HomeMy WebLinkAbout989 RESULTS 2011SWRCB, January 2002 Secondary Containment Testing Deport Form Page of This form is intendedfor use by coratr-actors perfor-niingperiodic testing ofUST secondcuy containment systems. Use the appropriate pages ofthis form to report results for all components tested. The completedform, written test procedures, and printouts from tests (ifapplicable), should be provided to the facility owner /operator• for submittal to the local regulatwy agency. 1. FACILITY INFORMATION Facility Name: PENSKE BAICERSFIELD I Date of Testing: Facility Address: 2929 E. BRUNDAGE BLVD. BAKERSFIELD , CA 93307 Facility Contact: Phone: Date Local Agency Was Notified of Testing: Name of Local Agency Inspector (ifpresent during testing): 2. TESTING CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Compalry Tank Specialists of California Pass Technician Conducting Test: Javier Soto Not Tested Credentials: X CSLI3 Licensec Contractor SWRC13 Licensed Tank Tester License Type: A -B, IIA% Fail License Number: 745065 Manufacturer Manufacturer Training Com onent(s ) Date Training Expires Incon Incon Sump Testing Monitor System Nov. -23 -2012 X SATELITE DISPENSER # 2 3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Made Component Pass Fail Not Tested Repairs Macle NORTH DIESEL ANNULAR SPACE X SATELITE DISPENSER # 2 X NORTH DIESEL SPILL BUCI:ET x MAS TO SAT #I SEC. LINE X NORTH DIESEL PIPING SUN91' x MAS TO SAT #2 SEC. LINE X NORTH DIESEL SECONDARY LINE X SOUTH DIESEL ANNULAR SPACE X SOUTH DIESEL FILL SPILL BUCKET X SOUTH DIESEL PIPING SUi10P X SOUTH DIESEL SECONDARY LINE X r 9 MASTER DISPENSER PAN # 1 -2 T SATE LI "I E DISPENSER PAN # I X il 1, 4 v, If hyclrostatie testing was performecl, clescribe what was clone with the water after completion of tests: CERTIFICATION GIB TECHNICIAN RESPONSIBLE FOR CONDUCTING THIS TESTING To the hest ofmy knowledge, the facts stated in this document are accurate and in full compliance with legal requirements Technician's Signature: ,!' " Yea Date: 19/9219011 SWRCB, January 2002 4. 'TANK ANNULAR ')TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: Tank Manufacturer Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Specify) SGVRCB Test Method Used: Pressure X Vacuum Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: 0 -30 HGV Gauge Equipment Resolution: l ,o }_ ct1„i..- ij'2 ` v- .' "sf '"' •u d4l +'. A , ' ' ; Tank Taal. # i. 'I ,.'ai c 'r ...5 .' ':Li,; vi'.` Tank # Tank # 1s Tank Exempt From Testing?' X Yes No X YES X No X YES X No X YES No lank Capacity: Tank Material: Tank Manufacturer: Product Stored: Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test: 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes Test Start Time: Initial Reading (RI): HGV IIGV I-I'GV HGV Test End Time: Final Reading (RF): lIGV HGV IIGV IIGV Test Duration: 60 MlnuteS 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes Change in Reading (Rj. -R,): HGV IIGV HGV HGV Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: HGV IIGV HGV HGV YaSS F ii: I. 1.,s FAi. Pass )ii'`ilt_ i ZSs >1hiI Was sensor removed for testing? Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA CO711111P11tS — (include information on repairs made prior to testing, mud recom mended follow -up for failed tests) Secondary containment systems where the continuous monitoring automatically monitors both the primary and secondary containment, such as systems that are hydrostatically monitored or under constant vacuum, are exempt from periodic containment testing. '(California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Section 2637(a)(6)} SWRCB, January 2002 5. SECONDARY PIPE TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: Piping Mall LlFaehn'el' Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other ( Specify;) SPVCRB Test Method Used: X Pressure Vacuum Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: 0-5 P.S.I. Equipment Resolution: dF-''Sw. x ,; as'' Fi _' a'v _,., i.::4r i. ..a.,' - {;gem. :F ,.; _.S'. 