HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0419 RESOLUTION OF I%~TE?TION NO. f-/-/~'/~'~ REBOLnU?%0%~ OF INTE%TIO%~ TO IMPROVE CERTAIN PORTI0 S 0F A ~TRE~. D ST~, E MTR~. F STREW. G ~TREET. T~E ALL~ RU~'ING EArThY AND E~T~Y IN BLOCK 200; AND CONSTRUCTION 0F S~RS IN T~{E ALLHS RUNNING EASTERLY AFD ~T~LY Tr~ROUGH BLOCKS 2S7, ~238 ~nd 239. T0 B~ KN0%9' AS STRE~ DISTRIOT ~0. 76 AND T0 ISSUE BOFDS IN PA~ENT THERE~R. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF B~JiERSFIELD, That ii is the intention of the City Council of the City of Bakers- field to order the followirg~ work to be done ard improvement to be made in the said City, to-wit: SECTI0r' 1.i T~at A Street from the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the southerly curb line of 17tn Street, and from the northerly curb line of 18tn Street to the southerly line of 21st Street, be graded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official line a~d grade on either side of said street and tnst the road~y be paved with a three and one-half (3~) inch aspnatt ooncre%e b~se' and a one and one-half (1~) inch Warrenite-Bitulitnic wearing surface; SECTIO~' 2. That that portion of A Street lyi~ east of the center line thereof from the northerly line of 17tn Street to the soatnerly line : of 18tn Street be ~zraded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official line and grade alor~z the easterly side of said street and that the easterly n~f of the road- way or that portion between the ~utter and the center line of the street be paved with a three s, rd ore-half (3~) inch aspnalt concrete base and a ore and ore-half (1{') inch Warrenite-Bitulitnic wearing surface; S~TIO%' 3. That D Street from the northerly curb lire of Truxtun Avenue to the southerly curb line of 21st Street be ~raded; that cement concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed ~o tneL~fficial line and grade on either side of eaid street and that the roadway be paved with a three and one-gall inch (3~) asphalt concrete base and a one and one-half i',-(l~) inch ~Varren~te-Bitulitnic wearing surface; SECTION 4. That E Street from the northerly curb line on Truxtun Avenue -1- to the southerly curb line of 17tn ~treet, and from the ~ortnerly line of 19tn Street to the southerly lineof 21st Street be graded; that cement co%crete curbs, gutters and sidewalks be constructed to the official lire and grade on either side of said street, and that t~e roadway be paved wit~ a three s. nd ore-half (~) innn asphalt concrete base ard a one and one-half (l~) inch Warrenite-Bitulitnic wearing, surface; SECTI0~' 5. That F 9treet from the northerly curb line on 19tn Streeb to the southerly line of 21st ~treet be graded; tn~t cement concrete curbs gutters and sidewalks be consbructed to the official line and grade on either side of said street and tn~t the road way be paved wita a three and one-n~f (~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one- half inch Warrerite-Bitulitnic wearirg~ surface; SECTI0;~ 6. That G Street from the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to the southerly line of 18tn Street be graded; that cement concrete curbs, g~tters, and sidewalks be corstr~cted to the official line and grade on either side of said street, and that the roadway be paved with a three and. erie-half (~) inch asphalt concrete l~ase and a one and one-half (1~) inch Warrerite-Bitulitnic wearing surface; SE~TIOF 7.?' That. the alley running easterly ard westerly in Block 200, from ,the westerly lire of E Street to the easterly line of D Street be graded; that cement concrete curbs be constructed to the official line and ~rade on either side of said alley; that a cement concrete garter two (2) feet in width be con~tr,~cted along ar~t one (1) foot on either side of the center line of said alley and taat those portions lyirg between gutter and curbs (above described) be paved with a three and one-half (~) inch asphalt concrete base and a one and one- naif (l~) inch Warrerite-Ni~ulitnic wea~irg~ surface; Includi~ all intersections of streets and alleys within the limits of the above descriptions, and excludir~z therefrom the W~lOle or any portion of streets, alleys, street intersections or alley inter- sections on which pavement, curbs, gutters or sidewalks nave been constr~cted to the official line and grade, and excepting also s~cn . !).nerof por~ion~as are required by law to be paved, kept in order or repair by any person or company having railroad o~1 car trac~;~ thereon; ~so -2- SECTION 8. That cement concrete culverts covered with corrugated iron and provided with cast-iron marnole f~ames, fitted, with steel covers, be constructed across A Street on the soutnerly~.,, of Truxtun Avenue; SECTION 9.? That a sanitary sewer of six (6) inch vitrified salt glazed sewer pipe be constructed on and alor~ the center line of the alleys running easterly and westerly through Blocks 23?, 238 and 239, from a point 2(1 feet easterly from the e~sterly line of F Street to. a, point,. · ln~er sections 20 feet.easterly f.rom the easterly line of D Street and across street,/ within the above limits; that a cement concrete mar~ole fitted with a cast-iron cover l~e constructed on said sewer at its intersection with the center line of E ~treet; that a lampnole be constructed or the westerly end of said sewer, and that a "Y" branch be placed in said sewer for each lot in Blocks 238, a~d 239; all of the said work improvement is to be done in acco~'d~ce wit.~ ~e plan~ and specifica- tions ereto ore on of adopted by the City Council of the City ef $akerS, field, said plans being entitled "PLAN FOR THE IMPROV~ENT OF STREET DISTRICT N0. 