HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUSINESS PLAN 1/31/2012UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/2012011 11:15:34 AM UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page I of 1 I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY I0# 1. EPA ID 4 (Hazardous Waste Only) 1. Agency Use only) CAL000308717 BUSINESS NAME (Same as Faaffty Name orDBA - Doing Business As) 3. UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPSBUSINESSSITEADD600WilliamsStreette' BUSINESS SITE CITY Bakersfield CA ZIP CODE 03313 10s II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, lease submit the Business Owner/Operator Identification page. Does your facility... If Yes lease complete these pages ofthe UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) at any one time, hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable YES p NO +. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY — Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Parts 30 40 or 70? B. CaIARP REGULATED SUBSTANCES Have Regulated Substances stored onsite in quantities greater than the I] YES ® NO +a, Coordinate with your local agency responsible for threshold quantities established by the California Accidental Release CalARP. Prevention Program (CalARP )? C. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) DYES ENO s, USTFACILITY(Formn4SWRCaFo-A) Own or operate underground stora a tanks. USTTANK ane . t pose D. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: YES p NO s No form required to CUPAsStoregreaterthan1,320 gallons of petroleum products (new or used) in aboveground tanks or containers? E. HAZARDOUS WASTE Generale hazardous waste? 0 YES NO 9. EPA ID NUMBER— provide at top of this page Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable YES 0 NO lo. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT materials (per HSC §25143.2)? onaNrrecrcler ) Trcat hazardous waste onsite? YES © NO it. ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT UNIT (onep.geper unit) Perform treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by YES 91 NO Iz CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE Rule and Conditional Authorization)? Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? YES x0 NO IJ. REMOTE WASTE CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION Necd to report the cloSum/removal of a tank that was classified as hazardous YES N NO i+. HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE waste and cleaned onsite? CERTIFICATION Generate in any single calendar month 1,000 kilograms (kg) (2,200 YES ® NO 1+.. Obtain federal EPA ID Number, file Biennial pounds) or more of federal RCRA hazardous waste, or generate in Report (EPA Form 8700- 13A/B), and satisfy any single calendar month, or accumulate at any time, 1 kg (2.2 requirements for RCRA Large QuantityOcnerator. pounds) of RCRA acute hazardous waste; or generate or accumulate at any time more then 100 kg (220 pounds) of spill cleanup materials contaminated with RCRA acute hazardous waste? Serve as a Household Hazardous Waste HHW Collection site? 3 YES © NO i4b. See CUPA for required forms. F. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (You may also be tcquirad toprovide additional in(ormalion by yourCUPA or local agency.) ls. UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11:14:38 AM UPCFRev. (1217) -112 www.unidocs.org I . I I I 1 UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page 1 of 1 I. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY 10 f< I3EGINNTNG DATE 100• ENDING DATE lal' Agency U.1 only) 2012/01131 2012/12/31 RfK NESSNAME (Same ar Faciliry Name or DSA — Doing BonneAs) BUSINESS PHONE IRt. UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS Freight 661- 395 -9502 BUS'INbJZi W i e AUDI\ . 1a3. BUSINESS FAX 1 600 Williams Street BUSINESS SITE CITY ZIP CODE 19I, COUNTY Bakersfield CA 93313 Kern DUN k BRADSTREEr 1 PRIMARYSIC 105• PRIMARY NAICS 107. 4212 BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS 1201 W. Olympic BIVd. 101. BUSINESS MAILING CITY 08b. Los Angeles I STATE Imo- I ZIP CODE arc CA 9n11 RI I NESS OPERATOR NAME 10r• BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE no. UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS Freight 661- 395 -9502I 1. BUSINESS OWNER OWNERNAME Ili• OWNER PHONE 112. UPS Ground Freight, Inc. 804- 231 -8000 PR MAILINUADL)xzzb 117• 1000 Semmes Ave, OWNER MAIL TNG CITY tN• STATE IS- ZIP CODE Richmond VA 23224 III. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACTNAME 117• CONTACTPHONE Frankk Figueroa 213- 215 -7938 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119, CONTACTEMAIL 119L 1201 W. Olympic Blvd 1201 W. Olympic Bivd CONTACT MAILING CITY 129. STATE 111• ZIP CODE 112. Los Angeles 1 CA 1 90015 PRIMARY- IV, EMERGENCY CONTACTS ' - SECONDARY-r . NAME 113• NAME 197 David Wager Mary Roland 1TLE 179. TITLE 114. Terminal Manager Operations Supervisor BUSINESS PHONE 130• BUSINESS PHONE 115• 661 - 395 -9502 866- 201.0706 24 -HOUR PHONE IM 24 -HOUR PHONE 131• 561 - 987 -2118 661 987 -2118 PAGER # 01. PAGER p (17 ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFORMATION: 133. BillingAddreSS: 1201 W OU1M& BWb U)S AnKa 11:<1 CAgWJ5 1 11`t1" PE' k l Y A Property Owner; QXAP-r AS •A1W14& Phone No.: 213`215" 93'3 CWIIICatto as on my inquiry ofthose iVividuals responsible for obtaining she infonnalioa, I cardFy under penalty of law that I have personafly examInad and am famili wish the fo 1 sub a ieveshe in alion ie we, ecourate, and complcle. SlGNA REOFO OP R PRESENTATIVE1GNAPR DATE 17e• NTNAMEOFDOCUMEPREPARER 135. 2011/12120 Frank Figueroa NAME FSl rintj 1sa TTTLEOFSIGNER 177• Joe J e UPS Freight Region Vice President UPCFRev. (1217) -112 www.unidocs.org I . I I I 1 UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11:51:09 AM 12120/2011 Non -Waste Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Date:. For use by Unidocs Member Agencies or where approved by your LocalJurisdiction sines ,,, UPS Ground Freight, BakersfieldSameuFadiryN.mcorDBA) 9 f D MRepots on This Page: DAM; De[ete; Revise Page k of 1 to^ePar. pv bcWiat.r.rtal Chemical Location: Northwest Cotner of the exterior yard EPCRA Confidential Location? Yes; ® No Facility ID 8 emld&*vGW.seA—) Trade Secret Information? Yes; ® No tA—U, o"W 1. Has. Class 2. Map and Grid or Location Code 3. Common Name 4. Hazardous Components For mixtures only) Chemical % Name WC EHS CAS No. 5. Type and Physical State 6. Quantities Max. Average Largest Daily Daily Cont. 7. Units 8. Storage Codes Storage Storage Pressure Temp. 9. hazard categories MAP:_ 1 GRID: E4 77.. Kr "0Y W!i'•.'Oe : g,_,;til;"..;.,., ,r:.., .. pure mixrme 0 5 55 mods aeb. a mb. u b. aaie oae ke.uesaud ligad Su+u,: ctrw.:.p:.o D.-0^ 365 I7artts arms D MAP: GRID: 85 f .... ._ MOOS-. ?= 4 . Ya. liz$:r`1-%, EttS P" 300 250 25 w foa tam eb, a.dt, t+YOLe^K X x prtstae tdure arnm6eh4 cheek hk_ k solid Cetiec nn.d -4.0 D.nOn sas 365 Si.KS s - L, 01 MAP:S n,s:, r..; GRID: E4 X2 't. }.:5 %`K:+T+n`f.;:<:3N:y,: ".:. i q`%i'i'y ,!: A'.s> ,'xi ST»..- "-..:. "t iJ^ R" put mGnue 5 3 55 g.lkas X Ponce Mtai brti X .mbimf mh, emhieuN...b, Q p be ne..ti.e 7rCtlrQ LlehedA honict khliquid sa or..e:.e ) bw 365 f s_r.