HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011 FMC RESULTSMONITORING SYSTEM CERTIFICATION or Use & All At7' lhctions Wilton the .Gale ofCA71V6p7da dwhority Cilul: Chaptw' 6.7, t-leallh and We #), Corte: Chapter lr, Oivisir >n 3. -ale 23. Califomio Co(k of Regulations llnis fornn must be used to document testing and servicing of monitoring equipment. t\ sg)arntc certification nr report must be o- -:! ed for Bch monitnrin s seem Control paihj by the ttchnician wlio performs the work. A wpy ul'this form nttcSt he pruvidcd to the tank system owner /operator. Ilse owtterioperator must submit a copy of dais form to the local agency regulating UST systemsMihin30 (lays of this (late. A. General Information Facility Namc: Oswell Chervon Site Address: 2700 0swell Street Facility Contact Person: Rami Makc/i,Io&l of Monitoring Systcnn: Veeder- Root TLS -350 B. Inventory of Equipment Tested /Certified CNOVI, Ohl aw"113,116 "1 uW"t V"IfIr egnlpmral InmM.0 "lrN: Bldg. No - City. Bakersfield "Lip: 93306 Contact Phonc No.: 661 -871 -1200 Lratc ofTesting /Servicing: 6/9/2011 Tank 10:_L0000 gal. Regular rank 11): 10000 gal. Super x] In -'tank Gauging Probe. Model : 847390 -107 n -Tani( Gauging Prohe. Model: 847390.107 Annular Space or Vault Probe. Model- Arnmlar Space or Vault Sensor. Model: x] Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 x) Piping Sump / Trcnch Sensor(s). Model: 794380.208 x] Fill Sump Sensor(s) Model: 794380 -208 U t=ill Sump Se+nsorts). Mtxlcl: 794380 -208 x I Mm' hanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic x] Mechanical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Electmtuc line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak fk(eetor. Model: x] Tank Overfill / High Level Senor. Model: 847390 -107 U lank Overfill / High Leval Sensor. Model: 647390 -107 Other (specify equip..t)x turd model in Sec. E on Pg. 2) Other (specify equip. type and nlndel in Sec. L on Pg. 2) Tank III: 1000Ua1. Dlosol tank ID: x] In -Tank Cnruging Probe. Model: 847390.107 In -Tank Gauging Prolx:. Model: Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: D Annular Space or Vault Sensor. Model: fx] Piping Sump / Trench Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 Piping Swnp / Trench Sensor(s). Model: x] Dill Sump Senors(s). Model: 79430D-208 Fill Swnp Senwr(s). Model: x i Mechanical Line Leak Dececior. Mule(: Electronic Mechsulical Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: Electronic Line Leak Detector. Model: x] Tank Ovcrlill / High Level Sensor. Model: 947390 -107 Tank Overfill / High Level Sensor. Model: Other (specify equip. type and model in Sec. E on Pg. 2) Other (specify equip. typs and rrlcxiel in Sec. 1•. on Pc. 2) Dispenser ID: 1 & 2 Dispenser iD:_3 & 4 _ 0 Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Mtxlel: 794380 -208 L] Dispenser ConlaUuncnt Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -2D8 n Shear Valve( %). U Shear Valve(s). Distcn -cr Containment Floats) and Chain( -). Dispenser Containment Floal(s) and Chain(s) Dispenser 11): 5& 6 Dispenser I D:-7 $ 8 Lx] Iispenser Containment Sensor(s). fvlrKICI: 794380 -208 x) Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model: 794380 -208 _ x) Shear Valve(s). U Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containmcnl Float(s)and Chains(s). Dispenser Containment Float(s) and C l- iain(s). Dispenser 11): Dispenser 1 D: Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). Model Dispenser Containment Sensor(s). ivlodel: Shear Valvc(s). Shear Valve(s). Dispenser Containment Floai(s) and Chains) ' Dispenser Cawainnxni Float(s) and Chain(s). 1 f the facility contains more tanks or dispensers, copy this form. InLAxie information for every tank and dispenser at the facility. C. Certification - i certify that the equipment identified io this document was inspected /services in accordance with the manufacturers' guidlines. Attached to this Certification is information (e.g. manufacturers' checklist) necessary to varify that this information is correct anti a plot plan showing the layout of monitoring equipment. For equipment capable of Ceneraling such reports, i have attached a copy of the report; (check all that apply) x rte- n Set -Up U Alarm hi epurt Technician Name (print): Bryan A Solt Signature: Ccrtificalion No: 1337501 License No- 804904 TestUig Company Nante: Confidence UST Services, Inc. Phone No: 800. 