HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.12.2008 WB AGENDA PACKETCity of Bakersfield Water Board Regular Meeting of November 12, 2008 Kern River near Richbar Water Resources File Packet WATER BOARD David Couch, Chair Harold Hanson, Vice Chair Zack Scrivner CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the September 10, 2008 regular meeting for approval — For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program grant application status — For Board Information 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Participation in Kern River Weather Modification Program for 2008/2009 — For Board Action B. Resolution No. 01 -08 of the City of Bakersfield Water Board approving the application for Grant Funds for the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) - For Board Review and Action B A K E R S F I E L D WATER BOARD David Couch, Chair Harold Hanson, Vice Chair Zack Scrivner CITY OF BAKERSFIELD WATER BOARD REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - 2:00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the September 10, 2008 regular meeting for approval — For Board Review and Action 4. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program grant application status — For Board Information 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information 7. DEFERRED BUSINESS 8. NEW BUSINESS A. Participation in Kern River Weather Modification Program for 2008/2009 — For Board Action B. Resolution No. 01 -08 of the City of Bakersfield Water Board approving the application for Grant Funds for the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) - For Board Review and Action Water Board Agenda November 12, 2008 Page 2 8. MEW BUSINESS continued C. Resolution No. 02 -08 of the City of Bakersfield Water Board endorsing application for an Urban Stream Restoration Grant Under Proposition 84 for the Kern River Parkway designating Contract Nlanager and Fiscal Agent. — For Board Review and Action D. Draft Post -2012 Water Needs De_ermination Study for City Basic Agricultural Contracts — For Board Information 9. MISCOELLAH SOUS A. Tentative 2009 Water Boarc meeting schedule — For Board Information 10. WATER BOARD STlaTEWoEMTS 11. CLOSED SESSII®M 12. ADJOUR RflEH V Water Resources Dflanagev SAWS MINUTES 2008 \WBAGENDA12November08.doc Water Board Meeting November 12, 2008 MINUTES A. Minutes of the September 10, 2008 regular meeting for approval — For Board Review and Action �11 ^LUTES •F T E 'E ULAR MEETING ©F TH Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - 2.00 p.m. Water Resources Building Conference Room 1000 Buena Vista Road, Bakersfield, CA 93311 R The meeting was called to order by Chairman Couch at 2:00 p.m. ��L_ Present: Chairman Couch, Vice -Chair Hanson Absent: Member Scrivner 3. MINUTES A. Minutes of the July 9, 2003 regular meeting for approval Motion by Hanson to approve the minutes. APPROVED ALL AYES, SCFl1VNE f? ABSENT F"��BLIC� STATE .'riz � * None. 5. KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program Grant Application Status. Mark Lambert, Water Resources Superintendent, stated the State has received and accepted the application for grant assistance for the levee program. Additional work will not begin until the State awards the grants. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated the State is in the process of reviewing grant applications. The State has more money than applications this year making the chances of being funded better for the City. No action taken. 6. REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report Steve Lafond, Hydrographic Supervisor, gave a brief update and stated all the annual contract water deliveries were met. No action taken. None. Bakersfield, California, September 10, 2008 — Page 2 A. Assignment and Consolidation of Agricultural Water Contracts for Kern- Tulare and Rag Gulch Water Districts. Florn Core, Water Resources Manager, stated Rag Gulch Water District will be assimilated and moved with Kem Tulare Water District. Motion by Hanson to approve Agreement X17 08- i r4 ' �'�� � Ili to Agreement No. 76-61 with Kern-Tulare �District and Agreement I 76-63 with Rag Gulch Water Districts) Irecommend io City Cou for approval. APPROVED ALL AYES, S RrR GB `-NT B. Domestic Water Mainline Extension Refund Agreement Assignment. Maurice Randall, Business Manager, stated a request was received to assign a mainline extension refund; there is no change to the City. No action taken. 9. WSCELLANEOUS A. Annual Membership to Southern California Water Committee. Lotion by Hanson to approve and authorize staff to pay the annual membership dues to the Southern California Water Committee. APPROVED ALL AYES, SCRIVNER ABSENT Chairman Couch adjourned the meeting at 2:12 p.m. David Couch, Chairman City of Bakersfield Water Board Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary City of Bakersfield Water Board Water Board Meeting November 12, 2008 KERN RIVER LEVEE DISTRICT A. Local Levee Assistance Program grant application status — For Board Information Water Board Meeting November 12, 2008 REPORTS A. Kern River & Isabella Reservoir Operations Report - For Board Information GN003S Had 1333 oiano (SiSOy;UOaed Ui U013en013) 4=13V U! 3JVaOlS oy o 0 0 0 O 0Z OLL o O O O o O h O O O O rn O O 2 O O O O 00 9 O�p O O O O O O O O O O O ry Ln O Ln 0, LO O Ln .