HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/2014BAKERSFIELD Staff: Steven Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant 1. ROLL CALL City Council Me Terry Maxwell, C Jacquie Sullivan Russell Johnson Regular Meeting of the Legislative and Litigation Committee of the City Council - City of Bakersfield Monday, November 17, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield CA 93301 AGENDA 2. ADOPT SEPTEMBER 22, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Continued Discussion regarding the Mills Act - Rudnick/Mc B. Follow-up Report regarding Spay/Neuter Efforts - Teglia 5. COMMITTEE COMMENTS � BAKERSFIELD /�'/ StP�vPi TP��t;a� Staff: Steven Teglia Assistant to the City Manager Committee M Terry Maxwell Jacquie Sulliv Russell Johnsc REGULAR MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Monday, September 22, 2014 12:00 p.m. City Hall North - Conference Room A 1600 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, CA 93301 The meeting was called to order at 12:02 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL Committee members: Councilmember Terry Maxwell, Chair Councilmember Jacquie Sullivan Councilmember Russell Johnson City Staff: Alan Tandy, City Manager Steve Teglia, Assistant to the City Manager Chris Huot, Assistant to the City Manager Christopher Gerry, Administrative Analyst - City Manager's Office Caleb Blaschke, Management Assistant - City Manager's Office Virginia Gennaro, City Attorney Joshua Rudnick, Deputy City Attorney Andrew Heglund, Deputy City Attorney Debbie Scanlan, Development Associate - Community Developmen Additional Attendees: f1 "" " -I" " I1 ' '"'_ 1' -" "_l Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Sept� 2. ADOPT AUGUST 18, 2014 AGENDA SUMMARY REPORT The Report was adopted as submitted. Committee member Johnson absta vote, as he did not attend the entire meeting in August. 3. PUBLIC STATEMENTS None 4. DEFERRED BUSINESS A. Discussion reqardinq a Resolution in Support of the Local Oil and G Committee member Johnson recused himself from the discussic conflict. City Attorney Gennaro introduced the draft resolution that had been the last Committee meeting. Both Committee Chair Maxwell an� member Sullivan confirmed that it addressed the goals of the Commi The two Committee members unanimously agreed to forward the d to the full Council for approval on October 22, 2014. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion reqardinq a Resolution in Support of Proposition 13 City Attorney Gennaro introduced the draft resolution that had be by Committee member Johnson at the previous City Council meetin< Committee member Johnson stated that he referred the item c attempts by State legislators to remove Proposition 13 rights from tc believes that it is a benefit by keeping property tax rates low. He mc to forward the draft resolution to the full Council for approval on Octc Committee the City of taxes. Chair Maxwell asked that stronger language be used 1 Bakersfield supports the spirit of Proposition 13, which City Attorney Gennaro suggested that it can be added as the thi clause, and the Committee agreed. The motion was unanimously approved. Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Sept� resolution outlining the specific details to be followed. An alternativE direct staff from the Community Development Department to crea policy that would be followed whenever an application was receive� Assistant to the City Manager Teglia reported on another memo tr included in the meeting packet, providing supplemental commei overview from the Community Development perspective. Public Speaker, Steve Montgomery said that one advantage of the � when property owners receive a financial incentive to maintain histo it benefits the community as a whole by creating a better visual � area, and, therefore, maintaining individuality. Public Speaker, Brady Bernhart voiced his support for the Mills Act. great incentive program for property owners to maintain their pro long term, and that it should be made available to them. Committee member Johnson asked if the owners of the properties meeting material would ultimately request to participate in the progr� City Manager Tandy said that if the City Council adopts an ordi property owners would be notified and given the option. Committee member Johnson asked how the City's property tax reve affected if those property owners did participate in the program. City Manager Tandy said that he did not believe there would be reduction, as some are already tax exempt. City Attorney Gennaro noted that there would