HomeMy WebLinkAbout989 RESULTS 2011SWRCB, Jar, uary 2002 Page / of Secondary Containment 'Testing Report Form This form is intendedfor use by contractors performing periodic testing of UST secondary containment systems. Use the appropriate pages of thisform to report resultsfor all components tested The completedform, written testprocedures, and printoutsfr m tests (fapplicable), should be provided to thefacility owner /operatorfor submittal to the local regulatory agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Ni e: MARKET EXPRESS I Date ofTesting: 10 /3 /11 Facility Address: 2500 WIBLE ROAD, BAKERSFIELD Facility Contact: Repairs Made Phone: Date Loca Agency Was Notified of Testing: 9/9/11 Name of 1 Agency Inspector {ifpresent during testing): 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Company ame: Rich Environmental Pass Techniciai Conducting Test: RICH PHILLIPS Repairs Made Credential;: X CSLB Licensed Contractor G SWRCB Licensed Tank Tester License Type: Manufacturer C61ID40 A HAZ License Number: 809850 Manufacturer Traininp. Component(s) Date Training Expires CON TS -STS 6/11/2012 DISP 1/2 X 91/DSLANNULAR 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: CERTIFICATION OF q To the best Of my knowledge, the facts V RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING document are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements Technician' Signature: - Date: 10/3/11 Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made 87 ANNULAR X DISP 1/2 X 91/DSLANNULAR X DISP 3/4 X 87 SECC NDARY X DISP 5/6 X Cl 91 SECONDARY X 87 FILL SUMP X DSL SECONDARY X 91 FILL SUMP X 87 VEN SECONDARY X DSL FILL SUMP X 91 VEN SECONDARY X 71. VENT BOX X DSL VENT SECONDARY X 7. 87 VAPOR BUCKET X VAPOR SECONDARY X 91 VAPOR BUCKET X 87 STP X 91 STP X DSL STP If hydrostatic testing was performed, describe what was done with the water after completion of tests: CERTIFICATION OF q To the best Of my knowledge, the facts V RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING document are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements Technician' Signature: - Date: 10/3/11 SWRCB, January 2002 4. TANK ANNULAR TESTING Page 2--of$ Test Method Developed By: D Tank Manufacturer X Industry Standard 0 Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: Pressure X Vacuum Hydrostatic IJ Other (Speci)j Test Equip nt Used: 4" DIAL GAUGE Equipment Resolution: Is Tank Exe Nl IBM Tank # 87 pt From Testing ?' Yes X No Tank # 91/DSL Tank # Tank # Yes X No C Yes No Yes No Tank Capaci Tank Material: STEEL STEEL Tank Manuf cturer: JOOR JOOR Product Stor d: 87 91/DSL Wait time pressure /vac starting test: een applying um/water and 30MIN 30MIN I Test Start T' e: 9:30 9.35 Initial Reading R: l OHG l OHG Test End Time: 10:30 10:35 Final Reading RF): 1 OHG 10171G Test Duratio 60 MIN 60 MIN Change in R ading (RF -Rt): 0 0 Pass/Fail Th vshold or Criteria: 0 0 Was sensor removed for testing? W X Yes D No NA C Yes No NA Yes No DNAXYes No D NA Was sensor verified functional properly replaced and after testing'? X Yes No NA X Wes No NA Yes DNo NA Yes D No DNA COMMCR6 - on repairs made prior to testing, and recommended Secondary a ntainment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors both the primary and secondary containment, uch as systems that are hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment testing. (Ca fornia Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2637(a)(6)) SWRCB, .lanu ry 2002 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING 43-) ,bS Page Test Method Developed By: D Piping Manufacturer X Industry Standard n Professional Engineer 30 MIN Other (Specifi ) Test Method Used: X Pressure Vacuum Hvdrostatic C Other (Sped) Test Equipme rt Used: 4" DIAL GAUGE Equipment Resolution: .5% Pipinp1: Piping Run #19l VENT Piping Run #DSL Piping Run #VPR piping Run # 5.5 VENT SECONDARY 12:00 FBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Final Readin FBERGLASS Piping Manus tnrer: SMITI4 SMITH SMITH d Piping Diame er: 3" 3" 3" L, ength of Pip ng Run: 15' 15' 125' Product Store LNL91 DIESEL UNL87/9I Method and 1 anon of 1 ninin -ivn is latinn: TEST BOOTb TEST BOOS' TEST BOOT Kt Wait time be pressureivacu startup test: meen applying m"water and 30 MIN 30 MIN 30 MIN Test Start Time: 1 1:00 11:00 12:15 lnitial Reading RI): 5.0 5.0 5.5 Test End Tim 12:00 12:00 1:15 Final Readin Rr.): 5.0 5.0 5.5 SWRCB, Janu• ry 2002 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING 43, :Tp 1Page __ of D _ Test Method Developed By Piping Manufacturer X Industry Standard Li Professional Fngineer 0 Other (Sped) Test Method Used: X Pressure C Vacuum r Hydrostatic i 1 Other (Specify) Test Equipme t Used: 4' DIAL GAUGE Equipment Resolution: .5% Piping Run # 87 Piping Run # 91 Piping Run # DSL Piping Run 987 VENT PLASTIC PLASTIC I FIBERGLASS0ipingMateri7ctwer- PLASTIC P, Manuf TCI TCl TCI SMITH Piping Uiame 2" 2" 2" 3" Length of Pipi tg Run: 125' 125' 125 36' l Product Store 87 91 DSL I 87 Method and location of IBOOTINSUMPBOOTINSUMPBOOTINSUMP VENT BOXiin -run iso ation: Wait time between applying pressure/vacu starting test: miwater and 30 MIN 30 MIN 30 MIN 30 lvti Test Start Time: 9:45 9:45 9:45 11:00 Initial Reading R,): 5.5 6.0 5.5 5,0 i test End Time: 10:45 10:45 10:45 I 12:00 Final Readin Rr): 5.5 — 6.0 5.5 5.0 Test Duration 60 MIN 60 MIN 60 MIN 60 MIN^ Change in Reading RF -Ri): 0 0 0 0 Pass /Fail Threshold or 0 PSI 0 PSI 0 PSI 0 Pst ICriteria: t n r - it r.;.•,b -:r i L.tr1. - e yrna,,t {la r t s 7 r pr tY` ,! y. t :91 2,. SWRCB, Jar u Eiry 2002 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Page S of Test Method Developed By: F Sump Manufacturer X Industry Standard. Q Professional Engineer El Other (Speck) Test. Method Used: C! Pressure Vacuum X Hydrostatic 4 Other (Speci& Test Equipme t Used: INCON TS -STS Equipment Resolution: Sump Diameter: Sump Depth: Sump # 87 39" 49" Sump # 91 Sump # DSL Sump # VENT BOX 39" 49" 39" 49" 1 26" 23" Sump Material: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Height from I Highest Pipin ank Top to Top of Penetration: 18" 18" 17" 4" Height from Tank Electrical Pen Top to Lowest tration: 1519 15" ! 16" _ N/A Condition of ump prior to testing: GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD Portion of Sut rip Tested' 20" V 20" 19" 6" Does turbine! sump sensor roduct and but down when etects liquid (both ater' ?• Yes 0 No X NA F7 Yes E No X NA I 0 Yes 'D No XNA I Yes No X NA r Turbine shutdown response time Is system prolVammed shutdown?* for fail -safe Yes J No X NA Yes ` No X NA CI Yes ..J No X NA Yes ;__ No X NA Was fail -safe operational? Wait time between pressure /vacu test: verified to be applying m /water and starting L- Yes E] No X NA 30 MIN Yes J No X NA f 30 MIN Yes L' No XNA 30 MIN I Yes ,2 No XN,4 30 MIN Test Start T' e: 11:37 11:57 11:37 ! 11:57 11:37 11:57 10:21 10:45 Initial Reading Rj): 4.286 4.286 4.372 4.372 2.105 2.105 2.278 i 2.278 Test End Time: 11:52 12:12 11:52 12:12 11:52 12:12 10 :36 11:00 Final Readin RF): 4.286 4.286 4.372 4.372 2.106 2.105 2.278 2.278 Test Duration: 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15M[N Change in Reading RF R ): 001 000 000 000 001 000 000 000 Pass /Fail Threshold or Criteria: 002 002 002 002 002 002 002 -.002 1 l r31 -' ji w < ,. e i -- ' S,'!