76 IN TH? CITY OF B~XERSFIELD, CALIF.,' and said specifications being entitled "SPECIFICATIONS FOR T~ IMPROVEME~I OF STREET DISTRICT NO. 76 IN THE CITY OF B~JiERS~IELI~, CALIF.", a~d which said plans ~ and specifications are on file ~n the office of the O~ty Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, and are hereby referred ~o and by such reference made a part and portion hereof, and in this connection the said plans and specifications also snow the exact location of the aforesaid work and improvement. The paving work aforesal-8 shall be done also in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the Warrerite-Bitulitnic License Mixture Agreement, entered into by s~id City Council with the Warren Brothers Company dated ~ ~ , 1921, per~ittirg the laying of a p~vement for which United Jt~t6s Letters Patent are held by the said Company, which Warrer~te-B~tul~tn~c License ~ixture Agreem inert is also on file in the office of szi~City Clerk and is hereby re- ferred to; and the wearirg surface mixture of said pavirg work will be required to be procured of szid Warren Brothers Compar~ as provided in said Warrenite-Bitulitnic License Mixture Agreement. '3- And whereas, said contemplated work and improvement, in the opinion of the said City Council, is of more than local or ordinary p.ublic benefit, said 6ouncil hereby makes the expense of said work and improvement chargeable upon a district, which district said. City Council hereby declares to be the district benefitted by said work and improvement and to be assessed to pay the costs and expenses~tnereof, and WhiCh said district is bounded and described as follows: All that portion of the City of Bakersfield included within the following des- cribed exterior boundary line, to-wit: Beginning at a point ir the northerly line of 17tn Street 1~2 feet westerly from the westerly line of A Street and running thence southerly on a line 1~2 feet westerly from and parallel to the wester~ ly line of A Street to a point 122. feet southerly from the southerly line of Truxtun Avenue; thence easterly on a line 122 feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly lin~ of Truxtun Avenue to a point 132 feet easterly from the easterly line of Z Street; thence norther- ly on a line 132 feet easterly from ar.d p~rallel to the easterly line of A Street to the northerly line of 20tn Street; thence easterly along~tne northerly line of 20tn Street to a ,point 1~2 feet westerly from the westerly line of ~ Street; thence somtnerly on a line 1~2 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of D Street to a point 17 feet southerly from the northerly line of TruxtUn Avenue; thence easterly on a line 17 feet southerly from and parallel to the northerly line of Truxtun Avenue to a point 1~2 feet easterly from the easterly line of G Street; t~erce northerly on a line 1~2 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of G Street to t~e southerly line of 18tn Street; thence westerly along the soatnerly line of 18tn Street to a point 112 feet westerly from the westerly line of G Street; thence sOUtherly on a line 1~2 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of G Street to the southerly line of 17tn Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of 17'~n btreet ~ to the center line of E Street; thence northerly on a line ]0~.25 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of D Street to a point 14 feet southerly from the northerly line of l~tn Street; thence easterly on a line 14 feet southerly from and parallel to the northerly line of 19tn Street to a poin~ 132 feet easterly from the easterly line' ~f F Street; thence r~rtnerly on a line 132 feet easterly from and parallel to the easterly line of F Street to the southerly line of 20tn Street; thence westerly along the southerly line of 20tn Street 10 feet; thence rnrtnerly on a line 122 feet e~sterly from and parallel to the easterly line of F Street to a point 14 feet northerly from the southerly line of 21st~ Street; thence westerly on a line 14 feet northerly from and parallel to the southerly lin~ of 21st Street to a point 1~2 feet westerly from the westerly line of A Street; thence southerly on a line 132 feet westerly from and parallel to the ~esber~M line of A Street to the southerly line of 18tn Street; thence easter- ly along the southerly line of 18tn Street to the center line of A Street; thence southerly along the center line of A Street to the northerly li~e of 17tn Street; thence westerly alorg~ the northerly line of 17tn Street to the point of beginning. Notice is hereby given that seria~ bonds to ~epresert unpaid assessments, and bear interemt at the rate of seven (7~) per cent per ann~m will be issued hereunder in the manner provided by the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, and all acts amendatory thereof, the last installment of which bonds shall mature nine years from the 2nd day of July next succeedirg.~ nine months from their date. Except as nerei~above otherwise provided for the issuance of said serial bonds all of the herein proposed work shall be done in p,~rsa~nce of an act of the Legislature of the State of California de- signated, "The Improvement Act of 1911" approved A~ril 7th, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. Notice is hereby given that on Monday the ~.~ day of ~~c/ · 1921, at 8 o'clock P.~. at a regular meeting of the said City Council, in the douncil Cnambers of said City Council in the City ~{~11 of the Gity of Bakersfield, a~y and all personal raving any objections to the proposed ~,~rk er improvement may appear before said City Council and snow cause wry said proposed improve- ment should not be carried out ir accordance with said Resolution. ?n~ ?City Clerk of said City of Bakersfield snail cause this Resolution of Intention to be p~blisned twice in She Bakersfield Californian, a daily Dewspaper printed, published and circulated in said City of Bakersfield, and hereby designated for that purpose by said City Council, The Street superintendent of said City of Bakersfield shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work and improvement and along the ope~ streets within said district, ~otioe of tne pass~ge of this resolution of intention, in the manner and form required by law, and in said notice ae shall call attention to the Warren~te-Bitulitnic License Mixture A~reement of the Warren Brothers Company, of ~ate ~ J~P~ /~'~'! .. on file.in the office of the City Clerk. I HEREBY CERTIFf that the foregoing Reeolution of Intention was regularly introduced, passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the /g~day of ~ ~, 1921, by the following vote: A '~--~:-le, n-nit'th, H~g~am.-l~,~, Robinson, Smlth,~ ~es-~ff~ ..~~ ....................................................... City ~lerk and_~x-offtci~Clerk of the ~ . ~ Co~nc~l of tneC~ty offB~ersfield Mayor of ~ne uity of ~fielO.