� O LO O O O= LO LO d' M CO - N= N r r LO O N O W L ° O D U CD Q I I I I I I I CO o 0 C N co N M M I fC N 9 E (n - z O o is > Z O co N O N U WI a co ° J a. W U) m I I I I I Q 00 N ° ca aII I I I I II 'I Q W I 1 o co J LL a °z o I I I I I W Jo O Q a O , J U LL Go I I I I I I I W N co c cz LL ! o 9 J� Q Cc D o O Q LC I I I I I , i" ccca W Z >_ o o I ^, Z LL I W co co o O o O o O O O O o O o 0 o O O O O LO O LO O LO o 0 o Ln o LO o LO o LO O f,- LO N O f- LO N O f- Ln N O I- LO N It LO co CO (O N N N N r r r r GN003S Had 1333 oiano ISABELLA RESERVOIR DAILY OPERATIONS REPORT 18 754 Max. on Record 127 Min. on Record 19 1982 Year of Occurrence 1931 Year of Occurrence 20 277 First Point Flow 3078 First Point (Month to Date) KERN RIVER FACTS & FIGURES 14231 Accum. Natural Flow (09 Water Year) 21692 Accum. First Point (09 Water Year) The Rio Bravo Hydroelectric Plant commenced operations in 1989. The diversion structure is gravity- concrete overflow structure with an ogee type crest. The power canal is located about 18 miles east of Bakersfield and extends 7,600 feet from the diversion structure at the Kern River to the penstock intake structure above the Powerhouse. The canal is an above ground, reinforced concrete structure 27 feet wide with vertical walls 12 to 15 feet high. The two penstocks are each 10 feet in diameter. The power plant has a capacity of 1,600 cfs and is equiped with two vertical type turbine generator units with a production capability of 7 megawatts each. • B A 6 E R S F I E L D Produced by City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (661) 326 -3715 (All readings are for date of report (THURSDAY) as of 0001, except as noted... cfs in italics) Date of Report: November 6, 2008 ISABELLA RESERVOIR 1 2549.26 Lake Elevation (ft.) 111462 Storage (AcFt) + / -0 Change (AcFt) 328 Inflow to Isabella (cfs) 2 568075 Storage Capacity 20% % of Capacity 155798 Normal Storage 72% % of Normal Storage For this Date 3 4523 Average Lake Area (Acres) 3285 Inflow (Month AcFt) 2999 Outflow (Month AcFt) 4 299 North Fork Mean 245 North Fork @ 0600 Hours 14595 Accumulative Inflow (2009 Water Year) 5 306 Mean Outflow 276 Borel Canal 30 Main Dam Outlet 22056 Accum. Outflow (09 WY) 6 275 Outflow @ 0600 245 Bore] Canal @ 0600 Hours 30 Main Dam Outlet @ 0600 Hours Hours 7 22 Lake Evap. (cfs) 0.12 Inches Evap. for 24 Hours 63 Lake Evap. (Month AcFt to Date) 8 0 Spillway Discharge for 24 Hours 38 South Fork near Onyx @ 0600 Hours PRECIPITATION AND TEMPERATURE 9 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for 24 Hours 1.03 Inches of Precipitation at Isabella for Month 10 1.11 Seasonal Precip. Isabella 0.53 Normal for 209% Isabella Precip. (Season: Oct 1 through Sep 30) this Date % of Normal i 0.00 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for 24 Hours 2.10 Inches of Precipitation at Pascoe for Month 12 2.50 Seasonal Precip. Pascoe 2.14 Normal for 117% Pascoe Precip. this Date % of Normal 13 2.0 Upper Tyndall Creek 1.2 Pascoe 0.2 Wet Meadow 14 59 Isabella Maximum Temperature 0.52 Isabella Max. Precip. on Record For this Date 1969 Year of Occurrence 15 39 Isabella Minimum Temperature N/R 24 Hour Wind Movement (Miles) NATURAL RIVER FLOW 16 314 Natural Flow (cfs) 3364 Natural Flow (Month to Date) 331341 2008 Apr -Jul Runoff 17 285 Mean Flow 110% Natural Flow 249 Median Flow 126% Natural Flow For this Date in % of Mean For this Date in % of Median 18 754 Max. on Record 127 Min. on Record 19 1982 Year of Occurrence 1931 Year of Occurrence 20 277 First Point Flow 3078 First Point (Month to Date) KERN RIVER FACTS & FIGURES 14231 Accum. Natural Flow (09 Water Year) 21692 Accum. First Point (09 Water Year) The Rio Bravo Hydroelectric Plant commenced operations in 1989. The diversion structure is gravity- concrete overflow structure with an ogee type crest. The power canal is located about 18 miles east of Bakersfield and extends 7,600 feet from the diversion structure at the Kern River to the penstock intake structure above the Powerhouse. The canal is an above ground, reinforced concrete structure 27 feet wide with vertical walls 12 to 15 feet high. The two penstocks are each 10 feet in diameter. The power plant has a capacity of 1,600 cfs and is equiped with two vertical type turbine generator units with a production capability of 7 megawatts each. • B A 6 E R S F I E L D Produced by City of Bakersfield Water Resources Department (661) 326 -3715 4pical Tgntertime Wedher Anomalies Preceeding Heavy West Coast Precipift9ion Events z" 4. Strong blocking t' 3. Strong polar high jet /!-�, � 7 -10 Days Before Event 2. Moisture plume exte rdls northeast 1. Heavy rain ove r far western Pacific �. 