339.9930 Site Address: 2700 06we11 Street, Bakersfield, CA 93306 Date i t TeslinE/Servicing: 6/912011 1). Results of'resting /Servicing Software. Version Installed: 329.01 Complete the following checklist: U Yes No+ Is the audible alarm olvrational? xl Yes No* Is tie Visual a an)i upctntiona '. K Yes No* Were all sensors visually inspected, functionally tested, and confirmed oprrationa s Yes No* Wereall sensors installed at the lowest point of seeonc try contai.ntucnt and posuioned so that cnher equipment will not unterferc with tlicir prolvr operation? El Yes H1 No* If alarms are relayed to a remote moiiikmng station, is all commuuications equipment (u.g. modern) N/A op eruional? xT Yes No* For pressurized piping systcros, does the turbine automatically shut dawn ifthe piping secondary NiA containment monitoring system detects a leak, fails to operate, or is electrically disconnected? if yes: which sensors initate positive shut -downy Suuir'rcich Sensors [x] pispxnser Containment ensors Did you confirm positive shut -down due to leaks and sensor lailureldisconn:cted? [x] Yes; " No; U Yes No+ For tank systems that utilize the monitoring system as the primary tank overfill warning device (i.e. no NIA mechanical overfill prevention valve is installed), is the overfill warning alami visual and audible at the tank fill points) and operating properly? if so, at what percent of tank capasity doca the alarm trigger? `,u yes* U No Was any nmmtonng equipment replaced? IfYes, i entity sp ecific sem-ors, pro s. or of ier egwpmeni replaced and list the manufacturer name and mixlel for ail replacement parts in Section F:, helow. Yes+ xj No Was liquid lound inside any secondary containment systems designed as dry systems? Product; F] Water. if ves, describe causes in Section F. below. x Vo4, Was monitoni% system set -tip reviewed to ensure proper settings. Atuch set -up reports, if applicable. x Yc • No* is all monitoring equipment oNrational per manufacnircr's specifications? In Section G below, discrihe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. F. Comments: F. In -'Tank Cusgiug /SIR Equipment: [NJ Check this box iftank guaging is used only for inventory ccgorol. Check this box if tank gutaging or SIR equipment is installed. This section must be completed if in -tank gttaging equipment is used to perform leak detection monitoring. Complete the following checklist: In the Section 11, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were. or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): Check this box if LLD's are not installed. Complete the following checklist: x] Yes Yes No* alas all input wiring Ix:en it)s>eetcd for proper enter and terminatiin,incauding testing lior wowid f uits7X177, No* Were all tank gt aging probes visually inspected for damage and residue buildup? Werr. all I.I.D's confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirments7 xj Yes No* Was accuracy of system product level readings tested'? as the testing apparatus~ properly ca ihratec ? x Yes No* Was accuracy ol'systeni water level readings tested? I-or mac iantea _, _.Ds, (loes [lie .. restrict pi uct flOw ti it detects a leak'? x Yes No* Were all probes reinstalled properly? Yes No« Were all items nn the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed? In the Section 11, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were. or will be corrected. G. Line Leak Detectors (LLD): Check this box if LLD's are not installed. Complete the following checklist: x] Yes No* For equip. start -up or annual equipment certification, was a leak simulated to varify LLD performance? Cheek all ihtw npph) Simulated leak rate: [c]a a.p.h.: 00.1 g.p.h.; 00.2 g.p.h.; x Yes rl No* Werr. all I.I.D's confirmed operational and accurate within regulatory requirments7 X] Yes No* as the testing apparatus~ properly ca ihratec ? cs o I-or mac iantea _, _.Ds, (loes [lie .. restrict pi uct flOw ti it detects a leak'? x N/A Nv'r For clecrronic I I-D's, does the turbine automatically shut off if the LLD detects a leak? N/A Yes No* For electronic LLD's, does the tut'bine automatically shut off ifarty portion of Ihr monitoring; system is N/A disabled or discotuiected? x] Yes No* For electronic I.LlYs, does the turbuie automatically shut off ifany portion of the moni(oring system N/A mnlftnction or fails a lest? Yee No* For electronic LLD's, have all accessible wiring cortnections been visually inspected'! N/A x Ycs No Were all items on the equipment manufacturer's maintenance checklist completed'! In the section H, below, describe how and when these deficiencies were or will be corrected. Ii. Comments: Y.J I I I I JL'tq 9. 1 l- F1'Ncl u.vi:;,-rof. kLl,•hl' r '- : I. I i,`,v I vol-talE 1 ?.'5 ILc u1j, O.F Yi LRAH-J.- rJ VOIAVII- - I I I 'KF - I .,., t,YATER VO[ i :Hl wpiTER 79 I blli&i T mr 7, .-, DEG F.- r '- : I. I i,`,v I VOF- I VE 1 ?.'5 ILc t it . Ti VOL I-911 - I _;.1 liF, I,'; HT 0. I 3 1 uiA*rtR v„1. . wATrk I I t"I'lIt- TrIll Orc: r T": VOLUIE .175.1 -.;r.U Fig I i::fiT .117.. UG 1 fb"I IE ; W'.hTEK, I W'l IE. El; F Lid, - , - i.'jlEll SETUI• C11 I Fj 2'4 AN S-o TEM ONITS, U.S. L,WLY43L El;. -L I.SH Sl,,P,TFJ i [,,4TE 'I HIE FoRl-l-%T lli iq E'D 'Y -U CHR-4. At f C , -.,: wELL 3r 661 -671 - I -CIC.1 SH I FT T I I iE I Ou v4-1 SHIFT TIME r) -r49u-:p E;HIFT TIME q EdSABLED HIFT TIME -4 D I c.-BLED FW.11: FE.? TSr LiF.,N I - I .1-6411-Ell Ti4f): i-iNN TST NELT•Eli whN 11 SiABLED I.] NE RE-WNH81-1: HM'HobPmSSLloETE: f LINE PER TST NEEDED I•JFN L• P7ra(i1.EU LINE F'FR TF;T NEEDED URN L I NE F,F,'-< T toaw-'rj Ht m I.Il-'E ANN TST Wkll L- ED Plk I NT Ti' VOLUME'-, EllmBLED TFJIP j:"(;NPE;i-cAT ION VoiLUE I Pa. ;' ) : E.G. n Tli-l' HE cHft om-,FT C, kif4SLED IJLLA%-,E: iLl;, H-PROT01'61- DmTm Fofdhr,F HE I IGHT PPEC*I1:d-,)N TE-6T DUPA-1 .()N HOUR-1 : I " S.V INC.' TIME ENABLEb c3To,RT flmTE MAR WEEK 2, Sn*PART TIME 2:06 AM END DHTE 140V wFEY I SUN END TIME 2: 00 AM r, F-E - l'- IRCI"T i.(COQ PRINTOL11* U I iABLED EURIO PROTOOA- PWFIX CS rY i611F D VJO: •:K4PT --.0-4-IT", C, I Hi-kbLED UF T0 I IS LPV I -:U' ljo 1 1CE QUE tv-.,`i• L,Lw, i 'r,,, 1) 1 ImImBLE11 a °u1wf:',:,TIi;N I•V:fUf' I••F :I tiE111N-.r. 9111 BUHkt' : I (ED II t , F': SE+'I)F.I'I;' chat 6C:HkG F•:-_..,: Hr+IIL, RATE F.AR' n, . k. FIJ 6TOf' E: T . I z T, P IlmTH LEN,:. H: 7 E•„T,, RR SE,: uF: I 1 t' G1SHbl.EL W-R1, Ry. @I;UD kr;TE a, „ F•HkIT: ST,X U I , -Ti;P SC PI F4mU[, P..,TE : I.:U+i P,,F. I T'; ODD STvF BIT I STOF- rHTr, LEI,;Tw 7 1.fkTfi EL£ I Ty I1 f u I HHi H1. „N.ht L I I 1 I T 041(1 U H11>, W 1'EH 1 11 11 T 1, I iimBLEL rAJTG• c:iVEkFILL LIMIT DISAHLE[' . r•+UTv THEIF'T i I N I T D 1Si -iBLED a,UTG STi-iRT I 1 S!- 031.Er, f,i_1Th DELIvEk"! END D I ,:i,,DLED HUTG E :TERtw,L 11tPU "I' +iN It I i MHLED 411TO E- TEP.N+iL INPUT i:FF C- I ?HBLED OTv wErrSuk RICI. L.+1Tl VTR', SEPt`.;l >F: td,,TEF: r+l_r +P•.Tt D I ij,•;bLi:D O QTC- SEH: tOR OUT nL, +kl t 1,18 iBLE[• E s_ Em, . r•li a:E b IrHBLE[ 114 Tr,rIK. ETUP T I : SUf,:REF1E f k:+ ;Du['T `,)DE I 116RMn1. l :tOLFI' TANK DIHMETFR =.Oil TmNK I'RC'F I I_I. 4 P15 FULL V01. : 'j7_8 69.r1 INCH VOL 7`-10 4r..6 I N-111 VOL : 4A6.1 3. u 111-`11 VOL : I b 16 rl.(:rtT .; I F :: 4.t, IN. wf,TEk tYAPN I N, 1.0 NIGH t4iTE•R Lih11:': 2.0 V64: 01R, LAbIEL V)l. 2,a OVERFILL L I h11 T 5Q'. NIGH F'F.GLtu:l 55. 9241 DELIVERY LIWT 12'. 116? IOW PRODO.''T a01i I_Em• HLHfy1 1.1 11 i 1 RIDDEN LOSS L I ht I T: TNN): T I LT 0.40 PROBE OFF ;EI' 0. 00 I PION HA 1 FOLDED D4NYS Ta: NONE LINE MAN I FOLDEf, Tv;,A'S T13: NONE LEAK HIN PF_RI:)D!C: I . yi L1•A1: f9J'J r,l•IIJIh I I. 97 f ER l UD I 'rFM r T.'PE STW f.1t4f) i4NNL'tAL TEST Fr•+II. ml.APH Ll h: +I]I.EL• 1,Ek10L,i; : TEST FAIL L -+F:rt 1,1::N6LFG Uh'+iS' T`f FHII_ r;NN TEST r+,?EF.HG l fns : OFF PER TEST AVEP.HC:I hk:: OFF 7wiY. TEST Nf f I FY : OFF CNl•: T, T BPErO, : (,FF jEl.IvERY DELAY i Mill PUMP THRESH•)LL, 10. uu T _:DIESEL I kc- DlIi-'T r,or, : THEf'14mL l:C•EF'F TiANK L, I r+h1ETEk Tf -iNK PROFILE" FULL VOL 0 . INCH VOL 46_1 INCH VOL 3.0 INCH VOI. FLOAT SJE: L-'HTER 0 ,R11I Nr HI, ::H WkTEN LIh)1T m;a: OR L- BEL J01- NI;RF I LL L) ht 1 T H](41 F ROC,UZ:T DELIVERV LIMIT LUt F RvUt t['7 LE:-41, hL.MRH LIMIT: SUDDEN LOSO4 LIMIT V-4111: TILT 2 0100.150 92.00 4 PTa f728 7910 4964 1618 1 .0 : G 2.0 6 90'. ti ?55 95'. 