HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2014 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER December 12, 2014 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council FROM: Alan Tandy, City Manager AT/cb Subject: General Information Notable Items:  Prior to the end of 2014, 30 probationary police officers are scheduled to be released from the field training program to begin operating as solo officers in the field. In January 2015, an additional five lateral officers are scheduled to complete their field training as well. The increase in police presence will assist in preventative patrol and reduce response times to high priority calls.  Congratulations Councilmembers for a job well done at Wednesday’s night Installation Ceremony. Staff is looking forward to working with the newly elected and re-elected Councilmember(s) over the next four years. See attached pictures.  Mayor Harvey Hall, Ward 2 Councilmember Terry Maxwell and Ward 4 Councilmember Bob Smith took part in a ribbon cutting ceremony this week for the recently completed Residences at Old Town Kern. The 50- unit complex, located at 1006 Baker Street, is part of the Baker Street redevelopment effort, providing new rental opportunities for low income residents of the City. The complex includes one, two and three bedroom apartments, as well as an on-site community center, children’s playground and covered parking. The historic Cornet building, which sits on a portion of the project site, was reused and integrated into the design of one of the new apartment buildings. The City contributed the land, along with HOME and NSP funds for the project. This is the second new housing project in the vicinity; the previously-completed 37-unit Baker Street Village apartments sit directly across the street. Please see the enclosed pictures. General Information December 12, 2014 Page 2  The Kern Delta Water District has recently shut down the Kern Island canal for annual maintenance. The shutdown is estimated to last three weeks. This means that the canal through Mill Creek may be dry until early January. The Water Resources and Parks and Recreation Departments will take advantage of this shutdown to accomplish repairs and maintenance on the weirs as well as cleaning. The large scale sediment removal project that was accomplished last year is not required this year.  A new Bakersfield postcard has debuted, courtesy of the Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). The new postcard features a dramatic shot of the iconic Bakersfield arch, taken by local photographer Gilbert Vega. The new Bakersfield postcard is available free at the Bakersfield Convention and Visitors Bureau, 515 Truxtun Avenue, in front of the downtown Amtrak station.  Public Works staff began pouring the colored concrete and stamping it to match the brick this week at the Plaza. Once the weather improves, they will finish pouring and stamping the concrete along N Street and also in front of the Arena. As discussed in a recent Council meeting, the engraved bricks will be relocated to the area behind the stage at the Plaza. Bricks that are found to be damaged will be replaced. See attached pictures.  The Recreation and Parks Department is seeking presents for boys and girls, ages 6 to 15 for its Santa’s Winter Wonderland event on Friday, December 19th. Children will get to sit on Santa’s lap and receive a free present. There will also be games and arts and crafts for the entire family to enjoy. If you would like to participate, please see the attached flyer for additional information.  Ticket sales for a variety of shows and events have been doing well at the Rabobank Arena. The Enrique Iglesias and Pitbull show is near capacity and we hope to see the same with some other popular attractions such as Fleetwood Mac. Please see the Event Calendar for additional information. Tickets can be purchased in-person at the Rabobank Arena Box Office, on-line at Ticketmaster.com, via phone at 800-745-3000, or at any Ticketmaster outlet. We expect the show to be well attended. General Information December 12, 2014 Page 3 Traffic Advisory  The contractor for the State Route 178/Morning Drive Interchange Project plans to begin the widening of Morning Drive in mid- to late-January. This work will require closing Morning Drive, between Auburn Street and Morningstar Avenue, for approximately six weeks. Next week, TRIP will send notices to the residents in the adjacent development, churches and the elementary school to inform them of the impending closure. Signage will also be posted in the area in advance of the closure. Morning Drive, between Panorama Drive and Morningstar Avenue, will remain open to provide access to the Morningstar development.  