z m 0 0 U O (SiS041Uaaed Ul UOIJUAG13) 3d3d Ul 3JbaOlS o= O o o- o, o. o_ o o- O- o� LL O o LL o- O LL C) O- o- O- O LL O LL C, co o p0 O co O v LA ° O �, o- O Lo O; o a O LO m O m o O, L O si O� O(D LO Lo O O O co p° (Q N Lo N Lf") ti ^. d" V C7 N co N N _. N N T N T N LO N O O � L N � N O O L co N N N N r r r r GN003S bad 1334 oiano LO O LO O I,- LO N _o Q a� CD 0 :T a 0 0 0 m O T L Q a O cu 0 0 U- 0 IL L0 0 v LD rn O 0 Z m 0 0 U O I lU � LC � I cu O Ems; y� II L 1 I z° c N j j 3i O LL I a� M as i III i I s I I I I j I I j� 1 II � Z it I I I O � L N � N O O L co N N N N r r r r GN003S bad 1334 oiano LO O LO O I,- LO N _o Q a� CD 0 :T a 0 0 0 m O T L Q a O cu 0 0 U- 0 IL L0 0 v LD rn O 0 Z m 0 0 U O ll U' W x w z Er O ® O Cl) N z r W U 0 w O O O O O O O O O 0i ui o Sri o Sri o Sri o Ch Cl) N N r (sayaul);ua}uoo aalem �L Q Q U i RS r_ O ?�U) CZ M 1`M NC: LL O 7 E 7 V Q 7V C: cu c� CL C N m E v E 0 z Water Board Meeting REPORTS continued May 12, 2010 Kern River Diversion Structure at Mohawk Bridge - For Board Information Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS May 12, 2010 A. Quitclaim of Access Easement at 5901 Truxtun Avenue. (Ward 2) - For Board Approval and Recommendation to City Council 02/22/2010 10:36 3250421 By E1,1GINE17P ARCHITECT w"':657a rnt 843 PAGE 01 M ALIn 12 W W'3C: RLGOR�JED EY ' P GALE S. E111STAD Ad... P. ew A P— L UPAcr A120VIS TH10 UNZ P16R RECORVNI3'61 uqr- I T2;'%tNZC0 REALTY DRVELO?MENT C(,'RVORATION, a Delaware corporation, as W "Grantor", doqa heraby grant to XZF_N RIVER LEVRZ,113:f3TR1CT, a political ZubdiviSiOn of the State of California, as "Grantee", u-1 easeTaent for the conzty-tiction, re- construction and maintenance of a jevGa mystem to control the vatex of the Kern River, over and upon that certain zeal property of Grantor in the City of Bakersfield, County of Xerft, State Of California, more Particularly described as fnjlows: A strip of land twenty (20.00) feet in width in Section 34, Township 29 South, Range 27 Bast, M.D.M., Rp", County, California,t �ecent�ee of which is clescribed as follo,,ed. le 369inninq at a Point at the intersection oZ the centerline, of the 150 fOOt Kern River Le;vna easement, As described in Rook 4858, Fagg SID of Official Records, Kern County, CalifOrrkia and the south right-of-way line of Truxrdn Avenuep an UU £Oct right -of -tray from which point the went one- quarter corner Of Said Section 34 bears South 640 191 05' West, 1692,28 feet; also froin which point, the north- west corner Of said Section 34 bears North 38' 05' 46" west, 2426.92 feet; thence Smith 19- Sol 421 Bast, 288.41 feat, to a point: thence nbrthaaaterly parallel to and IQ feet from the northerly riqbt-of-way line of thq Carrier Canal, the f011Owi-ng courses: North 750 451 15" Fast, 246.08 feet;, thence North W 07' 470 E,"t, 160.9$ Feet; thence North 550 141 53" Bast, 495.38 feet? thence North 69* 51, 09" Eaut, T 274.09 Ecet; thence North 790 291 570 Fast, 96.35 feet, to a point at the end of the 20 fbOt easement and Which point in at the intersection. ot the westerly right-of-way line of Mohawk Street, 110 feet wide, also which Point is on a curve, -from which point the center of said curve bears roxth 660 12' 0a" East, 1655-00 feet; also from which point, t1je north- west corner Of Said Section 34 bears aorta 580 551 32" West, 3195-31 feet, Also frm which point the centerline of the 3,50•. foot Rart River levee easement, Q3 described in Book 4858, Page 810 Of OffiQial Recoxda bears South 240 031 59" Bast, 15,56 feet. IN K--TNrss WHB7WF, Grantor hoe executed this Ragempat this 15th day of July 1993. TENNECO REALTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ?OR4 C' ny err ct lit 8 for �V.10e__Fe�rnsjl 0;nt and by 41-7 E7:E Ass i'start S�ecreta_-y A14 ;e I97-1 I 0'21/22/2N,10 10:36 '3250e21 ENGINEER r,IPCHITECT FAaE 02 5TPT—E rte CAUFDRP�,.A OW . tj 75, M3, L'LfGrf: Me, the, un-icrsigiied, v Notary PCP�Ona)ly apq"�v 'y F- ub'j I c in �"-nd for sald StOU-, rc.d tq'IVIN OUS 2tid WAyg E. BROOkt, PQrsOwn", ly hmo 'q to hie, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory c-yjdence parsons Onc executed the Othin instrument as S4i!r..Ivr Vice Prs;ldent and Assistant Secretary, on behilf Of TENFIECO REALTY UEVELOP rVff CORPORATION, thin corPnFz9t-i0n therein named, end acMoWledged to rRe that smh corporation executed it PulWant to it,5 by—laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hii-nd znd official seal. ANDKM L W� WAV PUbLIC. VaKYWM 112N =Nrti P. 6 ` RU3CTUN 2164.72' _ �— A.i0'4' 56650 _ o L. t 69° rig' 39" E 2164.72' _. P _SO4506 I►. of °lti 2.3 - - -" 3 `�$O : Z N D A"N � fPEET P. "Alf Lp 5 afl[l y E DEwt ALLY 0T 30 30 39 ^� _ „eE •.Iq•P'.1ME4T WELL SITE EASE& �. v , Z 2 S ., a ,F �z�, PEP ®K. 5515, PG N� 0 _� oNIO� Nn, 'zg 2 @; PM 6791 u R T- N IN N Q j PARCEL �£ Fn 4, 5 WATER LANE EA4FMFhT �� �� 7. 