92.11 4Gu 9c y5 G.GO Lt. GO SIPHON 110AN I F ULDED T:;tfls TO: NONE LINE Mf.rf t FOLDED 1'r.N1:S T u : NOrfE Lb,49 KIN 1? I_EP49 MIN HNNUHL : I 57 PER I OG I _ 'fEST i'' I'li TrilJ!'+RG HPa:Lµl_ TEST Fr+l i. t; kQSS TE:1 I *A I L k1_40.14 L,! iraFfLL'L mNty TEST „VErw: t rJC : OFF PER TEST ,VER)v' -JI ;: OFF TMNY. TEbT NOT 1 F'.: OFF i Nh TbT I PHON HPa_r+h :OFF I ILL I,rtNv I:1-Ay ; I.11 it I.L21f- THPFSw1Lfi mrIN T ::'1 mvCRsA1:; I Ny' MP TEST IA1/ER-,(;I(*.;: OFF ToiNK OFFiL!:r itorir,,: Tfif,* T6T bPLr-1:;0FF I, TV.,T 11&T011) I-r.-IT C-Sh okIL ToW f-1 - 45. jpwn 5T Emrj 9TOP: ENABLED PRESSURE I. I NE L&A): SETIIF Co I : i 1rjI.I-,EjLr, TVP u 1 .14 F I 2.01l1 DIN LEN: ICI-1 FEET 3AIN UIA LEN: 115 I-•ET TE: 'I. u t ';PH LWJ PPE ,31*r SHUTOFF :1+3 L(oW PRESSURE : C) IS! I 3 :Ufll.Er EIED DISPEWE l )DE: STArkw4PC, PRES'SURE OFFSET: D - OFISI 4 _- : S u I - p F11, rvi; ; t. 0 s. Cil ti F I 6EF 31-,•%2 01IN UIN LEW im FEET i.0ii,• biti LFW lit FEE'r SHUT•WN PeJR: % - ' 13 r, M L,w I,RES:SURE 514UTOFI-:Iq) LOW FRESSUIRE : 0 Ps I T I :-SUPPaIF Dl,C:PEte.,E r-10DE: STANEIMPI) iFli$OP: K'N-VENTED PIRE&3URE OFFSET: (I.DPSI qj ; 111 EsEl. TYP: -D- C, 3.0111 njiq rjitA. LEN: 105 Fro- ldi LEN: 115 I'ELT frHUTWWN ?iiTE: J.0 UH LOW PREZ-S*UPE !?HUTOFF:Nb L,W FRESSIRE : 0 FS T 2 : b I EiiEl. DISPENSE r*DE: 4DAFc,T; to D E.Etzc)R: i,.,0t4-vEfjTrrt f-PESSuRE ()M*,ET: LINE LF0: sETJP- L(,.1X,fjT L5i.'HLf1JI-L STOP I 111L : DI'-:;AbLED L I : UNL STP Tki 4.Ti,-,TE (SIII-A.;LE FLOAT, HTU.0Rv : 4Tr swir. I : UAtL FILL TP'i - --'.,T1,T E t 1 1;,:;L F F L0,:AT CmM OR•. STP SUMP L .,::-!tjF- FlLJ- Tki "'I'mTE I1GIW3I.L FI-()#-AT: L 5:1t-sl- STF• TRI -STmTE (SINCLE FLOAT, 1'HTr1.;%')RY : STP SLatP L 6: RSL I- 11.1- TPI-ST4'ri (RINrjLE FlLvHTi i:'iATECORY : P1111tv.; siflip L 7:1,1.;I; 7-A t*Ri--,IH*I*L 'SIIV:LE FL,.;.T,, CATEC*Rl. : E,ISP.Er-:;ER r•mN t I':111.1A S I. TRI riAiL cSII`14AV FLj-T• C;A1*E40RV : Elltf"ENSEP PmN 1. 11:1711sF 1-:, 11:1 ';Ti4TE t.;;IM-LC FU4,IT) i:•HTee:*Rle : ('-I-,r+EftSER Pi L10:c-I;i;p , -1 YPI ST,41L Fb-,#4T) hTL(*R•I, : ijISPENt;ER i--tif, THERM;A. 1 6EFF 0 L U INCH Nfi )I 7 1 CI f) I N) 'H %/%)I. IF L I 11RV L 11-1 IT I mrIN T ::'1 mvCRsA1:; I Ny' MP TEST IA1/ER-,(;I(*.;: OFF ToiNK OFFiL!:r itorir,,: Tfif,* T6T bPLr-1:;0FF I, TV.,T 11&T011) I-r.-IT C-Sh okIL ToW f-1 - 45. jpwn 5T Emrj 9TOP: ENABLED PRESSURE I. I NE L&A): SETIIF Co I : i 1rjI.I-,EjLr, TVP u 1 .14 F I 2.01l1 DIN LEN: ICI-1 FEET 3AIN UIA LEN: 115 I-•ET TE: 'I. u t ';PH LWJ PPE ,31*r SHUTOFF :1+3 L(oW PRESSURE : C) IS! I 3 :Ufll.Er EIED DISPEWE l )DE: STArkw4PC, PRES'SURE OFFSET: D - OFISI 4 _- : S u I - p F11, rvi; ; t. 0 s. Cil ti F I 6EF 31-,•%2 01IN UIN LEW im FEET i.0ii,• biti LFW lit FEE'r SHUT•WN PeJR: % - ' 13 r, M L,w I,RES:SURE 514UTOFI-:Iq) LOW FRESSUIRE : 0 Ps I T I :-SUPPaIF Dl,C:PEte.,E r-10DE: STANEIMPI) iFli$OP: K'N-VENTED PIRE&3URE OFFSET: (I.DPSI qj ; 111 EsEl. TYP: -D- C, 3.0111 njiq rjitA. LEN: 105 Fro- ldi LEN: 115 I'ELT frHUTWWN ?iiTE: J.0 UH LOW PREZ-S*UPE !?HUTOFF:Nb L,W FRESSIRE : 0 FS T 2 : b I EiiEl. DISPENSE r*DE: 4DAFc,T; to D E.Etzc)R: i,.,0t4-vEfjTrrt f-PESSuRE ()M*,ET: LINE LF0: sETJP- L(,.1X,fjT L5i.'HLf1JI-L STOP I 111L : DI'-:;AbLED L I : UNL STP Tki 4.Ti,-,TE (SIII-A.;LE FLOAT, HTU.0Rv : 4Tr swir. I : UAtL FILL TP'i - --'.,T1,T E t 1 1;,:;L F F L0,:AT CmM OR•. STP SUMP L .,::-!tjF- FlLJ- Tki "'I'mTE I1GIW3I.L FI-()#-AT: L 5:1t-sl- STF• TRI -STmTE (SINCLE FLOAT, 1'HTr1.;%')RY : STP SLatP L 6: RSL I- 11.1- TPI-ST4'ri (RINrjLE FlLvHTi i:'iATECORY : P1111tv.; siflip L 7:1,1.;I; 7-A t*Ri--,IH*I*L 'SIIV:LE FL,.;.T,, CATEC*Rl. : E,ISP.Er-:;ER r•mN t I':111.1A S I. TRI riAiL cSII`14AV FLj-T• C;A1*E40RV : Elltf"ENSEP PmN 1. 11:1711sF 1-:, 11:1 ';Ti4TE t.;;IM-LC FU4,IT) i:•HTee:*Rle : ('-I-,r+EftSER Pi L10:c-I;i;p , -1 YPI ST,41L Fb-,#4T) hTL(*R•I, : ijISPENt;ER i--tif, 141-A1 1--wTEk t 111IT: 0 IF L I 11RV L 11-1 IT I 1! 1 6? T 4(h I i EP4). oil r,"l 1 1111 1 V1.4 5014+11 1 1. 