HomeMy WebLinkAbout805 34TH STREET 2011 hazmatCORRECTION NOTICE 1 of Z BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2446 PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION 2101 H STREET 661 ) 326 -3979 F,657XI ,*0 3114 Location: 9 05- 3'7% S Yo are hereby required to take the following action at the above location: CORRECT & CALL FOR REINSPECTION CORRECT & PROCEED 6/eH" aViJO --Z// U.57-.5i:4,f 1-1,27- ZT;5s, ; 25 C' C, / ayT t 1 i zL?i6,2"! east F.31122. WIC l ` tl vl SSia Oi S,'7i Completion Date for Corrections: Received by: Inspector: inspector Medina Initial <--in Date: 326-3682 Desk Phone: from 8:00am to 8:30am) KBF -9229 i r— CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT .2 4 4 6p PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION 2101 H STREET 661) 326-3979 Location: 64 93301 Yo are hereby required to take the following action at the above location: CORRECT & CALL FOR REINSPECTION CORRECT & PROCEED Z PTNWAIF= M 11S5iN4 P%2Av CDA/i'ac Ly- AaL42Tioly QA.,, 5,46-- (41VaU2/) S/Y-E a7- C-257- Eiy7 eaN c6' 6y 6) Mi.Ssiy Z S; AC l>iZa/d 2P--I aV .5HC= 7 /ti'tA",W CvQ/>6Ar" FI-7 G t 5/3 -?,P7- ter/ ®mss oiu s; 4& 9) M 55ioa4 C usl/Il% ia v r2ES as/s; i oN -s,!C Completion Date for Corrections: Received by: Inspector: MspectOP Medina . Initial C. Date: 3 Desk Phone: from 8:00am to 8:30am) KBF -9229 s,ti,?;l 3c3f; r o F s CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2446 PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION 2101 H STREET 661) 326 -3979 Location:f .?' / ` ' yr Yo . are hereby required to take the following Faction at the above location: CORRECT & CALL FOR REINSPECTION CORRECT & PROCEED S "cl C. UI C7 / F %s 3) P %2/t1 6*6,72c77 lNkle M 2T /'O"y 01U 5/467 4waUP /-) ON Si'7 C OW . He— 1 OAJ 9 BN Completion Date for Corrections: Received by: Inspector: VnOPMW Me-dit Initial 6"1 Date: 61141 326-SM Desk Phone: (from 8:00am to 8:30am) KBF -9229 TI N NOTICECORRECEOOC BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2447 PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION 2101 H STREET 661) 326 -3979 Location: CA 137ol You are hereby required to take the following action at .the above location: 2 CORRECT & CALL FOR REINSPECTION CORRECT & PROCEED r R)G5GA-e-p UST sib= V-IlaZ "'049zi iN'ofZ Z o ia40 191oc e—/L fi X257"G—A,-7Yl2,UCE Completion Date for Corrections: Received by: 0 Inspector: Inspector Medina Initial Date: 116 32 &3632 Desk Phone: (from 8:00am to 8:30am) KBF -9229 ni.bo IIM ioI -D9qa,-. MaF 17 o CORRECTION NOTICE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT 2447 PREVENTION SERVICES DIVISION 2101 H STREET 661) 326 -3979 Location: 13J? &; -:Xly 933,01 You are hereby required to take the following action at the above location: U^ CORRECT & CALL FOR REINSPECTION CORRECT & PROCEED I) ,, ,All U ST -5 i `` N`v. '/Jr' inn C,2 S .`h s:= A c6,r"S.s' -A-1 R OLCA Completion Date for Corrections: _? / /E /—// Received by: <5- :16 c D Inspector: inspecgo}T -mgo np Initial Cf%" Date: 326- Desk Phone: from 8:00am to 8:30am) KBF -9229 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST H -. .