1 Block weakens and !' (L l _ 1 shiRs westward 9 3.Split jet forms 3 -5 Days Before Event 1. Heavy rain l�ff /Ifff 2. Moisture plume � shifts east +t +�r +l' extends further northeast 4 . I Precipitation Event 3. Extende d jet 1. Heavy rain shifts !1 / furflo r east and we akero MADDEN - JULIAN OSCILLATION 4. Deep low; avyrain and possible flooding 2 Deep tropical f moisture plume t\ s Crlmate F- dletbn CenteMgCEP/NWS The MJO is a naturally occurring component of our coupled ocean - atmosphere system. It significantly affects the atmospheric circulation throughout the global Tropics and subtropics, and also strongly affects the wintertime jet stream and atmospheric circulation features over the North Pacific and western North America. As a result, it has an important impact on storminess and temperatures over the U.S. During the summer the MJO has a modulating effect on hurricane activity in both the Pacific and Atlantic basins. Thus, it is very important to monitor and predict MJO activity, since this activity has profound implications for weather and short-term climate variability through the year. The MJO is characterized by an eastward progression of large regions of both enhanced and suppressed tropical rainfall, observed mainly over the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean. The anomalous rainfall is usually first evident over the western Indian Ocean, and remains evident as it propagates over the very warm ocean waters of the western and central tropical Pacific. This pattern of tropical rainfall then generally becomes very nondescript as it moves over the cooler ocean waters of the eastern Pacific but reappears over the tropical Atlantic and Indian Ocean. Each cycle lasts approximately 30 -60 days. Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS November 12, 2008 A. Participation in Kern River Weather Modification Program for 2008/2009 — For Board Action CONTRACT This contract entered into this 23 `" day of October 2008 by and between NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT, a Water Storage District organized and existing under and by virtue of Division 14 of the California Water Code, and hereinafter referred to as the "District" and RHS Consulting, Ltd., hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS: the Department of Water Resources, State of California, initially issued to the District a permit for Weather Resources Management (hereinafter referred to as the "permit "), dated July 2, 1980 (Permit #11), which authorizes the District to conduct a Weather Resources Management Program (hereinafter referred to as the "Program "); and WHEREAS: the Contractor has on its staff qualified and recognized weather resources management personnel and other professionals necessary to carry out and supervise the program and has at its disposal the equipment necessary to carry out the program; NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED as follows: 1) Contractor shall engage in artificial cloud nucleation operations during the term of this contract, within the target area identified by and consistent with the INITIAL STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS OF KERN RIVER WEATHER MODIFICATION PROGRAM and the above referenced permit. The purpose of this cloud nucleation operation is to increase precipitation within the target area. The area to be covered by said operations of Contractor (hereinafter referred to as the `target' area) shall be the upper Kern River watershed and the associated tributary streams and forks above Lake Isabella that include the Little Kern River, the North Fork and South Forks of the Kern River. 2) The term as of this contract shall cover one seasonal operational period beginning on November 15, 2008 and ending on April 15, 2009. 3) The District has the option of extending the work at its discretion on a monthly basis at the same monthly rates (standby plus consumables) by requesting the Contractor five (5) five days in writing prior to the end of the normal end date of the contract. 4) The Contractor shall furnish and have available for use during the operational period the following equipment and personnel: a) The Contractor agrees to have available on a 24 -hour- per -day, 7- day -per -week basis the services of a competent staff to furnish full meteorological data. b) The Contractor will maintain real time 24 -hour- per -day, 7- day - per -week access and use local NWS NEXRAD Level II "super resolution" radar data and latest software designed to track and analyze precipitation areas located in clouds upwind and over the target area. The NWS Hanford NEXRAD radar will be the primary radar used for weather surveillance and directing aircraft seeding operations for the project. c) All basic weather data will be processed and archived at the Contractor's Fresno office. This information will be used to coordinate various phases of the field program. d) A dedicated cloud seeding aircraft will be based at the Forterville Municipal Airport. This aircraft will be equipped for