= t;rr,}'; Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes D No Ii NA i X Yes No NA X Yes D No NA F_! Yes C No X NA Was sensor p verified functional operly replaced and X Yes :] No NA after testing? X Yes No ' NA X Yes Ci No Cl NA Yes i= o X NA. Comment include informarion on repairs made prior to testing, and recommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) If the entire epth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested. Vthe answer to an of the questions indicated with an asterisk (1) is' NO" or "NA ", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) GI SWRCB, January 2002 7. UNDER- DISPENSER CONTAINMENT WDCI TESTING Lj -;l 36 Page 6 of Q yy Test Method Developed By: ;7 UDC Manufacturer X Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Spec) Test Method Used: Pressure C Vacuum X Hydrostatic Other (Spec) Test Equipm nt Used: fNCON TS -STS Equipment Resolution: UDC #1/2 UDC #3/4 UDC #5/6 UDC # UDC Manu cturer: UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UDC Materi l: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS UDC Depth: 24" 30" 30" Height from of Highest P UDC Bottom to Top iping Penetration: 8" 8" 8" Height from Lowest Electrical UDC Bottom to Penetration: 3" 3" 3" Condition of testing: UDC prior to GOOD GOOD GOOD Portion of U DC Tested 10" 10" 10" Does turbine UDC sensor product and shut down when detects liquid (both water)?* Yes :]No X NA D Yes G No X NA C Yes No X NA Yes No NA Turbine shut own response time Is system programmed safe shutdown?* for fail- Yes No X NA Yes CI No X NA Yes C No X NA Yes No NA Was fail-safe operational?' verified to be Yes No X NA D Yes 0 No XNA Yes No X NA 0 Yes No D NA Wait time Ix pressure /vac starting test tween applying um /water and 30MFN 30MIN 30MIN Test Start Tine: 1:25 1:41. 1 :41 1 1:57 1:41 1:25 Initial Read' ig (R,): 3.025 3.026 1.803 1.801 3.458_ 3.457 Test End Time- 1:40 1:56 1:58 2:12 1:56 1:40 Final Read' RF): 3.026 1026 1.802 1.799 3.458 3.458 Test Duratio 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 1 SMIN 15MIN Change in R adin (RF -13q): 001 000 001 002 000 001 Pass/Fail Th eshold or Criteria: 002 002 002 002 002 002 rsernsor emoved for testing? X Yes No NA X Yes D No NA X Yes No DNA Yes 0 No NA roperly replaced and ional after testin ? X Yes D No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No DNA Yes D No 0 NA on repairs made prior io testimz and recommended Ifthe entir depth ofthe UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to My of the questions indicated with an asterisk (•) i "NO" or "NA ", the entire UDC must be tested. (Sec: SWRCB LG -160) SWRCB, J uary 2002 Page -of i} 8. FILL RISER CONTAIIVMF.NT SI1MP TF.ST]NG Facility is Not Equipped With Fill Riser Containment Sumps Q Fill Riser Containment Sumps are Present, but were Not Tested Test Method Developed By: Sump Manufacturer X Industry Standard Professional Engineer El Other (Specify) Test Meth d Used: Pressure a Vacuum X Hydrostatic Other (Spec) Test Equi Sum Di ment Used: INCON TS -STS Fill Sump # 87 Fill Sump # 91 eter: 37" 37" Equipment Resolution: Fill Sump # DSL Fill Sump # 37" Sump De h: 49" 49" 49" Height fro Hi est Pi Tank Top to Top of in Penetration: 14" 14" 13" Height fro Electrical n Tank Top to Lowest enetration: 16" 16" 15" Condition testing: of sump prior to GOOD GOOD GOOD Portion of ump Tested 16" 16" 15" F-Sump Ma rial: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Wait time pressure/v: starting to etween applying cuum/water and t: 30MIN 30MIN 30MIN Test Start ime: 10:45 11:19 11:57 12:13 10:21 10:45 Initial Reading R,): 1.567 1.567 2.708 2.709 2.563 2.564 Test End ime: 11:00 11:34 12 :12 12:28 10:36 11:00 Final Rea ing (RF): 1.567 1.570 2.709 2.710 2.564 2.564 Test Dura ion: 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN 15MIN Change in Reading (R,-Rj): 00 002 001 001 001 001 Pass/Fail eshold or Critcria: 002 002 002 002 002 002 Is there a ensor in the sump? X Yes No X Yes L No X Yes No Yes No Does the s either pro detected? nsor alarm when uct or water is Yes No X NA Yes []No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No NA Was sen removed for testing? X Yes C No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Yes No NA Was Sens verified ft r properly replaced and nctional after testing') X Yes No NA X Yes :1 No NA X Yes No El NA Yes No NA SWRCB, January 