HomeMy WebLinkAboutFMC RESULUTS 2010T ti S MI 9VOWS F> jw Appendix M Copies of Monitoring System Cedffk don forth and UST Monitoring Plot Plan available at httn: //www.waterboards.co.nov.) MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For useWAllJarmft0ons MIhm ft state ofCaWbrrda Authority Cited: Chapter8.7, HeeM and Safety Code, Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, CalNomia Code of Regulations This form must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control- panel by the lechnidan who perfomre the work A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/ operator. The owner/operstormustsubmita copy ofthis form to the local agency regulating t1Sf systems within 30 days of tact date. A. Generallnformation Fsdlty Name: NNNaM Tovota Bldg. No.: Slto Address: 5100 Geaolkre Alley Dr. city: 9akersfm np: Fad* Contact Person: Contact Phone No.: ( 1 MakeAAodel of Morttaring SyaWm InconTS -1001 DateofTestingestvidrg: 2010 B. Inventory of Equlpmend Tested/Certified r haek the annrnnrluht hn r tnIntlirnManadarentdmwm t 1mr— twiJamut 4- Tank IM 97A Tank 111. In -Tank Ga4*M P, obe. Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: T313412 Model: TSR4AS In -Tank Gauging Robe. AnnularSpace orVaultSensor. Model• Model: Piping Snapp I Trench Seesa(s). Fill SumpSerwr(s). Model: TSP -ULS Model: 0 Piping Sump / Trench Senaor(a). Fill Sump Seneor(a). Model: Model X Mechanical Line Leak Defector. Modal. RQ Mechanical Line LeakDetector. Model. Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / Hlgh . el Sensor. Model: TankOftO / Hlgh-I.avel Sensor. Model: Other ant type and racer in Section Eon Ocher (specifyequiptneft type and model in Section Eon Paw 2)- Tank 10' TanklD kr -Tank Gauging Robe. Model: In -TankGauging Probe. Modek Annular Spada or Vault Sensor. Model: Annular Space orVault Sensor. Model: Piping Sump / Trench Seneor(s). Model: Piping Sump / TrenchSensor(s). Model- Fit SumpSensor(s). Model- Fill Sump Sensor(a). Model. Mac haniml Une Leak Detector. Model: Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Modek 0 Electronic Lime LeakDetector. Model: 0 BeclronleUne Leak Detector. Model: 0 Tank Overfill / Kgh-Level Sensor. Model: Tank Overfill / 1-1104.eval Sensor. Modet Q other emittype and model In Section E22_Pa Other end model M &scion E on DlapeMer lD 1 Dispenser & X DISPOIA r ContainmentSeesor(s). Model: Aeaudreau 0 Dlspanaer ContainmentSensor(a), Model: X ShearVale*). SheerVeWe(s). D DMWW CortakvneM a and Chal s. D Dhpenser Containment s and s. Dispenser IM DispenserIm Dispenser ComebmnemtSeesor(s). Model: Dispenser Untal menSensor(s). Model: 0 Shear Velve(s). Shear VaWe(s). 01spenw ContainmentFWal and Cher e . Dispenser Cortakment a andCho s . Dbpensorlo- DlepeneerID: Dispenser CarlelmnertSensorial. Model: Dispenser Calairtmemt Sensor(s). Model: ShearVeWe(s). Shear Vahre(a). am= Co-ta meet a and ChaWs ContalnmelitFicaffs) and nhrhereuarywrnuure mwn inhere aroaparheera, copy nor ronn. mouseanorr mum mr every tang ariaarepenser arse rarmy. C. Cerdfh:atlon - I cor* that the equipment identified In this doaarent was InspaetsdASavkod In accordance with the manufeatarmW guidelines. Atlaehed to We CardReetlon Is hftmedon (eg. mmnufteturers' dreekilete) necessary to vwffy that tide Infonrnatlon Is correctandaPlotPlanshowingthelayoutofmonitwhgegWpnlentFaranyegoiprnentcapableofgonaratlngsuchreportsIhavedaostlacheda copy ofthe repoyk (drselr a0 Met apply): XSystem set-up XAlarm history report Tafticlarl Name (prim): MmW. Htnslev SlgnaWre: Certification No.: 223613761 Ucenae.No.:9Z1733A Testing Company Name: CeWalkw Eaalanent Phone No.:t6611327 -6341 Testing Company Address: X011G mac Ave. Bakersfield. Co. 93306 Date ofTesUrglServici g: 12 / 13 / 201D UmMot" system Csrtl6eaffon Page 