be an administrative in the process, which might dissuade some property owners from par� Committee member Johnson asked if comparable cities had beer determine if they have implemented the program; and if they ha were impacted by it. Assistant to the City Manager Teglia noted that staff had providec background on the Mills Act for discussion. Should the Comrr additional research would be conducted and provided at a futur meeting. Legislative and Litigation Comr Agenda S� Monday, Sept� Ms. Scanlan responded that no protection is involved in the Act. It i� for owners of historic properties to qualify for a reduction in taxes. City Attorney Gennaro stated that Deputy City Attorney Rudnick per preliminary research of other cities with similar ordinances, and founc cost recovery fee to be between $300 and $500. Mr. Rudnick reported that there would be a cost for an application on a historic register, if the property is not already designated as suc designation is made, then the property owner could apply to part Mills Act program. If the application is approved, regular inspections which, by statute, are required every five years. Committee member Johnson asked if the use of the property would to its original purpose once it qualified under the program. City Attorney Gennaro said that specific policy would be agreed upc Council, memorialized in an ordinance and/or resolution and then contract with the property owner. She noted that there would c should the property owner desire to dissolve the contract. Committee member Johnson stated that he would like to see morE and discuss the item further. Committee member Sullivan reported that she is in favor of such an Committee Chair Maxwell reported that he regularly receive Downtown business owners, asking about incentives for historic pr requested that staff provide some additional information and draft Committee discussion. The information should include what prograr may have in place, how it may have affected planned capital proje Committee member Johnson added that he would like to know if thE an influx of property owners signing up for the program in other cities. 6. COMMITTEE COMMENTS Committee member Johnson thanked the other Committee members for v of the draft resolution supporting Proposition 13, and to forward it to the ful for consideration on October 22, 2014. MEMORANDUM CITY ATTORNEY November 14, 2014 TO: LEGISLATIVE AND LITIGATION COMMITTEE Terry Maxwell, Chair Jacquie Sullivan Russell Johnson FROM: THOMAS GEDDES, ASSOCIATE CITY ATTORNEY�G SUBJECT: SPAY/NEUTER AND ANTI-TETHERING ORDINANCES This memo is in response to a referral by Councilmembers Sulliv Maxwell to review how other cities handle spay/neuter ordinances anc tethering. To address the referrals, the City Attorney's Office compilE from our ten survey cities, as well as the County of Kern. The results of o� can be found on the attached matrix. Spav/Neuter Ordinance A common requirement in spay/neuter ordinances is that animals spayed/neutered within four to seven mon�hs of age.� There arE exceptions to this requirement: if the animal is a registered "sh� participating in animal exhibitions,2 the owner is a registered breeder, sterilization process would be detrimental to its health.4 Many of the cities enforce the ordinance on a complaint drivE Only San Bernardino and Riverside proactively enforce their ordinar regularly canvassing neighborhoods to confirm the status of licensed pe� canvassers discover a resident has a pet when no pets are registered, that the animal is not spayed or neutered, the owner is then issued a cita Currently, the City of Bakersfield spays or neuters all shelter animal� release, in accordance with California Food & Agricultural Code � Legislative and Litigation Committee November 14, 2014 Page 2 Tetherinq Ordinance The State of California has a tethering law which generally prof tethering of an animal to a stationary object for more than three hours K The code section allows for exceptions if the animal is either attacr running pulley without a choke or pinch collar. From our survey, three cities and the County of Kern have � ordinances that exceed the state standard. All agencies which have � ordinances enforce on complaint basis. Enforcement of tethering ordir mostly discretionary. Most cities surveyed normally cite owners for animc in lieu of the actual tethering ordinance. Currently, Bakersfield Animal Control issues citations when compl lodged, or when an animal control officer encounters an animal displa} of mistreatment. Conclusion In general, these types of ordinances