HomeMy WebLinkAboutExecSummaryCivil Engineering, Inc.110 S. Montclair Street - Suite 104, Bakersfield, CA 93309Phone 661-836-9834 FAX 661-836-9761 MCE Water Resource Engineering Drainage Studies and Design Sewer Design Pump Station Design FEMA Studies Plan and Map Checking Services Municipal Consulting CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT NORTHEAST BAKERSFIELD SEWER STUDY FOR A NEW SEWER TRUNK LINE TO WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT NO. 2 September 21, 2005 Prepared By Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study INDEX PURPOSE……………………………………………………………………..…PAGE 3 EXISTING SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE…………………………………………………………..…PAGE 3 LOCATION MAP…………………………………………………………………PAGE 5 SEWER SERVICE AREA CALCULATIONS……………………………………………………………...…PAGE 6 ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVES……………………………………………………………....…PAGE 6 RIGHT OF WAY IMPACTS……………………………………………………………….……...…PAGE 8 CITIZEN IMPACTS…………………………………………………….……... PAGE 11 COORDINATION AND PERMITS TO CONSTRUCT PROJECT...…………………………………………………………….…....…PAGE 12 PIPE MATERIALS...………………………………………………………….…...….PAGE 13 COST ESTIMATES...………………………………………………………….…….…PAGE 13 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS……………………………………………….……..…PAGE 13 APPENDIX A COST ESTIMATES……………………………………………….…………….....….PAGE A-1 APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY PLANS……………………………………………….……………….….….…PAGE B-1 APPENDIX C TECHNICAL APPENDIX………………………………………….……………….……..…..PAGE C-1 APPENDIX D PRELIMINARY SOIL REPORT………………………………………….……………….……..….....PAGE D-1 City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 3 PURPOSE The City of Bakersfield plans to construct a new sewer trunk line that will help relieve sewer lines that flow from northeast Bakersfield to Waste Water Treatment Plant No. 2 (WWTP#2). WWTP#2 is located on Mount Vernon Avenue, south of the Route 58 freeway, near Planz Road. This study consists of estimating flows generated from anticipated land uses in the service area, reviewing existing facility capacities presently in place, preparing conceptual sewer mains and force mains alignments, preparing alternative alignment studies for the trunk line, identifying right of way and permitting requirements, and making recommendations in regard to a final project. The recommended alternate is Alternate 1. This alignment is shown on the proposed Master Plan which is included herewith as Plates 1 and 2 in the drawing jacket. Please refer to this plan for illustration of the existing sewer systems, service area boundaries, and proposed conceptual and preliminary designs. EXISTING SEWER INFRASTRUCTURE The service area for the proposed trunk sewer contains approximately 47 square miles of mixed use and undeveloped properties. The existing facilities within the project boundary primarily consist of those constructed to serve a sewer assessment district known as AD93-1. The service area boundary lies wholly within the project area and is 7236 acres in size. Developers of subdivisions have connected to these facilities for service to their project both within and outside of the district boundary. Extension beyond the district boundary occurs on the west side of the district at Panorama Drive. These facilities are all small in size and provide no additional value of regional service. The AD93-1 facilities connect to the City system through an interim connection to an East Niles Community Services District main located in East Brundage Lane. These flows are then conveyed to WWTP#2. Analysis of the AD 93-1 facilities was performed utilizing planned land uses under the 2010 General Plan. Estimates of flow were prepared using the City of Bakersfield Subdivision Design Standards. Reserved land uses were considered to be developed as single family residential at a rate of four dwelling units per acre. The following table outlines land use densities and flow rates used through this study. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 4 Land Use Sewer Loadings Designation Land use Description Dwelling Units (DU) per ACRE GPD per DU Average Load, MGD per AC Average Load, CFS per AC Equivalent SF DU's Equivalent Population per ACRE LR Single Family (LR) 4.0 260 0.001040 0.001608 4.00 10.40 SR Single Family (SR) 3.0 260 0.000780 0.001206 3.00 7.80 ER Single Family (ER) 1.0 260 0.000260 0.000402 1.00 2.60 RR Single Family (RR) 0.5 260 0.000130 0.000201 0.50 1.30 LMR Multi Family (LMR) 6.0 200 0.001200 0.001855 4.62 12.00 HMR Multi Family (HMR) 10 200 0.002000 0.003092 7.69 20.00 HR Multi Family (HR) 15.0 200 0.003000 0.004638 11.54 30.00 GC Commercial (Area) 0.003593 0.005556 13.82 35.93 OC Commercial (Area) 0.003593 0.005556 13.82 35.93 MUC Commercial (Area) 0.003593 0.005556 13.82 35.93 R-MP R-MP (LR Equiv) 4.0 260 0.001040 0.001608 4.00 10.40 R-EA R-EA (LR Equiv) 4.0 260 0.001040 0.001608 4.00 10.40 R-IA R-IA (LR Equiv) 4.0 260 0.001040 0.001608 4.00 10.40 Units in the above table are defined: DU is “dwelling units” GPD is “gallons per day” MGD is “million gallons per day” CFS is “cubic feet per second” AC is “acres” SF is “single family” The above abbreviations will be used throughout this study. Land use designation maps are included as Plates 3 and 4 in the drawing jacket. Generally the AD93-1 facilities performed adequately with a few exceptions. The following facilities are identified as inadequate: TABLE OF AD93-1 CAPACITY DEFICITS Location & Description Name(s) Size Design Flow Capacity Deficit Gravity Sewer in Hwy 178 west of Masterson St. P-48, P-49 & P-50 18” 10.75cfs 8.61cfs 2.13cfs Gravity Sewer south of Hwy 178 between Vineland and Masterson P-50 18” 9.65cfs 5.56cfs 4.09cfs The above items will be addressed later in this study as to how these inadequacies are to be corrected. The existing pumps stations should perform adequately as constructed. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 5 City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 6 SEWER SERVICE AREA CALCULATIONS Sewer service area calculations were performed following the City of Bakersfield Subdivision Design Standards. More particularly these rates are as follows: Single Family Dwelling: 2.6 persons at 100 gallons per person per day ave. Multiple Family Dwelling: 2.0 persons at 100 gallons per person per day ave. Peaking Factor: Pf=2.65x(Average Discharge)-0.1 for flows in CFS Commercial Uses: 0.00556 CFS per gross acre average Peaking Factor: Pf=1.8 Industrial Uses: 0.00750 CFS per gross acre average Peaking Factor: Pf=2.0 The above rates were applied to planned land uses as defined in the 2010 General Plan. Densities were based on practical build-out densities typical for the area. Due to relatively hilly terrain yield is lost from space taken up by side slopes between lot pads. Typical gross densities were taken from filed maps in the area. These densities are represented in the above table “Land Use Sewer Loadings”. The project area contains considerable acreage under reserved land uses. Reserved land uses were considered as developed as single family dwellings. A detailed table of land uses and their associated area is contained in the Technical Appendix. These values were applied to a sewer modeling program “SewerCAD” by Haestad methods. The program is designed to analyze sewer flows on the basis of actual gravity and pumped constraints. Results from these models are contained in the Technical Appendix. In addition to the estimated flows based on the General Plan, flows from the Kern Sanitation Authority (KSA) are added at the location of Oswell Street and Redbank Road. This is considered in anticipation of taking KSA’s waste water treatment plant offline and accepting their flows into the City’s WWTP#2. This flow as provided by KSA is estimated to be five million gallons per day or 7.7 CFS average. Total discharge to the WWTP#2 is estimated to be 75.73 CFS peak or 48.98 MGD. This can be equated to a population of 268,300 persons. ALIGNMENT ALTERNATIVES A master plan has been prepared within this study to conceptualize practical alignments to collect sewage flows throughout the study area. These alignments are provided to determine delivered flows to the planned trunk sewer line and to correct problems within the AD93-1 system. The trunk sewer line has been studied in detail to prepare preliminary plans for construction. The alternate alignments are shown on Plates 5 and 6 in the drawing jacket. Two major alignments were considered for the proposed trunk sewer line between Vineland Road and Edison Highway to WWTP#2. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 7 ALTERNATE 1. This alignment runs south on Vineland Road to Redbank Road then west on Redbank Road to Oswell Street, then south on the extension of Oswell St to the extension of East Planz Road, then west on East Planz to the WWTP#2. ALTERNATE 2. This alignment runs south on Vineland Road to East Wilson Road then west on East Wilson Road to Oswell Street, then south on the extension of Oswell St to the extension of East Planz Road, then west on East Planz to the WWTP#2. The east-west run of Alternate 2 is located one-half mile south of Alternate 1. Primary ground surface slope over the service area south of the freeway is to the west with minor fall to the south. Development of the alternates was in consideration of this topography. Line depth was set on each alternate by determining the length and slope required for routing sub-mains to the trunk. The alternates were then developed to include sub-mains to comparable points of service. Thus, the cost estimates for each alternate include these sub-mains for proper comparison. Both alignment alternates have three major crossings, Freeway 58, the Eastside Canal and the AT&SF Rail Road. Along Alternate 1 the Eastside Canal and AT&SF Rail Road crossing are immediately adjacent to each other while along Alternate 2 they are separated enough that two separate bores will be required. The Alternate 1 alignment could be considered to be more “rural” in that this alignment does not involve developer widened roadways. As a result less pavement replacement is required for Alternate 1 as compared to Alternate 2. Also, since the Alternate 2 alignment is more developed, more utility conflicts can occur and more homeowners could be impacted by construction of Alternate 2. A spin-off alternate (Alternate 1A) was prepared to identify additional costs associated with KSA contributing flows. This is essentially the same as Alternate 1 with a downsizing of the 72” pipe run to 66” size. The AD93-1 facilities do not have the capacity to accept additional flows from the future developed areas. Services area flows were adjusted to other locations in the new facilities to resolve capacity issues in the AD93-1 system. One needed revision to the system is to route flows from the lift station at Alfred Harrell Hwy and Highway 178 via a new force main to the future facilities south of Highway 178. This is due to the fact that flows need to be offset for downstream capacity for the AD93-1 facilities to accept expanded areas from west of the district. The redirected force main is not included in the cost estimates in this study as alignments are still conceptual. In addition to the above alternates a parallel line is proposed to alleviate capacity problems on the AD93-1 system. An 18” parallel line will be needed to augment capacity of the sewer located in Vineland Road. Please refer to the Master Plan. This line will begin at the northwest corner of Section 18 and proceed east to Vineland in City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 8 Paladino. The line will then continue south to Hwy 178 and cross with a bore, then south to Kern Canyon Road and back northeast to connect to the AD 93-1 sewer. This line is called Alternate 3 – 18” Sewer Bypass (please refer to Plate 7 in the drawing jacket). RIGHT OF WAY IMPACTS Both alternates studied will need procurement of permanent right of way as Section 11 has no street right of way dedications at the north line for one mile (Alternate 1) or east- west centerline for three-quarters of a mile (Alternate 2). Alternate 1 is proposed to cross an existing radio station antenna site in Section 11. This alignment will clear underneath a structural guy wire adequately with special care. Temporary construction easements are recommended for both alignments outside of City property. Most of the alignments deal with only minor utility conflict with no need for utility relocation. The alignments have been chosen so that power poles may be held in place by the utility while trenching operations proceed. Both alignments will require the removal and replacement of crops along the approaches and departures to the Freeway 58 bored crossing. Costs have been included in the estimates for the procurement of construction easements and permanent right of way. Photo 1. Radio Station Site (looking west). City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 9 Photo 2. Typical Rural Residential Area. Photo 3. Existing Railroad Crossing. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 10 Photo 4. Kern Island Canal. Photo 5. Planned Alignment for Freeway Crossing (looking north). City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 11 Photo 6. Planned Alignment for Freeway Crossing (looking south). Photo 7. Sewer Pickup Point for North East Trunk Sewer. CITIZEN IMPACTS The proposed alignments of the trunk sewer traverse areas that are relatively unpopulated, nonetheless, such a project will always have impacts to the public. Following is a table that lists impacts to citizens that could occur during normal construction procedures. Also provided in the table are methods listed to minimize these impacts: City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 12 TABLE OF POTENTIAL CONSTRUCTION INPACTS Item Potential Impact Methods to Reduce Impacts 1. Traffic Delays due to Lane Closures Contractor to be required to file and follow a comprehensive traffic control plan. Minimize shutdowns during traffic peak times. 