- ' FIRE R _S -F -' 9 '-D 2101 H Street ARrM r Bakersfield, CA 93301 SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program J Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME COMMENTS f El APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND ADDRESS 9oV A ST: 132 57C:cle, 9 o PHONE NO. 5z4 = -6 ire NO OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER o -oat - cao3ai Consent to Inspect Name /Title Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ROUTINE tKCOMBINED JOINT AGENCY MULTI - AGENCY COMPLAINT RE- INSPECTION C V Q C= Compliance OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS f El APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BMC: 15.65.080) I BUSIneSS PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE CCR: 2729.1) VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BMC: 15.52.020) C CORRECT OCCUPANCY CBC:401) l VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS CCR: 2729.3) VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES CCR: 2729.4) VERIFICATION OF LOCATION CCR: 2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL CFC: 2704.1) r VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING CCR: 2732) t 1 VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES CCR: 2731(c)) EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CCR: 2731) CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34(f), CFC: 2703.5) HOUSEKEEPING CFC: 304.1) b( FIRE PROTECTION CFC: 903 & 906) 6457L 6 /?,?C-x 0< SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND CCR: 2729.2) ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? YES NO Signature -of Receipt Explain: POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of theviolations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date White — Business Copy Yellow — Business Copy to beSent in after return to Compliance Pink — Prevention Services Copy FD2155 (Rev 010) RN UNIFIED PROGRAM INSPECTION CHECKLIST ! SECTION 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program j i_ _ _E_R S_P 1 a 1_ U FIRE 0 ARTM r BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 2101 H Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 FACILITY NAME INSPECTION DATE INSPECTION TIME COMMENTS w, // i 10 "e ",t 2,rr ADDRESS PHONE NO. NO OF EMPLOYEES FACILITY CONTACT BUSINESS ID NUMBER 0/,S- - el-12I — UPSL) Consent to Inspect Name /Title BMC: 15.52.020) Vy' r e %11 11 tc ( 1 -:, Section 1: Business Plan and Inventory Program ROUTINE COMBINED JOINT AGENCY MULTI - AGENCY COMPLAINT RE- INSPECTION C v C= Compliance OPERATION V= Violation COMMENTS bK/ APPROPRIATE PERMIT ON HAND BMC: 15.65.080) El Business PLAN CONTACT INFORMATION ACCURATE CCR: 2729.1) L. VISIBLE ADDRESS (CFC: 505.1, BMC: 15.52.020) CORRECT OCCUPANCY CBC:401) 59 VERIFICATION OF INVENTORY MATERIALS CCR: 2729.3) VERIFICATION OF QUANTITIES CCR: 2729.4) VERIFICATION OF LOCATION CCR: 2729.2) PROPER SEGREGATION OF MATERIAL CFC: 2704.1) VERIFICATION OF MSDS AVAILABILITY CCR: 2729.2(3)(b)) iC VERIFICATION OF HAZ MAT TRAINING CCR: 2732) 51/ VERIFICATION OF ABATEMENT SUPPLIES & PROCEDURES (CCR: 2731(c)) T L EMERGENCY PROCEDURES ADEQUATE CCR: 2731) CONTAINERS PROPERLY LABELED (CCR: 66262.34(f), CFC: 2703.5) HOUSEKEEPING CFC: 304.1) f1:1 IJ FIRE PROTECTION CFC: 903 & 906) Ezs .t e7a v- 6y l ec k 0 SITE DIAGRAM ADEQUATE & ON HAND CCR: 2729.2) ANY HAZARDOUS WASTE ON SITE? YES N- 0 Signature ofReceipt Explain: POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Correct the violation(s).noted above by Within 5 days ofcorrecting all of the violations, sign and return a copy orthis page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 2101 H Street, California 93301 Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date White — Business Copy Yellow — Business Copy to be Sent in alter return to Compliance Pink — Prevention Services Copy FD2155 (Rev 010) H E R S F I E L D P/RE vPARTM T FACILITY NAME: . Section 2: Underground Storage Tanks Program BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPT. Prevention Services 900 Truxtun Ave., Ste. 210 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Tel.: (661) 326 -3979 Fax: (661) 852 -2171 Page 1 of 1 INSPECTION DATE: (n1//. 