Hosking Avenue to Close at State Route 99 in January Hosking Avenue, between H Street and Silver Dollar Way, will close on January 6th so the contractor for the State Route 99/Hosking Avenue Interchange can begin preparing the existing bridge over State Route 99 for removal. Bridge demolition is expected to follow in mid-January. This section of Hosking Avenue will remain closed until late 2015 to allow for construction of the new interchange. During this closure, motorists will need to use State Route 119 (Taft Highway) or Panama Lane to cross the freeway. Motorists are reminded to drive with caution and pay attention to construction signs and personnel while traveling in this area. Council Referrals: Attached is a response to the following Council referral: • Councilmember Maxwell o Notification of Overgrown Trees o 24th Street Design Reports For your information, the following reports are attached: • Streets Division work schedule for the week of December 15th • Parks and Recreation November Monthly Report General Information December 12, 2014 Page 4 Event Notifications: Attached is the Event Calendar for Rabobank Arena Theater and Convention Center. Rabobank Theater Rabobank Arena The Nutcracker December 12th and 13th Tickets: $20-$30 Disney Live: Pirate and Princess January 9th @ 3:30 $ 6:30 pm Tickets: $18-$55 Harmonies Girls’ Choir January 11th So You Think You Can Dance January 22nd @ 8:00 pm Tickets: $37-$63 7 Brides for 7 Brothers January 26th @ 7:30 pm Tickets: $32-$52 Shen Yun February 26th and 27th @ 7:30 pm Tickets: $50-$120 Monster X Tour January 23rd and 24th @ 7:00 pm Tickets: $10-$40 Harlem Globetrotters February 10th @ 7:00 pm Tickets: $21-$88 Enrique Iglesias/Pitbull February 12th @ 7:30 pm Tickets: $27-$127 Super Love Jam February 14th @ 7:30 pm Tickets: $28-$49 Cirque Du Soleil: Varekai April 1st – 5th @ Times Vary Tickets: $25-$100 Fleetwood Mac April 6th @ 7:30 pm Tickets: $47-$177 Marvel Universe Live May 7th – 10th Tickets: $40-$150 Condors vs Ontario December 11th @ 7:00 pm vs Utah December 13th @ 7:00 pm vs Utah December 14th @ 5:30 pm Tickets: $12-$35 AT:CH:cb cc: Department Heads Roberta Gafford, City Clerk Installation Ceremony Grand Opening Residences at Old Town Kern Plaza Stamped Concrete Donate a Gift for the MLK Center! We are seeking presents for boys and girls ages 6 to 15. The Recreation & Parks Department is holding a Santa’s Winter Wonderland event on Friday, December 19. Children will get to sit on Santa’s lap and receive a free present, as well as play games and create ornaments and other arts and crafts. Please place unwrapped presents in the barrel located in the lobby of the following locations by Thursday, December 18: City Hall North, Community Development, Fire Station 1, Police Dept., Streets, Solid Waste, and Water Thanks for donating to make a child’s holiday special! CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director DATE: December 10, 2014 SUBJECT: Notification of Overgrown Trees Referral No. 545 Councilmember Maxwell provided staff with the address of the residence where an overgrown tree is complicating residential refuse pickup. Solid Waste and Parks staff reviewed the location. The attached pictures show that the tree spans the entire frontage of the property and overhangs the street by approximately 10 feet. The tree canopy is so low that the refuse trucks cannot get close enough to the curb to service the refuse carts when placed on the sidewalk area or in the gutter of the roadway. As a result, the property owner is placing their carts in front of their neighbor’s property for refuse pick-up. Staff notified the property owner that the overgrown tree is preventing safe service of residential carts. Staff also provided the property owner with the attached Recreation and Parks Department flyer that notifies homeowners of their responsibility to maintain their trees and keep the right-of-way clear. Staff will follow up with the property owner to address the overhead tree canopy so that refuse trucks can service the property without inconveniencing neighbors. Councilmember Maxwell requested that the Public Works Department/ Solid Waste Division staff provide notice to homeowners who may have overgrown trees that complicate refuse pickup. For further information please contact our office at (661)326-FUNN (3866) 1600 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Telephone: (661)326-FUNN (3866) The Care and Responsibility