4 'swrr' ^G. isal..t;5 . - ' "it .sc a*?,.z a E•..4..... €,:' ."aia..z'i.. ,,rbr a"F. 9Y .. . __A.Y; i,i:, .. NORT14 SYPIIONE SOUTH PRODUCT MAS TO SAT I 1VMAS TO SAT 2 Piping Material: FIBERGI =,ASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS Piping Manufacturer: SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH Piping Diameter: 3 IN 3 IN 31N 3 1N. Length of Piping Run: Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Product Stored: DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL DIESEL Method and location of piping -run isolation: Term. Boot Term. Boot Term. Boot Term. Boot Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test: 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 Minutes 30 MinuteS Test Start Time: 9:23 AM 9:23 AM 10:21 AM 10:21 AM Initial Reading (Rj): 5 PSI 5 PSI 5 PSI 5 PSI Test End Time: 10:23 AP ,/1 10:23 AM 11:21 AM 11:21 AM Final Reading (R,:): 5 PSI 5 PSI 5 PSI 5 PSI Test Duration: 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes Change in Reading (R,: -R,): 0 PSI 0 PSI 0 PSI 0 PSI Pass /.Fail Threshold or Criteria: 5 psi =pass 5 psi =pass 5 psi =pass 5 psi =pass re"A Re511H., X Pass Fall i pa"', Fail X Pass Fail. X'.P ass I,afl inclucle information on repairs made prior to testing, and recomniendedfollow- z.q).for(iled tests) SWRCB, January 2002 6. PIPING SUMP TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: Sump Manufacturer Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other ( Specif ) STVCPB Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum X Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Incon Sump Testing Monitor System Equipment Resolution: rcY' t,\,r r F_, —.a. ,.,. ti '; ` .' °K' ate .,s id Y,..,,.,"t• ?"'C; "i NORTH M ,SEE UO'UTH DIE, SEL Sump # umpY# Sump Diameter: 2 42' IN. LEI. Sump Depth: 56' 55' IN. Sump Material: FIBERE.GLASS FIBERGLASS Height from Tank Top to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: 3wi II' 1. Za IN. IN. IN. I-Ieight from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: IJ III' 17. IN. IN. IN. Condition of sump prior to testing: fah. fair fair fair Portion ol'Sump Tested' Bottom nottosu Bottom Bottom Does turbine shut clown when SUMP sensor detects liquid (both product and water) ?` Yes No FINA Yes No MINA Yes No g NA Yes No NA Is system programmed for fail-safe shutdown? Yes No `ANA Yes No ENA Yes No NA Yes No NEB, Was fail -safe verified to be operational'? p Yes No -!NA Yes No ntiNA Yes No NA Yes No NA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum / water and starting test: 60 Minutes 60 \Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes Test Stall Time: 10:28) 2I7i1 10:20 nm Initial Reading (R,): 1.615 5.4059 IN. ITt. Pest End Time: 10:43 am 10:43 a.m Final I:eacling (RA 1.6161 1.069 IN. Test Duration: 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes Chenge in Reading (R[: -R,): OXIM 0.9000 IN. Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.002 In. 0.002 In. 0.002 In. 0.002 In. Test RC's,01: 1'1'a s fail YI' r, nit Pass Vail I' ,.:5 r aS' Was sensor removed for testing? Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA r'Q: ?331UPMtS — (i»clUde inforluation on repairs made prlor to teyiug, and 7-ec•rnl7n7ei?rledfolloiv -ttp for f(tiled tests) I If the entire depth of the sump is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to any of the questions indicated with an asterisk ( ") is "NO" or "NA ", the entire sump must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) SWRCB, January 2002 6B. PIPING SUMP TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: S1.11111) Mall URICtUl-el' Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Sj?ecrfj) SFVCRB Test Method Used: PreSSUI•C VacUL1111 X Hydrostatic Other (SI-)ecif Test Equipri-ic nt Used: Incon Sump Testing Monitor System Equipment Resolution: ITH DIESEL SOUTH DIESEL Sump # 1i 313I3 # Sump Diameter: IN. IN. IN. IN. Sump Depth: IN. IN. P11. IN. SUMP Material: Height from Tank Top to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: IN. IN. IN. IN. Height from Tank Top to Lowest Electrical Penetration: IN. IN. IN. IN. Condition Of SUMP prior to testing: fa `91 - fair fair fair J'Ol'ti011 Of Sump Tested' Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottonl, Does turbine shut down when SU1111) SellSOt- detects liquid (both Yes No 1\1 A Yes No O, NA Yes No NA Yes No NA product and water)?