HomeMy WebLinkAboutWWTP3SwrStdyRprt CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SEWER STUDY FOR WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT #3 TRUNK SEWER CAPACITY PHASES 1 & 2 April 8, 2014 Prepared By Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. INDEX PURPOSE AND SUMMARY ........................................................................................... 1 DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SEWER SYSTEMS ........................................................ 2 SEWER LOADINGS ........................................................................................................ 2 SCENARIO 1 – EXISTING FLOWS AND EXISTING SEWERS ..................................... 3 SCENARIO 2 – FUTURE FLOWS AND EXISTING SEWERS ........................................ 3 SCENARIO 3 – FUTURE FLOWS WITH SEWER IMPROVEMENTS ............................ 4 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................... 5 APPENDIX A – LOADINGS SUMMARY AND STUDY MAP ........................................... 7 APPENDIX B – SCENARIO 1 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS ................................... 8 APPENDIX C – SCENARIO 2 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS .................................. 9 APPENDIX D – SCENARIO 3 CALCULATION AND RESULTS ................................... 10 APPENDIX E – COST ESTIMATE ................................................................................ 11 APPENDIX F – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS ............................................................. 12 1 PURPOSE AND SUMMARY The purpose of this study is to determine the available capacities for two trunk sewers servicing Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 3 (WWTP#3) and provide recommended improvements to mitigate future loadings. The two trunk sewers studied are the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. Phase 1 of this study analyzed the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Phase 2 of this study analyzed the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. This report combines both Phase 1 and Phase 2 into one comprehensive study. The service areas for both the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer encompass the majority of the west Bakersfield Metropolitan area. Currently, the majority of the areas serviced by both trunks are within the City limits; however a few areas outside of the City limits are being serviced. Existing sewer service areas were determined from as-built sewer plans. Future sewer service areas were determined from information provided in the CSA-71 Sewer Master Plan revised March 2004. This master plan outlines sewer service areas for County Planned Sewer Area No. 71 (CSA- 71). CSA-71 is approximately 73.3 square miles located northwest of central Bakersfield. A portion of CSA-71 areas outside of the City limits are slated to be serviced by the City of Bakersfield, the remaining area is to be serviced by North of the River Sanitary District No. 1 (NOR). There are five of these areas called City Planned Sewer Areas. Please see the map in Appendix A, Sewer Service Area for a better understanding of entire study area, trunk alignments, and individual service areas. Furthermore, Agreement No. 00-11 between the City of Bakersfield and NOR outlines the areas north of the Kern River that are to be serviced by the City. The CSA-71 Sewer Master Plan conforms to this agreement and was the basis for determining future service areas for this study. Existing as-built sewer plans and City standards for sewer loadings, in conjunction with existing and future sewer service areas, were used to create and compile multiple sewer models in the program SewerCAD V8i by Bentley Systems to reflect different scenarios. Three scenarios were analyzed: 1. Existing Flows and Existing Sewers – This scenario analyzed the current sewer system under existing sewer loadings. 2. Future Flows and Existing Sewers – This scenario analyzed the current sewer system under future sewer loadings. 3. Future Flows and Sewer Improvements – This model analyzed the current and proposed (per this study) sewer system under future sewer loadings to provide the entire system with adequate capacity. In summary, the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer system under existing loadings only has capacity for an additional 7,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (18,200 persons). Also, 2 portions of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer lack capacity for the existing flows. Also, the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Lift Station located on White lane is at or near capacity for the existing flows. In addition, both the existing Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer systems are inadequate to convey the future sewer loadings. Proposed improvements and associated cost estimate have been included herewith. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SEWER SYSTEMS Allen Road Trunk Sewer – The Allen Road Trunk Sewer is located west of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer and services portions of northwest and southwest Bakersfield. The sewer begins north of Noriega Road and travels south along Allen Road. Near the intersection of Allen Road and Hageman Road the sewer flows into the Hageman No. 1 Lift Station. From this lift station the sewer continues to travel south along Allen Road, crossing the Kern River, to the intersection of S. Allen Road and White Lane. From this intersection the sewer travels east along White Lane to the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Lift Station. This lift station was designed and constructed with a spare wet well to be used for future expansion. From this lift station the sewer continues to flow east to the intersection of White Lane and Buena Vista Road where it is then intercepted by the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer – The Buena Vista Trunk Sewer is located east of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and services the remaining portions of northwest and southwest Bakersfield not serviced by the Allen Road Trunk Sewer. The sewer begins in northwest Bakersfield and travels south along Buena Vista Road to the intersection of White Lane and Buena Vista Road. Only the portion downstream of White Lane was analyzed for this study; however, upstream sewer loadings were taken into account. At White Lane the sewer receives flows from the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and continues to travel south along Buena Vista Road to the intersection of McCutchen Road and Buena Vista Road. From this intersection the sewer flows east along McCutchen Road to Gosford Road where the sewer combines with a 60” sewer that travels east to the McCutchen/Gosford Lift Station. It should be noted that the City intends to build a diversion manhole on the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer at the intersection of Buena Vista Road and White Lane to divert a fraction of the flows to the east in the existing 30” White Lane Sewer. SEWER LOADINGS The City Standards for sewer loadings apply. It is the opinion of this engineer and City staff that only residential loadings were to be considered for this study due to the size of the entire service area. This is because accounting for commercial, schools, industrial, and other non-residential zones along with residential zones for such a large service area would result in double accounting and grossly overestimate the sewer flows. Therefore, zoning data and property parcels were used to determine the number of Single Family and Multi Family dwelling units. Please see the sewer loading criteria below: 3 Single Family Dwelling: Multi Family Dwelling: 2.6 persons at 100 gallons per person per day average 2.0 persons at 100 gallons per person per day average Peaking Factor: Pf=2.65x(Average Discharge)-0.1 for flows in CFS Please see the table in Appendix A, Loadings Summary for a detailed table of service areas and the corresponding sewer loadings. Population calculations based on the City Standards checked closely with GIS population data provided by the City. SCENARIO 1 – EXISTING FLOWS AND EXISTING SEWERS This scenario modeled the current sewer system under existing loadings. Please see Appendix B for a table regarding conduit information and profiles depicting the sewers for this scenario. This scenario determined that the current system under existing flows performs adequately with one exception. A portion of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer is undersized. This undersized 15” sewer is from just downstream of Rosedale Highway to Palm Avenue. The undersized sewer causes flows to backup upstream. As such, the portion of sewer downstream of the Hageman No. 1 Lift Station to Palm Avenue is flowing under surcharged head. A solution to this is modeled and discussed in Scenario 3. Under this scenario the current Allen Road Trunk Sewer downstream of Palm Avenue has available capacity to increase service; however, this is limited by the existing available capacity in the Allen Road Trunk Sewer Lift Station. The Allen Road Trunk Sewer Lift Station located on White Lane is at or near capacity. The current Buena Vista Trunk Sewer has a remaining capacity of 7,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (18,200 persons). If the City were to construct a 7.5 CFS bypass manhole at White Lane and Buena Vista Road then capacity would increase an additional 8,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (20,800 persons). SCENARIO 2 – FUTURE FLOWS AND EXISTING SEWERS This scenario modeled the current sewer system under future loadings. Please see Appendix C for a table regarding conduit information and profiles depicting the sewers for this scenario. This scenario determined that the current system under future flows is severely inadequate. The model shows that almost all portions of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer and Buena Vista Trunk Sewer are under surcharged head. However, the Allen Road Trunk Sewer flows under surcharged head because the Allen Road Sewer Lift Station is insufficient to convey the flows; the sewer lines themselves have capacity, except for the 15” line discussed under Scenario 1. Under this scenario the Buena Vista Trunk 4 Sewer flows under surcharged head because the downstream reach is nearly flat and, therefore, lacks capacity to carry the flows. A solution to the lack of capacity for both systems is modeled and discussed in Scenario 3. SCENARIO 3 – FUTURE FLOWS WITH SEWER IMPROVEMENTS This scenario modeled the current and proposed sewer system improvements under future loadings. Please see Appendix D for a table regarding conduit information and profiles depicting the sewers for this scenario. Please see below for brief descriptions of the proposed sewer improvements modeled in this scenario. Allen Road Trunk Sewer As stated in Scenario 1, a portion of the Allen Road Trunk Sewer is undersized for existing flows and requires upsizing to carry existing and future flows. The proposed solution for this reach of sewer is to:  Replace the upstream 800 linear feet of the 15” sewer with an 18” sewer.  