HomeMy WebLinkAboutROI NO 0416RE~'.LUTIO~ OF INTENTION, NO.~/~ RESOLUTIOF OF INTEFTION TO DIMINISH TEE WIDTH OF TEAT CERTAIN ALLEY EXTENDING FROM Ti{E ~'~STERLY LI}~ 0E 0 STREET TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF N STREET IN BLOCK 370, IN THE CI'IY CE B~ERSFtELD. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF B~'/{ERSFIFLD, as follows: Tnatit is the Bakersfield to order the intention of the Council of the City of follewirg street work to be dore to-wit: That the width of that certain alley extending from the westerly line of,0 Street to the easterly line of N Street in Block 370 be diminished to a umiformwidtn of twenty feet between the property lines. And said Council does hereby determine and declare that said proposed, work and improvement is of more tnar ordinary public benefit and will affect and benefit the lands and district hereinafter described, and which said district is hereby declared to be the dis- trict affected and benefitted by said work and improve~ent and therefore the entire damages, costs and expenses of said work and improvement shall be and are hereby made chargeable ~ffairst, and shall be assessable upon said land and district, vmic~ district is within the City of Bakersfield, CoGnty of Kern, State of California, and exterior boundaries of said lards affected and benefitted by said work and improvement are partimdarly described as follows, to-wit: Beginnirg at the inters~ctio~ of the southerly lire of 14tn Street with the easterly line of N Street and r~nnir~ thence soGtnerly alorf; the easterly line of N Street to the rort~eriy line of 13tn Street; thence easterly aloDz t~e northerly line of 13tn Street to the westerly line of 0 Street; thence ~ortnerly along the westerly line of 0 Street to t~e southerly line of 14tn Street; tn~nce weste~iy atoreu~ the southerly line of 14tn Street to the point of beginni~z. Bsing-~ all of Block ~70 in the City of B'~kersfield. All of the herein proposed work shall be done in pursuance of an act of the LegislatGre of the 2tare of California, entitled "Ar act to provide for the layi~ out, opening, ~xtendir~, widenings, straigntenir~.~, or closinf~ up ir whole or ir part, any street, la~e, square, alley, court or place ~itai~ !.~unicipalities, and to condemn and acquire all lands and property necessary or convenient for that purpose," approved March 6, 1889, and the several acts .-~nerdatory thereof or sGpplement~ thereto. THE B}JIERSFIELD CALI!~R~IAF, is hereby designated as the daily newspaper p~blisned and circuluted i~ said City in ~aicn the Superinter(!ent's notice of ~ne passag.~e of this Resolution shall be published. I H!~REBY CERTIFY ~nat the foregoin~ Resolution of Inter- tion was ps. ssed by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, on the ~day of 0cbober, 1921, by the followi~ vote: Carlisle Gri/~th, Hougham, lten/ro, P, obinson, Smith, Willow t ...... ~.~-~ .................................................. the Ci~ oi' Bake. sfie'ld. -2-