• D, c E Q exs MAP: GRID: O K- rrtiurw a+l= Pond. 4fee r..r urh ax t>b. u.h nti emh R c fire rc.cti e prtsw.reS.ne daomclnhh r.do..ti e said Cl d C., Nr•Sa.mN SrA Silt S7a7IILt r =• CASN : EHS MAP: GRID: roarrwe w>. fee tm h ct+h ah aroeac ranire pree—. rdmme duaockn}A nure.arvc soldQ d ilSF on..:.. ) Dm'rQn i r S C_W.'r CA5 N. fats MAP GRID: 0 Pare nrixM1¢e eeUom Po rA fat mbiaa uny, q,b, nbiea em6. mb. Cue mane P —ml. a d—i. he.hh T.dbeGGVe solid Ggntd PS C-im crrr.e.cti+.i Dar. on Pitt: Sig— bL' GSNa. ELLS s .SrRU •d= a ULM ZfQf[c r A Abw evv-d Turk O SteelDrtw C C.:by 8 BelowttowdTuck E PIap:JNoa- ater.LicD+wa H Sdn C T.nkInside BeSdi e F fin 1 Frba Drum UN -020LA -12 S9_£ ld= J an M 43L.ZBotr1or7.e K Box N P:asticBmikorlut L Cyli.da O TomBin httpr://www.unidomorg If EPCRA, sign below: F r Pat a.Va Q RailC.t R Otha Rev_ 0424100 UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/2012011 11:52 ;34 AM 12120/2011 Hazardous Waste Inventory Statement Date: For use by UWdocs Member Xgencies or where approvedbyyour Local Juris&ction susinessName UPS Ground FreiFreight, Bakersfieldcs.a.uF.,. --aru! g , T e ofReport an This Page'. lAdd; []Delete; []Revise Page? oil f cacv+cKobi Chemical Location: Northwest comer of the exterior yard94&nJSt.r.peAwl EPCRA Coarideatial Location? Yes; No f I Trade Secret Infer ration? Yes NO I Facility I0 N pV'W'he aba 1. Z 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Map and Grid er Hazardous Components Type and Quantities Annual Storage Codes 1bz. Class Location Codc Waste Stream Name Chemical '/o dame Wt EHS CAS No. Physical State Max. Average Largest Daily Daily Coat Waste Amount Units Storage Storage Pmuare Temp. Hazard lit arks MAP: GRID: E4 x C- Q I Vamte 0 5 55 600 p„ x amxt ntd, ent etd 5l.ped Off-sio. n Reryekdo»,e Q7testcd oa-eao solid gas tQeaeW P1STtQ_.' Sr 365 te D MAP- GRID: E4 5 3 55 600 n° no.> an wu aoi ob y, e"s x rouse pRC..rem.w a' a°` t a p M ^Teatpfeth.d: p Stopped attune S die Solid8liquid e' ^^' pr..ea..nt.d D 365 S cog.; D, MAP: GRID: waste r>m 10Rt meiw rrbk. 7'.Y fan n.. Wida d clraph nd..cde blaa.temeatMethod; j] smwd OH -sir. R- YcledOa -sk. Tr.er.d Oa -sire solid liquid Q Ca.%.c nro:wc.a p.nOn ssaus ln Rtt•'' S= CedrWes MAP: wask fee GRID: oos.b mgo. ub. ma. vb. ah OatlOC e.ct%ve n.ea.. o.teue c Ivtanaeea.c.tMnLod: O SWP ed Off-site Recycled O. sitc Treated On-sue solid liquid Ps Sac:E to - a na..oD 9- Stonee S • S,nuw.eeeaef: MAP: 1 01 0 e tom• b .. nhim 6rt GRID: peAa. is tea a a.A a.s ad. ayot..k mdi ptuttb nleuc aeAe.IA haleM.kh Cl aa etlmd• ShippedOft:slt. 0 r,ted o e Solid SW-w+,vr PlutMSi1et Swats SMrt•aec MAP: GR1D: waste p>mdt ukn oh amb. ani.e tannkd. I ma a ereod• solid8liquid gas Ssdtp eow Am4t Sts3 itsttrs a was w.>rte.e. Slopped OSyite I Ptay.WdOn-site Tmw" on -sift 101 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN gAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT i '.- •-- •- -• -•. _ Prevention Services R .. E x s V L 1 2101 H Street SITE & FACILITY DIAGRAM AAA T Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 . Fax: 661-852 -2171 Page 2 of 2 SITE DIAGRAM 12 L3 1l FACILITY DIAGRAM UPS GROUN D REIG1kT, T1.lc_, V6A UPS a 4TBusinessName: - - - - -- - - - - -- —— --- ------ __._.._.