2002 9. SPILL/OVERFILL CONTAINMENT BOXES, Page of Facility is oof Equipped With S ill/Overfiill Containment Boxes Q Spill./Overfill CContainment Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested C Test Metho I DDeveloped By: Spill Bucket Manufacturer X Industry Standard E. Professional Engineer D Other (Spec) Test Method UUsed: 0 Pressure C Vacuum X Hydrostatic D Other (Spec) rest Equip eent Used: INCON TTS -STS EEquipment Resolution: Buc"Dia eer: 1 Spill Box #87 VPR Spill Box 491 VPR SSpill Box # SSpill Box # 12" 112" 1 Bucket Dep hh: 116" Wait time b ttween applying VISUAL FALL 330M N Test Start 'I' mme: 110:2 l 110:45 Initial Read nng (R,): 22.687 22.687 Test End Time: 11036 111:00 Final Readi gg (RF): 22.688 22.687 Test Duration: 115MIN 115MLN Change in Reading ( Rr -R,): - 001 - 000 Pass,/Fail T eeshold or - 002 - 002 t s r rr' F TEST S "FARTED 12:13 Phi TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.7092 IN END TIME 12:28 PIS END WITE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.7107 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.0x2 IN TEST RESULT PASSED TEST STAR-1-ED 12:13 Pit TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 9.0000 IN END TIME 12:28 PM END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 0.0000 iN LEAK THRESHOL 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED rIARKJ 7' EkFkESS2500WBLERDEAWRs'F`ELD CA 10/03/2011 1:40 PP) SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT DISP -2 TEST STARTED TEST STARTED 1325 Pm BEGIN LEW-L 1 - 0257 x NENDTIME3•b257 IN END DATE 1:4G Fri END LEVEL le/03/201f LEAK i HRESHOL 3.6265 IND0.002 INTESTRESULTPASSED DISP5 -6 TEST STARTED TEST STARTED BEGIN LEVEL END TIME END DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRES;H0i TEST RESULT 1:25 PM 10/03'261 i 3.4578 IN 1:40 PM 10/03/2011 3.4582 IN D 0.002 IN PASSED MARKET EXPRESS 2580 WIBLE RD EAKEF6FIELD CA 10/03/2011 1:57 PM SUMP LEAr•; TEST REPORT DISPI -2 TEST STARTED 1:41 PM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3.0264 IN END TIME 1:56 Ph END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 3.0266 IN LEAK THREEHOLD 0.062 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DISP3 -4 TEST STARTED 1:41 PM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL i.8W4 IN END TIME 1:56 PM END DATE 16/03/2011 END LEVEL 1.8023 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DISP5 -6 TEST STARTED TEST STARTED BEGIN LEVEL END TIME . END DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRESH01 TEST RESULT 1:41 PM 16/6;3/201/ 33.4560 IN 1:56 PM 10/03/2011 3.4580 IN D 0.002 IN PASSED DZSP3_q. TEiT rARTTESTSTAR7ED 1 °5r' Pp) BEGIN LEVEL 1074011ENDT ME /.80 NENDDATE2:12 PriENDLEVELlb/13;3,,2011LEAKTHRESHOLD17999INTESTRESJLI0.002 IN PASSED nag IK 91VPR TEST STARTED 1'3:21 At"' TEST _STARTED 0/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 12.6872 IN END TIME 10:36 AM END DATE 0/03/2011 END IE.UEL .6885 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSLrIL81 TEST 'TART `ED 10:21 AM TEST STARTED 1 /03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5635 IN END TIME 10:36 Am END DATE 1' 03/2611 END LEVEL 5643 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED UENTBX TEST STARTED 0:21 11111, STARTED 10 03 /2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2 2782 IN END TIME 0:36 AM END DATE 10 03/2011 END LEVEL 2.2783 IN LEAK THRESHOLD .002 IN EST RESULT PASSED RKE: E1crK 25x0 WIB'Li. R AaAKEFSFIELD 1 .34 Am 1F/03/2N11 o tN ! ErlK TEST R PORT 87r 1L$ MARKET EXPRESS 2500 W I BL £ RD 3AK£kSFIELD CA 10/03/2011 11:0Ei Art SUMP LEAJ< TEST REPORT 87FILS TEST STARTED 10:45 All TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 1.5675 IN END TIME 11:00 AM END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 1.5677 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED VPR DSLSTP TEST STARTED 11:37 AM TEST STARTED 1 2.0054 1N01BEGINLEVEL 