all--weather flying. It will be further equipped with facilities for dispensing silver iodide and other nucleating agents for use in cloud seeding activities throughout the target area. i) The contractor agrees that its aircraft and equipment thereon will be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration, an agency of the United States of America, and that any and all pilots operating aircraft by or on behalf of the Contractor shall be duly licensed by the said Federal Aviation Administration. ii) Contractor will furnish the following personnel during the contract period: (a) One radar meteorologist to be located at the Contractor's Fresno Office (b) One instrument rated cloud seeding pilot to be stationed in or nearby the project area and available to fly with two hours notice day or night. (c) One additional relief instrument rated cloud seeding to provide the project pilot required rest during sustained precipitation periods. (d) Attend Board Meetings and respond to requests for information regarding the program from the media and/or public as requested by the District. iii) Richard Stone shall supervise the program and act the Contractor Representatives. 5) The primary nucleating agent will be silver iodide, which shall be dispensed from aircraft from end - burning or ejectable pyrotechnics. Other advanced nucleating agents may be utilized as special storm characteristics may develop. 6) The Contractor shall prepare all reports pertaining to the program required to be filed by the Contractor and District to comply with Federal and State Law. The Contractor shall furnish daily program updates including a weather forecast, program status and recent seeding activities to the District via email on each workday and on weekends and holidays whenever seedable storm conditions are forecast. The Contractor shall furnish monthly operational reports during the full course of the cloud nucleating operation. As soon as practical after the conclusion of each yearly operational period, the Contractor will furnish the District a final operations report covering the entire yearly operation. The Contractor shall furnish a minimum of five (5) copies of each monthly and seasonal report to the District. 7) The Contractor shall furnish and keep in force during the operational period the following insurance: comprehensive general liability and property damage insurance in the amount of not less than $2,000,000, covering the operation of all of its equipment owned or leased including the aircraft and workers compensation insurance. Such insurance shall be maintained at Contractor's cost. With respect to the above referenced insurance policies, the contractor shall deposit Certificates of Insurance with District prior to the commencement of the operational period reflecting the liability insurance and the aviation bodily injury and property damage liability insurance additionally shall name North Kern Water Storage District, Buena Vista Water Storage District, Kern Delta Water District, and the City of Bakersfield, and their 2 officers, agents and employees, as additionally named insured. Parties require a thirty (30) day notice of cancellation. 8) Contractor agrees to be responsible for, and to indemnify and hold the District harmless and free from, all claims of damage to person or property of any kind or character whatsoever, caused by Contractor's acts of negligence of malpractice in its cloud seeding operations. 9) Contractor agrees to be bound by all laws of the State of California and the Federal Government, and that prior to commencing the operation under the contract for the District, the Contractor shall have in force all necessary licenses and permits from the State of California to so operate. 10) This Contract may be canceled by the District for any of the following reasons upon five days written notice, sent by mail to the principal office of the Contractor. a) The issuance of any court of competent jurisdiction of any temporary or permanent injunction against all or any part of the cloud nucleation operations undertaken by Contractor under this contract, whether the District is a part of said legal proceedings or not. It is understood that the issuance of any temporary restraining order, or any temporary injunction limited by its terms to a period of less than twenty (20) days in duration, shall not constitute a basis for cancellation under this paragraph. b) The passage of any overriding legislation by the State of California which shall outlaw, limit, void or alter in any substantial respect any provisions of this contract, or shall make unlawful or improper in any substantial respects, any of the operations of the Contractor under this contract. c) For any reason considered in the best interest of the District. 11) In the event of cancellation by the District under or pursuit to the terms of IOa through l Oc above, all monies already paid to the Contractor by the District shall be retained by the Contractor. A final report on the cloud seeding operations for that season up to the time of such cancellation will be furnished by the Contractor as soon as practical. 