1 of 4 12/07 2/21/07 r , F. In -Tank Gauging ISIR Equipment: X Check this box iftank gauging Is used any for Inventory control. Check this box If no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. Thissection must be completed IfYHank gauging equipment is usedto perform leak detection monitoring. loam ram me Twx1owing G18CIOWE rgua.n crrecrgWC Yes 0 No* Has all input wiringbeen Inspected for proper entry and termination, including testing forground faults? Yes No* Were alltank. gauging probes visually inspected fordamage and residue buUdup? Yes No* Was eccurM ofsystem product level readings tented Yes No' Was accuracy of system water level readingstested? Yes 0 No• Were all probes reinstalled properly? Yes No. Were all !terns onthe equipment manufacturers mah tenencechecklist completed? inthe Section H. below. describe haw and whenthese deflelenclas were orwill becorrected. G. Line leak Debmtors (LLD): Cl Chaa this boxIf LLDe are not installed. me rgua.n crrecrgWC X Yes No• 0 NIA Forequtpmerd start-up orannual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to verify LLD performance? (CheckaB MatawW Simulated leak rate: X9 g.p.h.; 0.1 g.p.h ; 0.2 g.p.h. X Yes 0 No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accuratewithin regulatory requirements? X Yes No• Wastheteeling appakahm properlycalibrated? X Yes No• WA Formechanical LIAs, does the LLD restrict product flow If it detects a leak? Yes 0 No, X WA For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut offIfthe LLD detects a leak? Yes No' X WA For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automaftally shut off if any portion of the monifodrrg system is disabled or disoonneakM? 0 Yes No• X WA For electronic LLDs, does fire turbtrre automatically shut off if arty portion of the monitoring system malfunctions or fops a test? Yes NO* X WA For electronic LL-Da, have all accessible wiring connections been visually Inspected? X .Yes No• Were all pears on the equipment manufacturers maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H. below. describe how and whenthese deficlanclas wereatwtp becorrected. H. CommerKe: MonthAV Sye6sm Certification Page 3 of 4 11W 3 2/21/07 Monfforing System Ceraftatlon UST Monitoring Site Plan sitenadrosa: 5100 Gssdlm Auev Dr. 9akersliele_ Ca. i I ...... A ................. ................. iV. X11...... ................. I ......................... .................. 0 for .. o .............. 8 .. - mokjfw .. . . . .. . .. . . uro,r : . o. . I........................... I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I........... A1SP. ......... ... ... . . I . . . . . . . . ................. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I........... ................. I . . . . . . . . . . I . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. Date mapwas drawn: t /_L2L/ 2010 Instructions If you already have a diagram that shows all required information, you may indude k rather than this page, with yarn NWitoring System Certification. On your Me plmn, show thegeneral layout oftanks end piping. Cleary Wer fyr bastions ofthe following equipment If Installed: monitoring system control parcels; sensors monitoring tank armlar spaces, sumps, dispenser parts, Will containers, or other secondary corntalwant areas; med=Kmf or eledroaic ft leak detectors; and indank liquid level probes (if used for leak detectlon). In the space provided, note the date this Site Plan was prepared. Mmdtaft System Certffleall- Page 4or4 12W 4 2121/07 SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form Thisform is lruendedfor use by cauractorsperforming amoral testing ofWspUlcontamment s&ucturer. The completedform and printoutsfrom tests (Y applicable), should beprovided to thefacility owner /operatorfor