Replace the remaining downstream 1700 linear feet of the 15” sewer with a 24” sewer. Allen Road Sewer Lift Station The existing Allen Road Sewer Lift Station located on White Lane requires capacity improvements to convey future flows. Proposed improvements utilize the existing spare wet well and include pump and manifold upgrades. Currently, the sole operating wet well has three pumps, all of which are operating during the peak flow of 9 CFS. Future peak flows into the lift station are modeled as 23 CFS. The proposed solution for the lift station is to:  Remove the existing 3 pumps and install 3 new pumps in each wet well, 6 pumps total. One pump per wet well is for redundancy.  Remove existing 8” manifold piping and install 10” piping for both wet wells.  Modify sewer upstream to split flows evenly to each wet well. White Lane and Buena Vista Road Diversion Manhole In order for all suggested improvements to work effectively, the City proposed diversion manhole at White Lane and Buena Vista Road must be implemented. And, the manhole should be designed to divert 7.5 CFS out of the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer to the 30” White Lane sewer. Buena Vista Trunk Sewer Diversion Manhole and McCutchen Road Trunk Sewer The most crucial component of these sewer improvements is the proposed diversion manhole on the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer and proposed McCutchen Road Trunk Sewer. These proposed improvements include:  Construct a diversion manhole on the existing Buena Vista Trunk Sewer just downstream of Harris Road. This diversion manhole is to divert 8.2 CFS into the new McCutchen Road Trunk Sewer. 5  Construct the McCutchen Road Trunk Sewer parallel to the existing Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. This new sewer is to carry flows from the diversion manhole and, where feasible, receive existing and future flows that would have otherwise surcharge the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. This new trunk would terminate where the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer becomes a 60” sewer. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Development within the study area is once again becoming active. With this in mind, project planning should now commence for the construction of the recommended facilities. Per this study the future sewer loadings applied to the existing sewer system indicate a severe lack of capacity for both the Allen Road Trunk Sewer system and the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer System. Additionally, portions of the existing Allen Road Trunk sewer are undersized for the existing sewer loads and no remaining capacity exists in the existing Allen Road Trunk Sewer Lift Station on White Lane. The existing Buena Vista Trunk Sewer system only has capacity for an additional 7,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (18,200 persons). However, capacity for an additional 8,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (20,800 persons) is available if the diversion manhole at Buena Vista Road and White Lane is constructed. With just the diversion manhole constructed, the Buena Trunk Sewer capacity becomes 15,000 Single Family Dwelling Units (39,000 persons). Unfortunately, the construction of the diversion manhole at White Lane and Buena Vista Road does not offset the future sewer loadings, capacity issues still arise. Recommended sewer improvements to mitigate all future flows are listed below:  Remove and replace existing 15” Allen Road Trunk Sewer with an 18” and 24” sewer to alleviate current surcharging between Hageman Road and Palm Ave.  Construct diversion manhole at White Lane and Buena Vista Road to divert some flows to the 30” White Lane sewer.  Upgrade Allen Road Sewer Lift Station to handle increased future flows.  Construct diversion manhole on the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer to alleviate surcharging in the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer  Construct McCutchen Sewer parallel to existing Buena Vista trunk sewer to convey diverted flows from diversion manhole listed above, and intercept feasible future and existing flows that would otherwise contribute to the Buena Vista Trunk Sewer. The breakdown costs for the project are summarized below:  McCutchen Road Trunk Sewer…………………………………………$9.6 million  Allen Road Trunk Sewer Improvements…………………………….....$2.4 million  Buena Vista Rd. & White Ln. Diversion Manhole……………………..$51,400 6 The total estimated cost of the all listed projects is $12,060,000. For a detailed preliminary cost estimate please see Appendix E. 7 APPENDIX A – LOADINGS SUMMARY AND STUDY MAP 8 APPENDIX B – SCENARIO 1 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS Existing Flows and Existing Sewers 9 APPENDIX C – SCENARIO 2 CALCULATIONS AND RESULTS Future Flows and Existing Sewers 10 APPENDIX D – SCENARIO 3 CALCULATION AND RESULTS Future Flows and Sewer Improvements 11 APPENDIX E – COST ESTIMATE 12 APPENDIX F – SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS Agreement No. 00-11 CSA-71 Master Plan, City Planned Sewer Areas