are controversial anc tremendous resources to educate the community. The City Attorney's available to answer questions regarding the survey. If it is desired to with an ordinance(s), direction on the content is needed. TG:Isc Attachment S:\COUNCIL\Committee\LEG & LIT\14-15\spay.neuter.tethering.docx SU RVEY CITY RESU LT CHART CITY SPAY/NEUTER PENALTY TETHER ORDINANCE KERN NO YES (COUNTY) FREMONT NO YES FRESNO NO NO GLENDALE NO NO MODESTO YES SSOO.00 fine NO ONTARIO NO NO OXNARD YES (Cat Only) �nfraction NO PASADENA (July 2015) NO RIVERSIDE YES �itation/�nfraction YES SAN YES �itation YES BERNARDINO STOCKTON YE$ Fees if not spayed/neutered NO The following document was distributed at the Regular Meeting of the Legislative and Litigation Committe� on Monday, November 17, 2014 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Animal Control Division 6E Low Cost Rabies, Licensing & Microchip Clinics• january Saturday 1/3/15 9 a.m. - Noon The Park at Riverwalk 11200 Stockdale Hwy. April Saturday 4/4/15 9a.m.-Noon Lowell Park 800 4t" St. july Saturday 7/11/15 9 a.m.-Noon Martin Luther King Jr. Park February Saturday 2/7/15 9a.m.-Noon Jefferson Park 801 Bernard St. M ay Saturday 5/9/15 9 a.m.-Noon Heritage Park 2320 Mt. Vernon Ave. August Saturday 8/1/15 9 a.m.-Noon Beale Park 500 Oleander Ave. Marc Saturday 3/' 9 a.m.-No� Beale Pa� 500 Oleande� jun� Saturday 6/� 9 a.m.-No� Wilson Pa 2400 Wilso� Septem Saturday 9/ 9 a.m.-No Yokuts Pa 4200 Empir Whv Should You License Your po�? .. �. lifornia requires all dogs over the age of four months are vaccinated and licensed as a rabies control measure. asons why you should license your pet, such as: ➢ A license provides proof that your pet has been vaccinated for rabies. Rabies is a fatal viral dise by vaccination. The rabies vaccine protects your dog and your community. ➢ Anyone finding a lost dog can contact Animal Control Services and, through the license number, identified and contacted. A license may be your dog's ticket home. ➢ A license may also be proof of ownership. Eas,y Ste�s to Follow for Vaccinatin� & Licensin� ➢ If attending one of the low-cost monthly clinics, your pet will be vaccinated and the owr purchase the license at the same time, refer to fees listed below. ➢ If not attending a clinic, have your dog vaccinated by a licensed veterinarian. ➢ Once vaccinated, promptly return a copy of your dog's rabies certificate, spay/neuter cE with payment to the licensing agency and a license will be mailed or provided to you. DOG LICENSE FEES Spa,yed or Neutered One year license-$15.00 Three year license-$30.00 Natural Do�s One year license-$60.00 Three year license-$120.00 Senior Citizen Discount. (must be 62 yearsl Discount is for dogs that are spayed or neuter ❖ Must be 62 years of age or older and the discount applies to dogs that are spayed o One year license- $5.00 Three year license-$15.00 Where to purchase a license In person: City of Bakersfield, Treasury Department Located at City Hall North 1600 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, Ca. 93301 Office#: 661-326-3719 Fax#:661-852-2043 The following slide shows were prese nted at the Regular Meeting of the Legislative and Litigation Committe� on Monday, November 17, 2014 Fie1d Services: ■ 1 Animal Conirol Supervisor ■ 1 Sr. Animal Conirol Officer ■ 3 Animal Control Officers(currently in hiring process fo ■ 1 Clerk Typist ■ 4 Temporary staff, assigned io canvassing/Iicensing ar in ihe f ield when needed City of Bakersfield Animal Care Center (CBAC� ■ Partnership between ihe SPCA/City and Homeless Ceni ■ City posiiions include 2 Clerk Typisis and support fro: ■ October 1, 2013: City takes possession of Mt. Vernon � from County: -Iniensive renovaiion/new construction effort initiated. -Ciiy of Bakersfield Animal Care Center established. -Collaboraiion with SPCA and Homeless Center began. -September 30, 2014 marked completion of first year. ■ Since October 2013, AC Officers have impounded Z, 7� into the shelter system. Another 6, 790 animals have b received from the public during the first year for a to1 9,550 animals. ■ During the first year we have seen the following: ■ The AC Division continues to offer proactive program� responsible pet ownership including: -Canvassing efforts to promote licensing compliance. -Monihly Licensing/Vaccination/Microchip Clinics. -Temporary Licensing Program (io promoie Spay/NeU -�Weekly Licensing/Vaccination/Microchip Clinics at -�Remote Licensing ai SPCA and Critiers Without Liii -�Spay/Neuter Voucher Program initiated Ju1y of 2014. -�Animal Surrender Counseling