11/ Routine )if Combined Joint Agency Multi- Agency Complaint Re- Inspection Type of Tank j" W F Number of Tanks Type of Monitoring (2 Len Type of Piping wC- OPERATION C V COMMENTS Proper tank data on file Proper owner / operator data on file Permit fees current Certification of Financial Responsibility Monitoring record adequate and current Maintenance records adequate and current Failure to correct prior UST violations Has there been an unauthorized release? Yes xNo Section 3: Aboveground Storage Tanks Program Tank Size(s) Type of Tank Aggregate Capacity Number of Tanks OPERATION Y N COMMENTS SPCC available SPCC on file with OES Adequate secondary protection Proper tank placarding /labeling Is tank used to dispense MVF ?) If yes, does tank have overfill / overspill protection? C = Compliance V = Violation Y = Yes N = No iviInspector: C_ t_4,0/il/2 Questions regarding this inspection? Please call us at (661) 326 -3979 White — Prevention Services Bu iness Site IVespbnsible-Party Pink - Business Copy K13F -7335 FD 2156 (Rev. 09/05) N HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS Prevention Services Rt 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 . Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 Facility Name ""P<%1?;/9 Site Address 5-n '5— 7 L,/ f4 S Date 61611/ Time In/O, O6.7-1 Time Out Owner /Operator Phone Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # r`A I S- Routine Re- inspection/Follow -upV Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection ' ' CUPA Facility ID# NVII CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name /Title): I `a n In., 1 Q « P r Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. 1 - Class 1 Violation, 11 - Class 11 Violation, M - Minor Violation Paee of I 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTSI Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GR01 Generator has an EPA ID number ^. GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Anal si;[ Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility personnel demonstrate training/awareness GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GRO6 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available who 35 days of waste shipment GR08 Bills of Lading/receipts available GR09 LDRs available and complete GRID Onsite recycling reported using UPCIF Container /tank management GCOI Containers are in rood condition ` GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected weeklyr GC05 Tanks inspected daily GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator GC08 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinance/hazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GAO Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year GA03 Empty containers managed within one year GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (I year if <l ton) GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 (I yr. if < I ton ) i Labeling/Marking GL01 Containers are properl labeled GL02 Satellite containers have 2" ASD marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers X GL08 Tank marked with "haz waste" , contents, start date X GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Dis sat/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only receipt ofreport. GT01 Have permit/authorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (gen. eligible) GDO1 Waste dis used of to authorized point/part GH01 I Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back of this inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 r EP/v/C /t- 623/oJ2 While — Prevention Services Copy Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— BusinessCopy FD2179 (Rev 10/21/08) I I 1t', It I - III 13)5'681 S 0S1 -11 lIt! OC 1)07!.10 11111cu11 it11 1r'318ms1 snop.1UPLI.10 POSOC Sip Aul!3rl'3ILL I oC19 091 SZ /(13)591 SZ JSI -I 31q!5! la 1011 '3.11,11 A3g1 uagA1 31smn patrplIOSLIOO.10 1'31.10(suc.q c pasn /.lal.loc sur.g palals!, 3.1 r osn 01 p'3I!r1 AI!I!