11:52ENDTIME END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.1060 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED S1STP TEST STARTED 11:37 AM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BF_GIN LEVEL µl3 ?52 AMENDTIME END DATE 16/03/2011 END LEVEL 4.3723 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.0,02 I TEST RESULT q3n--,)% TEST STARTED 18:45 API rJARKef LypRESS TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 MARKET EXPRESS BEGIN LEVEL 2.6879 IN 25Hf WI>3± E RD END TIME 11:00 AM 6'AKEl FIEL GA END DATE 10/03/2011 LEAK THRESHOLD TEST RESULT END LEVEL 2.6876 IN 10/03/2e1i 12:12 Pm LEAD THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST STAR IED 11 :37 AM 1;. 286711 TEST RESULT PASSED SUMP LEf f TEST REPORT 87STP USLFILS END LEVEL INLEAKTHREOLDa. PASSED TEST STARTED 11:57 AM TEST STARTED 10:45 AM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4.2866.IN BEGIN LEVEL 2.5647 IN END TIME 12:12 PM END TTNE 11:00 AM END DATE 10/03/2011 END 08TE 1@/03/2011 END LEVEL 4.2863 IN END LEVEL 2.5647 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN LEAK THREE#HOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED TEST RESULT PASSED 91FILS kA:NTBX TEST STARTED 10:45 AM TEST STARRED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.2782 IN END TIME 11:06 AM END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.2782 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED TEST STARTED 11 :57 All, TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.7088 IN END TIME 12 :12 PM END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.7045 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSLSTP TEST STARTED 11 :57 AM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.1058 IN END TIME 12:12 PM END DATE 19/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.1058 IN LEAK THRE HOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 91STP TEST STARTED TEST STARRED BEGIN LEVEL END TIME END DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRESHOI TEST RESULT 11:57 .AM 10/03/2011 4.3723 IN 12:12 PM 10/03/2011 4.3722 IN D 0.002 IN PASSED 0 1 :19 AM rJARKef LypRESS TEST ';TARTE:D STARTED 201'1 11. 250@ WIBLE RDCATEST 3EGIN LEVEL 82 IN 1:34 AM BAKERSFIELD 11:53 AEIENDTIME DATE 147 03/2011IN 10/03/2011 i:ND 1 5701ENDLEVEL , X392 IN SUMP LEAP; 7tST REPORT LEAK THRESHOLD TEST RESULT kASSED 8 ?STN TEST STAR IED 11 :37 AM 1;. 286711TESTSTARTED BEGIN LEUEL 11:52 AteENDTIMEi0/03/2011ENDDATE4.2966 INENDLEVELINLEAKTHREOLDa. PASSED TEST RESULT TEST STARTED 11 :57 All, TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.7088 IN END TIME 12 :12 PM END DATE 10/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.7045 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED DSLSTP TEST STARTED 11 :57 AM TEST STARTED 10/03/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 2.1058 IN END TIME 12:12 PM END DATE 19/03/2011 END LEVEL 2.1058 IN LEAK THRE HOLD 0.002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED 91STP TEST STARTED TEST STARRED BEGIN LEVEL END TIME END DATE END LEVEL LEAK THRESHOI TEST RESULT 11:57 .AM 10/03/2011 4.3723 IN 12:12 PM 10/03/2011 4.3722 IN D 0.002 IN PASSED 0 S LA SB989 TESTING FAILURE REPORT E NAME: MARKET EXPRESS DATE: 10/3/11 DRESS: 2500 WIBLE ROAD TECHNICIAN: RICH ISP CITY. BAKERSFIELD SIGNATURE: THE FOLLOWING CONIPONENTS WERE REPLACED/REPAIRED TO COMPLETE STING. PAIRS: VPR BUCKET VISUAL FAIL. NEED NEW STYLE OPW. NEED DOTE. LABOR: PARTS INSTALLED: N TITLE: Sl GNATURE: THE T A C ABOVE NAMED PERSON TAKES FULL RESPONSIBILITY OF NOTIFYING APPROPRIATE PARTY TO HAVE CORRECTIVE ACTION TAKEN TO REPAIR ABOVE LISTED PROBLEMS AND NOTIFYING RICH ENVIRONMANTAL FOR NEEDED RETESTING. THIS ALSO RELEASES RICH ENVIRONMENTAL OF FINES OR PENALTIES OCCURING FROM NON - COMPLIANCE. COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN LEFT ON -SITE FOR YOUR DNVIENENCE. 3l'93