__ I Business Address, _ P fSLDCl_a5` i A 6 G D E F Cl +C f 2 I 3 l i 5 I I l f 1p i ll I 13 iq Logond: -) E-C Horn UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield (600 Williams Street; Bakersfield, CA 93313) A j{ Curb n D01 a StaBmp Tnilar Stattirig Area RunOH Flow I 0 x NORTH u5NofL sF T ANTIFt4t? tr, n Naw011 I.I.iC 01t.clK[E. Ramp 6luepe xlt vac. Map azardoua M457, at Stoner ea Firs Est W L DOGk ccQ L Ij1 Fire Etx 0 Oil S HI Ras once Ptan exit 1Flro E't Storapel5pl11 KitFinalMarta" Offce Storage Office Araa Main 5 E,,ac. Map D,Woway 0 Exit Slalrs Sempla Employee parking Lot IN, Employee Pa{kinp Lot Localion Em l0 eeEntrance scale: i- =500' FD2170(Rev,01 /08) IONA BUHHIILI 11 :1) 61l i 1924 I PtN I'I ANI 17NUINI- 1AIING I ?O1 NI. 01 YMPI(" 1111/1) 11)S AN61'[ L;i GA 911111!, SHIP TO: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT PREVENTION SERVICES 2101 'H' STREE r BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 f+ LTR 1 OF 1 CA 933 0 -01 UPS NEXT DAY AIR TRACKING; #: 1Z 916 835 01 7438 7896 llllN I I BILLING: P/P Trx Rot No.: ONLINEUSFR WI,; I4. IS. Y 1 IuI— /I' 4 W % IAIA IIUYll 11 se,ro,K,axww n..aurs .. m,. ww arww, awwrrw ,a..r i,.,awr,wbmuvsm.u„m.xavd ew a.ewse u.vAna,. no. aaiw mnwmaw .uw..enmgrd•.••.c.we`omu.usv.amaooMn+ecwaaeae+m n.o CERS Business Training Portal The production release of CERS2 has been delayed until January 8, 2012. F t- UPS Ground Freight, Bakersflield, 12/20/2011 11:16:07 AM HAZARDOUS MATERIALS BUSINESS PLAN CERTIFICATION FORM For Use by Unidocs Member Agencies orwhere approved by yourLocal Jurisdiction Authority Cited.. Health andSafety?Cods §25503.3(c); 19 CCR §2729.5(c) j To: Agency Name: Bakersfield Fire Department Prevention Services Agency Mailing Address: 1600 Truxtun Ave. Suite 401 Bakersfield, CA 93301 Pursuant to Section 25503.3(c) of California Health and Safety Code (HSC), the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP) certification described below is hereby submitted for the following facility: Facility Name: UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS Freight Facility Street Address: 600 Williams Street Date of Current HMBP:2012/12/31 I certify that: (Check the appropriate box.) city: Bakersfield I have personally reviewed the Hazardous Materials Business Plan currently on file with your agency and certify that the HMBP is complete and accurate. (See bottom ofpage for details.) If this facility is subject to Federal Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act (EPCRA) reporting requirements, I have submitted the following documents with this Certification Form: Unified Program Consolidated Form UPCF) Business Activities page; UPCF Business Owner /Operator Identification page with current signature and date; Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement page(s) with an original signature, photocopy of an original signature, or signature stamp on each page for all Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) handled at or above their Federal Threshold Planning Quantity (TPQ) or 500 pounds, whichever is less. or X Revisions to the Hazardous Materials Business Plan are necessary. The HMBP as revised is complete and accurate and is being implemented, A copy of the revisions has been electronically submitted or is enclosed with this Certification along with a signed UPCF Business Owner /Operator Identification page and UPCF Business Activities page if the HMBP revision include changes to the Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement. OWNER/OPERATOR CERTIFICATION: I hereby certify under penalty of law that, based upon my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information reported above, I believe that the submitted information is true, accurate, and complete. I understand that a revised HMBP must be submitted within 30 days of any change in this facility's storage or handling of hazardous materials that would require updating of the HMBP. Name of Owner /Operator (Print) Phone. 