-)rl -NIJ, ZO.LD P)S'681 SZ 351.1. 'a1scA1 snoptrzrtljo Iuawlr'3.q .1(!1 11o!jrz!.1a1pIr.ngio .10 yUl.lac c u!rigo of P3I!cl j!l!xl 311.1 103.0 Ia1Jr Od i dJIIn1ir I/ pd! /11.03, 1),sn pall!I.raJ 0.q oI lloyVoIl( r) it1) Duct 01 gIllip,.c IS,rIit ti r1i - 511.E (C)CI CSC JSi'1] 30LICIIddc alp •Io 91IISOdsip.10 OIL WUS'9t11pPOALIS' 9111ICq'9u!1Isn.13 01 .101.Id 33urllddr [It. ulo .1l • 3AOLt1al 01 P31!C3 ,QIp0C1 3111, 10119 pour 1115 011)1) aql ilpput .a1aulnluoJ //n y.mul 111.111'313 1)L' 19299 '2133'22 311!.1. 11'3!1( 111'3 51rp agl ggA1 SJOLI!c1u0a p31rUIUIr11100 yJnU1 01 paprl Aul!3gl 3gq 60'10 1/11:11 : /11111 dill "Y317III A /311313 pnils:OrpJn(dy.I I_(I)b£Z99'21JJ'ZZ 311!.1.1 31/1 gnA1 10 yurl3gJ y.1rt11 01 p3141 )4.E N-ID 1)o pasn„ spanat aryl 1/1!111 S." 11111113 pun sycml111) /.Inm Aj.IndlJ L(r)6'£bl SZ JSI-I1 J!O pasn„ SI)JOA1 aql gynl .101 pau!isap Il0 pasn_lo.lalnriuoo /furl r I.letu of pal!gl AI!I!ar1 xl.l. Lo -iD a.1,^uoq 1/00a uo du)p dill y.mur A Itnils:ulpoll/ d1/.1, (C1)(9)(C)l8'99z99'21D"J'Z 311!.1. 'P3A130a1 sm11 kiourq aq1 g0!IIM uo alrp agl y.11au 01 1) 31113.1 nnpocl 3tlj. 901D c.la11r11!0 pasn pduln.il)„ .cp.lom dill I/pAt ,c.rlulnplOJ.lappl !ln y.aztu 1 /91/.c.ItlIX)/ dILL 1(£)(3)0£ I'99z99 `2133 `ZZ 311!3.] ' „s.1atl!I I10 pasn paulc.lp„ sl),IOAv agt Lplm s.1allU l!O pasn pau!r.IPJO X)U!r1u03 c. y.lrw 01 P31!C•I XIIJU 1/I 311.E SOLD d1snA1 jV.QdA!I1n,, sp.r0,11 dill 1/1!M dlsnm Ins.ldn!un SIIlploil V.IdII!DIIIOJ 111) y.mul 1dln!polulu! 1I011.c A'J1j!Jn(all1, 11,101 .lol b£'£LZ99.10 I OS .lot bl'£LZ99'21JD `ZZ 211111 A-lncl0.ld OISPA1 IrS.la,yun 10.laatrluo0 c N.mLU of pal!rl XIq!or.•I )LLL PO "IO aesnAt s,top.11r_ny,,.l0 pndlslrr „lln.lalnlu a19nlJada.l 1)01)111)x1/„ .sp.iom x1/1 rppn pay.nnu y.mdlJ dq Iings Slnl.010111 (o sealnnluoJ /syln)l dy.L 1(r)6'0,, l SZ JSI I.I X1.1adaid sIrpniuu1 algr.pCaa.l papnlaza .lo (s)L1IlT,luo3lsyurl .y.lrtu 01 1)11!131 ,(!!hail Oq.l. 0 "10 71111 s! .raupnllrOJ dip drop dill .cn !12111 V) pdppn 1.13.111 sl al.cn:n dlnp alp Ippu uounpuundon w!11alnc 111) y.lnlu lln1/s.011IJ1) /'dl /I, I(q)(1)(3)h£'Z9Z99 `2133 `Z 3111-1.1 ram• uopr.Inuulo3r 3111I3trS'3g1 U1OJ-1 PaAOLU srm JauI11.I1.103 0111 alrp 341 1Jrul 01 P3I!C.I ,Q!1!De1 34.E ZOID a/np 1.1301( Ilolloplrlmo.)I) (5 plrn •.IOII)Jdlld,i d1/1,10 3Salppi) pull mmu (I, :11.57713 p.lrn- -nil (f 'aloes ja-)q (1/d pun I[OUISOdII/O•J (C „d /sun sllop.InznH„ sp.iom alp (I :Supnollol'dill !plat Ddll- 10103 IIn .y,r0ur Aj.Indl•) lNllls ailllJq% 411.1 I(I)h£'Z9Z99 2IJJ'zz 311!,1] -mrd s!LII JO I110.1•l 31.11 uo palOU 3.m uollcuuolu! 91IISSILLI pur slualuOa `sJau!ewoJ s.niquiuo3 Ili 1'3gcI Xpodcmd of popucj XLliorl ail -l. 1(1 -19 suollaa.l.loo .IO /'3:1.01/13) !IlVI) ddS 1 (9)(13)18 "89Z99 '2133 'ZZ 3111.1 I 'JCaA au0 /SA1311) OS I Limp xm.37. 101 7!x3nrq 1)!0r, pr'3I 1513q Alp!0r1 143, 90\x9 suopda.l.loo .iqj dnogr) 101 /D ads .(b)(3)Of 1'99z99 '2133 `zZ 311!.1,. 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LAO p0,jJVLl Io'3trp Iarls ur. prq •lo.1au!rulo0 V (j!UUad n 1nog11A1 a9131.101S) srlunl aunt palu)11r. urtp amzL9.1oI atsrm p3lrinuulo0r. rit!1!0r1 31/.1. 