877 ACRES _ 3O 1� TO OE OED.CATED ST SEPARATE INSTRUMFNT — r z f -1 b SL�C STREET R:W V1 BK 5579 PG 943 0 R xo' PUeuC UTILITIES Tu RE OE!II..,A1ED EASEMENT i 01 SE 1'ARa TF ��,+� LQ 0E DI Cry ATE 1, R1 f r —� INSTRUMENT )) �5A , DARATE IN1'Rl MEN T It _ - 2U KERN RIVER LEVEE RA�EMEVT PER RK 51'9 PO 944 h R d03g' c C4 v r I f � Gt. T N78'29'O!'E 201.88 _. 3A'E t:74' 44'54'E 271 3' 6 N80 8� G A� N6,jn N AI SI 11 JD. i I P W IAi' �q , R COR., 89C 5 y,. Aq 6 "DEEP ? N 1 /4rOR SEC. 34 29/27, - T, -1563 9q• FOUND 7„ IRON PIPE TAGGED d RC F 6640 Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued May 12, 2010 B. Renew Domestic Water Operations Agreement No. 92 -250 with California Water Service Company for Three (3) Years for Operations and Maintenance Services to City's Domestic Water System - For Board Approval Water Board Meeting May 12, 2010 NEW BUSINESS continued C. Amendment No. 2 to Agreement No. WR07 -004 with Jones & Stokes for Year 4 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services for the Lower Kern River Mitigation Project. For Board Approval and Recommendation to City Council AGREEMENT h]0. I Mf.ANDIF,° &ENT NI(I. - TV110 A('- !REENPIENT NO. WEB'. �3 -004 THIS AMENDMENT NO. TWO (2) TO AGREEMENT NO. WR 07 -004 is made and entered into on , by and between the CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a charter city and a municipal corporation (referred to herein as "CITY "), and JONES & STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC., a California corporation (referred to herein as "CONSULTANT "). RECITALS WHEREAS, on the 2nd of February of 2007, the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into Agreement No. WR07 -004, wherein CONSULTANT would Conduct Year 1 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services for the Lower Kern River Mitigation Project for the City of Bakersfield, Water Resources Department; and WHEREAS, on February 11, 2009 the CITY and CONSULTANT entered into Amendment No. One (1) to Agreement No. WR07 -004, to conduct Year 2 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services; and WHEREAS, the parties now desire to enter into Amendment No. Two (2) to Agreement No. WR07 -004, to conduct Year 4 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services; and WHEREAS, additional work shall be required by CONSULTANT to conduct Year 4 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services; and WHEREAS, CONSULTANT has agreed to additional compensation of Seventeen Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy -Two Dollars ($17,972) above the original amended compensation of Sixty -Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Forty Dollars ($68,740) for additional time spent to conduct Year 4 Environmental Mitigation Monitoring Services, NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals herein, CITY and CONSULTANT mutually agree to amend Agreement No. WR07 -004 as follows: 1. Section 1 of Agreement No. WR07 -004 entitled "Scope of Work" is hereby amended to read as follows: SA2010 CONTRACTS\ Jones& StokeAmendment2ToAgreementWR07- 004.doc May 7, 2010 -- Page 1 of 3 Pages -- The scope of work is descril -) ^c11 as. Conduct Yeor 4 Environmr= ni( l Mitig-c i0r) ivIonitoring Services, Developineni of Siandard Operating Procedures for Work in -ihe Kern River Flood Ploin and Inspection Service for Construction of ithe r e,w Weiland Mitigation Site. The scope of wort: sihail include all items and procedures necessary to properly complete the task CONSULTANT has been hired to perform, whether specifically included in the scope of work or not. 2. Section 2 of Agreement No. WR 07 -004 entitled "Compensation" is hereby amended to read as follows; 2. COMPENSATION. Compensation for all work, services or products called for under this Agreement shall consist of amended compensation not to exceed payment of Eighty -Six Thousand Seven Hundred Twelve Dollars ($86,712), The compensation set forth in this section shall be the total compensation under this Agreement including, but not limited to, all out -of- pocket costs and taxes. CITY shall pay only the compensation listed unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. 