11-1) 5-4 THNI. 71 LT 0.011 I R, -F-E 0VF-,E 1 0.011 11 11014 r y,l; I TO : 1141W I INE IW)lF0L(,V.1J T,klo S TO: I'mNEE LhmK MIN Lbii-' 11I r1 Alao,ol. PFRIODW TF.-,] FSI F#-I I L UkI,-I I•, rE.,;'r Fj,1I mrIN T ::'1 mvCRsA1:; I Ny' MP TEST IA1/ER-,(;I(*.;: OFF ToiNK OFFiL!:r itorir,,: Tfif,* T6T bPLr-1:;0FF I, TV.,T 11&T011) I-r.-IT C-Sh okIL ToW f-1 - 45. jpwn 5T Emrj 9TOP: ENABLED PRESSURE I. I NE L&A): SETIIF Co I : i 1rjI.I-,EjLr, TVP u 1 .14 F I 2.01l1 DIN LEN: ICI-1 FEET 3AIN UIA LEN: 115 I-•ET TE: 'I. u t ';PH LWJ PPE ,31*r SHUTOFF :1+3 L(oW PRESSURE : C) IS! I 3 :Ufll.Er EIED DISPEWE l )DE: STArkw4PC, PRES'SURE OFFSET: D - OFISI 4 _- : SuI - pF11, rvi; ; t. 0 s. Cil ti F I 6EF 31-,•%2 01IN UIN LEW im FEET i.0ii,• biti LFW lit FEE'r SHUT•WN PeJR: % - ' 13r, M L,w I,RES:SURE 514UTOFI-:Iq) LOW FRESSUIRE : 0 Ps I T I :-SUPPaIF Dl,C:PEte.,E r-10DE: STANEIMPI) iFli$OP: K'N-VENTED PIRE&3URE OFFSET: (I.DPSI qj ; 111 EsEl. TYP: -D- C, 3.0111 njiq rjitA. LEN: 105 Fro- ldi LEN: 115 I'ELT frHUTWWN ?iiTE: J.0 UH LOW PREZ-S*UPE !?HUTOFF:Nb L,W FRESSIRE : 0 FS T 2 : b I EiiEl. DISPENSE r*DE: 4DAFc,T; to D E.Etzc)R: i,.,0t4-vEfjTrrt f-PESSuRE ()M*,ET: LINE LF0: sETJP- L(,.1X,fjT L5i.'HLf1JI-L STOP I 111L : DI'-:;AbLED L I : UNL STP Tki 4.Ti,-,TE (SIII-A.;LE FLOAT, HTU.0Rv : 4Tr swir. I : UAtL FILL TP'i - --'.,T1,TE t 1 1;,:;L F FL0,:AT CmM OR•. STP SUMP L .,::-!tjF- FlLJ- Tki "'I'mTE I1GIW3I.L FI-()#-AT: L 5:1t-sl- STF• TRI -STmTE (SINCLE FLOAT, 1'HTr1.;%')RY : STP SLatP L 6: RSL I- 11.1- TPI-ST4'ri (RINrjLE FlLvHTi i:'iATECORY : P1111tv.; siflip L 7:1,1.;I; 7-A t*Ri--,IH*I*L 'SIIV:LE FL,.;.T,, CATEC*Rl. : E,ISP.Er-:;ER r•mN t I':111.1A S I. TRI riAiL cSII`14AV FLj-T• C;A1*E40RV : Elltf"ENSEP PmN 1. 11:1711sF 1-:, 11:1 ';Ti4TE t.;;IM-LC FU4,IT) i:•HTee:*Rle : ('-I-,r+EftSER Pi L10:c-I;i;p , -1 YPI ST,41L Fb-,#4T) hTL(*R•I, : ijISPENt;ER i--tif, cal ITf*11T &EL.o',, 0 v0UPREOM LIM QIj 61•TUP K, ! :GVEPHI-L. ,LIAM ALmRV6 T I :HIGH wmYER HLoPmTofIF 27MMM, T I LOW PRODUCT Lt,PVI EVP TeVL: i-,SS I S- L I w b SE -L1 IS V LLTI -6SIST TYPEY HFHi.',* Vk" L 3:FUEL HI-mKil I. ?:FUEL tAI_/ARII 1. 1.1:FLIEL ALiAR11 L KFUEL mt_MlIt4-rwa: tiLjAll. 41.L:()VEpFjJ.(. III-14ph L 10: FUEL FAIjAtl 0-I.: H I i.H I POI -1 -"T ;Aj,k1-1 I- 3:SENSOR ou'r VILmRH 7:SE3S0R OUT P4LARN 1 8:SE1,?.sAP OUT obiRII 18D SAE L USEMSOR OUT i4l-HRI-I TPA:!; 111) ORKS PRFV FHII LIMSENSOR our mumm T HE: 10 LID Am ISE, DECRA PREP FAIL L 3WHORT AQQ 7:_9H,)PT i-it-HP.14 VF1 iY 111 HPTL i: I V4,0P I_Em): Fo,, I L L 8:SHORT HI -mFiNIi[, AIP PRES Fi-4 I L ISD VP STiATiLcS FHiI_ L 9:SK)RT ALoAll, iii.j.'EFT 1I ::H ORVP: L I 00HORT ALMM, D I SmBLEO IMi RAE 1 IM, SITE KFIQ3 v A 1 1 Kwo' 00 KOSS COLLS Fi I L 1:11 ";ROS's PpIm If- FP F1 14L RRALLQEGRDITOLLENTKILIsUDECRDPRIESFmILALL:F!-CAJ COLLECT FkIL ISE) VkP*R LFhK FA 11. Ul 17 111 02 U I LIU ISD VP PEES FAIL 0? 18 02 OL* LI I L!U1 :3[1 VP ST-,TLJR Fi4l 1. cl 3 1,; L)-,i 02 t,12 ULI 1.4 26 04 02 6Z 1,111 U08E -,LAKt6 05 I 05 02 0 i JU iLL:GR0S.13 C*0LL13+`T Vi., I L IE 22 06 02 ('1 iju KUDEORD COMMOT Ild L C17 23 07 02 Ud HU ALL :FLOw COLLECT Fm 1 1. 16 24 1718 02 0.1 I'll NDIVEL PFI.(AJ IIILIIJ. W-4 E FEWE :-OKK > PLLE LIn N 7 T:HIKH WmTFE #-iLtAkf-1 11011 I 2:1_10w PPvf11_k'T tALHRH 1 2830111 Fill I •2 Ci I ;I1I4LVrJ1hf; L I k4u 11, 6 12280R1 1 28266 Fm 5 -; 4' L 5:FUEL KARM L ?:FUEL ML4RI-I 1 28287 FN 7 -8 T 'I:Hl-;H W;-JIJ, L B:FUEL oALKIIT1:1.014 PF(411a•T "I-HRTI I 9:FUEL s4-mRil I SE) FuFl_ %kt-ibIt lio:sl: Moll I 11):FLIEL I-ILARTI 1 2 3L)OU111 SE14 uR i,1-11-cs L !:FUEL NMI I 0SEHSOR OUT fit_f ipll V MI-111 HHH 1114H M101 hp:, L I: FUEL KmIsk, 1. 7 AE"OR Our A AR14 I l3:SEN60R OUT mLAFI41. 8:FUEL F.V L USH-MISOR ;)UT ALA43 iL9:FUEL HLAN i i 6:spsoii .)Lrr tZi-m i I ZIU-3 -,Ft, 7U: j ILINFUELKARII5:8HORT mWM1 0 '104 K .1 504 U JLI :82tWlk OUT 041-4RH L 7:SrF,,RT i4LmPH 01 205 SOb 305 U U JL7:SEUSOR OliT Al.tAglfi I k:SHCiRT ALmRH 41 906 U U 3Lt3:SEI-r.