* TI-11-bille ShUtdOWll response time NIA N/A N12-1, NIA Is system programmed for fail-safe Yes No NAI-J Yes No U NA Yes No NA Yes T40 NAshutClOwll?* Was fail -safe verified to be Yes No !'-.I A Yes No 1, 1A Yes No IiNA NoYes NAoperational'. time between applying pt-esSLli-e/%'aCLlttiii/\vatei-and starting 60 Minutes 60 MillLltCS 60 Minutes 60 Minutes test: Test Start "Time: 10:49 ATA 10:49 AM Initial Reading (Rl): 4.6162 5.4068 IN. IN. Test End Time: 11:04 AlVi 11:04 AIM Final Reading (Rl): 4.6160 5.4066 IN. 3N. Test Duration: 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 MillUtCS 15 Minutes Change in Reading (1117-Ri): 0.0006 0.0092 IN. AN. Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0,002 1n. 1- 0.002 Ili. 0.002 1:n. 0.002 111. Teslt Result- X Pass FniI x 'Pass Pass 'Pas, , , F i3,, Pass Was sellsol, removed for testing? XYes No NA XYes No NA Yes 1,10 NA Yes No T\JA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing? XYes No NA XYes No NA Yes No NA Yes No NA COIRRIIe3lts — (include information on rcimtirs mmle prior to testing, and i-ecoiiiii?eii(lecl.folloit,,-iij).foi-.fctiled tests) I If the ClItil-e depth Of the SUMP is not tested, specify how 111LIC11 was tested, If the answer to any of the qL1eSti011S indicated with all asterisk (*) is "NO" or "NA", the entire SUMP 111LISt be tCStCCI. (See SWRC13 LG-I 60) SWRCB, January 2002 7. UNDER - DISPENSER CONTAINMENT (UDC) TESTING Page of Test Method Developed By: UDC Manufacturer X Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Specifj;)STCRB Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum X Hydrostatic Other (Speciif ) Test Equipment Used: Incon Sump Testing Monitor System Equipment Resolution: UDC MASTER 3 -'l SAT1E'LITiE 1 SATELITE 2 UDC #_ Manufacturer:: UDC Material: FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS FIBERGLASS UDC Depth: 30" 29" 29" lN. Height from UDC Bottom to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: 12 ". 8" 8" IN. Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: 6" 1 " IV, " 1N. Condition of UDC prior to testing: CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN Portion of UDC Tested Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Does turbine shirt clown when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water) ?* Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Turbine shutdown response time N/A N/A N/A N/A Is system programmed for fail- safe shutdown ?" 7YesNo NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Was fail -safe verified to be operational? Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes Test Start Time: 1 1:14 AM 1 ] :14 AM 1 ] :14 AM Initial Reading (Ri): 4.5391 1.6056 3.5624 IN, Test End Time: 11:29 AM 11:29 AM 11:29 AM. Final Reading (Rr): 4.5387 1.6054 3.5626 IN. Test Duration: 15 MlnUteS 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 Minutes Change in Reading (Ri: -Rj): 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 IN. Pas; /t=ail Threshold or Criteria: 0.00? In. 0.002 In. 0.002 In. 0.002 In. e,st Resui : X Psi s Fail X Pass „Fail ` X"' Piss 'nil I's ss eil Was sensor removed for testing? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after testing '? X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No NA Con , mezgts — (include inforu otion on relmirs 117CICIC p1•i01-10 testing, and i•econin7endecl follotin -uj-) forfailed tesl.) Test Method Developed By: 7D. Ui',iDER- DISP1sN ER CONTAIN114EN'I' (UDC) VES'T'ING UDC Manufacturer Industry Standard Professional Engineer 1 If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, specify how much was tested. If the answer to any of the questions indicated with an asterisk ( *) is "NO" or "NA ", the entire UDC must be tested. (See SWRCB LG -160) SWRCB, January 2002 Page — of Other (Specify)SPVCRB Test Method Used: PresSLII-C VacULII-n X Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Incon Sump Testing Monitor System EqUipmentResolution: A T MASTER I -2 SATELITE I SATELITE 2 UDC # UDC ManLII`,ICtL1I-eI-: UDC Material: UDC Depth: IN. IN. IN. IN. Height from UDC Bottom to Top of Highest Piping Penetration: IN. IN. IN. IN. Height from UDC Bottom to Lowest Electrical Penetration: IN. IN. IN. IN. Condition of UDC prior to testing: CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN Portion of UDC Tested Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Does turbine shut down when UDC sensor detects liquid (both product and water)? . Yes No X NA Yes No X NA Yes No XNA Yes No X NA Turbine SlILItdOWII FeSI)OIlSe tillIC N/A N/A N/A N/A Is system programmed for fail safe shutdown?