12) In the event the District decides that additional precipitation is not desired for any portion of the operational period, the District may suspend cloud seeding operations for any specified portion of such operational period by providing three (3) days notice to the Contractor. In the event the District suspends operations under this paragraph, Contractor will reimburse the District in the amount of $250.00 for each day of the suspension. 13) District agrees to pay the Contractor for the services rendered, as outlined in this contract, the total sum of ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($135,000), PLUS AN AMOUNT OF THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY TWO DOLLARS (372.00) PER HOUR OF AIRCRAFT SEEDING FLIGHT TIME PLUS EIGHTY DOLLARS ($80.00) PER END BURNING FLARE AND TWENTY EIGHT DOLLARS ($28.00) PER EJECTABLE FLARE FOR SEEDING MATERIALS IN THE PAYMENT SCHEDULE AS SET FORTH BELOW. It is understood and agreed that this sum includes the total fee for all aircraft flights and 3 14) 15) 16) 17) evaluations of the program. Contractor agrees to submit detailed monthly invoices to the District summarizing each month's consumables by the 5th of the month). SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTS: PAYMENT DATE a) 15 November 2008 15 December 2008 15 January 2009 15 February 2009 15 March 2009 15 April 2009 15 May 2009 10-1 I IA AMOUNT $22,500 $22,500 + November consumables (11115 — 11/30) $22,500 + December consumables $22,500 + January consumables $22,500 + February consumables $22,500 + March consumables April consumables (4/1 -4/15) $135,000 + all consumables Consumables are considered to be aircraft flight time and seeding materials. The total amount of this contract is not to exceed $191,380 without a written request and approval for additional services from the District. 18) Any notice to be given hereunder may be served personally or by depositing the same in the United States mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the party being notified at his address as set forth below, or at such other address as may be hereafter designated in writing. If served by mail, service shall be conclusively deemed to have been made upon deposit in the United States. E IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals to this contract the day and year first hereinabove written. ADDRESS: P.O. Box 81435 Bakersfield, California 93380 -1435 NORTH KERN WATER STORAGE DISTRICT By - Engineer — Manager - "NKWSD" ATTEST: Secretary 1 _ ADDRESS: 70 Hardy Dr. Sparks, NV 89431 RHS Cons n By: Pre fit - "Contractor" State Of Nevada County Of Washoe This instrument was acknowledged before me on [()-7-2-0 by V-kUAU STDNIT—� If�-- DAB � I JASMIG M. LOOK -�( I�Y�T NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF NEVADA JJAmine M. Look / Notary Public Date App ftieitExp:024)&2012 CertifiCela No: 08-6936-2 5 Water Board Meeting NEW BUSINESS continued November 12, 2008 B. Resolution No. 01 -08 of the City of Bakersfield Water Board approving the application for Grant Funds for the California River Parkways Grant Program under the Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006 (Proposition 84) - For Board Review and Action RESOLUTIO� f�O. �1 ��. M►E RESOLUT11ON OF THE CITY OF BAKE RSF! -LD WATER BOARD APPROVING THE APPLlICAIION FOR GRANT FUNDS FOR THE CALIFORNIIA RIVER PARKWAYS GRANT PROGRAM UNDER THE SAFE DRINKING WATER WATER QUALITY AND SUPPLY, FLOOD CONTROL, RIVER AND COASTAL PROTECTION BOND ACT OF 2006 (PROPOSITION 84) WHEREAS, the Legislature and Governor of the State of California have provided funds for the program shown above; and WHEREAS, the Resources Agency has been delegated the responsibility for the administration of this grant program, establishing necessary procedures; and WHEREAS, said procedures established by the State Resources Agency require a resolution certifying the approval of applications(s) by the Applicants governing board before submission of said applications(s) to the State; and WHEREAS, the Applicant, if selected, will enter into an agreement with the State of California to carry out the project; and WHEREAS, this proposal is part of the Kern River Parkway Plan for which there is a certified Final Environmental Report. NOW, THEREFORE, BE 0f RESOLVED, that the City of Bakersfield Water • .: •; 1. Approves the filing of an application for the Kern River Parkway Equestrian Bridge 2. Certifies that Applicant understands the assurances and certification in the application; and 3. Certifies that Applicant or title holder will have sufficient funds to operate and maintain the projects(s) consistent with the land tenure requirements; or will secure the resources to do so; and 4. Certifies that it will comply with all provisions of Section 1771.5 of the California Labor Code regarding payment of prevailing wages on projects awarded Proposition 84 