HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 4796ORDINANCE NO. . 4796 ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.68.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PERMITS REQUIRED TO LOCATE MOBILE HOME PARKS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. Section 15.68.030 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 15.68.030 Permit to locate— Required— Application— Hearing— Issuance. No mobile home park shall be located within the city until the location thereof is approved by the planning commission of the city in the following manner: A. The person desiring to locate and operate a mobile home park in the city shall file an application therefor with the planning commission. The application shall be accompanied by: 1. One copy of a true legal description of the grounds upon which the mobile home park is to be constructed; 2. Plans and elevations showing the exterior architectural design and appearance of all permanent buildings and structures and plot plans showing locations and dimension of access ways, structures, landscaping, parking areas and other improvements of the individual mobile home park to be established shall be subject to the approval of the planning commission in order that the proposed mobile home park will be in harmony with other structures and improvements in the area and will comply with all standards and requirements as set forth in section 17.50.080 and this Chapter; 3. The application shall pay a filing fee as set by city council resolution. B. Upon receipt of the application the secretary of the planning commission shall set the matter for consideration by the commission at earliest practicable time. C. The planning commission shall consider the plans and shall approve or conditionally approve the plans, providing, by a majority vote of its member�saK� S:\ COUNCIL\ Ords\ 14- 15\ 15. 68. 030.MobileHomeParkLocation.docx -- Page 1 of 3 Pages -- m r U O ORIGINAL the commission determined from the evidence presented all of the following facts to be true: 1. That the land is classified in a TT (Travel Trailer), or MH (Mobile Home) zone described in Title 17 of this code; 2. That all of the provisions of this chapter and of Title 17 of this code would be complied with. D. The planning commission shall disapprove the plans and deny the application if, in its determination, adequate evidence has not been shown that the plans will conform in all respects to the conditions set forth in Title 17 of this code. E. Any person not satisfied with the decision of the planning commission may, within ten days of the date of that decision, appeal to the city council. All procedures for submitting the appeal, notice, and the holding of the public hearing are set forth in section 17.64.090 in Title 17 of this code. F. The decision of the planning commission shall be final, subject to appeal to the city council within ten days after the action. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the provisions of the Bakersfield Municipal Code and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. --- - - - - -- 000---- - - - - -- S:\C0UNC1L\0rds\ 14 -15\ 15. 68. 030.MobileHomeParkLocation.docx -- Page 2 of 3 Pages -- o`��PKF9`f -c� >- m 1—' r v o ORIGINAL. HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on NOV 0 5 1014 by the following vote: AYE COUNCILMEMBER: RIVERA, MAXWELL, WEIR, SMITH, SULLIVAN, JOHNSON OES: COUNCILMEMBER: NUV%L ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBER: tklOtl- ABSEN : COUNCILMEMBER: i&,0600-i ROBERTA GAFFORD, CM CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: NOV 0 5 2014 0 APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attor y By: ANDREW HEGLUN Deputy City Attorney AH:Isc S: \COUNC IL \Ords\ 14 -15\ 15. 68. 030.MobileHomeParkLocation.docx -- Page 3 of 3 Pages -- �gP, KF9 O �-n > rn v O ORIGINAL AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING DOCUMENTS STATE OF CALIFORNIA) ) ss. County of Kern ) ROBERTA GAFFORD, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on the 7th day of November, 2014 she posted on the Bulletin Board at City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of the following: Ordinance No. 4796, passed by the Bakersfield City Council at a meeting held on the 5th day of November, 2014 and entitled: ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15.68.030 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO PERMITS REQUIRED TO LOCATE MOBILE HOME PARKS. ROBERTA GAFFORD City Clerk and Ex Officio of the Council of the City of Bakersfield IE S: \D0CUMENTT0RMS\A0P.0RD.wpd o��AKE9 s v � ORIGINAL