213- 215 -7938 Joe ,Yasmer S By checking the upper box on this form, you are UPS Freight Region Vice President Date; 12/20/2011 The information contained in the HMBP most recently suKmitted is complete, accurate, and up -to -date; and There has been no change in the quantity of any hazardous material as reported in the most recently submitted Hazardous Materials Inventory forms; and The facility has not begun handling any hazardous material in a HMBP reportable quantity that is not currently listed in the Hazardous Materials Inventory; and The most recently submitted HMBP contains the information required by Section 11022 ofTitle 42 of the United States Code; and There have been no substantial chances in the facility's operations that would require revision of the current HMBP. _ UN -039 - 1/1 www,unidocs.org Rev. 10/09/07 UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11:15:34 AM UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS ACTIVITIES Page I of 1 I. FACILITY IDENTIFICATION FACILITY ID N EPA ID N (Ham Waste Only) 2. za Agency Use Only) CAL000308717 BUSINESS NAME (Same as Facility Nome or DBA - Doing Business As) UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS BUSINESS SITE ADDUSS 'o3600WilliamsStreet BUSINESS SITE CITY Bakersfield 104 CA I ZIP CODE 93313 103 II. ACTIVITIES DECLARATION NOTE: If you check YES to any part of this list, lease submit the Business Owner/ O erator Identification page. Does your facility... If Yes, please complete these pages of the UPCF... A. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Have on site (for any purpose) at any one time, hazardous materials at or above 55 gallons for liquids, 500 pounds for solids, or 200 cubic feet for compressed gases (include liquids in ASTs and USTs); or the applicable YES NO <. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS INVENTORY — Federal threshold quantity for an extremely hazardous substance specified in CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION 40 CFR Part 355, Appendix A or B; or handle radiological materials in quantities for which an emergency plan is required pursuant to 10 CFR Pans 30, 40 or 70? B. CaIARP REGULATED SUBSTANCES Have Regulated Substances stored onsite in quantities greater than the YES ®NO aa. Coordinate with your local agency responsible for threshold quantities established by the California Accidental Release CalARP. Prevention Program (CaJARP )? C. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS (USTs) YES 0N UST FACILITY (Fonnedy SWRCB Form A) Own or operate underground storage tanks? USTTANK (we PAS. Pertank) (FormadyFo -B) D. ABOVE GROUND PETROLEUM STORAGE Own or operate ASTs above these thresholds: YES ®NO a. No form required to CUPAs Store greater than 1,320 gallons of petroleum products (new or used) in above round tanks or containers? E. HAZARDOUS WASTE Generate hazardous waste? x YES NO 9. EPA ID NUMBER— provide at top ofthis page Recycle more than 100 kg/month of excluded or exempted recyclable YES 0 NO to. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS REPORT materials (per HSC §25143.2)? one per 1acy`ler) Treat hazardous waste onsite? YES ® NO i i. ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT FACILITY ONSITE HAZARDOUS WASTE TREATMENT UNIT (one pageper snip Perform treatment subject to financial assurance requirements (for Permit by YES x NO a CERTIFICATION OF FINANCIAL ASSURANCE Rule and Conditional Authorization)? Consolidate hazardous waste generated at a remote site? YES Z NO u. REMOTE WASTE CONSOLIDATION SITE ANNUAL NOTIFICATION Need to report the closure /removal of a tank that was classified as hazardous YES [K NO ta. HAZARDOUS WASTE TANK CLOSURE waste and cleaned onsite? CERTIFICATION Generate in any single calendar month 1,000 kilograms (kg) (2,200 YES © NO i<a. Obtain federal EPA ID Number, file Biennial pounds) or more of federal RCRA hazardous waste, or generate in Report (EPA Form 8700- 13A/B), and satisfy any single calendar month, or accumulate at any time, I kg (2.2 requirements for RCRA Large Quantity Generator, pounds) of RCRA acute hazardous waste; or generate or accumulate at any time more then 100 kg (220 pounds) of spill cleanup materials contaminated with RCRA acute hazardous waste? Serve as a Household Hazardous Waste HEW Collection site? YES p NO i +b. See CUPA for required forms. F. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS (You may also be required to provide additional infonnation by yourCUPA or local agency.) 15. UPCF Rev. (12/2007) -1/2 www.unidocs.org I t II t UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11 :14:38 AM UPCF Rev. (121V7)-112 1vww.unidocs,org UNIFIED PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED FORM FACILITY INFORMATION BUSINESS OWNER/OPERATOR IDENTIFICATION Page 1 of 1 1. IDENTIFICATION FACILITY 1D b 1 REGTNNTNG DATE 00 ENDING DATE 101. Agency use only) 2012/01/31 2012112/31 Rt ICINESS NAME (Same as Facility Name or DBA — Doing Buriness As) BUSINESS PHUNE 102. UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS Freight 661 -395 -9502 BusltibJJ JI 1 a NLJL'n J 103. 13USTNESS PAX 102+ 600 Williams Street BUSINESS SITE CITY 104. ZIP CODE tos. COUNTY tot. Bakersfield CA 93313 Kern DUN & BRADSTREET 106, PRIMARY SIC 107• PRIMARY NAICS 107.- 4212 BUSINESS MAILING ADDRESS 1201 W. Olympic Blvd. log• BUSINESS MAILING CITY I gb, Los Angeles STATE togG ZIP CODE logo CA RI ICINESS OPERATOR NAME 109. BUSINESS OPERATOR PHONE 110. UPS Ground Freight, Inc., DBA UPS Freight 661- 395 -9502 BUSINESS OWNER OWNER NAME 111• OWNER PHONE 112, UPS Ground Freight, Inc. 804- 231 -8000 r1W'iJP,R MAILINU AUUKraa t13. 1000 Semmes Ave. OWNER MAILING CITY 114, STATE 115. ZIP CODE 6. Richmond VA 2322411 I1I. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTACT CONTACT NAME 117. CONTACT PHONE rig. Frankk Figueroa 213- 215 -7938 CONTACT MAILING ADDRESS 119• CONTACT EMAIL 119. 1201 W. Olympic Blvd 1201 W, Olympic Blvd CONTACT MAILING CITY 120. STATE 121• ZIP CODE 122. Los Angeles 1 CA 90015 PRIMARY- IV, EMERGENCY CONTACTS -SECONDARY-.. NAME 123• NAME 123• David Wager Mary Roland TITLE 129• TITLE 124. Terminal Manager Operations Supervisor BUSINESS PHUNE 130, BUSINESS PHONE 125. 661 -395 -9502 866- 201 -0706 24 -HOUR PHONE 131. 24 -HOUR PHONE 126• 661 - 987 -2118 661- 987 -2118 PAGER N 135, PAGER 11 127. ADDITIONAL LOCALLY COLLECTED INFOF- IAAT10N: 133. Billing Address: X201 W, 01,` tQ0 5NO, LOS CA C>`W J5. ptjT1.j PE' Property Owner: pp Phone No.: Certiftcatio Bas on my inquiry of those i ividuals responsible for obtaining the information, Icertify under penalty oflaw that 1 have personally examined and am (amili with the fo 1 sub d an lieve the in malion is true, accurate, and complete. SIGNA RE OF 0 OP OR IGNA D PRESENTATIVE DATE 13d• NAME OF DOCUMENT PREPARER 135• 2011/12/20 1 Frank Figueroa TITLE OF SIGNER 37, NAME FSIG rint) u6, Joe I e UPS Freight Region Vice President UPCF Rev. (121V7)-112 1vww.unidocs,org UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11:51:09 AM 12/2012011 Non -Waste Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Date: For use by Unidocs Member Agencies or where approved by your Local Jurisdiction Business Name: Sameu F.,iiry N- or ,BA) UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield Type of Report on This Page: Add; Delete; Revise Page 1 of 1 epaec per bnildi —itt .r.rta) Chemical Location: Northwest comer of the exterior yard Buildi.OtaraeeAra) EPCRA Confidential Location? Yes; ® No Trade Secret Information? Yes; ® No Facility ID N fAs-,yU. Only) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. Map and Hazardous Components Type Quantities Storage Codes Grid or For mixtures only) and Haz Location Chemical % Physical Max. Average Largest Storage Storage Hazard Class Code Common Name Name Wt. EHS CAS No. State Daily Daily Cont Units Pressure Temp. Cate ones MAP: GRID: 4,. ':I°w.jc:- •,.r.:. Nt W x 3 F':_ :< i k -st.'iJ CAS EU: -• =' prat o 10 5 55 X g.(basg— rxfm tour rrbiera mb mb X .nbior amb emb, Mme X Fu. eap tie prmsaerot rateheehhsolid ligrrid C:t v dimccW DS3Q Sts 365 stemLf D MAP: GRID: B5 RQ AN ff f , J`i,;; :,; k Z My``y??.}'ln: a:o:...:;c__' <'< si:_...:::_- ..--- fAS N °•: eF1s 300 250 25 X cufem arub. p<uah X >° . rb. ° aaA. s X X x racrire premue deae crateheath daoaic hnhh a Solid liquid gZ wrier, nrndo.rs,c> D sOn iie: 365 ton Conta:n4n L, MAP: GRID: E4 V- SEUO1L lL:TERS ? My$' i' _'? * zs aCAS?goa: -` -':: r 3EH : CAS No.: EHS P gave : ac feet x orbrn amb. amb cm rb. a rra pressure release duoaicEmhh X Saud li W Sn :i+ Rfndi . d-) Pays (L] 365 stor"S Conteingr D, 0 MAP: GRID: a¢rmac po,mds e fm emb mb a. unh awgO11e p raniK pesrerektsc aoaehe.kh dwnieh«kh r.dio.c - a e solid liquid gds Ca ei D... on z9v 81s>ars CoAtpislt " CASNo.. ERS MAP: GRID: P_ mi". dANoas ponds to Ceef mbm mb. mb_ rrki m amb. Q5'aB fre reactive prerwe M d ime& hhwhh mdwactiw solid8liquid gds Caries: v,.dio.ni^e) p rs 0. Sts.: C. ontn3nv:• EHS 1:1 MAP: GRID: P= mixam aYoru Po+ eu fm eaoa trbiaa mb. arb. ambiem mah aab. ayogerdc frm racm premuami- tM.M d=ockheakh radwactive B solid iquid PS Cone: Pfr.diu w) Days On OW S!snzecwn.wrar.• CAS No•: EIIS C1 sans -.•. • m A Aboveground Tank B Bdowgto nd Tank C TankLuide Budding UN -020EA - 1/2 Llata S.C u S.tYS ]cl:E ' sJC4G D StedDrum G Carboy J B.g M Gtam Hoak or lug P Tads Wagon E PlwWNon-mnallie Drum H Silo K Box N Plastic BoNeorlug Q Rail Cu F Can I Fiber Drum L Cylinder O Tote Bin R Other http: / /www. unidocs.org if EPCRA, sign below: Rev. 04/24/00 UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield, 12/20/2011 11:52:34 AM 12/20/2011 Hazardous Waste Inventory Statement Date:. For use by Unidocs Member- 4gencies or where approved byyoro LOCal JU ShcCtlOi1 Business Name: s_ as F.,Xo N,.-DaA) UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield Type ofRe ortan This Page: El Add; [] Delete; Revise Page ? ofI Oat wtxP- b-aWL-c • •t.x] Chemical Location: Northwest comer of the exterior yardBaBdinVSt.raeeAte') EPCRA Confidential Location? Yes; No rFacitityiTradeSecretInformation? Yes; No ID # r"- Ure o+db L 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. t0. Haz Class Map and Grid or Location Code Waste Stream Name Hazardous Components Chemical °% Name Wt. EHS CAS No. Type and Physical State Quantities M= Average Largest Dai Da( Cant. Annual Waste Amount Units Storage Codes Storage Storage Pressure Tem Hazard Categories MAP: GRID: E4 1yrne Was" 10 5 55 660 mfnv a,y mb. x P rdeu. rntehuhk dvonich t r'""` ve on. em t Method. 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GRID: POrIDdi L m°r Fnh 0 mbe Ojtlde IC%EK P rak ,e Mao' ent cMod: solid8liquid gas 9>iSfi ea t' IIm4a. Site 5"Zsto t• w,.kceeeoffsite Rftyw Oa -site Tmd d On -Site 7.sas DIMM Irne (;.at Dtotatt tvon lim nsware sr ..we ygrxe .. 