funds; and 5. If applicable, certifies that the project will comply with any laws and regulations including, but not limited to, the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), legal requirements for building codes, health and safety codes, disabled access laws, and, that prior to commencement of construction, all applicable permits will have been obtained; and 6. The City Council has complied with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the local CEQA Implementation procedures. No further environmental review is required; and 7. Appoints the Water Resources Manager or designee, as agent to conduct all negotiations, execute and submit all documents including, but not limited to applications, agreements, payment requests and so on, which may be necessary for the completion of the aforementioned project(s). -- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed the City of Bakersfield Water Board at a regular meeting thereof held on , by the following vote: AYES: WATER BOARD MEMBER NOES: WATER BOARD MEMBER ABSTAIN: WATER BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: WATER BOARD MEMBER APPROVED COUCH, HANSON, SCRIVNER and adopted by Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary of the City of Bakersfield Water Board By FLORN CORE Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS continued November 12, 2008 C. Resolution No. 02 -08 of the City of Bakersfield Water Board endorsing application for an Urban Stream Restoration Grant Under Proposition 84 for the Kern River Parkway designating Contract Manager and Fiscal Agent. — For Board Review and Action RESOLUTIO� N�00 �' D8 B 00_UTION PAPK1� AY DESiC�N��TIN =a COO �TR,�C� 1 NAGER A��D FISCAL �!C 1T WHEREAS, the California Department of Water Resources, Division of Planning and Local Assistance, Urban Stream Restoration Program has announced the availability of funds for grants; and WHEREAS, the grants are intended to help solve flooding and erosion problems in a way that provides environmental enhancement; and WHEREAS, the Kern River Parkway Foundation has proposed to co- sponsor a grant application with the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, the City of Bakersfield Water Board has concluded the project proposed for funding with the grant funds would be environmentally - beneficial and certified the Environmental Impact Report for the development and implementation of the Kern River Parkway Plan on November 30, 1988; and WHEREAS, the prospects of receiving such a grant are reasonably likely. NOW, THEREFORE, of OT RESOLVED, by the City of Bakersfield Water Board as follows: 1. The joint application with the Kern River Parkway Foundation for an Urban Stream Restoration Program grant is hereby approved. 2. The Water Resources Manager is hereby authorized to accept the grant, develop a work plan for the project, and sign any contract for administration of the grant funds. 3. The Water Resources Business Manager is authorized to submit invoices to the Department of Water Resources for activities carried out under the work plan for the grant contract. -- - - - - -- 000-- - - - - -- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed the City of Bakersfield Water Board at a regular meeting thereof held on by the following vote: AYES: WATER BOARD MEMBER NOES: WATER BOARD MEMBER ABSTAIN: WATER BOARD MEMBER ABSENT: WATER BOARD MEMBER U_ :M , I] in COUCH, HANSON, SCRIVNER and adopted by Bobbie Zaragoza, Secretary of the City of Bakersfield Water Board FLORN CORE Water Resources Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney Water Board Meeting 8. NEW BUSINESS November 12, 2008 D. Draft Post -2012 Water Needs Determination Study for City Basic Agricultural Contracts — For Board Information Water Board Meeting November 12, 2008 MISCELLANEOUS A. Tentative 2009 Water Board meeting schedule — For Board Information SCHEDULED MEETINGS BAKERSFIELD CITY COUNCIL JANUARY 2009 THROUGH DECEMBER 2009 Adopted November 5, 2008 Resolution No. 187 -08 =REGULAR MEET NG BEGINS @ 5:15 PM � BUDGET MEETING & PRESENTATIONS RECONVENES AT 6:30 PM Monday's @ Noon, Wednesday's @ 5:15pm Hearing on 6110, Adoption on 6124 =WATER BOARD meeting ®Holidays - City Hall Closed = Joint City /County Meeting JANUARY S S M IT W TH F S 2 3 11 2 1 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 JULY S M I T W I THI F S S 2 3 11 2 1 4 5 61 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 31 31 OCTOBER S S M I T W TH F S 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 251 261 271—"-'-8" 27 29 30 31 AUGUST S M T W TH F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MARCH ©'0000© M T W TH IF S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pa 30 31 28 29 30 MARCH S M T W TH IF S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pa 30 31 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER S M S M T W TH F S 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 DECEMBER S M T W ITH F S 1 21 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30