submlual to the local regulatory agency. I FArvrr.rrV MRnnw,rsmrnu Facility Name: Bill Wright Toyota Data ofTesting: 12/1301010 Facility Address: 5100 Gasoline Alley Dr. Facility Contact Phone: Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTesting: Nate ofLocal Agency Inspector (tfpresent during testing): 2. TFCIMWC. CONTRACTOR iNFnlDMATinN Company Name: Cal-Valley Equipment Technician Conducting Test: Bruce W. Hinsley Credentials`: X CSLB Contractor ICC Service Tech. Q SWRCB Tank Tester Other License Number(s): 794170A 3. SPli.i. RTJCKFT TVRTiNC iNFn)RMATFON Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic 0 Vacuum Other Test EquipmentUsed: Visual MEN= Identify Spil] Bucket (ByTank 1 87 UL 2 87 UL Vapor Number, Storedproduct era) Equipment Resolution: a 3 4 Bucket installation Type: X Direct B Containe7in X Direct Buy Contained in Sump Direct Bury Contained in Sump Direct Bury Contained in Sump Bucket Diameter. 11" 11" Bucket Depth: 11" 11" Wait time between applying vacuum/water and start of test: 10 min. 10 min. Test StartTime (T: 14:30 1430 Initial Reading (R): 9.75" 9.75" Test EndTime (TF): 15:30 15:30 Final Reading (RF): 925" 0S0" Test Duration (TF — TO: 1 Hr. 1 Hr. Change in Reading (RF - R1): 0.5" 9.25 " Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 025" 0.23" Commmb — (include information onrepairs madeprior to tentn& andrecommendedfollow-upforfailedtests) CERTIFICATION OFTECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING I hereby certify thatallthe information containedin this report h true, accurate, and Infugcompliance with legal requirements. Technician's Signature: ccuc 1, jAu4e Date:12/1302010 u State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed bya qualified contractor. However, local requirements may Mm m.. atrinonnt CY L' Cal- Valley Equipment 3500 Gilmore Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 661 - 327 -9341 FAX# 661 - 325 -2529 VAPORL)E;SS MANUFACTURING, INC. r.nT_RQn Teak nptPetar Tpat Rpenrd Contractor. Cal-Valley E4in ent Customer. Bill Wright Toyota Date: 12/13/2010 Location: 5100 Gasoline Alley Dr. Bakersfield, Ca. Product: 87 UL Technician: Bruce W. Hinsle Submersible P= Identification Manufarhuer: RedJacket Model No.: Serial No.: Notes: irk Detector idpnfifimfinn Manufacturer: Red'acket Description: Diaphragm-type: Piston-type: PLD Tamper -proofseal installed: Other Style Leak Detector: Notes: Leak Detector in Submersible Pomn Teat at Dignenser Operating Pump Pressure (psi): 23 15 Gallons per hour rate: 3.0 22 Line press= with pump shut off (psi): 11 23 Bleed-back Test with punp off (no): 70 2 Step-throughStep-through time to full flow (secs): 3 30 Leak detector stays in leak search position (Yes/No): Yes 42 Leak DetectorTeat Pass / Fail Notes: Pass Co fete thermal expansion test beforefailing leak detector t r l i FAX /MODEM DATA MODE MODE NATIVE BAUD 1200 BAUD DATA BITS 3 BITS STOP BITS 1 STOP BIT PARITY NO PARITY SECURITY ACCESS 1 PHONE 1 REDIAL 1 DISABLED ACf.E55 2 PHONE 2 REDIAL 2 DISABLED ACCESS 3 PHONE 3 REDIAL 3 DISABLED ACCESS 4 PHONE 4 REDIAL 4 DISABLED DIAL DELIU DIAL ALARM DIAL LEAK FAX MODE ACCESS 1 PHONE 1 ACCESS 2 PHyD1-SE 2 CCES TPHONE ACCESS 4 PHONE 4 FAX DELIVERY FAX ALARM FAX LEAK FAX REPORT LEAK TESTS CONFIDENCE MIN TEST TIME 2 LEAK TEST TANK 1 0.20 TEST SCHEDULES TANK I SCHEDULE NONE TIME 12:00 AM. ALARM ON TEST FAIL NO ANNUNCIATORS MODULATED ANNUNCIATOR TIMEOUT 0 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P Y- Q- FF ---__ -_ SOLID ANNUNCIATOR TIMEOUT 0 OUTPUT GROUPS A -P ____-- - - - - -- Q--FF - -- - RELAYS RELAY 1 TIMEOUT I OUTPUT GROUPS A -P - - Q-FF - -- RELAY 2 TIMEOUT 15 1 I OUTPUT GROUP; A-P ---- - SENSORS - - --- NUMBER OF SENSORS 2 SENSOR I STD NAME ANULAR SPACE STD Ofi GROUP A SENSOR 2 STD