* Yes No XNA Yes No XNA Yes No XNA Yes No X NA Was fail-safe verified to be operational?" Yes No XNA Yes No X NA Yes No XNA Yes No XNA Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and starting test 60 Minutes 60 MiIILItCS 60 Minutes 60 Minutes Test Start Time: 11:30 AM 11:30 AM 11:30 AM Initial Reading (RI): 4.5383 1.6058 3.5623 IN. Test End Time: 11:45 AM 11:45 AM 11:45 AM Final Reading (R, ): 4.5377 1.6069 I3.5621 IN. Test DLII-ati011: 15 MiIIMCS 15 Minutes 15 MiIILItCS 15 MillUtCS Change in Reading (Rj:-Rj): 0.000 5 0.0011 0.0002 IN. Pass/Fail Threshold or Criteria: 0.002 1n. 0.002 111. 0.002 111. 1- 0.002 In. Tcst Relvi-,h: Pa S S T, aiI pass , Fail pns,,; :Fail, Pass 4.H, Was sensor I X YcS No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No t,,TA X Yes No NA Was sensor properly replaced and verified functional after test No NA X Yes No NA X Yes No PTA: Yes No NA Comments — (inclucle in 1- oration on repairs made prior to testing, qn(l i-ecoiiiiiieiide(ljblloii,-iii).foi-.f(iilecI tests) fo If the entire depth of the UDC is not tested, SpCCi Fy IIONV much was tested. Jf the answer to, lily of the qLIeStiOIIS indicated with all asterisk ("') is'WO" or "NA", the entire UDC 111LISt be tested. (See SWRCB LG-I 60) SWRCB, January 2002 9. SPILL/OVERFILL CONTAINMENT BOXES Page of Facility is Not Equipped With Spill /Overfill Containment Boxes Spill /Overfill Containment Boxes are Present, but were Not Tested Test Method Developed By: Spill Bucket Manufacturer Industry Standard Professional Engineer Other (Speciifi) SYVCRB Test Method Used: Pressure Vacuum X Hydrostatic Other (Specify) Test Equipment Used: Incon Sump Testing Monitor System Equipment Resoltltioil: sC9iJB'11 DIESEL SOUTH DU `S.iLrdpl'.TIi DIE, Id 9?T JIES>^, ucket Diameter: 12" 12" rucket Depth: 13" 13" Wait time between applying pressure /vacuum /water and 60 Minutes 60 Minutes starting test: Test Start Time: 9:24 AM 9:41 AM 9:24 AM 9:41 AM Initial Reading (Ri): 0.8389 0.8387 1.1441 1.1437 Test End Tillie: 9:39 AM 9:56 AM 9:39 AM 9:56 AM Final Reading (Rr): 0.8388 0.8384 1.1438 1.1432 Test Duration: 15 Minutes 15 Minutes 15 i\4i11 utes 15 Minutes Change in Reading (P- -Ri): N. IN. IN. 1.111, Pass /Fail Threshold or 0.002 In. 0.002 In. 0.002 Ill. 0.002 In. Criteria: il as z ail s ' ,., r nil pass r <a.iR corm -i!fis — (inchick information ai repairs mark prior to testing, and recommended follocn -up for failed tests) PENSKE BAKERSFIELD 2929 E, BRUNDAGE LN, BAKERSFIELD CA 12/22/2011 11:29 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT MAS 1 -2 TEST STARTED 11:14 All TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4,5391 IN END TIME 11:29 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 4.5387 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED SAT 1 TEST STARTED 11:14 All TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 1,6056 IN END TIME 11:29 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 1, 6058 IN LEAI( THRESHOLD 0, 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED SAT 2 TEST STARTED 11:14 All TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3,5628 IN END TIME 11:29 All END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 3.5626 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED PENSKE BAKERSFIELD 2929 E,BRUNDAGE A BAKERSFIELD CA 12/22/2011 11:45 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT MAS 1 -2 TEST STARTED 11:30 All TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 4,5383 IN END TIME 11:45 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL a,5377 IN LEAF( THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED SAT TEST STARTED 11:30 AM TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 1,6058 IN END TIME 11:45 All END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL . 1,6069 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED SAT 2 ZEST STARTED 11:30 AM TEST SIARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 3,5623 IN END TINE 11:45 All PEfNSKE BAKERSFIELD 2929 E,BRUNDAG'E LN, PENSKE BAKERSFIELD BAKERSFIELD CA 2929 E,BRUINDAGE LN, 12/22/2011 9:40 AM BAKERSFIELD CA SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT 12/22 /2011 9:56 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT FILBKTI TEST STARTED 9:24 AN FILB1lT1 TEST STARTED 1212212011 TEST STARTED 9:41 AMBEGINLEVELG1, 83,;9 IN TEST STARTED 12/22/2011ENDTIME0 :.39 AMENDDATE BEGIN LEVEL 0,8387 IN 1212212011 END TIME 9:56 ANENDLEVEL0, 238x; IIN END DATE 12/22/2011 LEAH THRESHOLD 0,002 IN END LEVEL 0, 8344 INTESTRESULTPASSEDLEAKTHRESHOLD0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED FILBKT2 TEST STARTED 9:24 All FILB'KT2 TEST STARTED 1212212011 TEST STARTED 9:41 AMBEGINNLEVEL1,1441 IP! TEST SMARTED 12/22/2011ENDI'TmE 9:39 AM BEGIN LEVEL 1, 1437 INENDDATE12/22/2011 END TIME 9:56 AMENDLEVEL1,1438 IN END DATE 12,/22/2011LEAlITHRESHOLD0, 002 IPN LEVEL. 1,122 INTESTRESULTPASSEDPASSEDLEAKTHRESHOLDn.nnD T ?d PENSKE BAKERSFIELD 2929 E, BRUNDAGE LH, BAKERSFIELD CA 12/22/2011 10:43 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT PIPShIPI TEST STARTED 10:28 AM TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 B -GIN LEVEL 4,6153 IN Et!O TIME 10: 43 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 4, 6161 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0, 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED PIPSMP2 7ESi STARTED 10:28 AN TEST STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGTPI LEVEL 5,4069 IN END TIME 10:43 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 5,4069 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 Ill TEST RESULT PASSED PENSKE BAKERSFIELD 2929 E,BRUNDAGE LN, BAKERSFIELD CA 12/22/2011 11:04 AM SUMP LEAK TEST REPORT PIPSMPI TEST STARTED 10:49 All TEST STARTED 1212212011 BEGIN LEVEL 4,6162 IN END TIME 11:04 All END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL 4.6168 IN LEAK THRESHOLD 0,002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED PIPSMP2 TEST STARTED 10:49 AM IES-i STARTED 12/22/2011 BEGIN LEVEL 5,4068 IN END TINE 11:04 AM END DATE 12/22/2011 END LEVEL. 5,6066 IN LEAI( 11- IRESHOLD 0, 002 IN TEST RESULT PASSED Tank Specialists of California 560 Birch Street, Building #3 Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 1000% DAlf-I "RIAN10.41 1?'A%V in L'A\ nAC -%nn^ WORK OF ER 212-78 juuop uuu- of-mmm ko/-Uz)) kua 0) Z-ZD-Aoour n"' License 045065 A, B-FIAZ DATE AMOUNT TOTAL A.M. P.M. BILL TO PHONE TECHNIC IAN @ ADDRESS TECHNICIAN Y9 U I —Ty LABORER @ C j TOTAL LABORER JOB NAME AND LOCATION LABOR CONTACT NAME & I hereby acknowledge the ,satis "'f actory DESCOIPTION 0 WORK mj TAXcompletionoftheaboved6scribedwork. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED SIGNATURE j j opt 101 TOTAL JwL V ADDITIONAL WORK REQUIRED LABOR AMOUNT TOTAL TECHNIC IAN @ MATERIALS LABORER @ TOTAL LABOR I hereby acknowledge the ,satis "'f actory TOTAL LABORI TAXcompletionoftheaboved6scribedwork. I SIGNATURE E COMPLETED TOTAL January 9, 1012 2P SS 1000I'Z 111 1 YOUR PARTNER IN A GREENER ENVIRONMENT Bakersfield Fire Prevention Services Attn: Inspector Ernie Medina 2101 "H" Street Bakersfield, CA 93301 Re: Test Results Please find attached test results for the following facilities housing fuel storage systems: TSOC Client Name Results for this testing: bate of Test Penske Truer Leasing SB909 Test. 12/2212011 2929 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CAA 93307 lease note we will mail the original copies of these results to our customers for them to have on site at their facility if you should need to review the results during your inspections. If you have any questions or concerns, please give me a call. Thank you, TANK SPECIALISTS OF CALIFORNIA George Agittilar Testing and Maintenance Coordinator WWW.TANK- SPECIALISTS.COM LIC. 0 745065 A. D -HAZ P: (888) 606 -TANK (8265) - F: (951) 676 -0688 - 27570 COMMERCE CENTER DR., STE 129 - TEMECULA, CA 92590