3. Except as amended herein, all other provisions of Agreement No, WR07 -004 shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No, One (1) to Agreement No, WR07 -004 to be executed the day and year first above written. "CITY" "CONSULTANT" CITY OF BAKERSFIELD JONES & STOKES ASSOCIATES, INC. HARVEY L. HALL Mayor Title; ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE SA2010 CONTRACTS\ Jones& StokeAmendment2ToAgreementWR07- 004.doc May 7, 2010 -- Page 2 of 3 Pages -- APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT y ARIT G'��IANELLO, P.E. Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGIWA GENNARO City Attorney INSURANC COUNTERSIGNED: NELSON SMITH Finance Director Attachment: EXHIBIT A SA2010 CONTRACTS\ Jones& StokeAmendment2ToAgreementWR07- 004.doc May 7, 2010 -- Page 3 of 3 Pages -- 1CF INTERNATIONAL Memorandum Date: April 13, 2010 To: Mark Lambert City of Bakersfield 1000 Buena Vista Road Bakersfield, CA 93311 Cc: Maurice Randall, City of Bakersfield From: Karen Leone Project Director Subject: Louver Kern River Mitigation Project — Year 4 Mitigation Monitoring and Report Preparation Scope of Work Introduction This scope of work describes services that ICF International (ICF) will perform under contract to the City of Bakersfield (City) in continued support of the Lower Kern River Mitigation Project (project) in Bakersfield, California. The project includes a single task: 1) conducting mitigation monitoring for Year 4 (2010) in the east and west basins and preparing an associated report. The task is described below and includes a description, list of ICF deliverables, and cost. The total cost for the task is $17,972. Please note that the schedule in this scope of work may need to be adjusted depending on receipt of a notice proceed by the City. Also, the schedule assumes work days only. Task 1 - Conduct Year 4 Monitoring and Prepare Report Subtask 1.1 - Conduct Year 4 Monitoring ICF will conduct performance monitoring, maintenance monitoring, and hydrological monitoring in Year 4. ICF will make a site visit to the east and west basins in late spring /early summer to conduct performance monitoring of the environmental parameters listed in Tables 1a through 1c for open water, enhanced seasonal wetland, and created seasonal wetland habitat. Maintenance observations and hydrological monitoring will be performed at the same time as the late EXHIBIT "A" 630 K Street, Suite 400 , Sacramento, CA 95814 - 916.737.3000 - 916.737.3030 fax ® icfi.com Lover Kern River Mitigation Project— Year 4 Mitigation MoniLaririg and Report Preparation SOW April 13, 2010 Page 2 of 5 spring /early summer performance monitoring. In addition, another site visit vvill be conducted in the fall for maintenance observations. The 2006 aerial photography will be used as a base map during the site visit. In the event that the City has more recent digital image files (in color), it is assumed that the City will provide the recent digital image files to ICF for use in Year 4 mitigation monitoring. Table 1a. Performance Standards, Success Criteria, and Monitoring Method for Open Water habitat Parameter Performance Success Criteria Monitoring Standard Method Percent water hyacinth vegetation cover — maximum absolute vegetation cover. Wildlife use - mammal and bird species observed in the vicinity of the mitigation site during monitoring. Years 1 -4: 10 % Years 1 -4: No standard specified; however, trends toward increasing wildlife use will be regarded as an indicator of improving habitat quality. Year 5:5% Visual estimation Year 5: No standard specified; however, trends toward increasing wildlife use will be regarded as an indicator of improving habitat quality. Visual observation Table it b. Performance Standards, Success Criteria, and Monitoring Method for Enhanced Seasonal Wetland Habitat Parameter Percent exotic /weedy vegetation cover — maximum absolute vegetation cover. Wildlife use - mammal and bird species observed in the area during monitoring. Performance Standard Years 1 -4: 10% Years 1 -4: No standard specified; however, trends toward increasing wildlife use will be regarded as an indicator of improving habitat quality. Success Criteria Monitoring Method Year 5:5% Visual estimation Year 5: No standard specified; however, trends toward increasing wildlife use will be regarded as an indicator of improving habitat quality. Visual observation Lower Kern River