NAME TURRIN SUMP STD 0/G OROUP A AUXILIARY INPUTS INPUT 1 ACTIVE CLOSED NAME AUXILIARY .I AUX INPUT 0/6 NONE INPUT 2 ACTIVE CLOSED NAME AUXILIARY 2 AU)( INPUT 0/6 NONE TS-ROM GRACE PERIOD 0 CHANNEL 1 OUTPUT GROUPS A -P Y Q--FF CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT GROUPS l Q-FF CHANNEL 3 OUTPUT GROUPS Q-FF - - CHANNEL 4 OUTPUT GROUPS I CHANNEL 5 OLITP!1T GROUPS A -P - - - D-FF -- CHANNEL 6 OUTPUT GROUPS D-FF -- -- CHANNEL 7 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P - - - Q-FF - CHANNEL S OUTPUT OROIFPS --`- Ij A-P Q-FF 9 i BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 5100 GASOLINE ALLEY DR BAKERSFIELD,CA.93313 1- 661-398 -8837 i 12/13/2018 3:41 PM I SENSOR STATUS-REPORT SENSOR N0. -I`', .. i ANULAR SPACE OK SENSOR NO. 2 I TURBIN SUMP I OK 9 i I SYSTEM ID SEE ABOVESEE PRODUCTS MEASUREMENT UNI ?S PRODUCT 1 NAME UNL REGVOLUMEGALLONS LEVEL INCHES TYPE UNLEADED REG TEMPERATURE FAHRENHEIT REPORT SCHEDULES BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA CLOCK/CALENDAR INVENTORY57gpr,ASOLINE ALLEY DR I TIME STYLE 12 HOUR r PRODUCT DETAIL 0RKERSFIELD .CA.93313 DATE STYLE MM/DD/YY SCHEDULE NONE1- 661 -395 -8837 DAYLIGHT SAV ENABLED PRODUCT SUMMARYSETTIME2:59 PM SCHEDULE NONE2:32 PM12/13/2010 I SET DATE 12/13/2010 PRODUCT USAGE DETAIL i ALARM REPORT SENTINEL MODE SCHEDULE NOW PRODUCT USAGE SUMMARYit2:32 PM I MODE OFF START TIME 12:00 AM SCHEDULE NONE TANK DETAIL STANDARD SENSOR END TIME 12:00 AM SCHEDULE NONE TURBIN SUMP SENSOR NO. 2 I REPORT PRINT ENABLES TANK SUMMARY SCHEDULE NONEDELIVERIESENABLEDRECONCILIATION I ALARMS ENABLED LEAK TESTS ENABLED SCHEDULE NONE IY LIMITS 2.00: j PRODUCT DETAIL I SCHEDULE NOWLERK'LIMIT PRODUCT SUMMARYl .LE ®®LK LIMIT 0/0 NONE THEE? LIMIT 10.00 I NOW THEFT LIMIT 0/O DELIUERYEHISTORYNONESCHEDULE NOME r MISCELLANEOUS ALARMS ACTIVE ALARMS BILL WRIGHTSHT TOYOTA YSTEM FAIL 0/G NONE SCHEDULE' NONE5100GASOLINEALLEYDRIDELIVERYDELAY15CLEAREDALARMS BAKERS- JELD.CA -93313 HISTORY LENGTH 56 SCHEDULE NONE1- 661.398 -0837 PRINT INTERVAL ALARM HISTORY 2::53 PM1 1 TANK SCHEDULE NONE 12/1x2010 SENSOR STATUS ALARM REPORT NUMBER OF TANKS 1 I SCHEDULE T, NONE 233 PM TANK 1 4 SCHEDULE NONE f 12/13/2010 STANDARD SENSOR I NAME TANK 1 i 9M PORTSANKTYPESPECIAL1 SEJFI DACE PROBE PROBE 1 j COW PORT 1riPRODUCTPRODUCT1 MANIFOLD NONE r -- $ PROD OFFSET 1.888 1200 BALD DATA BITS 8 BITSIIOFSFSE . -1.00 STOP BITS 1 STOP SIT DETE PARITY NO PARITYIjHIGHHIGHLIM96.1000 SECURITYHIGHHIGHO/G NONE COMM PORT 2HIGHLIMIT96.000 MODE NATIVE. HIGH LIMIT O/G NONE 1208LOWLIMIT0.0 LOW LIMIT O/G NONE DATA BITS BITS BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA LOW LOW LIMIT 0.0 STOP BITS 1 STOP SIT PARITY NO PARITY5100r,ASOLINE ALLEY DR LOW LOW O/O NONE SECURITY 0 IERSFIFLD.CA.93313 t WATER LIMIT ACCESS i 1- 661 - 398 -8837 WATER O/G ..:. PHONE 1 2:59 PM j i Si'ECIAL TANKS REDIAL I DISABLED 12/13/2010 ACCESS 2 SYSTEM SETUP REPORT SPECIAL PHONE 2 REDIAL 2 DISABLEDDIAMETER ' 110.500 ACCESS 3 SYSTEM INFO LENGTH 240.000 PHONE 3jCORRECTIONPTS. 0 REDIAL 3 DISABLED j SOFTWARE TIP/2/Z i PROSES ACCESS 4 PART 1.11 PHONE VERSION 10/05/1998 PROBE 1 REDIAl44 DISABLED RELEASED TYPE STD 125 DIAL DELIU GRADIENT 8.97936 DIAL ALARM j DIAL LEAKFLOATS2FLOATS FLOAT TYPE MOLINE t'i c txdl g Appendix VI Copies of Monitoring System Certflme form and UST Monitoring Plot Plan available at httn:/Avww.waterboards.Ca.aoV.) MONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION For Use ByA9 Juns"ona Wdhv fine &We ofCaNlion" Authority Cited: Chapter8.7, Health and Safety Code, Chapter 16, Division 3, Title 23, Calllomla Code of Regulations This form must be used to document tasting and servicing of monitoring equipment. A separate certification or report must be prepared for each monitoring system control panel by the technician who performs the work. A copy of this form must be provided to the tank system owner/ operator. The owner /operator must subrnit a copy of this form to the kcalagency regulating UST systems within 30 days of tact date. j A. Generallnformatimh Facility Name: HillWtaM701,010 Bldg. No.: Site Address: 5100 08ealela Alkry IX W. Bakersfield Zip: FacitdyContactPerson: Contact Plane No.: ( 1 Make/Model ofMonbrI g system InconTS•1001 DateofTing: •.]L /—IL/ 2010 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested/Certified rh—r 0— a....