10\x9 etq apoo o1 1r.0ua.1 /Inq.s tj111Jr1/ d1 /1 l(3)6'£b1 SZ JSI-11 S'31)00 slr.l.nlrLU snop.lrzr.g /0p00 airy /aauruy).lo IroOI g1!A130ucp.1030r. LI! roll sirpolrul 3lgcl3C0a.1 papnl3sa pa.lols CUIlOeI 14.1 60J9 ildns op of alns.ro InJUan.l 1011 s! 1! 101/1 dllags1101101) //m/,Vd0 Dam uo!Jnp1111rlJJn dip 111O.l1.1dillrinlo.) alto /uq 111) dnolud.I alannpaulul! Ilnll.S 1)(a)b£'Z9Z99 `2133 `ZZ 311!,L '13,'3.m u0llr.lntuna3c al!1I31rs r lr, j0.1au!MI103 ap1131rs'3110 Lmtp a10U1 Iday lnpogl ag.1 8039 pappil mqlq lvmm 10 daip I,S.Nt _/O SAVP OZ IINI106 "P1101 pdd011i'M 9! 51,P1)A1 dip lull! 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Su011eliD AJOJVjma-j r HAZARDOUS WASTE BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORMS --- Prevention Services rjjtt 1501 Truxtun Ave 1sT FLR HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATOR I I Dff,Ak rjN ifr Bakersfield, CA 93301 INSPECTION REPORT Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 - 852 -2171 u _ _ Facility Name /Z"7'S / cy i S % Date 611b1/ Site Address '6 '5— 3 41 % %32M62e57 /'G /K 'rime In It) ; 04'.7-1 Time Out Owner /Operator Phone Misc. Type of Inspection Inspection Consolidation EPA ID # CA l ('NYs !:1X 2 07 Routine Re- inspection/Follow -upV Combined Routine Inspection Joint Inspection Complaint Focused Other Integrated or Multi -Media Inspection CUPA Facility ID# Vtl CONSENT TO INSPECT GRANTED BY (Name/ Title): ` / x ' t 1' "e I t 1' ) 7 "I f it Inspection may involve obtaining photographs, review and copying of records, and determination of compliance with hazardous waste handling requirements. I - Class I Vinlation. II - Class If Violation_ M - Minor Violation Pane of 1 11 M Code HAZARDOUS WASTE REQUIREMENTS Y N N/A COMMENTS /NOTES/DOCUMENT(S) REVIEWED MISSING INFORMATION/ UNRESOLVED ISSUES Recordkee in documentation GRO l Generator has an EPA ID number ' GR02 Hazardous waste determination made for all wastes Anal si?)(O Generator Knowledge GR03 Contingency Ian information posted near phone GR04 Facility ersonnel demonstrate training/awareness "17 GR05 Manifests/Consolidated Manifest receipts complete GR06 Blue co (s) of manifest mailed to DTSC it GR07 TSDF signed copy of manifest available Win 35 da s of waste shipment GRO8 Bills of Loading/receipts available GRO9 LDRs available and complete Z GR10 I Onsite recycling reported using UPCF Container /tank management GCOI Containers are in good condition GCO2 Containers are closed except when adding/removing GC03 Empty containers are empty GC04 Containers inspected weekly GC05 Tanks inspected flail GC06 Satellite containers at or near point of generation GC07 Satellite containers under control of operator GCO8 One container per wastestream at satellite area GC09 Exclude recyclable materials stored in accordance with local ordinancethazardous materials codes Accumulation Time Limits GA01 Waste is accumulated not more than 90/180/270 Z' GA02 Satellite wastes accumulated for less than I year s GA03 Empty containers managed within one year i GA04 Universal waste accumulated less than one year GA05 Used oil filters offsite within 180 (l year if <l ton) GA06 Pb -acid batteries offsite within 180 I yr. if < I ton) Labeling/Marking GL01 Containers are propELI labeled GL.02 Satellite containers have 2" AS marked once full GL03 Excluded recyclable materials marked properly GLO4 Universal waste container properly labeled T GL05 Used oil filters marked "drained used oil filters" GL06 Date written on spent lead -acid batteries GL07 Used Oil" marked on all used oil tanks /containers y GL08 Tank marked with °haz waste" , contents, start date GL09 Empty containers marked with date emptied Treatment Transport and Disposal/Other Print and sign in