-DOR OUT '-iLHRH L 9:SHORT AL04RI•I 16 23 267 207 907 5 0 4t. 0111' L I 0:8HAAT mLARII 14 206 308 908 5 U 41wSEISOROUTo4l_mPH I :SH.:RT l,L.AFM L '7:SHOR_j o-L Ri-' L e:SiiORT kLoiFf•I Lobt-3- T-H L L 9:4>i-iORT AI-PiFt' 1: LICJ::;HORT 2: HLEHV3 I SD 8 1 T kL_FkRK6 3: REGdLmP 4: r11 QRmkEISVGROSSPRIESFwILQ: PREM I LIT I1SDEGRDPRESFALa: GULL, I c3ri VW-OR LERY FA I L 7: BRONZEISE- 4' PRES FAIL SLIOP S I LVEFiwvPEMATU-S Fr% I L BLE1110 1:-;f HOSE FM 1-2AtIi-M I Fr*T J_,', I L iTF,`(A;.-, "IP FLOW 141.'I'FF.' j-iI.L:DF(.Pb (-0) LECT Fri I I. mLL:FLNJ 00[-Lr.,.:T Fo4ll. Fm IR FLOW NEJI-P 40m t-, I'LIJER i,IR FLOW PIETEP 7: Fr vHpok L FrOFIE WME 4_PAFV REPORT ER ION Qvm IN-7"11K LliP.11 FTIJiiPhu I IT I I UNL RE"TED - 69AI wfIdEm T w: M Est I- in SKLMI wLsAPII kLI thr F"EL MLAR11 bobvAllu lAut'n fifit-, HI,:H FIRt.,birl m'tp 14, WTEm FE•RES: Ilk S. 2MA too AM r,ipior-v* IN i-im, rE't-TS, 1R-TRUE ALARM IAEL MWRII fil;I.WL It; T#•1Y I.-ponr 601• END HN H, ."Il Hi R. 29. _'0 I 1 2:43 P-dl SIJ. MR S. ww" W Imp R. to 0 q: 'k. Hr Dic, s. how Als ;#I I'V,R 6. 11 0AI1 bELIVEP. 149K[OH, JAR 0. ow 0 WF W 1.44R 8. 2010 ?:30 hlrt Ivy wi. "m I BHA 1-31 HD li 1 JF-k' I-VA" if;. 3111 12:0.1 11*1 W., D. -2010 9:34 Ali 1. '011 1+1 11 kh i •tDEL' D•I_IVE:)%.' NEEDED CIII 10:40 .41 FEB ?4 • =01 1 8:5? I'M STPFEF7. 2011 AHJ FH DEC 15. 2MO 5 " 4 ,art STI W01. 1110 NOV I _.' I'l I f) it : 51; P11 Y-'.' RI-11ORT m#.k AJ oiLoW LUD Till "i'fhIl FIk30R CA,-r I,l #40 ti#AR 10 tf: 1 41 KIER w I-ol j I Dir- "pp. IN,:: FitlEt 14- RPIIWR8. 2WU 151:47 mod-1 10:j i4l 14 1 EGER khRi p. Irk. 2]i. cul I I tj •j '4A 4 IjID I IT VIIEL HL.kkII wLsAPII kLI thr T ttkY _'011 1. rti Ijl I : us T••1 1R-TRUE ALARM 15'y :4. :611 12:5d &I T I MWITRIC il I "M f POL'07T iiL.#iRm END Hi R. 29. _'0 I 1 2:43 P-dl OtE?l 11_L fil iPPI j N "'a' _'uI 1 1:2e km Imp R. to 0 q: 'k. Hr Dic, s. how Als ;#I PROBE QDT PAME oul, 1%R 1. sm n JAR 0. ow 0 WF W 1.44R 8. 2010 ?:30 hlrt HD li 1 JF-k' HWrl WtiPU(W. W., D. -2010 9:34 Ali 1+1 11 kh i •tDEL' D•I_IVE:)%.' NEEDED CIII 10:40 .41 FEB ?4 • =01 1 8:5? I'M STPFEF7. 2011 AHJ FH DEC 15. 2MO 5 " 4 ,art STI W01. 1110 NOV I _.' I'l I f) it : 51; P11 I LILI -L.HRN m#.k AJ oiLoW PLAN .:,i. 2ul I I I'M mllp W•1 FIk30R CA,-r I,l #40 ti#AR 10 tf: 1 41 I-ol j I Dir- "pp. IN,:: FitlEt 14- RPIIWR8. 2WU 151:47 mod-1 11.14111 1 -1 -S-1 (IF% III .Ll Ok r Lln,oR 171P FUEL i-ki,piki! HY Ij. -III iM-_,>k vIiT b k H. 9: 4 tIFI. fAi.AW I-P s. loll. C.: pY "m r,bi;ll F.url • I , - . - 11111 ?:J.1 vtf*l KMR R - 2,L cl 13 : I I HN ALmIRM h.%F-,4.,T 1. . " . . 17 Nf I . . . ; Al-HF&I r1I3To1o',` REPORT ALt4RI• HI STOP PfJI,)R- Srlif. (Pk -LIARVI .41,ipm 1 7: N :Jl ti L 'MO SP I -, lIIStrIl_fiSt:1w,, DISPEmSER pwj SFR X)R OUT I-ALFARM SENSOR OjUT I,L?AlRm v I"T 29. J: 4- PN 110'R b. _', C) 10 9: S;Erlm'OR OIJT Al-o-01 FUEL H1_14RM 20 mmR 8. ',Clio .i: 2:j .1171103:41 PHI M'll 141mk11 6. 20101 3;-j fAI-j ENL. ALi4i'l HI`.71*,,PV kEPOPT 3El`ri0R -,,L,J,,P1 t,l .-tkll HISTOW MT OPT LIO:NS1 3-4 111f'-PENSER PAN EIISOF: i4Li-iPH Ei•j.lj6R oirr O:NSF' 5-6 I•IHP 8. 201 0 ?: •1 "im 111,S)INSER PM11 Lo-EN:"'OR I.')I.IT FIA1 Al 4PH I70, 8 . 217.110 1):.j:3 A1.1 t•WR e. 2 rj 10 9:21 N•1 k I IEL -1,-,RN 6. 2- 01 0 9: 27 i4n END - - I, . - 4 It I, . IfND - - It - , I)T- L 4 iPf-1 I'LE -U-. 10) 1 1 1 : FULL H ".N 1. . " . . 17 NfI . . . ; Al-HF&I r1I3To1o',` REPORT ALt4RI• HI STOP PfJI,)R- Srlif. (Pk -LIARVI .41,ipm 1 7: N :Jl ti L 'MO SP I -, lIIStrIl_fiSt:1w,, DISPEmSER pwj SFR X)R OUT I-ALFARM SENSOR OjUT I,L?AlRm vI"T 29. J: 4- PN 110'R b. _', C) 10 9: S;Erlm'OR OIJT Al-o-01 FUEL H1_14RM 20 mmR 8. ',Clio .i: 2:j .1171103:41 PHI M'll 141mk11 6. 20101 3;-j fAI-j ENL. ALi4i'l HI`.71*,,PV kEPOPT 3El`ri0R -,,L,J,,P1 t,l .-tkll HISTOW MT OPT LIO:NS1 3-4 111f'-PENSER PAN EIISOF: i4Li-iPH Ei•j.lj6R oirr O:NSF' 5-6 I•IHP 8. 201 0 ?: •1 "im 111,S)INSER PM11 Lo-EN:"'OR I.')I.IT FIA1 Al 4PH I70, 8 . 217.110 1):.j:3 A1.1 t•WR e. 2 rj 10 9:21 N•1 k I IEL -1,-,RN 6. 2- 01 0 9: 27 i4n END - - I, . - 4 It I, . IfND - - It - , Ito 1,-NI, ,LtkRM f j: ONLE,fiEr, T I :.;tjI.,k+mfIE_*Li I PIVENTORY I NCR&ASE 1PIVE14ROM imALi,-4EAP,. - ;CEDED JIM 9. M l l 6:,i9 im J, 8: 1 IrPE.E 37",4RT I 0__REWA ZTf•&T Fj 1} IN :I. Rm JUN y. Al 1 9: 51 #ZUl HI I •lvpr. 11171_111-11 11111 9. VoLO IE :iiLs PIE I L:HT 16. 74 W-HL-ki V01.0,1E h-15JI WATEP HE I ..'HT ` 11*1. 21 ; pia"ItF , TB4, 76. 