of Trees Bakersfield Municipal Code 12.40.090 Duty of private owners—Removal of hazardous trees- Charging costs of work done by city. A. It shall be the duty of every person, firm or corporation having charge or control of any lot or premises, either as owner, agent, lessee, tenant or otherwise, to trim or cause to be trimmed, or remove or cause to be removed, all trees shrubs or plants or any part or parts there of, which may constitute a hazard or an impediment of the progress or vision of anyone traveling on any street or public place. B. Whenever it comes to the attention of the director that any tree, shrub or plant growing or standing on any private property constitutes a hazard or an impediment to the progress or vision of anyone traveling on any street or public place, he shall give notice of such hazard or impediment to the owner or occupant of said premises together with a request to remove or correct such condition. Such notice and request may be given either by personal service or by mail, to the owner or occupant or other person in charge or control of said premises, or by posting notice upon said property and mailing a copy thereof to the owner or occupant. The owner or occupant of said premises shall, within ten days after the service or posting and mailing of said notice, remove or cause to be removed, such hazardous or impeditive condition. C. Should any person, firm or corporation fail, neglect or refuse to conform with the provisions of this chapter, the director shall have the power to carry out such provisions and the cost thereof shall be charged to and become a valid claim against such person, firm or corporation, recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction. (Ord. 4122 § 1 (part), 2003: prior code § 12.36.100) The Department of Recreation and Parks enhances the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships Q: When is the best time to plant trees? A: The best time to plant trees and shrubs is in the late fall or early spring. Weather conditions during this time are optimum to establish roots before spring rain and summer heat. Q: How do I care for a young tree? A: Proper pruning is essential in developing a tree with a strong structure and desirable form. Trees receiving the appropriate pruning measures while young will require little corrective pruning when they mature. Contact a certified arborist for your specific tree. Q: How do I prune my mature tree? A: Pruning should be done with an understanding of how the tree responds to each cut. We recommend hiring a certified arborist to determine what is needed for your tree. Q: Is there somewhere I can learn more about how to care for my trees? A: Yes. The Tree Foundation of Kern offers information at www.urbanforest.com. Another general website recommended is www.treesaregood.org. These comprehensive websites offer tips on planting, picking an arborist, and additional information on selecting which trees grow best in Kern County. Chester Avenue streetscape The City of Bakersfield’s Recreation and Parks Department is providing this brochure to: 1) advise property owners of the responsibility they have for trees adjacent to public roads; and 2) to provide information regarding the planting, trimming and removal of these trees which may be done by the City. Tree encroaching on a street light pole Healthy blooming tree Tree crew trimming a streetscape tree. Improperly trimmed tree causing disease. City crew working on a streetscape Pine trees in a streetscape Trees, including trees adjacent to public roads, are an important asset to the entire community. The City’s role in maintenance of these trees is to provide for the safe use of the public City roads. Periodically, property owners approach the City with requests about trimming or removing “street trees”. These requests are based upon the assumption the City owns, and is responsible for the care of, the trees alongside the public roads. Although trees may be located in a right-of-way which was dedicated as part of the development, the land on which the right- of-way exists remains private property. The City is responsible for trees and other landscaping located in parks, on medians, and in “streetscapes”. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Q: What is an “easement” or “road right-of-way”? A: An easement is the right to use property which belongs to someone else. A road right-of-way is a specific type of easement. The City maintains roads within these easements. However, the City does not become the owner of the land on which the road is built, or any land adjacent to the road, unless it has officially acquired the property. Q: Who owns the trees along the road? A: Street trees belong to the actual or adjacent property owner, even if they are located within a dedicated road “right-of- way”. Q: What are my responsibilities for the trees in front of my property? A: As a property owner, you are responsible for ensuring the safety of the street trees on property adjacent to the roadway in the same way you are responsible for trees which are located in your front, side or backyard areas. Q: What tree maintenance does the City do? A: The City determines whether plant material alongside City roadways impairs the use of the road, or pedestrian traffic. If so, the City will remove the plant material. A tree might be trimmed for height clearance, line of sight, or safety reasons. Q: My property backs to a street. Can I plant trees and shrubs beyond my fence? A: No. These areas are planted and maintained by the City. All plants in those areas belong to the City and are part of a landscaping plan for the area. Planting of any private landscaping materials, or removal or trimming of any City owned landscaping material, is forbidden by Bakersfield Municipal Codes 12.40.060 and 12.40.070. Q: I am getting pine needles and leaves in my pool from a tree planted along the street. Can I cut it down? A: No. Many trees shed needles or leaves which may cause problems with pools and spas. Bakersfield Municipal code 12.40.070 forbids the removal or harming of any tree by a private citizen. If the tree is diseased or damaged, the City of Bakersfield Recreation and Parks Department will determine if the tree can be saved or needs to be removed. If removed, replacements will match the area landscaping plan. Q: Do utility companies have some responsibility for trimming trees? A: Yes. To meet safety requirements utility companies will trim trees and foliage to keep the area between wires clear. Contact PG&E at 1-800-743-5000 if you believe a tree in your neighborhood poses a danger. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Alan Tandy, City Manager FROM: Nick Fidler, Public Works Director DATE: December 12, 2014 SUBJECT: 24th Street Design Referral No. 542 The City’s designer, TYLin International, submitted 30% complete plans to the City for review in October. The City and Caltrans are currently reviewing these plans to ensure that they meet project goals and conform to standards. Parsons Transportation Group (Parsons) is reviewing the 30% complete plans for areas available for landscape and locations of sound walls. Parsons will develop options for both landscape and sound wall themes that will be presented to the residents for their consideration. Staff anticipates scheduling a community meeting in January 2015 for the residents to review the proposed street design and make comments and recommendations for the sound walls and landscape options. Staff will notify the residents once the date and location of the community meeting has been determined. Councilmember Maxwell requested that TRIP design staff meet with the residents on 24th Street to explain what the design will look like, and get their feedback. Week of December 15_2014_Work Schedule Page 1 of 2 STREETS DIVISION – WORK SCHEDULE Week of Dec. 15, 2014 – Dec. 19, 2014 Resurfacing/Reconstructing streets in the following areas: Reconstruct McKee Rd on the west side of Freeway 99 Miscellaneous Streets Division projects: Video inspection of City owned Sewer & Storm lines to evaluate condition of pipes Repairing damaged sewer line found during video inspection Miscellaneous concrete repairs throughout the city Dirt work at Sports Village Concrete work on various streets in the area south of E. California Ave and east of Union Ave, south of Wilson and east of So “H”, south of California and east of Oleander, south Flower and east of Beale ( all HUD funded areas) Miscellaneous work at PD property room Leaf collection started on 10/15/14 and runs thru 1/31/15 Working on Brick repairs at Centennial Plaza NOTE: If raining, there will be no street sweeping service and all street cleaning personnel will be assigned to cleaning plugged drains and part circle culverts. This also applies when a large number of street sweeper are in Fleet for repairs. Areas that have been missed during this time will be swept at the end of the month. THIS SPACE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK Week of December 15_2014_Work Schedule Page 2 of 2 STREETS SWEEPING SCHEDULE Monday, December 15, 2014 City areas between 99 Hwy. & Stine Rd. – Panama Ln. & Taft Hwy. Tuesday, December 