this box for receipt of this report. Signature does not imply agreement with findings, only receipt of report. GT01 Have ermidauthorization to do treatment GT02 Waste sent with authorized transport (pen. eligible) GD01 Waste disposed of to authorized point/party GH01 Failed to properly handle appliance wastes POST INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS: Refer to the back ofthis inspection report for regulatory citations and corrective actions Correct the violation(s) noted above by Within 5 days of correcting all of the violations, sign and return a copy of this page to: Bakersfield Fire Dept., Prevention Services, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, California 93301 i r White — Prevention Services Copy Signature (that all violations have been corrected as noted) Date Yellow— Business Copy FD2179(Rev 10/21/08) Retzulatory Citations and. Corrective Actions DPI 1. 1t,2 I I I . , Description of vio islion/ IRl' ulatory /slat//to ry cilatloIII Corrective actions to be takeit fiv minor Violations (narked in the "Al" colitiiiii on ftont) GR01 The facility failed to obtain an EPA ID number [Title 22, CCR, 66262.12] For a California EPA ID # contact the Department o /'Toxic Substances Control ai 1 -S00 -618 -0942. For a El? ID # call 415- 495 -NN95. Write the number in the s ace marked "EPA ID # " of die front ol'this page. GR02 The facility failed to make a waste determination fix the noted in the Title 22, CCR, 66262.1 1 1 A -lake a determination of the waste based on pour knovleage (pou can use MSDSor other documents for help) or have the waste sampled and .rent to a state certified laborator r• for unalvsis. 11'sam )ling is conducted tell the lab to analvze lo• GR03 The facility did not have the name and phone number of the emergency coordinator, the location of mire extinguishers and spill COMM] equipment, or (lie fire department Isle phone number posted next to the telephone. ITitle 22, CCR, 66262.34(cl)(2) Prepare and post the above fuformation nest to a )hone. GR04 Facility personnel did not demonstrate that they were familiar with proper waste handling procedures due to Title 22, CCR, 06262.34(d)(2)j Provide training to persololel regarding GR05 The facility failed to properly complete a hazardous waste manifest. Manifest # was missing Title 22, C'CR, 66262.23(a)(1)l. Correct the infonnalion. oil the muailest in Box(es) . initial and elate Submit a letter to DISC. GISS :: P.O. Box 806 F/rl -1: Sacramento, CA 95812 -0806 stating the coati %st #, ilie ship dale, Your EPA ID #, the fJox # and correction mare andpour signature. Correction for more than one manil st mar be included in thesame letter) GR06 Facility failed to submit a copy of the manifest to DTSC within 30 days of shipment. ITitle 22, CCR, 66262.32(a)(4)1 Mail (lie blue cope of manifest lo: DTSC. PO Box 400• Sacramento. C; l 95812 - 041111 or a phoioco n; o0he TSDF co )v to: D7SC, PO Box 3000. Sacramento, CA 95812 GR07 The facility failed to file an exception report to DTSC after not receiving the signed TSDF copy ol'a manifest within 35 clays. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.42] Make a col ?v of the manifest and send it with a letter to DTSC. PO Bo.v XX . Sacramento. CA 95S/2 stetting what von are doing tofind out whr ou have not received the /dial, signed copi; of the Inanilesl, Include a signature and pour findings while looking lot- the rminf est in the cover le /ter. ' GR08 The facility failed to have copies orreccipls for the removal Of . [I ISC 25160?