Mitigation Project — Year 4 Mitigation Monitoring and Report Preparation SOW April 13, 2010 Page 3 of 5 Table 10. Perfoi ,5fnce Standards, Succe >s Criteria, and Monitoring Method for Created vex sonal Wetland Habitat Parameter Performance Standard Success Criteria Monitoring Method Percent vegetation Year 1: 30% Year 5: 80% Visual estimation cover - minimum Year 2: 55% along monitoring absolute percent Year 3: 70 % transect vegetation cover. Year 4: 80% Percent cover by Year 1: 50% Year 5: 75% Visual estimation hydrophytes - Year 2: 55% along monitoring minimum relative Year 3: 60% transect percent vegetation Year 4: 70% cover consisting of hydrophytes, as . indicated by facultative, facultative wet, or obligate wetland species. Invasive species - Years 14: 5% Year 5: 5% Visual estimation maximum relative along monitoring percent vegetation transect cover comprised of high priority invasive species (high priority species include giant reed, castor bean, and tamarisk). Hydrology - either soil Years 1 -4: Progressing Year 5: 100% Visual observation saturation within 12 toward hydrological of inundation inches of the soil parameter. and /or of soil surface or inundated, samples for a minimum of 21 consecutive days during the growing season. Wildlife use - wildlife Years 1 -4: No standard Year 5: No standard Visual observation species observed in specified; however, specified; however, marshes during trends toward trends toward monitoring. increasing wildlife use increasing wildlife use will be regarded as an will be regarded as an indictor of improving indictor of improving habitat quality. habitat quality. Acreage - minimum Years 1 -4: acreage Year 5: 1.46 acres. Calculation using Lower Kern River Mitigation Project —Year 4 Mitigation Monitoring and Report Preparation SOW April 13, 2010 Page 4 of 5 extent of area that progressing toward the _ GPS points meets the vegetation success criteria. and hydrology performance standards above,. Subt sk 1.2 - Prepare Year 4 Monitoring Report ICF will prepare a Year 4 monitoring report based on the results of the site visit. The Year 4 monitoring report will be based on the template developed by ICF for the Year 1 monitoring report. The Year 4 monitoring report will include the name, title and affiliation of the person(s) conducting the monitoring and preparing the report, ground -level photographs taken at photo documentation points, relevant maps, data summary tables, and comparison to Year 4 performance standards. The Year 4 monitoring report will also include observed problems with the mitigation site, recommended remedial actions, and a description of the effectiveness of previous remedial actions, as applicable. Deliverable Year 4 Monitoring Report. ICF will prepare three iterations of the Year 4 monitoring report: administrative draft for City review, draft for City and EPA review, and final. The administrative draft report will be provided electronically to the City. The draft and final report will be provided electronically and as hard copy to the City and EPA (two hardcopies to the City and one hardcopy to EPA). Schedule Per the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan for the Lower Kern River (September 2004), performance monitoring will be conducted in the late spring (i.e., May /June), when plant species are most identifiable. Maintenance- related site visits to follow -up on remedial actions will be conducted in the late spring (simultaneous with performance monitoring) and fall. In addition, hydrological site visits will be conducted in February and March to document presence of wetland hydrology where applicable. Because this window has already passed, a hydrological site visit will be conducted in late spring (simultaneous with performance monitoring). The administrative draft Year 4 monitoring report will be prepared within three weeks after completion of the second maintenance site visit in the fall. The draft Year 4 monitoring report will be prepared within three weeks after receipt of comments from the City on the administrative draft monitoring report. The final monitoring report will be prepared within three weeks after receipt of comments from the City and EPA on the draft monitoring report. Lower Kern River Mitigation Project —Year 4 Mitigation Monitoring and Report Preparation SOW April 13, 2010 Page 5 of 5 C7C) S The cost for this task is $17,972. Slokes Associates, Inc. T 117 ffoe —tive January 1, 2010 iP t.•. tt 'h iM. Y�.