at CSACC. ■ Critters without Litters milestone: -Low cosi Sbav/Neuter Clinic has been oberatin� sinc ■ Monthly clinics are siaffed by the AC Division and volunteers ■ 1 St Saturday of every monih, ai various City parks. ■ 7 NEW City parks were added io the clinic schedule in 2014. ■ We offer rabies vaccines, DAPP vaccines, Iicensing and Free rr ■ The DAPP vaccine series is criiical for puppies and opiimal fo wellness when given as a boosier for an aduli dog ■ 1, 694 Iicenses were issued ■ 1, 3 76 rabies vaccines were administered ■ Clinic revenue averaged $4,988.00/clinic. ■ The Microchip program was implemented in Septembf ■ Microchips are provided FREE of charge to animals wi City Iicense at monthly and weekly clinics. - 3,0 5 5 microchips have been implanted to date. -The above number does not include animals microc� CBACC upon adopiion. -Z 6 7 dogs have been reiurned to iheir owners since f program began due io the presence of a microchip. -This program helps reduce the number of animals i� area sheliers and ihe cosi io care for them. -Most imporiantly, it increases ihe potential of reuni ■ Temporary Iicenses are offered io City residents wiih � dogs for the same Iicense fee as an altered dog. -Tag is 1-year Iicense valid for 60 days. -Dog must be spayed/neuiered within 60 days. -Non-compliance resulis in a voided tag. ■ When the dog is spayed or neutered, ihe tag is exiend� fu11 year. ■ This option encourages the dog owner io spay and neL pet in order to receive a reduction in the cost of Iicen� T� n 1 n � rr o-F c� � � rr �� i� v� o�n c� ��n �' ��n �nn n� i ��n � �n �- � � i t�n � ■ Weekly clinics began ai CBACC on June 19, 2014, ■ Personnel ai the clinics are AC siaff, CBACC staff volunieers. ■ Every Thursday at CBACC, from 1-3 pm. ■ CBACC offers rabies and DAPP vaccines, Iicensin� microchips. ■ 2 91 Licenses were issued. ■ 24 3 rabies vaccines were administered. ■ In Ju1y 2014, we began a cooperative effort with Critt Without Litters and the Bakersfield SPCA to se11 city Ii ■ This arrangement allows pet owners to Iicense their d� ai either organization. ■ This is a convenient option for pet owners who are ha altered at CWL, or who are adopting a new pet at the ■ To date, 4 7 Iicenses have been so1d, generating $640 revenue. ■ Program began on Ju1y 1, 2014. -$Z0,000 allocated by Ciiy Council through FY 14-1 � -Provides for 500 $40.00 vouchers. -Provided to Ciiy residenis to incentivize S/N of dogs -Vouchers are redeemed at Critiers Wiihoui Litiers (� cost). Provides best bang for the buck and promote; cosi S/N clinic. -Vouchers are issued at AC office, CBACC and monih -Fie1d Staff regularly inform ciiizens aboui the progr ■ Program Stats: -364 vouchers have been issued since Ju1y ($14,560� 1 7G ���11r��Pre ����P �PPYI 1^P�PPYYIP� /�� (ld(11 ■ As we move forward, we are focusing on several areas -Concentrating AC efforts in specific neighborhoods (high ca11 volumes/Ioose animals/contagious disease spots). -Expansion of monthly clinics to new parks and othe -Continuation of our canvassing efforts in focused ar -Expansion of our volunieer program. -Review of the voucher program io identify potential improvemenis. ■ CBACC Efforts: „ . „ , .. , ■ Positive proactive efforts under way to reduce intake into Ioca1 shelters: -Canvassing efforts to promote licensing/identify hot -City/County/oiher Iicensing clinics/microchip progr -Incentivized Spay/Neuter efforts City/County/Other programs. Temporary License incentive. -Continued impaci of Critters Wiihout Liiters. -Developmeni/use of Zeuterin alternative for male dc ■ Continuation/expansion of current efforts before man -Licensing/Microchipping/Temp Iicense/S/N voucher; education/ etc. ■ Issues surroundin� mandatory S/N: � -� r — ---__-_ _ ���� � �� ��h�,, —� _ /, � r f r'� '( 4,. � 'f,� u'�, � . � ? :;� - r� ��--_ \. v �� r, `t,� (,, i �, . " � `I I �.�� i I'i"f,�,,�� s. .- � ,�,Y f�► 1 r��� r � �� �►�f�► �1 '� � �� l r ��: iir , ,��,�1 �,'.. 1. rri�i�. � � '` .�+ 1 ►rrrr� ff%�j�, , "_. � � . . , �� � � _���_ ��� ^ 1 ' ; —\.� � �� ,--\ � �.�,.�� ' �' � � ��: jJ'.��r;•`,�, � -� y ���il:� ' if I �i ! � � , �F �� ^;� 4 t`��, � s F .�t�'�a `�. � '.:'i����i%'s,� r4�'Fi.'