- Consolidated nwnifests/ 66266.81(a)(6)(B)- lead acid baticrics /66266.130- oil filters The lacility shall contact and request copies ol'recei is between & GR09 The facility failed to complete or maintain a Land Disposal Restriction notification for manifest # ITitle 22, CCR, 66262.34(x)(4)] The facility shall determine if its waste is subject to LDR requirements. and it so, ensure that a LDR is prepared andsubmitted with each shipment of waste. GR 10 The facility did not submit a recycling report [DISC 25143.101 The lacilin- shall complete rmd submit the UPCFforrn "Recyclable Materials Report ". Tire brut can befoaid at www.cale a.c i.arov/ ublications /title27 /default.httn (Hn -f -ecre. dl) GC01 The facility tailed to maintain containers holding hazardous waste in good condition. The container of was I'ille 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) The c•ouents ol7he coit/uiner ol' shall iannediately be translerred to a container in good condition GCO2 The facility Iailcd to keep containers closed except when adding /removing waste. The container of was observed open ['fille 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A) . The fhciliti shrill immediateh; close fill containers and ensure that containers remain closed execpt when adding or removing waste. GC'03 The facility is handling contaminated containers as empty when they are not. A container of was noted as not meeting the definition of empty. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.71 The facility shall mark the conainer as hazardous waste or consolidate the c•onients (?/ the container with a like waste aid immediateh; libel the em pthed container with the words "earl lv" and the date, GC04 The facility could not (ICIllonStlale that containers were being inspected weekly. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(1)(A)] 77re./acilit): shall develop and implement a plan that ensures that all containers holding waste are inspected weekly GC05 The Iacility could 1101 demonstrate that tanks were being inspected claily. ["Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a)(I )(A)1 The _lhc•ilirr• shall keep a log showing that tanks hodalin waste are inspected daily. GC06 Containers utilizing satellite accunu laiion rules were not at or near the point of generation. I'Tide 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(1)(A)l Tl eJacilih shrill move the Container holding to a location that is at or near the point ol'gcrneration or shall ensure that the waste is removed within 9011801270 daps of first drop of waste being added. ('i(the facility. cnerales less than 100 E, • the clock does not start until /00 /cg. are generaled) GC07 Containers utilizing satellite accumulation rules svero not under the control ofan operator. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(1)(A)l The Jircilih; shall ensure that an operator is at or near the point of accumndalion or shall ensure that the uarsle is removed within 9011801270 clans of first ch-op ol'waste being added GC08 The facility kept more than one satellite container of at a satellite accumulation area. 11-itle 22, CCR, 66262.34(e)(1)l Thefuc•ilitr shad/ immediately remove all but one container front the accumulation area or shall demonstrate that it is not practical or sale to do such. GC09 The facility stored excluded recyclable materials not in accordance with local ordinance /lire code /hazardous materials codes [1ISC.25143.9(c)I Thefhcility shall return to code by GA01 The facility accumulated waste fir greater than allowed lime limits (Storage without a permit). A container of had an start date of marked on it. [Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(a) I The lihcilitY shall immediately arrangefor the removal ofthe waste, and shall supple a color of the nuailest or bill or lading demonstrating removal withini days. GA02 The racility held satellite aCCllI1pnlatio11 wastes fur greater than one year. Title 22, CCI2, 66262.34(e)( I )(t3) I Sec GA01 above %r correc•liohs. GA03 The facility failed to properly handle contaminated containers within I year. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.7(1)1 See GA01 above %or corrections. GA04 The facility held universal wastes for ;neater than one veal-. Title 22, CCR, 66273.15(a) or 66273..35(a)l See GA01 above lot- corrections. GA05 The tacitity held chained used oil filters for greater than I80 dayslone year. ITitle 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(4) See GA01 above /or corrections. GA06 The lacility held lead acid batteries Ibr greater Than 180 days /one year. "Title 22, CCR, 66268.81 (a)(01 See 6.401 above for corrections. GL) 1 The facility failed to properly label all containers. Containers, contents and missing information are noted on the front ol'this page. [ Title 22, CCR, 66262.34(1) I Thefhciliti shall clearly mark all containers with thefollowing: 1) the words "Hazardous waste ". 2) composition andph.rsical sane. 3) hazard pro rerlri, 4) name and address ol'the ozenerutor, and 5) accumulation start date. G1_02 The facility failed to mark the date the container was moved from the satellite accumulation area 1 -fille 22, CCR, 66262.34(c)( 1)(B)I The (rtcifliv,shall mark all solellile accumulation with the date waste is first added as well us the date the container is fill. G1_03 The facility failed to mark tanks /container(s) of excluded recyclable matcrials properly I.HSC 25143.9(a)] The trunks /containers ol'oaatcrials shall be clearly marked with the words "Excluded reevchibde material" instead of "hazardous waste ". GL04 The facility failed to mark a container ofuniversal waste properly. ('Title 22, CC'R, 66273.14 for SQTI or 66273.34 for LQI11. Thefacilitvshall immediatelt mark all containers holding universal waste with the words "Universal (Paste- " GL05 The facility failed to mark a container ofdrained used oil filters with the words "drained used oil Inters ". [Title 22, CCR, 66266.130(c)(3)1 The lacilin shall mark all litter cornai hers with the words "drained used oilfilters" GL06 The facility failed to mark the date on which the battery was received. "hide 22, CCR, 66266.8 1 (a)(6)(D)l The facility shall v mark the dale on each butterv. G1,07 The facility failed to inark a tunldcontaiuer of used oil destined for recycling with the swords "used oil" [H SC 25143.9(a)1 C /car /v nnuk n/l uunks cad containers with the words "used oil ". GI-08 The facility failed to mark the tank of' with talc [Title 22, CCR, 66234(1)] Thefircili(r shall cdeurlh; mark the lank with GL09 The facility failed to mark contaminated containers with the (late emptied. ITitle 22, CCR, 66261.7(1)1 Clearh; markall containers with the abate emptied. GI -101 Tile facility failed to remove from an appliance prior to crushing, baling, shredding, sawing or disposing orthe appliance 11-ISC 25212(a) . The litcilily mast submit to DTSC fin application to be certified as it "CertifiedA )pliance Rec'vc•ler" G'T01 The facility failed to obtain a permit or other authorization for treatment of hazardous waste. l ISC 25189.5(d) GT02 The Iacility failed to use a registered ll'al1Sp01'lelAISCd a trans porter or consolidated waste when thev were not eligible JHSC 25165(a)/25160 GD01 I The Iacility disposed of hazardous waste at an unauthorized point. IHSC 25189.5(x) DPI 1. 1t,2 I I I . ,