1 DR. F t,-'%TER 0. d? I W *H& Mt.; F 1;1 f#41K 14LAPti - - - -- JOPI y. 'Oj 1 8 :4E rim I Null - A."1- I I C,., LL 2"rW C:3VELL iT 52 A11 iiLkRl. JLUrIE 5877 ,,4L.3 VOLLGIE . 1-17,6 1114 9. tI: 4c 'j-: HEIGHT s 93.24 1 NT-14LS riE I . 17 1 1`61j'HES T :..WFPEIIh WATER I .05 I M HE.': TEIIP 77. tfT UuATER - r 07 1 iii' 4--. PR,K JUT v bb; F TFJ•1P . '19. -1 IiEt: F Jul? 9. 2U :1 8:•11 Zi I 1a:R&43E - 4609 NFT I I4-,'P&4SF_ - 4551 1 rn E, I tv,E 13.1 STATLjS REPOPT Tr' NET I 1,4'"R E 1 3_ IN T PROBE WIT 11m q. "m 1 8:40 -kPi III 1;4 T"IiN - - - - 4LL-4i H I IIIN e011 6:4'1 1-4111 IALAW If, F IILI. LEVEL PI1L::4iIjpf. L NE "Li-iKI PLLI, a;w.rryotom JUN 9. 2011 8:57 -M L ::Ul,;L t:M, TP 3L1IP F1 1EL ALj•kPl iti" 9. ZIL) 11 7 o-.) I IW_f,AId* T 2:1,1 FSELIJ: IjNLLiTiE6 HH-H W-iTEP wiAPwNt., JIM 9. M l l 6:,i9 im Fj 1} HI I •lvpr. 11171_111-11 11111 9. VOLUME 4-11- 14iL: HEI,:;HT 4;* . `0 1 WATER I), w' i WHES TOMP • w Cj DEC.' F i:HEVPut,, I Null - A."1- 2"rW C:3VELL iT JUN ., . ,111 1 8 ;•i 9 rJO6 VOLLGIE . 1-17,6o1 -U7 1 -1 HE I k'W - .10.144 T :..WFPEIIh JtIN -1,011 e: 50 WstTEP - 0.1)) Ilm_'HEZ PR,K JUT TEMP 61 1 DEG F Jul? 9. 2U :1 8:•11 STATLjS REPOPT Floss I WREASI: T( NET I KCREO- GE,, 9-14 J:H((.11 WATER Wi4RNINC: III 1;4 T"IiN - - - - 4LL-4i HI IIIN e011 6:4'1 1-4111 IALAW If, F IILI. LEVEL PI1L::4iIjpf. L NE "Li-iKI PLLI, a;w.rryotom JUN 9. 2011 8:57 -M L ::Ul,;L t:M, TP 3L1IP F1 1EL ALj•kPl iti" 9. ZIL) 11 7 o-.) I I 1 1. 1 ill'. u 2SUPRE1•1 J I IN NM STF SUMP Mir! •tj4M•I JUN 1, . t'l I I I j I: '_Ja 1 871 MCI j 1111 ;j . zu i I C? : 00 111.1 S','.=iMol REPORT Ai L 1-11111•POs leMML 1 CROP FIQ F I p I UG hmP Fill ml-Alt Who 0. WI I " : fj I w.1 FUEL ALM1 JUN 9, 20 1 :02 'u.1 m o1iL FILL FUEL MWI JUN Si - 20 1 1 W1 LINE IFAK. ml.pANI•l H.Lb :-z.HLrnvvu AbAkl-1 JUN 5. .:j : IW w WESA"RE LINE LEAV, 141.mHl 1 2 :S1jPPEM i-Lb SHUTDOWN ikLi•.R'M JUN 9, Fl I 1 9:04 WO-1 U'i4K i1.0PH JQ I ESEL P•LLI, :,HIJT DoWN ,LARM JUN 9. 20 1 1 ?:1)4 Mf1 SEMSML. iiib 18P I rdsrkreck FUEL MARM L114F LEoV. AL,,R• PLLP *HUTI.K)WU PAL"Kil 111q 9. 2,011 -': 05 Oti• I •RES URF LINE L,- 3HIJTIOWN ALi,R11 JUN 9. --Oil tilt T-c[8SUPE LINE LEM: otLHPM 6 3: D I ESEL PLLD :iHUTFKAjW oLtAM j I IN 9. '•f11 I 9• FV•i 1. SFIJsop :AI_Apm - - - -- L 9WISP 10 11SPEN'SEP 111 -"N FUEL QLAW1 JUN 9. 2011 9:05 M 4. 0 i KWILEmPED PLLD 1-3Hjrr1,oLjtq JUN 1), :'011 9:05 10.1 4 2 :23iPREM PLU, =HMXMNI I.HRM JUN 9. :011 1) PkE6-.,tJF.T LINE LEAK, til.hkil It TVIESEI. rj.j_[j i;'HUTr;06jv: fq_iARIm JUN y. _10 I I "Am L VDISP 1 D I 1,61.11-PlISLk 1' if1 FUEL JUN 9. 201 i ;:U'S i'R7.3cuF.L I :11E l.i_. 1'. iAl..,kr•1 I N- Tµlll: X11 i Rr - -- CHEVRON J 1:urrL.E -40, T I :`;IIFKEIE 2700 C` -,WELL 5TPLLDSHII - A:A1N nl.ofAFf 1 MA;-' PRODIA "'T ml.ARN BHI:EK3F 1 r J- t;A ti's 3t,6 Jljrl 9. :111 1 9: OtD 41 9. 21) 1 1 v : 08 lvi 661 871 • '. 20171 F'Ek,.-'SUhL I l NI I.LHI; r~LwkF1 CA 2 :c$IIFF.EI1 F LI_f SHOTDi.WN mt -"Wl JIJrd 1.;. <0 1 1 •I: co; +1•I PKEStukE l_IrIL LF0', a,LA1I u I:CIIEE;LI. FJ.l.ri 1raU'FG.,I N 1ILi +FM1 Jim :i - 'r1I I y : Uo AM SLI.;IUk IL•iPr1 - - - -- L 1 :1.1 I SF• ^ H L11$PENSI;k F'H11 FI IEL t L.F Pl r MININ 9 . :•f11 1 9: O6 ;211.1 IN1 1 till}•: -11 liK1.1 - - 1 : I N1LI :wl1FP JLnr i. nl1 i:11y V1 1 I! • T"04): - T l :11NL.Frd 1£6 iilll 1:1. ;Ial 1 `t: 017 i-V1 I N T A0Y' s ;LARr1 -- - T s : LN+L.L :.,l-EL F'Kii6E 4%UT 10111 y1, _ul I it: 07 HI•I IN T.;10 ALARM --- -- 1' I : :i11PKF1.1 HIi:H PRU110_7 AL.AW 11114 4. 10 1 9:O8 i-vi IN -TANK ,il -ARM -- T I : E;UPPaIE T-K)BE UUT Jurl 9. 2011 9:06 Ali I N -TWIX +aUiRt1 - T <•:G1ESEl, 1•> - rROD57 i•II.0+1631 JON 9. 2101 I 9:O'j AM IN -7" „1110 ,•+LHFi11 ----- 1 _':DIE;;EL HI-'t]1 PROfi11UT vil.i,kll 11119 91 2011 1 9: 05 r•,t 1 IN-TANK - -- T ^:DIESEL PROBE OLrr 1)19 9. 201 1 9:09 %•1M I N TANK Wi4rl 1 -t1W TEMP WHF11I M: 1I1M 9. 201 l 9: 16 .-111 I I UN `3. 11)11 'i:IU Am SY jTEr1 ' j'.,T LI REPOPT HLL FLINCTI -JN.> P;t)P AL I-F.E:;`;UFL LINE LF. ,fiY. .AL4 .1 J = ; SUPRF71 Pl.l.fi SHUTLAMN ALHRr1 aw 9. -1311 9:11 OAH SuiSOR HLAPM - - --- I_ .::,UP 7F y11F1P 5Er4S0R Ji R kL: PH 1 1 r 11JU319. 