«....uera h.. — M I..AL -6a e,. —ram Task ID: 87 UL Tank tG: hr -Tank Gauging Probe. Model: TSP -LL2 IrFTartcGauging Probe. Model: Annular Space or VaultSensor. Model: TSP-Ut.S Annular Space orVaultSensor. Model: X Piping Sump / TrenchSensorial. Model: TSP-UW 0 Piping Sump / Trench Sevaor(s). Model: FillSumpSerrsa(s). Modek FYI Sump Sermor(s). Modal: X Mechanics! Line Leak Defector. Modet: PLD 0 Medmnitwl Lke Leak Detector. Modek Electronic Lire Leak Detector. Model: Electronle Line Leak Detector. Model: TankOverfill / Hot -Leval Sensor. Model: o Tank Cveft / H1gh -Level Sermm. Model: Other antlype and model In Section Eon Other ens Wand model inSection Eon Page 2). Tarr ID: Tank t!). D In -Tank GaugingProbe. Model: In -Tank Gauging Probe. Modet Annular Space orVault Sertsor. Model: Annular Space orVault Sensor. Model: Piping Sump / Trench Sensorial. Model: Piping Sump / TrenchSensor(s). Model: FYI Sump Sansor(s). Model: o FYISharp Sersor(s). Model: 0 Medhanlcal Une Leak Detector. Model: D Madhanicel Line Leak Detector. Model: 0 Electronic Llne Leak Defector. Model: ElectronicUne Leak Detector. Model: Tank Overfill / High -Level Sensor. Model: Tank Ova& / FBgh-I.evel Sensor. Model: 6 Other. and model in Section E on Other and model In Section E on Dispenser Im 1 DispenserID: X Dispenser Containment Sensori(a). Model: Beaudreau DlspanaerContainmentSensor(s). Model: ' X Shearval1,e(3). Shear Vaive(s). Dispenser Cardakhmdtt a and Chal e . merContainment a and s . Dlaperm" ID: DisperwarIQ 0 Dktpww (5ontakmrent Soxon(s). Model: DisperserContainmententbergs). Model: ShearValve(s). Shear vows). Cmtakhmmd a and Cha a. DispenserCamakhment s and Cho s . Dispenser 10. DfspenowwIM. D"ser ContainmenttSensoi(a). Model: DisperserContainmentSensorial. Model: ShearVaWs). Shear Valve(s). UspenserContainment s and Chat s 2W= ContainmentFloat(s) mid 8 . y w,naemn,wo -- u, ,w.yr uaa ,u,n,. nnauwnnw„muu, ,un nv.ny mncenvv por®er atsheraga[y. C. Certification - I certify that the equipment Identlfled In this docu eft was irwpecbxUeervked In accordance with the nwwfbcWroW gul lellnes. Attached to die Certl9cetlon Is information (a.g, marnrfecbrnnes' checklists) necessary to verify that this Inforrnadw Is correct and a Plot flan showing the taymd ofmonkorbg equipment. Forany equipment capable of generating such reports, I have also attached a ropy of the report; (cheekallchatM*41: XSystem set-up XAlarm history report Tac nician Name (print): Bruce W. Krislev Signsl re: s 4—la Certification No.: 223813781 Ucarm. No.: 921733A Testing Company Name: Cal -Varev Eauloment Phone No.:t8811327 9341 Testing Company Address: 3508 Gilmore Ave. Baland ld. Ca 93388 Date of TeaftmServkhg: 12 / 13 / 2010 Monitoring System Cerdfleatlon Page1 of 4 11!07 1 2/21/07 F. InTank Gauging I SIR Equipment X Check this box iftank gauging Is used only forInventory control. 