1yr!r a...e...rnc Sim ar'r.v< ..vc If EPCRA, A Abosagawd Tank D Slad Dann G Caboy J BOB M flossBoakarlus P TankWnm SlgD below: a Btlewyetad T.ak E PSmidNonpxt.aieDetan H sit. K Box N Plastic Bonleorha Q F.ACa C Tullehuidt Building F Cw t AberDram L Cytioder 0 TateBm R Other UN -020B -1 2 httpuVwww.unidocs.otg Rev. OSA9100 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT i __.__...A.- Prevention Services 2101 H Street SITE & FACILITY DIAGRAM qyEy T Bakersfield, CA 93301 Phone: 661 - 326 -3979 • Fax: 661 -852 -2171 Page 2 of 2 SITE DIAGRAM 12 1 FACILITY DIAGRAM M# UPS C1Q0UNa 0REI -rzR -T TAr —. Ve A UPS 4-kT Business Name: - - -- - - - - -- — -- --- __.... _— -- - - -- Business Address: _ .._— _ ..R,Sf LD_ —A A 6 G" D E F c-1 kl 2 i 3 I I i I 5 W i 8 i i 9 F 13 aIrly I 1 UPS Ground Freight, Bakersfield (600 Williams Street; Bakersfield, CA 93313) a Curb 5 Dole laging Trailer Staging AreaO Runoff Flow a N ONORTH VW00IL SMUT AOTIi& u N—Oil t) CMOtt. FItTC1L o` a` Ramp n N Storage Exit Evac. Map Hazardous Material Star age Area 058D1 N Fire g E:t S w I Dock 1 z Firo Eri E-14— G Oil Spill Ras Dove Plan Exit Firs E :t Stor KitMalManagersOfficeStorageStoraggee Office Area Mal" Evac. Map Drlvaway O Exit Stairs Sample Employee Parking Lot Employee Parking Lot Location Employee Entrance Legend: , 1 Evac Horn I Williams St. cflle: 1 iDO FD2170 (116. 01/08) e I11ANK I IGUEROA LTR I OF 1213) 612 — 1843 LIPS -- PLANT ENGINEERING 1281 W. OLYMPIC BLVD. LOS ANGELES CA 900'15 SHIP TO: BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART PREVENTION BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPART PREVENTION 1600 TRUXTUN AVE. SUITE 401 BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 ir y Y; {,t CA 933 0-01f #} s; S, }• ..{ ri t.fi S • ' IN Iwo UPS NEXT DAY Alfl , TRACKING #: 1Z 916 835 25 7655 6742 91. 1 1 oil RII . 11 all 1.1 -IIII _III l rx lief No.: 2012 CAOFE 11MOP HEF= 2:2012 CABFE IMP WS 14.0.Y I /Wilh /P <t,ll Y I VA IW7111 I v[IgiKf awafvlWa.dyuask, m+ ..a•r.adon.a.adwe nr,w..•.a.e. eria.,m«..•orwruvsm.a., w..aqtea•. n.wta.w. pmpdu p.V.Wq•mN. tti, dypr{YIWsY•1Yiemnn/II.. Ya•bl.(..rmAar. iv wWbwAel6brmYm•MtaMbIaMMO¢fIN GpR.bl6 OlmwObIrY1.• bpa+YY1. CERS Business Training Portal The production release of CERS2 has been delayed until Janua https:(iiersapps._ apps. ca. govrirainrn 1- - i iiourt;_ i nIr,' R rwrd_ xl= `:2`Trsirru;.= _fE_r_s ^b2Ft E@e _ Edit. View F$vorites Tools':`- Hefp I X LJJ IF, L•, X Favorites J r CTSG EARS 1-mF5 j HDFS Reporting I.S. Data Security 4 ; TINE CARDS Web Slice Gallery - F,-,9gn-In: CERS Business Training California Environmental Reporting System: Business BuHCBet 20, 3:00 PM Sion In HeID CERS Business Training Portal Air The production release of CERS2 has been delayed until January 6. You can gain familiarity with CERS2 by using this training portal to create "test" businesses and facilities, and then create and submit reports on the test facilities. Past CERS users can sign in with their previous CERS1 usemame (email address) and password, while other users can create a new CERS account. To learn more about CERS and the Unified Program, see CERS Central. - y ' Y,;. ' Sri6^ x9Yir' 9t•^' " 9w,' 4, 3 d u.^ y i4 St. Your Username Forgot your usernarne? ADIMlm—t To start reporting on your facility(s) in CERS, create a CERS account. Want to experiment with CERS? Use the Business Training site to learn how to use CERS by creating and managing test data before starting your official facility reporting. Are you a CERS Regulator? Go to the CEPS Regulator web site. General CERS /Ur,itlad Proorarn Information J