2. Property Access Contractor to maintain alternate property access points with plates, temporary bridges or other devices. 3. Construction Dust Contractor to file and maintain a dust control plan with the San Joaquin Air Pollution Control District. 4. Construction Storm Water Contractor to file and maintain a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan with the Regional Water Quality Control Board. 5. Construction adjacent to School – Dangers to Children Contractor to file notice with the School District and provide safety fencing and warning signs. Security guard is to patrol off hours. 6. Property Damage Specifications are to include protection of property clauses and directives to contractor for correction. 7. Mail Delivery Failure Specify requirement contractor to notify Postmaster and provide temporary mailboxes as may be required. COORDINATION AND PERMITS TO CONSTRUCT PROJECT The project will require initial contact by the City’s design consultant with all agencies and utilities impacted by the project. The following table lists those agencies and companies that will need to be contacted for permitting or licensing. TABLE OF PERMITTING AGENCIES Item Agency of Company Permitting or Licensing 1. Kern County Roads Department Plan review, general traffic control plan, and encroachment permit. 2. Caltrans Plan Review and encroachment permit to bore. 3. Cal OSHA Tunneling license to bore. 4. Pacific Gas and Electric Location of gas lines to cross. 5. AT&SF Rail Road License to bore. 6. Kern Delta Water District Encroachment Permit to cross and bore. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 13 The specifications are to include directive to the contractor for application to obtain construction permits associated with the above licenses and permits. PIPE MATERIALS Available pipe materials for the proposed project are somewhat limited in the larger diameters required. Following is a table that shows viable pipe materials and their associated sizes. TABLE OF PIPE MATERIALS Size Range PVC-SDR35 Vitrified Clay Pipe PVC Lined RCP 6” to 21” Acceptable Acceptable Not economic 24” to 42” Not acceptable Acceptable Acceptable 48” to 72” Not available Not available Acceptable The City of Bakersfield does not allow thin wall pipe products above the 21” size as the City has experienced problems with thin wall pipe in the larger diameter sizes. Manholes for sewer mains larger than 15” diameter are to be PVC lined. Manholes on large diameter pipe junctions will need to be larger than the sewer pipe by approximately 12” to allow for proper construction of the junction. All borings will require steel casing in accordance with Caltrans and Kern County requirements. COST ESTIMATES Cost estimates have been prepared for the alternates and the first phase of construction for the recommended alternate. The estimates can be found in Appendix A of this study. Alternate 1 is estimated to cost $12,900,000. This includes sub-mains for the service area south of Freeway 58. Alternate 2 is estimated to cost $15,100,000. This also includes sub-mains for the service area south of Freeway 58. Alternate 1 first phase facilities estimated cost is $11,900,000. Alternate 1A (Alternate 1 with no KSA flows) is estimated to cost $11,500,000. The 18” Bypass line for AD93-1 (Alternate 3) augmentation estimated cost is $2,850,000. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The recommended Master Plan is included in this study as Plates 1 and 2 in the drawing jacket. The Master Plan includes Alternate 1 as the recommended sewer trunk line from Vineland Road at Edison Highway to WWTP#2. Alternate 1 overall will impact less residences, utilities and roadways and will cost approximately $2.2 million dollars less than Alternate 2. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page 14 Preliminary construction plans for the sewer trunk line have been prepared as a part of this study and are included as Appendix B. It is recommended that these plans be adopted as the recommended design and that the Master Plan be followed for good orderly development in the expanding Northeast area of Bakersfield. Respectfully Submitted, Richard Meyer, RCE 28104 Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. City of Bakersfield - Northeast Sewer Study Meyer Civil Engineering, Inc. Page B-1 APPENDIX B PRELIMINARY PLANS