16, 2014 Between Panama Lane & Woodmere Dr. – Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. Between District Blvd. & Panama Ln. -- Gosford Rd. & Ashe Rd. Between Akers Rd. & Phyllis St. – Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. City areas between Akers Rd. & Stine Rd. – Harris Rd. & Panama Ln. Cul-De-Sacs on the north side of Angela Wy., between Manely Ct. & Cris Ct. Between Oswell Park Dr. & Brundage Ln. – Oswell St. & Leeta St. Wednesday, December 17, 2014 City areas between Workman St. & Sterling Rd. – 58 Hwy. & Baja Dr. Between Morning Dr. & Park Dr. – College Ave. & Willis Ave. Between Buena Vista Rd. & Old River Rd. – White Ln. & Panama Ln. Between Old River Rd. & Gosford Rd. – White Ln. & Pacheco Rd. Thursday, December 18, 2014 City areas between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – Ashe Rd. & Gosford Rd. Between El Portal/Laurelglen Blvd. & Ashe Rd. – Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Between Ashe Rd. & Stine Rd. – Ming Ave. & So. Halfmoon/Edgemount Dr. Between Coffee Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) – White Ln. & So. Halfmoon/Olympia Dr. Friday, December 19, 2014 Between Stockdale Hwy. & Ming Ave. – Allen Rd. & Old River Rd. Between Old River Rd. & Coffee Rd. – Ming Ave. & Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. Between Ridge Oak/Westwold Dr. & White Ln. – Old River Rd., east to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Asperata Dr. – Gosford Rd,, west to the PG&E easement. Between White Ln. & Cederwood Dr. – Stine Rd. & Wilson Rd. (ext.) We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Department of Recreation and Parks Date: December 11, 2014 To: Alan Tandy, City Manager From: Dianne Hoover, Director of Recreation & Parks Subject: November 2014 Monthly Report Total monthly attendance for all programs, reservations and volunteers combined for the month of November totaled 46,388 as compared to last year’s total of 38,021. ADMINISTRATION Wall Repairs: • Current Wall Repair List Summary: o S/W corner of Calloway & Marby Grange o Wilson Rd & Sage Dr. o N/E corner of Ashe Rd. & Rio De Janeiro o 9500 Block of Harris Rd & Fiji Dr. o N/W corner of Hosking and Granite Point o N/W corner of Ming & Ashe Rd. o S/E corner of 21st & Eye St. (block planter) o 5500 Block of Gosford Rd. (canal wall), North of Harris Rd. o 4000 Block of Panama Ln. (south wall); east of Akers Rd. • New Walls Pending Repair: o 2000 Block of Ashe Rd. o 6300 Block of Harris Rd. & Caracas Ave. o Olive Dr & Woodland Hills Dr Aquatic Maintenance: • City staff met Aquatic Design Group representative on 11/20/14 to review existing conditions and provide information for desired work to prepare a full design, specs, bid, and construction services for the rehabilitation of the McMurtrey waterslide project. Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 2 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. • The plaster work for the small activity pool at Silver Creek was completed on 11/10/14. /3/14. • Scheduled maintenance work at Jefferson & MLK pools were completed on 11/21/14. • Maintenance shutdown of the McMurtrey Aquatic Facility scheduled to begin 12/1/14 through 12/14/14. Special Event Reservations: • November 1: o TPRW, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Walk /Run – 500 Guests • November 2: o Kern River Parkway Trail, National Kidney Foundation Walk /Run – 300 Guests • November 13: o TPRW, Kern High School District Cross Country – 500 Guests • November 15: o TPRW, Legacy Family Services Walk /Run – 200 Guests o Yokuts Park, BHS Choir Walk Run – 100 Guests • November 16: o TPRW, Children’s Miracle Network Walk /Run – 500 Guests o Yokuts Park, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk/Run – 300 Guests • November 21: o TPRW, California Resources Corporation United Walk BBQ – 300 Guests • November 22: o TPRW, Allstate Insurance Corporate Appreciation – 500 Guests o Yokuts Park, Bakersfield Homeless Shelter Turkey Trot – 500 Guests • November 27: o Central Park, Bakersfield Burrito Project Community Outreach – 500 Guests • Total Attendance: 17,535 Reservations/Special Events Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 3 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. RECREATION Total Attendance: 28,853 Aquatics • Overall Aquatic Attendance: o Total attendance for Aquatics was 2,108 which was a slight increase of approximately 1.1% when compared to November 2013 of 2,086. This was due to Bakersfield Swim Academy Swim Team which practiced twice a week at McMurtrey; the only pool open in November. • McMurtrey