0 Check this box If no tank gauging or SIR equipment is installed. thissection must be completed if "nkgauging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. e—. W.. e,.. f jl—n— eir—knr,d• Yes 0 No• Has all Input wiring been inspected forproperentry and termination, including testing forground faults? Yes Ne Werealltank gauging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? Yes 0 No' Was accuracyofsystem product level readingstested Yes No* Was accuracy ofsyetmn water level readings tested? Yes 0 No* Ware all probes reinstalled properly Yes No• I Where all Items on theequipmentmanufadurat's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencieswere orVIII be corrects& G. Line Leak DebmAors (LLD): Check this box If LLDs are not bmtelled. X Yes No• For equipment start -up orannual equipment certification, was a leak sknulated to verifyLLD performance? (Checkall NIA thatepp(y) Simulated leak rate: X 8 g.p.h.; 0.1 g.p.h; 0.2 g.p.h. X Yes No* Were all LLDs confirmed operational and accuratewithin regulatory requirements? X Yes No* Was the testing apparatus properly calibrated? X Yes Ne For mechanical LLDs, does the LLD restrict product flow if It detects a leak? 0 WA Yes No* For electronic LLDa, doesthe turbine automatically shut offIfthe LLDdetects a bak? X WA Yes 0 No' For electronic LLDs, does the turbine automatically shut off if any portion of the monitoring system Is disabled or X WA disconnected? Yes No• For electronicUMs, does the turbine automatically shut off W any portion of the monitoring systern malfunctions or X WA fags a tact? Yes No* For electronic LLDs, have all accessible wiring connections been visually Inspected? X NIA X, Yes No• Ware all Items on theequipmentmanufacturer's maintenance checcgst completed? In the Section H. below, describe how and whenthese deflckmcies were orwill becorrected. H. Comments: I Monitoring System Certfil n Page 3 of 4 12MY 3 2/21/07 Mon)Wng System Certification UST Monitoring Site Plan Site Address: 5100Gasoline Allen Dr. Bakerafleld. Co I l.................. . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . J'................. ................. VV..........F ) lt...... ................. A,toor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . ................. o................. moi4!for . . . . . . . . . . . . . K r,u1o.. .......... I............................ AISO........ ................. I ................. I .............. I...... I ................. I....... I .......................... ................ I................ I.................... I...:........... I .... . ................. I.................... I ...... . Date mapwas drewn: Instructions If you already have a diagram that shows all required Worrnatlon, you may include R rather than this page, with your Monitoring System Certification. On your aloe plan, show the general layout of tanks and piping. Cleary klentify locations of the following equipment, if Installed: monkDrft system control panels; sensors monitoring Oantr annular spaces, sumps, dispenser pans, will containers, or other secondary containment areas; mechanical or elecirmic Nnne leak detectors; and in4ank liquid level probes (if used for leak deieo0on). In the space provided, rota the date Oils Sits Plan was prepared. Pago 4e14 12107 4 2/21/07 SWRCB, January 2006 Spill Bucket Testing Report Form Thisform is intendedfaruse by contractors performing annual testing ofM7spill contamment structures. The completedform and printoutsfrom tests (lfqppliaable), should be providedto thefacility ownerloperatorfor submittal to the local regulatoryagency. 2. TF-'gT[NV.VONTRArTn-RMVnIZMAT]FnN Company Name: C11-Valley Equipment Technician Conducting Test: Bruce W. Hinsley Credentials: X CSLB Contractor ICC Service Tech. 0 SWRCB Tank Tester 0 Other (Speco) License Number(s): 794170A 3. RPM. RITrk-F.T TIF.RTING YNWn'RMATFON Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic vacuum 0 Other Facility Name: Bill Wright Toyota FE; 7offestMng: 12/13/2010 Equipment Resolution: 3 4 Facility Address: 5100 Gasoline Alley Dr. X Direct Bury Contained in Sump. Facility Contact Phone: 0 Direct Bury Contained in Sump Date Local Agency Was Notified ofTesting: Bucket Diameter- N— ofLocal Agency Inspector ffprerent dwft1-tbW-. 