� 4 -'.;' f P. €� i` facatlons -� Senior • • • • Project Director $235 Technical Director $215 Managing Consultant/Senior Technical Analyst $195 Senior Consultant III $175 Senior Consultant II $150 Senior Consultant 1 $140 Associate Consultant 111 $130 Associate Consultant II $120 Associate Consultant 1 $110 Assistant Consultant $90 Technician $65 Administrative Technician $65 Intern $60 Other Copy Center Services: Color printing (8.5" x 11" 11 "x 17 ") $0.16 to $0.32 /page Black & White printing (8.5" x 11" --11" x 17 ") $0.08 to $0.16 /page Automobile mileage at current IRS rate $0.50 /mile Laptop computer (field projects only) $10.00 /day A general and administrative charge of 10% will be applied to all other direct costs, inclusive of subcontractor charges. Per diem is charged at $175.00 /day. A lodging surcharge will apply in high rate areas. Prompt Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc." clients may reduce any current invoice by (1 %) of the billed amount if payment is made within 10 business days of receipt of said invoice. g rates are subject to revision enective ,,anuary I c *Jones & Stokes Associates, Inc. is a wholly -owned subsidiary of ICF International, Inc. CONFIDENTIAL www ° 1CF INTERNATIONAL Water Board Meeting MISCELLANEOUS May 12, 2010 A. Information regarding US Army Corps of Engineers Isabella Lake Dam Public Meetings - For Board Information FW1 %JV !-%I I I ly VV1 V'> VI `I lyn Isabella Lake D Located approximately 42 miles northeast of Bakersfield, Isabella Lake is one of the largest man -made reservoirs in California. Isabella Lake was created in 1953 by the construction of two earthen dams on the Kern River in northeastern Kern County. Today Isabella Lake provides flood protection for the City of Bakersfield and the surrounding region, and provides a primary water resource for numerous water users in Kern County. The U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento �istrict:(l>$RF err cuoeratior�ry with the "U.S. 'Forest Service, Sequoia National Forest (USFS), 'mlends , f6. prepare a Oraft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Federal action to address dam safety concerns, including seismic, seepage and hydrologic issues at the Isabella Lake main and auxiliary dams. The USACE will be conducting initial public scoping meetings to present the results of investigations on the Isabella Lake Dams' deficiencies and the preliminary risk reduction measures that are being considered in the formulation of the remediation alternatives. There will also be a discussion of the EIS process, Q & A and an opportunity to submit comments and solicit community input regarding environmental issues of concern. KERN RIVER VALLET INITIAL PUBLIC G MEETING ay12,20100 6:00 pm - 00 r•,M Kernvifle Odd Fellows Hall 50 Tobias Street, Kernville, CA 9321 BAG'(ERSf;= ELD INITIAL PUBLIC SCORING MEETING May 13, 2010 6:00 pm - 6:00 pm City of Bakersfield MLK Community Center 1000 South Owens Street, Bakersfield, CA 93307 For more information contact: Tyler Stalker.- US Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District (916) 557 -5107 isabella @usace.army.mil Water Board Meeting 11. CLOSED SESSION May 12, 2010 A. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases). State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, a California Water District v. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, and DOES I through XX, inclusive; Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500- CV- 266459- KCT BAKE � O�y�covoeer� `f'S� ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT �gL1FO WATER BOARD MEETING DATE: May 12, 2010 AGENDA SECTION: Closed Session ITEM: ' 11.A. TO: David Couch, Chairman Harold Hanson, Commissioner Zack Scrivner, Commissioner FROM: Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney DATE: May 5, 2010 APPROVED DEPARTMENT HEAD CITY ATTORNEY UC SUBJECT: Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Closed session pursuant to subdivision (a) of Government Code section 54956.9 (Two cases). • State Water Resources Control Board Reference No. KMG:A31674 • KERN DELTA WATER DISTRICT, a California Water District v. NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a California Water Storage District, CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, a municipal corporation, and DOES 1 through XX, inclusive Kern County Superior Court Case No. S- 1500 -CV- 266459 -KCT VG:dll SAINATERMaterboard \09 -10 Clsessadmin \05- 12- 10existlit.Doc 5/5/2010