Aquatic Center: o McMurtrey was the only pool open this month so total attendance was 2,108. This month staff submitted a 2015 Operation Splash grant proposal to Kaiser Permanente. The Department was awarded this $35,000 grant last year and successfully achieved all its target objectives. If awarded for 2015, this grant would be $31,500 and provide hundreds of the underserved children throughout Bakersfield the opportunity to learn to swim and to practice their swimming skills during open swim. It would also provide water safety and healthy beverage education. o The 100 Mile Lap Swim Club is currently made up of 397 active members that swam 13,626.30 miles this month. The club has swum a combined total of 140,640 miles. o The Make A Splash Program held 2 Parent CPR/AED and First Aid classes this month. One was on November 15th with 15 participants getting certified and the other was on November 22nd at Multilevel Applications and Positive Support Services (MAPSS) where 17 participants received their certification. The Department was also awarded the 2015– 2020 First 5 Kern Grant for the Make A Splash Program. These funds will continue to provide swim lessons to children 5 and under, CPR/AED/First Aid classes and water safety education. This important program is dedicated to increasing awareness of water safety issues and helps educate families in order to reduce drowning incidents. • Donation Total: $0 Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 4 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. Athletics • Total Attendance: o Adult, Youth, Fitness and Adaptive Programs total attendance for the month of November was 21,825 as compared to last year’s total of 19,350. The 12.8% increase in attendance was attributed to the following: o The growth of the League of Dreams and softball tournament attendance. • Athletic Programming: o Adult Softball: o The Fall Softball League continued through the month of November. o Monday night leagues wrapped up on Monday, November 24th. • Softball Tournaments: o Mesa Marin hosted an ASA Tournament on November 15th & 16th. Thirty-Five (35) teams participated in the tournament. • 18 Men’s Teams on November 15th • 17 Coed Teams on November 16th • Adaptive Programming: o Adult Adaptive Co-Rec Softball League: o This seven week Adaptive Softball League for adults with disabilities started on Thursday, October 9th. The League completed games on Thursday, November 20th. o Seven teams participated in the Fall League with games held at both Beach and Wayside. Clients from each of the programs came out to cheer and celebrate with their team. o Kern Trophy donated 7 trophies (one for each team) at a value of $245. • Donation Total: $665.00 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance for the month was 2,902, which reflects a 15% increase from 2012 figures of 2,510. • Southeast Neighborhood Partnership: o The MLK Center held a partnership meeting at the Mill House on November 20th. o The Bakersfield Police Department spoke to the group about how to be safe during the Holidays. o Several gifts were raffled off. Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 5 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. • Santa’s Winter Wonderland: o The MLK center will be hosting Santa’s Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 19th, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. o The Goodlow room is currently being decorated as a Winter Wonderland where Santa will give gifts to the participants. o We will be setting up additional rooms for crafts and have games in the basketball gym. • Kwanzaa: o The Kwanzaa program will be held Tuesday, December 30th from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center. o Activities will include African art, performances by the Oblinyanko Drum & Dance Ensemble, African folktales and vendors with cultural merchandise. • Donation Total: $540 Silver Creek Community Center • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance was 1,022 as compared to last year of 1,250. o After School Program attendance has dropped from prior year due to competition from other provider. o There was one rental for the month of November. • After School Fun – Attendance: Weekly Average: 25 Monthly: 375 • Total Revenue: $3,834 Saunders Recreational Facility • Total Attendance: o Overall attendance was 996 as compared to last year of 575. o There was one rental for the month of November. • Hockey Program: 32 Registered Participants / Total Attendance: 128 • Soccer Program: 16 Registered Teams / Total Attendance: 600 • Basketball Program: 