2. TF-'gT[NV.VONTRArTn-RMVnIZMAT]FnN Company Name: C11-Valley Equipment Technician Conducting Test: Bruce W. Hinsley Credentials: X CSLB Contractor ICC Service Tech. 0 SWRCB Tank Tester 0 Other (Speco) License Number(s): 794170A 3. RPM. RITrk-F.T TIF.RTING YNWn'RMATFON Test Method Used: X Hydrostatic vacuum 0 Other Tog Equipment Used: Visual Identify Spill Bucket (By Tank 1 97 UL Fill 2 97 UL Vapor Number Stored Product, eta) Equipment Resolution: 3 4 Bucket Installation Type- X Direct Bury Contained in Sump. X Direct Bury Contained in Sump 0 Direct Bury Contained in Sump Direct Bury Contained in SUMP Bucket Diameter- 11" Bucket Depth: 11" Wait time between applying vacuum/water and startof test: 10 Min. 10 min. Test Start Time (TO: 14:30 14:30 Initial Reading (RO: 9.75" 9.75" Test End Time (T,,): 15:30 15:30 Final Reading 925" 0.50" Test Duration (TF - TO: I Hr. I Hr. Change in Reading (& - n: 0.5" 9.25 " I Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria. 025" 0.25" tggi -75- -5-7--, 77, AVE.- T, j COMMeats - (include information on repairs made prior to testing andrecommendedfollow -upforfailed tests) CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING TMS TESTING Ihereby cer* thatall the Information containedIn this report Is trite, accurate, and 6tfallcompliance wfth legal requirmenft Technician's Signature: c 'I., jh" Date:12113/2010 State laws and regulations do not currently require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may be. m m. Qti4nvP.nt CVE Cal- Valley Equipment 3500 Gilmore Ave. Bakersfield CA 93308 661 -327 -9341 FAX# 661 -325 -2529 VAPORLESS MANUFACTURING, INC. LDT -R9t1 Leak Detector Tent Rernrd Contractor. Cal-VaHey Equipment Customer. Bill Wri To ota Date: 12113/2010 Location: 5100 Gasoline Alley Dr. Bakersfield, Ca. Product: 87 UL Technician: Bruce W. Hinsley Submersible Pump Identificati Manufacturer: RedJacket Model No.: SerialNo.: Notes: T Akak netertnr Tdentifiratinn Manufacturer. Red'acket Description: D' Piston-type: PLD Tamper -proof seal installed: Other Style Leak Detector: Notes: Leak Detector in Submersible Pomn Tent at Dignenser Operating Pump Pressure (psi): 23 15 Gallons per hour rate: 3.0 22 Line press= with pump shut off (psi): 11 m 23 Bleed -back Test with pump off (ml): 70 2 Step-throughStep-through time to full flow (sees): 3 Lvwa. 30 Leak detector stays in leak search position ffqs o): Yes 42 Leak Detector Teat Pass / Fail Notes: Pass Complete thermal expansion test beforefailing leak detector FAX/MODEM lRELAYS J DATA MODE MODE NATIVE BAUD 1200 BAUDiDATABITS8BITS STOP BITS 1 STOP BIT PARITY NO PARITY SECURITY A-P --- ACCESS 1 PHONE 1 REDIAL 1 DISABLED ACCESS 2 PHONE 2 I OUTPUT GROUPS REDIAL 2 DISABLED 5108 GASOLINE ALLEY DR ACCESS 3 PHONE 3 Q-FF REDIAL 3 DISABLED ACCESS 4 PHONE 4 NUMBER OF SENSORS 2 REDIAL 4 DISABLED SENSOR STATUS,- REPORT DIAL DELIV DJAL ALARM NAME ANULAR DIAL LEAK ANULAa SPACE FAX MODE OK ACCESS 1 j PHONE 1 ACCESS 2 i STD 0/G GROUP A PHONE 2 TURBIN SUMP ACCESS 3 PHONE 3 P 4 INPUT i FAX DELIVERY ACTIVE CLOSED FAX ALARM FAX LEAK FAX REPORT AUX INPUT O/G NONE LEAK TESTS INPUT 2 CONFIDENCE 99.0'!, ACTIVE CLOSED MIN TEST TIME 2 NAME AUXILIARY 2 LEAK TEST AUX INPUT 0/6 NONE TANK 1 0.20 TS-ROM TEST SCHEDULES TANK ] 1 SCHEDULE NONE OUTPUT GROUPS TIME 12:08 AM, A-P Y ALARM ON TEST FAIL NO I Q-FF - ANNUNCIATORS CHANNEL 2 MODULATED ANNUNCIATOR OUTPUT GROUPS TIMEOUT 0 A-P - - OUTPUT GROUPS Q-FF A -P Y---- CHANNEL 3 Q-FF OUTPUT GROUPS SOLID ANNUNCIATOR A -P -- — TIMEOUT 0 Q-FF OUTPUT GROUPS CHANNEL 4 A- P - --_- Q-FF — lRELAYS J wjRELAY i I TIMEOUT 15 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P --- Q-FF - - - -- — RELAY 2 V TIMEOUT 15 BILL WRIGHT TOYOTAIOUTPUTGROUPS5108GASOLINEALLEY DR A -P - BAKERSFIELD.CA.93313 Q-FF SENSORS 12/13/2010 5:41 PM NUMBER OF SENSORS 2 I' SENSOR STATUS,- REPORT SENSOR 1 STD SENSOR NQ:_I_._ . I- NAME ANULAR i ANULAa SPACEROKSENSOR2STD NAME TURBIN SUMP SENSOR NO. 2STD0/G GROUP A TURBIN SUMP OK AUXILIARY INPUTS INPUT i ACTIVE CLOSED NAME AUXILIARY 1 AUX INPUT O/G NONE INPUT 2 ACTIVE CLOSED NAME AUXILIARY 2 AUX INPUT 0/6 NONE TS-ROM CQACE PERIOD 0 i j CHANNEL 1 iOUTPUTGROUPS A-P Y I Q-FF - CHANNEL 2 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P - - Q-FF CHANNEL 3 OUTPUT GROUPS A -P -- — Q-FF CHANNEL 4 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P - - -- Q-FF -- -- - CHANNEL 5 OUTWIT GROUPS A -P - - -- CHANNEL 6 OUTPUT GROUPS A -P - - - -- Q-FF - CHANNEL 7 OUTPUT GROUP'S A-P - Q-FF -- CHANNEL 8 OUTPUT GROUPS A-P ---- - - - -- Q-FF - -- 1, BILL WRIGHT TOYOTASOaP ()PSOL.INE ALLEY DRBAKERSFIELD.CA.93313 1-661 -398 -8837 12/13/2010 2:32 PM ALARM REPORT 2:32 PM12/13/2:!10 II STANDARD SENSOR TLR8114 SUMPSENSORN0. 2 BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA T SBAKERSFFIIELDECA1 R 93313 i 1-661- 398 -8037 12/13/2010 2:33 PM ALARM REPORT 12/13/2010 2:33 PM STANDARD SENSOR I, ANULAR SPACE SENSOR BILL WRIGHT TOYOTA 5100 GASOLINErAL9E1DBAKERSF1- -8837 12/13/2019 2:59 PM SYSTEM SETUP REPORT SYSTEM INFO SOFTWARE PART T1P/2/Z 1.11VERSION101998RELEASED e-CLOCK/CALENDA SYSTEM [D SEE ABOVE MEASUREMENT UNITS VOLUME GALLONS LEVEL INCHES TEMPERATURE FAHRENHEIT R SCHEDULE TIME STYLE 12 HOUR DATE STYLE MM/DD/YY DAYLIGHT SAV ENABLED SET TIME 2:59 PM SET DATE 12/13/2010 SENTINEL MODE 2.00: MODE OFF START TIME 12:00 AM END TIME 12:00 AM REPORT PRINT ENABLES DELIVERIES ENABLED ALARMS LEAK TESTS ENABLED ENABLED PRODUCTS SCHEDULE PRODUCT 1 DELIVERY NAME UNL REG TYPE UNLEADED REG PRODUCT PRODUCT 1 REPORT SCHEDULES NONE PROD OFFSET T.NVENTORY 2.00: PRODUCT SUMMARY PRODUCT DETAIL II LE ®K LIMIT 0/0 THE1 =T LIMIT SCHEDULE NONE MORE PRODUCT SUMMARY TF FT LIMIT 0/0 f SCHEDULE NONE 010 PRODUCT USAGE DETAIL NONE SCHEDULE PRODUCT NONE USAGE SUMMARY SCHEDULE NONE TANK DETAIL ALARMS ACTIVE ALARMS SCHEDULE NONE TANK SUMMARY NONE SCHEDULE NONE RECONCILIATION DELIVERY DELAY SCHEDULE NONE TANK NUMBER OF TANKS 1 TANK 1 SCHEDULE NAME DELIVERY TANK TYPE SPECIAL 1 PROBE t_iM ?TS PRODUCT PRODUCT 1 PRODUCT DETAIL SCHEDULE NONE PROD OFFSET LEAK'LIr?IT 2.00: PRODUCT SUMMARY DEL THRESHOLD II LE ®K LIMIT 0/0 THE1 =T LIMIT NONE 10.08 EHISTORY MORE y TF FT LIMIT 0/0 f DELIVERY LOW LIMIT 010 t.OW LIMIT 0/6 NONE SCHEDULE NONE LOW LOW 0/0 MISCELLANEOUS j` ALARMS ACTIVE ALARMS WATER O/G SYSTEM FAIL 0/6 NONE SCHEDULE NONEIDELIVERYDELAYISCLEAREDALARMS BAUD HISTORY LENGTH 50 SCHEDULE NONEPRINTINTERVAL 1 STOP BIT ALARM HISTORY PARITY TANK NUMBER OF TANKS 1 TANK 1 SCHEDULE NAME TANK 1 TANK TYPE SPECIAL 1 PROBE PROBE 1 PRODUCT PRODUCT 1 MANIFOLD NONE PROD OFFSET 1.000 WATER OFFSET 1.000 DEL THRESHOLD 200 HIGH HIGH LIM 96.A00 HIGH HIGH 0/6 NONE HIGH LIMIT 000 HIGH LIMIT 0/6 NONE LOW LIMIT 010 t.OW LIMIT 0/6 NONE LOW LOW LIMIT 0.0 LOW LOW 0/0 NONE WATER LIMIT PARITY WATER O/G I"." SPECIAL TANKS SPECIAL 1 SCHEDULE DIAMETER 110.500 LENGTH 240.000 CORRECTION PTS. 0 ROBES PROBE 1 TYPE STD 125 GRADIENT 8.97936 FLOATS 2 FLOATS FLOAT TYPE GASOLINE SCHEDULE NONE I SENSOR STATUS SCHEDULE NONE REGULATORY SCHEDULE NONE l4 I C" PORTS COMM PORT.1 i r - - 1208 DBAJjD BAUS DATA BITS 8 BITS STOP BITS I STOP SIT PARITY NO PARITY SECURITY COMM PORT 2 MODE NATIVE. BAUD 1200 BAUD DATA BITS B BITS STOP BITS 1 STOP BIT PARITY NO PARITY SECURITY ACCESS 1 PHONE 1 REDIAL I DISABLED ACCESS 2 PHONE 2 REDIAL 2 DISABLED ACCESS 5 PHONE 3 REDIAL 3 DISABLED ACCESS 4 PHONE 4 REDIAL 4 DISABLED 1 DIAL DELIV DIAL ALARM DIAL LEAK