261 ENSOP - L a:JUF FILL V. I F I r;1: :;U11F Ehv_0R OUT rl.rlkrl JUN !. tC l l 9211 71'1 PkMiUKF. LINE LEH); ril- 7•IFdi 1j 3:D1ESEL F•11f1 SHI1TLiuWN .1L•-1RM JIM 9. 2_011 9:11 'AM Lt9w>•: HLt1Rl•1 - - - -- I. 5:1.113L STF' 5FP SUMP SENSOR OUT ALi -;Rrl JIJI9 9• 301 1 9: 11 ,il 1 73 FOLD smaLvsl ALM 1 r; 9. to I I +: ! I L I :IML STI- EIF On; 4,,,.,r A! I I I KII FIQ F &IIN AM SENSA nuT i--tAFtl Jim 9. :+.1 1 9: 1 TNsON . to. I -1:11NI VILL r. I i, i N'; :;Ifl-lv rr ALAW JUN 9. full 9:11 "M UASOR ALARM I a I ;;T 7 P. 4TME p E"FICEoR OUT j"M 4. 201 1 q: I - - .;I• N.-"' tk O&J'M'I UTISP 9 SUcoly oui WmRI-1 I , Ms; I T aiJiWt 0 M! I SEnSOR KI-Awi LIVIDISP 3-4 DMIEMER PAII CENSOR OUT A[-"k;4 JUN 9. 2011 '): I I T I QUPREME I trvENTOPY I NI fob;15E I MAME STUT JUN 9. 2011 Tow 4m u (•1111£ - '611 HE 1';HT - 29-46 I..'ATEk . 0.06 lwi-iir- TIAT . Gh R Ecs F I MOREMSE Ltil, JUN 9. -*01 1 9:12 API VOLLNE . -1*9jI %:04-S HE I GHT - )I .9 1 WHES WATER . OAS INCHES TDW . 3*.'.,. (1 DM F WHO i WAR511 - 320 W. NET I IA.'REASE - 316 I.;HEUAA 2700 OBAL. ST WAEWFMLD ?m %Mt hbl-871-12DU Hui A. 2011 9:12 w a iil:,T,-FV REPOPT LIPIL f,Ill Ipw 1. ?uI1 1:44 61 I t 11 It IT[ OR, , IA . 1 11 9M -A F-I I I it tit I 11 1,wit , il--k; I 111:1 , .1 1 Q W A -del F-I i I jo. I F'I ipm It IN Lj° .d1 I Jut, I Rj I I -Ah Lo 0411 J111-1 .:111 1 H: ,7 41 i-'I'mprl J:j L I Nh f,;,, " . ''U I I Vi 1.1i1. - , 4 " , I 110 o 0 f IE rt, I I I )WN III L41-rl 41 III I V:111 IIJIJ Aj -Pj-I JONlilt: 1) h•IN LINJI1141U11 P11 1, i 1 .1 A) S1, 11 It I sUN #•1 111''1'1 1 of 1 U I IIIINLitI .,:11.1 PI LAI :;l 11 I"MUMI 6h •ki I 11 1,) 104 Of I 1.:i AM Hm I.II* I-H I L IHOJ fs(A Of kli PH u T -';3 rjk. 11 LIB u)u I 110 o 0 r Spill RucketTesting Report Form SWW B..fanuary 2006 This form is intruded fur uc•c by cona•acv„rs pevforming annual tc-sting of US'Tspill r•ontaimpiew sa-rtctrtres. The completed fom; and pri,nonts jr•onr Tests (ijapplic•ablv). should !,r provided to the fixilil.v awlierloperatorf v-submittal to the local r(c gt lator v elgenf -). 1. FACiI-.iTY INFORMATION _ _ Facility lvamc_ = 0swell Chcvron — f)atc of l ccting: Facility Address. 2700 Oswell Street, Bakersfield. CA 933.06 FacilityCuntarC _Rani phone 661.871 -1200- -- Dale Laid Agency Was NoOGcd of festutg: 6/2/2011 Natne ni' l -ocal At:chtcy Inspector lijp,v.cent during tr.ctint;l: Ernie Median - TES'T'ING CONTRACroR INFORMATION Company Nantc:- Confidence UST Services, btc. recluticlim C(atduclulg'Icst: Bryan A Self -- - - C'redentialsl: ICI GSE.13 Contractor f7_11 ICC Service -reel). ci SWIWI.Vrank I•ester Other (Speci/v) License Nuntlx;r(s): t'ti1.1311 804904 1CCP 8022804 1 -I 0 11-1756 - 3. SMA., 13 LTC KETTESTiNG INFORMAIJON lest Method Used: L <1 Hydrostatic ' Vacuum Other 1 -est E- qurpment Uscd. Like Test (liytupment Resolution: 0.0625' ldenti(v Spin 1 ucket (131 lank I Regular 1 Super 3 Diesel 4 Arumher. Stored l'r•mduct. etc.) J Direct BuryBucketInstallationIypc: Direct Bury Direea Bury Direct Bur.v ID] Conmined ut Sump Fx1 Contained in Sump Wx Contained in Sump Contained in Sump 12.00" Bucket Dintneter: 12.00" 12.00" Bucket Depth: 12.00" 12.00" 12.00" 1lfait time between applying 5 min. 5 mm. 5 rnim vacuunt/cvater and start oftesC Tt Start Timc (Tr): es 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am Initinl Reading 0i ): 9.75" - -- 9.75.. 10.00" — Test End -Time rT, ): 10:00am — 10:003m -- 10:008111 - -- I final Rctululg W, ): 9.75' - 10.00" -- 9.75" — rest Duration ('I 1 Ti): I hour I hour I hour 0.00" Change in heading (Rr- It,): 0.00" 0.00" ail Ihreshold 1 r 0.0625" 0.0625" 0.0625' Criteria: Test Result: Pass Fnfl 9 Pass 0 Fait D Pnss Fail 0 Pass 13 Fait Cum men is _(incht(le itiformarion on repoi,.c „rade prim, to leslinL• and ,w•ommended lollow -up Ji,r Jailed tests) — CERTIFICATION OF TE'CIfNiCIAN RESPONSMU FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING 1 erPGt cerlijp that all the information contained in this report is true, accm•ote, and in fdl compliance with legal regtrirenrenm Technician's Signature: - Date:- _._ 6 /9/2011 r State laws and regulation~ do not cum tly require testing to be performed by a qualified contractor. However, local requirements may W more stringent.