42 Registered Participants / Total Attendance: 168 • Total Revenue: $400 Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 6 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. PARKS Special Projects Cement Repair • Annual cement contractor poured cement at various locations on 11/18/14 due to irrigation repairs made under concrete. Locations include City Hall South east side of parking lot. Community House at Central Park disabled ramp at entrance and Truxtun Avenue median curb west of N. Street. Completion of Magnation Testing • Frank Hinojosa and Darin Budak met with Jerry Todd with C-F Technologies on 11/6/14 to discuss results of the soil analysis (no difference in treated and non-treated areas) and that the City would not be using the magnation unit. Greenwaste Project • On October 23, 2014 staff trimmed a pre-determined area of equal lengths and comparing methods of disposal of clippings using a grappling truck versus a front loader and a roll off bin. Front loader proved to be more efficient. Future use of loader and roll off bin has been positive. Sports Village • Removed and replaced fence cables. Craftworker Division Centennial Park • Restroom buildings were painted. Police Pistol Range • Frank Hinojosa and Mike Reynoso met with engineers from Public Works and Mark Lundy to go over the plan for the Pistol Range expansion. Tree Division • The annual tree contractor, Stay Green has completed trimming in Jastro Park. o The remaining funds in the annual tree trimming contract will be used to help the Streets Department remove trees that are an issue for sidewalk replacement. o Tree Staff trimmed the palm trees on the North/West corner of Chester and Truxtun, as requested by the Police Department. The cameras on that particular corner were blocked by the trees. • Tree staff removed one Redwood tree on the center island at Ming Avenue across from Valley Plaza Mall. The tree was an issue for the sewer line improvements in the areas requested by Developmental Services. Department of Recreation and Parks November 2014 Monthly Report Page 7 We enhance the quality of life through a variety of programs, parks, and partnerships. • Trimming: Trees Trimmed: 120 Clearance: 167 Removals: 17 • Service Tickets: Received: 47 Completed: 69 UPCOMING/ONGOING EVENTS: • Winter Camp Fun begins December 22nd – Please go to www.bakersfieldparks.us for more information • Kwanzaa – Tuesday, December 30th 1-5pm at Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center, all ages – FREE! • Polar Bear Plunge – January 1st at McMurtrey Aquatic Center BOX OFFICE HOURS Mon-Fri 10 AM - 5 PM Closed Saturday & Sunday (Excluding Event Days) TICKETMASTER LOCATIONS Walmart - 2601 Fashion Place Walmart - 6225 Colony Street Walmart - 8400 Rosedale Hwy CHARGE-BY-PHONE 1-800-745-3000 GROUP SALES INFORMATION 661-852-7309 SEASON TICKET INFORMATION Bakersfield Condors 661-324-PUCK (7825) www.bakersfieldcondors.com Bakersfield Symphony 661-323-7928 www.BSOnow.org Bakersfield Community Concert Association 661-589-2478 661-663-9006 www.bakersfieldcca.org UPCOMING EVENTS December 11 – Condors vs Ontario 7:00 PM $35, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now December 13 – Condors vs Utah 7:00 PM $35, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now December 14 – Condors vs Utah 5:30 PM $35, $24, $19, $16, $12 On Sale Now January 23 & 24 – Monster X Tour 7:00 PM $40, $20, $17, $15, $10 On Sale Now February 10 – Harlem Globetrotters 7:00 PM $88, $53, $36, $28, $21 On Sale Now February 12 – Enrique Iglesias/Pitbull 7:30 PM $127.50, $77.50, $47.50, $27.50 On Sale Now February 14 – Super Love Jam 7:30 PM $49.50, $38.50, $33.50, $28.50 On Sale 12/12 April 1-3 – Cirque Du Soleil: Varekai 7:30 PM $95, $70, $55, $35 (Kids: $45, $25)On Sale 12/13 April 4 – Cirque Du Soleil: Varekai 4:30/7:30 PM $100, $75, $60, $40 (Kids: $50, $30)On Sale 12/13 April 5 – Cirque Du Soleil: Varekai 1:30/5:30 PM $95, $70, $55, $35 (Kids: $45, $25)On Sale 12/13 April 6 – Fleetwood Mac 7:30 PM $177.50, $127.50, $77.50, $47.50 On Sale 12/15 May 7-10 – Marvel Universe Live! $150, $100, $50, $40 On Sale Now December 12-13 – The Nutcracker $35, $30, $25, $20 On Sale Now January 9 – Disney Live:Pirate & Princess 3:30 PM & 6:30 PM $55, $32, $23, $18 On Sale Now January 11 – Harmonies Girls Choir 3:00 PM BCCA Show January 22 – So You Think You Can Dance 8:00 PM $63, $47, $37 On Sale Now January 26 – 7 Brides For 7 Brothers 7:30 PM $52, $42, $32 On Sale Now February 26-27 – Shen Yun 7:30 PM $120, $110, $100, $80, $70, $60, $50 On Sale Now www.rabobankarena.com - www.bhnamphitheatre.com