� FI ELD I' IL I FG I�I ATIVF � I ITIGATI[�N �'[�� 0 � 0 • State law origi na I ly enacted i n 1972. •Allows but does not require local governmE enter i nto contracts with owners of h istoric resources to provide for the preservation of ; resources in exchan e for a reduction in ro� g p tax. •Basic terms are set, but many detailed terms var from cit to cit , and even ro ert to v v v p p v p D � D 0 •As of 2011, 70 cities and counties in Californi a ct i ve M i I I Act p rog ra m s. • Top 3 cities: Sa n Diego — 901 Los Angeles — 600+ Ana hei m — 286 � , � . � � � J • Property must be listed on a national, state, or local historic resources. • Contract must provide for ongoing maintenance anc preservation. • Contract has a"rolling" 10-year term. • Property must be inspected for compliance with cor I e a st eve ry 5 ye a rs . • Contract is binding (both requirements and benefit5 successors in interest of the owner. • • • • � J • Initial contract term is 10 years. • On the contract's anniversary date, one additional automatically added to the termination date. • City or Owner may elect to cancel the contract prior anniversary date. • If cancelled, the contract does not terminate until t� the remaining term (9+ years). • During the remaining term of a cancelled contract, valuation of the property (and hence taxes) gradual transition back to its pre-contract value. • City may cancel the contract for breach of terms, in case the owner must pay a penalty equal to 12.5% � � • � � � 1 • Property tax savings is derived by re-assessing the v the property under a"capitalization of income" forr • Hypothetical net income from rental of the propert� estimated and multiplied by capitalization rate (typi the realm of 0.13 to 0.18) to determine new valuati� • Savings over base year value typically ranges from 4 • Properties that are currently assessed at closer to a� market value (e.g. more recently purchased) will ty� rea I ize greater savi ngs. • Property tax revenue reduction applies proportiona taxing entities (County, school districts, etc.), not ju; City. �C�J o o �Q�O �0 C� • Property must be a"qualified historical property," it must be listed on the National Register of Histori� the California Register of Historical Resources, or a historical register. • Bakersfield currently has an Historic Preservation C (BMC Chap. 15.72) that governs designation of "cul resources" and "historic districts" that satisfies the requirements of the Mills Act for being a"qualified property." o Q�C�G°3 �0 ��D C� 0� o[�0 p[�� C�G°��Q� pG� o G�Q� o G�DO �Q� � • Ordinance originally adopted in 1982. • Designated resources currently consists of 15 cultu resources and 2 areas of historic interest. • Nominations for cultural resources may only be ma property owner. • Nomination for historic districts may be made own Cou nci I. • City's program/ordinance currently does not provic benefits or incentives to designation. • City's ordinance requires approval of "alterations," . . . _. _ . . .. .. . o� ODC�G°3Q�OoC� �oG°� � 0�� Q� pG�� �G��Q�O o� pG� o • As a voluntary program, participation and success dependent on benefits and incentives. • Mills Act is the only readily available financial incer • Other possible incentives include plaques/public recognition, use of Historic Building Code, possible incentives. • For voluntary/incentive-based preservation progra succeed, incentives and benefits must at least be e to regulations and requirements in eyes of the owr • This is particularly true for "casual" participants th� . . . . . . . . . _ . _ ,,.. D D o O° D � C • Exemplifies or reflects elements of the City's hi� development. •Identified with a person or event significant to h i sto ry. • Embodies characteristics of a historical style, ty period of construction. • Representative work of a notable builder, desig a rc h i te ct, o r a rt i st. • Represents an established and familiar visual fe a neighborhood or community. � � � 0 O � � 0� 0 ( � • Mills Act requires preservation of properties, ar necessary, restoration and rehabilitation. •Cities differ in how they administer and require standards to be enforced. • At one end, some cities require that all of the p tax savings (and more if needed) be used to res rehabilitate the property over the course of cor term. • At the other end, some cities do not require an� be performed or money to be invested if the pr already appropriately maintained in keeping wi � r: ���., �,. �..., r.,,.�e r D O •limit on number of contracts or cumulative property tax reduction per year? •Application fee? • I ns ection f re uency a nd fee? p q • Extent of reha bi I itation restoration work re� • Am o u nt of tax savi ngs req u i red to be i nvest� ��1� C�Q�DC�C� �MO�DOf� �°�� �_ � �GG O �C� D � o �� � �� �� � t� � � �, - i� �-�.. � �„� _ `J''�' -- -- i' .,�� � � _ 'I � tEGEIER N01E� ,� - -� ' ��;�� : .. : 1 j � � -�- . . -- ��� � �'��.� s��;,:t,� ' ■ �1 ..; r i _ _ • _. 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